Rezultatele căutării pagină 7
Număr de rezultate: 296
Miss Caroline
Your photo
Is on magazine covers
And you're spoken of every day
You're beautiful
And you're imagined cloaked in dreams and love
Who'd know
That at times
Without saying it
You'd cry?
Miss Caroline
It's your name now
Miss Caroline
But you no longer have the time to be loved
Your universe
If it's only light
The shadow remains frozen in your heart
For you believe
That only he in the in the world
Can bring you happiness
By your side
Far from everything
With you
Miss Caroline
Keep your youthful heart
Miss Caroline
You'll have the time to be loved
Miss Caroline
Keep your youthful heart
Miss Caroline
Somewhere a guy's waiting for you
Pentru dragostea ta
Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Pentru toate acele momente în care ai fost alături de mine
Pentru tot adevărul pe care m-ai ajutat să-l văd mai bine
Pentru toată bucuria pe care ai adus-o în viata mea
Pentru tot răul pe care l-ai mai îndreptat cumva
Pentru fiecare vis pe care mi l-ai împlinit
Pentru toată dragostea ce în tine am descoperit.
Îți voi fi recunoscătoare mereu
Iubitule, tu ești cel care m-a susținut la greu
Și nu m-a lăsat niciodată să cad mai mult
Tu ești cel care prin toate momentele vieții m-a văzut.
--- R ---
Tu ai fost forța mea în momentele de slăbiciune
Tu ai fost vocea mea când nu puteam nimic a spune
Tu ai fost ochii mei când nu puteam vedea
Tu ai văzut ce era mai bun în inima mea
M-ai ridicat când nu puteam ajunge ușor
Mi-ai dat speranță pentru că m-ai susținut încrezător
Sunt tot ceea ce sunt și tot ce-am împlinit
... pentru că dragoste mi-ai dăruit.
--- 2 ---
Mi-ai dat aripi și m-ai făcut să zbor
Cu tine de mână am putut atinge cerul ușor
Mi-am pierdut credința și tu mi-ai redat-o iar
Mi-ai spus că nu există nici o stea intangibilă măcar
Mi-ai fost alături și am putut fi la înălțime
Aveam dragostea ta, aveam totul cu mine
Sunt cu totul recunoscătoare ...
... pentru zilele ce mi le-ai dăruit, fiecare.
Poate nu stiu atât de multe și mai am de învățat
Dar stiu cu siguranță un lucru care e adevărat
Să fiu iubită de tine a fost ceva binecuvântat.
--- R ---
Tu ai fost forța mea în momentele de slăbiciune
Tu ai fost vocea mea când nu puteam nimic a spune
Tu ai fost ochii mei când nu puteam vedea
Tu ai văzut ce era mai bun în inima mea
M-ai ridicat când nu puteam ajunge ușor
Mi-ai dat speranță pentru că m-ai susținut încrezător
Sunt tot ceea ce sunt și tot ce-am împlinit
... pentru că dragoste mi-ai dăruit.
--- 3 ---
Ai fost mereu acolo pentru mine
Vântul suav ce m-a purtat spre zări senine
O lumină-n întunericul din clipele grele
Luminând cu iubirea-ți și drumul vieții mele
Ai fost o inspirație pentru mine
Erai și adevărul printre minciuni, știi bine
Lumea mea este un loc mai bun, prin măreție
... numai datorită ție.
--- R ---
Tu ai fost forța mea în momentele de slăbiciune
Tu ai fost vocea mea când nu puteam nimic a spune
Tu ai fost ochii mei când nu puteam vedea
Tu ai văzut ce era mai bun în inima mea
M-ai ridicat când nu puteam ajunge ușor
Mi-ai dat speranță pentru că m-ai susținut încrezător
Sunt tot ceea ce sunt și tot ce-am împlinit
... pentru că dragoste mi-ai dăruit.
--- R ---
Tu ai fost forța mea în momentele de slăbiciune
Tu ai fost vocea mea când nu puteam nimic a spune
Tu ai fost ochii mei când nu puteam vedea
Tu ai văzut ce era mai bun în inima mea
M-ai ridicat când nu puteam ajunge ușor
Mi-ai dat speranță pentru că m-ai susținut încrezător
Sunt tot ceea ce sunt și tot ce-am împlinit
... pentru că dragoste mi-ai dăruit.
Sunt tot ceea ce sunt și tot ce-am împlinit
... pentru că dragoste mi-ai dăruit.
Te urăsc dar te iubesc
--- 1 ---
Mi-ar plăcea de tine să pot fugii
dar dacă aș încerca să te părăsesc aș muri
Mi-ar plăcea să rup lanțurile în care mă ții încătușat
Și totusi încă nici măcar nu am încercat.
Orice ai face, mă înnebunește sigur
Vreau să fug ca să fiu singur
Dar pe urmă știu că va fi goală viața mea
Din momentul în care vei pleca.
Mie imposibil cu tine să viețuiesc
Dar nu aș putea niciodată fără tine să trăiesc.
--- R ---
Pentru că orice ai face vreodată
nu vreau niciodată, niciodată, niciodată
... să fiu îndrăgostit, vezi bine
De altcineva în afară de tine.
--- 2 ---
Tu mă faci să fiu tristă, dar și puternică mă faci să fiu
Mă faci să fiu nervoasă, dar și să te iubesc cum știu.
Mă faci ca totul eu să fiu
Mă faci ca să trăiesc
... mă faci să mă sfârșesc
Mă faci să surâd
... mă faci să plâng
....... mă faci să plâng.
--- R ---
Te urăsc o fărâmă ... dar te iubesc pe urmă
Te iubesc o vreme ... apoi apar probleme.
O clipă te urăsc ...
Apoi ... te iubesc ... mai mult te iubesc
Pentru că orice ai face vreodată
nu vreau niciodată, niciodată, niciodată
... să fiu îndrăgostit, vezi bine
De altcineva în afară de tine.
--- 3 ---
Te porți cu mine rău, te porți cu mine bine
Mă lași să fiu eu, mă faci să mă cert cu tine.
Mă faci să mă ridic în avânt
Și apoi mă aduci pe pământ
Să mă simt liberă mă faci
Și apoi lângă tine mă tragi.
--- R ---
Te urăsc o fărâmă ... dar te iubesc pe urmă
Te iubesc o vreme ... O clipă te urăsc ...
Dar apoi ... te iubesc ... mai mult te iubesc
Pentru că orice ai face vreodată
nu vreau niciodată, niciodată, niciodată
... să fiu îndrăgostit, vezi bine
De altcineva în afară de tine.
--- R ---
Nu vreau niciodată, niciodată, niciodată
... să fiu îndrăgostit, vezi bine
De altcineva în afară de tine.
... Doar de tine.
For me I know it
Versions: #2
Conform to who, conform to what
conform to which weird pose
Goes worse, goes better, can't say, don't know
The first time it always hurts
The first time makes you shiver
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more[1]
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
The third time makes you think
The fourth time you stand there looking
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
An eternal present that you can't understand
The last time never comes
The last time never comes
In this present you can't understand
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
It's you! It's you! It's you! Who can give you more
A ja ljublju SSSR
I want to smell the cyan taste of iron
I want to see the sanguine odour of fire
I know it exists!
Not everyone is able, stretching out their arms,
to grab destiny and slap its face
Turn it solid and obedient
turn it soft and incandescent
A ja ljublju SSSR
The flame of a heart that burns the mind
can melt the frost of boiling marble
I honour the arm that moves the loom
I honour the strength that moves steel
I know it exists!
A ja ljublju SSSR
When I've arrived
[Verse 1]
Oh, I think I must get away from the city, I can't handle it
Handle the brand new Hipsters in my favourite bar
Why does everyone here photograph their salad?
My god, the epidemic is here, the epidemic is here
[Verse 2]
I just want to read, about life
Instead of eating, I sit here write
All my ciaos and goodbyes, I, go off travelling
If you want, come along
I'll send a postcard, when
Mhm, I've arrived, I've arrived
I'll attach a Polaroid,
Mhm, when I've arrived, I've arrived
Maybe I'll play chess with the oldies and name them my homies
When I've arrived
And don't get homesickness, I think I'll know
That I've arrived
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
[Verse 3]
A small place in the sun with view would be great
Maybe I'll meet someone again and say, 'Nice, to see you'
And if the question comes, 'What are you doing here all alone?'
Okay, I'll pour out some wine
[Verse 4]
I just want to read, about life
Instead, I sat in silence
Wrote all my ciaos and goodbyes, I, go off travelling
I guess, now it's time
I'll send a postcard, when
Mhm, I've arrived, I've arrived
I'll attach a Polaroid,
Mhm, when I've arrived, I've arrived
Maybe I'll play chess with the oldies and name them my homies
When I've arrived
And don't get homesickness, I think I'll know
That I've arrived
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
He-he-he-hey, he-he-he-hey
Ho-o-o-ohh, wo-oh-ohh
He-he-he-hey, he-he-he-hey
Ho-o-o-ohh, wo-oh-ohh
[Verse 5]
I'll send you rays, when
Mhm, I've arrived, I've arrived
I'll remove the grey clouds
Mhm, when I've arrived, I've arrived
[Verse 6]
Maybe I'll play chess with the oldies and name them my homies
When I've arrived
And don't have homesickness, I think I'll know
That I've arrived
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
Yeah-eah, wooh, mhm
He-he-he-hey, he-he-he-hey
Ho-o-o-ohh, wo-oh-ohh
He-he-he-hey, he-he-he-hey
Ho-o-o-ohh, wo-oh-ohh
He-he-he-hey, he-he-he-hey
Ho-o-o-ohh, wo-oh-ohh
He-he-he-hey, he-he-he-hey
Ho-o-o-ohh, wo-oh-ohh
Soviet power plus electrification
are not communism[1]
though it's undeniable
that they can't get through Stalingrad
though it's undeniable
that they can't get through Stalingrad
Long live the President
Long live the President
You can't sell it off, you can't sell it off[2]
even if it doen't work
even if it doen't work
no sales of hope
no sales of existance
no vows to Virgin Mary
And given the time
the looks
the bad reputation
the infinite desires
the need for infinity
refine feelings
disobey rituals
you're worth more than
a salary increase
you deserve more than a guaranteed job
which you won't have
which you won't have
which you won't have
The confusion is great
above and below the sky
dare the impossible, dare
dare to lose
The impossible is great
the sky is above and below
you can only lose yourself
you can only lose yourself
Ta-yung grabbed another rocket
turned the bazooka, aimed at the jeep
Long live Ta-yung
Rugăciunea unei mame
Mă rog să fii ochii mei
Şi să o veghezi unde merge
Şi să o ajuţi să fie înţeleaptă
Să mă ajuţi s-o las să plece
Fiecare rugăciune a mamei
Fiecare copil o ştie
Condu-o spre un loc
Ghideaz-o cu harul tău
Într-un-un loc unde va fi în siguranţă
Mă rog să găsească lumina ta
Şi să o ţină în inima ei
Aşa cum întunericul se lasă-n (cade) fiecare noapte
Aminteşte-i unde eşti
Fiecare rugăciune a mamei
Fiecare copil o ştie
Trebuie să găseşti un loc
Ghideaz-o cu harul tău
Dă-i credinţă , aşa va fi în siguranţă
Condu-o la un loc
Ghideaz-o cu harul tău
Într-un-un loc unde va fi în siguranţă
Pe creanga cea mai înaltă
La fântâna limpede
Merg să mă plimb
Atârnat de cea mai înaltă creangă
Printre castane
Pare că te balansezi
Eu te zăresc şi mi se înmoaie picioarele( lit. îmi pierd picioarele)
Chiar dacă nimic nu mai are importanţă
Ai găsit cel puţin cheia
Care ne dă înapoi copilăria
Şi râsul nostru nebun de şcolari?
În această noapte
Este vântul de toamnă
Care te va legăna
Ferit de oameni
Leagănă-te lângă mine
Va fi desigur neplăcut
După o scurtă ezitare
În momentul aşezării scaunelor
Pentru masa de revelion
Vei trăi în toate tăcerile nostre
La întâmplare din conversaţii
Voi scuza absenţa ta
Dar nu-ţi voi mai spune numele
În această noapte
Este vântul de toamnă
Care te va legăna
Ferit de oameni
Leagănă-te lângă mine
Atârnat de cea mai înaltă creangă
Într-o zi te voi ierta
Spune bunului Dumnezeu că este duminică
Şi că poate veni să te caute
If You Were A Girl
Versions: #2
You loved me, I loved you
And one day I became your girlfriend
I thought that you were smart
But come and see, I was wrong
Oh why did I love you
And why did I become your girlfriend
I tried to forget you
But come and see, I miss you again
You're a cloudy sky
But I want you to be by my side
If you were a girl
And you loved someone
And if she were similar to you
You'd leave her fast
If you were a girl
You would understand me
Don't look at me with those puppy-dog eyes again
If you had been a girl you would've understood me
If you want, leave, but don't love me in the near future
Or if you want, open your heart to me
You better not lie to me again, my love
Oh why did I love you
And why did I become your girlfriend
I tried to forget you
But come and see, I miss you again
You're a cloudy sky
But I want you to be by my side
If you were a girl
And you loved someone
And if she were similar to you
You'd leave her fast
If you were a girl
You would understand me
Don't look at me with those puppy-dog eyes again
If you had been a girl you would've understood me
One more time!
If you were a girl
And you loved someone
And if she were similar to you
You'd leave her fast
If you were a girl
You would understand me
Don't look at me with those puppy-dog eyes again
If you had been a girl you would've understood me
If you were a girl
And you loved someone
And if she were similar to you
You'd leave her fast
If you were a girl
You would understand me
Don't look at me with those puppy-dog eyes again
If you had been a girl you would've understood me
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.
Inima mea așa va continua
Versions: #4
--- R ---
Aproape, departe, oriunde ai fi aflată
Cât inimile noastre continuă să bată
O ușă între-deschizi încă o dată
Și esti aici în inima mea toată
Doar așa inima mea mai continuă să bată.
--- 1 ---
În fiecare noapte, în vise te-alint
Doar așa te mai văd si te mai simt
E felul cum mai pot să te cunosc
... și să continui.
Ai traversat distanța toată
Și depărtarea ce ne mai separa odată
Doar ca să-mi arăți cum pot continua în viață.
--- R ---
Aproape, departe, oriunde ai fi aflată
Cât inimile noastre continuă să bată
O ușă între-deschizi încă o dată
Și esti aici în inima mea toată
Doar așa inima mea mai continuă să bată.
--- 2 ---
Dragostea ne poate atinge o singură dată
Și apoi să dureze ... viața toată
Si cât vom mai fi să nu-i dăm drumul niciodată
Când te-am iubit a fost cu dor aprins
Deși o singura dată în viață te-am cuprins
Însă de-atunci vom fi mereu de nedesprins.
--- R ---
Aproape, departe, oriunde ai fi aflată
Cât inimile noastre continuă să bată
O ușă între-deschizi încă o dată
Și esti aici în inima mea toată
Doar așa inima mea mai continuă să bată.
--- 3 ---
Exista o iubire ce nu va disparea nici un pic
Esti cu mine, nu mai mi-e frica de nimic
Și stiu cât inima să bată va mai vrea
Împreună vom fi mereu așa
În inima mea vei fi la adăpost
Și ea va continua să bată cu acest rost.
Purple Line
Now I see this way
It looks like purple line
Gotta introduce myself
I can't even feel, seized by these suspicions
There are times I can't even take a step
Really wanna get in touch with myself, even though I wish for a miracle
Without a strong heart, I can't move forward right now!
Purple line, let me setup my world!
No one else has ever walked this way
Embrace your dreams and keep searching for the way to live
My progression to be 'me'
With your strong feelings in hand, show that you can seize victory
A purple line of passion
When challenges assail me, my heart becomes completely out of my control
But I won't run away if this is what it takes to grow
As I say this to myself, I'll overcome it all, right now!
Purple line, let me setup my world!
No one else has ever walked this way
Embrace hope, keep gazing toward the future
Into my progression, I'll put my wishes
I'll never give up
A purple line of truth
As we engrave this moment on our hearts
Let's paint time like a movie
To find a 'now' that's worth more than the yesterdays
Imagine an evolving premonition... oh-oh
Yo! Check it!
This way of thinking, like all is lost
You must be loving your way because we must move forward
Let me, with my strength (help with) such as things that you do
Keep on working like that, only your goal will decide
(Then we'll) hurl into our past, show you what's my trick
(Woo!) The world's black and white, light and darkness, like south and north
(Woo!) Good and evil are smiling, beckoning me
(Woo!) In order to follow the path I believe
(Woo!) My soul will keep shouting out
We gotta purple like that, my time is still going on
Purple line, let me setup my world!
No one else has ever walked this way
Embrace your dreams and keep searching for the way to live
My progression to be 'me'
With your strong feelings in hand, show that you can seize victory
A purple line of passion
Purple line, let me setup my world!
No one else has ever walked this way
Embrace hope, keep gazing toward the future
Into my progression, I'll put my wishes
I'll never give up
A purple line of truth
I'm a swell bloke.
and Dainty Pothead
And when I smoke her
you confess.
Come on, Manolaki
we travel.
To lay,
Let's get it from them.
It'll get away
It's been some time since
people forgot how to love, just a hug could change you
It's been some time since dreams don't come true
And that look you threw at me
You are loosing your time, worring for no reason
Remember that life lasts only two days, and one of them is already gone
The rain's gonna get away, the sun's gonna get away
If you keep walking, it should only be for love
The moon's gonna get away, the flavour's gonna get away
All those crazy days, are lived by you and me
It's been some time since people don't know what to shout out anymore, no more words that bring in some smiles
It's been some time since you don't appreciate silence
Because after years pass you loose the desire that you had in those nights
When we go out to dance, remember that life lasts only two days, and one of them is already gone
The rain's gonna get away, the sun's gonna get away
If you keep walking, it should only be for love
The moon's gonna get away, the flavour's gonna get away
All those crazy days, are lived by you and me
Come on, it's getting away, everything which is between us
Come on, it's getting away, the songs that I keep in my drawer
Come on, it's getting away, the slow walking step by step
Come on, it's getting away, let's go and eat* the world
Come on, it's getting away, everything that we've been
Come on, it's getting away, the songs that I keep in my drawer
Come on, it's getting away, the walking step by step
Come on, it's getting away, let's go and eat* the world
The rain's gonna get away, the sun's gonna get away
If you keep walking, it should only be for love
The moon's gonna get away, the flavour's gonna get away
All those crazy days, are lived by you and me
Come on, it's getting away, to the moon and to the sun
It's getting away
Discipline, discipline
I come as pupupup-pudup-pup-pudup-pup
Guess who just released the album of the year
I spent 2018 in glide flight
I'm the kind of loser who only wins
Hey-hey, hey-hey-hey
Kids, no more games, I'm here to confiscate the Play
Too much porn, we're unbalanced
Gotta get the chicks to check out more to balance it out, hey
I have a friend who spends his time stealing me
That bastard wouldn't share his 4G
He's blackmailing me by saying I've changed
Thanks to him, I got inspiration, thank you for blackmailing me
Lalalala, lalalalalalala
If your buddy shits on everyone, it's because he shits on you too
I come on stage as ooooh
Why am I getting a big-head like that?
Discipline, discipline, discipline
Discipline, discipline
[Verse 2]
Son of a bitch, don't you understand how sad I am
My brains in the air are like fireworks
I was a fucking geek before the word existed
When you can't get in even when you're on the list
It's hard to remember that there are two ways to burn
When my dick does everything to stop me from thinking
I was rapping to hide, now I'm dreaming of plan B
French rapper friends, I won't miss you
Like wanting to randomly break up a guy
Want to insult a journalist who is too talkative
Disembark late at night in front of their pavilion
In the hospital because of a star, make a wish, bastard
Only happiness, maybe I'll finish my drink
Or maybe it's the other way around, he'll finish me off
Maybe I'll end up on the floor, I'm not dawg or your bro
Remain polite, do it, do it with discipline
Discipline, discipline
[Verse 3]
An old fan said to me, 'You're too commercial'
I told him, 'I don't know what that means, 'too commercial''
He said, 'When everyone likes it, it's too commercial'
I told him: 'What do you do for a living?', he said: 'I'm a salesman' (okay)
I have to do violence to myself (discipline)
These shitty twittos have too much arrogance (discipline)
Old acquaintances quickly gain confidence (discipline)
It's going to be clear, it's almost the flea market (I'm teaching them discipline)
I'm coming back like an ex-girlfriend who made you feel bad ('Hello?')
The call you shouldn't have picked up (brrrrrrrr)
Shut the fuck up, I won my lawsuits (he-hey)
My texts were better when the judge asked them
Everyone's cool with me, but it's strategic
I didn't think getting sucked would become pathetic
Before I tell anyone that all chicks are evil
Stop meeting them in the vip squares (oh)
Vip Square (oh), fishnet stockings (oh), go ahead (oh), I'll get out of here fast (ooh)
I come in or I'm going in mess, it takes discipline
Too many fucking leggings, too many fucking leggings
I'm trying to be faithful, but there's too many fucking leggings
Fear the day when I lose my rigor
I'm gonna take your bitch apart, she's gonna fit into a Kinder (that's mean)
Fit into a Kinder (it doesn't mean anything)
It'll be the name of the single (bullshit)
I used to play singles (okay)
(Well done, my little face)
The tiny red-nosed reindeer
At the time snow covers green Finland
And the reindeer cross the moor
The night wind
Still speaks to the herd of him
He was called Red-Nosed
Ah how tiny he was
The little reindeer with a red nose
Red as a [lighted] wick
His little nose would make everyone laugh
Everyone would tease him
Even saying
That he liked to drink too much.
A fairy who heard him
Crying in the dark
To comfort him said
'Come to paradise tonight'
Like an angel Red-Nosed
You will drive in the sky
With your little red nose
Santa's sleigh
When his brothers saw how nimbly
And with dignity he flew the celestial routes
In the sight of his frolicking
More than one reindeer stood dumbfounded
He was called Red-Nosed
Ah how tiny he was
The little reindeer with a red nose
Red as a lighted wick
Now that he practises
Riding his chariot in the sky
He is the king of reindeer
And his nose makes others jealous.
Your little girls and boys
For the great night
If you'll know your lessons
At the sounding of midnight
This tiny dot that moves
Just like a star across the sky
That's the nose of Red-Nosed
Announcing Santa
Announcing Santa
Announcing Santa
She is sweet, she is gentle,
She's the most beautiful of women
She loves to play
But she likes to decline
Her name is Caroline,
But some call her 'Line'
Yes, but to tame her
You don't have to be
In a hurry
Line needs to be wooed
Line needs someone to tell her about love
Line needs one to always tell her
'I'll love you day and night'
Some prefer pleasure and money,
Or the joy of time
Line needs to have someone offering her flowers
Line needs a song to her heart
Line needs compliments, sweetness
That's all she needs for her own happiness
Each night at the village
Towards this little beautiful sensible girl
Suitors come to sing (to her),
To seduce her and to invite her
To dance
One wants to lock her up
One promises her wedding
But no one could intoxicate her
And no one is allowed
To love her
Line needs to be wooed
Line needs someone to tell her about love
Line needs one to always tell her
'I'll love you day and night'
Some prefer pleasure and money,
Or the joy of time
Line needs to have someone offering her flowers
Line needs a song to her heart
Line needs compliments, sweetness
That's all she needs for her own happiness
One day she'll love
A boy that will understand
The secret of her tenderness
If he wants to keep her
If her wants to always be loved,
He must not forget that
Line needs to be wooed
Line needs someone to tell her about love
Line needs one to always tell her
'I'll love you day and night'
An Ordinary Day in Paradise
You are stumbling
On an ordinary day in paradise
Looking for tomorrow
That you could say
The world in under your feet
And you would like to listen
To the songs which are sung
At the edge of the world
Where the rain does not stop
Suddenly, you stop halfway through
In order to sensibly think through
What have you left, where have you gone
And your fingers do not play anything
Only in your heart
The snow melts during the winter
And it is snowing here during Christmas
In the Hawaiian Islands
On an ordinary day
With the same hope
Where the pain does not stop
And you would like to say
Only to stay on my feet firmly
And you would like to listen
To the songs which are sung
At the edge of the world
Where the rain does not stop
Suddenly, you stop halfway through
In order to sensibly think through
What have you left, where have you gone
And your fingers do not play anything
Only in your heart
The snow melts during the winter
And it is snowing here during Christmas
In the Hawaiian Islands
Saint Loneliness
Versions: #2
From whispers to pencil, from pencil to pen
My life transformed from acapella to a remix
I've put more degrees in grams, but it wasn't easier
The more hands thrown in the air, the lonelier I got
Drink from my glass of whiskey if you'd like
But I'm warning you, you'll find cheap ice at its bottom
And you'll only feel its taste in the middle of the storm
When the hardest verses remain under the roof of your mouth
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
Without looking at the price, I tried it on myself
You have no idea what it's like to trade soil for happiness
Yeah, the path to the stars is paved with tears and lost friends
And a lot of patience that I've spread on bread instead of butter
And you got lost in yesterday's dreams
My quarrel was with time, yours was with expectations
I've told you so many times and now for the last:
Between music and you, you were just a lover
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
I didn't choose it, it chose me
A path you didn't understand
I got lost and I stayed here to sing
On the streets of Saint Loneliness
I live without limits, my dear, forgive me
You know I only feel alive when I'm on the edge
And if you get close, please, don't fuck up my state of mind
Close your eyes and listen to the sea sing to us...
In the open field at the valley
In the open field, at the valley,
Under the green spruce,
Under the curly green
Catches monk sly.
The monk sits crying tearfully,
Blackroth mourn,
Blackroth mourn,
An angel appeared before him.
An angel appeared before him
Black Russian in white robes,
Black Russian in white vestments.
He became a monk asking:
Because the monk is crying tearfully,
Blackroth you will weep
Chernorizets sob?
How can I not cry, Lord?
Come on, brother, I roam,
See your family
See your family
See, not part.
Go, monk, turn,
Move into your cell,
Move into your cell,
You move, pray to God.
Your gardens have withered
Your flowers faded
You bear it, brother is not annoyed
You tear the gardens away.
Don't Sulk Like That
You haven't said a single word
For more than fifteen minutes
This isn't funny at all
I'm here, but you're somewhere else
Don't sulk like that
It's not a good look on you
Don't sulk like that
Let's go, come dance with me
Put out that cigarette
And stop knocking back one drink after another
It's so dumb to stress yourself out
When you could be laughing and having fun
Don't sulk like that
It's not a good look on you
Don't sulk like that
Let's go, come dance with me
You know very well that in an hour
You'll have forgotten everything
So cheer up right now,
And let's go dance
Don't sulk like that
It's not a good look on you
Don't sulk like that
Let's go, come dance with me
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)
In Paris
In Paris
When love flowers
It's like, for weeks,
Two hearts smiling at each other
Just because they love each other
In Paris
In spring
On the rooves, the weathercocks
Spin and flirt
With the first wind
That's passing by, indifferent
For the wind
When coming to Paris
Has nothing but one concern left
It is to go and dawdle around
In the uptown
Of Paris
The sun
Which is his old friend
Also takes part in the feast
And, like two schoolboys,
They go on a spree
In Paris.
La la la
In Paris
When love flowers,
Two hearts smiling at each other
In Paris
In spring
Spin and flirt
That's passing by, indifferent
The sun
Which is his old friend
Also takes part in the feast
And, like two schoolboys,
They go on a spree
In Paris.
Since in Paris
The Bastille has been stormed,
In every suburb
And on every crossroads
There are guys
And there are girls
Who, on cobblestones,
on and on, night and day,
Are whirling and whirling
In Paris
Revive Me
Master, I need a miracle
Transform my life, my state
It has been long since I have seen the light of day
They are trying to end my happiness
Trying to see my dreams cancelled
Lazarus heard your voice
When that rock was removed
After four days he revived
Master, there is no other that can do this
That that only your name has all the power
I really need a miracle
Remove my rock
Calm me by the name
Change my story
Revive my dreams
Transform my life
Make me a miracle
Touch me at this hour
Calm me outside
Revive me
You are life itself
The strength that is within me
You are the son of God
Who lifts me up to win
Lord of everything within me
I already hear your voice
Calling me to live
A story of power
Spring in Paris
Come with me
I know well here
You see all this
For me this is the real Paris
Come, I will take you there
Far from cars, far from the noise
Taste the dream
Of spring in Paris
We will sit down
On the steps of the Sacré Coeur
And you will see
Happiness it's almost that
Take your guitar
Sing a tune of your country
Believe me
You don't bother anyone here
Lift your head
And see, it's already night
It would be stupid
Not to stay here
Between your fingers
That it is pretty, this chord
I love your voice
Sing a little louder
A guy stops
A woman who passes by smiles
It's a day of celebration
Spring in Paris
Take an orange
You said you were thirsty
If you eat it
Do not get dirty
Eyelids closed
You bite the fruit to the fullest
It's not much
Happiness in Paris
Spring in Paris
Spring in Paris
Apă De Pe Lună
M-am uitat oriunde am putut
Doar pentru a găsi un indiciu
Oh, să ajung la tine
Să te fac să mă vrei
Am alergat în jurul soarelui
Am alergat după tine
Oh, dar fără nici un folos
Nu vezi că îmi ies din minţi
Încercând de a găsi o cale să ajung la tine
Oh, nu ştii cât de greu încerc
Şi încerc şi încerc
Ce trebuie să fac?
Îmi trebuie apă de pe lună?
Asta trebuie să fac
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Trebuie să transform nisipul în mare?
Asta e ceea ce vrei de la mine?
Am făcut tot ce am putut
Să obţin apă de pe lună
Am ajuns sus pe cer
Încercam să fur stelele
Oh, să-ţi câştig inima
Dar, chiar nu este suficient
Şi am căutat în fiecare carte pe care o cunosc
Doar pentru a găsi cuvintele
Oh, să pot atinge lumea ta şi să obţin puţină dragoste de la tine
Am dat deja tot ceea ce pot da
Şi nu ştiu ce a mai rămas să încerc
Şi încerc şi încerc
Ce trebuie să fac?
Îmi trebuie apă de pe lună?
Asta trebuie să fac
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Trebuie să transform nisipul în mare?
Asta e ceea ce vrei de la mine?
Am făcut tot ce am putut
Iubeşte-mă, cum te fac să mă iubeşti
Cum să te fac să vezi...
...că îmi ies din minţi
Încerc şi încerc şi încerc
Îmi trebuie apă de pe lună?
Baby, asta trebuie să fac
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Trebuie să transform nisipul în mare?
Asta e ceea ce vrei de la mine?
Am făcut tot ce am putut
Să obţin apă de pe lună
...apă de pe lună
Baby, iubeşte-mă, iubeşte-mă, da
Caspian Depression
No, not now, not here, in this hefty enormous collapse
No, not now, not here, in this hefty enormous collapse
No, not now, not here, no, not now,not here,
No, not now, not here, no, not now,not here.
If obidience is dignity, fortitude,
(Then) Freedom is a form of constraint,
Innocence resembles wisdom,
But not now, not here, no, not now, not here.
I'll be waiting, barefoot, with my head covered,
I'll sing Vespers, in the evening,
I'll be waiting, barefoot, with my head covered,
I'll sing Vespers, in the evening.
There it moves and crumbles, overflows,
There it moves and crumbles, overflows,
One declares their independence and leaves,
(Another) One concentrates in their own intimacy,
The last one proclaims total estrangement
You, with your gaze upright onto the future,
Focused on sunrise and angry at dusk,
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung
No, not now, not here, in this hefty enormous collapse
No, not now, not here, no, not now,not here.
If obidience is dignity, fortitude,
(Then) Freedom is a form of constraint,
Innocence resembles wisdom,
But not now, not here, no, not now, not here
But not now, not here, no, not now, not here.
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung,
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung.
Translation by Noctua.
Aghia Sophia
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Sunday boredom!
Sophia, Knowledge, Sophia,
It turns women on and it burns,
Burns with men
And consumes their hearts.
Sophia, Knowledge, Sophia,
It turns women on and it burns,
Burns with men
And consumes their hearts.
Touch me,
Even if just in dreams,
Murmur one more time 'live'
And I'll be,
Look at me,
Between clouds and veils,
Murmur one more time 'live'
And I'll live.
I'll live order, freedom, obedience,
responsability, equality,
I'll live hierarchy, honour, punishment,
I'll live freedom of opinion,
Safety, risk, punishment,
I'll live truth which is the last,
The first
Truth hurts you, I know.
Children, enfants, teen-agers, babies,
This is the program, it is priceless:
Antiquity is just fabulous, raw, folklore
Modern age has started and ended,
Voilà, the middle age, freedemocraticprogress,
Larallalla larallallallalla
Larallalla larallallallalla
Voilà, the middle age, freedemocraticprogress,
Modern age has started and ended,
Antiquity is just fabulous, raw, folklore,
Citizens (Larallalla larallallallalla),
Larallalla larallallallalla...
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Sunday boredom!
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Look Sophia, (sunday boredom...)
Look at life flying away!
Look Sophia,
Look at life flying away!
Look at life!
Look at it flying away!
You made pizza in Pozzuoli and behaved like a hick in Rome,
Now you act like you're from Switzerland, you live in New York,
Sophia, beautiful, Sophia,
Sophia of others' yearnings,
Mmmh... How beautiful it is, in progress, this fucking kingdom!
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves)...
Translation by Noctua.
My Deception
It amuses me thinking about
why I was having a hard time moving on from you before.
Am I not supposed to be really forgetful?
I don't know why it was so
but it really had been impossible to forget you.
But now it's finally changed,
If ballpens can easily be (misplaced and) lost,
how much more of feelings?
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception,* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (2x)
*My deception*...
Moving on as if there's a breakup to move on from
What is it with my presumptuous heart?
Why I was having a hard time letting go
when I wasn't being held on to at all.
Try stopping me too, please?
May I now finally learn
that there's absolutely nothing I can reap
from this love that is (constantly) being given then taken back.
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
I shall start moving away ever slowly,
just ever slowly,
just in case maybe,
you'll (be wanting to) catch up to me,
but that's *just (my) deception.*
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Don't deceive me anymore.
I shall not assume (anything ever) again,
I shall not get carried away (ever) again,
I shall not (allow myself to) be beguiled (ever) again
by you, who leads people on.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception.* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
*My deception*...
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
Out in the Night
Here we stand
In the middle of the night
And talk about
Where we will go
Him and I
We will find a way
Everyone said what is happening
Everyone said what did he do but,
We are going out
And I am distracting myself
We forget everything that we have done before
We forget everything we were black before
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh
We forget what has happened
We forget everything that people have seen
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh uh
Here we stand
In the middle of the night
I am speaking to move beyond but
You were tired
Now you will disappoint me
Everyone knows what you want
And everyone knows what I need but,
You are going home
And I am distracting myself
We forget everything that we have done before
We forget everything we were black before
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh
We forget what has happened
We forget everything that people have seen
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh uh
Woah 6x
We forget everything that we have done before
We forget everything we were black before
And now run out into the night
Uh uh uh uh
We forget what has happened
We forget everything that people have seen
And now run out into the night
Huh ohoh uh uh uh uh
Woah 6x
If I could
Passing time
A world without demand
Nothing pulls in
Desire is my law
Cards tell
Am I best on my own
And choose for myself
Cut all bonds
The time goes
But the world, it stands still
Losing everything
When we say yes
Without wanting to
If now I could
Let go of the world now
If now I push
Run to get peace
Under stand that my
Best friend is myself
I am doing it best myself*
When I kill the time
The tempo
Rises up when I want it to
The fire's ember
Extinguishes when I want
Silent game
In a trance without noise
That wakes me
The desire is my law
The time goes
But the world, it stands still
Losing everything
When we say yes
Without wanting to
If now I could
Let go of the world now
If now I push
Run to get peace
Under stand that my
Best friend is myself
I am doing it best myself
When I kill the time
Because yes I am here
Holding onto everything foolishly*
Yes certainly, more is happening
Waiting for an answer
If now I could
Let go of the world now
If now I push
Run to get peace
Under stand that my
Best friend is myself
I am doing it best myself
When I kill the time
Ești singurul meu miracol
Tot ceea ce am facut de bine
Iar îmi strîngi inima cu tîndrețe,
și mărturisesc că este adevărat
N-am cunoscut o iubire ca asta pîna tu...
Ești rațiunea pe care m-am născut
Acum în sfîrșit știu sigur
Iar sînt copleșită de fericire
Atît de binecuvîntată să te țin aproape
Cel pe care îl iubesc cel mai mult
Cu totul ce are viitorul pentru tine
Cine ai mai putea să te iubesc mai mult?
Lucrul cel mai apropiat la Cerul,
Ești îngerul meu din sus
Numai Domnul crează o iubire atît de perfectă
Cînd îmi zîmbești, plîng
Iar ca să-ți salvez viața voi muri
Cu o poveste de dragoste ce e inimă cinstită,
Ești bucățicul meu cel mai drăguț
Indiferent de ce ar trebuie,
Trăiesc pentru dorințele tale
Uit de ale mele, nevoile vor fi prioritate
Cine ai mai putea să te iubesc mai mult?
Atunci nimic n-ai mai putea să faci,
Ca să desist, să te iubesc
Iar de fiecare dată cînd respir,
e pentru binele tău
Dormi în visele mele, și să fii sigur
Cine ai mai putea să te iubesc mai mult?
Din cauza
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza vieții
Din cauza viselor cele mari ce ne-au bătut
În jurul lui Adam și Eva și Paradisului lor
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza unei clipei
Din cauza unei ambienței, [și] a unui loc și a unui moment
Și a bucăților copilăriei, lipite de cei douăzeci de ani a noștri
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar azi, atîtea lucruri s-au schimbat
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Trebuie să ne iubim totuşi, în pofida timpului pierdut
În pofida viselor cele mari la care ne-am întors
Ca Adam și ca Eva [în] Parasidul pierdut
Trebuie să ne iubim totuși, în pofida celor mai rele
În pofida strategiilor corpului nostru, fără dorințe
În pofida tuturor problemelor noastre, în pofida amintirilor noastre
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar in prezent, atîtea lucruri s-au schimbat
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Trebuie să ne iubim totuși, în pofida multor lucruri
Iar acum, vezi tu, nu trebuie să ignorăm
Că iubirea se transformă precum și culminarea ei
E cînd ne iubim din cauza, din cauza ale „pofida“-ele
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Iar azi, atîtea lucruri s-au schimbat
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși