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To Die for You
Ah, to die for you.
At the moment when your hand brushes by me—
to leave my life in your arms,
cradled by the sound of your voice.
Ah, to die from love.
To offer to you my final moment,
and leave this world without any regrets,
taking along my most beautiful day.
In order to keep our happiness
as it is now—
as a way to avoid unhappiness
with you—
and the terrible certitude
of solitude.
Ah, to die for you,
to take the best of ourselves
within the breath of your “I love you”
and fall asleep with my joy.
Talk to me, console me—
I fear that the day about to dawn
may be the last one perhaps
that our happiness will know.
Hold me, pacify me
when I fear for the worst.
Say nothing when you hear me say
that in the end to die is to die.
Ah, to die for you,
at the moment when your hand brushes by me—
to leave my life in your arms,
cradled by the sound of your voice.
Ah, to die from love.
To offer to you my final moment,
and leave this world without any regrets,
taking along my most beautiful day.
In order to keep our happiness
as it is now—
as a way to avoid unhappiness
with you—
and the terrible certitude
of solitude.
Ah, to die for you,
to take the best of ourselves
within the breath of your “I love you”
and fall asleep with my joy.
To die for you.
They Left
They left—they will always leave—always.
Over there—over there—some will die every day
because it is towards glory or death
that they left, walking in step.
Among them, my love walked at the same pace.
They are so young—they are so beautiful.
can my heart recognize my lover?
My heart, I will forgive you
if, to all of this, you surrender
by beating to the rhythm of their steps.
He left—he will come back one day—someday.
But his gaze in the end will be heavier—heavier.
I know—I saw my father come back
and,while he often spoke about his brothers-in-arms,
no, never—never did he talk about the war.
They left—they will always leave—always.
Over there—over there—some will die every day.
I know how they do not like war
but, to see them walking in step,
makes you believe that men are made for that.
Our Baby Daughter
Our baby daughter has already begun to talk.
She is only a few feet tall
and walks around the house in a pink dress
with a bow in her hair.
But time also passes quickly for her,
and so it will seem like tomorrow when
the someone of her dreams
takes her away,
and we will be here alone, you and me.
Our baby daughter will go away
to discover a new world
with him,
and the two of us will stay here
in this now-empty house,
without her.
Our baby daughter will go away
to discover a new world
with him,
and the two of us will stay here
in this now-empty house,
without her.
I remember the two of us,
our first kiss and nothing more.
The swallows in the sky sped by—
together with my sweet dreams.
But time also passes quickly for her,
and so it will seem like tomorrow when
the someone of her dreams
takes her away,
and we will be here alone, you and me.
Our baby daughter will go away
to discover a new world
with him,
and the two of us will stay here
in this now-empty house,
without her.
(repeat last verse until fade)
She, She
She, she sings a prayer.
She, she who gives back hope.
She, she who consumes herself.
She, she comes back or will die.
She, she every springtime.
She, she is as beautiful as ever.
She, she alone falls into despair.
She, she waits only for you
I know that the other woman is very pretty,
and that, for her, you forget your family.
I don't want to judge you but
go back home if you can.
And it seems as if your love binds you,
and renounces the hand of the one who loves you.
The destiny of those who have been with you,
you cannot forget.
She, she one day in September—
she, she clouded your room.
She, she cannot remain without.
She, she comes back or will die.
She, she sings a prayer.
She, she who gives back hope.
She, she who consumes herself.
She, she comes back or will die.
The youngest has already returned to school.
It is enjoyable when you read something.
If he pretends to smoke, however,
it recalls you a bit.
She, she comes back to my father.
She, she I wait as well.
She, she in our home.
She, she misses only, only, only, only, only you.
She, she says nothing to me.
She, she is happier today.
She, she is together with you today.
She, she is together with you today.
She, she comes back to my father.
She, she I wait as well.
She, she in our home.
She, she misses only you.
In the prisons of Nantes
In the prisons of Nantes
Tom di li li lon
In the prisons of Nantes
There was a prisoner
There was a prisoner
No one came to see him
Tom di li li lon
No one came to see him
Except the jailer's daughter
Except the jailer's daughter
One day he asked her
Tom di li li lon
One day he asked her
What do people say about me?
What do people say about me?
In town people say
Tom di li li lon
In town people say
That you'll be hung
That you'll be hung
If they must hang me
Tom di li li lon
If they must hang me
At least untie my feet
At least untie my feet
The girl was young
Tom di li li lon
The girl was young
She untied his feet
She untied his feet
Her suitor was quick
Tom di li li lon
Her suitor was quick
He jumped in the Loire
He jumped in the Loire
Once he was on the other bank
Tom di li li lon
Once he was on the other bank
He started to sing
He started to sing
'I sing for the beauties
Tom di li li lon
I sing for the beauties
Especially the jailer's daughter
Especially the jailer's daughter
If I ever come back to Nantes
Tom di li li lon
If I ever come back to Nantes
Yes, I'll marry her
Yes, I'll marry her'
In the prisons of Nantes
Tom di li li lon
In the prisons of Nantes
There was a prisoner
There was a prisoner
The Keys of Love
Pink, blue, red, black—life.
Life is a very long—very long corridor
filled with doors that you need—that you need to know
how to open, how to close according—according to the day.
The keys are those—those of love.
And upon opening the door—the door of time,
love is lying there—lying inside.
So I looked for the particular path
that opens onto the days—the days without end.
The keys are those—those of love.
Never—never could I forget
the blue door where our love began.
If you want it—
nothing but the two of us—
we will take together
the hidden path
with doors to the secret
of our hope.
The keys are those—those of love.
At the end of this very long—very long corridor
is the door—the door of hope.
Each of us can—can find it.
It is enough to look—look hard for it
The keys are those—those of love.
Never—never could I forget
the blue door where our love began.
If you want—
nothing but the two of us—
we will take together
the hidden path
with doors to the secret
of our hope.
La, la, la ...
If you want—
nothing but the two of us—
we will take together
the hidden path
with doors to the secret
of our hope.
The keys are those—those of love.
The keys are those—those of love.
Gigi, the lover
Versions: #2
I'm going to tell you,
before leaving you,
the story of a little village near Napoli.
We were four friends
at the party every Saturday,
playing and singing all night long.
Giorgio with the guitar,
Sandro with the mandolin,
And I danced while playing the tambourine.
But everyone who came,
it was to listen
to the one who made every heart beat faster.
And when he arrived,
The crowd shouted:
Refrain :
Here comes Gigi l'Amoroso!,
Master of love,
with a velvet eye
like a caress,
Gigi l'Amoroso,
Always a winner,
sometimes a bit heartless,
but never without a tender touch.
Everywhere, it was a feast when he sang
Zazà, Luna Caprese, « 'O sole mio ».
Gigi Giuseppe, but everyone called him Gigi l'Amour and women were crazy about him, all of them! The wife of the baker, who closed her shop every Tuesday to go...The wife of the notary who was a real saint, et who had never cheated on her husband beforehand. And the colonel's widow! The colonel's widow no longer in mourning because he didn't like black. All of them, I say, even myself, but I...Gigi liked his freedom so much, until the day when...
A rich American woman,
with big promises of 'I love you'
proposed to him to travel to Hollywood.
'You'll be the most handsome
of all the Carusos'
she said to him until she was out of breath.
There we were at the train station,
with all our tissues,
with heavy hearts, moved by this great departure.
Even though we were proud
that he'd go beyond our borders :
Gigi was leaving to conquer America!
And when he arrived,
Everyone from the village was there.
Here comes Gigi l'Amoroso!,
Master of love,
with a velvet eye
like a caress,
Gigi l'Amoroso,
Always a winner,
sometimes a bit heartless,
but never without a tender touch.
And there, in front of the crowd, he sang:
Zazà, Luna Caprese, 'O sole mio .
Gigi... when the train disappeared, we all went back home. And the next day, the village wasn't the same. The baker's wife refused to turn on her oven, the notary's wife, out of despair, took multiple lovers, and the colonel's wife closed her shutters and went into mourning for the second time. Yes, the village had really changed. And me...
The years went by,
five winters, five summers.
No news was good news, they said.
You had to have guts,
and courage and time,
just to get on and continue without him.
And despite his absence
at night, in the silence,
forgetting all our outfits and our instruments,
one heard
like a falling tear, a sigh, coming
from the back of the room, this melody :
Master of love,
velvet eye
like a caress...
Gigi...? Is that you over there in the dark? Wait! let me see you! But you're crying, you're crying, Gigi! It didn't work out over there, huh? And so what, so what do they understand, the Americans, besides rock music and the twist? But Gigi, what did you think? To become just like that Gigi the American? Well no, you are Giuseppe Fabrizio Luca Santini and you are Napolitano!
Listen... Giorgio is back with the guitar. Wait, Sandro is here too! But, But you can't just leave like that! Here you're at home! Here you're the king!
Do you hear that? Do you hear them, Gigi? They're all there! they should have recognised you at the station! Sing Gigi, sing, it's your fans! Sing for them, sing for me who never knew how to talk to you. Yes, go ahead, bravo Gigi, sing! Bravo, Gigi!
Carmella, Carmella! Did you know Gigi is back from America?
Cesarina, Cesarina, Come quickly! Gigi came back from Hollywood!
But, he's back, I tell you! Don't you come down!
Little boy, little boy, run and tell uncle Gennaro that Gigi has come back from America!
Here comes Gigi l'Amoroso,
Master of love,
with a velvet eye
like a caress,
Gigi l'Amoroso,
Always a winner,
sometimes a bit heartless,
but never without a tender touch.
Everywhere, it was a feast when he sang
Zazà, Luna Caprese, 'O sole mio .
The Sun Dies
The sun dies
on the longest day—
the first day
away from you.
You left only a few hours ago,
but it feels like a hundred years—a hundred years to me.
Night will come and it will bring me
a void such as I have never felt.
And the sun dies
on the longest day—
and I already wonder if you will return.
La, la, la ...
People say that now
you never will return
and that I can do nothing but pray.
Listen to me, love,
wherever you are.
You know, I live only for you.
The sun dies
behind the mountains
but this love
will never end
Kalimba of the Moon
Caribou skin—
I dance and I'm hot
like a guerrilla
in the eyes of a brazier.
Kalimba of the moon—
bewitch me.
Snap your fingers
on pieces of wood.
Hey, oh, hoo, ah
Andanuevà sientele intalos.
Hey, oh, hoo, ah
Andanuevà sientele intalos.
Kalimba of the moon—
Kalimba of the moon—
Kalimba of the sun—
tears through the night.
The madness of the rainbow.
It is bewitched love.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Oh mama oh
Hey, oh, hoo, ah
Andanuevà sientele intalos
Kalimba of the moon—
Kalimba of the moon—
Kalimba of the moon—
Ah, hey hey
Hey, oh, hoo, ah
Andanuevà sientele intalos
Kalimba of the moon—
Kalimba of the moon—
Kalimba of the moon—
The Cha-Cha-Cha
La la la la—La la la la—La la la la.
This is the cha-cha-cha
Time goes by—
everything passes.
It is always there:
the cha-cha-cha.
Every dance
has its opportunity—
but for love,
it is the cha-cha-cha.
You see from week to week,
and over the course of many months,
a steady stream of rhythms and refrains—
but nothing beats the twist and the cha-cha.
Time goes by—
everything passes.
It is always there:
the cha-cha-cha.
La la la la—La la la la.
but for love,
it is the cha-cha-cha.
Because I know what you think
when you are near me.
You forget every other dance
because nothing beats the twist and the cha-cha.
Time goes by—
everything passes.
It is always there:
the cha-cha-cha.
La la la la—La la la la—La la la la.
This is the cha-cha-cha.
La la la la—La la la la—La la la la...
Darla Dirladadà
Darla dirladadà—
I sowed wheat in the wind.
I put my heart into a convent.
Darla dirladadà—
I laughed and sometimes cried
I do not know if the world is worth much.
I am happy when I sing.
Oh dirladà, a mountain.
I sit on it and, all that I see,
I say belongs to me and then I believe it.
Redirlada dirladadà—
It takes little, in the end,
to become king of the world.
I will dance dirladadà.
Dirladadà, the world dances—
the mad dance of life.
Lift the world with two fingers
and a hundred thousand hearts in celebration.
The world sang more than now
of the same empty, sad life
that made dirladadà.
And dirladà was a boy.
He said things never heard.
He gave me things he had never had,
and only tears remained.
My man understood them
and he treated my wounds.
Dirladadà dirladadà—
And dirladà, the world dances—
the mad dance of life.
Lift the world with two fingers.
Dirladadà dirladadà—
a song to sing—
and sometimes to forget.
Oh dirladà, the world sings.
Dirladadà, people dance.
Life is a dirladadà.
But life, it is known,
should be taken as a whole.
And this is the moral here.
Re dirlada dirladadà
Oh dadadà dirladadà
My Love For You
My love for you
is here in my eyes,
is here and if you want it,
just look at me and you will have it.
Take my lips—
they are yours if you want them,
but, if you have them,
you will never leave them.
My love for you
is in my arms,
and, you, if you want it,
embrace me and you will have it.
Take my heart—
take anything you want—
but if you will have me,
never leave me.
No, never leave me
because I would die.
I know that sounds absurd
but I would really do it.
My love for you
is here in my eyes,
is here and if you want it,
just look at me and you will have it.
Never Regret It
Never regret it—
any of your fifteen years.
Time passes and never returns.
Oh—never regret it—
kisses you give me.
Your sweetness
will not be lost.
Never regret it—
if you cry for me.
Perhaps one day you will smile.
You will smile thinking of your youth—
but for now you are close to me.
Do not tremble—trust in me.
~ ~
Never regret it—
if you cry for me.
Perhaps one day you will smile.
You will smile thinking of your youth—
but for now you are close to me.
Do not tremble—
trust in me.
Do not tremble—
trust in me—
in me.
Don't Worry About It
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
take me in your arms and kiss me.
Money flies—it flies fast—
You never have enough,
When the end of the month comes,
you are completely broke.
Yet you know that I love you
and I do not want to leave you
if you offer me a white coffee
instead of a good lunch.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out and kiss me.
La, la, la ...
You dream of a car
with 180 horsepower
to take me at full speed
to Cannes or Monaco.
Yet you know that I love you
so what does it matter
if we're only going to Suresnes—
the two of us on your motor scooter?
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out and kiss me.
La, la, la ...
In terms of the future, you worry yourself—
but you are worrying for no reason
because the beginning of your retirement
is not coming tomorrow.
And then you know that I love you—
that I will love you forever.
In life, all problems
are erased by love.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
take me in your arms and kiss me.
La, la, la ...
Do Not Read That Letter
La la la la la ...
I waited for you until midnight.
But hell, what could you be doing?
At midnight, furious, I wrote to you
at a moment of great anger.
Absolutely do not read that letter.
Absolutely, absolutely do not read
all that I put down in there.
No, I was not thinking.
My letter posted immediately.
I saw the error of my deed.
Words fade away with time.
On the other hand, written words last.
Absolutely do not read that letter.
Absolutely, absolutely do not read
all that I put down in there.
No, I was not thinking.
= = =
Absolutely do not read that letter.
Absolutely, absolutely do not read
all that I put down in there.
No, I was not thinking.
You might figure out by reading it
that I at last love you
even more impossibly than before—
if you read it anyway.
Absolutely do not read that letter
in order to prevent me from crying.
You have to—you have to promise me
that you're going to tear it up.
So, as to this adventure,
we will talk about it with a laugh.
And everything, and everything I swear to you
will return to what it was.
So, as to this adventure,
we will talk about it with a laugh.
And everything, and everything I swear to you
will return to what it was.
La la la la la ...
I Cannot Complain
No—the truth!
No, no—I cannot complain.
Neither about the good that came my way,
nor about the evil that befell me.
No—the truth!
No, no—I cannot complain.
I already paid for, renounced, and forgot
everything from the past.
I have lived memories
that made me dream—
that perhaps I confused—
with happiness—
the loves of yesterday
that fortune brought to me
with false pleasure.
All this please!
No—the truth!
No, no—I cannot complain.
Neither about the good that came my way,
nor about the evil that befell me.
No—the truth!
No, no—I cannot complain.
I found you—I have faith—
and for you today, I begin to live.
Tonight, upon seeing you, our past
suddenly awoke.
Remember that it was long ago.
I forgot that I remember.
In front of the old cafe,
you were drawing as I approached.
Remember it was long ago.
You told me I was waiting for you—
so I followed you
without speaking.
I rediscovered your nights, and...
Tonight, in your gaze, I realize
that it is never too late.
it was long ago.
I forgot that I remember.
Your voice—
finally you are here—
did not change.
I am happy, you know.
I have the impression—
that you did not leave.
It is as beautiful as the year before.
She tells me
I forgot that I remember.
Tonight, in your eyes, our past
suddenly awoke.
Remember, remember.
I forgot that I remember.
Let Us Think Each Evening
Let us think each evening of the sunset.
It will be a rendezvous to keep us united.
You left and—of you,
only one promise remains for me:
let us think each evening of the sunset.
I miss your voice—I miss your kisses—
I miss small and big things that tied me to you.
But it is nice to know that we
meet together in the sky each night
near the horizon, where the sun sets.
Who knows when you might return?
And, who knows, if you might find me again?
I only know that now I—I count the days
you will be here with me—oh, here with me!
Who knows, when you might return?
And, who knows, if you might find me again?
I only know that now I—I count the days
you will be here with me—oh, here with me!
Let us think each evening of the sunset.
It will be a rendezvous to keep us united...
A Big Scandal
Whoa, dad! What will you tell people in town?
Whoa, dad! What a scandal if the mom knows!
In Trinidad lived a family—
in Trinidad—whoa whoa—what a family!
A mom and a dad with a boy of legal age
who loved the prettiest girl in town—
but the dad told him no!
'She is your sister and so cannot marry you.
Keep it to yourself—never tell anyone—
because if your mom finds out, I will be in big trouble.'
Whoa, dad! What will people in town say?
Whoa, dad! What a scandal if the mom knows!
The son cried seven long days—
the winter meanwhile passed in that way—
until in summer, on the beach,
he met a girl and again went to his dad
to ask what he thought—
but the dad told him no!
'She is your sister and so cannot marry you.
Keep it to yourself—never tell anyone—
because if your mom finds out, I will be in big trouble.'
Whoa, dad! What will people in town say?
Whoa, dad! What a scandal if the mom knows!
For seven times, the dad said no in this way—
and then the boy went to his mom.
Mom said, 'you know he is not your dad—
but do not say anything to dad because he does not know.'
Whoa, mom! What will people in town say?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, mom! What a scandal if my father knows!
Whoa, mom! Who will people in town say?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, mom! What a scandal if my father knows!...
One for You, One for Me
It is night and how many kisses of love?
One for you, one for me until the dawn comes.
It is night and how many hugs still to come?
One for you, one for me until it seems like a dream but it is real.
In the sky how many stars of gold?
One for you, one for me until the dawn comes.
The moon inflames our hearts—
half of you, half of me—it seems like a dream but it is real.
I love you
oh so very, very much.
Very sweet is the enchantment when we are heart-to-heart.
I love you—
do not of ask me when will end the enchantment
of this, our love.
It is night and how many kisses of love?
One for you, one for me until the dawn comes.
It is night and how many hugs still to come?
One for you, one for me until it seems like a dream but it is real.
In the sky how many stars of gold?
One for you, one for me until the dawn comes.
The moon inflames our hearts—
half of you, half of me—it seems like a dream but it is real.
I love you
oh so very, very much.
Very sweet is the enchantment when we are heart-to-heart.
I love you—
do not of ask me when will end the enchantment
of this, our love.
La, la, la, la ...
Go To Her
One less love
and one more—
who cries, who cries?
One less love—
a few more days—
who dies, who dies?
All of this you do not know it—
you will never understand it.
Go, go, go to her.
Go, go, she will be
one more love
One less love
and one more—
who cries, who cries?
Now that you are leaving,
I cannot tell you that goodbye.
Go, go, go to her.
Go, go, she will be
one more love.
~ ~
All of this you do not know it—
you will never understand it.
Go, go, go to her—
go, go to her—
go, go to her...
I Believe in Love
Love, you recall
our first date
together on the Thames, laughing for hours—
and, like old friends, parting in a moment—
and how our love saw Paris—
and then, in Milan and Rome, those dinners in cafes.
For those who love Italy, the country is poetry—
to end evenings by watching a movie together
and to give yet one more kiss with our parting word.
You know I had closed
this heart forever.
Love, you arrive,
and I believe in love.
Waking up in the morning to find you next to me—
to not be alone while drinking my coffee—
to understand the meaning of fear and nostalgia
as soon you have to go off to work.
These are things I haven't thought about for a long time.
The zest for life—you gave it back to me.
Ever since I met you and looked into your eyes,
I no longer can say 'I'—and I say only 'us.'
You know I had closed
this heart forever.
Love, you arrive,
and I believe in love.
Love, you remember the first date.
It seems to me like yesterday but yet it was so long ago.
Of the time I have left, I would give it
to be sure that you will never leave me.
Paris or London, I care no more.
I am your shadow—the world is me and you.
If we have a child one day, he will resemble both of us—
and the way I love you, he will certainly love you as well.
You know I had closed
this heart forever.
Love, you arrive,
and I believe in love.
This Land of Ours
This land of ours has no borders
other than a dancing sky and the immense plain.
Yes, this land of ours has no borders—
love is there for you and me.
Where do you come from?
To where will you return?
If you stop, my door is open.
The dancing fire sings out hope.
Love is there for you and me.
All together...
This land of ours has no borders
other than a dancing sky and the immense plain.
Yes, this land of ours has no borders—
love is there for you and me.
The sky adorns the mountain tops
with the long mirage of its clouds,
and me—I sing—and you—you sing
love is here for you and me.
This land of ours has no borders
other than a dancing sky and the immense plain.
Yes, this land of ours has no borders—
love is there for you and me.
The howling wind has in its retinue
a thousand legends out there on the plains.
But the most beautiful one is that I love you—
love is there for you and me.
All together...
This land of ours has no borders
other than a dancing sky and the immense plain.
Yes, this land of ours has no borders—
love is there for you and me—
love is there for me—
love is there for you and me.
Down there—down there—
on the far horizon stretches out Cordova—
surrounded by gardens,
covered with birds, night-flowering jasmine,
and jets of water.
And I am there
in order to prove to you that, to my first loves,
I always return.
You—I am sure that you wait for me—
you cannot forget our twenty years.
Down there,
we will climb the well-worn streets following in the footsteps
of lovers who fell in love at Cordova.
Down there,
under the weight of the sun, Cordova goes to sleep—
so many strange scents of leather and honey,
pepper and flowers,
meanwhile in the sky ...
the day fades
and how, in the blue shadows,
voices call out,
searching for other hearts.
You—we meet here again all three:
you, our love, and Cordova.
Very quietly—
to cradle me tonight
in your folded arms—
the guitars of Cordova will sing.
Down there, down there, down there ...
Love, Forgive Me
Love, forgive me
if I am crying,
love, forgive me—
I understood that leaving you will be painful.
Love, kiss me.
I say goodbye to you,
my life, kiss me.
Keep thinking about me because it is true that I love you.
I remember that afternoon when I playfully kissed you.
If it seemed like a fling, I confess that I was wrong.
We kissed in silence
and I could pretend no more—
because I felt that, little by little, I had already fallen in love with you.
Love forgive me
if I am crying, love, forgive me—
I understood that leaving you will be painful.
Love, kiss me.
I say goodbye to you,
my life, kiss me.
Keep thinking about me because it is true that I love you.
I love you so—
I love you so.
Tony had a thorn in his heart
Tony was mad, mad for love
Tony has been already talking to himself for a while
Anny dreamt of being a diva
Tony was spending all his money on her
Anny was playing with his feelings
All his friends from the local bar
Were telling him: Tony, she is no longer yours
Forget about her, Anny isn't for your
But Tony cried, he wasn't listening
And he was losing every day at pool
Before that nobody could ever beat him
Love, love doesn't listen to reason
Sand gets in your eyes
Love, love turns into pain
If you love the one who will leave you
Tony would get up at five in the morning
Anny was waiting for her big chance
She left with a dream merchant
And when Tony saw them together
He listened his hands and not his reason
And how it ended I won't tell
This is a story, one out of many
A love story, a story of people
Who live in between dust and the stars
Always there
Love, love doesn't listen to reason
Sand gets in your eyes
Love, love turns into pain
If you love the one who will leave you (repeat)
Love, love doesn't listen to reason
Sand gets in your eyes
În orașul adormit
Totul se șterge în jurul meu
Când orașul adoarme
Eu trăiesc doar pentru tine
Când orașul adoarme
Toate zidurile astea
Strivite sub acoperișuri
Sunt un decor
Și străzile fără nume
Care ne plăceau
Viață nu mai au
În orașul adormit
În orașul adormit
Unde eu mai sunt trează
Tăcerea mă urmărește
Când orașul adoarme
Aș vrea să populez noaptea
Când orașul adoarme
Nu mai este decât
Umbra brațelor tale
Și a corpului tău
Ecoul vocii tale
Ce vibrează în mine
Întotdeauna mai tare
În orașul adormit
În orașul adormit
Unde eu mai sunt trează
~ ~
Iubirea ta nu este
Ce crezi tu
Este un decor
Dar va veni o zi
Când vei ști
Să mă iubești mai mult
În inima ta adormită
În inima ta care mă uită
Unde eu mai sunt trează
Unde eu mai sunt trează
Unde eu mai sunt trează
In the Streets of Bahia
Come to the streets of Bahia
and you will see how beautiful life is there.
Go on the golden sand, dreaming under the palm trees,
to the love that calls you.
See the white sailing ships passing on the ocean
on their way from the West Indies.
See in the orange sky, the sun hiding itself
in the eyes of the girls.
In the country of samba—in the land of lovers—
for the festival of tobacco, go dance into the blue night.
Come to the streets of Bahia
and you will see how beautiful life is there.
In the colorful crowd, you see the swirling
of lace petticoats.
To the rhythm of the tumba, chant the cries of joy—
love leads the dance.
And as the evening winds down, your heart beats fast
because the celebration is beginning.
In the country of samba—in the land of lovers—
for the festival of tobacco, go dance into the blue night.
Come to the streets of Bahia
and you will see how beautiful life is there.
Come with a girl on your arm and do not resist
the love that calls you.
In the land of samba—in the land of joyful people—
the sun will rise on two lovers—
on two lovers—
on two lovers.
She, Him, and the Other
Here we are—his ring is on my finger
and it will be there forevermore.
He loves me so much and yet before him
another was important in my life.
Here we are—my ring is on her finger
and I know that she does not love me.
But I love her and I want her to forget
that another has passed through her life.
Here they are—his ring is on her finger
and I know that she loves only me.
But today she has become nothing but a friend—
another has come into my life.
Oh, Lord—you who know what is in the past—
make it the past no longer.
And let the one who offers me happiness
tomorrow be the only one in my heart.
The only one—the only one in my heart.
To Fall Asleep As Usual
Ah, to fall asleep as usual and wake up the next day
under ten degrees of latitude with the sun everywhere.
In the shelter of a coconut tree, I will sleep on my back.
What use is working when it is so beautiful out?
All day long, it has been nice and warm.
To go swimming, I need only a necklace of flowers.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual and wake up the next day
under ten degrees of latitude with paradise for free.
A ukulele here, a small boat there—
and the singing of Bengali natives above all of that.
And why not all of the beautiful eyes that would fall on you—
how wonderful it must be to be in love down there.
But to fall asleep as usual … curled up in your arms …
happy as usual … it is still my greatest joy.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual.
Vieni Vieni Si
La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la laaaaaaaaaa
La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la laaaaaaaa
Quando viene la sera—
oh, vieni, vieni—
for you, for you, for you—I will be there!
Oh, vieni vieni qui, vieni vieni si, vieni vieni vieni si—
vieni if you love me as much as I love you or more than I love you.
Even if you love me much less than I love you,
vieni, vieni, vieni all the same—
I can when I want love for two—love for two.
Oh vieni vieni qui, vieni vieni si, vieni vieni here.
Vieni if you love me as much as I love you or more than I love you.
If you cannot live, live, live, live without me, without me, without me,
I will be there.
La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la laaaaaaaaaa
La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la laaaaaaaa
Even if you love me much less than I love you,
vieni, vieni, vieni all the same—
I can when I want love for two—love for two.
Vieni vieni qui, vieni vieni si, vieni vieni for life.
Vieni vieni qui, vieni vieni si for the entire life
Because I can not live oooooooh!
Live, live without you, without you, without you—live without you.
Tesoro Mio
If you come back to Napoli when the laurel blooms,
and the smell of Chianti fills the air—tesoro mio.
You will again see on the piazza all the friends who think of you,
who are waiting for you just like me—tesoro mio.
You can relive the blessed time when we danced into the night—
intertwined we went two by two to dream under the moon.
Guitars softly rocked us in the night sky
and my heart sang to you the most beautiful songs of Italy.
But one day you sailed off over the immense ocean to another country
and still, on these dancing waters, I see in them your arrival.
If you come back to Napoli when the laurel blooms,
and the smell of Chianti fills the air—tesoro mio.
In the streets, under banners, we will dance the farandole
swept away by the wild rounds—tesoro mio.
On boats, old fishermen will take our refrains to heart
and these songs will make eyes shine as if in an idyll.
If you come back to Napoli, with all my heart will I thank you—
and hand-in-hand we will go to a new destiny.
Tesoro mio, do not delay.
Tesoro mio, come back to me.