Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 14

Număr de rezultate: 939


Call Me

I have been watching you for a while now
Me, through my window from my home
I can see you are alone in the rain
Grey courtyard and you.
You don't see, I am writing for you
On my window, numbers
Six, nine, nine
Three, five, nine
Five, one
Justiniskiu 7*
I am your neighbor
Apartment A9
Call me if you are sad
Call me if you are sad
Call me if you are sad
You still haven't raised your eyes
You still haven't seen the sings
Six, nine, nine
Three, five, nine
Five, one
Justiniskiu 7*
I am your neighbor
Apartment A9
Call me if you are sad
Call me if you are sad
Call me if you are sad
Call me if you are sad
(Call me)
Call me if you are sad
(Call me)
Call me if you are sad
(Call me)
(Call me)
(Call me)
Justiniskiu 7*
Apartment A9
I am your neighbor

I want to be a good king

I will be king one day,
be careful
Well, I haven't seen a bad king
with such fluffy hair
I will be a wonderful king,
as never seen before
Charming and fragrant
With a mammoth voice!
Well, that's what will happen
much later
I want to be a good king
Let no one tell me
(And when I said that)
What I'm not allowed to do
(I wanted to say that)
and stop me
(Wait a minute)
To do everything the way I want
(Well, you're not going to do that)
Find out what I want to know
I think it's time for the two of us
and sit and talk
(Your good advice
wait a little longer)
Because you behave so badly, the kingdom is in decline
No rules, no order, you know I don't support you
the child is rebellious now I know
I want to be a good king
We look to the left
We look to the right
We look into the distance
It's a discovery
(Not yet)
And everywhere you look
Not yet!
And everywhere you look
It is written for destiny and you will know
That he will be a good king alone
Yes, I will be a good king
Yes, you will be a good king
Yes, you will be a good king

Circle of Life

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala...
When something is born on our earth
He immediately raises his eyes to the sun
There is more here than you can see
Much more than a glimpse of the eye
So much here to open up to you
Much more than you could find
But already the sun is high, inviting to go on the trails
And on earth I discovered my place
And with the sun together
Village we all
You dream naive
Alive with hope
And living us
The wheel turns late
Spinning wheel
With the sun together
And with the sun together
Village we all
You dream naive
Alive with hope
And living us
The wheel turns late
Spinning wheel
With the sun together

We are one

Our lives are a slow dance
A chain that goes the distance
But it ends
It's been speaking since antiquity
It lives in us, we hear it clear
We don't understand it yet
You must walk, so take some steps
Even though, you was born just yet
Though you might stumble, watch
This dance awaits
It'll be next to you, little star
You can never leave it far
A whole chain circling, look
It's waiting for you!
A big family, a big family
Is waiting for you! (2x)
My past might trap me in
Although if it was up to me
I would so love to be different!
What my fate will make of me
Even though my heart is urging me
But I'm held by one straw
Strong needle and thread binds you
To ancients spirits, it leads you to
Although you seem weak yet
You migh feel joy, you might feel grief
With prideful faith keep saying this:
A whole chain is circling
It awaits me!
A big family, a big family
Is waiting for you! (2x)
Earth and sky, you and me
Within us the land does meet
That's how now all gets rebuilt
Need anything, call your ancestor
You'll have the strength to endure
A whole chain is circling, look
It awaits you!
Since you live among us, you are like us
You'll understand one day
A big family, big family
Is waiting for you!

Eu, o prietenă și lumea

Viața mea este o autostradă
Da, pentru că în cel mai rău caz
nu dau niciodată înapoi
Prefer să merg mai departe
Fără pedepse și nici regrete
Fără să spun 'Nu o mai fac'
Viața mea mi-o joc
Fiecare clipă puțin câte puțin
Mereu sub braț libertatea mea.
E suficient doar un cântec
O simplă iluzie
Pentru a avea ceea ce nu am
Viața mea este fără istorie
Eu însă nu caut glorie
Nu mă interesează să fiu cine știe cine
Mie îmi ajunge o chitară
Pentru a călători in toată lumea
Pentru a vorbi cu cei ca mine
Această lume este o mare verde
Dacă se încurcă se pierde
Eu trăiesc fără probleme un pic aici și un pic acolo
Casa mea e pielea mea
Acoperișul meu sunt stelele
Păturile sunt visele mele.
Am o prietenă care noaptea mă iubește
Și care sterge cu iubirea chinurile mele
Și când sunt lângă ea sunt mulțumit
Pot să mor într-o clipă
Pot sa zbor în vânt
Pot să dorm printre violete
Pot sa mă trezesc împreună cu soarele
Pentru a căuta acea țară
Unde fiecare se gândește la ce are de făcut
Ea nu arată rău
Dar are o viață prea la fel
Nu aș schimba-o cu libertatea mea
Casa mea e pielea mea
Acoperisul meu sunt stelele
Păturile sunt visele mele
Păturile sunt visele mele
Păturile sunt visele mele

The Path

In this life there are many paths
And you can follow whichever your heart desires.
But there's a path which is cunning
it takes you straight downhill.
But there's a path which is deceptive
it takes you straight downhill.
The path you might take one night
leads you forever from the straight and narrow
Your heart will end in tatters
your body clothed in rags.
Your heart will end in tatters
your body clothed in rags.
On that path even God forgets to see you
you come and leave and no one sheds a tear.
In fact you're just another piece of litter
on life's deceptive path.
In fact you're just another piece of litter
on life's deceptive path.


eu știu că cineva
drumul mi-l va intersecta.
care se va ivi
ca o lumină sau un strigăt.
căci azi eu presimt
că nu-i departe de mine.
care mă va târî
cum târăște vântul o frunză.
care pe veci
va zbura cu mine alături.
care îmi va urma pașii,
va merge unde merg și eu.
cu care să beau
emoțiile strop cu strop.
cu care să iubesc
și să cuceresc aceleași lucruri.
cu care să am norocul
de-a împărți același aer.
care să-mi aducă acea căldură
ce lipsește casei mele.
care va alunga
miile de porumbei care-mi cântă.
care-mi va umple viața
cum n-a mai făcut-o nimeni.

Vivir lo nuestro.

On a plain so immense, as immense as the sky,
I’m going to prune a garden,
so that your body sleeps.
In a thick and wide sea, wider than the Universe,
I’m going to build a ship,
so that the dream can sail.
In a Black universe, like the purest ebony,
I’m going to build in White
our love for the future.
On a closet night,
I’m going to stop the time,
to dream by your side,
that our love is eternal.
And fly!,
fly so far,
where no one obstructs our thoughts,
fly without fear,
like doves,
as free as the wind.
And live!,
live our thing,
and love each other until we are out of breath,
in a world without races,
without colors,
without regrets....
with no one to object,
to you and me love each other.
From a high mountain, high as the stars,
I’m going to scream that I love you,
so that the world to knows,
that we are one of the other,
and we will never leave,
and although nobody understand us,
for our love we will live.
In a Black universe, like the purest ebony,
I’m going to build in White
our love for the future.
On a closed night,
I’m going to stop the time,
to dream by your side,
that our love is eternal.
And fly!!,
fly so far,
where no one obstructs our thoughts,
fly without fear,
like doves,
as free as the wind.
And live!,
live our thing,
and love each other until we are out of breath,
in a world without races,
without colors,
without regrets...
With no one to object,
That you and me,
Let’s love each other!!

I Want to Know

Are you sincere
like me?
I want to know,
oh, I want to know.
Do you love me
as I love you?
I want to know,
I want to know.
For a lifetime,
perhaps you
will belong to me,
oh, you will belong to me.
And each day
always more and more
you will love me,
you will love me,
you will love me.
You are fantastic,
you are the sweetest.
There is not another
like you.
But my friends
do not believe it,
that you will belong
to me.
Uh! Uh!
Are you sincere
like me?
I want to know,
oh, I want to know.
Do you love me
as I love you?
I want to know,
I want to know.

I can't wait to be king

I will be a good king
Enemies can't defend against me
I've never seen
The king of ten thousand beasts
With hair that hasn't sprouted
I'll definitely be very majestic
And earn everyone's respect
And conduct myself in a special way
And practice roaring
Aha! So far
I don't feel the same
But I can't wait to be king
Your road is still a long one, your highness
If you thought
It doesn't matter whose orders
What I'm trying to say is
I won't be restrained
Listen to me
No one can stop me
I have my own ideas
Freely running around
Is definitely wrong
Doing whatever you want is the best
If this is the case
We really need to talk
Kings don't need to listen to a hornbill's random shouting
If this is our new king
I would be really disappointed
I would resign
Leave this place
And totally give up
This child is already starting to find me annoying
Oh I can't wait to be king
Everyone, look to the left
Everyone, look to the right
Everyone's eyes
Are on me
It's still early
Let all the creatures of the land sing for me
I want to hear the praises of my kind
This is the wonderful King Simba
Oh I can't wait to be lion king
Oh he can't wait to be lion king
Oh I can't wait to be
Can't wait to be
Lion king

Dacă m-aș întoarce

Acel adio fără a se spune un cuvânt,
vina toată a unei explicații fără succes.
De câte ori m-am întrebat dacă stai singură în noul tău apartament.
Astfel am conservat fiecare emoție,
dacă munca a preluat supremația
și orgoliul a întârziat intenția,
nu știi cât de mult te simt .
Dacă m-aș întoarce, de ce nu?
la ce bun să stau departe
Fac totul pentru a uita.
Știu cine ești, acum, când imi lipsești.
Dacă m-aș întoarce, de ce nu?
Lângă tine parcă plutesc.
Acum nu te voi mai lăsa sa pleci.
Nu pot să te pierd de două ori.
Ne auzim pentru probleme de interes,
pentru a vorbi de viitorul copiilor,
dar neînțelegerile noastre sunt aceleași

The Opportunity To Know Each Other Better

We're learning to give words a meaning
At each step from each predestination
As everything changes fast around us
We estimate generations
We estimate recombinations
We estimate perspectives, enemies and friends around us
But we...
But we...
Fifty years in our days
The courage of redeeming ourselves from indifference
To discover we're still weak at loving
Afraid of staying alone
Of staying outside
Among usual speeches, nice continuations
Around us
But we...
But we...
But we...
But we...
But we...
You and I
Finally have the opportunity
To know each other better...
You and I
Finally have the opportunity
To look at each other better...
We're learning to give words a weight
To the continuation of our relation
Even if everything changes fast around us

My Voice of Hope

Versions: #1
Zira: Sleep, my little Kovu
Dream and fly away
When you start to grow up and be strong
You'll become the King!
Kovu: 'Good night.'
Zira: 'Good night, my little Prince.
Tomorrow, you're going to start training with your higher intensity.'
I was found and persecuted
Abandoned and got no defense
When I've seen someone whose done wrong for me
I became impatient
But I think of a dream that is pretty
If my heart gets unbroken
I'm thinking of him being exiled
I pet him patiently
That Simba who has been killed at night
His daughter's screaming right here in my arms
Her last shriek rang in the twilight
This is my voice of hope!
Now, I tried forgetting something
When I begged him my pardon
If there is such trouble,
it gets little
But he can't live without me
Nuka: So, you're the one who have been chosen
To chase that Simba after you out here
Zira: This fight has no pity
But this work is what I want to do
The melody of grunts
The counterpoint of howls
The symphony of a grand departure
This is my voice of hope!
Scar has left
But Zira is better
To embrace my sweet heart
Until I shall turn him into a murderer
Who takes a bite of these horrors
Nuka: Sleep, you bad ant!
I mean, 'cute little feline'...
Vitani: When you start to grow up and be strong...
Zira:'ll become the King!
Hear the thunderous drums of war
To Kovu's mighty roar
Nuka: The thirst of our revenge
Vitani: Witness us!
Zira: Oh, yes, I hear them cheering out
Nuka, Vitani: Kovu's our hero!
Zira: I look up to those banners
Rising up to a sky of bad dreams
With the shade of red symbolizing my victory,
This is my voice of hope!

The safebox

I'm looking for a safebox,
can you guess what for?
I have no stocks,
no capital income,
I don't even own a suit!
But I need the safe,
I must absolutely have it!
I have to put there all the letters
my dear Rosina wrote me,
a small-sized portrait
fo the dear dearly departed aunt Sofia,
a lock of hair,
a coral-horn,
and the beak of a parrot
we lost in 1923!
Those are souvenirs that only in a safe,
only there can you keep them.
When they leave me nothing to put on bread,
I suck it up and stay quiet, I don't complain...
I know, life is tragic,
but the safebox... that, they must give it to me!
I have to put in there all the letters
my dear Rosina wrote me,
that scrap of wax
stuck in the candleholder,
a ragdoll

With A Brick In Your Hand

Revolution - simply starts within you,
When you stand in front of the pharmacy store, with a brick in your hand.
Revolution - simply starts within you,
When you stand in front of the supermarket, with a brick in your hand.
Revolution - simply starts within you,
When you stand in front of the television, with a brick in your hand.
Revolution - simply starts within you,
When you stand in front of the church, with a brick in your hand.
Revolution - simply starts within you,
When you stand in front of your school's door, with a brick in your hand.
Revolution - simply starts within you,
When you stand in front of your own door, with a brick in your hand.

Be prepared

Your brain is full of shit
But open your ears
Pay attention, you morons!
Just honor my words
Why are you so blank?
Just think a little bit
We're discussing about the heir
Don't be so ignorant!
Be prepared for a golden opportunity
And that is how we'll win
A new era is sneaking
And what shall we do?
Listen to your teacher!
Even if it seems freakly, you'll be rewarded
When I'll get my share
Let's fight for justice
Be prepared!
When we'll be superiors
We'll get free lunch
Of course, you'll have some duties
Then you'll be showered with rewards
For which I am specially eligible
But if I won't get enough
You won't get nothing!
Be prepared for a historic change
Be ready for dirty scams!
With accurate planning
We will be ready
Also, by defying
The darkness
Oh, brave king, they'll salute me
I'll feel glorious!
My ambitions is getting strong
Be prepared!


How cold the sun rises up!
The world ready to stop.
No! It’s not like before.
I am resisting and bite the solitude.
Like a soundless movie, wordless, dream or real?
I don’t wanna lie to myself!
I still want to believe!
The heart still carries one hope
and here doesn’t want to die.
I don’t want to lose it,
I want to feel the life!
I want to kill the fear today,
I’m litting it up on fure,
the freedom, where kan I find it?
The breath doesn’t let me,
I still run, through darkness, I’m searching for my path.
A new day, I imagine it, every end has a beginning.
It won’t delay, it will bring me back somewhere in life.
I will exist!
The sun will come down, to warm me up, above my eyes now.
Don’t wanna lie to me
I still want to believe
The heart still carries one hope,
and here will not die.
I don’t wanna lose it!
I wanna feel the life!
The fear I wanna kill it today.
I’m litting it up on fire.
The freedom when will I findt it?


Let's dance bimbo
What Makes This Feeling
That this song
It takes you right to my heart
As you dance, you sing
Romance is in the air
With a rhythmic rotation
With a magical rhythm, you take me with yourself
You will see how easy it is
Bimbo Dance
Like a compass
You come like that
To feel, to dance
To live, to enjoy Bimbo
Let's dance bimbo
In the rhythm of youth
Just like me dancing
You learn and you and you only you
Love Dance
is Bimbo
And lovers
Come like this
To feel, to be dancing
To live, to enjoy bimbo
Let's dance Bimbo
With a youthful rhythm
This is how I dance
You learn and you and only you
Love Dance
is Bimbo
And lovers
Come like this
To feel, to be dancing
To live, to enjoy bimbo

Poate, poate, poate...

De fiecare dată când mă-ntrebi
ce, când, cum şi unde,
îţi răspund mereu
poate, poate, poate
Şi aşa se duc zilele
iar eu, eu sunt fără speranţă
şi tu, tu răspunzi mereu
poate poate, poate...
Îţi pierzi timpul
gândind, gândind
pentru ceea ce vrei cel mai mult

That innocent son

That innocent son,
such a rare gift of heaven,
that son so dear to you,
God demands from you.
He wants me, the father, to remain weak
before his fatherly eyes,
he wants me to shed the blood
of whom I have given life.

As Simple As That

Versions: #1
It takes one step to fall down from the highs to the lows
It takes one flap of wings to soar up back
As simple as that

Fără scuze sau ocolișuri

Azi, când îmi spui ”adio”
fără scuze sau ocolișuri,
vreau să-ți vorbesc de greșelile mele,
de neliniștea ce-mi dă frisoane.
Ieri tu mi-ai dat totul,
gratis și fără rezerve,
și cum s-au schimbat lucrurile
când ai primit nota de plată...
Ieri tu mi-ai pus viața ta pe tavă
și eu m-am jucat cu ea.
Ce prostește am pierdut
iubirea ta la o ruletă!
Știi, eu doar mă prefăceam,
căci eu chiar am ținut la tine.
Gândindu-mă că mi-ai oferit raiul,
știind că azi eu nu-l mai am,
înțeleg că merit al tău ”adio”,
fără scuze sau ocolișuri.
Când te sunam acasă,
îmi răspundeai într-un suflet.
Azi nici măcar un mesaj
nu mă așteaptă când mă-ntorc.
Și pe deasupra, telefonul mobil,
acest instrument blestemat,
nu știi cât mă doare
de când l-ai conectat la tăcere!
Știi, eu doar mă prefăceam,
căci eu chiar am ținut la tine.
Gândindu-mă că mi-ai oferit raiul,
știind că azi eu nu-l mai am,
înțeleg că merit al tău ”adio”,
fără scuze și ocolișuri.

There's No One to Judge Us

There's no one to judge us, no one's our boss
Yet for all our sins we'll be asked before long
On a precipice edge, up a winding long trail....
No matter what makes it - heaven or hell.
No matter what's there, o'er the last earthly land
Or if devil or angel are taking us there
Ahead! To the peaks that are soaring so high
Where castles in clouds are lavish with light
Where gliders are hanging over thundering streams
Where bird flocks take off, one by one, with great speed
There, there, on that last earthly bound
A phantasm of colours will again flare out
And the moon will cheer up with stars dancing to drums
We are coming from NOWHERE
At NOWHERE to arrive

I don't get

I haven't
Seen you in a long time
But still the timer
You started is suddenly interesting
Your finger taps
Your eye scans the cafe
A tight half-smile
Stares fixedly at me
You take
As much as you want from me
I don't get anything out of it
When you say you don't need me
To come to you every Sunday
I don't get anything out of it
When we're always in a hurry
I guess you have something else again
I'm that person who danced with you
At the last party
But still to you it's final
Although I get nothing from this
Still I try to hold on
It'll be Friday again soon
By accident
We met on the dance floor on Friday
But all of a sudden
You disappeared from my view
My stomach turns over and my eyes water
Some sender behind me is excited
It makes me feel hot
I still don't get
What's wrong here
Why with me
Everything always happens quickly
I don't get anything from you
I don't get anything out of it
When you say you don't need me
To come to you every Sunday
I don't get anything out of it
When we're always in a hurry
I guess you have something else again
I'm that person who danced with you
At the last party
But still to you it's final
Although I get nothing from this
Still I try to hold on
It'll be Friday again soon
It would be a lot easier
To be free from you
Since I don't get
Any sort of relief from you
I'm not in your speed dial
When you flip through
Your calendar in front of me
But still always
Thinking to yourself
We won't be in sync
Evenings under the blanket
Good times await
But wondering all the same
What games you're really playing
In the morning you call me
I shouldn't answer
But I push the green button
You couldn't be easier to love
Although I get nothing from this
Still I try to hold on
It'll be Friday again soon
I don't get anything out of it
When you say you don't need me
To come to you every Sunday
I don't get anything out of it
When we're always in a hurry
I guess you have something else again
I'm that person who danced with you
At the last party
But still to you it's final
Although I get nothing from this
Still I try to hold on
It'll be Friday again soon

Don’t try to deceive yourself

“Sun and wind in a glass of a dry Chablis...”
P. Kashin
Don’t try to deceive yourself:
Everything is already predestined from above.
Well, the road can’t be found to the
Full of light house born out of your persistent dreams,
Where Chablis1 sparkles in crystal glasses,
And magic strings sing,
Where golden rays settle
Over ethereal, fairytale-like comfort.
Where there is no place for the insincere words,
And voices sound in unison...
Once again, the boats are sailing towards islands,
Chasing after the unfulfilled dream...
Among the labyrinths of the dusty mirrors,
And in the tangles of the uncalled for words,
Suddenly, a precious metal will flash,
Shaking the foundations of the basics.
And then, no snares, no arrow, no traps will be able to hold you,
And the mirages will release their grip,
And the fog of the doubts will burn away.
Don’t try to blame anyone,
And don’t use the familiar judgement.
Just don’t lose this thread,
Just believe in the gentle word.
  • 1. A dry white wine

Nothing lasts forever under the moon

What’s forever beneath the moon -
It all shall pass not to return:
The white of sail over waves will vanish soon
The bird’s wing in the flight will be sojourn.
The light flutter of a butterfly,
And fog’s unsettling mirage,
A warm smile from someone nearby,
The surreptitious glance barrage...
And the candle burns, the light
from our faces lifting the veil.
Together joys and plight
will pour into the holy grail.
Where, just as devil’s lure,
Till current times remain mixed
The wild strawberry’s sweet taste
With wormwood’s tart and bitter.

Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king!

I will be a mighty king, so my enemies will be afraid
Why is nothing worth it but I am young like a flame
I will be the strongest among everyone with my soul
I will learn to roar and I will learn anything
There is no such thing my son
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king!
Until then, you have to live longer and stronger
Don't forget that
I know
Remember that
I will play all day long
Tell me again
I'm afraid not
I won’t obey
I will play all day long
Listen to me
I won't say no
I have something to say to you
You don't have to tell him
I wonder why life is like this
I’m leaving from my job and from Africa
I will leave, I'm done, Simba
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king!
Look at your left
Look at your right
Wherever I go
I live there
Let the world begin with us
Let that world sing in heaven and on earth
Let King Simba cheer today
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king! (x3)


You’re always here, balked here
in the middle of this street.
You don’t eat anymore, you don’t sleep anymore,
what an hypochondriac!
Ehi, kid, what’s the meaning of
this jealousy?
You want to suffer,
you want to die,
who’s driving you to do it?
You don’t know what love at 20 years old is anymore,
to be in the clothes of a street boy
who still believes in his mistakes
and whose tough guy skin nobody takes it away from him.
He hides a purer heart
placed in a safe place from deceptions.

And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
Tell her the whole truth
because momma can understand you!
And those who have a mother don’t cry, it’s never true
but, if one doesn’t blow, the veil will never fall,
the one that makes you live in black and white.
A free man follows his own road,
even if it’s the wrong one.
I’ll see you at the next bullshit.

Don’t think of her, go and have fun
with the little kids.
Don’t demean yourself,
kid, there is (still) time
to get yourself into a fix!
The one that you want to kiss,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize.
forget her, kid,
because if someone tells dad,
I’m not the fool from before.
who knows how it’ll end up.
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
I’m only 20 years old.
Tell her the whole truth
Love at 20 years old.
because momma can understand you.
I’m only 20 years old.

Too badly hurt

Too badly hurt, because of you, my friend,
I have been left.
So badly hurt, that to think about seeig you again,
no way.
I feel sorry for the one who may come now
trying to handle my life,
wanting to get involved, trying to love me
with a lie.
Too badly hurt,
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
Too badly hurt
for you to ask me to start anew,
you will pay the blame, may God wish
that never will happen to you.
Too badly hurt
Open widely your eyes, this is the good-bye,
and, on closing the door, you must forget me
for the rest of our lives
Too badly hurt,
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.

To the Rock, To the Hill

To the rock, to the hill
I will build my hut
To the rock, to the hill
I will build my hut
Come, come, young girl
To share it with me!
Come, come, young girl
To share it with me!
If you don't come to me
I will leave here far away
If you don't come to me
I will leave here far away
To other strange countries
Where I will never return from
To other strange countries
Where I will never return from
Surely I know that
I will not get you
Surely I know that
I will not get you
I will settle for my luck, I am alone
I will always remember you
I will settle for my luck, I am alone
I will always remember you
Not in this case
Help values, wealth
Not in this case
Help values, wealth
There trying its power
The love of two youths
There trying its power
The love of two youths
If I am in your opinion wicked
In some way
If I am in your opinion wicked
In some way
I ask forgiveness this time
I will not change my ways!
I ask forgiveness this time
I will not change my ways!

I want a house

I want a house, I want it to be beautiful
Filled with brightness like a star
Filled with sunshine and good fortune
And for the moon to rise above the roof
Filled with laughter, filled with tears
House, I dream of you, how I dream of you!
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
I want a house, for lots of people
I want it to be strong and welcoming
Firm and warm, simple and real
For making music morn and eve
And where poetry would have its bed
I want to live under that roof
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
I want a house that is lived in
And for no one to sleep in the street
Any more, begging like a dog
Because there is nowhere to go
Treated like an animal and spat upon
And with no one, no one who helps
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
I want a house that is lived in
And for no one to sleep in the street
Any more, begging like a dog
Because there is nowhere to go
Treated like an animal and spat upon
And with no one, no one who helps
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
I want a house, I want it to be beautiful
Filled with brightness like a star
Filled with sunshine and good fortune
And for the moon to rise above the roof
Filled with laughter, filled with tears
House, I dream of you, how I dream of you!
I want a house, for lots of people
I want it to be strong and welcoming
Firm and warm, simple and real
For making music morn and eve
And where poetry would have its bed
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
A homeless man is not a man
A house without a man is not a home
And the song is made for singing
And singing is made to mock
And this rhyme is not silly
And this rhyme is not silly
And the song is made for singing
And singing is made to mock
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi
Dididindi, dididindi, dididindindidindindidi