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You, Forgive Me

You, forgive me, I am no longer as I was.
I have changed, you know, since we parted ways.
I wanted to enjoy life so much that I had forgotten how much I loved you.
Tonight, forgive me, make me forget all that.
If you knew how afraid I was to return,
I beg you to say nothing—keep me.
I need you so much.
I need you so much.
By touching your lips to my eyes, you will dry my tears.
Then you will take my hand and we will go very far away
towards a world full of joys to which you will lead me.
You, forgive me—me, I do not forgive myself.
I cried so much, you know, over all the harm I did to you.
There were even some nights, some days,
when I thought I was dying without your love.
Tonight, forgive me—forget about all this.
If you knew how afraid I was to return,
I beg you above all kiss me.
Please keep me.
Please keep me.
By touching your lips to my eyes, you will dry my tears.
Then you will take my hand and just like before
towards a world full of joys, you will lead me.
Yes, you will lead me away, you will lead me away.
Yes, you will lead me away, you will lead me away.
Yes, you will lead me away, you will lead me away.

You My Love

You my love, my love, if you listen to me—
see, my heart is close to you.
Yes, my love, my love,
do not doubt that I forget you in spite of myself.
You are always too far from the ones you love,
always too far from their love.
You my love, my love,
those words that I love—yes, I write them for you.
You my love, my friend,
do not suffer further—soon I will be near you.
You are always too far from the ones you love,
always too far from their love.
How my love, my love,
my tears flow—no, not a soul sees them.
Yes, my love, my love,
I see the emptiness if your heart did not wait.
You are always too far from the ones you love,
always too far from their love.
You are always too far from the ones you love.
Tonight, I am frightened for our love.

Pull the Needle

Pull, pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Tomorrow you will be wed, my friend.
Pull, pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Your dress must be ready on time.
Under your fingers are born flowers
made of diamond sequins.
The tiara of lucky orange blossoms
is in the hands of your mother.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Your room is covered with small pieces of silk.
The cat on the carpet loves playing with them.
Near the flickering fire, the armchair sways
and rocks your sleeping father.
Your mother, without saying a word,
has just folded up your dress.
Your dad will know tomorrow, after the reception,
that the cost of a marriage is a lot of trouble.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my friend.
The light of the lamp smokes and wavers.
Your eyes are covered with a lace veil.
Do let yourself get tired out, my friend,
tomorrow, you must be beautiful.
And when the organ plays,
when you finally take his arm,
let millions of stars in the thread of time
sow your path of happiness.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai.
Pull, pull the needle, my daughter.
Lai, lai, lai, lai, lai, lai ....

The Timid Serenade

Timid is my serenade.
Timid is this great love
that stolls in my heart,
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
I dare not speak to him
about the love he makes me feel.
I would like to smile at him
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You, madam, the moon, who are my friend,
send out a plea about my misfortune
and tell him and tell him for me
that I love him, that I love him, that I love him.
But that I no longer have the courage
when I see him in front of me.
I know that is just too bad
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You who watch like a sweet street light
over the loves and the joys on earth,
ensure for me that he will listen to my voice
that without you, without you, he will never hear.
Timid is my serenade.
Timid is this great love
that stolls in my heart,
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
I never dare speak to him
about the love he makes me feel.
I would like to smile at him
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You, madam, the moon, who are my friend,
send out a plea about my misfortune
and tell him and tell him for me
that I love him, that I love him, that I love him.
But that I no longer have the courage
when I see him in front of me.
I know that is just too bad
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
Tell him, tell him
about the love he makes me feel.

A Tender Love

I long to have again your tender love.
I long to have again your tender love.
When you are so far away from me, I implore you not to forget me.
Nothing is sweeter to my heart than awaiting your return.
I long to have again your tender love.
I long to have again your tender love.
Keep me for a long, long time—
for an entire lifetime, oh, I beg you.
I long to have again your tender love.
Keep me for a long, long time—
for an entire lifetime, oh, I beg you.
Nothing is sweeter to my heart than a tender love.
Oh come back to me, I beg you.
(I long to have again your tender love.)
Oh come back to me, I beg you.
(I long to have again your tender love.)
Oh come back to me, I beg you.
(I long to have again your tender love.)
Oh come back to me, I beg you ....

You Do Not Have Very Good Character

You do not have very good character.
In the end, what can be done about it?
I love you with all your faults.
You nonetheless have some big ones.
Over nothing at all, you go into rages
that irritate and exasperate me.
But you have temper tantrums also
that press me to excuse you.
I have always dreamed of an angel,
but you truly changed that.
And just when I'm ready to damn you,
you claim that I could do worse.
So I end up with nothing more—nothing at all to say.
You do not have very good character.
In the end, what can be done about it?
Now I am resigned to it—
you can calmly break everything.
I have to put up with your little quirks
or suffer the worst injustices.
Nevertheless, it's more powerful than me.
I'm bored when you're not here.
When at times you make too much of a racket,
I become the laughingstock of the neighborhood.
Instead of saying hello to me when I approach,
all of our neighbors sneer in silence.
Ha! Ha! That's funny when you think about it.
You do not have very good character.
In the end, what can be done about it?
Now I'm used to it and I can put up with you,
and, besides, when I feel distraught,
I remember what consoles me:
with this character,
small flowers do not resist you
In any case, when it comes to me, I stay because I love you.

You Can Take Him

You can take him without further delay.
I have to realize that he no longer loves me.
It's all my fault—yes, it's my fault-—
if to someone else, I lost him.
I suspect him, I question him,
I forgive him but to no avail.
I stare at his face—
I see the reflection of my decline.
You can take him without further delay.
I have to grasp that that's how it goes.
To turn the page, I foresee that,
after all the raging, it's all over.
But make him understand that, along with my anguish,
I love him—nothing is stronger.
If he wants to teach me not to wait for him,
if waiting is required, I'm still waiting.
I must have told you a thousand idiocies,
a thousand inanities—forget all of that.
Let him understand me and let him return.
Oh, let him take me into his arms.
I must have told you a thousand idiocies,
a thousand inanities—forget all of that.
Let him understand me and let him return.
Oh, let him take me into his arms.
Let him understand me and let him return.
Oh, let him take me into his arms.

You Did Not Deserve

You did not deserve how I wronged you
but I want you to feel sorrow no longer,
and I would like you to return.
I cannot explain what happened.
No, I did not blame you
and your love was sincere.
I must forgive myself because I still love you.
Tonight, I realize that it was me who caused all the harm.
Our love obviously deserved much better—
so let's forget everything that separates us
and start over our love story.
I must forgive myself because I still love you.
Tonight, I realize that it was me who caused all the harm.
Our love obviously deserved much better—
so let's forget everything that separates us
and start over our love story—
when I awaken,

You Do Not Know

My love, whom I love so much,
you do not know—
you do not know that my happiness
it is to wait at every moment
for a single gesture, for one word from you
meant only for me.
When your hand brushes my skin,
you do not know—
you do not know that deep inside of me,
my heart beats and beats
and I still tingle and tremble.
All that, you do not know.
It's my secret
but if you want,
I will share it with you
in order to keep it
like a treasure between us.
Because the love I have for you,
you do not know—
you do not know
that it is so great
that nothing ever could
feel it for just a single moment.
All that, you do not know.
It's my secret
but if you want,
I will share it with you
in order to keep it
like a treasure between us.
Because the love I have for you,
you do not know—
you do not know
that it is so great
that nothing ever could
feel it for just a single moment.
All that, you do not know.

A Child

A child perhaps could have saved us, allowed us
not to arrive so soon at the day of our goodbye.
A child would no doubt have prevented this derailment,
would have avoided that our road forks into two.
At this second when our joys collapse,
I believe that I recognize far away from you the end of the world.
I know now that, from now on, I can never forget
for even one day the child we will never have.
A child perhaps could have saved us, allowed us
not to arrive so soon at the day of our goodbye.
In his very first smile, he would have known how to show us.
With him, we would have lived face-to-face.
At this second when our joys collapse,
I believe that I recognize far away from you the end of the world.
I know now that, from now on, I can never forget
for even one day the child we will never have.
Despite our love in ruins, my deepest desire persists.
This child, I imagine him, he smiles at me always—
he smiles at me forever.


On any and every road, come rain or come shine,
I spend my days and my nights.
This is the life that I chose.
And I have for my garden,
the prairie that changes colors when seasons return
to make there harvests—harvests of horizons.
Me—I have no home and despite everything I believe—
yes I believe—that my friend the gypsy
is a bit like me—like me.
Gypsy, gypsy, much like a bird of passage,
you, you are already far away when the morning returns.
Gypsy, gypsy, we are on the same voyage—
without any fear of the future and in the hands of destiny.
Sometimes I think that by following the ways
of a world that is not planned, you get nowhere.
But I do not think that there is a place
where if I settle down forever,
I will one day find happiness and love.
Because deep inside of me, I know that it is necessary
that the one I will love be a bit like me—like me.
Gypsy, gypsy, much like a bird of passage,
we will already be far away at the first light of morning.
Gypsy, gypsy, we are on the same voyage
without fear of tomorrow until reaching the end of the road—
without fear of tomorrow until reaching the end of the road.

Phone Me

You believe that the whole world depends on my telephone,
that I am continually asked out by a god, by a man.
You're afraid I might say to you: 'Sorry, my evening is taken'—
and that you might interrupt me in the middle of a singing exercise.
You see me as a star but I am only a woman.
You know sometimes that glory has made my soul blue.
I want to listen to other words than those written in newspapers.
Dial my number and throw yourself into the mix.
Phone me, call me.
I'm waiting only for a call—I need to hear a voice.
Phone me—in my calendar,
I have time for me—phone me.
I am not some fierce beast who paws and then leaves.
I won't give you a love overdose if you make the first move.
You believe me to be happy and quiet, but I'm alone on my island.
Without you, my entire life hangs by a thread.
Phone me, call me.
I'm waiting only for a call—I need to hear a voice.
Phone me—in my calendar,
I have time for me—phone me.
The evening of December 31st in the Valley of the Dolls,
she was alone in her room—no one called her.
She was the most beautiful girl in the world—she was rich, she was blond.
Yet at the last stroke of midnight, it was farewell to life.
Phone me, call me.
These are not stories until it is too late.
Phone me—the pills of hope
I take me every night—phone me.

Go, Go, Go

Go, go, go, go, go, go wherever you want.
It's about time—get out—go to hell and goodbye.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, hurry yourself up.
You're no longer twenty and, in a short time, you'll no longer be yourself.
I confer upon you a genuine diploma
in the combat of love—you were a good soldier.
You leave in my curtains the smell of your cigars,
along with a photograph of you, stuck in a closet.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, be happy.
For my part, I will try to forget you a bit.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, don't even think about it.
I'm over twenty, but it's in my blood, so just don't worry about it.
I will finally be able to go out after midnight
and do no matter what and see no matter whom.
To go to the Caribbean, to Santa Monica,
and even to Kathmandu when the urge hits me.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, think of me.
In the great crossroads of memories, I've made you an appointment.
Do not smoke too much, do not drink too much—ha ha ha!
And if one day you want to come back, I will wait for you at our house.
Go, go, go, go, go, go wherever you want.
It's about time—get out—go to hell and goodbye.

You Will See, You Will See

When, in the evening, I return home,
I hardly have the will to speak.
Do not gaze at me with such tenderness
as if I were a child who returned disappointed.
Yes, I know, that this is most certainly not the life
that you envisioned one day for us.
You will see, you will see, you will see that it will change—
perhaps not tomorrow but one fine day it will change.
You will see, you will see that I am not yet finished.
I cannot tell you how or when, but all will change.
I would rather know that you cry—
that you reproach me for having disappointed you—
and not to see you always so sweet.
Accept all that comes from me,
it makes me think more of you,
and I cannot give you more than that of me.
You will see, you will see, you will see that it will change—
perhaps not tomorrow but one fine day it will change.
You will see, you will see that I am not yet finished.
I cannot tell you how or when, but all will change.

To Whom

To whom? To smile again if you go away.
To whom? To whom else do I reach out?
Away from you, there is depression—close to you, there is life.
I know that you are unhappy.
The look of our love is still in your eyes.
To whom? To talk about love while awakening.
To whom? To say sweet words while kissing.
You know that you hurt me
by leaving me so very alone.
Stay here still—oh, do not go away.
To whom? To give again all of my tenderness.
To whom? To whom do I relate my sadness?
To whom do I say 'I love you'?
To whom do I recount my pain?
Tell me to whom if not to you.

I Am Leaving

I know it is hard to part but I am leaving.
This time I swear to you that it is true.
I do not want to stay anymore.
A hundred times, I wanted to end it with you,
and then, a hundred times, I did not have the strength to part.
I was too scared to envision a life without you.
It's over!
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
I have to go away.
To live, I want to live, to be free, and to pursue all of my dreams,
like the time when I still believed
in the rainbow that follows the rain.
It's over!
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
I have to go away.
Offer—give me the courage that forgives
all the harm that could have been done,
and let me live my life without you.
It's over!
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
I have to go away.
I am going, I go my way, now that I can I leave you—
now that I can leave you—
I am leaving.


We always saw her passing by all hunched over
under the weight of a bundle of wood but more often of two.
We saw her spend the morning and the evening,
her hair pulled back, always dressed in black.
From the perspective of ten years old, I believed her to be older
than that trunk of the olive tree, those twigs on the trellis.
But I heard my mother from the back of the kitchen
cry out, cry out, cry out: 'Hello, hello, Justine.'
She lived down there in the very oldest house,
the one that is almost lost in the blue of the horizon.
Barricaded in her home as if in a castle,
she counted her days as one counts a treasure.
From the perspective of fifteen years old, I found her quite ugly
with her immense feet and her stiff gait.
But I heard my mother from the back of the kitchen
cry out, cry out, cry out: 'Hello, hello, Justine.'
One morning in the street, we did not hear her,
but a few days later, the death knell sounded.
She had died alone at the age of ninety years.
You die alone at that age even if surrounded by children.
From the perspective of thirty years old, that broke something,
much as you sober up when the sky turns pink in the morning.
I no longer had my mother at the back of the kitchen,
and it was I who cried out, 'Adieu, adieu, Justine.'

Love and Me

It's a strange kind of fight
but to win it, you have the choice of weapons.
Music or flowers,
irony, laughter or heart, or charm.
A mundane path paved with little nothings
that perhaps will lead to the shelter of my arms.
You never really stop loving, they say,
and never will we leave one another.
Through joys and through pain,
me—this is the love I love.
The sun of passions
will illuminate your house with its storms.
If you want something else
in a color a little more pink—that's too bad.
Tender walks, poetry, ballads,
autumn in the woods—all that I can do without.
You never really stop loving, they say,
and never will we leave one another.
Through joys and through rain,
my love, that is life.
Here is a warning—
me, I only fight those unarmed without arms.
But I am truly fearless.
My loyal ally (love) keeps you under its spell.
I do not know how long this adventure will live.
I would like it to last—today I open my arms to you.
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
You never really stop loving, they say.
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
Love, tell me.
Love, tell me.
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
You never really stop loving, they say.
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
Love, tell me, love and me, love and me—
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
love and me—
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
Love, tell me, love, tell me—
(You never really stop loving, they say,)
love, tell me ...

The Anniversary

New Year's Day, it returns too often.
I do not know how the time flies.
The first of May hardly has sprung
before a new sprig of lily of the valley pokes through.
The fourteenth of July—I forgot all about it
and here are its lanterns lighting the night.
And Halloween that comes around as a death knell
for all those who will not be returning.
A year—another anniversary
of a morning without light
when you took off like a bird.
A year, one year more, my beautiful,
to blow out your candles
and eat your cake alone.
New Year's Day, it returns too often.
I do not know how the time flies.
Easter Day, that returns like the day,
the first one when we made love.
And Pentecost, that seems like just yesterday
when I discovered the sea at Tréport.
And All Saints Day—there it returns
with a chrysanthemum in its hand.
A year—another anniversary
of a day that will make me
cry when I should smile.
A year, one year more, my beautiful,
go blow out the candles
of your memories.

I Call You Again

You, who said you love me,
I gave you the best of me.
You, you have broken everything
but my wounded heart speaks to me of you.
And I call you again,
and I still hope in you
because I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you even so.
And I do not want to believe
that there is no longer hope.
I wait for you, return to me, I need you.
Me, I want to forgive,
I want to forget that you left.
Me, I will take you back
as in the past because it is not finished.
And I call you again,
and I still hope in you
because I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you even so.
And I do not want to believe
that there is no longer hope.
I wait for you, return to me, I need you.
And I call you in vain,
and I hope in you in vain,
and I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you even so.
Without you, I no longer have anything.
Tell me that you are returning
because without you—because without you,
I am no longer anything.

Every Time I Believe It

Adieu, rain, adieu, night. I live only in sunlight.
No more winter, that was yesterday, today spring awakes.
Adieu darkness, adieu despair, my life has changed color.
Love is here, at arm's length, it returns to live in my heart.
And you, life, when you smile—how could I blame you?
You have hurt me, you have made me cry,
but it is so good to see you again that I throw myself into your arms.
Look at me all the time and, yes, I will believe it every time.
And I believe in it as on the first day without a regret about my past.
And even if it all ends tomorrow, I want to sing about it tonight.
Look at me all the time and, yes, I will believe it every time.
And I throw myself into your arms without a regret about my past.
And even if it all ends tomorrow, I want to sing about it tonight.
No more winter—that was yesterday.
Love is here at arm's length.
My life begins again with you.

Good Luck To Everyone

You say everywhere that he is very handsome and that you think
that no boy ever knew how to please you in this way.
You also say that, in the end, a great emptiness
breaks your heart when you see him close to me.
Good luck to everyone, you have to earn your love.
You should not think that for you it's a done deal
because I love him—I love him—I love him as well.
When I see him, just like you, my life ignites,
and when his eyes, gazing at me, seem troubled—
no doubt we have the same weapons
and it is not necessary to cheat but rather to fight.
Good luck to everyone, you have to earn your love.
You should not think that for you it's a done deal
because I love him—I love him—I love him as well.
You go in circles threatening me with your anger.
But why hold up your fists day after day?
Because if I lose and tomorrow he chooses you,
then that's too bad—me, I will say that's the way it goes.
Good luck to everyone, you have to earn your love.
to everyone good luck—
to everyone good luck—
to everyone good luck...

I Am Losing You

Your heart no longer belongs to me.
All is now lost for me.
It is the unknown without you—
nothing more to do because I am losing you.
Love was too foolish.
The dream was so sweet.
Here is the adieu for us.
I know that I am losing you.
Our hearts formed effortlessly
the links of a chain
until the day when suddenly
I saw you pass by,
holding the hand—the hand of another.
Someone will replace
what I was for you.
What remains for me
now that I am losing you?
What remains for me
now that I am losing you?

I Naturally Prefer

I like four boys from an English group.
They have long hair like all the English,
pretty English clergy boots,
and lace collars like the English Lords.
I naturally prefer the most attractive—the most attractive,
Each of the boys in this English group.
has a tie in the English style.
One is yellow, the other two are English green.
The other has the colors of the English flag.
I naturally prefer the most conspicuous—the most conspicuous,
The four boys of this English group
only dress in English fabrics.
They go to the same English tailor—
English, or naturalized English.
I naturally prefer the most elegant—the most elegant,
The youngest boy in this English group
taught me to say 'yea yea' in English.
It's nice when you know English.
The English do not like that which is not English.
I naturally prefer the least naughty—the least naughty,
By dint of listening to this English band,
to hear all of their hits in English,
to call them by their English names,
I think I have caught onto the English accent.
It came to me naturally by frequenting the most attractive,
The most attractive—the most elegant—the least naughty,
The least naughty—-the most elegant-—the most attractive,

I Am All Women

I am all women.
I live your joys and your melodramas.
I am sentimental
and sometimes a femme fatale as well.
Let me be condemned
if my heart ignites
in front of the spotlights
that aim right in my heart every night.
I am all women.
I sing, I dance, it's an entire program.
I am queen of disco
and Pierrot's friend too.
Forgive me when I give of myself
and I live through my songs
across the seasons of my life.
I am all women.
I like glitter, rhinestones, telegrams,
premiere nights,
then every other night as well.
And my life as a star
ends in the dark
when the lights fade out
and silence reigns in the night.
I am all women.
I live your joys and your melodramas.
I am sentimental
and sometimes a femme fatale as well.
Let me be condemned
if my heart ignites
in front of the spotlights
that aim right in my heart every night.
(Women, women)
(Women, women)
(Women, women)
(Women, women)
I am all women.
I like glitter, rhinestones, telegrams,
premiere nights,
then every other night as well.
And my life as a star
ends in the dark
I am all women—
I am all women—
I am all women—
I am all women—
all women.

I Love You

You have just told me goodbye, sadness is in your eyes.
I can hardly believe it—it's over.
After so much love transpired, we are both wounded.
Goodbye, beautiful story—it's over.
I love you.
Tomorrow, my heart broken—tomorrow, all alone will I go.
I will go far away to hide, my life shredded,
where I can endlessly cry out—cry out:
I love you—I love you—I love you.
A rival stole my love and my cries are worth nothing.
In the wind it already dies—it's over.
I would nonetheless like that one day you remember my love—
an unfortunate love that bleeds forever.
I love you—I love you—I love you.
I love you.

I No Longer Know

I no longer know what just happened between us.
I no longer know why I became so afraid so suddenly.
Yet here I am in your arms—yet here you are close to me.
But when you go to kiss me, I sense that all has changed.
So I no longer know if our love slowly will die.
I no longer know—now I no longer know what to do.
Once you promised to love me for a lifetime.
But I fear today that you did not understand that.
How much—me, can I love you? How much do I want to keep you?
And to have you all to myself, you see that I would do anything.
So I no longer know what just happened between us.
I no longer know why I became so afraid so suddenly.
Yet here I am in your arms—yet here you still are.
But when you go to kiss me, I sense that all has changed.
Tell me that you still love me.
Say it because I no longer know.
Tell me that you still love me.
Say it because I no longer know.
Tell me that you still love me.
Say it because I no longer know....

I Love You, That Means Love Me

You cannot always give without receiving from time to time.
And talking to someone deaf in the long run is tiring.
I warm you up but I am cold.
I love you—that means love me.
So that I make myself beautiful for you, you throw me a bone in passing.
You want my fidelity—you are an absent lover.
You forget me thirty days a month.
I love you—that means love me.
Once upon a time in your grand chateau, I would have waited patiently
for the soldier to come lie down—you've fooled yourself for 500 years.
If you want a fight, come to my door.
I love you—that means love me.
I am not a pure soul, I did not pronounce my vows.
I have the hot blood of my country—I expect to love you when I want it.
I will not repeat this to you.
I love you—that means love me.
A smile in the shape of hope—a word that speaks to both of us.
A tender gesture of goodbye—a glance into the depths of my eyes.
That is what I expect from you.
I love you—that means love me.
That is what I expect from you.
I love you—that means love me.

I Love You

Like a day that will come, a grief that will end,
a door that will open, a star that shines.
Like a couple who will unite, a tear that will die,
a child who will grow up, I love only him.
I love the brilliant sunshine that breaks out in the sky when he smiles.
I love the fullness of love, the life that courses around him.
I love the immense earth, the night that dances when he is here.
I even like my longing for him to return when he goes away.
My life is written on his face and time no longer matters.
I love the brilliant sunshine that breaks out in the sky when he smiles.
I love the fullness of love, the life that courses around him.
Like a day that will come, a grief that will end,
a door that will open, I love only him.

I Have Your Hand

We are lounging on the summer grass.
It grows late, you can hear lovers and birds singing.
You hear the whisper of the country wind.
You hear the mountain sing.
I have your hand in my hand, I touch your fingers.
I have my eyes on your eyes and everywhere you see
only that night, beautiful night, only the wonderful sky
that seems to blossom in turn tender and mysterious.
Come closer, closer, my love, your heart against my heart,
and tell me that there is no more charming happiness
that these eyes in the sky, than the sky in your eyes,
than your hand touching my hand
I do not know you—you know nothing of me.
We are only two vagabonds—a girl of the woods, a bad boy.
My dress is torn. I no longer have a home.
I have nothing but this beautiful season.
I have your hand in my hand, I touch your fingers.
I have my eyes on your eyes and everywhere you see
only that night, beautiful night, only the wonderful sky
that seems to blossom in turn tender and mysterious.
Come closer, closer, my love, your heart against my heart,
and tell me that there is no more charming happiness.
We forget the adventure and the road and tomorrow.
But what does it matter since I have your hand?
But what does it matter since I have your hand?
But what does it matter since I have your hand?

I Would Have Danced

(I would have liked,
I would have liked,
I would have liked to dance.)
I would have liked to dance,
I would have liked to spin,
until the end of time.
All giddy with joy,
all enthralled with you,
to the rhythm of love.
All night long,
or perhaps for all of life,
at least for the time to get to know one another.
If I had known, I would have
understood as a confession
everything that you said to me
with your eyes.
But ever since then
I still dance in my dreams
with your name on my lips.
I miss you,
your memory surrounds me,
because it was you,
yes you,

Everyone Has a Love Song

It suffices on piano that, with one finger, I play this tune,
or that a violin plays it at the back of a courtyard.
And so I seem to hear an entire orchestra playing for me
because everyone has a love song.
The trees of winter are covered with flowers,
the sky turns blue as if the birds had returned.
And I imagine seeing us again dancing together, laughing together,
while listening to our love song.
And yet I really know that all between us ended a long time ago.
Sometimes the happiness of a lifetime lasts only one springtime.
If this melody makes the hearts of other lovers beat faster,
for its sake, I pray to heaven that they stay in love forever.
But do not feel bad for me if, when I hear it, I have tears in my eyes,
because everyone has a love song.