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To Protect

To protect your heart, which is my reason to live,
to protect your heart and never have to suffer
the torment of every moment
when love runs like water between our fingers—
me, I would do anything at all.
To protect my strength and my inner light—
to protect my rights, I would renounce the earth—
whatever the price of the joys
that you give me night and day—
nothing is too much for my love.
I have so much happiness that sometimes my heart
is torn apart by a strange fear.
Fragility and insecurity suffocate my life that wants to scream.
To have you with me until my dying days—
to hear your voice up until my last hour.
The years can pass away—the entire world can drain away—
I will do whatever it takes—
to protect you.

Oh! La La

I, who intended to stay unattached,
so as to never lose my freedom,
I suddenly managed to get myself caught,
and then without understanding at all how,
I fell head over heels in love.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
In my heart, I confess there is some damage.
Don’t tell me that he’s a great catch
since I am the one ruled with an iron fist.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
All of my friends hardly recognize me.
When you love, you can be a bit stupid
and I fit that definition perfectly.
Oh! la la, oh! la la, oh! la la
Yes, pretty much as soon as I met him,
I bid my independence goodbye.
To fulfill his every whim,
I enslaved myself to him—
it’s madness what love has done to me.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
I am little more than a puppet in his hands.
I go, I come, I run, I am completely devoted—
and I do the cleaning and the dishes too!
Oh! la la, oh! la la
And the worst part is that while doing all of that—
I tell myself that life is beautiful
and that I would never change a thing.
Oh! la la, oh! la la, oh! la la
But I would truly be very dishonest
if I were to stop my little ditty right now—
because apart from my enslavement,
I get fringe benefits—
and when I say fringe, do not ask!
Oh! la la, oh! la la
When at night he takes me in his arms
and whispers to me “I love you,”
it's as if paradise has arrived.
Oh! la la, oh! la la
I cannot quite tell you everything, pardon me.
But if you happen upon someone like him
in the field, do not hesitate:
love him, keep him, believe me!
Oh! la la, oh! la la, oh! la la

Well Then

Well then—you, who believed yourself so strong—
you, who seemed so sure of yourself—
what is going on with you now?
Well then—suddenly you are getting carried away
and you see yourself already in his arms—
he who does not look twice at you.
Ah, forget him—him and the laugh in his eyes—
he who plays with your heart—
he and his victorious airs.
Have you gone blind?
Is your head up in the clouds?
I wish that I could awaken you—
but I can see that my advice
would go in one ear and then immediately
right out the other.
Have you gone blind?
Is your head up in the clouds?
I wish that I could awaken you—
but I can see that my advice
would go in one ear and then immediately
right out the other.

Por Favor

Por favor—do not hold me so tightly in your arms.
The time has not yet come to say
no, I adore you, no por favor.
What emotion—do not put me into such a state.
I feel your hand tremble in my fingers—
yes, and all that, yes, it's for me.
Yes, it's me, at least as long as it is not the cha-cha-cha—
because this is what it does to you, the cha-cha-cha—
in the middle of its swirling, I feel as if,
for a moment, that I am living a beautiful dream.
Por favor—I am at the point of losing my way.
There is in this cha-cha, something like a fire,
yes, something like a fire that devours you.
Let it burn, por favor.
Por favor—hold me in your arms yet even tighter.
Tell me before the dawn arrives
yes, I adore you, yes por favor.
What joy—now I tremble even more than you.
I feel as if I might do no matter what—
yes, for the night to go on and on.
It is not, I know that it is not the cha-cha-cha—
it is surely not the cha-cha-cha—
that makes our two hearts beat as one,
drunk on their joie de vivre.
Por favor—hold me in your arms yet even tighter—
and swear to me that we will be as one, me—
you and me until death do us part.
And kiss me, por favor.
And kiss me, por favor.
And kiss me, por favor.

I Wait for Him

I wait for him while crying.
My friends, oh, tell him that I wait for him.
I understand it all now.
Tell him that I am tired of waiting.
Dreaming night and day—
reliving the sweet moments of our love—
heartfelt regrets—
yes, I have many and that is why I cry.
Will he forgive me? I do not know.
The harm I did to him, it came back to me.
What madness—it's too late.
In my heart, nothing is left except despair.
La la la, la la la, lai lo, la la la, la la la, lai lo
Tell him that I wait for him.
La la la, la la la, lai lo, la la la, la la la, lai lo
Tell him that I wait for him.
I wait for him but I am afraid.
I understand that I had to break his heart.
Can he forget that? Will he come someday?
I do not know.
Tell him that I wait for him. He can come.
Tell him that I understand that he must suffer.
What madness to hope
and I cry out in my pain to call out for him.
La la la, la la la, lai lo, la la la, la la la, lai lo
Tell him that I wait for him.
La la la, la la la, lai lo, la la la, la la la, lai lo
Tell him that I wait for him.
La la la, la la la, lai lo, la la la, la la la, lai lo
Tell him that I wait for him.
La la la, la la la, lai lo, la la la, la la la, lai lo
Tell him that I wait for him.

A date every night

A date every night
as the sun sets
when together we can watch
the night awaken
and we'll say softly
all the words that we don't write to each other
A date every night
as the sun sets
I think of you often
I'm bored when I'm away from you
And when the spring comes
I am too alone without you
But my heart is full of hope
Because we meet every night
In a little corner of the sky
as the sun sets
Who knows when you'll come back to me
And who knows if we'll see each other again
Yet deep inside me
I know, I know, I know
Oh, nothing has changed
And from now on, you'll be next to me
Right next to me
A date every night
as the sun sets
when together we can watch
the night awaken
and we'll say softly
all the words that we don't write to each other
A date every night
as the sun sets
Who knows when you'll come back to me
And who knows if we'll see each other again
Yet deep inside me
I know, I know, I know
Oh, nothing has changed
And from now on, you'll be next to me
Right next to me
~ ~
A date every night
as the sun sets
Who knows when you'll come back to me
And who knows if we'll see each other again
Yet deep inside me
I know, I know, I know
Oh, nothing has changed
And from now on, you'll be next to me
Right next to me
A date every night
as the sun sets
when together we can watch
the night awaken
and we'll say softly to each other
all the words...

Arm in Arm

Happy as two sparrows on the same branch—
happy as lovers at a Sunday dance—
happy as two schoolboys on a day of vacation—
Every day that God makes, our joys begin anew
and when we are in love, our love smells good
like a sheet dried in winds of lavender—
tasty as fruit sampled in the winds of the harvest—
and as long as it lasts, that’s how long we will stroll
Your arm in my arm, on our bare arms—
your arm in my arm, cheek to cheek—
we could not ask for more.
Happy as two sparrows on the same branch—
happy as lovers at a Sunday dance—
happy as two schoolboys on a day of vacation—
Every day that God makes, our joys begin anew
and when we love each other, our love smells good
like a sheet dried in winds of lavender—
good as fruit crushed in the winds of the harvest.
When we reach one hundred years old, we will both feel like twenty
Your arm in my arm, aching all over—
your arm in my arm, cheek to cheek—
we could not ask for more.

Ciao, Ciao, My Love

Ciao, ciao, ciao, baby, ciao!
If you go away—if you leave me,
do not forget me—come back fast.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return.
I have sobs—in my chest.
I cry out loud—my soul hurts.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return.
But when we get affectionate—
affectionate like both of us—
no need to worry,
all is fixed by a kiss.
When you go away—when you leave me—
there in my arms—you come back fast.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return
Ciao, ciao, ciao, baby, ciao!
With fervor—I read your letters.
For my happiness—that is my well-being.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return.
I want my hand in your hand
and my heart close to yours.
When I sleep in your arms
nothing is worth more to me than that—ah—ah—
I will be there—on the high road
because you will come back—without any doubt.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return.
Ciao, ciao, ciao, my love—
I await your return.

All of the Love

(ya ya ya ya—ya ya ya ya—ya ya ya ya—ya ya ya ya)
All of the love I have for you
is burning like a fire.
It is grand and full of bursts—
it is so good to be happy.
My cries of joy—
I owe them to you
because everything for me
is only for you.
Even when you're not here,
I feel you present—
truly present.
All of the love I have for you
grows stronger
each and every day.
I believe that it will last
for as long as we live—
What an obsession—
what passion.
I speak your name
very low, very low
At the slightest sound of your footsteps,
my heart beats—
my heart pounds.
I want to shout
to the whole world
that there is nothing that can
break us apart.
All of the love I have for you—
it really is
all for me.

From the Moment We Fell in Love

You have only one treasure—that you are just twenty.
You live only on dreams and what is trendy.
I lead with you a bohemian life
and we do not even have a penny between us.
That has not mattered from the moment we fell in love—
it seems to be obligatory to fall in love fast.
Thanks to your kisses, I forgot all about holding back.
You—you did the same, from the moment we fell in love.
In our sixth floor attic, high above the ground,
we live meagerly like two sparrows—
and when the winter suddenly lets loose,
if the cold bothers us, we hardly complain at all.
That has not mattered from the moment we fell in love—
if there is ice on the window panes—
snuggled in your arms, my arms wrapped around you—
you come back to me no matter what, from the moment we fell in love.
In order to impress me, you pretend to be a jack of all trades—
but you are hard-pressed to drive a nail.
Me, for my part, since anything exasperates you,
out of fear of doing wrong, I do nothing at all.
It does not matter if, among my New Year gifts,
you can never give me jewels,
a bouquet of violets, or even some marjoram—
it pleases me no matter what, from the moment we fell in love.
We often pass for true bohemians—
what does that matter after all is said and done—
because life for us is no longer a problem
from the moment we fell in love—
from the moment we fell in love.


Now that your eyes dare
to view me as an insolent dream.
Now that love has its place
next to me—I love you more than before.
Forsaking all comedies
without shame, I tell you very simply that
if love is to fetter our lives
now—let it be now.
And tomorrow our reunited souls
will love one another a little more each day—
amazed by all that binds us
one to another in this first love
Discovering at last the great mystery
of all those who one day, like us,
have lived as one on this earth
until forever in order to create love.


Sorry for all of the hours
that toll in your house
simply for you to cry—
for you to cry out my name.
Sorry for so much youth—
for so many dreams—destroyed
for this tick-tock of sadness
that beats out day and night.
Sorry for all this pain—
these memories that chain you
to a past so rich in joy—
forgive me if you love me.
You see, I am afraid and I tremble
at never being able to give back
all of the love that my heart received
when we were together.
Sorry from the bottom of my heart
for every single teardrop
that trailed down your cheeks—
those tracks prove me guilty.
Sorry that I implore you
like the God we adore
and to whom we return on our knees—
sorry if you still love me—
sorry if you still love me—
forgive me if you love me.

Love Me

Love me, my love, love me.
Hear my prayer, you who mean everything to me.
Hold me gently in your arms.
Do not leave me alone—you do not have the right.
Without you I am nothing but a lonely child—
nothing but a lost child forgotten on this earth.
Love me, I need you so much.
My life is futile if you do not love me.
Do not let us waste time making promises to one another.
Kiss me, kiss me, and keep me safe close to you.
Love me, my love, love me.
It makes sense to be in love because we are made just for that.
Hold me, hold me in your arms.
I do not even want to know where you will lead me—
but there you will teach me how good it is to live
these moments of delirium where the heart is set free.
Love me, my love, love me—
and if you are nothing but a dream, do not awaken me.

Goodbye Sir, My Love

Goodbye sir, my love.
Goodbye sir, my love.
Goodbye sir, this is perhaps just a “see you later”—
out of our goodbye, another love could be reborn—
he who parts, abandoning the one he loves
by saying 'see you later,' knows perhaps it means goodbye .
Maybe until tomorrow, maybe until forever,
goodbye sir, my love.
Maybe until tomorrow, it is you that I loved—
goodbye sir, my love.
Here is my heart—pack it in your luggage.
It is a flower that I plucked from my corsage.
If by chance you keep it safe in your travels,
then this is only a “see you later”
even if I still tell you goodbye.
Maybe until tomorrow, maybe until forever,
goodbye sir, my love.

My Stranger, My Love

Who are you?
A stranger, my love—
you, the friend of a single day,
my love, who are you?
Who are you for having erased
from my past loves
all of my damaged dreams?
Who are you?
A stranger, my friend—
I think that you are forgetting me
but there is nothing to lose.
Do you know
that I count the days
to wait for you always,
my stranger, my love?
Before you, I did not exist.
Before you, nothing happened.
After you, nothing will exist.
After you, there will be nothing more.
Who are you?
A stranger, my love—
you, the friend of a single day,
my love, who are you?
Who are you for having erased
from my past loves
all of my damaged dreams?
Who are you?
A stranger, my friend—
I think you're forgetting me
but there is nothing to lose.
Do you know
that I count the days
to wait for you always,
my stranger, my love?

Rendez-vous at Le Lavandou

Tonight, the sea and the sky have had a rendez-vous
to create an unreal world at Le Lavandou.
And, on the golden beach, where the sand is very soft,
the sky sleeps on the sea cheek to cheek.
What matters to me such a beautiful night, bursting with a thousand lights—if I cannot see it in your eyes?
What matters to me if the wind whispers the sweetest words—
when my heart awaits them only from you?
Tonight, the sea and the sky have had a rendez-vous
to make an unreal world just for us.
The town lines the beach with a necklace of dreams—
its thousand diamonds and its soul reflect the image
of a cloudless sky sparkling with silver.
All those around me seem to be drunk on life—
but I alone am sad—however …
Tonight, the sea and the sky have had a rendez-vous
to make an unreal world just for us.
And on the wet sand with a final swirl—
shudder and die my obliterated dreams—my foolish dreams.

The Lost Melody

Melody of happier days—
you remained down there
under the roofs of an old suburb
where love is king.
The sound of a violin wafted out of the night
and into our little attic nest
to cradle us until the dawn
in a melody of love.
Melody of happier days—
you are so, so far away—
the only friend of a fugitive dream
in a lost paradise.
You are no longer—no longer anything
other than an old familiar refrain
that is bored and dragged into the street—
I hear you no more.
You have disappeared—
you, the lost melody.

You Can Do Anything to Me

You can do anything to me because it is you that I love.
Make fun of my joys and laugh at my sorrows—
play with my heart as you wish—
and destroy my happiness whenever you want.
When you are in my arms, I am already lost—
and to have a single word from you, nothing else matters.
You hold in your hands my entire existence.
You can do anything to me but do not take advantage of me.
You can do anything to me whenever it pleases you—
but you frighten me sometimes when I see you smile.
I read your thoughts better than you imagine,
and in them I often see things that you would not expect.
If I am a prisoner of the love that binds me—
you, who believe that you are in control—you also are bound.
Love does not forget that, and it is very close to hate.
You can do anything to me—but watch out for yourself.

When We Only Have Love

When we only have love to share with each other
on the grand journey that is our great love.
When we only have love, my love, you and I,
to erupt in joy every hour and every day.
When we only have love to live out our promises
without any other reward than to believe in them forever.
When we only have the love to bring about marvels,
and to cover with sunlight the ugliness of suburbs.
When we only have love for a single reason,
for a single song, and for a single offer of help.
When we only have love each morning to dress
the poor and unfortunate in velvet coats.
When we only have love to offer a prayer
for the evils of the earth in a simple troubadour song.
When we only have love to offer to those
whose only struggle is to search for the day.
When we only have love to chart a path
and force destiny at each crossroad
When we only have the love to object to weapons
and nothing but a song to command a drum.
Then, without having anything other than the power of love,
we will have in our hands—my love, the entire world.

It Would Be Too Bad

(Hurry up—hurry up)
It would be too bad—yes, really a shame
to stay indoors when springtime first shows.
It would be too bad to be so sensible
when the scented wind celebrates the joy of love.
A long time ago, a great poet said
pick the roses of life right away.
If you wait, too bad for you—
one day you will regret it.
It would be too bad—yes, really a shame
to let life go by without trying to make the most of it.
And if your heart suddenly fills with joy
or if tears at times cloud your eyes—
above all—above all else, consider yourself lucky.
It is love awakening in you.
It would be too bad—yes, really a shame
not to take advantage of the little time given to you.
Get out of your cage and begin to love.
(Hurry up—hurry up)
(Hurry up—hurry up)
(Hurry up—hurry up)

The Joy of Loving

The joy of loving is to be a couple on this earth.
It is to watch the years go by—
slowly like the water of a river—
slowly like the hour hand on a steeple clock.
The joy of loving is to be a couple pleasing each other.
It is discovering the warmth of a kiss—
always the same, always the same—
always, always, without ever tiring of it.
It is to travel together towards a single future.
It is to grow old together amidst the same memories.
It is the joy of offering the best of oneself
in a love that blossoms day and night.
It is to keep safe in your heart—in your veins—
an entire lifetime, an entire lifetime.
It is to keep safe in your heart—in your veins—
an entire lifetime, an entire lifetime, an entire lifetime.

That’s Amore

That’s amore—a stranger just passed by
and the earth stops turning just so that we can meet.
That’s amore—a trifle that transports you to heaven—
a glance, a thrill, or a kiss that changes the rain into sunshine.
You would like to sing a bohemian song—
pour vous, only you, solo per te.
That’s amore—cry for joy when he is there,
and think about dying when he leaves—since all time, love is like that.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
And think about dying when he leaves—since all time, love is like that.
That's amore—wanting to die in order to forget
and to no longer think about him for two days—
after that, to start all over again.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
That's amore
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

You Were Destined for Me

Versions: #2
You were destined for me
from the start of time.
Your life was given to me
with love.
In finding you, my heart
recognized its joy.
The road to happiness
came through you.
Your body is made for mine—
your arms to hold me—
your mouth to kiss me
your hand to hold mine.
What matter the years
since I have my love.
You were destined for me
since the start of time.
You were destined for me
from the start of time.
The road to happiness
went through you.

Melody for My Love

Play, you who are a musician—
play only this one refrain.
Play it until the early morning
Play what pleases me.
Because do you see that this is the
melody for a love
that did not last forever
but that left nonetheless,
such a long time ago,
all its freshness
in the depths of my heart?
Because we were just two children
who loved each other very dearly
but who discovered life
like a new fruit
and still believed
in an island of treasures.
Play, you who are a musician—
play only this one refrain.
Play it until the early morning
Play what pleases me.
Because do you see that this is the
melody for two children
who did not understand at the time
that their love song
would remain with them until the end of time?
The melody of a great love—
play —

To Love You Madly

All around us, people are jealous.
They reproach me particularly for being enamored enough
to love you madly, my love, to love you madly night and day.
That is not nice but it does not bother me a bit.
I ignore what they say because I find it natural
to love you madly, my love, to love you madly night and day.
I think constantly that something might happen to me,
but my heart cannot change—it will always be truly content
to love you madly, my love, to love you madly night and day.
One day if you want, we can both of us leave—
to part while making fun of those who were angry to see us
madly in love with one another, my love, madly in love night and day.
Oh, how sweet life is when one is in love.
A trifle makes me happy, the sky is blue, and everything urges me
to love you madly, my love, to love you madly night and day.
But when you are absent, I still think of you
because I know you will return and there is no one in the world to stop me
from loving you madly, my love, from loving you madly night and day—
from loving you madly, my love, from loving you madly night and day.

As On Our First Day

As on our first day—and always, and always—
I recall the time, the lovely time
when under the cherry tree, with a stern heart, you spoke to me of love.
As on our first day—always, and always—
I see again the morning where fate laid down my path
in the palm of your hand—my most beautiful tomorrows.
My future, my ray of light—
it is you when you awake who sings my most beautiful song.
As on our first day—always, and always—
springtime blooms with your smile
and imparts to me the joy of feeling you as much as on our first day.
As on our first day—always, and always—
the two of us will be happy, happy—
on the same path to harvest tomorrows without end.
My future, my ray of light—
it is you when you awake who sings my most beautiful song.
As on our first day—always, and always—
bound together now until forever, our love will grow
ansd ww will be forever stronger than on our first day.

I Will Reach Out for You

As long as your heart beats for me,
as long as a breath of love remains in you
that I will find in the depths of you—
I will reach out for you.
As long as your eyes are filled with joy,
as long as your dreams are only of me—
that you think only of me—
I will reach out for you.
For a love without a tomorrow,
do not treat me as a mere pleasure.
You cannot change your destiny—
it is written into the future.
As long as my heart beats for you,
as long as a breath of life remains in me—
in order to hold you close to me—
I will reach out for you.
Drunk on your love, bewitched by you—
I will give more than my life for you —
more than my life to protect
this great love that makes us one.
As long as you create mornings
that, for me, will lead to days filled with sun—
that you will be able to be amazed
at your happiness that is my happiness.
Every day that God makes—
for as long as I will live—
with both my arms, I will reach out—
I will reach out for you.

Full House New Year's Song

New year, new-new year
New year, new-new year
New year, new-new year
New year...yeah
It's new year, so open your doors
It's bright until dusk
It's new year, lots of speeches
And all the homes are already a full house
New year is around the corner
And our pockets are jingling
The new year has come, will come
Our nation is blabbering like Fellow
The new year is so happy
Ten days of eating and drinking
This new year is the year of the goat
Hopefully by the end of the year we don't become a goat
It's new year, so open your doors
It's bright until dusk
It's new year, lots of speeches
And all the homes are already a full house
It's new year, the tables are big
It's great but hush
It's new year, there's so many presents
But all the homes are already a full house
Full house
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

What's Been Lost of My Lifetime

What's been lost of my lifetime for you, I must relive it after you
My soul was between your hands, and on your hands it returned to me in your remoteness
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
I haven't lost you, you're the one whose injustice got him to lose
You got yourself to lose a heart that loved you
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
Why would I regret your absence/remoteness, you, whatever God wishes for you, your injustice did not hesitate
It was a must that all of this would happen, no one in this world learns for free1
Remoteness of the unjust is mercy, & truely love would be blind,2if we didn't learn
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
I haven't lost you, you're the one whose injustice got him to lose... a heart that loved you
What's been lost of my lifetime for you, I must relive it after you
  • 1. from their mistakes.
  • 2. 'Love is blind' an Arabic proverb.

Incompatibility of Temperament

The radio was broadcasting the Flamengo's game,
And I wanted to hear it,
But she arrived
And then changed the station.
She started to sing.
There's more:
I'd got foreign body in my eye,
And instead of
She blowing that from it,
She remorselessly
Told me
That I should become blind.
When I moved
An inch, just an inch,
At the bar for a short period of time,
It was enough for her,
During ten nights in a row,
Make me hungry by not making food for me,
My underpants
To a sorcerer so he could pull trick on them,
Separate the coffee powder from water,
By using my pants
To dominate me.
When I'm
Oweing money
And someone comes to get it from me,
My damn wife opens the door
And even ask'em to enter and sit down,
If I change jobs
So we can have better financial conditions,
She invites her mother
To live there with us.
If I ask for beans,
She salts them too much.
When it's hot,
She puts on her coat
To bother me.
Also, yesterday
In her dream,
She asked me to bet on donkey,
And because of cabeça,
My respective rewards were multiplied by hundred and thousand.
I want to divorce her.

Warm tears

I open my eyes and it's still the same
The pain isn't gone
A lost thought in my empty chest cus you are not here, my life
And I search where has your love gone
That left me in the oblivion
A lit feeling in my soul aching for seeing you go, honey
I can't forget you, my life, for a moment
I confess...
That today my life hurts, and it hurts like missing air to breath
That remembering you is a rainy day flooded with warm tears
That if this weep comforts this sorrow I endlessly carry
Maybe I think it can be done, I wish I could someday...
Forget you
Night falls down and it's still the same
And your spot is cold
The memories lost, wet in oblivion because you are not here
I look for your hand in my sheets that hold the captive hope
Of you coming back to my side to fly away forever
I can't forget you, my life, for a moment
I confess...
That today my life hurts, and it hurts like missing air to breath
That remembering you is a rainy day flooded with warm tears
That if this weep comforts this sorrow I endlessly carry
Maybe I think it can be done, I wish I could someday...
Forget you
That today my life hurts, and it hurts like missing air to breath
That remembering you is a rainy day flooded with warm tears
That if this weep comforts this sorrow I endlessly carry
Maybe I think it can be done, I wish I could forget you someday... ay ay ay ay
That today my life hurts and it hurts... like missing air ay ay ay ay
That remembering you is a rainy day... and it floods with tears
That if this tears I cry will comfort... this sorrow I feel...

Când viorile se opresc

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
Luminile serii
Valsează cântecul despărţirii
De un soare derizoriu
Care se stinge cum poate
Ploaia îşi reţine încă
Dorinţa sa de a plânge
Seamănă cu decorul
Unei melodii din trecut
Nu vreau să mă mai gândesc
Vreau să-mi ordonez iluziile
Trebuie să râzi, trebuie să cânţi
Când viorile se opresc
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
Tu spuneai că vom avea
Toată eternitatea
Tu spuneai, tu spuneai
Şi apoi m-ai părăsit
Mă las să alunec
Uşor în marele vârtej
Trebuie să râzi, trebuie să dansezi
Când viorile se opresc
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
Eu voi dansa
Şi voi face stelele să se rotească
Lampione acestui carnaval
Unde inima mea se va scufunda
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la