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Will Love You Always
Fear nothing, I will return because I will love you always.
Will love you always—you really are my only love.
Today, I am far away but I will return one day.
Will return one day because I am so good next to you.
Yes I know soon that on the ocean, I will go forward every day.
If times and people have changed day after day,
my heart is no longer heavy, I am sure of my feelings.
Fear nothing, I will return because I will love you always.
Will love you always—you really are my only love.
And nothing more, nothing ever starting with my return—
yes, with my return—will be able to break our bond.
Because you cry, I know, and for such a long time,
knowing that you alone wait for me.
Do not be afraid, I'll come back because I'll always love you.
You will always love me—in my life I have only one love.
Fear nothing, I will return because I will love you always.
Will love you always—you really are my only love.
Today, I am far away but I will return one day.
Will return one day because I am so good next to you.
Yes I know soon that on the ocean, I will go forward every day.
Fear nothing, I will return because I will love you always.
Will love you always—in my life, I have only one love.
I Could Never Forget You
Yes, I will wait for you my entire life.
You, my only love on this earth.
I could never, ever forget you
from the day when you broke my heart.
Despite the passage of time, for me nothing has changed.
I could never, ever forget you.
Deep down, all hope is not dead.
I believe always that you will have regrets.
I know very well that tonight I will wait,
and that tomorrow I will wait for you again.
Yes, I will wait for you my entire life.
You, my only love on this earth.
Deep down, all hope is not dead.
I believe always that you will have regrets.
I know very well that tonight I will wait,
and that tomorrow, I will wait for you again.
I could never, ever forget you.
My heart never wanted to renounce you.
I think that one day, everything can start over again.
I could never, ever forget you.
Oh, yes, I will wait for you my entire life.
You, my only love on this earth.
Yes, all my life I will wait only for you.
I Rest
Just as the veils of a star
now extinguish the springtime of morning.
Just as the canvas of a sail
is now only the wind that dies.
I rest from my sorrow.
My heart reposes on satin.
Like a mother who tries—
that the child, that the turn do not forget—
that the sadness is the same
to learn that he will not return.
I no longer need to repeat
that I really liked to regret it.
I rest from my sorrow.
My heart reposes on satin.
I Believe My Heart
Your heart and my heart are not the same.
Your heart says 'I'm afraid'—my heart says 'I love you.'
You, you hesitate, and I—I believe my heart.
I know where I'm going when I look at you.
It is foolish what I have in terms of long-winded ideas.
But you resist and I—I believe my heart.
My heart beats faster—my heart is right.
Into my arms, I invite you—come.
Only to love you—me, I live a dream.
But you, it seems that you have been trapped.
What should be done? That you believe my heart.
My heart beats faster—my heart is right.
Because already you, you change—Aaaahhhh!
You believe in my heart and, faced with happiness,
your heart says 'I love you'—my heart says 'I sing.'
Love leads us—love invents us.
And I hear beating in the springtime of our twenties,
your heart with my heart.
It Takes Time
It takes time to forget the faces from the past.
It takes time to arrive at the end of the voyage.
It takes time to stop the onslaught of images.
It takes time to debark for other beautiful shores.
Time has lifted me out of your life
like sand running through my fingers.
The wind has erased my footprints.
Now the sky turns gray
as the days grow shorter
as soon as I think of my loves.
How stupid one can seem,
as immobile as a poet
in front of a blank page—
completely blank.
It takes time to hope to fall in love again.
It takes time to get used to being happy again.
It takes time to no longer see your smile each night.
It takes time to no longer believe that I can die from it.
Like a flower pressed into a bible,
my life fades but remains beautiful.
I hear other voices calling out to me.
I still have loves to live
because I still have many tears left
to confront more misery.
With the day that will soon dawn,
I feel it ascend like well-being,
as if it were a beautiful Sunday—
a beautiful Sunday.
It takes time to forget to cry over yourself.
It takes time to get used to saying again I love you—
I love you—
I love you.
Woman—like you, I am a woman.
At little nothings, my heart ignites.
When I am in love, I become a happy woman.
Ready for all of the madness—to leave it all in the middle of the night
and to pursue my opportunities at any cost.
Woman—like you, I am a woman.
Melody or melodrama,
sometimes wilful but often a fragile woman.
If sometimes my heart gets bored in his familiar arms,
then it is simply that I am his woman.
With him, I am a woman, a woman.
Woman—like you, I am a woman.
At the smallest thing, my heart ignites.
When I am in love, I become a happy woman.
If sometimes my heart gets bored in his familiar arms,
then it is simply that I am his woman.
Woman—like you, I am a woman.
The same joy and the same tears
pretend to go away in order to hold onto him—
and never mind if it hurts—all that does not matter.
I become romantic and a woman, his woman to him.
There is so much joy in their slightest smile.
To watch them live—me, I do not fear for
them—in their pure madness, it is their rudeness that speaks for them.
Them—in their naiveté, they have the impudence of people too happy.
Them—to watch them live is to open a book with a sad ending.
Them—it is a myth that he would sacrifice his life for them.
Looking at them lost in such a grand love,
my heavy heart cries a sad adieu.
My thoughts stray with a single glance
because this love I knew it as
them—in their pure madness, they silently impose on me a faded dream.
Them—in their naiveté, they revive the dance of a buried happiness.
Them—to watch them live for me relives my wilder days.
Them—to take back the myth that offered me a happiness too grand.
Looking at them lost in such a grand love,
my heavy heart cries a sad adieu.
My thoughts stray with a single glance
because this love I knew it as
Between the Lines, Between the Words
Tonight the sea is calm, we can see the islands.
The children know their lessons.
I learned songs for the tourists:
your dog is dead, your sister has a boy.
For us, I have no complaints:
we eat very well—we want for nothing.
We eat very well—we want for nothing.
I have so many things to tell you that I cannot find the words.
You must read between the lines, between the words.
Sunday we danced—it was the celebration
but I'm not invited
because I wait for open house:
my day of celebration when you will come back to me.
For us, I have no complaints:
we eat very well—we want for nothing.
We eat very well—we want for nothing.
I have so many things to tell you that I cannot find the words.
You must read between the lines, between the words.
Dedicated to You
To all the rakes of the earth and to the lost souls like me,
the one I would like to please,
to those who do not love me, I dedicate this—
to washed-up playboys,
to Rosa, Rosine, and to me as well.
To he who sees himself in a mirror and in the end no longer sees himself.
To he who does not have mirror and that ends up the same—
he no longer sees himself either.
To all the lonely souls, to all the most miserable ones,
and to lost love.
To those who have searched for the answer and who have not found it.
To the mouth I had yesterday.
Dedicated to those who have suffered and have not cried out,
to all prisoners,
to those who have regained their freedom.
To the one who wanted my lips and then no longer wanted them.
Dedicated to those who understand
that you have to leave the stage when you have lost—
to Italy, to nostalgia,
and to me as well.
But this unimportant song could not end this way,
like a little dance tune, a simple romance—
without dedicating it
to the dead loves that oblivion carries away and to me as well—
to the dead loves that oblivion carries away and to me as well.
Enter Without Knocking
If you knew him in the past.
If you just now figured it out.
If you know where he is right now,
enter without knocking at my door.
You are here before anyone else.
Enter without knocking at my door
if you are here to talk to me about him.
If you have ever been in love.
If you could not live after
murmuring the first name of the one not here,
enter without knocking at my door.
You are here before anyone else.
Enter without knocking at my door.
We will try to forget him together.
If you remember
a love that started up again.
If you know how to manage it,
enter without knocking at my door.
You are here before anyone else.
Enter without knocking at my door.
and give me the secret of life.
But if your heart is so big
that it can pursue all my torments.
If you come to give me love again,
enter without knocking at my door.
You are here before anyone else.
Enter without knocking at my door.
I've been waiting for you since
always, always, forever.
And Love, Love
A candlestick on the corner of a table,
a wood fire, two shadows, and the wind.
A man, a woman happy to be together
listening to Mozart playing softly.
And love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.
And love, love, love.
Love, love.
With words, with regrets, with gestures,
we talk about time and about life.
And after cigarettes upon cigarettes,
the fire flickers out during a last whiskey.
And love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.
And love, love, love.
Love, love.
Away from the crowd and the noise on the display of one night,
you recount you life—we go all the way.
We go until the end of a good memory.
You repeat that to yourself before falling asleep.
The next day when the alarm goes off,
each of us finds the words to lie.
We write down an address and a phone number.
We part with a smile.
And love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.
And love, love, love.
Love, love.
A candlestick on the corner of a table,
a wood fire, two shadows, and the wind.
A man, a woman happy to be together
listening to Mozart playing softly.
And love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.
And love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.
And love, love, love.
Love, love.
Love, love.
Love, love.
Two Doves
Like doves beckoned by desire,
and who soar high with their wings,
and spread them out towards the sweet nest
through the air, carried by volition,
as the poet wrote in his Divine Comedy.
Like doves, beckoned by desire,
with soaring and steady wings to the sweet nest
fly through the air, carried by their volition—
like doves, beckoned by desire.
So our souls, perhaps one day
will soar out two by two towards infinity
through space and time, divinely united,
as they never before were on earth.
Like doves, beckoned by desire,
with soaring and steady wings to the sweet nest
fly through the air, carried by their volition—
like doves, beckoned by desire.
With a Fistful of Earth
With a fistful of earth, He created the world.
And when He created the earth, while making his rounds,
the Lord judging that, in short, he lacked the minimum,
He created woman and love and He gave them to men.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
With a fistful of earth, He created lips,
and your two arms when they clasp me to keep me warm.
And I think at every moment that the one that I love so much,
the Lord made him with only with a fistful of earth.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
Walking fast, going from here to there,
He gathered up dirt, then rolled up his sleeves,
and with His hands He fashioned the divine sweet and good one—
the one everyone names the eternal woman and love
that He gave to men.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, this is true.
Calypso Italiano
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso si! Calypso siciliano!
Do you know that a little wind of madness
blew throughout all of Italy?
In the streets, people dance wildly
to tunes that came from the West Indies.
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso there! Calypso siciliano!
Mothers doing laundry
wear vividly colored scarves,
calling out in a placid tone:
'My doudou! My bird of the islands!'
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso there! Calypso siciliano!
The suitor who wants to please his piccina
no longer comes to play for her on the mandolin.
She prefers to barcarolles
the beats of Creole songs.
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso si! Calypso siciliano!
But one day this little wind of madness
will blow far away from Italy
carrying to distant islands
a thousand serenades from Neapolitan women.
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso oh! Si-ci-li-a-no!
Turn Down the Radio
(Please turn down the radio.)
No, no, it is only 5 o'clock in the morning, but you awaken me.
(Please turn down the radio.)
Otherwise, the neighbors will soon tell you the same.
(Please turn down the radio.)
I was dreaming—at last I was sleeping peacefully.
It could not last—you proved to me that you do not change.
7 o'clock in the morning and more, I told you already.
(Please turn down the radio.)
We are in the car but you turn it back on.
(Please turn down the radio.)
Will it end soon?
Will it never end?
Answer me instead of whistling along—rather than singing the latest hits.
Just so you do not forget, yes, I love Adamo,
and Mireille Mathieu with her principles.
I like Halliday and the others too.
Yes, but I would also like to sleep well at night.
Just so you do not forget, yes I love Hugues Aufray.
I like Antoine with his 'oh yé'—
his floral shirts, his harmonica,
and his long hair à la Dalida.
We are going on a picnic but never without a radio.
(Please turn down the radio.)
We're going in swimming together—I will sing to you again.
(Please turn down the radio.)
Will it end soon?
Will it never end?
Answer me instead of whistling along—rather than singing the latest hits.
As much as you, I love Christophe, I love Claude François,
Hervé Villard, and also Sheila.
I love the Beatles and tutti quanti.
Yes, but I would also like to sleep well at night.
Please turn down the radio.
(Please turn down the radio.)
(Please turn down the radio.)
(Please turn down the radio.)
(Please turn down the radio.)
Before Knowing You
Before knowing you,
I fell in love.
Before knowing you,
his arms were my sweet chains,
and his gaze captivated me,
and my body close to his
was the slave of his hands.
Before knowing you,
I fell in love.
Before knowing you,
I was enchained by his arms,
taken captive next to him.
I was at the service of his rules,
always submissive to my desire.
Our love was my prison
before knowing you—
before knowing you.
But the day has come—
the day when destiny
united our paths.
Through you, I awaken in love,
I grow greater in love,
I am free in love.
You delivered me by love—
a love that gives instead of taking.
Your arms without my support—
your gaze, my light.
And my body by your grace becomes,
next to you, imperceptible to life.
Through you, I grow greater in love.
Through you, I awaken in love.
My happiness will be a new world
and I discover another love—
bigger than you and me
and that leads me to God.
Anima mia
Anima mia: hard-hearted girl—we loved you.
We did not always understand you.
Anima mia: return to the village.
Nothing has changed at your house including your bed.
Barefoot like the child who comes from far away,
she leaves behind her twenty years for almost nothing.
Like those old suns that flee rain,
her heart seeks an asylum—a paradise.
Much like those melodies that some call crazy—
those that lack nothing but lyrics—
like a shadow she followed that stranger.
What does she have to lose—one more summer?
Her body exhausted from too many caresses,
and in her eyes the fear of tomorrow,
she is one of those who, for lack of tenderness,
does not shake her head to say no.
Anima mia: hard-hearted girl—we loved you.
We did not always understand you.
Anima mia: return to the village.
Nothing has changed at your house including your bed.
She knows well that, behind the closed shutters,
are those who have never known how to love her.
This man you follow is your last chance
because, after him, say goodbye to your childhood.
Anima mia: hard-hearted girl—we loved you.
We did not always understand you.
Anima mia: return to the village.
Nothing has changed at your house including your bed.
Anima mia: hard-hearted girl—we loved you.
We did not always understand you.
Anima mia: return to the village.
Nothing has changed at your house including your bed.
I Love You
You returned alone from work towards evening
when the sound of vespers already filled the air.
I waited for you at the door to our house.
I smiled and hugged you.
I love you—I love you.
We lived in a small town where
time has seemed to stand still for an eternity.
Life there was the same every day
but it was filled with happiness.
I love you—I love you.
But one evening when you returned,
you told me: 'I have to go away.
I was ordered back and have to go.
Don't forget me—you, you, you.'
I love you—I love you.
Now I wait alone every night for you to return
when the sound of vespers already fills the air.
I wait for you at the door to our house—
I will smile when you will come.
I love you—I love you.
Ah! Wonderful
Yes, my friends, it's a wonder.
Yes, my friends, it's a marvel
when love comes to light up this world here—world here.
When springtime makes life beautiful,
me, in my heart, I feel sparks.
This is happiness—if it calls out to us, we follow!
Let's go!
Tell me that you love me.
Tell me that you love me.
Tell me you love me so much.
Tell me that this world—
that this world is wonderful—marvelous.
Tell me you sing.
Tell me you dance.
Tell me you are happy—
as long as you explain
with my heart and the springtime.
Yes, my friends, it's a wonder.
Yes, my friends, it's a marvel
when a fairy comes to study this world here—world here.
At the end of a magic wand,
with a fantastic symphony,
she sets your heart to music.
Yes soldier, that one!
Tell me that you love me.
Tell me that you love me.
Tell me you love me so much.
Tell me that this world—
that this world is wonderful—marvelous.
Tell me you sing.
Tell me you dance.
Tell me you are happy—
as long as you explain
with my heart and the springtime.
Yes, my friends, it's a wonder.
Yes, my friends, it's a marvel
to cross together hand-in-hand this world here—world here.
Yes, my friends, it's a wonder
to see one day the love that awakens.
No joy is ever the same.
Believe me, believe me
when I tell you that this world is wonderful!
Soon I know my love will return.
Forever, he will be near me.
He will be strong, much stronger than before—
my love, when he returns to me.
Wo, oh, oh, oh, wo, oh, oh, oh, oh—you will be the sunlight of my joy.
Soon it is true that I will be able to entwine you
and offer you millions of kisses.
All will be beautiful, much more beautiful than before—
because I will be cuddled in your arms.
Wo, oh, oh, oh, wo, oh, oh, oh, oh—you will be the sunlight of my joy.
We can never forget
the romance that is going to enfold us
when in springtime, the church bells will ring—
the vows that we will make.
Wo, oh, oh, oh, wo, oh, oh, oh, oh—you will be the sunlight of my joy.
Wo, oh, oh, oh, wo, oh, oh, oh, oh ...
Fratele meu soarele
M-am născut la răsăritul soarelui
Soarele este un pic fratele meu
Recunosc că sunt cam mândră de asta
Și adesea o spun vântului
M-am născut la răsăritul soarelui
Noi am ieșit din mare
Cu gustul luminii
Tu, trecător nepăsător
La aventurile acestei lumi
Consimți să trăiești în umbră
Cu condiția să trăiești mult timp
Tu, trecător nepăsător
Nu încerca să-mi iei inima
Nepăsarea mă sperie
Aș muri la apusul soarelui
Când el va pleca din drum
Lăsând în urma lui îndoiala
Chiar dacă el este în alb-negru
Aș muri la apusul soarelui
M-aș culca cu el
În patul adânc al nopții.
3 Songs: A Luigi Tenco Medley
And far, far away in time,
something in the eyes of another
will make you think again of my eyes—
of these eyes that loved you so very much.
And far, far away in the world—
in the smile on the lips of another—
you will see that shyness
of which you made such fun.
And far, far away in time,
by chance, the look on a face
will recall to you my face
and the sad expression that you so loved.
And far, far away in the world,
one beautiful evening, you will be with someone else.
And suddenly, who knows how or why?
You will find yourself speaking to her of me.
A love, from this day on, so far away.
The usual road, white like salt—
the wheat to grow, the fields to plow.
Watching every day to see if it rains or shines,
to know if tomorrow you will live or die,
and one day saying 'no more' and leaving.
Goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye.
Goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye.
Going far away to search for another world,
saying farewell to the courtyard, going away in a dream.
And then a thousand streets, grey like smoke,
in a world of lights—feeling yourself so insignificant.
Leaping a hundred years in just one day,
from oxcarts in the fields—to airplanes in the sky.
And understanding none of it and yearning to return to you.
Goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye.
Goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye.
Not knowing what to do in a world that knows all,
and having not even a single cent to return to you.
Goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye.
Goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye my love, goodbye.
When, in the evening, I return home,
I hardly have the will to speak.
Do not gaze at me with such tenderness
as if I were a child who returned disappointed.
Yes, I know, that this is most certainly not the life
that you envisioned one day for us.
You will see, you will see, you will see that it will change—
perhaps not tomorrow but one fine day it will change.
You will see, you will see that I am not yet finished.
I cannot tell you how or when, but all will change.
I would rather know that you cry—
that you reproach me for having disappointed you—
and not to see you always so sweet.
Accept all that comes from me,
it makes me think more about you,
and I cannot give you more than that of me.
You will see, you will see, you will see that it will change—
perhaps not tomorrow but one fine day it will change.
You will see, you will see, you will see that it will change—
perhaps not tomorrow but one fine day it will change.
Crazy Heart
A crazy heart that still follows you
and day and night thinks only of you.
And I can never make her understand
that you love someone else and not me.
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on,
that still believes you think of me.
She is not convinced that you left—
that you left me and will not return.
Tell her the truth—(tell her the truth).
And perhaps she will understand—(perhaps understand)
because you never before told the truth.
A crazy heart that loves you
and forgives you for everything you do.
But sooner or later you know that she will heal,
and you will lose her—thus you will lose her.
Tell her the truth—(tell her the truth).
And perhaps she will understand—(perhaps understand)
because you never before told the truth.
A crazy heart that loves you
and forgives you for everything you do.
But sooner or later you know that she will heal,
and you will lose her—thus you will lose her.
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on.
(latch on)
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on.
(latch on)
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on.
(latch on)
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on.
(latch on)
I close my eyes and I dream—how are you?
Come on, stay with me again—here with me.
But, in love, you cannot turn back time—no you cannot.
Oh, tears and smiles on us
leave an extra mark on the face.
The seasons change but my heart—does not.
Keep dancing with anger and hope
and do not lose any of your power.
Come on, boy, dance and light up the room.
Love is a feeling that is born in a moment.
A new love is born—how are you?
And you still feel so very young.
You get drunk with happiness and this life of mine.
Keep dancing with anger and hope.
Love is a feeling that blows like the wind.
Now I smile at you, my love.
I caress your face as we part.
If you are afraid, I do not know—but my heart is not.
Keep dancing with anger and hope
and do not lose any of your power.
Come on, boy, dance and light up the room.
Love is a feeling that is born in a moment.
Keep dancing with anger and hope
and do not lose any of your power.
To Leave or Die
Versions: #2
My life took on water from every side—
in a word, everything capsized.
The sky is upside down
but the world continues turning.
Ask what? Call whom?
My only desire is to shatter everything–
to bite the sheets on my bed—
the rage in my belly—I am going to forget you.
Finished with being here in your life
like a plant, like a photograph.
I fancy going out into the rain—
floating on my back in a warm river.
Let's end this joke of tenderness
that so many women mistake for love.
My brain is about to explode
and I'm going to extricate myself a day at a time.
And to leave or die or sleep for a long time—
and then awaken one day
in another time
rid of your love.
And to leave or die or sleep for a long time—
and never to awaken—
to stop time
as if I had dreamed it all.
Finish drowning yourself in emptiness
and trying to dance on moving sands.
The fear of time, the fear of lines on your skin
lessens with aging—let it be right now.
I will learn to run again,
to see the brilliant sun in my eyes.
I want to catch hold of wild laughter—
to live while throwing oil on the fire.
And to leave or die or sleep for a long time—
and then awaken one day
in another time
rid of your love.
And to leave or die or sleep for a long time—
and never to awaken—
to stop time
as if I had dreamed it all.
Alone with Myself
It is just eight o'clock and the house awakens.
A radio plays a song at a neighbor's house.
I butter toast standing in the kitchen
because you're always hungry in the morning.
Then each of us hurries and, on your fresh cheek,
I caress you and say: 'Until tonight.'
And you hurry away while, from my window,
I give you a good-bye wave.
You left and I stay here.
I stay alone, alone with myself.
All my life, I pass it here.
I stay alone, all alone at home.
I have what I want—the best and the worst—
the golden life and the desire to leave.
They say I'm lucky but I cry in silence
on my big bed and over my future.
Behind my grin, they do not see the evidence
of those desires that tear apart the heart—
for the gentleman across the street, for the young man passing by—
for a moment of love, for a quarter of an hour.
You left and I stay here.
I stay alone, alone with myself.
All my life, I pass it here.
I stay alone, all alone at home.
That's my vie en rose, always to do the same thing
while following the path that has been laid out for me.
Like all women, I have the same schedule,
and 'The Today Show' on TV.
Nobody imagines that I might have real thoughts—
that sometimes I might want to travel.
The adventure is over, despite myself—I'm sure
that nothing will ever happen to me.
You left and I stay here.
Me here alone, alone with myself.
All my life, I pass it here.
Is it really happiness, all this?
Much Further Than the Earth
He comes from much further than the earth.
His life is a mystery, but he knows how to please me.
Never, even in a smile,
did he want to tell me what I want to hear.
He's the one who comes in all my dreams
to hover over my lips as the night comes to an end.
Despite his strange ways,
he is as beautiful as an angel when he gazes at me.
Tell me if I must feel love
for a great love who comes from far away?
From so far away that I no longer know anything.
But, much further than the earth,
I would like him to take me away like a dead leaf.
One day, when he will have understood me,
I would like him to tell me words that intoxicate me—
words that intoxicate me—
words that intoxicate me ...
So True
It's true that I have an accent that rolls on songs that croon.
It's true, so true.
It’s true that I am an Italian of Egyptian birth.
It's true, so true.
But I prefer Josephine to Cleopatra, Ménilmontant to the cellars of
the Vatican.
As Mistinguett said, 'I'm as God made me'
and that suits me very well indeed.
As Mistinguett said, 'I'm as God made me'
and that suits me very well indeed.
They say it’s my brother singing for me when I'm on vacation.
Not true, no way.
They say that, for inconsequential things, I beat up my musicians.
It's true, so true.
It's true that I like beautiful boys, but, in the end, I prefer
As Mistinguett said, 'I'm as God made me'
and that suits me very well indeed.
As Mistinguett said, 'I'm as God made me'
and that suits me very well indeed.
Me—all that I want is that you love me a little,
and I confess that I am satisfied.
Since I was born, since I began to sing,
I have lovers by the thousands.
It’s said that some nights I emulate Sarah Bernhardt.
It's true, so true.
They say my best friend is Teilhard de Chardin.
It's true, so true.
Me—I like intellectual refrains, lyrics, words, and the
disco too
As Mistinguett said, 'I'm as God made me'
and that suits me very well indeed.
As Mistinguett said, 'I'm as God made me'
and that suits me very well indeed.
It has been said for nearly twenty years that I will not live past
the spring.
They can say whatever they want—I would not be Dalida
if I was not that way.
It's true that I have an accent that rolls on songs that croon.
It's true, so true.
It’s true that I am an Italian of Egyptian birth.
It's true, so true.
They say it’s my brother singing for me when I'm on vacation.
Not true, no way.
They can say whatever they want—I would not be Dalida
if I was not that way.
They can say whatever they want—I would not be Dalida
if I was not that way.
The Twist Lesson
From everywhere, you hear nothing but this:
a new tune that comes from down there.
A new tune that makes you feel rad,
and, like me, it will grab you.
It's a dance with a catchy rhythm
and it swings when danced by two.
No need for sweet gazes in the eyes.
It's enough just to be happy.
Twist and twist—you will all do it!
Twist and twist—and you will see everyone!
Twist and twist—the entire world twists!
One foot in front and both hands closed,
lean slightly over to one side,
and don't forget also to twist.
A bit more work and you have it.
That's it—yes like that!
And if tonight you go out and flirt
in the hope of hooking up,
then just do the twist like this.
I know that you will score!
Twist and twist—you will all do it!
Twist and twist—and you will see everyone!
Twist and twist—the entire world twists!
Run a little and jump from time to time.
Then lower yourself very slowly—
all the while swinging.
That's it—now you have it!
There it is—that's it—yes that!
There it is—good—change nothing!
There it is—twist!
Like a Symphony
Dreams, dreams, my love, my dream.
In the entire night shines your light
My love, when you dream of me, a song rises.
From heaven, the hearts of angels descend—the world changes.
Life becomes a symphony, all illuminated—
soft and clear, sweet and pure—
and you seem very close, very close to me.
Whispering in the unreal night, your voice calls out to me.
From heaven, the hearts of angels descend—the world changes.
My life becomes a symphony, all illuminated—
magnificent, pathetic—
it takes on every visage of love.
My life will be this symphony, always faithful—
eternal, eternal—that makes a dream become reality.
It is you, it is you, it is you.
Let Me Dance (Monday—Tuesday)
Versions: #2
day after day, life slips away.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Dancing along with every song.
Me—I live love and dance.
I live as if I were on vacation.
I live as if I were eternal—
as if the news never was bad.
Me—I live love and laughter.
I live as if there was nothing to say.
I have forever to write my memoir—
to write my story in blue ink.
Let me dance, let me—
let me dance and sing without a care all summer.
Let me dance, let me—
dance until the end of my dream.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Dancing along with every song.
Me—I live love and risk.
When things do not work out, I turn over the record.
I go, I come, I have learned how to live
as if I was free and poised.
Me—I live love and laughter.
live as if there was nothing to say.
I have forever to write my memoir—
to write my story in blue ink.
Let me dance, let me—
let me dance and sing without a care all summer.
Let me dance, let me—
dance until the end of my dream.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Dancing along with every song.
Day after day, life slips away.
Let me dance, let me—
let me dance and sing without a care all summer.
Let me dance, let me—
dance until the end of my dream.
day after day, life slips away.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Day after day, life slips away—new day!
What to do to forget
The reason would sometimes like to hunt our thoughts
The one that hasn't let us dream of losing our memory
And yet we often have to fight our memories
The future
La, la la...
Waltz, waltz, the world
Dance in a circle
Tell me what to do to forget
We are all prisoners of those we once loved
All those joys that are no more
It's like an immense void
Without you, I might see flowers open
But in my heart
It's winter
La, la, la...
Waltz, waltz, the world
Dance, dance in a circle
Tell me what to do to forget
Waltz, waltz, the world
Dance, dance in a circle
Tell me the sun will return