Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 23

Număr de rezultate: 1234


I’ve got the music in me

I feel it running through my veins
the strangest of powers.
This rhythm is like a hug
that grabs me every night.
And I sing, and I sing, and I dance,
carried away in the madness of rhythm and blues.
And I sing, oh yes, and I dance,
clapping your hands to this crazy rhythm.
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
I want to spend all my nights
in this orgy of music.
Stretched to frenzy,
my heart beating like a eurythmy.
And I sing, and I sing, and I dance,
carried away in the madness of rhythm and blues.
And I sing, oh yes, and I dance,
clapping my hands on to crazy rhythm.
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
I can feel you, you are there!
My music, my good and deep music.
She made me sweat, or yes, my heart beat.
Come on, play, play, play!
Oh yeah, play for me
you know how I love you, my music!
Please play for me
my heart beats very hard like your rhythm!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!

The eternel feminin

If my Air means anything to you,
You would be wrong to embarrass yourself

Elegy of silence

Silence, where are you taking
your fogged glass
of laughter, of words
and sobbing from the tree?
How do you clean, silence,
the dew of the song
and the sound spots
that the distant seas
leave on the sapwood
serene of your mantle?
Who closes your wounds
when on the fields
some old waterwheel
sticks its slow dart
in your immense glass?
Where do you go if at sunset
you are hurt by the bells
and break your backwater
the flocks of couplets
and the great golden rumor
that falls on the mountains
blue sobbing?
The winter air
it makes your blue pieces,
and cut down your flowers
the quiet mourning
from some cold source.
Where you lay your hands,
the thorn of laughter
or the hot axe
of the passion you find.
If you go to the stars,
the solemn buzz
of the blue birds
breaks the great balance
of your hidden skull.
Fleeing from the sound
you are sound itself,
spectrum of harmony,
smoke of screaming and singing.
You come to tell us
in the dark nights
the word infinite
breathless and without lips.
Star drilling
and mature music,
where do you take, silence,
your extrahuman pain,
pain of being captive
in the melodic spider,
blind now forever
your sacred spring?
Today they drag your waves
clouds of thought
the sound ash
and the pain of yesteryear.
The echoes of the screams
who are gone forever.
The remote rumble
of the sea, mummified.
If Jehovah has fallen asleep
climb to the shining throne,
break him in his head
an extinguished light,
and ends up seriously
with the eternal music,
sound harmony
of light, and in the meantime,
return to your source,
where in the eternal night,
before God and time,
you were quiet.

Medley Nº 3: The Old Man and the Flower / See, You / One More Goodbye

Through skies and seas I've walked
Saw a poet and saw a king
In hope of knowing what is love
Nobody could tell me
And I already wanted to die
When an old man with a flower spoke like this
Love is caress
It's the spike that you can't see in each flower
It's life when
Comes bleeding
Open in petals of love
Love is caress (Through skies and seas I've walked, saw a poet and saw a king)
It's the spike that you can't see in each flower (In hope of knowing what is love)
It's life when (Nobody could tell me, and I already wanted to die)
Comes bleeding open in petals of love (When a old man with a flower spoke like this)
Boy, have you changed (See, you)
You had too many habits (I, who took so much care of my peace)
But then love came (Have the chest bleeding)
Unarmed your peace (Hurting)
Said goodbye to your disaffection for never again (Of love too much)
But now you'll understand (Now I know)
The extension of all good I've done to you (The extension of the madness I've done)
And you will say: I am now happy (I, who wake up singing, fearless)
Boy, have you changed (Of being unhappy)
Love is an agony
Comes at night, goes by the morning
It's a joy
And suddenly
A urge to cry
Look, my dear, beware with your cold (One more goodbye)
Don't get cought in the dew, don't drink cold (A separation)
Gin is a poison, take care, my dear, don't drink too much
Save yourself for me (Again, loneliness)
Absence is a suffering (Again, suffering)
And if you've got time, write me a caress (One more goodbye)
And send me the money of the apartment (That can't wait)
Because the due is not like me
Can't wait
Love is an agony
Comes at night, goes by the morning
It's a joy
And suddenly
A urge to cry
Love is an agony
Comes at night, goes by the morning
It's a joy
And suddenly
A urge to cry


I’ll bring along a single dust-covered treasure
and make a wish.
I brush it off a bit with the innocence I’d given up on.
Even if I throw it away, I can’t get rid of it.¹
It’s crammed in the depths of my desk.
The roadmap to my future, marbled and stained—²
Those borrowed puddles were vaguely dyed,
blurring the fragments of someone’s feelings.
The weather looks good—a gradation that spans the sky.
Rainbow-colored cruise packed with junk, soar!
I’ll cast a shining shadow on this richly-colored, unfriendly town.
Without a destination, a compass, or a mast,
I’ll sail on to the event horizon.
I gathered up so much that I couldn’t carry it all,
a treasury of infinite value.
After locking it up, I forgot all about it.
I’m starting to remember that vividness.
The wind’s direction looks good—coordination from the helmsman.
Rainbow-colored cruise packed with junk, soar!
I’ll cast a shining shadow on this richly-colored, unfriendly town.
Without a destination, a compass, or a mast,
I’ll sail on to the event horizon.
I’ve gotta be the same as them. I’ve gotta do the same as them.
A monochrome picture, a one-colored palette.
What do I want to do?
Let’s toss it all out there, the entire ship!
By bundling up all the unnecessary things,
I’ll make a mess of the world.
A station where the regrets I’ve left behind come raining down.
I dug my feet in and couldn’t move.
But when I cut off the sealing wax on each of the unaddressed envelopes hidden in the drawer,
I see that they’re all written invitations.
The coloring signs³
are a gradation that dyes the sky.
Rainbow-colored cruise, in order to fill that void,
I’ll cross over that richly-colored sea of entwining gray area.
I’ll turn the wind bearing down on me into energy,
and sail higher and higher,
to the event horizon.

O sută de dorinţe

Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Şi doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.
Am putea fi în Franţa din nou,
Să dansăm pe sub măslini,
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
În noapte te mai văd
Păr întunecat şi zâmbet tandru,
Aplecându-te pe pervazul ferestrei
Strângând trandafirii între timp.
Am putea fi din nou în Spania,
Să dansăm pe sub măslini,
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.
Îţi aminteşti măreţia verii
Am luat-o spre ţărmul Clarei,
Am auzit oceanul încălzind stâncile,
Am ascultat muzica de acolo.
Am putea fi în Irlanda din nou,
Dansând pe sub stejari
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.

Vino pe dealuri

Vino pe dealurile de la ţară,
Unde fantezia este liberă
Şi stai unde vârfurile întâlnesc cerul
Şi stâncile ating marea,
Unde râurile curg limpezi şi feriga
Este aurie în soare,
Şi grijile pentru mâine trebuie să aştepte
Până ce ziua se termină.
Vino pe dealurile de la ţară
Unde viaţa este un cântec,
Şi cântă în timp ce păsările umplu cerul
Cu bucuria lor cât e ziua de lungă.
Unde copacii se leagănă în timp, şi chiar
Vântul cântă în armonie,
Şi grijile pentru mâine trebuie să aştepte
Până ce ziua se termină.
Vino pe dealurile de la ţară,
Unde fantezia este liberă
Şi stai unde vârfurile întâlnesc cerul
Şi stâncile ating marea,
Unde râurile curg limpezi şi feriga
Este aurie în soare,
Şi grijile pentru mâine trebuie să aştepte
Până ce ziua se termină.

Rugăciunea lui Dante

Când întunericul pădurii a căzut în faţa mea,
Şi toate cărările erau acoperite ,
Când preoţii mândriei spun că nu este altă cale,
Am cultivat durerile de piatră.
Nu am crezut pentru că nu puteam vedea,
Totuşi ai venit la mine în noaptea
Când zorii păreau pierduţi pentru totdeauna,
Mi-ai arătat dragostea ta în lumina stelelor.
Aruncă-ţi ochii pe ocean,
Aruncă-ţi sufletul la mare,
Când întunericul nopţii pare fără sfârşit,
Te rog aminteşte-ţi de mine.
Atunci muntele s-a ridicat înaintea mea
Din adânca fântână a dorinţei,
De la fântâna iertării
Dincolo de gheaţă şi foc.
Aruncă-ţi ochii pe ocean,
Aruncă-ţi sufletul la mare,
Când întunericul nopţii pare fără sfârşit,
Te rog aminteşte-ţi de mine.
Deşi împăţim această umilă cărare, singuri
Cât de fragilă este inima,
Oh, dă-le acestor picioare de lut aripi să zboare
Să atingă faţa stelelor.
Fă să respire viaţa în acestă inimă plăpândă,
Ridică acest voal mortal,
Ia aceste speranţe dărâmate, gravate cu lacrimi,
Ne vom ridica deasupra acestor griji pământeşti.
Aruncă-ţi ochii pe ocean,
Aruncă-ţi sufletul la mare,
Când întunericul nopţii pare fără sfârşit,
Te rog aminteşte-ţi de mine.
Te rog aminteşte-ţi de mine.

Am să plâng

Am să plâng, am să plâng,
am să plâng toată viața,
dacă cea, dacă cea,
dacă cea pe care-o iubesc are un posesor.
Am să plâng, am să plâng
într-o tăcere profundă.
Am să plâng, am să plâng,
singur și trist pe-această lume.
Când moartea o să mă ducă
pe-ale ei cărări umbrite,
vântul îmi va aduce
această zamba*, care te cheamă.
Am să plâng, am să plâng, am să plâng
trist și singur pe-acestă lume.
Am să port, am să port,
am să port, în sufletul meu,
durerea, durerea,
durerea pierdutei iubiri.
Am să cânt, am să cânt,
cu amară deziluzie,
iubirii, iubirii,
iubirii atât de dorite.
Când moartea o să mă ducă
pe-ale ei cărări umbrite,
vântul îmi va aduce
această zamba care te cheamă.
Am să port, am să port, am să port
durerea mereu în sufletul meu.


Outside of this room
my time dies
leaving traces of blood
on my hands.
My side of the road
leads to something sad,
to other deserted rooms
and the boredom of a day
becomes the boredom of forever.
My only ally
who has followed me everywhere
and that makes me stronger
than my own illness.
Between minutes punctuated
by the strokes of a teleprinter,
someone's writing my story
before it's over...
before it's over... before it's over...
before it's over... before it's over...
before it's over...


Orice bărbat și-o dorea de nevastă,
Dar inima ei nu mai era liberă,
Căci ea iubea doar un bărbat.
Dar el s-a dus la război
Și nu s-a mai întors acasă.
Nu-i mai rămăsese nimic,
Și s-a așezat pe-o stâncă, deasupra văii
Unde Rinul era cel mai adânc.
Acolo și-a cântat ea cântecul,
Și cine a auzit-o cântând
A uitat de pericol.
Loreley ley ley,
Sub tine curge Rinul,
Ca o panglică albastră,
Prin ținutul vast și frumos.
Loreley ley ley,
Stai acolo, sub razele soarelui,
Și îți piepteni părul de aur.
Loreley ley ley,
Vapoarele trec de tine,
Și cine te vede acolo
E încântat de cântecul tău.
Loreley ley ley,
Mulți nu s-au întors acasă,
Dar asta a fost cu mult timp în urmă.
Și cântecul ei suna atât de plăcut,
Ca un vis de mult uitat.
Îl puteai auzi de la depărtare.
Și pescarii din barcă,
Ce treceau pe acolo dimineața,
Nu puteau uita nicicând imaginea ei.
Mulți și-au zdrobit bărcile de acea dură stâncă,
Căci bărbații o vedeau doar pe ea.
Dar ea privea în lături
Când vârtejul îi devora,
De nimeni nu-i păsa.
Loreley ley ley,
Și un prinț a auzit și el
De frumoasa Loreley,
Și astfel și-a jurat:
”Curând ea va fi a mea”.
Și astfel ei au pornit
De-a lungul bătrânului Rin,
Însă ei au băut prea mult...
Vin pentru Loreley.
Cine crede în magie?
Vin, să curgă din belșug!
Dumnezeu să ne ierte!”
Și ea încă își cânta cântecul,
Și ea încă își pieptăna părul
Când barca era deja scufundată.
Loreley ley ley...

Your Voice

The day dawned with my bed empty
The night was dark and cold
The playlist we used to listen
The silence of my company
We argue everyday
While life went on
Our love walked out the door
And if I call you
You'll answer it
Say you're gonna be back
Just to come and see me
And if I tell you
That my life is going well
I know I'd be lying
If there's someone else
So tell me if he does
What I didn't do
I was just calling to hear
So tell me if he does
What I didn't do
I was just calling to hear
Your voice here
Your voice
I just want to hear your voice here
I just want to hear your voice here
I cannot explain
Time seems to stop
I hear your voice calling me
It makes me want to cry
We argue everyday
While life went on
Our love walked out the door
And if I call you
You'll answer it
Say you're gonna be back
Just to come and see me
And if I tell you
That my life is going well
I know I'd be lying
If there's someone else
So tell me if he does
What I didn't do
I was just calling to hear
So tell me if he does
What I didn't do
I was just calling to hear
Your voice here
I just want to hear your voice here

Să nu vii când sunt mort

Să nu vii când sunt mort
Lacrimi prosteşti să-ţi curgă pe mormânt
Şi să te-nvârţi la capul meu, că nu suport
Lasă-mi ţărâna liniştită în pământ.
Să-mi cânte fluierarul, să bată vântul iute
Dar tu, tu du-te.
Copilă, nu ai vină c-am plecat
Oricum nu-mi pasă, n-am fost norocos

You're my oxygen

I think the world has gone mad
All in masks since the morning, ye-ye
So little sincerity in us
So cool that you with me right now, ye-ye
I'll believe it's forever
You're my oxygen
I'll sing you love songs
All night long
There's no money in my pocket
It's been raining for two weeks
Looks frowning in subway catching
But all the bad news
Is insignificant, because we're together
The world just froze, 'cause I love you
The world just froze, I love you
Your eyes can tell me
About everything in the world, ye-ye
I'm so lucky to have you
I know you're the only one on the planet
I want the evening to be endless.
You're my oxygen.
I want to be in your arms
All night long
There's no money in my pocket
It's been raining for two weeks
Looks frowning in subway catching
But all the bad news
Is insignificant, because we're together
The world just froze, 'cause I love you
The world just froze, I love you
There's no money in my pocket
It's been raining for two weeks
Looks frowning in subway catching
But all the bad news
Is insignificant, because we're together
The world just froze, 'cause I love you
The world just froze, I love you

When the Shaking is Past

Versions: #1
Walk, over the stones, dry and lonely
'Till I can feel the ground shake,
Deep down below me
Ashamed of the breath I take (I know)
Ashamed to be fearful
(No oh's)
I'm here, still sitting alone in a crater
Waiting to feel my soul shake, an spectator
Nobody saw me leave (I know)
Nobody's waiting
(No oh's)
Fissures have opened deep within my heart
Dreams are broken, the planet falls apart
You, I know in these ruins I'll find you
And then we won't need to discuss, and discuss
Why we tremble
I'll kiss you within the temple (I know)
One moment sweet and gentle
Fissures have opened deep within my heart
Dreams are broken, the planet falls apart
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (when the shaking is past)
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is, past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is, past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is...
(Yodelaying and wake me up thens intertwined)

Suit Black

Yes,I'm suit black,suit black,suit black,ah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Tuta black, yes, I'm wearing black
Suit black, yes, I'm wearing black
Suit black, yes, I'm wearing black
Suit black, yes, I'm wearing black
Rimango with my down in the evening
Touch me, don't touch anything
You die in the street by mistake
You don't even know that you have done, ok
Gi-gi, no, I did not miss a euro
The clan in the club, dressed in black
Shells inside my suit
Of-of-of fall to the ground
I have the glock in the seat cushion
Noises, I do bother
Yes, you're with me, yes, he is with me, urlami that I am a child
I lose a bro together with a lighter
Don't know who the fuck you shut up
Yes, I'm wearing black, I'm wearing black
The look at night on a motorcycle
suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Coi dark glasses tonight
Never taken an Air Force black
Is not the time to raise your voice
Yes, I'm in a suit black suit black
I've had enough already, the rest independent
Inside the club the young people in the room
And with this trap raga svoltan with two pieces
Out before the pieces
Out now the frero has two jobs
And to go on tour with style
I don't need an Audi white
But just a big pocket
Your love is not enough for us
Those chicks are whores
I have six friends and you just
God has never made any fashion mistakes
But he was not around on foot
And feel bitch
I see my enemies more united
After you are betrayed
I don't yield to the temptations
Round again walk inside my city
You're with me tonight
In the area I am not more
Now your envy ascends
The motion of the Jack goes on
Tuta black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Suit black, suit black, suit black, aah
Tuta black, yes, I'm wearing black
Suit black, yes, I'm wearing black
Suit black, yes, I'm wearing black
Suit black, yes,suit black

Suffering and loving

Can't tell if it's old mug shot fragment,
Or feel alarmed me.
I get enough air,
You, very dear to me,
Tried to love me at night.
I'm addicted to that thought,
That you and no one else are near.
Forgotten by me, don't deceive,
Let's be with me down to the last second.
But we didn't realize one thing:
That we, as all people,
Suffer and love.
Don't deceive me, I'm with you,
No one else will be so closest.
Can't tell, if we somehow ice to each other,
Or to be nearby is my destiny.
Let's forget at sunset all, that has gone before.
I'll find you on retro shots.
I'm addicted to that thought,
That you and no one else are near.
Forgotten by me, don't deceive,
Let's be with me down to the last second.

Run to you

I can't, I can't stop myself
Don't know what's with me, I want you to know
that I miss you every day
An hour's passing, I want to call you
I got so many simple things to say to you
I have no pacience
I'm rushing so much
I want to run to you now
I got so many things to say to you
about we two
just about us and I want us
to fly through the clouds now
like the tender morning light
to hold you in my arms, I want
to say again to you:
I want to run to you now
Now I talked on the telephone
I closed it and now I feel like missing
to hear you how you say that you love me
An hour's passing, I want to call you
I got so many simple things to say to you
I have no pacience
I'm rushing so much
Don't know what can happen to me
if a day goes by far from you...

We forget how to be happy

I watch the sky that's crying with hard raindrops
it seems that tears would fall through me, would turn me
into a flower, into a tree touched by dew, still not snowed
hidden only by my shadow in your dream...
Don't let yourself defeated by the moments of sadness, thoughtful and unreconciled
maybe we're rushing by too much
and forgetting to be happy
I want to show you the world through my eyes,
to learn to believe and dream
to smile, to meet through stories
I want to show you how you could be
to learn to believe and dream
you'd find me in poems, you'd be with me
I can be a light in your night, around you
to learn to follow me and you'll see the love
that's changing everyhing around, time would stop, we'd be together
I wish I can be a gate in your path...
I want to show you the world through my eyes,
to learn to believe and dream
to smile, to meet through stories
I want to show you how you could be
to learn to believe and dream
you'd find me in poems, you'd be with me
I want to show you how you could be
to learn to believe and dream
you'd find me in poems, you'd be with me

Give me air

The lady/miss speaks French,
I would kiss you near the Eiffel Tower,
I love you, I love you, in the Italian style,
I would kiss you near Trajan's Column.
Yes, ...
You know I love you from China to Athens,
Saratata la la ta, the whole world shour hear
That I love you and you are all my fortune!
Give me air, give me air, I'm suffocating
And put me in your life on the first place.
Don't let, don't let, don't let in your heart
Someone else to slip in.
I love you, I love you, I love you,
I would kiss those lovely lips of yours,
I love you, I love you so much,
I would kiss your lips like a crazy.
Yes, ...
You know I love you from China to Athens,
Saratata la la ta, the whole world shour hear
That I love you and you are all my fortune!
Give me air, give me air, I'm suffocating
And put me in your life on the first place.
Don't let, don't let, don't let in your heart
Someone else to slip in.
Your eyes make me stop looking around me at all,
If I don't feel your presence, it's always hard for me.
I think you came from Mars, with a UFO with ... from far away
Yes, I would like to go with you around the world,
To kiss you in the moonlight in Africa
If we warm up and want something completely different,
Let Ruby come and turn off the lights,
Oooo, let me kiss you near Trajan's Column,
Oooo, I'm a Romanian gypsy, but I have an Italian style.
Yes, ...
You know I love you from China to Athens,
Saratata la la ta, the whole world shour hear
That I love you and you are all my fortune!
Give me air, give me air, I'm suffocating
And put me in your life on the first place.
Don't let, don't let, don't let in your heart
Someone else to slip in.

Plânsul tău, mă cheamă

Nu am vrut să te fac să te îndrăgostești
A fost doar pentru o vreme.
Te-am avertizat, dragostea mea te-am avertizat.
Știai că sunt așa, pasiune
de o noapte și apoi sfârșit.
Și te iubesc, iubirea mea și te iubesc.
Nu va fi așa ușor
că sunt în mâinile tale.
Ai fost obișnuit cu asta
să te joci cu altă inimă.
Și nu mă mai întreba
care va fi calea de ieșire.
Am suferit mult pentru dragoste
acum îmi voi trăi viața.
Plânsul tău mă cheamă
imploră-mi din nou sărutul
cere-mi ajutor
cine știe să mă salveze.
Plânsul tău mă cheamă
Te implor, dragostea mea
Intreabă-mă acum te rog
Poate într-o zi
Te voi căuta din nou.

Un fan îndrăgostit

Ești acolo
În mijlocul mulțimii
În mijlocul acelei mări de chipuri
Asta mă face să mă îndrăgostesc
Iată-te aici
Ești acolo
Cum să-ți spun că te-am văzut
Că ai fost la spectacolul de ieri
Și dacă îți place de mine
Și mie de tine
Ți-am citit deja scrisoarea
Și deși nu ți-am răspuns
Îmi rămâne în memorie
Și chiar i-am făcut o muzică
Un fan îndrăgostit
Este o lacrimă care sărută un zâmbet
Ea este cea care își umple peretele cu fotografii cu tine
Ea este cea care trăiește ca tine, din poezie
Un fan îndrăgostit
Așteaptă atenție și privirea ta
Și își mărturisește pasiunea pentru tine la pernă
Ea este cea care te iubește, chiar dacă tu
Nu ști nimic
Ești acolo
Și deși imagini pe care nu le cunosc
În fiecare literă ești întruchipat
Ce vei face de acum încolo
Ți-am citit deja scrisoarea
Și deși nu am răspuns
Îmi rămâne în memorie
Și chiar i-am făcut muzică
Un fan îndrăgostit
Este o lacrimă care sărută un zâmbet
Ea este cea care își umple peretele cu fotografii cu tine
Ea este cea care trăiește ca tine, din poezie
Un fan îndrăgostit
Așteaptă atenție și privirea ta
Și își mărturisește pasiunea pentru tine la pernă
Ea este cea care te iubește, chiar dacă tu
Nu ști nimic

Femeile frumoase

De toate am încercat:
pe cinci am pariat și a ieșit,
am bătut la flipper amicii din bar
și am făcut croaziere pe mare.
În ce privește lucrurile frumoase din lume,
pentru mine nu e mare scofală,
dar asupra unei chestii nu-i niciun dubiu că
sunteți de acord cu mine:
Întâi de toate pun femeile frumoase,
sunt mare lucru toate femeile.
Întâi de toate pun iubirea adevărată,
atât de sinceră...
Și când mă duc pe stadion,
îmi găsesc un loc în tribună.
Unica motocicletă de clasă din oraș
e a mea, se știe.
Satisfacții există
pentru cine vrea să le găsească,
dar asupra unei chestii nu-i niciun dubiu că
sunteți de acord cu mine:
Întâi de toate pun femeile frumoase,
sunt mare lucru toate femeile.
Întâi de toate pun iubirea adevărată,
atât de sinceră...
Întâi de toate pun dragostea adevărată,
atât de sinceră,
atât de sinceră!

Sleep Sleep My Lullaby

We are the nomads of the distances
We are tormented, our wounds are deep
Thirsty and hungry in this wilderness
Elderlies we are, women and young
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you
Like savage monsters
They attacked with Napalm
They turned spring into dark and black
They split the sweet life appart
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you
My son's life, sweet and valuable
Today, it is wasted so cheaply
Such a death is
So bitter, hard and dry
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you

One day flower

I don't know how to live like this
At your feet on my knees
I am a man in love
And you make my love a chained love
I don't know how to live like this
At your feet on my knees
How crazy is love
When you love too much
What a pain, to feel despised
I gave all and I received
For my love the payment was
Having you together with me, without you by my side
One day flower, one day flower
You were never never mine
I was yours in my joyness and on the cross of each day
It died and in its agony
One day flower, one day flower
It left my soul empty
I won't forget about you
When we've being separated
Goodbye, goodbye my dreamed love
You're still in me and you're like my past
I don't know how to live like this
At your feet on my knees
One day flower, one day flower
You were never never mine
I was yours in my joyness and on the cross of each day
It died and in its agony
One day flower, one day flower
It left my soul empty
One day flower, one day flower
You were never never mine
I was yours in my joyness and on the cross of each day
It died and in its agony
One day flower, one day flower
It left my soul empty

Spring Breeze

I'm inside the Second Ring Road, thinking of you.
You're at a distant mountain, ten miles in the spring breeze.
Today's wind is blowing to you while it rains.
I said all of the alcohol is not as good as you.
I'm at the Drum Tower at night.
I will always wait for you.
Silently meet and look forward everywhere else.
Airplanes fly past a busy city.
Don't leave a thousand miles away.
Rub all of the spring seasons into an early morning.
Change all of the talks that don't stop into secrets.
Shut the door.
Indescribable love, may I ask
Who will take it away?
Only able to put the years into a song to stay at the mountains and rivers.
I'm inside the Second Ring Road, thinking of you.
You're at a distant mountain, ten miles in the spring breeze.
Today's wind is blowing to you while it rains.
I said all of the alcohol is not as good as you.

E interzis

Iubirea cu ea e confidențială,
Mă privește doar pe mine.
Din citadela mea, o iubesc
Și îi păzesc inima ca un soldat.
E interzis, nu se poate intra,
Această mare dragoste e doar a mea!
Am descoperit insula comorilor,
Pentru prințesa mea sunt matador.
Crucifixul meu, idealul meu,
Evangheliile mele, ale binelui și răului.
E interzis, nu atingeți!
Și sunt gata să mor pentru asta.
Am promis, am jurat să trăiesc pentru ea,
S-o urmăresc pas cu pas.
E muza mea, curcubeul meu,
Sunt sigur că îmi aparține.
E interzis, nu se poate intra,
Această mare dragoste e doar a mea!
Am descoperit insula comorilor,
Pentru prințesa mea sunt matador.
Crucifixul meu, idealul meu,
Evangheliile mele, ale binelui și răului.
E interzis, nu atingeți!
Și sunt gata să mor pentru asta.
Între pământ și infinit,
Ea dintr-o altă galaxie a venit
Ca un cadou picat din cer.
Nu pot trăi fără ea!
E interzis, nu se poate intra,
Această mare dragoste e doar a mea!
Am descoperit insula comorilor,
Pentru prințesa mea sunt matador.
Crucifixul meu, idealul meu,
Evangheliile mele, ale binelui și răului.
E interzis, nu atingeți!
Și sunt gata să mor pentru asta.

Greenhouse flower

Flower born in a garden
Made of winter and glass
You, that grew up sad
Under a cold sunshine.
You, that wrongly believed
That love was sin
And so eagerly you tried
Hiding your charm.
Don't let time,
Oh, greenhouse flower
Pass and whither you away
Burning your dreams
Come with me and fly
Where the sun shines brighter.
You never heard
The fountain's murmur
Nor envied the flight
Of the lark, or its freedom.
You never felt the rain
Falling in your face
Nor the caresses of the wind
could take your pain away.
I don't want you to be
A greenhouse flower
I don't want you to die
Without having seen the sky
Come with me and fly
Where the sun shines brighter.
Come with me
I'll show you
The most beautiful thing
About love.

Christmas tree

Tonight is Christmas Eve
Let's go to the mountain, little brother
To cut a little tree
Because the night is serene
Kings and shepherds
They sing following a star
They sing to Jesus the child
Son of the beautiful Virgin
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
We are going down the road
The road to Bethlehem
We're going because tonight
The child King is born
Tonight is Christmas Eve
Let's go to the mountain, little brother
To cut a little tree
Because the night is serene
Kings and shepherds
They sing following a star
They sing to Jesus the child
Son of the beautiful Virgin
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
We are going down the road
The road to Bethlehem
We're going because tonight
The child King is born
We're going because tonight
The child King is born

Dragul meu Domn

Dragul meu Domn
Hm, Domnul meu
Hm, Domnul meu
Chiar vreau să te văd.
Chiar vreau să fiu cu tine.
Chiar vreau să te văd Doamne
Dar durează atât de mult, Domnul meu
Dragul meu Domn
Hm, Domnul meu
Hm, Domnul meu
Chiar vreau să te cunosc.
Chiar vreau să merg cu tine.
Chiar vreau să-ți arăt Doamne
Că nu va dura mult, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Domnul meu drag (aleluia)
Hm, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Domnul meu drag (aleluia)
Chiar vreau să-l văd pe Domnul.
Chiar vreau să te văd.
Chiar vreau să te văd, Doamne.
Chiar vreau să te văd, Doamne.
Dar durează atât de mult, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Domnul meu drag (aleluia)
Hm, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Al meu, al meu, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Chiar vreau să te cunosc.
Chiar vreau să merg cu tine.
Chiar vreau să-ți arăt Doamne
Că nu va dura mult, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Hmm (aleluia)
Domnul meu drag (aleluia)
Al meu, al meu, Domnul (aleluia)
Hm, Domnul meu (Hare Krishna)
Al meu, al meu, Domnul meu (Hare Krishna)
Oh hm, Domnul meu dulce (Krishna, Krishna)
Acum, eu chiar vreau să te văd
Într-adevăr vreau să fiu cu tine
Chiar vreau să te văd Doamne (aaah)
Dar durează atât de mult, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Hm, Domnul meu (aleluia)
Al meu, al meu, Domnul meu
Domnul meu dulce (Hare Krishna)
Dragul meu Domn (Krishna Krishna)
Domnul meu
Hm, hm (Gurur Brahma)
Hm, hm (Gurur Vishnu)
Hm, hm (Gurur Devo)
Hm, hm (Maheshwara)
Domnul meu drag (Gurur Sakshaat)
Domnul meu drag (Parabrahma)
Al meu, al meu, Domnul meu
(Tasmayi Shree)
Al meu, al meu, Domnul meu
(Guruve Namah)
Domnul meu drag (Hare Rama)
Domnul meu drag (Hare Krishna)
Dragul meu Domn (Krishna Krishna)
Domnul meu

The life turns around

The life turns around
I didn't realize
It was a goodbye without saying goodbye
I would like to hug you and I can't
The life turns around
I never thought this would happen to me
It's so hard to remember our moments
I would like to turn back time
I would like
Touch the air and feel that you arrive
And you don't walk away
I would like
Always live by your side
And tell you
That there is no place to walk
Cause without you nothing is the same
If you are no longer here by my side
I'm waiting for you in my arms
My dream is to see you return
To see you breathe again
If one day I can have you again
I will live simply to love you
The life turns around
You didn't tell me that one day you would leave
Not having you here, for me is an irony
I felt so sure of you
The life turns around
Through that door you left, my life
And you told me that in a few hours you would return
And I still wait for you in silence
There's no tomorrow
That I can wake up
Without seeing your face
There are no words
That can take away the pain
Of my soul
That there is no place to walk
Cause without you nothing is the same
If you are no longer here by my side
I'm waiting for you in my arms
My dream is to see you return
To see you breathe again
If one day I can have you again
I will live simply to love you
The life turns around
What I wanted most has gone away
Without noticing
It was a goodbye without saying goodbye
I would like to hug you and I can't

The Streets of Bucharest

My heart is empty and the club, the club is full
I sit alone at the table aith two glasses of wine
I have so much to tell you, such a shame we don't talk anymore
Not even a good night, no
Haven't said to you in a month
And ohhh, if you forgot about me, like
Oooh I'll remind you on the chorus, yeah
Come let me sing now to make you remember
We used to dance on the streets of Bucharest
During the time when we were still living fairytales
How much we loved each other, do you remember
Come, go back in time to watch us
How we used to dance on the streets of Bucharest
During the time we were still living fairytales
Come, let me sing so you remember
Come, let me sing so you remember
It's five in the morning and life's ironic, yeah
On Uber I exactly put your adress on accident
And I realized late because the interphone was already ringing
And if you forgot about me, like
I'll make you remember on the chorus
Come let me sing now to make you remember
We used to dance on the streets of Bucharest
During the time when we were still living fairytales
How much we loved each other, do you remember
Come, come back in time to watch us
How we used to dance on the streets of Bucharest
During the time we were still living fairytales
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
And the places upset me
On the lips I feel the kisses
This city brings be back
Everywhere I look, it's like I see us
Don't say that only I still feel
We're going back to go back in time
On the last evening you told me: See you soon
And if you forgot, let me sing for yoj
Come, let me sing now so you rememeber
We used to dance on the streets of Bucharest
During the time when we were still living fairytales
How much we loved each other, do you remember
Come, go back in time to watch us
How we used to dance on the streets of Bucharest
During the time when we were still living fairytales
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber
Come, let me sing so you rememeber