Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Life is a bitch, but it´s not easy
and just cause it´s for free doesn´t mean we gotta be grateful
Maybe my parents had me as a penalty, but I came out as a shot through the upper 90 (the upper corner of the football goal net, expression that means something went perfectly, which is a word game with the expression 'me salió el tiro por la culata' = the shot went through the gun butt = something didn´t turn out as it was meant to)
I was the happiness the goal gives you
later it was seen that my liking was not in the stands, cause in the stands they don´t sell alcohol anmore
pull up the Calderón (stadium of the Atletico de Madrid team) and I attend therapy
He asked me what I learned in school, what the hell i obtained from high school,
for the question one I answered: the fact that I should be the teacher
in the event of two, I answered Julio
I was always good at the studies, test me
I failed in alegbra, or I´m skilled with the numbers
I was always good at the studies, wanna bet?
if you don´t believe me, make any track and upload it
For every wet pussy, ten eyes, much wetter
family planning with five different girls
regardless of the looks I dressed bow tie in my talking
_i dont know how to translate this sentence_
the police found out about my costume, they took my (??), do 20 sit-ups
I was Midas, because I got out of the cell (penal institution), 3 hours of crying after half of visit
'And why so skinny? If the food is not hat bad' comerme la cabeza (=eating my head=overthinking), you don´t know how many kilos that takes from me
in the review they gave me freedom
I won´t forget that it´s preventive...


Sunt curva aia (Da)
Am fost curva aia, încă sunt curva aia (Ah)
Voi fi totdeauna curva aia (Todeauna curva aia)
Da (Ay, ah)
Sunt Mona Lisa de cartier, rup negrul în bucăți
A trebuit să X câțiva negri ieftini din cercum meu ca pizza (Da)
Sunt prea exclusivă, nu cumpăr din buticuri de pe Insta'
Toate hainele pentru cur mic, încap doar pe cur fals
Curvă rea, încă vorbind rahat despre bani
Pizda ca apa, sunt nederanjată și relaxată
Nu m-aș împiedica de un negru dacă l-am avut
Curvo, ăla e gunoiul meu, tu ești servitoarea, deci l-ai băgat în pungă, ah
Sunt sălbatică (Da)
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică (Da)
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă (hei, hei, da)
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă? (Woah, woah)
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă? (Woah, woah)
Sunt sălbatică
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică, da
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă?
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ayy, ah)
Mâncă-mă și înregistrează? Dar vârful tău e tot ce arat (Ah)
Îmi păstrez negri privați, deci AP-ul lui e tot ce arar (Baow)
Te plângi cu curvele tale chiar devi cam plictisitor
Dacă nu e despre bani, atunci știi că o să ignor
Sunt rahatul, ooh (Ayy)
Vreau un mop să curăț podeaua, e prea umedă, ooh (prea umedă, ooh)
Păstrez o legătură, păstrez un ceas, păstez un bici, ooh (păstrez un bici, baow)
Hai să jucăm un joc, Simon spune că sunt încă o curvă, ayy
(Încă curva aia)
Încă sunt curva aia, da (Ah)
Sunt sălbatică
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică (Da)
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă (da)
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ce faci?)
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ce faci)
Sunt sălbatică, da
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică (Curvă)
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă, huh
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ce faci?)
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă?
Curvo, sunt ca un chibrit aprins, ooh
Și orice negru las să fută încă e atașat, ooh
Corpul ăla e bun, dar știi că pizda asta e grasă, ooh
Postez o poză, acum curvele astea se simt atacate, ayy
Nu lăsa negrul ăla să te pornească și să te epuizeze, ooh
Dau un apel și primesc o pizdă neagră șmecheră, uh
Curvele astea vorbesc de tras în sus, ei bine, unde ești? Ooh
Sunt în Lam', curvo, prinde-mă dacă poți, ooh
Scot curvele din ei, Stalli' Chan, da (Ah, da)
Negrilor am gust de zahăr, dar nu e rahatul dulce (Ah)
Ayy, ayy, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, mwah

Wandering Moon

Knock on my door when it's morning
If your arms are frozen, I'll warm you up
Wind is blowing on the glass, I'm waiting for your return
Heavy raining on the roof, how much more am I going to wait?
Knock on my door when it's evening
I'll take my bag and reach you
We'll dance in the spring sunset
With a wandering moon in the sky, all, all ours
And our eyes will look a little better
And just a flash of magic in them will be enough
For us to have wings in our hair
We'll have wings to fly away
And never come back down
Knock on my door before it's morning
I'll hide the hands of time
And if a sun beam filters through the window
I'll cover your eyes with my hands and never wake you up
And we'll have slightly better dreams
And just a flash of madness in them will be enough
For us to have wings in our hair
We'll have wings to fly away
And never stop
Knock on my door when it's morning
I'll warm you up with woolen hands
So much time has passed! I'm waiting for your return
There's a wandering moon in the sky, all, all ours

The usual

I woke up and bade my heart good morning
Dawn is breaking outside, but my life isn't changing
It just seems like another difficult Monday
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
I thought of you before I had my first cup of coffee1
The thought of me being in your life, and I felt better than I ever had
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
  • 1. Literally, the thought of the subject of the song 'woke up' before the coffee.

Last Request

The sun shines on me and you
Can you please not close my eyes?
I don't want to miss your beauty even for a second
Will time ever stop?
The story we are in
Where it ends, it will stop there
For you, I'll take my last breath
I have started to miss you
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
Let me sing you one last song
Tell me you love me again
Let my fingers clasp your gentle hands
Don't cry for me
Looking at you, my heart slows down
You're so beautiful, your beauty is amazing
I wish I could spend every night with you
If everything can reverse and repeat
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
I'm unwilling to let go of this world with you
Tell me you love me again
Let me kiss you and have you accompany me until the end
Who wants to listen to my last request?
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
Let me sing you one last song
Please, tell me you love me again
Let my fingers clasp your gentle hands
Don't cry for me
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
I'm unwilling to let go of this world with you
Please, tell me you love me again
Let me kiss you and have you accompany me until the end
God, this is my last request

A song

A song will crack your screen like a bullet on a calm Monday
It'll explode in the air like a firework
But it'll do you damage
A song with meaning and sadness
For the reasons that you shut yourself up in a sanctum of trades
For a love that attacked the heights
Before the inevitable dive
I'll put a song on your empty wall tonight
I can't explain to you how much is my fault, how much they blamed me for
A song that'll tell you everything with each lyric
How you took the roads that burn you, and they didn't even bring you a step closer to here
A song in the office and the living room that'll trick you, that'll scold you harshly
It'll hide lies to show you who loves and who hates
A song that gives no answer
It'll speak openly to you in my place
Maybe it would be written to punish you
Because you aren't you
I'll put a song on your empty wall tonight
I can't explain to you how much is my fault, how much they blamed me for
A song that'll tell you everything with each lyric
How you took the roads that burn you, and they didn't even bring you a step closer to here

Light a fire on the sand

Before you'll be lost and send the moon far away
light a fire on the sand
as my last wish
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
like when both of us as children in the nights
upon the same fire
we kept our love alive
with our kisses, the dawn woke us booth
on the shore where we planned our journies
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
before all things turn the same forever
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
even you will be gone far away from me
I'll be beside you like the sun
and touch your body as an erotic caress of the sky
I will be everywhere around you as the wind
Come back to me once again
even for only a night
Before this night covered upon us both
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
before I will be caught in your magic spell
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
I'll be beside you like the sun
and touch your body as an erotic caress of the sky
I will be everywhere around you as the wind
Come back to me once again
even for only a night
I'll be beside you like the sun.
Even my life will run ahead of me
I will stay beside the same fire
and I will sing my songs only for you
Light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so

Dizertația unui Înger Indiferent

Precum un înger cărui îi este indiferent
Hai, băiete, devină o legendă!
Bate un vânt pe cerul înalt,
se avântă la ușa spre inima ta,
dar tu stai și privești, nimic nu ai de spus,
pe buze doar ai un zâmbet.
Simți că ești atins de ceva
Alegi să tot cauți ce ar putea fi
Naivitatea ți-a luat ochii de pe soarta
pe care nici nu o înțelegi.
Într-o zi, poate vei afla
că ceea ce duci ca povară mereu
sunt aripi ce te vor duce fără efort
spre un viitor luminos.
Dizertația unui înger indiferent
își va lua zborul de pe un pervaz cu flori
Cu o patimă ce arde cu flăcări înalți,
dacă alegi amintirile să le arunci.
Cuprinde cerul și totul ce acoperă
Hai, băiete, devină o legendă!

Talk to me

I will talk to you with the language of heart
I will tell you fairy tales with my hands
I will roll inside the rails of our love
travelling through the truth of the dream.
I will walk on the sand of the soul
singing what life has decided for us
I will balance standing on the strings of thoughts
in a future that had no place for me.
I will talk yo you through the sounds of silince
I will offer you an 'I love you' through music
I will escape truth for a moment
since my dream cannot be controlled, my heart.
I will walk on the sand of the soul
singing what life has decided for us
I will balance standing on the chords of thoughts
in a future that had no place for me.

The train of life

I want you to broad into the train of my life
I've kept for you a seat, a long time now
I wait for you like a breath of my soul
so that you would be always by my side.
I feel like I love you as if I have seen you
and I live hoping that we will travel together
in a magical journey , in a magical journey
with my love alive.
How do i long to see your face
many years now I see just an empty sit and I suffer
I will be hanged around your neck like an amulet
Come and make this dream of mine a real one.
I feel like I love you as if I have seen you

Acum zburdalnici ne regăsim

Descătușarea-ți desfraie tu
Descătușarea- sufletului fost-a-va nouă
Purtat de-mbaierea libertătii lasava-ne
Avut-am de-a vedea țărmuri pline-n glorie
Radiind ș-așa
Săvârșit-am noi fel de fel-n regret destulat fiindu-ne
Văzut-am noi ai sortilor soroci
Insă-n firava-mi fire
sufletu-mi se-ncantă
Le la da pa da le na da na
Ve va da pa da le na la dumda (X3)


Tonight the night goes
With background music
And you are there
Letting yourself be admired
Just one mezcal
To embolden me
I want to take you out to dance
I don't care about anyone else
Now she wants me to dance very close to her
Please put a danzón
She no longer wants it slowly
I know she wants it tightly
My body wants
What you have
It's an urge that I don't want to control
And you know well
That you already have me
It can be seen from afar that you're dying to dance
Now she wants me to dance very close to her
Please put a danzón
She no longer wants it slowly
I know she wants it tightly
Just one mezcal
To embolden me
I want to take you out to dance
I don't care about anyone else
Now she wants me to dance very close to her
Please put a danzón
She no longer wants it slowly
I know she wants it tightly
My body wants
What you have
It's an urge that I don't want to control
And you know well
That you already have me
It can be seen from afar that you're dying to dance
Now she wants me to dance very close to her
Please put a danzón
She no longer wants it slowly
I know she wants it tightly
Now she wants me to dance very close to her
Please put a danzón
She no longer wants it slowly
I know she wants it tightly

[LIONESSES - Show Me Your Pride]

While fighting against a long night,
The place we finally arrived. 'Higher'
To our paradise
To the rainbow sky.
Didn't know when I fought lonely
The fence named 'WE'
When we being as we,
we even make a path that doesn't exist.
No matter how much you shoot at us with your tiny keyboard
we are bulletproof, we are bulletproof
and Untouchable
We're the conqueror of the Savanah field.
When 'LIONESSES' appear,
We organize this field. 'Charge'
We burn up the era of discrimination, we shine and emancipated. like 'Jewel'
When annoying gazes press you
You can take my hand whenever you feel alone
Love is love
Show me your love
You're the one who shines like a star
Show me your fire
Show me your light
Show me your PRIDE
Come out, Babe
It's my PRIDE
While I determined to die,
and kick out the closet door.
They welcome brave me. And they were another 'me' outside the closet.
Like standing in front of a bungee-jump stand,
more nervous before I jump down.
After jumped out of courage,
What the... it wasn't a big deal and just fun.
Tomorrow, the tomorrow's sun will rise.
And it'll be brighter than today
You don't have to hide or try to avoid it. that bright sun is on our side.
Just before dawn is the darkest time.
And if you feel trapped in the darkness
Just call us 'Friend'
Then we'll be the candles in your dark room
When annoying gazes press you
You can take my hand whenever you feel alone.
Love is love
Show me your love
You're the one who shines like a star
Show me your fire
Show me your light
Show me your PRIDE
Oh yeah
All right, Give it to me One more time

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I had a love
that abandoned today
because she didn't want me
I had so much desire
To make her happy
But everything was in vain
Her false promises
Brought to my soul
So much hope
That life gave us
With all its brilliance
Caresses and splendor
Now I understand
That everything was a lie
I believed her words
Being naïve
That you would never fool me
Now I'll be alone
To not suffer
The consequences like this
A fleeting love
That could only be
Only, a fatal dream
Now I know that for money
You hand yourself to other man
Leaving me
In this loneliness
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay
Now I know that for money
You hand yourself to other man
Leaving me
In this loneliness
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay

Green feather

I put a carnation in the lapel
I am a slave, I am of her eyes
Green feather in the hat...
Gave me luck, it fell from the sky
I have now somebody who wants me
I give my carnation to whoever wants it
But my green feather I do not give up
Because I distrust your heart
It's no use running away from the spell
Deep down you are all smilles
Now yes, there is no more problem
I have you and I know it is worth it

I'm unfolding my soul to you

Versions: #1
In my soul's basement
I'm looking to find you
The courage to call you
And tell you my desire
I was wandering my whole life
I live in your labyrinth
Hide the string well 1
So I won't escape out of you
I'm unfolding my soul to you
My life
What I am looking for
Is for you to pour love's water
In the deserted land of sorrow
I'm unfolding my heart to you
My sweety
I lean towards God
When you'll sleeping on me
You will be what I long for
In my soul's basement
You came and the joy came with you
And I go wherever you take me
With my eyes closed
My dreamy love
If you scratch the body
'I love you' will come out of me
'I love you' from the wound
I'm unfolding my soul to you
My life
What I am looking for
Is for you to pour love's water
In the deserted land of sorrow
I'm unfolding my heart to you
My sweety
I lean towards God
When you'll sleeping on me
You will be what I long for

Vagrant Fireflies

When the thick darkness
goes down in the city,
fireflies eager for freedom,
we leave the slums.
Without a goal, we walk
and under a street lamp,
when we don't meet the patrol,
we sing the song:
We are like fireflies,
we shine in darkness,
slaves of a brutal world,
we are the flowers of evil.
If our heart wants to cry,
we have to smile
dancing on the sidewalks
as long as the moon is there.
~ ~
Pale moon, only you
see our youth
withering more every night
like a flower without sun.
But if destiny will break us
in the heart the song,
only the courage will kiss us
in the shade of the bastion.
We are like fireflies,
we shine in darkness,
slaves of a brutal world,
we are the flowers of evil.
If our heart wants to cry,
we have to smile
dancing on the sidewalks
as long as the moon is there.
~ ~
If our heart wants to cry,
we have to smile
dancing on the sidewalks
as long as the moon is there...

There by the End of the Road

The life of a leader
Is not always easy
Sometimes you stand on top
And sometimes you fall down
But when you get back up
I become stronger
Raise your head up high
Never give up
Because this is the only way, and it is honorable
Keep on moving forward, we will never stop our march
And with courage and some sacrifice
There by the end of the road, the Pride Lands
It's not always easy
You've been through many obstacles
My power to succeed
Comes from within
I did not expect all this
Accept it gladly
I will be okay
And I am so proud of you
Because this is the only way, and it is honorable
Keep on moving forward, we will never stop our march
And with courage and some sacrifice
There by the end of the road, the Pride Lands
This is a task I didn't ask for
I didn't want the throne
Yet here we are
We have a task
A task!
Because this is the only way, and it is honorable
Keep on moving forward, we will never stop our march
And with courage and some sacrifice
There by the end of the road
There by the end of the road
The Pride Lands
The Pride Lands

Licurici vagabonzi

Când e întunericul mai gros,
licurici coboară în oraș
dornici de libertate,
noi plecăm din mahalale.
O luăm la drum fără țintă
și sub un felinar,
când nu întâlnim patrula,
cântăm cântecul:
Noi suntem ca licuricii,
strălucim în întuneric,
sclavii unei lumi brutale,
noi suntem florile răului.
De ne vrea inima să plângă,
noi zâmbim în continuare
dansând pe trotuar
câtă vreme este lună.
~ ~
Lună palidă, doar tu
vezi tinerețea noastră cum
se ofilește în fiecare noapte
ca o floare fără soare.
Dar dacă destinul ne va rupe
în inimă cântecul,
doar curajul ne va săruta
la umbra bastionului.
Noi suntem ca licuricii,
strălucim în întuneric,
sclavii unei lumi brutale,
noi suntem florile răului.
De ne vrea inima să plângă,
noi zâmbim în continuare
dansând pe trotuar
câtă vreme este lună.
~ ~
De ne vrea inima să plângă,
noi zâmbim în continuare
dansând pe trotuar
câtă vreme este lună...

I will find you

Versions: #1
[Strophe 1]
You give me feeling, I rise up
With you I don't need to take another step
Are we together and you look at me
I must have you - I can't resist
You give me feeling, I live
Whenever you rob my breath
I saw it immediately, I won't you let go away
I hold you tight and you do it too
I don't know how you do it
I just know that it will be a success
Someday the day will come
Ring on the right hand
I don't even know your name
Even so I only think of you
I do not know how you look
But someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
I don't even know where you live
Do you speak my language?
I don't know how you sound
But someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
[Strophe 2]
I can dream with you during the day
With you every night becomes day
No matter what you say, no matter what you do
I'm awake, when you call, I'm at the start
I don't want to miss any day
Where I can be close to you
We are so close-knit when you look at me
I know exactly what you need right now
I don't know how you do it
I just know that it will be a success
Someday the day will come
Ring on the right hand
I don't even know your name
Even so I only think of you
I do not know how you look
But someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
I don't even know where you live
Do you speak my language?
I don't know how you sound
But someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
(Yeah, yeah)
Someday I will find you there
I will find you there
Ah-oh-ah-ah, ah-oh-ah-oh-ah
Ah-oh-ah-ah, ah-oh-ah-oh-ah
Ah-oh-ah-ah, ah-oh-ah-oh-ah
I don't even know your name
Even so I only think of you
I do not know how you look
But someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
I don't even know where you live
Do you speak my language?
I don't know how you sound
But someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there
Someday I will find you there

Do You Have Time?

Somewhere at a party
But not really there
Caught in small-talks
Yeah, yeah, you party me hard
It is way too warm here and everyone's on MDMA
I'm just not in the mood today
I don't really want to be, where I am right now
But if I go home, I'm also alone with myself
I dial your number, I'm in the mood for our vibe
And whilst it rings, I just hit it
Tell me do you have time, come, Ill pick you up
We've not seen each other in a while, what did I miss?
Drake is on the radio, we drive through the city
And that's the whole night, yeah, that's the whole night
Tell me do you have time, come, Ill pick you up
We've not seen each other in a while, what did I miss?
Drake is on the radio, we drive through the city
And that's the whole night, yeah, that's the whole night
On set again, the seventeenth take
Everyone is nice, but there's nobody who checks
That you're actually a fake
I start screaming, for the effect
I am just not in the mood today
I don't really want to be, where I am right now
But if I go home, I'm also alone with myself
I dial your number, I'm in the mood for our vibe
And whilst it rings, I just hit it
Tell me do you have time, come, Ill pick you up
We've not seen each other in a while, what did I miss?
Drake is on the radio, we drive through the city
And that's the whole night, yeah, that's the whole night
Tell me do you have time, come, Ill pick you up
We've not seen each other in a while, what did I miss?
Drake is on the radio, we drive through the city
And that's the whole night, yeah, that's the whole night
When I'm with you, then I'm home
When I'm with you, I don't need a phone
We've not seen each other in a while
Let's do a few rounds, yeah, yeah
When I'm with you, then I'm home
When I'm with you, I don't need a phone, yeah
We've not seen each other in a while
Let's do a few rounds, yeah, yeah
Tell me do you have time, come, Ill pick you up
We've not seen each other in a while, what did I miss?
Drake is on the radio, we drive through the city
And that's the whole night, yeah, that's the whole night
Tell me do you have time, come, Ill pick you up
We've not seen each other in a while, what did I miss?
Drake is on the radio, we drive through the city
And that's the whole night, yeah, that's the whole night


She wants to let me go
Let go of her
But it doesn't work anymore
No more
I only see pink
Pink in front of me
But not her anymore
No, her no longer
Still having sex on the dining table
I think, she's leaving me
And she knows it hurts me
But she doesn't want anything solid right now
You found me
But you weren't looking
You take another step further away from me every day
The more I try
My heart bleeds
You just stand there, but don't do anything
You know that this isn't cool
You know that this isn't cool
I give her pure wine, but she doesn't drink it anymore
I give her pink roses, but she doesn't smell them anymore
No matter what I do for you, she doesn't see me any more
I think, she doesn't love me anymore
She wants to let me go
Let go of her
But it doesn't work anymore
No more
I only see pink
Pink in front of me
But not her anymore
No, her no longer
You pretended it's real
Now you hope that I forget you
I stay here by the fire, burning
And you run alone to the exit (you run alone to the exit)
Give me the feeling that we woudl have had something good
I gave you my live
But you ended it in a minute
My heart bleeds
You just stand there, but don't do anything
You know that this isn't cool
You know that this isn't cool
I give her pure wine, but she doesn't drink it anymore
I give her pink roses, but she doesn't smell them anymore
No matter what I do for you, she doesn't see me any more
I think, she doesn't love me anymore
Come closer, closer to me
Can't you see, can't you see?
You found me
But you weren't looking
You take another step further away from me every day
The more I try
My heart bleeds
You just stand there, but don't do anything
You know that this isn't cool
You know that this isn't cool


Even if I don't want to say it
It's not easy to pronounce
I think about you often
The two of us on the street at half six in the morning
I swear to you babe, I'll love you for ever
But over time we've exaggerated it a bit
We wanted to change, but didn't want to bend
Yes, we stumble through the streets of Berlin
I give you my jacket because you're freezing
You looked at me, I swore you were in love
Who would have thought, that we'd lose each other?
We didn't make it, although everything was there
It was so real, now it comes to me like a mirage
And now I lie here, next to somebody else
Even if I don't want to say it
It's not easy to pronounce
I think about you often
Far to often about you
It's so difficult for me to enjoy her presence
Because I think of you all the time when I'm with her
With her I'm stuck here, with you I was flying
But Cupid says, he won't allow us cloud nine1
Yes, we stumble through the streets of Berlin
I give you my jacket because you're freezing
But it doesn't look half as good on her as it does on you
Who would have thought, that we'd lose each other?
We didn't make it, although everything was there
It was so real, now it comes to me like a mirage
And now I lie here, next to somebody else
Even if I don't want to say it
It's not easy to pronounce
I think about you often
Far to often about you
With you every Tuesday was like a Saturday
And so far nobody came come up to your standard
When I meet someone like you, I do it differently
I do it differently
Even if I don't want to say it
It's not easy to pronounce
I think about you often
Far to often about you
Even if I don't want to say it
It's not easy to pronounce
There's nobody like you
Nobody like you
  • 1. Literally 'cloud seven' here, but in English we usually call it 'cloud nine'.


Third floor, just us two completely alone in Berlin
You stay awake all night long next to me, until I fell asleep
Our bed only as big as our apartment
We both didn't have much
New year, new class, I don't want to go there
I don't understand her and she doesn't understand who I am
I fight my tears every day
And try to win
I take out every stone from my path
And build a castle that will stand for ever
On the most beautiful beach in the world
You don't believe in it
You want to see how I fall
Me alone against everything
Your walls are cold, I don't fit in here
Sometime I'll get out of here
I take the path alone
Looking up is lonely
You want to see how I fall
Me aloone against everything, everything
New me, own place, let nothing please me
To survive here, only violence helps
Go to school alone now
But with both fists clenched, yeah, yeah
Mum cries, I don't come home, I'm high somewhere
Little brother alone, I have no time for him
Other dad, both of them gone
We shared the same fate (shared)
I take out every stone from my path
And build a castle that will stand for ever
On the most beautiful beach in the world
You don't believe in it
You want to see how I fall
Me alone against everything
Your walls are cold, I don't fit in here
Sometime I'll get out of here
I take the path alone
Looking up is lonely
You want to see how I fall
Me aloone against everything, everything
Me aloone against everything
everything, everything
You want to see, how I fall