Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 8

Număr de rezultate: 285


Ultimul vals

Orchestra cinta ultimul refren
Nu stiu daca trebuie sa ma duc sau sa ramin
Incerc sa ma conving ca depua
Nimic nu s-a schimbat intre noi
Ultimul vals cu tine
Am redescoperit iubire
Dansez cu tine
Un vals care s-a terminat

Nu e mult timp sa vorbim
Iar vad ca te duci
Dar cum pot sa fac ca sa te conving ca nu stiu
Fiindca esti lucrul cel mai important pe care il am
Ultimul vals cu tine
Am redescoperit iubire
Dansez cu tine
Un vals care s-a terminat

De fiecare data cind te duci
Cind ca parca
Ma lasi, dar nu pentru totdeauna
La, la, la...
Ultimul vals cu tine
Am redescoperit iubire
Dansez cu tine
Un vals care s-a terminat

La, la, la...

Salma Ya Salama

He came from Semara, deep down in the Sahara
He dreamt of paradise
Of shady lanes, of flowers in the rain
When he left his town
And he believed to find all that
Salma ya salama, where is the luck, ya salama?
Salma ya salama, I will come back, bes salama
He went walking on, hope was his companion
Until he saw the miracle:
Big wealth, ramparts and the waves of the sea,
Everything within reach
It was a lust to live
The Fata Morgana, the mirror image of his dreams,
Dissolved into thin air, only sand and desert remained
And he went on searching, found the source of freedom
Which was his future on all his path

It's Not My Home

A few months ago, I would have never said
But the memories then, they told me to go
I returned here, out of town
I did not want to, but I am here
This walkway, I know it already
This house, I know it already
It lived here, the happiness
We stayed here long ago
But since you left
This is not, it's not my home
Since you did not come back anymore
I left just like you did
But if one day you reconsider
And your memories, they'll tell you to go*
Do not look for happiness here
It left, a long time ago
You will not find roses in the garden
You will not find fire in the chimney
Everything is closed here, since forever
And the dust, you'll tell yourself
That since you left
This is not, it's not my home
Since you did not love me anymore
I left just like you did
And since you left
This is not, it's not my home
Since you did not love me anymore
I left just
Like you did
That since you left
This is not, it's not my home
Since you did not love me anymore
I left just like you did
And since you left
This is not...


Versions: #2
We'll go wherever hunger leads us
We'll write our own story
She told me:' It's not just because buzzin
That I love you, yeah I love you!''
Words, nothing but words!
My only boss, is my mother
They thought that I was dead, they were like ''Good riddance!''
Thankfully God is the one who gives or else they wouldn't leave a thing for us
So, I left my village, I dreamed of a less miserable life.
I left my village to stop hearing them telling me that:
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways.
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways.
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Hey, hey, hey
Na, nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
They pretend to like me (yeah)
I don't pretend, I hate them
I remember how they would turn their backs on me because I was poor like daddy
They give more money to those who have, take away from those who don't have any
They add water to the ocean, go figure
And if you're dying of thirst, they abandon you
If you want to live a beautiful life, put make-up on it yourself
We want the world, we'll take it, Salam!
A dreamer among many others and my brothers are millions
Our dreams will live, do not listen to those who say that :
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Hey, hey, hey
Na, nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
I'm becoming a legend, why does it surprise you?
The jealous ones are hating, A legend, mashallah!
I'm becoming a legend, why does it surprise you?
The jealous ones are hating, A legend, mashallah!
Hey, hey, hey
Na, nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)

You Have To Dance Reggae

Lost on an island
Far away from the big city
What heat
Lying on a beach
Of fine sand and white salt
Under the sun
The music takes me and I think I'm there
in a happy and tropical corner.
You have to dance Reggae,
dream, sing, drink until dawn
You have to dance Reggae,
Covering your skin with paper flowers
You have to dance Reggae,
Even if you do not know, come, I'll show you
You have to dance Reggae,
because I met you, because I fell in love.
Time is all ours,
The wind brings happiness
To your love, to my love
The moon smiles at us
With a face of complicity
Heart (my love)

Let Me Dance

Monday, Tuesday
Day after day life slips away
Monday it's just another morning
Tuesday I only feel like living
Dancing along with every song
I know how to live with love and dances
I know how to live eternal romances
I know how to live with something divine
That brightens the penalties and avoids problems
I know how to live with love and smiles
I know how to live without pause and without hurry
I know how to live looking at some eyes
Shining beautifully for love
Let me dance, let me
Let me dance and sing in freedom
Here I am
Let me dance, let me
Realize my dreams at last.
Monday it's just another morning
Tuesday I only feel like living
Dancing along with every song
I know how to live with love and risks,
If not, I hate my life
I know how to live continuous idylls
And always be free, what a great balance
I know how to live with love and laughter
I know how to live without pause and without hurry
I know how to live looking at some eyes
Glowing beautiful for love
Let me dance, let me
Let me dance and sing in freedom
Here I am
Let me dance (Monday), let me (Tuesday)
Realize my dreams at last
Monday it's just another morning
Tuesday I only feel like living
Dancing along with every song
Day after day life slips away
Let me dance, let me
Let me dance and sing in freedom
Here I am
Let me dance (Monday), let me (Tuesday)
Realize my dreams at last
Monday, Tuesday
Day after day life slips away
Monday it's just another morning
Tuesday I only feel like living
Day after day life slips and brings new day

The Common Words

The most common words that seem worthless
They always have their greatness because they are also love
The 'bye-bye', 'arrivederci', the 'bonsoir' etcetera
The 'how are you', the 'see you later', are actually love
'Goodbye', the 'thanks a lot', are love without declaring
To the people that we will not see anymore
The most common words that seem worthless
They always have their greatness because they are also love
The shopkeeper on the corner always with his good humor
Make your 'good morning' a confession of love
Many times it is discussed but without going over
And it ends well chatting at any bar
The most common words that seem worthless
They have their greatness always because they are also love
When I say 'I hate you', you 'ask for forgiveness'
Because every feeling leads to love
The most common and simplest words to say
They are life and the reason to continue on
La la la la la la ...
'Goodbye', the 'thank you very much' are undeclared love
To the people that we will not see anymore
The most common words that seem worthless
They always have their greatness because they are also of love
La la la la la la ...

One evening you don't forget

In a street set ablaze by the sun,
I was fifteen and dreamt of cinema.
It smelt of jasmine, chili and honey.
Paris seemed so far away, yet I already thought of it.
My father rehearsed 'Parsifal' on its violin,
Mom sang along, slightly out of tune.
In a corner my younger brother called me his star.
When he said that I could hear your cheering.
And then one evening, I saw my name shining,
six blazing neon letters burning my heart,
and I knew this evening that I had been right
to remain honest1 and trust you.
A music hall haunted by Garland2's voice,
a few friends who came to root for me,
and a lump in my throat facing this no man's land.
It's not much, and yet it means a lot when you're terrified3
And then I step on the stage, the same old black hole,
my dress that suddenly gets in my way.
I don't need memory to tell you this story,
some memories you just can't forget.
Can you imagine? One evening, I saw my name shine,
New York like a bazing fire,
my heart of neon.
And I knew this evening that I had been right
to remain honest and trust you.
Even if I'm moved when, far away from here,
I hear people humming my tunes,
it's when you holler as I sing 'Gigi'
that I can at last say to myself: 'I'm home'.
And though life sometimes takes me away from you,
from journey to journey, from tours to galas,
I can confess that, for more than twenty years know,
each time we meet I feel deep inside that
it's the first hope, the very first evening.
It's the first time.
yes, it's the first time...
  • 1. 'never to cheat'
  • 2. I don't really know who she refers to. Judy Garland? Red Garland?
  • 3. 'made of fear'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Dacă ar trebui s-o facem din nou

Dacă ar fi trebuit s-o facem din nou
Ei bine, în ciuda tutoror
Eu aş urma oricum
Acest drum care duce
La despărţirea noastră
Dacă ar fi trebuit s-o facem din nou
Eu aș reface totul
Voi trăi din nou ce-i mai rău
Pentru a te vedea zâmbind
Cu lacrimi în ochi
Am trăit împreună
În plină lumină
Am cunoscut împreună
Anotimpul cel mai tandru
În inima iernii
Dacă ar fi trebuit să facem din nou
Tot acest drum împreună
Nu aș ezita nici măcar o clipă
Pentru a începe totul din nou
Voi accepta în prealabil
De a pierde totul din nou pierzându-te
Este un vis imposibil
Pe care îl fac în seara aceasta
În inima tăcerii mele
Îmi inventez o șansă
Care nu va veni niciodată
Dacă ar fi trebuit să o fac din nou...
Dacă ar fi trebuit să facem din nou
Tot acest drum împreună
Nu aș ezita nici măcar o clipă
Pentru a începe totul din nou
Voi accepta în prealabil
De a pierde totul din nou pierzându-te
Dacă ar fi trebuit să facem totul din nou
În doi s-ar putea
Să acceptăm toate celelalte
Și aș şti poate
De data asta să te păstrez

I love to love

I love to love and I wouldn't like
Living without you
Love is like a dream
It comes and it's already gone
After the brighter sky
The darkness will come again
On the blue paths
Of our sky
The time hasn't come yet
To tell us goodbye again
I love life and I would never like
To break away from it
Life is like a dream
It comes and it's already gone
After the brighter sky
The darkness will come again
On the blue paths
Of our sky
The time hasn't come yet
To tell us goodbye again
To tell us goodbye again

You're only another man

I wouldn't die for it, my dear love
'Cause at the end it is true that there is no better thing
Than a night of love, without talking too much
And if you wanna please me, no, don't talk me about love.
You're only another man, You're only another man,
You're only another man, You're only another man.
Haven''t you ever asked yourself, my love
If me too I need a true love,
Without the false modesty that you have in your heart?
The white image of a woman
Living an unique love
Doesn't make me get mad of joy
The sad image of a man
Looking for a devoted woman
To tell to his silly pride
'You feel a greater man'
With no regret you only make me say:
You're only another man, You're only another man,
You're only another man, You're only another man.
The white image of a woman
Living an unique love
Doesn't make me get mad of joy
The sad image of a man
Looking for a devoted woman
To tell to his silly pride
'You feel a greater man'
With no regret you only make me say:
You're only another man, You're only another man,
You're only another man, You're only another man...


If you want to go in the steppe
You should look for Casatchok
This is the namd of a little cossack
Who'll teach everyone his dance
Run, run to the little cossack
Dance dance with Casatchok
Casatchok is the dance of the steppe
Dance dance and the cold will go away
Casatchok the winter passes quickly
Like vodka will inflame your nights.
You won't be loved by anyone
if you can't dance Casatchok
As you dance in the heart of the steppe
Your heart will speed up
An orchestra of thousands of balalaikas
Will take it through the night
Lalalala lalalala...
You won't be loved by anyone
if you can't dance Casatchok
As you dance in the heart of the steppe
Your heart will speed up
An orchestra of thousands of balalaikas
Will take it through the night
Lalalala lalalala...

Love It's You

I want to feel your love and your warmth
Here in my soul
I don't want to die without Your love
I want to find the calm
I ask you my love,
To cure the pain
Here in my soul
To have compassion
My dear love
I want to find the calm
Love, love It's you
My divine love
Love, love it's you
I don't want to lose you.
I want to feel your love and your warmth
Here in my soul
I don't want to die without Your love
I want to find the calm
I ask you my love,
To cure the pain
Here in my soul
To have compassion
My dear love
I want to find the calm
Love, love It's you
My divine love
Love, love it's you
I don't want to lose you.

The longest day

We will go to the heart of the world
By powder and the canon
Counting every second
Because this day is the longest
Under iron and gunfire
Thousands will lie down
And at the evening of the fight
Thousands will count themselves
The longest day, the day is long
And fear is all along
And hope is deep under
And screams are million
We will go to victory
By the blood of comrades
Who made history
By running for the longest day
The longest day, the day is long
And fear is all along
And hope is deep under
And screams are million
We will go to victory
By the blood of comrades
Who made history
By running for the longest day

I've decided to live

After a long silence
Between void and me
After having drowned myself
In an aimless life
Live in my dreams
Wasn't enough for me
And I prayed the sky
And it heard me
I've decided to live
And I thank God
I've decided to live
And I thank God
In one single second
Deep in my heart
Sun sprang
Blazing heat
And I turned a blind eye
To your single glance
Because it's in your love
That I've found hope
I've decided to live
And I thank God
I've decided to live
And I thank God
By engraving in my memory
My memories of the past
I want to decide to believe
That everything can start again
I've decided to live
And I thank God
I've decided to live
And I thank God


You go away and I don't know
If I'll forget
But who has actually never dreamed
Of losing their memory
But it won't be easy
I already know that
I will suffer
La, la, la...
The world dances a waltz
It turns more and more around
It will end when mankind changes
Now I couldn't possibly
Think of anything but you
As prisoner I will go down
To the center of hell
I will never fall in love again
And inside my heart
It will be winter
La, la, la...
The world dances a waltz
It turns more and more around
It will end when mankind changes
The world dances a waltz
It turns more and more around
It will change only if it returns
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Mama, when this doll of mine grows up,
Mama, I want it to look like you.
Here in front of me,
My doll,
I hold it tight in my hands
And see you again.
You were so beautiful,
Like in a beautiful dream.
I smiled to you
And told you:
Mama, when this doll of mine grows up
Mama, I want it to look like you!
Today I don't have you anymore
Here beside me.
Time flies by,
And I'm cold in my heart.
Now that I don't have,
Anyone who
Reminds me a little
Of my youth
Mama, when this doll of mine grows up,
Mama, I want it to look like you.
I know I'll waste
All of my days.
You already told me that,
When I departed
To my life.
Hold my hand,
Without you in the world,
I feel alone.
Mama, without you I go across the roads of the world
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Tell me what I can even do
How I can ever forget you
Without your embrace
How I'm ever going to live again
How do I even breathe
If you were my air
I'll be lost
Without your love to light my way
Like a night that has lost its moon
Like a river that no longer finds the sea
I have surrendered to this absence of you
To the raw truth that I shall love you no more
I live each day
Thinking about what I've lost
My soul is empty
Engulfed in my longing for you
And my world fell silent
It's wintertime in my heart
And the void that lies in your place
Won't let me escape this loneliness


The black man with light eyes
The Creature
Pure coincidence, to come back and find you again
In the same place where I met you
And then I could try to caress you
I would like to repeat that moment, take advantage of you
Coincidence, coincidence
What happened, was born from a coincidence
we'll see if it's true
That it's just a coincidence
And that coincidence, it did
Change the way you think
Now she wants to be with me
And it's just a coincidence
I want to take advantage of the moment
Let the clock stop at your time
I don't want anyone to interrupt
And tell your friend about me, if she asks
Of how we did it
That you liked it and we repeated
That there was no love and we wanted each other
We fought but we solved it
That's how we lived
Of how we did it
That you liked it and we repeated
That there was no love and we wanted each other
We fought but we solved it
Coincidence, coincidence
What happened, was born from a coincidence
we'll see if it's true
That it's just a coincidence
And that coincidence, it did
Change the way you think
Now she wants to be with me
And it's just a coincidence
It was just a coincidence
That I would find you
I had spoken with my heart
Not to fall in love
And it turns out, I never listen to anything
So much is saying to please be careful
That my last tears had been left on a pillow
I'm thinking about the moon of last night
And until morning light, it makes me remember
How we did it
That you liked it and we repeated
That there was no love and we wanted each other
We fought but we solved it
That's how we lived
The creature, baby
Venezuela and Puerto Rico
The match that does not fail
Tell him Luian
Pure coincidence, to come back and find you again
In the same place where I met you
And then I could try to caress you
I would like to repeat that moment, take advantage of you
Coincidence, coincidence
What happened, was born from a coincidence
we'll see if it's true
That it's just a coincidence
And that coincidence, it did
Change the way you think
Now she wants to be with me
And it's just a coincidence

Sand Man

Ruler since forever
Violent and marauder
You confidently went.
A gust of wind
Onto my feeling
Made you fall down
From that ancient monument.
Sand Man, go,
you're in the desert and you don't know.
Sand Man, go,
Yet you have no slave1.
You went and came
You wanted and got
What a happiness!
You played with the hearts
Of those whom you didn't love,
You joked with me but
The world has changed inside you.
Sand Man, go,
you're in the desert and you don't know.
Sand Man, go,
Yet you have no slave.
If you see a woman
With the face of a Virgin Mary
Be very careful that it's not a mirage, what you see.
Come on, get going!
Life is just a passage
Yesterday it was you who ruled sex, and now...
Sand Man, go,
you're in the desert and you don't know.
Sand Man, go,
Yet you have no slave.
Ruler since forever
Violent and marauder
You confidently went.
A gust of wind
Onto my feeling
Made you fall down
From that ancient monument.
Chorus: (x2)
Sand Man, go,
you're in the desert and you don't know.
I'm already a woman now
And so you won't have a slave!
  • 1. 'schiava' refers specifically to a female slave
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

My homeland is beautiful

Versions: #2
A beautiful word and two more, my homeland is beautiful
A beautiful song and two more, my homeland is beautiful
My hope was always, my homeland
To come back to you, my homeland
And stay with you always
The memories of the past.. remember, my homeland?
My heart is full of stories.. remember, my homeland?
My first love was in my homeland
I can never forget it, my homeland
Where are those days of the past before the farewell
We used to say that separation was impossible
And every tear on the cheeks used to drop
Filled with hope that we will stay
In the sea of love and along the two shores
A beautiful word and many more, my homeland is beautiful
A beautiful song and many more, my homeland is beautiful
Where is the love of my heart, my homeland?
He was far away from me, my homeland
And each time I sing, I think of him
Tell me, my beloved, you are leaving me and going where?
It's the most beautiful melody we're both going to sing
How beautiful is the word 'my homeland' in a two-line song!
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

I Found My Love in Portofino

I found my love in Portofino
For I still believe in dreams
The odd game of destiny
In Portofino swept my heart
In the sweet enchantment of morning
The sea leads you towards me
Blinking eyes beside me
In Portofino I see you again
I recall a part1 of the sky
Where I was waiting for you
I recall this face so beloved
And your mouth ready to receive a kiss
I found my love in Portofino
Those kisses, forget them I won't
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
I recall a part1 of the sky
Where I was waiting for you
I recall this face so beloved
And your mouth ready to receive a kiss
I found my love in Portofino
Those kisses, forget them I won't
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
  • Lit. 'angle'

Flower of Solitude

We lived we conversed we resisted
we crossed paths on the street under the trees
we perhaps made a little stir
we traced timid gestures in the air
but what words can explain
that ours was a solitary and silent
profoundly silent heart
and in the end our eyes watched
like eyes that watch in forests
In the midst of the tumultuous city
in the visible angle of its countless edges
the flower of solitude grew lusher each day
We had a name for this
but the ruthless time of men
killed in us the one who was dying
And in this ambitious heart
alone like a man christ dies
What shall we call the void that flows
relentless as a river?
It is born it swells it will empty
and in all of this it’s finally a sea
We lived we conversed we resisted
without realizing that in everything we die a little

Loneliness Dance

Loneliness is lava that covers everything
Bitterness in my mouth smiles with its lead teeth
Loneliness, word dug in my mouth
Resigned and mute in loneliness' compass
Disillusion, disillusion
I dance, you dance
In the loneliness' dance
Camélia is now a widow, Joana fell in love
Maria has tried to die, because of her love
My father always said me, care care, my son
When I think about the future, I don't forget the past
Disillusion, disillusion
I dance, you dance
In the loneliness' dance
When midnight cames, my thoughts they wander
I run the fingers on the viola, contemplating the full moon
After all, there's a pure water font
Whoever drinks that water, won't have bitterness anymore

Lady d'Arbanville

Versions: #2
My lady of Arbanville
I know your destiny
You'll live your life,
But a morning,
But a morning...
My lady of Arbanville,
The mirror broke off.
The winter has come,
But the spring hasn't,
The spring hasn't.
One day in may
A man woke you up
He slept in your eyes and then
He left you alone
And then he left you alone
Oh, Lady of Arbanville
I will remember you,
going back to the castle.
The mirror broke off,
The mirror broke off.
Your white hands,
Someone stroke them,
But then only the wind,
Told you about love,
Told you about love.
One day in may
A man woke you up
He slept in your eyes and then
He left you alone
And the he Left you alone.
Lady, my lady.
The mirror broke off
The winter has come,
But the spring hasn't,
The spring hasn't.

The Piraeus children

Versions: #2
Basking in blue beneath the Greek sky
One boat, then two, then three
are sailing off singing.
Pecking at the sky,
One bird, then two, then three
are making good weather.
In the alleys, with a sharp crack
one shutter, then two, then three
are slammed by the wind.
And merrily with
a child, then two, then three,
they dance cheerfully.
(chorus : )
I love so much
this port far away
that the sun lights
with golden gleams.
I love so much
under their orange caps,
all the angel faces
of the Piraeus children.
I dream of having one day
One child, then two, then three
playing as they do.
Always along the banks
One daring sailor, then two, then three
take a stroll.
Our love will become
one, ten, a thousand loves
basking in blue.
And our children will become lads
That some girls,one day
will make happy.

Tomorrow You Marry

Leave me alone leave me alone
Pity, have pity on me
I can no longer, no longer stand
seeing another love you
Tomorrow you will marry
she is prettier than me
she has all the qualities
but where is happiness?
Leave me alone, leave me alone
have pity, have pity on me
when you come to my side
a desire kindles in me
You have preferred the great honours
instead of my great love
And to satisfy an illusion
you destroyed our love
I know, I know, you still love me
The pride is greater yet
it has boiled in us
to guarantee your days
For that I no longer want you
You should never come back to me
I want to honour1 myself with you
tomorrow you will marry
Of her you will tire2
You'd come to me to dream
With her you will distinguish yourself
You'd come to me to love
This evening, I can't any longer
and I will tell you wit all my heart
tomorrow another you will marry
this evening, I tell you no
no! no!
  • 1. Lit., 'congratulate'.
  • 2. Lit., 'bore'.

To get there

Versions: #2
I went through nights and days without a sleep
To get there
I felt warm in the rain and cold in the scorching sun
To get there
I spoke to the fear and did shut up the silence
I made up hours, I sold my weekends
To get there, to get there
I cried so many times that I have no more tears
To get there
I fell a hundred times without laying down the arms
To get there
I tread on my life more often than in my turn
I put the end to almost all my loves
To get there, to get there
To get there, I had too many doubts of everything
of me, of you, of God
I left all my dreams of childhood behind me
Today my heart is almost in a state of emergency
To get there
I think that if I had a date with you
without a trace of regret
to get there
I will do all over again
I get used to grumble just inside of me
To get there
Not to show you that I have been pointed out
To get there
I traveled around the world, but I could not see anything
The absence was so deep that it stained my mirrors
To get there, to get there
To get there,
I had too many doubts of everything
of me, of you, of God
I left all my dreams of childhood behind me
Today my heart is almost in a state of emergency
To get there
I think that if I had a date with you
without a trace of regret
I will do all over again
To get there
I often forgot to take two tickets
Or to say: “Wait for me!”
To go nowhere I put in my memory
Only beginnings of affairs
To get there
I think that with you
if I had a date, without a trace of regret
I will do it again
To get there

The One In Love

I am the one in love
Always in love
My heart talks with the hands
I need nothing
Of bread, of wine and I feel well
I am the one in love
I can't help it
I was born like that
My life is a fire of joy
I know not how to say I love you
Without burning, without opening [my] arms
And my anger and my passions
Are like volcanoes
It flows through my veins
Another blood
Made of sun and of song
I am the one in love
Always in love
Even if my heart is in France
There's a sort of Provence
In my head as [though] childhood anew1
I am the one in love
I can't help it
Without burning, without opening [my] arms
And my anger and my passions
Are like volcanoes
It flows through my veins
Another blood
Made of sun and of song
Oh oh I am the one in love
Always the one in love
La, la, la...
Oh oh I am the one in love
Always the one in love
La, la, la...
  • 1. Lit. 'another childhood.'

Room of loneliness

When the night comes
The wind blows through my face
I start feeling nostalgic
I [can] hear the sound of a guitar
Playing love and passion
Everyone's got their own
I see a little bird from afar
Looking for its nest
And its love
[Then] I hear a pair of lovebirds
Grinning in love for each other
So brilliantly!
And me, staring at the moon
[Here] in my room of loneliness
I miss you
To ease my broken heart
Leave, loneliness!
Give it a rest!
My lover is all I want
And nothing else

Your Colored Hair

when your colored hair winds around my soul strand by strand
I’m strangled, there’s no cure, come quick
tangles in the arms of my heart
can’t they be unraveled?
its anguish holds the answer
but those eyes aren't looking
every ambiguity becomes a storm and leaves a scar
you didn’t see my tears
your shoulder wasn’t there for me
either hear my protest
or leave me to suffer alone
I couldn’t give enough
I couldn’t satisfy
I couldn’t see it through
I offered up my life in your honor
but couldn’t do it
that cigarette smolders, I’m tired of suffering
who could love a flower that despises its own stem?
tangles in the arms of my heart
can’t they be unraveled?
its anguish holds the answer
but those eyes aren't looking
my heart knows
the longer the hunt, the more elusive the hunted

Orpheus's Song

The sun will shine every day.
The world will hear every day
a song of love
because you will be with me,
always with me.
I can dream of everything.
I can hope for everything
from the moment you are with me.
The sun will shine every day.
The heart will sing every day
to dedicate to you
a thousand more paths,
to confide to you
all my love.
I can dream of everything.
I can hope for everything
from the moment you are with me.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.