Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 285


It's No Longer My Song

It's no longer my song
It is no longer mine now
I who written it in an attic
I used to love my song
It is no longer mine now
The words are no longer mine
I changed them because
I used to sing about my life, but they did not understand it
I almost cried when I heard it
It is no longer mine now
I'd recount of my love
I'd recount of my lover
I put my heart [into] writing it
Maybe it will have success, but
It's no longer my song
They changed my song, but
They changed my song
I who had written it, words and melody
I used to love my song so much, but
They changed my song
They betrayed my song
And together with it also me
A song really isn't much
Yet they caused me harm truly
It's no longer my song
La, la, la...
But in my heart, there's no promise
I lose the success but remain myself
My song will not live [on]
It's no longer my song
They've now changed it
But in my heart, there's no promise
I lose the success but remain myself
My song will not live [on]

How beautiful life was

How beautiful life was
By your side day by day
Today everything is over
In the arms of another lover
Come morning, the one I loved
so much was gone
And I hopelessly cry
Without the hope of seeing him again
I don't want to think about
The joy, our kisses
Despite it all I hear his voice
Who tells me all these words
My friends tried
To help me forget
But I don't have any desire to
I'm dying of sadness
A girl is on his arm
Not too long ago, that was me
I'm the one who was kissing him
And that, I will always believe
When life was beautiful
By your side day by day
Today everything is over
But I will always wait for you

Return to normality

Finally it passed, it ended, the terrible terror.
The ferocius nightmare that fortunately is almost gone.
It let us wake up under a sun of new faith.
Finally it's broken, it's defeated, it's dead, it's over.
Or it's about to be over. It's known that it will be over.
Many people came out, it's back here.
Why it happened, I don't know. Some say it was
the triumph of reason, or the strength of the population.
The thing is that we meet again with a tradition.
Of peace, well-living, of voting from time to time
and enjoying your days without anybody saying
what is allowed to listen, see or write.
Finally cleared, died down this rain of horror,
downpours of authority, 'Documents, sir, where are?'
'Don't take me. I have them at home right there.'
I know. You'll say, 'more is needed, some things are left behind.
There are some troubles standing' But we see advances daily.
A commitee is working next home.
Maybe we could have in some time that they give
a solution to that issue of the old unemployment
for everyone to become part of the nation.
There if it's also given, by the tought struggle
or a subimperial gift, the greatest total freedom,
we could stick to the national anthem.
And yes. we have to hear over there that living is hard.
That the wages aren't enough neither to feed a child.
It always happened like that more or less.
If else, go ask the old men at the bar
if here in the fifties, the real income was high.
If the union life was just a decoration.
That way will rule again here in Uruguay,
what was always the normal. You might say it's not the ideal,
but we must safeguard what is traditional.
To ask, to achieve the supression of the expensive soap
of the state of exception, and recover the nature
of citizens not subjected to dissapearing.
For a natural Uruguay, where the rich will be
always rich, and the poor over there, if he ever pretends to reach
equal rights, will bring the state of exception.
Which, in the end, like when it's carnival,
and the murga is about to leave, it says goodbye and also,
that someday it promise to return, and rule.
But today, just think, that it leaves, that is almost not here.
the ferocius nightmare that fortunately is almost gone.
Though you know nobody died of almost.
Finally. Finally. What?
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Vorbiți-mi despre el

Vorbiți-mi despre el
O știți bine,
El este întreaga mea viață.
Oh, vă rog,
Nu-mi ascundeți nimic.
Ce face acolo?
Se plictisește fără mine?
Are prieteni?
Spuneți-mi despre el
Spuneți-mi cuvintele lui,
Cuvintele pe care le-a spus.
Spune-mi de ce
Nu-mi mai scrie.
Nu înțeleg,
Nu mai înțeleg.
Mi-e atât de greu fără el.
Spuneți-mi despre el,
Când l-ați văzut
Ieri, pe stradă,
Avea pe cineva?
Pe cineva la braț?
Uitați-vă la mine
Și răspundeți-mi,
Nu spuneți nimic.
Atunci spuneți-mi,
Dacă e frumoasă,
Mai frumoasă decât mine.
Și el, în ochii lui,
Părea/ Era fericit?
Oh, vă rog,
Chiar dacă mi-e greu,
Spuneți-mi despre el.
Spune-mi despre el.
Oh, spuneți-mi!


Julien, stop
Tonight I want to talk
And not party
I have so many things in my head
That you do not understand
Julien, listen
Before you, I burned my life
In the great fire of indifference
So many men have traversed my nights
Leaving me a great silence
Waiting for deliverance
To avoid habits
I dressed in solitude
Until you...
Julien tenderness
Julien caresses
Julien the dreamer
Julien the mocker
Who never keeps his promises
Julien my joy and my hell
Julien my peace
Julien my war
Julien my lost paradise
Julien for me...
Julien the wild
Julien travels
Julien goes away
Julien returns
Holding my life in his hands
Julien my thirst
Julien my hunger
My house my bread and my wine
Julien my only reason to live
Julien for me...
Julien, listen
I wanted to make of our love
A world that resembles you
I often lost without you
I wanted to win together
But when the carousel stops spinning
You have to know how to get off
Without tears and without waiting
And go away
Julien tenderness
Julien caresses
Julien the dreamer
Julien the mocker
Who never keeps his promises
Julien my joy and my hell
Julien my peace
Julien my war
Julien my lost paradise
Julien for me...
Julien who breaks
Julien who tires
Julien who leaves without caring
Julien who comes back on his knees
Julien my shame
Julien my glory
Julien my defeat, my victory
Julien too late
Julien tonight
All is finished
Julien sadness
Julien distressed
Julien who's returned too many times
And who's disappointed me too many times
Julien my thirst
Julien my hunger
My house my bread and my wine
Julien too late
Julien tonight
All is finished
Julien, this is the last time
No, I'm not everything for you
Julien, do not cry like that...
Julien, come back!

I Have A Weakness

I have a weakness,
Alas, what a calamity!1
My life is an aversion!2
I have a weakness,
I don't know what will come next
If I do not indulge!
But what a calamity!
I am ashamed to admit it
For things that happen to me.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
I have, I have, I have,
I have a weakness,
You know very well,
You are keenly aware.
I have a weakness,
It cannot be hid
'Cuz I carry it in my gaze.
And this big weakness
What will be, will be!
For all or for nothing!
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
~ ~ ~
I have a weakness,
You know very well,
You are keenly aware.
I have a weakness,
It cannot be hid
'Cuz I carry it in my gaze.
And this big weakness
What will be, will be!
For all or for nothing!
I don't know what I'm going to do,
Or I'll be cured of this disease
Or I'll really go crazy.
Alas, what a weakness!
  • 1. Or: What a pity!
  • 2. Or: My life is a mess!
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


La violetera

To make nicer all life
To make all harmonize and poetize
Some flowers are enough
Without any trick
They delight, they rejuvenate
Oh, Señor et Señorita
From Carmencita's hands
Accept these violets
It's happiness that you're buying
The holy god will reward you
Señor for your señorita
Take the flowers they here are
To make a smile bloom
To talk saying nothing
There's nothing like my violet.
Like birds harbinger of the spring
In Madrid appear the violeteras
That trumpeting they look like swallows
That they cheep, that they cheep
Take it, señorito

It doesn't cost more than a real 1
Will you buy this bunch
Will you buy this bunch
To show it up in the buttonhole
La, la, la, la, la
Take this bunch
Take this bunch
To show it up in the buttonhole
  • 1. The Real was the spanish currency till 1864

Tonight that we get separated

Now that the moon slides into the clouds,
come beside me for a while and take a sponge
And wet it in my tear that runs desperately,
and erase the past, erase the past
Our poor thought let's not torture,
tonight that we get separated, tonight that we get separated
Now that the wind started to sing with sorrow,
every pain of mine gather and every heartbeat
And find a black sea with foaming waves,
and (there) throw the past, throw the past
Our poor thought let's not torture,
tonight that we get separated, tonight that we get separated
Now that the blurred night the lightning will tear
from my heart grab the fire that's lit
Firm its flames, and then one by one
burn the past, burn the past
Our poor thought let's not torture,
tonight that we get separated, tonight that we get separated

Those were the days

Once upon a time there was a road
a good wind led me down there
and if memory does not deceive me
at the corner you were present.
Those were the days
yes, they were days and you
no, do not ask for more from the world
we danced a little and without music
there was a lot more in our heart.
You know, then the roses with the passing of time
one morning does not flourish anymore
and so things went
even the good wind never blew again.
Those were the days
yes, they were days and you
no, do not ask for more from the world
and thinking back to me, I get a knot here
and if I sing, this it loses is meaning
Today I'm back in that street
a good memory brought me there
You were with a group of people
and you said, 'Dear friends,
those were days, yes, they were days and you
no, do not ask for more from the world
we danced a little without music,
beyond there passed our youth '
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


Holidays, oh, holidays
It's the plane descending from the sky
And, in the shadow of its wing,
A city passes by
The ground is so close
Holidays, oh, holidays
Churches and social housing
What does he do, this God they love?
He lives in space
The ground is so close
Holidays, oh, holidays
From the plane, the shadow takes to the sea
The sea, as a prelude
To the desert
The sea is so low
Holidays, oh, holidays
So much sky and so many clouds
At your age, you don't know
That life can wear you out,
That death is so vile
Holidays, oh, holidays
It's the plane living in the sky
But don't forget, beautiful girl,
That planes do break
And that the ground is so close


Harlequin's a puppet but
if I think about it, you are a bit like him
with his little black mask
he can tell big lies
in the theatre for the children
he'll always be the most cunning
with his red and blue checked garment
he has no heart, I know
Harlequin's just like you
like you, like you
your comedy ends here
you're such a liar
you never speak the truth
you don't know what the truth is anymore
A photograph you left here by chance
was enough for me
stop kidding, you can't fool me anymore
go to her
Harlequin's just like you
like you, like you
your comedy ends here
you're such a liar
Harlequin's just like you
like you, like you
your comedy ends here
you're such a liar
I don't know if she loves you or not
but sure she loves you more than I do
Harlequin smiles no more
the curtain falls
you don't joke anymore, you don't play anymore
you don't laugh anymore

The last waltz

The orchestra plays the last refrain
I don't know if I should go or I should stay
I'm trying to convince me that then
Nothing's changed between us
The last waltz with you
I found the love again
I dance with you
An already finished waltz

There is not so much time to talk
And I see you're 'bout to go
But what have I to do to convince you, I don't know
That you are the most important thing that I have
The last waltz with you
I found the love again
I dance with you
An already finished waltz

As you go away
I feel that now
You leave me, but it won't be forever
La, la, la...
The last waltz with you
I found the love again
I dance with you
An already finished waltz

La, la, la...

The stream

Like a stream coming straight down the mountain,
racing and bouncing troughout the meadows,
discovering all the spring flowers in the countryside,
my brand new heart came down to the city,
swollen with love and happiness to share.
Yet my soul is less at ease
since I left everything.
Up there everything is bright light
Down there everything is fanciful
But the stream soon forgets about its mountain,
and like it I come down, following my destiny.
And from hills to countryside
I lost my child's heart.
My brand new eyes met you in the city,
and unknowingly gave you their freedom.
The stream gently flows away,
but I decided to stay.
Still I often think
of the sky of my childhood.
Tonight, you see, life feels sweet to me again1,
living with you in the light of my twenties,
and I flow back to the spring whence the springs spring2
In the silence
of the white firs,
near the stream, you'll get to know
my child's heart.
  • 1. the French is a bit unusual there, I'm not quite sure what she means
  • 2. sorry, I just couldn't resist Regular smile
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Far across the sea

I have found my happiness
Time, it almost stands still
These are the loveliest hours
And they will never fade
That was last summer
We were so in love
You came from afar
And didn't want to go any more
Far across the sea there all my dreams fly
They seek you or else they couldn't be fulfilled
From white clouds a greeting comes to me
And with the night's wind I send a greeting to you
I don't want to believe and can't believe
That you don't come back
Come to me
Put an end to my loneliness
The days have passed by
My happiness is erased
Love with with them
I stay behind alone
But I hear your voice
That speaks to me tenderly
In the summer I'll come again
Please don't forget me
Far across the sea there all my dreams fly
They seek you or else they couldn't be fulfilled
A song full of longing and waiting for new happiness
Resounds over the land and sea and asks you
When are you coming back
Far across the sea there all my dreams fly
They seek you or else they couldn't be fulfilled

Living man (Je me sens vivre)

I didn't know what I was living for
I didn't know what I was made for
Now I know, now I know, now I know...
My eyes are made to look at you,
My lips are made to talk to you,
My ears are made to hear your voice,
My hands are made to hug you...
And just now I feel I'm alive
I feel I'm alive 'cause I love you
And just now I feel I'm real
I feel I'm real 'cause I love you
'Cause I love you, 'cause I love you, 'cause I love you and you love me
I la la, la la la, la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
la la la, oh oh oh
oh oh oh, oh oh oh
la la la, la la la
And just now I feel I'm alive
I feel I'm alive 'cause I love you
And just now I feel I'm real
I feel I'm real 'cause I love you
'Cause I love you, 'cause I love you, 'cause I love you and you love me

I found a heart in Portofino

I found a heart in Portofino
I still love it very much today
It was my destiny, my 'destino'
In Portofino, my dream by the sea
In those wonderful days
I forgot everything around me
Your kiss, it erased a thousand questions
In Portofino by the blue sea
What you sang to me full of love
It couldn't have just been songs
The tender words have faded away
And I'm so alone again
I found a heart in Portofino
I still love it very much today
And my 'destino' was once fulfilled
In Portofino, my dream by the sea
La la la...
In the soft charm of morning
The sea carried you to me
I close my eyes and close to me
I'll see you again in Portolino
What you sang to me full of love
It couldn't have just been songs
The tender words have faded away
And I'm so alone again
I found a heart in Portofino
I still love it very much today
And my 'destino' was once fulfilled
In Portofino, in Portofino
By the blue sea, by the blue sea

This is not my home

Some months ago, I'd have never told
But the memories told me to go
I'm back here, out from the city
I didn't want to, but I'm here
This avenue, I already know it
That house, I already know it
It lived here the happyness
We lived here long time ago
But since you left
This is nomore my home
Since you weren't coming back
Me too, I left as you did
But if one day you'll think back
And your memories would tell you to go
Don't look here for your happyness.
It has gone away, long time ago
You won't find roses in the garden
You won't find fire in the fireplace
All has been closed here, for ages
And the dust will tell you
That since you left
This, no, is not my home
Since you didn't love me anymore
Me too, I left
as you did
That since you left
This, no, is not my home
Since you didn't love me anymore
Me too, I left as you did
And since you left
This no...

Promisiuni neîndeplinite

Nu știu dacă mă poți asculta din acest loc.
Nu știu dacă am acoperire dincolo.
Doar vreau să mă ierți că n-am putut să îndeplinesc
Acele frumoase lucruri pe care ți le-am promis.
Îmi amintesc că mereu ziceai: eu as fi fericit.
Și mereu, indiferent de ce se întâmplă, voi fi lângă tine.
Dar există lucruri, că oamenii
nu pot decide.
Norocul naibii, acest lucru trebuie să mi se întâmple.
Și drumul, rutina naibii.
Fiindcă visez despre tine, mă omor pe mine însumi.
M-a îndepărtat de tine.
Fără să-ți spun nici măcar adio.
Dacă mă asculți, vreau să-ți zic:
Că ai fost cel mai frumos trandafir de pe grădina mea.
Că nu uit sarutele pe care ți le-am dat intr-o zi.
Atunci când ți-am zis că eu vroiam să trăiesc lângă tine.
Și drumul, rutina naibii.
Fiindcă visez despre tine, mă omor pe mine însumi.
M-a îndepărtat de tine.
Fără să-ți spun nici măcar adio.
Îmi amintesc atunci când ne-am certat mai mult decât o dată.
Gândindu-ne la copiii pe care aveai de gând să le ai.
Și ne-am certat din cauza numelui.
Au, ce frumos a fost,
Atunci când eu ziceam David, tu-mi ziceai Manuel.
Și drumul, rutina naibii.
Fiindcă visez despre tine, mă omor pe mine însumi.
M-a îndepărtat de tine.
Fără să-ți spun nici măcar adio.
Și drumul, rutina naibii.
Fiindcă visez despre tine, mă omor pe mine însumi.
M-a îndepărtat de tine.
Fără să-ți spun nici măcar adio.

Positive mentality

For this to go good,
I will find an exit
that do not mean escape
and that just pursue the end good.
Although they lean on from above,
positive mentality.
Get out suicidal behaviours, that's it.
Go good. (Chorus)
How many ways did I way off
without knowing what I was looking for ?
Wasting my time and without movement
lie down on bed I used to think.
Any reason why
luck was not with me.
Everything was going slow and into myself there was an idea.
I do not advise, I insist, it is okay.
We are going to travel on my train.
It is the train which will change your mentality.
Add and go on!
There are only smiles on the area.
There are not sad people,
just shining faces.
We travelled far away, where there are not fears,
Eden* is the name of my stop.
Positive mentality, a way of thinking.
It is my new premise at the time of acting.
I repeat at the time on lying down, but, at time to wake up, think good!
Positive mentality.
Positive mentality for everyone who follow me
and see on my life negative energies.
Positive mentality.

The hour of love

Its been a long time since
my room
has shutters closed
no more light comes in here
the sun is a stranger
It's him
that I miss
It's him
that is no longer there
The clock in the square
just beat his time
it's time to wait for you
it's time for you to come back
I feel you are close
it's the hour of love
The vacuum of life
It's as big as the sea
since he left
I have not seen him anymore
It's him
that I miss
It's him
that is no longer there
The clock in the square
has already lost its hope
no, I did not lose it
I expect you to come back
I feel you are close
it's the hour of love
I did not lose it
I expect you to come back
I feel you are close
it's the hour of love
I did not lose it
I expect you to come back
I feel you are close
it's the hour of love


Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
I’m feeling good, I’ve waited for this day
Like the moment we first met, we met again
I’m feeling cool, now it’s perfect
The moment I’m by your side, everything changed, yeah
Baby baby, show me your everything, will you come closer?
Let’s make moves, anywhere is okay, let’s go party
Let’s have fun under the burning lights
Let’s empty our heads and lay everything down
Hey, today is our holiday
A great day has come, we’ve waited so long
Hey, it’s our special holiday
It’s a day for only you and me
Let’s throw away our tired hearts
Here, we just need to have fun
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Turn up the volume, feel the beat
Feel this rhythm, feeling good
You know I’m hot hot hot hot
It’s getting hotter, our daylight
Hey, throw everything away and party with me
I believe this happiness will last forever, honey
Baby baby, I won’t stop, I wanna keep going
Get in the mood and follow the rhythm, shake your body
Let’s party together on this hot stage
Let’s erase all complications, trust everything to me
Hey, today is our holiday
A great day has come, we’ve waited so long
Hey, it’s our special holiday
It’s a day for only you and me
Let’s throw away our tired hearts
Here, we just need to have fun
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
(Hot Hot Hot) our dazzling stories of the past
(Hot Hot Hot) we’ve gotten even hotter
(Hot Hot Hot) our hands are held tight, can you feel it?
(Hot Hot Hot) Oh yeah hii hah
Hey, today is our holiday
Let’s escape our tired days and trust ourselves in the electricity
Hey, it’s a perfect holiday
Before the day is over, let’s have more fun
However our hearts go, let’s make a special day, you and I
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday It’s a Holiday Yeah

There are people you meet in the street

There are people you meet in the street
And to which you would talk
But how can you communicate
If you know they're going to disappear
At the bottom of a subway
If a bus takes you away
Before you find the courage to say 'Look, how's it going?'
There are people you meet in the street
And that you would stop
Which you would like to give everything
To dark eyes or blue water eyes
Where do you wash the present
Where you feel clever
Maybe for a quarter of an hour
Or maybe a little more
And to feel love for a voice, a gesture or an expression
What reminds you of another voice, another love, another name
You feel your heart still alive
And you want to cry out
I offer you the aperitif ,and don't be polite
You would like to consider him a friend and tell him: 'How do you do?'
'Tell a little about who you are, what you do
With you I feel less down!'
'How many glances I have met in my life, without stopping and smiling
And how many times have I lowered my face, in front of someone or someone else, people seems to be
Hostile in reality defends itself, but as soon as you talk, ithey revive and their hearts re-energizes'
There are people you meet in the street, that
Like me with the song
Search for just one occasion
In each heart there is a garden
Just waiting for a downpour
Never lower your face, smile to those who gives you a smile
And maybe it will change your destiny.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


If you want to go to the steppe
You'll have to look for Casatchok
This is the name of a small Cossack
That his dance will teach everyone
Run, run by the little Cossack
Dancing along with casatchok
Casatchok is the steppe dance
Dancing, dancing and the cold goes away
Casatchok the winter passes quickly
Like vodka, your nights will flare up
You will not have anybody's love
If you can not dance the casatchok
While dancing in the heart of the steppe
Your heart will beat strong
A thousand balalaika orchestra
In the night will accompany it
La, la, la ...
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


I remember that
Many times ago
You told me:
'Everything will change'
As I would like
Tell you now what I have
Inside me
When I will be alone
The face of a child
Will warm my heart
Like the bells
When it's spring
My heart will sound
Dan, dan, dan will sound
Dan, dan, dan
Day, day, day will sing
Dan, dan, dan
It's a pity that
I had never seen
The love that
Now I 'm look ing around me
As I would like
Tell the world what I have
Inside me
When I will be alone
The face of a child
Will warm my heart
Like the bells
When it's spring
My heart will sound
Dan, dan, dan will sound
Dan, dan, dan
Dan, dan, dan will sing
Dan, dan, dan
Dan, dan, dan will sound
Dan, dan, dan
Dan, day, dan will sing
Dan, day, dan
Dan, day, day will sound
Dan, dan, dan ...
Thanks a lot for your attention!

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Vulnerability (Fragility)

The blood won't be there tomorrow
The rain will wash it away when it falls
Steel and bare skin, such a cruel combination
Yet, in our minds there is something left behind
An act like that will cut
A life short, and that is all
Nothing is achieved through violence
And nothing ever will
To those of you who have been born in such a world
Do not forget your vulnerability!
You cry, and I cry
And the sky does too, and the sky does too
You cry, and I cry
What a vulnerability, what a vulnerability!
You cry, and I cry
And the sky does too, and the sky does too
You cry, and I cry
Such vulnerability, such vulnerability!
Such vulnerability, such vulnerability!

Solidarity Song

Move forward and never forget
What makes our strength
Whether we're starving or we're eating
Move forward and never forget
The solidarity!
Come on you nations of this mother Earth
Make up your minds and come to the agreement
That it should be yours now
And be the great nourisher
Of blacks, whites, coloured, yellows
Put an end to their slaughters
Once the nations talk for themselves
They'll come to an agreement soon
If we want to achieve it quickly
We need you and you to join
Whoever lets down people that are like him
Just lets himself down
Our masters, whoever they may be
Love to see our discord
'Cause as long as they disunite us
They remain being our masters
Proletarians of all countries
Come to an understanding and you'll be free
Your great regiments
Break up any tyranny
Move forward and never forget
To ask everybody this question:
Do you want to starve or eat?
Whose tomorrow is tomorrow?
Who owns the world?


Give your sensuality
From this virginal body
Give me sensuality
Nobody before me
Ever caressed you
My sinful angel
I will love you with the dark love
Of your gaze
You lit up my entire life
Skin on skin, you and I
In just one fire
I will love you
Even at a change of my life
Love me if it's my destiny
Come see what your destiny is


Destiny's owner
If you cross my path
Whether you're a queen or prostitute
Whether you're a plebeian1 or tyrant
Life is in your hand
  • 1. Historical term for the masses or general populace


I don't want to stay alone
without anybody
it lacks love, it lacks friends
it lacks you, my love
in an empty room
four cold walls
and I'm here, with nothing
I'm afraid
my secret
I need love so much
To have fun
to live intensely
and to feel another love
in an empty room
four cold walls
and I'm here, with nothing
I'm afraid
my secret