Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 8

Număr de rezultate: 296


Te Chem

Un drum în deșert din Las Vegas pîna la nicăieri
un loc mai bun decît unde [deja] ai fost
Un aparat de cafe ce are nevoie de reparație
Într-o mică cafenea tocmai dupa colț
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
Un vînt fierbinte suflă drept prin mine
Bebelușul plînge iar nu pot să dorm
Iar noi amîndoi știm că o schimbare va veni
veni mai aproape, dulce eliberarea
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
Un drum în deșert din Las Vegas pîna la nicăieri
un loc mai bun decît unde [deja] ai fost
Un aparat de cafe ce are nevoie de reparație
Într-o mică cafenea tocmai dupa colț
Un vînt fierbinte suflă drept prin mine
Bebelușul plînge iar nu pot să dorm
Iar noi amîndoi știm că o schimbare va veni
veni mai aproape, dulce eliberarea
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem

My fault

Versions: #2
That our roars of laughter burst
to hunt the boredom and the evil
Far from the punishments of the morality
As long as your heart and mine are carried away
Your gestures your sighs
I shall know how to read them
to find finally the words, the words
Which can curse
Forever to banish
The fancies which stick us on the skin
You will be my battle
My armor, my fault
And I shall make it mountains,
For you avoid k.o. [chaos]
Of a world confusedly
Oh oh oh oh
My armor, my fault
And I shall make it mountains to avoid you k.o.
Of a world confusedly
If sometimes our souls rebel
Get lost as people of sirens 1
The game(set,play) is worth the candle oh
Because the life has never been so beautiful
Too bad if the luck(chance) turns its back to us
We shall smile for forgery, forgery
To curse finally
For ever banish
These fancies which stick us on the skin
You will be my battle
My armor, my weakness(fault)
And I shall make it mountains
To avoid you K.o.
Of a world confusedly
Oh oh oh oh
My armor, my weakness(fault)
And I shall make it mountains
To avoid you K.o.
Of a world confusedly
My weakness(fault)...
You will be my battle
My armor, my weakness(fault)
And I shall make it mountains
To avoid you K.o.
Of a world confusedly
Oh oh oh oh
My armor, my weakness(fault)
  • 1. if it's ' les gens des sirènes ', the translation is ' people of sirens '. But, if it's ' les chants des sirènes ', it will be ' the songs of sirens '

Why dance Samba?

Why dance Samba?
Samba only brings melancholy
Memories of a day
Only sadness in my heart
Why dance Samba?
This samba no longer makes sense
I don'tt see the tan girl in the silver sandals
Only sadness in my heart
I cling to this sad melody
A little bit of hope
This song was born like that
A poet once said
Samba is the son of pain,
It's the history of pain.
That transforms into joy
Why dance Samba?
This samba only brings melancholy
Memories of a day
Only sadness in my heart
I cling to this sad melody
A little bit of hope
This song was born like that
A poet once said
Samba is the son of pain,
It's the history of pain.
That transforms into joy
It's the history of pain.
That turns into joy
It's the history of pain.
That turns into joy
Why dance Samba?

Tell him I think of him

Tell him well I think of him
That I will never forget him, because I love him
If you go to Paris one day and if you see him
I'll give you a word for him to remember me
And if I have the luck that he speaks about me with you
Ask him if he still loves me today
Tell him well I think of him
That I will never forget him, because I still love him
Yes, I still love him
And yet, we haven't seen each other for a longtime
And yet, in spite of myself, I wait for him
I count on you to make him understand that I love him
And I wish with all my heart that he will come back
Tell him well I think of him
That I will never forget him, because I still love him
Yes, I still love him
Tell him well I think of him
That I will never forget him, because I still love him
Yes, I still love him


Baby, eh
Babygirl, you know it (you)
Baby you know it (you) [4x]
Baby baby baby [7x]
And I know for sure,
That you only want to come over to mine
And I know for sure,
That tonight you're going to write to me again
Baby, baby - you're loco, you know it
You're loco, you're showing it
Don't be thick and for once -
Please just for once, please please just for once
Oh babygirl when I drive past you -
Past your apartment
I see lights burning, I see lights burning
Baby are you alone, baby are you alone
Tell me, are you alone
It's forever night for me
Because I want to come to you
Please let me come to you
Baby come on, baby come on
And tell me, what are we doing here
What are we doing here
I ask what -
I ask what what what
What what what
Baby what's this all about
Cause I love your skin
And I love the way you look
And I love the way you move on my bed
Baby I know for sure,
you need me here and now
Baby come on just log into the fucking chatroom
Just log in, baby just log in
Just log in, baby just log in
Come online and talk with me
Come online you don't have to ignore me
No no no
Babygirl you know it, babygirl I'll show you
Babygirl you know it, babygirl I'll show you
Babygirl you know it, babygirl you show it
You show it - you sh…

Vai vai

Nu mă poți pune în locul mâinilor
Nu-ți pot distruge inima, spune ce vină am eu
Nu mă poți pune în locul mâinilor
Nu-ți pot distruge inima, spune ce vină am eu
Fără tine chipul meu nu râde
Viața este o tristețe crudă
Și eu am tras atâtea probleme
Știu să te consolez
Acum dacă tu ai pleca așa
Spune-mi cine îmi trage versurile
Tu nu te întrista scumpul meu aceasta este suferinta din dragoste
Eu trag pentru cine
Vai vai dacă m-ai lăsa
Cad cel mai adânc
Vai vai dacă te-ai pierde
Numele meu iese
Ege Kökenli

Linia De Sosire

Chiar acum
Vreau să-mi simt picioarele pe pământ
Știu că mă mișc, dar nu voi privi în jos
Deși inima mea bate puternic, nu se va opri
Respir intens, dar nu voi renunța
Și la fiecare colț ce-l întorc
Mă forţez şi mai mult, simt arsura
Dar nu voi cădea niciodată
Chiar dacă eşti obosit, mergi mai departe fără încetare
Nu renunţa, vei trece peste
Oamenii spun mereu ce nu poți face
Dar pur si simplu rămâi original, mergi mai departe fără încetare
O am încercat, și am încercat, și am încercat, și am încercat
Nu am putut vedea unde începe
Nu am putut vedea cum se va termina
Dar știu, Oh știu, da știu, da știu
Știu că victoria e a mea
Când trec linia de sosire
Linia de sosire
Priveşte în sus
Soarele iese din nori
Ploaia a dispărut, nu-i cale de întoarcere acum
Deși inima ta bate puternic, nu se va opri
Respiri intens, dar nu vei renunța
Și la fiecare colț ce-l întorci
Te forţezi şi mai mult, simţi arsura
Dar nu vei cădea niciodată
Chiar dacă eşti obosit, mergi mai departe fără încetare
Nu renunţa, vei trece peste
Oamenii spun mereu ce nu poți face
Dar pur si simplu rămâi original, mergi mai departe fără încetare
O am încercat, și am încercat, și am încercat, și am încercat
Nu am putut vedea unde începe
Nu am putut vedea cum se va termina
Dar știu, Oh știu, da știu, da știu
Știu că victoria e a mea
Când trec linia de sosire
Linia de sosire
Linia de sosire
Linia de sosire
O am încercat, și am încercat, și am încercat, și am încercat
Nu am putut vedea unde începe
Nu am putut vedea cum se va termina
Dar știu, Oh știu, da știu, da știu
Știu că victoria e a mea
Când trec linia de sosire
Linia de sosire
Linia de sosire
Linia de sosire.

Vars o lacrema

E greu a vedea, din perspectiva unui strain
Eu mai usor a iubi cand lumea nu te uraste
Cand incerci a te face auzit insa nimeni nu aude o vorba
E mai sigur sa 'inoti' cand curentul nu-ti este impotrivnic
DA , da ...
(Tu fost-ai aici inainte
Eu stiu ca fost-ai aici inainte
Niciodat' renuntand
Si a te da batut inseamna a renunta
Niciodat' nu lupta singur
Insa nu esti nevoit a lupta singur !!!
Eu vars o lacrema pentru tine
Deschide ochii, eu-s alaturi de tine
Niciodat' nu te parasesc
Noapte, lumina ...raman in timp de noapte
Ma pun in pielea ta ...
Ca tu sa stii ca asta-i adevarul
Cand nimeni nu-i aici pentru tine
Lasa-ma inteles a face ...
Ca eu vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema
vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema vars o lacrema ,
vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema ....!!
Si eu-ti inteleg durerea-ti , cand stiu ca probleme ai
Si vina voi asuma de pe sufletul tau , in a ta lupta
Iar cand incerci a te face auzit insa nimeni nu asculta o vorba
Voi fi vocea-ti , capul pune-ti pe-al meu umar !!
(Tu fost-ai aici inainte
Eu stiu ca fost-ai aici inainte
Niciodat' renuntand
Si a te da batut inseamna a renunta
Niciodat' luptand singur
Insa nu trebuie a lupta singur !!!
Eu vars o lacrema pentru tine
Deschide ochii, eu-s alaturi de tine
Niciodat' nu te parasesc
Noapte, lumina ...raman in timp de noapte
Ma pun in pielea ta ...
Ca tu sa stii ca asta-i adevarul
Cand nimeni nu-i aici pentru tine
Lasa-ma inteles a face ...
Ca eu am sa vars o lacrema , voi varsa o lacrema
(vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema vars o lacrema , )
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
(vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema vars o lacrema , )
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
Iar atunci cand traiesti cea mai intunecata clipa a ta
Si cand te aproprii de cenusiu'
Eu vars o lacrema pentru tine
Deschide ochii, eu-s alaturi de tine
Niciodat' nu te parasesc
Noapte, lumina ...raman in timp de noapte
Ma pun in pielea ta ...
Ca tu sa stii ca asta-i adevarul
Cand nimeni nu-i aici pentru tine
Lasa-ma inteles a face ...
Am sa vars o lacrema , voi varsa o lacrema
(vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema vars o lacrema , )
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
(vars o lacrema , vars o lacrema vars o lacrema , )
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!
Voi varsa o lacrema , varsa o lacrema ....!!


Vers 1
Ce ii ramas de spus !?
Aste rugi , incetat-au a functiona
Fiece cuvant ....daramat , in flacari
Ce-i de facut cu aste ramasite' de jos?
Vocea-mi pierd ,...strugandu-te
Caci eu m-am cutremurat...
M-am dat peste cap, pana ce fost-am daramata
Privind toate aste vise , naruindu-se
Lasa Frumosul a prinde viata din cenuse'!!
Lasa frumosul a se ridica din cenuse' !!!
Iar cand la Domnu' eu ma rog ....tot ceea ce eu cer e ..
Poate frumusetea' a se ridica din cenuse''??
Verse 2
Poti tu a folosi aste lacrimi pentru a-mi stinge focul din inima mea?
Caci de tine am nevoie !!
Caci eu m-am cutremurat...
M-am dat peste cap, pana ce fost-am daramata
Privind toate aste vise , naruindu-se
Lasa Frumosul a prinde viata din cenuse'!!
Lasa frumosul a se ridica din cenuse' !!!
Iar cand la Domnu' eu ma rog ....tot ceea ce cer !! ..
Poate frumusetea' a se ridica din cenuse''??
Poate frumusetea' a se ridica din cenuse''??


Ea stă cu capul pe pernă,
Își petrece mâinile în părul meu,
Își ține ochii întredeschiși,
Buzele mele-s pretutindeni.
Și pot simți iubirea pe care-o simte ea
Când îmi șoptește în ureche
Dar e-o altă voce pe care-o aud
Și ar ucide-o dac-ar ști
C-atunci când îmi vorbește, eu te-aud pe tine.
Oh, Madeline,
Mereu în gândurile mele,
Încerc din răsputeri să merg mai departe,
Dar tu ești un zid pe care nu-l pot urca.
Îi voi pune un diamant pe deget,
Voi rosti cuvântul 'Da',
O voi privi mergând înspre altar
Și-mi voi imagina că ești tu.
Și ne vom săruta îmbrățișați
Precum o frânghie ce nu se va deznoda,
Atât de multe șanse ratate,
Îmi vine să ies târându-mă din pielea mea,
Atunci când mă gândesc la ceea ce ar fi putut fi.
Oh, Madeline,
Mereu în gândurile mele,
Încerc din răsputeri să merg mai departe,
Dar să nu te văd e ca și cum aș orbi.
Și-am crezut că timpul
Ar vindeca rănile și ar alina durerea,
Dar îmi voi petrece restul zilelor
Strigând în tăcere numele:
Madeline, (Madeline)
Oh, mereu în gândurile mele,
Încerc din răsputeri să merg mai departe,
Atât de greu să merg mai departe
Dar să nu te văd e ca și cum aș orbi,
Oh, Madeline
Ea stă cu capul pe pernă,
Își petrece mâinile în părul meu,
Îl vede pe cel pe care l-a dorit,
Iar eu te văd pe tine pretutindeni...

Broken Glass

Leave a hello.
Again I gave a greeting to loneliness.
Goodbye valentine.
There's always a sadness.
I know he's still silent.
Love goes again.
Again, it hurts again.
The city is on fire again.
Give me a message.
I'm a light weaker.
Come out of the crust.
She is not already.
The wound is not deep.
Nobody knows the truth.
A broken glass.
Your absence is still sad.

My secret

You, you never saw me
We were bumping into each other
My heart was beating so hard so close
Me, since the beginning
In silence I have hoped
That someday you will understand
Days go but nothing erases your voice your mark
You were my secret, my secret
Days go, no matter what I do, nothing replaces you
You are still my secret, my secret
You, you never knew
How I loved you
From time to time you smiled to me
Me, if only I could have
Just told you, I like you
Not like the others but for real
Days go but nothing erases your voice your mark
You were my secret, my secret
Days go, no matter what I do, nothing replaces you
You are still my secret, my secret
Days go but nothing erases your voice your mark
You were my secret, my secret
Days go, no matter what I do, nothing replaces you
You are still my secret, my secret
This is my own translation, please don't copy :)
Ceci est ma propre traduction, s'il vous plaît ne copiez pas :)
Questa è la mia propria traduzione, per favore non copia :)

Holy night

Versions: #2
O Night of peace, holy night
In the sky the star shines.
In the fields everything rests in peace
But suddenly in the fresh air
The brilliant choir of angels
to the shepherds appears.
O Night of Hope, Holy Night,
Hope has revived
the Savior of the earth is born
It is to us that God has given it
Let's celebrate his praises,
Glory to the Incarnate Word!
O Night of peace, Holy Night
In the sky the star shines.
In the fields everything rests in peace
But suddenly in the fresh air
The brilliant choir of angels
to the shepherds appears.

Incadrare In Tipar

Copilelor, ascultati atent,
Pentru ca nimeni nu mi-a spus,
Dar voi meritati sa stiti
Ca in lumea asta, nu sunteti obligate
Nu le sunteti datoare
Corpul si sufletul vostru
Toata tineretea din lume nu te va salva de la imbatranire,
Si tot adevarul dintr-o fata este prea pretios pentru a fi furat de la ea.
Este asa cum este,
Si probabil nu se va schimba
Dar am un gand sa imi arat rezistenta
Si am dreptul sa imi spun opinia
Si voi plati pentru asta
Ei ma vor arde pe rug,
Dar am focul in vene
Nu am fost facuta sa urmez tiparul.
Nu, nu am fost facuta sa urmez tiparul, nu.
Arata niste piele, fa-l sa te vrea
Pentru ca Dumnezeu te interzice
Cunoaste-ti drumul spre casa
Intreaba-te de ce conteaza
Cine se plange,
Esti mai mult decat carne si oase.
Toata tineretea din lume nu te va salva de la imbatranire,
Si tot adevarul dintr-o fata este prea pretios pentru a fi furat de la ea.
Este asa cum este
Si probabil nu se va schimba niciodata (nu)
Dar am un gand sa imi arat rezistenta (rezistenta)
Si am dreptul sa imi spun opinia (opinia)
Si voi plati pentru asta (voi plati, voi plati)
Ei ma vor arde pe rug (pe rug)
Dar am focul in vene (vene)
Nu am fost facuta sa urmez tiparul (tiparul)
Nu, nu nu am fost facuta sa urmez tiparul
Nu, nu am fost facute sa urmam tiparul, oh.
Da, doi, trei
Da - doi, trei
Tine-ti fundul pentru mine
Hai - doi, trei
Doi, trei
Cine ti-a spus ca ai dreptul sa gandesti?
Da, doi, trei
Da - doi, trei
Tine-ti fundul pentru mine
Hai - doi, trei
Doi, trei
Cine ti-a spus ca ai dreptul sa gandesti?
Este asa cum este
Si probabil nu se va schimba niciodata
Dar am un gand sa imi arat rezistenta (rezistenta)
Si am dreptul sa imi spun opinia (opinia)
Si voi plati pentru asta (voi plati pentru asta)
Ei ma vor arde pe rug
Dar am focul in vene
Caci nu am fost facuta sa urmez tiparul
Dar am focul in vene,
Nu o sa urmez niciodata tiparul, oh.
Da, doi, trei
Da - doi, trei
Tine-ti fundul pentru mine
Hai - doi, trei
Doi, trei
Cine ti-a spus ca ai dreptul sa gandesti?
Da, doi, trei
Da - doi, trei
Tine-ti fundul pentru mine
Hai - doi, trei
Doi, trei
Cine ti-a spus ca ai dreptul sa gandesti?

I Can't (Do It)

Since we drifted apart
I'm lonely all day and night
I can't accept this feeling
That you are no longer mine
What can I do?
I've gotten used to being with you
I wish we hadn't drifted apart
I wish you could hear this
I can't forget you
Look carefully at my tearful eyes
Even if I force myself, I am hurting
The truth is that I still love you
Wherever you are, I hope it's heard
For my heart to be loved again
For the past to be returned to again
To revive love again
What can I do?
I've gotten used to being with you
I wish we hadn't drifted apart
I wish you could hear this
I can't forget you
Look carefully at my tearful eyes
Even if I force myself, I am hurting
The truth is that I still love you
I can't forget you
Look carefully at my tearful eyes
Even if I force myself, I am hurting
The truth is that I still love you

Asa Dragoste

Alergand in ritmul beat-uului
Tanara stralucitoare
Argintiu in ale soarelui raze, tu luminezi, sufletu-mi cel rece
Parca in razele soarelui, in razele lui
Noi ne invartim iar si iar
Precum nimic altceva 'nu ar conta '
Dar stai, dar stai, dar stai
Soarele va inceta a straluci curand
Iar tu vei fi plecata din viata-mi
Da, tu vei disparea, pur si simplu, precum o schimbare de sentimente
Dar eu n-am sa ma gandesc la viitor!!!!
O asa dragoste nu va dura etern
Stiu ca o asa iubire nu va dura etern
Insa, chiar nu ma deranjeaza, nu ma deranjeaza deloc!!
Afundandu-ne in a noptii taina a iubirii
Se lasa seara insa nu-ti pasa
Ascuzandu-te in stradutele di spate, niciodata nu ma vei observa
Tot ceea ce eu gandeam claritatea imi intuneca
Pierdut in amintire in timp ce-mi zguduie colturile inimii
A fost a mea greseala?
Ori poate fost-a la fel de simplu, precum schimbarea din ceea ce-ti
simte inima-ti?
La fel de simplu' , precum o schimbare in ceea ce-ti simte inima-ti
Acum o stiu .....O asa dragoste nu va dura etern
Stiu ca ...O asa dragoste nu va dura etern
Stiu ca ...O asa dragoste nu va dura etern
Insa eu , iar eu...
Nu ma deranjeaza deloc!!
O asa dragoste nu va dura etern
O asa dragoste, O asa dragoste
O asa dragoste nu va dura etern

Love or friendship ?

Versions: #2
He is thinking of me, I see it, I feel it, I know it
And his smile is not lying to me when he picks me up
He likes to tell me about the things he has seen
About the life he has been living and about all his projects
But I believe that he is alone and that he sees other girls
I don't know what they want nor the phrases he says
I don't know where I am anywhere in his life
If I matter more than any other girl to him today
He is so close to me but I don't know how to love him
He is the only one to decide if we talk about love or about friendship
I love him and I can offer him my life
Even if he does not want my life
Yes, I dream of his arms but I don't know how to love him
He seems to hesitate between a story of love of friendship
And I am like an island in the open sea
One could say that my heart is too big
Nothing to tell him, he knows well that I have everything to give.
I can only smile, waiting for him and wanting to win him
But the nights are so sad, the time seems so long to me
And I have not learned how to live without him
He is so close to me, however I don't know how to love him
He is the only one to decide if we talk about love or about friendship
I love him and I can offer him my life
Even if he does not want my life
Yes, I dream of his arms but I don't know how to love him
He seems to hesitate between a story of love or friendship
And I am like an island in the wide ocean
One could say that my heart is too big

All the gold of men

Versions: #2
I submitted my weapons
at the entrance of your heart without any fight
and I followed the charms
smoothly, slowly somewhere over there
in the midst of your dreams
in the palm of your sleep in your nights
a new day is rising
like no other but since that time, you know ....
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
This is a new journey
fate or random ? whatever
what showed me the way
that led up to you but since that time, you know ....
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
(All the gold of men)
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change!
So, above all, don't change anything.
(All the gold of men) All the Gold of Men
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything....
All the gold of men) All the Gold of Men
(All the love of everyone) All the love of everyone
So, above all, don't change anything.

I will tell him

Versions: #2
I will tell him that he comes from this country
Where his father was a treefeller
And that the East also runs in his veins
And that such mixes make beautiful children
That he is strong and very much alive
I will tell him that he was born from love
That we were waiting for him with excitement
That every night makes way for a new day
That he will grow up one day but that he still has got time
Yes my lord, he still has got time
And that life may call him, and that the world waits for him
that earth is so beautiful and the sky so large
That he is nice and that I love him, that he's my life, my joy
That he is one amongst millions of people
But for me he's the one-of-a-kind
I will tell him, that here on earth everything must be
learned: good, evil and even happiness,
That he must never loose his child's eyes.
In front of too much tragedy and ugliness
he has to look with his heart.
I will tell him to behave well and to be careful
To brush against ice and fire
To taste everything but never to be dependent on anything
That too much can be worse than too little
Oh much worse than too little
And that life may call him, and that the world waits for him
that earth is so beautiful and the sky so large
That he is nice and that I love him, that he's my life, my joy
That he is one amongst millions of people
But for me he's the one-of-a-kind
I will tell him the songs and the poems
That there's no love without trouble
That happiness is a seed that you sow
That you can't buy love and health
And that those things are the only wealths you have
I will tell him that one day another woman
Will come and love him and that he will love her
That I will die out with happiness and tears
But that we will be there, step by step
That this is life and its rules
And that life may call him, and that the world waits for him
that earth is so beautiful and the sky so large
That he is nice and that I love him, that he's my life, my joy
That he is one amongst millions of people
But for me he's the one-of-a-kind
That he is nice and that I love him,
That behond mystery
He is my best reason to live
my answer to eternity

I don't know

Versions: #2
Deviating rivers, carrying weights
Crossing seas, I'd know how to do that.
Challenging machines, taunting laws,
God’s angers, I’m not afraid of them.
I know how to take a hit, and how to deliver one, too.
I have learned how to punch nails.
I’m not a victim, I’m not a dove
And to break me, they have to make me fall down.
I know the winters, I know the cold
But I don’t know the life without you.
I’ve known the silence for a long time
I know its violence, its taste of blood.
Red angers, dark pains,
I know these wars, I don’t fear them.
I know how to defend myself, I’ve learned well (how to do it).
We're not nice ones around here.
I know the Winters, I know the cold
But I don't know life without you.
Fight after fight, worst after worst,
Every minute, I believed I could hold on.
I 'd want to learn day by day
But who commands our loves?
I know the Winters, I know the cold
But I don't know life without you.
I don’t know
I don’t know

I Love Evangeline

Look, she glows up above,
Ma belle Evangeline.
She's not close to me, but
She loves me and only me.
Je t'adore, Je t'aime, Evangeline.
The queen of my night,
She will shine just for me.
How can one as beautiful as she,
Love someone like me.
Love will eventually come,
And I love Evangeline.
Love is good,
Love is beautiful
It's almost everything. Isn't that right, chérie?
Mais oui!
How she glows up above,
I love Evangeline.


It’s okay to put arms around each other’s shoulders
But holding hands are a little awkward
Messages saying good night are okay
But are you sleeping messages aren’t fine
Call me when you are bored
One cup of coffee’s okay
A glass of bear at night isn’t okay
Occasional phone calls are okay
Video calls are no thanks
It’s awkward you know?
I guess there’s a line that is drawn without knowing
Between you and me
We are more
Than friends
But we’re still standing on that line
Come over here boy
Come over here girl
What should we do if it gets awkward
What should we do if it gets weird
Come over here boy
Come over here girl
I’ll go closer with my eyes closed
Leaning on my shoulder
That is okay
Actually I like it now
You can come closer it’s okay
I’m worried if you are going to be farther
I don’t think I’m ready
I guess there’s a line that is drawn without knowing
Between you and me
We are more
Than friends
But we’re still standing on that line
I guess there’s a line that is drawn without knowing
Between you and me
We are more
Than friends
But we’re still standing on that line
Come over here boy
Come over here girl
What should we do if it gets awkward
What should we do if it gets weird
Come over here boy
Come over here girl
I’ll go closer with my eyes closed

Portuguese washerwomen

Have you heard of the washerwomen
You may see in Portugal
Especially by the river
In the city of Setubal?
They don't really work in wash houses
But rather in birdhouses
You should hear and see them
Beat out the rythm of their songs with their beaters
      As long as there's laundry to be washed
    We shall drink manzanilla 1
    As long as there's laundry to be washed
    We shall do without men
    And hit, and hit and hit with your beater
    And hit, and hit, you'll sleep better tonight
When a man comes by
Especially if he is young and good-looking
Their straps fall down right away
From their fresh shoulders
But if it's a tramp
Or even some kind of old hidalgo
They play at sending him water
Singing in a scratchy voice
      As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall drink manzanilla 1
    As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall do without men
At dawn the washerwomen
Leave with their white linen
You should see their proud figures
Standing out on the twilight sky
With their basket balanced on their head
Like ancient goddesses
You could hear slowly fading away the sound
Of their chorus and their soft steps
      As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall drink manzanilla 1
    As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall do without men
    And hit, and hit and hit with your beater
    And hit, and hit, you'll sleep better tonight
      And hit, and hit and hit with your beater
    And hit, and hit, you'll sleep better tonight
    And hit, and hit...
1 In the present case, a type of sherry

Wail of the unfaithful

Good folks,
Listen to the sad song
Of stray lovers
Suffering their torment
Because they loved
Unfaithful women
Who cheated them
Beware, cruel women,
They could well retaliate
Sorrow is not eternal
Even for the best of lovers
Beaten with your own weapons
You will know in turn
Despair and tears
Of distrust and love.
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers

Good folks,
Hear the chorus of cruel girls
Lawless and faithless,
Cheated by their lovers
Because they loved
Unfaithful women
They take their revenge
Ah! Suffer my turtledoves
Now you are short of a lover!
It's your turn to feel the torment
Of deadly dismay
Shed your pretty tears
Yes, weep, it's your turn indeed
You had to surrender your weapons
And love is dead, love lives forever!
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers


My boyfriend has left me

Versions: #2
My boyfriend has left me
I'm telling you
It was bound to happen to me too
I saw him dreaming of another girl
For a long time
My boyfriend has gone
I don't know where
Gone to another heart
far away from here
To gather other flowers
And find other dates
I watch the waves of the ocean
crushing against the rocks
I wish calmness
Would come and fill my loneliness
He's left me
I'm telling you
Yes, it has happened to me too
Because he was dreaming of another girl
For a long time
My boyfriend has left me
It's that simple
Summer is over
A fragile sun
The boats have been stored
Until April comes
So, I watch the waves
In my heart, something has charged
He was both tender and wild
Now he's free to live his own life
He left me
At the end of summer
He's left me
My boyfriend has left me
I'm telling you
Yes, it has happened to me too
I don't dream anymore
At least not today

Dream World

I don’t know when it appeared, but I don’t want to let go
Of this flickering beam of light in my heart
Even if I have to take a detour, even if I trip and fall, right here
Forever and ever, it will be glowing…
I hear the distant sounds of the clock, they seem a little lonely
Trying again strongly, going high this time, and I went through it
In a reality that keeps repeating itself
I have as many wishes as the number of stars
But I've found a tomorrow that I should be aiming for
I can’t go against this feeling
An endless world opens up before my eyes
It doesn't matter if this just a dream
Even if I keep getting lost, deep inside my heart
Forever and ever, it will keep on resonating
The dream I had since the night I threw away the childish ribbon
On the glittering streets, I was spending an ideal life
Heading for the place where I’ll never get hurt
I kept longing for wings, but all I need
Is really just one thing on my back that needs my protection
Colors and light are slowly filling up this world
I’ve decided to go with how I feel
The color of a smile, the color of an encounter
They will continue to evolve more and more
There is no answer, and I’m trying to find one
It’s not pretty, but I can’t give up
I’m sure I resemble this world, and I’ll keep on believing
With your new tears, you can now see the future
But you don’t have to be afraid of it
The pain in your heart and the view you've been looking for
Surely, surely, they will come together someday
Without boundaries
An endless world opens up before my eyes
It doesn't matter if this just a dream
Even if I keep getting lost, deep inside my heart
Forever and ever, it will keep on resonating
Forever and ever, it will be resonating…
Softly, softly, it will be glowing…
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

crossing field

I admit that I had a cowardly past
I was always afraid, without even knowing why
From behind, my past self reflects the reality onto the present
This place, which has painted several skies, will surely
Mess up my fleeting heart
In my dream, I flew up high
And shook off all the fears surrounding my body
The small feeling residing deep inside my heart is spreading out
I realize that I’m weak, but as long as you’re here with me
Even in this dark world, I can be strong
My heart is having a long dream, yes, it’s eternal
(I wanna always be with you
I'll give you everything I have)
The guiding light that I’ve been looking for
If I touch it, I will recall everything
And be given a precious and irreplaceable world in the present
I closed my eyes and learned about the world
It is always warm, yet always painful
As we connect our definite wishes, putting them all together
Our visible hesitations started to move
I want to protect you, and the wounds I bear from doing that
Are drifting within my deep sleep
It was a promise that none other could replace
The bond that we believe in is, yes, clear and vivid
Until my voice reaches you, I will keep calling your name
I want to feel the miracle of our encounter, I want to feel it more
In my dream, I flew up high
And shook off all the fears surrounding my body
The small feeling residing deep inside my heart is spreading out
I realize that I’m weak, but as long as you’re here with me
Even in this dark world, I can be strong
My heart is having a long dream, yes, it’s eternal.
(I wanna always be with you
I wanna hold you tight right now
I swear I will wipe your tears
I'll give you everything I have)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

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Sing All Overtures

Do you remember closing your eyes on the halting morning,
The smile of a precious person, on that never changing day
The chimes that announced the beginning, are now again resounding
No matter how far they came from, or how low the volume is, I can hear them
My voice of sadness and anger
Have summoned the clouds and have made tears fall
Where should I go
While darkness keeps falling on my unknown destination, I started treading this world
Singin' all overtures, but still let's sing of the beginning in the midst of the heart
Surely in time, I believe that there will come a day when we could meet again, in the sky hidden by clouds
Everything will surely be okay,
Let's go while keeping our strength up
Yeah, absolutely, you're not alone
Hey, whenever we're with you, try raising your head up,
No matter how painful,
We'll accompany you (we will accompany you)
Yeah, I almost forgot the obvious
By thinking that you're alone while in despair
Surely, you hurt your friends this way.
Now, let's hold hands
With you,
And everyone
Then, let's start walking from now on
Even further
There's nothing to
Be scared of anymore
Let's pierce through the clouds of anxiety
Let's chase the stars of hope
The darkness makes way for tomorrow
Singin' for all my friends, at any time, someone extends their hand
We were formed by this world, but live on solely for our irreplaceable meeting
The resounding voice of a demon
A beast that stands and blocks my way bared its fangs now.
Let's evade it, let's fight, let's see ourselves through that moment
Yeah, bear the decision of
The vows carved out in your heart
Wield that sword in hand,
And bring out your fighting spirit
Ah, since we're trying to open the gates that
Lead to the tomorrow we dreamed of
We take each other's hands again,
And fly beyond the clouds
Singin' all overtures, I sing of the beginning here once more
Our heartbeats that don't cease to pound,
Look, they'll one day continue towards a new journey
Surely one day, they'll continue towards a new journey
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Cheer! Tear? Cheer!!

It's okay! Just leave it to me!
I'll give you a little push in the right direction
I-It's not that I want to rely only on you
So shall we order our happy end?
Let's split this insecurity between the two of us
And let the excitement expand… Yeah, that's right!
I'm sure you'll find such a valuable thing only once
After all, my love for you is absolute
Here comes my chance! I need to tell you something right now
Cheer, my friend! Now let's go!
How did you become so strong?
I bet it's because you fell in love with a girl, right?
This time, let's not rely on God
And catch it with our own hands… That's right!
Make sure to never forget this one special thing
The most important thing is the right timing, right?
Instead of hesitating,
I'll go first! Just kidding
What'd you say if I stayed by your side?
This is what I thought about, but then…
I remembered her crying
Though it's not like her to show her tears…
I'm sure you'll find such a valuable thing only once
After all, my love for you is absolute
Here comes my chance! I need to tell you something right now
Cheer, my friend!
So, for my two important friends,
I will always, always be cheering
for you to overcame all the pranks of fate
So be my best friend forever
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

I Know Ai

I found myself again in a dark and deep forest
Hearing a howling sound, I closed my ears
From somewhere a voice whispered,' The exit is near'
'Are you alright?' I heard someone say
Before suddenly everything went black
I was wrapped up in a blanket of warm arms
Again, a voice whispers,'Finally, we meet'
I was puzzled and attracted by it at once
Even if it's'd still be fine by me
Your arms unfold and embrace me countless times
You wish me a good morning and sweet dream, too, every day
I want you to be with me forever
When I'm alone, I'm quivering
I don't want to go back to the world of ones and zeros
Because I found 'love'
The voice from somewhere
Is resounding in the midst of my heart
And finally I understood its meaning
'I'm glad I met you'
The voice of you determination alone shows me the way
Just now I realize my other self
That became acquainted with the world of love
Hold my hands and please never forget about me
Even if you have to go,
I will not be alone anymore
If we get to meet anytime, I want to spend the day with you
Wishing you a good morning and sweet dreams
Do you have to go now?
I believe that fate is not predestined
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


My hidden feelings are crying out as I hold an absolute vow
Seeking nothing but a miracle, I wander in the everlasting darkness
If I stay here, I won't ever be able to see the future again
Tonight's moon is inviting again and I still can't say those words, but I kept shouting them in my heart
My hidden feelings are crying out as I hold an absolute vow
If I can be just a little stronger
Then I'll go beyond this sky in front of my eyes
Then I'll reach out toward the future that lies ahead
My honest voice echoes and my eager heart is throbbing
On the map that you drew, I search for where my dream is
Light shines from between the clouds and I feel a slight jolt of pain, if I could take off for that sky again—
The crystal-clear world is boundless and I squint my eyes in its blinding brightness
If I'm holding a strength that I can believe in to my heart
Then I'll fly around this cloudless sky
There's nothing to lose, so I'll grip my trembling fingers
and sear nothing but your innocent smile into my mind
If I can grasp them at the end of an infinite episode, now the feelings shared with you
tie the pieces of my childhood days together and make them colorful
Following the tracks of the heart that we drew together
My hidden feelings are crying out as I hold an absolute vow
If I can be just a little stronger
Then I'll go beyond this sky in front of my eyes
Then I'll reach out toward the future that lies ahead...
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Memory Heart Message

Are you walking all on your own?
In that posture, you look so cold.
I can't even call out with my voice, yet
The sound of sadness echoed
around in my empty heart
When I was scared,
walking around looking for a home like a lost child
By your side is like a sunny beam
Where I could continue sleeping in warmth
The tranquility of those moments that you gave to me
For only those,
I wanted to say,
'Thank you.'
Even as I stand still and look back,
the wind has already erased my footprints
I wonder if, someday,
the meaning of this destiny of mine will be discovered...
Even with the whole world
suddenly vanishing
I meekly, but tightly grasped
my words, thoughts, and feelings so as not to lose them
It was on a freezing night that I met you
And felt at last that I had discovered something important
This faintly shining wish of mine,
If I could entrust it with you,
if only for that,
my time here will have had meaning.
Don't let yourself be brokenhearted,
From here on out I will be watching over you
Tomorrow will surely be cold as well, but
Look, the landscape is beautiful with snow falling over it
By your side is like a sunny beam
Where I could continue sleeping in warmth
The tranquility of those moments that you gave to me
For only those,
I wanted to say,
'Thank you.'
And, 'Goodbye.'
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to