Rezultatele căutării pagină 24
Număr de rezultate: 1234
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
An image of the love that you offered me
It still faithfully keeps its scent, that tender carnation
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
I still keep that letter that you wrote to me
In a passionate red, it had a mark
Your signature next to the carnation made me sad
I still keep that letter that you wrote to me
Come back, please, since life is very short
Let's work out the doubt and the rancour
The singer says very well: 'the past does not matter'
Of all, our pride is the worst
Let's renew the passion since life is very short
Let's fill our hearts with warmth
Our being longs for the scent of forgiveness
The perfume of the hopes of a new dawn
The freshness of spring for all eternity
Our being longs for the scent of forgiveness
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
An image of the love that you offered me
It still faithfully keeps its scent, that tender carnation
Yesterday I found the flower that you gave me
Get up and have a good time because life is short
Cheer up, in the end nothing else matters
Listen well, without fear, to what life teaches, gentlemen
Do not get hurt again by the same mistake, listen well
Get up and have a good time because life is short
Cheer up, in the end nothing else matters
Throw away all troubles now and look for the good life
With affection and harmony, like water and sand, how good!
Get up get up and have a good time because life is short
Cheer up (yes sir) for in the end, nothing else matters
Liven up, shake, get closer without a problem, family
Racatacatá, cun, cun, cun, prá
Now the chorus are calling you, they are calling you
Racatacatá, cun, cun, cun, prá
The chorus are calling you
A New World
You can come in, the party's gonna start now
Whoever wishes can come if sadness does not bring
Bring only your heart, spirit of brotherhood
That your presence is essential in this union
You can enter, the house is big and belongs to everyone
The room must be cleaned for the celebration
Commemorate the harmony of our evolution
From this unity a new world will be born
From this unity a new world will be born
You must already arrive knowing that people shine like the sun
With souls that make us shine
Filling the mornings with its light
Let's form this samba with a lot of union
To the rhythm of a champion team
We will not allow anyone to stop us from walking
There will be no one who loses faith at every step
Let's go, now is the time to heal the world
There is no one who can prevent us from finally arriving
The party is finally about to begin
There will be nothing that can stop us
You can come in, the party's gonna start now
Whoever wishes can come if sadness does not bring
Bring only your heart, spirit of brotherhood
That your presence is essential in this union
You can enter, the house is big and belongs to everyone
The room must be cleaned for the celebration
Commemorate the harmony of our evolution
From this unity a new world will be born
From this unity a new world will be born
You must already arrive knowing that people shine like the sun
With souls that make us shine
Filling the mornings with its light
Let's form this samba with a lot of union
To the rhythm of a champion team
We will not allow anyone to stop us from walking
There will be no one who loses faith at every step
Let's go, now is the time to heal the world
There is no one who can prevent us from finally arriving
The party is finally about to begin
There will be nothing that can stop us, yeah
The party is finally about to begin
There will be nothing that can stop us
When There Is Love
Love! Love! Love!
When there is love
There are hidden butterflies
The colors shine and shine
Nothing else is needed, there is love
When there is love
Lies no longer exist
You don't care what they say
There is no past and there is no pain, there is love
The 'I adore you', the caresses, the 'I love you' are necessary
But words are unnecessary when the heart sings
When there is love
Everything you can reach
The difficult becomes simple
And the simplest is special
When there is love
Your smile is habitual
There is something in your look
That you can't hide
When there is love you don't see the ground, you see the sky
Each star the heart will guide you
When there is love
Why a signed paper?
Or arranged wills
Kindness is natural when there is love
When there is love
You don't care about flaws
Everything that is not perfect
You see beautiful and without equal when there is love
The 'I adore you', the caresses, the 'I love you' are necessary
But words are unnecessary when the heart sings
When there is love
Everything you can reach
The difficult becomes simple
And the simplest is special
When there is love
Your smile is habitual
There is something in your look
That you can't hide
When there is love you don't see the ground, you see the sky
Each star the heart will guide you
Love! Love! Love!
When there is love
Everything you can reach
The difficult becomes simple
And the simplest is special
When there is love
Your smile is habitual
There is something in your look
That you can't hide
When there is love you don't see the ground, you see the sky
Each star the heart will guide you
Will guide you, will guide you
When there is love
When there is love, when there is love
When there is love
When there is love
When there is love
Opening Doors
As after the night
Shines a new morning
As after the night
Shines a new morning
So also in your weeping
There is a light of hope
So also in your weeping
There is a light of hope
As after the rain
Calm arrives again
As after the rain
Calm arrives again
The New Year waits for you
With joys in the soul
The New Year waits for you
With joys in the soul
And we go opening doors
And we go closing wounds
Because in the year that is coming
We are going to live life
And we go opening doors
And we go closing wounds
Step by step on the path
We are going to find the way out
As on leaving the ground
The cicada begins to sing again
As on leaving the ground
The cicada begins to sing again
So is the singing that the notes
Of my guitar are carrying
So is the singing that the notes
Of my guitar are carrying
As across the jungle
They go opening roads
As across the jungle
They go opening roads
So also in life
Destiny goes on working
So also in life
Destiny goes on working
Opening doors
Closing wounds
In life there is so much to do
Stop your weeping and forge ahead with faith
Opening doors
Closing wounds
I say to you from the heart
That the New Year will be much better
Opening doors
Closing wounds
Barriers do not exist for you
If you tell yourself you will be happy, very happy
Opening doors
Closing wounds
Failure is pure invention
No longer come to me with this story, no, no
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love
Love, love
If I was given eternity
I would say that a second by your side
is infinitely more
Thoroughly with the five senses
I adore every instant with you
Love, love, love
Love, love
Love, love
You run over my skin like a sun
You make me tremble
and then / flood me
with delicious honey
Your name shows up to my eyes
There is party every time I mention you
Chorus:Love, love, love
Love, love
Love, love
Free like the eagles
Within your arms
of transparent air
Love, love, love
Love, love
Love, love
I drink liquid from the sky
From your clean smile
like a fountain
Love, love, love
Love, love
Love, love
Without reservations or limits
I like you and I don't care
if at the end / I empty myself
for giving so much
Always with you in body and soul
Watchful with the five senses
Chorus A, 1x
Love, love, love
Love, love
Love, love
I know I will never have
A hundred out of a hundred from you,
but it's the same
O floare
O poveste bazată pe viața reală
Bazată pe viața reală
[Versetul 1]
Uită-te bine cine îți bate la ușă
La fel ca ieri, dar nu-l mai poți vedea
Uită-te bine, tot acolo, vorbind cu tine
În timp ce dormi și nu-l mai auzi
Uite bine, el bate mereu la ușa ta
La fel ca ieri, dar nu mai simți
Uită-te bine, tot acolo, vorbind cu tine
În timp ce dormi și vocea ta o poți auzi
Te-am mințit, am păcătuit la fel ca tine
Mi-am dat zâmbetul, am fost să fiu de lumină
Destinul întunericului, în mine
Și eu m-am lăsat dus de pasiune
Și dragostea a murit, am o poveste proastă ca tine
Și, de asemenea, poartă crucea mea
Am văzut o floare murind, de o singură culoare
Nu cred că am văzut vreodată
[Versetul 2]
Și dacă cerul se înnorează și nu te mai văd
Parfumul lenjeriei tale rămâne la mine
Și dacă timpul se grăbește și îmbătrânesc
Fotografia ta va fi sub perna mea
Și nu știu dacă va veni cineva să te înlocuiască
Chiar și după moarte
Și dacă sufletul meu zboară sus, dincolo
Îi cer doar lui Dumnezeu să continue să aibă grijă de tine
Și dragostea a murit, am o poveste proastă ca tine
Și, de asemenea, poartă crucea mea
Am văzut o floare murind, de o singură culoare
Nu cred că am văzut vreodată
Și dragostea a murit, am o poveste proastă ca tine
Și, de asemenea, poartă crucea mea
Am văzut o floare murind, de o singură culoare
Nu cred că am văzut vreodată
Și mai ales nu mă uita
Și mai ales nu mă uita,
când voi fi departe de tine.
Dacă sunt nevoit să te părăsesc,
nu trebuie să plângi.
Și mai ales nu mă uita,
știi că mă voi reîntoarce.
Nu în fiecare zi
găsim marea iubire.
Se spune adesea că
ochii care nu se văd,
se uită,
dar dacă mă iubești
la fel cum te iubesc,
nu trebuie să-ți fie teamă.
Și mai ales nu mă uita,
când voi fi departe de tine.
Dacă sunt nevoit să te părăsesc,
nu trebuie să plângi.
Și mai ales nu mă uita,
scrie-mi din când în când,
vorbește-mi despre viața ta
ca și cum aș fi acolo.
Se spune adesea că
ochii care nu se văd,
se uită,
dar dacă mă iubești
la fel cum te iubesc,
nu trebuie să-ți fie teamă.
Mai ales, și mai ales nu mă uita,
când îmi va fi dor de tine,
în timpul acelor lungi nopți
când voi fi fără tine.
Și mai ales nu mă uita,
știi că mă voi reîntoarce.
Te implor, așteaptă-mă,
nu mă uita!
A face dragoste pentru prima oară
A face dragoste pentru prima oară,
Îmi doresc acest moment doar cu tine.
Pe un pat de mângâieri,
Îți voi dărui cea mai mare tandrețe.
Fă dragoste pentru prima oară,
Și această zi n-o vei uita vreodată.
Va fi, doar pentru noi doi,
O amintire așa de minunată!
Aș plăsmui o lume
Ce va fi doar pentru noi,
În care ne vom iubi nebunește.
Te voi proteja, te voi strânge
Între brațele mele
Și nimic altceva nu va mai exista.
A face dragoste pentru prima oară,
Și să trăiesc acestă clipă doar cu tine.
Când ne iubim așa de mult,
Nu putem aștepta bătrânețea!
A face dragoste pentru prima oară
Și-a te avea întreagă doar pentru mine.
Să facem împreună acest prim pas,
Și să te cunosc doar pe tine!
And above all, don't forget me
And above all, don't forget me
when I'm away from you
If I have to leave you
you mustn't cry.
And don't forget me
you know I'll be back
it's not easy
to find true love
It is often said that
out of sight
out of mind
but if you love me
as I love you
you mustn't be afraid
And above all, don't forget me
when I'm away from you
if I have to leave you
you mustn't cry
And above all don't forget me
write to me from time to time
tell me about your life
thinking that I'm there with you
It is often said that
out of sight
out of mind
but if you love me
as I love you
you mustn't be afraid
Above all, and above all, don't forget me.
when I'll be missing you
during those long nights
where I'll be without you
And don't forget me
you know I'll be back
please wait for me
don't forget me
Nu-mi lăsa viața fără tine
Nu-mi lăsa viața fără tine,
Sunt un nimic când tu pleci!
Ieri te-am rănit fără să vreau,
Și tu vrei să mă părăsești astă-seară.
Nu-mi lăsa viața fără tine,
Sufăr prea mult, de trei luni deja.
Îți jur că n-am să mai fac,
Dacă ai putea să mă ierți.
Vom merge amândoi
Diseară, dacă vrei,
Să dansăm în acel club,
Unde ne-am întâlnit prima oară.
Strânsă în brațele mele,
Acolo tu vei uita
De toate certurile,
De toate necazurile.
Ascultă-mă, te implor!
Nu-mi lăsa viața fără tine,
Îți aparțin, tu ești a mea.
Suntem făcuți să ne iubim veșnic,
Poți să mă crezi oh, iubirea mea!
Vom merge amândoi
Diseară, dacă vrei,
Să dansăm în acel club,
Unde ne-am întâlnit prima oară.
Strânsă în brațele mele,
Acolo tu vei uita
De toate certurile,
De toate necazurile.
Ascultă-mă, oh, te rog mult!
Nu-mi lăsa viața fără tine,
Sunt un nimic când tu pleci!
Voi face totul să te păstrez veșnic,
Cam asta înseamnă marea iubire!
I'd Like
[Flor de Toloache:]
I'd like to be the song that cheers you up
I'd like to be the curl in your hair
I'd like to be your seventh sense
I'd like to be your belly button's dream
Oh, oh
I'd like, oh oh, oh oh
I'd like
[Flor de Toloache and Cultura Profetica:]
I'd like for you to talk to me when you're quiet
Or at least be the lump in your throat
I'd like to be the chair that holds you up
Your trash can of hidden kisses
And light up the dawn (light up the dawn)
And knead the night
And leave with you
Disguised as the horizon
[Flor de Toloache:]
I'd like, and so many other things I'd like
I'd like, and so many other things I'd like
I'd like, I'd like
(Bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam)
(Bam, bam, bam, bam)
[John Legend and Flor de Toloache:]
I'd like to be the juice of your eyes
The calcium that your vitamins give you
Your path when you cross the mist
And the umbilical cord of your shoes
And to count on you and turn the streets
And plant guavas
And dream about a thousand details
Reveal your eyes
Celebrate your name
And leave with you disguised as the horizon
[Flor de Toloache, John Legend, and Cultura Profetica]
I'd like, and so many other things I'd like
I'd like, and so many other things I'd like
I'd like, and so many other things I'd like
I'd like, and so many other things I'd like, I'd like
Oh, I'd like, I'd like
Whoa, oh, I'd like
Ooh, ooh, I'd like
[Intro: Mozzik & Producer-Tag]
Ey, Juliet, Juliet, I am Romeo
You're gangster, but cute like an Oreo
Ey, Juliet, Juliet, I am Romeo
Macloud, what a Beat!
[Part 1: Loredana]
All I want is just to be with you
It doesn't matter what the others do
Everyone pissed, but we are shining
Can't explain this in four lines
Always on the road, I follow you to Hongkong
Don't leave me alone, please baby come on
You buy me Fendi or Louis in London
Ram-pa-pa-pam, pa-pa-pam, pa-pam-pam
Count the money, sitting in the Beamer
Listening to Mozzik - Cocaina
Our favorite color: Purple, ey yeah
[Hook: Mozzik & Loredana]
Ey, Juliet, Juliet, I am Romeo
You're gangster, but cute like an Oreo
I am Juliet, Juliet, you are Romeo
Business from here to Tokyo
Hey, Juliet (yes), Juliet (yes)
You know I love you the most
Ey, Juliet (yes), Juliet (yes)
With you it never ends
[Part 2: Mozzik]
You are my hashish, you are my drug, you are my wine (ahh)
With you everything started with a follow on Instagram (hey)
I wrote you, I wrote you and [?] didn't move
I came into your room and I suffered (brra)
For you I am just a snake, I make [?]
I share the day with you, I share the night with you
I share the bath tub with you, the bread, the plate
I kiss your fingers when I see your ring
Uhh, là-là-là-là, Lore, Lore, Lore
If I ever made you feel bad, I am so sorry
Lore, Lore, Lore
Yes, I'll make up for it and I'll buy you a Rolie
My love for you is big
Bigger than these mountains and meadows
I sounded a bit funny
Let's dance some Valle for the love (brra)
[Hook: Mozzik & Loredana]
Ey, Juliet, Juliet, I am Romeo
You're gangster, but cute like an Oreo
I am Juliet, Juliet, you are Romeo
Business from here to Tokyo
Hey, Juliet (yes), Juliet (yes)
You know I love you the most
Ey, Juliet (yes), Juliet (yes)
With you it never ends
[Bridge: Mozzik]
With you
I touch the sun and the moon, with you
You light up the darkness just with your eyes
One in a million, we two
With you
I touch the sun and the moon, with you
You light up the darkness just with your eyes
One in a million, we two
[Hook: Mozzik & Loredana]
Ey, Juliet, Juliet, I am Romeo
You're gangster, but cute like an Oreo
I am Juliet, Juliet, you are Romeo
Business from here to Tokyo
Hey, Juliet (yes), Juliet (yes)
You know I love you the most
Ey, Juliet (yes), Juliet (yes)
With you it never ends
A New Star System Has Been Explored
(A new star system has been explored)
(A new star system has been explored)
Is this still my face?
I don't hear my voice!
I'm afraid to look,
this could all vanish.
My heart races so quickly,
this pain so piercing,
what a great star hero
whose word disintegrates into dust!
I've seen the death of the suns!
They were so hot from redness...
So beautiful!
Deep space overdose
Free and unrestrained
Deep space overdose
Hopelessly lost
Deep space overdose
Free and unrestrained
Deep space overdose
Hopelessly lost
Is this the muffled sound,
with which the time began?
I'm afraid to look,
it could never vanish!
The world a silhouette,
desire unfulfilled.
A blind dream of man
lost in light and space.
I've seen the death of the suns!
They were so cold from blueness...
So beautiful!
Deep space overdose
Deep and limitless
Deep space overdose
Old and restless
Deep space overdose
(In) the street were I can't see anything anymore
Running after the last train,
running desperately, breathless
toward dawn.
An inhumane fear. Why won't you
let go of my hand?
In the city's hotels
I forgot my past.
My memories turn into dust.
Lipstick (on) my pillow.
(In) the station I smoke a cigarette.
How odd. Maybe I'll go.
Empty carriages
and nobody looking on the platform.
Sordid rooms back when life
had forgot about me.
My eyes stabbed by electric
lights, I fall asleep
and startle
my remorse awake.
In a lit room
I left nothing but
this big crumpled bed.
Allow me
another face
Allow me, allow me
to catch a reflection in the mirror.
Allow me another mirage
Allow me to fall asleep
on the tracks of the past.
Oh memories, allow me to dream
Oh memories
Allow me another face
Allow me, allow me
to catch a reflection in the mirror.
Allow me another mirage.
Allow me to fall asleep
on the tracks of the past.
Swaying in pearl color
The city is a harbor of things that fall in love
The fallen leaves are a beach of ebb tides
Falling stars, people, shadows, love is a dream of wavelets
The pearl color city lights
I receive them in my chest
Invited by a sweet wind
Let's walk while I cry
We sway and we flow
If I'm with you, I go anywhere
We sway and we flow
I want to reach to an unknown harbor
The city is a harbor of things that fall in love
The night wind ins the silence of the sea roar
Wet hair, faces, fingers. Love is a boat with the broken sail
To the loneliness of the tail light
I close the eyes of goodbye
Fascinated kisses
Let's exchange in secret
We sway and we flow
If I'm with you, I go anywhere
We sway and we flow
I want to reach to an unknown harbor
We sway and we flow
If I'm with you, I go anywhere
We sway and we flow
I want to reach to an unknown harbor
Give and I give you
Don't take me for a child
A butterfly that can be hunted in the spring
A doll crunched with the tips of her teeth
In this game you know there would be two losers
Yes two losers
Don't smile when I say that
Even in give-and-take love, it's the law
The musician is nothing without the piano
But the keys without the fingers will never sing
Come don't wait
Give, give, give
And my heat will become your sun
Give, give, give
A reason to exist in our lives
Give and I give you
Mornings surrounded by sleepless nights
Give and I give myself
As a land offers itself to the rain
You take love for pleasure
I know you when you do everything yes everything to seduce
I'm here and I want you
Without cheating and without lying so open your arms to me
Come don't wait
Give, give, give
And my heat will become your sun
Give, give, give
A reason to exist in our lives
Give and I give you
Mornings surrounded by sleepless nights
Give and I give myself
As a land can offer itself to the rain
Give, give, give
And my heat will become your sun
Give, give, give
A reason to exist in our lives
Give, give, give ...
Because Glory to Lucifer
Draw near and see now
Witness the things to come:
Seven seals are broken
White throne depraved and stained
Behold the beast now
The lash of iron rods
Seven heads and ten horns
The reign of one thousand years
Celestial violence now
Upon your wretched church
I set your world in flames
Lay waste your towering forts
I bring down all that you've built
I behead your foul souls
And another sign is seen in the sky:
And see, a great red dragon that has seven heads and ten horns
And on its heads seven diadems
and over its heads names of blasphemy
and the crown of Satan
Draw near and hear now
The mouth of dragon speaks:
Damnation will come
Wolves shall devour the lamb
Hour of the reaping
The war on nine fronts
Crucify the angels
And let the sulphur rain from skies
And the world shall be made anew
Purged from the tyranny of hatred and hypocrisy
Praise the one who sets us free
Magnify eternally
Wish upon the morning star
All shall be redeemed
When horned saviour calls
Because Glory to Lucifer
Flowers in the river.
I no longer want empty caresses,
Neither yesterday’s kisses, nor expired hugs,
I no longer want to look for an “ I love you”,
In a locker of lost things.
I no longer want to shake in January,
In the middle of summer, to die of cold,
I no longer want to go away for some time,
Wake up, and to fall into the void.
I no longer want to lose my root,
Ask: Why me?, Will I deserve it??,
Or get tangled up in an endless dream,
where should I die,
to throw you into the forgetfulness.
I no longer want to think about living,
and continue defoliating,
flowers in the river.
I no longer want to lose my root,
Ask: Why me?, Will I deserve it?!,
Or get tangled up in an endless dream,
where should I die,
to throw you into the forgetfulness.
I no longer want to think about living,
and continue defoliating,
flowers in the river.
Flowers in the river,
flowers in the river,
flowers in the river...
I wished for a car
Didn't want the absurd in life
Didn't want to be what I can't
Didn't want to be The Saint
and don't know it it'll fit:
fights, karate, jiu-jitsu, no, no, no
I wished for a car
and now I got it.
I'm feeling good
when I'm at the wheel...
In the morning I'm in Mamaia
In the afternoon, I'm on the highway
and if you want
to follow me,
you'll see me again in the evening in Predeal
I wished for a car
and now I got it.
I'm feeling good
when I'm at the wheel...
Some put their foot on the moon,
others are crossing the ocean by swimming
Doesn't rub on me
I got another road, I'm rushing
and asking everyone that I meet:
'Don't you have a plug
or a spare tire
because mine
are broken and gone...'
Don't happen to change the tire
because I suddenly feel like
it's sick, contaminated
and I open it piece by piece
Didn't want the absurd in life
Didn't want to be what I can't
That's just me
That's my style
Since I know myself, I wanted to have it
I wished for a car
and now I got it.
I'm feeling good
when I'm at the wheel...
In the morning I'm in Mamaia
In the afternoon, I'm on the highway
and if you want
to follow me,
you'll see me again in the evening in Predeal
'Don't you have a plug
or a spare tire
because mine
are broken and gone...'
The Planet of Lost Time
Blue light penetrated through icy fog,
thoughts broke through the circle,
a world lay before me
that no words can completely describe.
The planet of lost time.
The planet of lost time.
Every person I ever saw,
every place I've ever been,
everything was there again,
yesterday was again today
on the star of lost time.
And I felt how strange it is
if you never forget the past,
there in the icy fog
where it remains invisible,
the planet of lost time,
the planet of lost time,
the planet of lost time.
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
Chiar dacă vrei nu vei putea
Refugiat în alte brațe, mângâierile mele
Convingându-te că o poți face
Că celelalte mâini
de pe corpul tău
te pot face să
Va veni în patul tău
Tremurând buzele și mâinile care rulează prin piele
O să-ți dorești ca mângâierile să fie ca alea de ieri
Aceleași care te-au încântat
Ca cele pe care le-ai învățat
Și când febra dragostei tale se va termina
Când vei fi singur în camera ta din nou
În mijlocul întunericului
Prin scuze
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând.
O să-ți amintești de mine, știu
O să plângi ca mine
Am făcut-o pentru tine
Vei surprinde zilele în fiecare zi
Zori noi
Întrebându-ți conștiința
Dacă am câștigat sau dacă am pierdut
Și când febra dragostei tale se va termina
Când vei fi singur în camera ta din nou
În mijlocul întunericului
Prin scuze
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând
O să-ți amintești de mine plângând.
Plânge, plânge inimă
Tu reprezinți valurile
Și eu plajele mării.
Vii la mine și mă mângâi,
Îmi dai un sărut și pleci,
Îmi dai un sărut și pleci.
Plânge, plânge inimă,
Plânge dacă ai de ce,
Că nu este o vină în om
Să plângă pentru o femeie,
Că nu este o vină în om
Să plângă pentru o femeie.
Fiindcă nu vreau să te uit
Durerea mă omoară.
Deși fața mea zâmbește,
Mor de dragoste,
Mor de dragoste.
~ ~ ~
Pentru tine mi-am pierdut părinții,
Pentru tine mi-am pierdut gloria.
Acum o să rămân
Fără tată, fără glorie și fără tine,
Fără tată, fără glorie și fără tine.
Plânge, plânge inimă,
Plânge dacă ai de ce,
Că nu este o vină în om
Să plângă pentru o femeie,
Că nu este o vină în om
Să plângă pentru o femeie.
Ceai vintage, telefon nou
Tocuri înalte şi trotuare
Când eşti tânăr ei presupun ca nu şti nimic
Zâmbet cu paiete, ruj negru, politici senzuale
Când eşti tânăr ei presupun ca nu şti nimic
Dar te ştiam
Dansând în Levi's-şi tăi
Beat sub un felinar
Te ştiam
Mâna sub pluoverul meu
Baby, sarută-l mai bine
Şi când m-am simţit ca un cardigan vechi
Sub patul cuiva
M-ai pus pe tine şi ai spus că sunt preferatul tau
Prietenul tuturor e prietenul nimanui
Aleargă după două fete, o pierzi pe accea
Când eşti tânăr ei presupun ca nu şti nimic
Dar te ştiam
Jucând v-aţi ascunselea şi
Dându-mi mie weekendurile tale, eu
Te ştiam
Bătaia inimii tale pe High Line
O data în douăzeci de vieţi, eu
Şi când m-am simţit ca un cardigan vechi
Sub patul cuiva
M-ai pus pe tine şi ai spus că sunt preferatul tau
Să ne sărutăm în maşini, în barurile de la capătul oraşului
Era tot ce aveam nevoie
Ai desenat stele în jurul rănilor mele
Dar acum sângerez
Pentru că te ştiam
Călcând în ultimul tren
M-ai marcat ca o pată de sânge
Te ştiam
Încercând să schimbi finalul
Peter pierzând-o pe Wendy, eu
Te ştiam
Plecând ca un tată
Fugind ca apa, eu
Şi când eşti tânăr ei presupun ca nu şti nimic
Dar ştiam că vei dura ca un tatuaj sărut
Ştiam că îmi vei vâna toate ce dacăurile
Mirosul fumului va rămâne pentru atât de mult timp
Pentru ca ştiam totul când eram tânără
Ştiu că te-am blestemat pentru cel mai mult timp
Urmărind umbre la coada de cumpărături
Ştiam că îti va fi dor de time o data ce fiorul va dispărea
Şi vei sta în faţa lumii verandei mele din faţă
Şi ştiam că te vei întoarce la mine
Te vei întoarce la mine
Şi te vei întoarce la mine
Şi te vei întoarce
Şi când m-am simţit ca un cardigan vechi
Sub patul cuiva
M-ai pus pe tine şi ai spus că sunt preferatul tau
Maşină de evadare
(Nu, nimic bun nu începe într-o maşină de evadare)
El a fost cel mai bun, cel mai rău dintre crime
Am aprins un chibrit şi ţi-am sucit minţile
Dar nu am vrut
Şi tu nu ai văzut
Cravatele erau negre, minciunile erau albe
Umbrele de gri în lumina lumânărilor
Am vrut să-l părăsesc
Am avut nevoie de un motiv
X marchează locul unde ne-am destrămat
El a otravit fântâna, Eu mă minţeam singură
Ştiam de prima dată, eram blestemaţi
N-am avut niciodată o puşcă împuşcat în întuneric
Tu conduceai maşina de evadare
Noi zburam, dar n-am fi ajuns niciodata departe
Nu te preface că e aşa un mister
Gândeste-te la locul unde m-ai întâlnit prima dată
Noi conduceam maşina de evadare
Erau sirena în bătăile inimii tale
Trebuia să ştiu că voi fi prima care va pleca
Gândeste-te la locul unde m-ai întâlnit prima dată
Într o maşină de evadare
Nu, nu ajungem niciodată departe
Nu, nimic bun nu începe într-o maşină de evadare
El era marea evadare, ieşirea din închisoare
Lumina libertaţii pe faţa mea
Dar tu nu gândeai
Şi eu doar beam
Cât el alerga dupa noi, eu strigam ' du-te, du-te, du-te'
Dar cu trei, iubitule, e un spectacol
Şi un circ nu e o poveste de dragoste
Şi acum ne pare rău amândurora (ne pare rău amândurora)
X marchează locul unde ne-am destrămat
El a otravit fântâna, Eu mă minţeam singură
Ştiam de prima dată, eram blestemaţi
N-am avut niciodată o puşcă împuşcat în întuneric
Tu conduceai maşina de evadare
Noi zburam, dar n-am fi ajuns niciodata departe
Nu te preface că e aşa un mister
Gândeste-te la locul unde m-ai întâlnit prima dată
Conduceam maşina de evadare
Erau sirena în bătăile inimii tale
Trebuia să ştiu că voi fi prima care va pleca
Gândeste-te la locul unde m-ai întâlnit prima dată
Într o maşină de evadare
Nu, nu ajungem niciodată departe
Nu, nimic bun nu începe într-o maşină de evadare
Noi eram din societatea înaltă, Bonnie şi Clyed
Pâna când am schimbat tabara
Nu e nicio surpeiză că te-am trădat
Pentru ca noi tradatorii nu caştigăm niciodată
Sunt într-o maşină de evadare
Te-am lăsat în barul unui motel
Am pus banii într-o geantă şi am furat cheile
Aceea a fost ultima dată când m-ai văzut
Atunci a fost ultima dată cănd m-ai văzut
Conduceai maşina de evadare
Noi zburam, dar n-am fi ajuns niciodata departe (nu te preface)
Nu te preface că e aşa un mister
Gândeste-te la locul unde m-ai întâlnit prima dată
Conduceam maşina de evadare
Erau sirena în bătăile inimii tale
Trebuia să ştiu că voi fi prima care va pleca
Gândeste-te la locul unde m-ai întâlnit prima dată
Într o maşină de evadare
Nu, nu ajungem niciodată departe
Nu, nimic bun nu începe într-o maşină de evadare
Zburam intr-o maşină de evadare
Plangeam intr-o maşină de evadare
Muream intr-o maşină de evadare
Am spus la revedere intr-o maşină de evadare
Zburam intr-o maşină de evadare
Plangeam intr-o maşină de evadare
Muream intr-o maşină de evadare
Am spus la revedere intr-o maşină de evadare
Versions: #1
[Versul 1]
Betty, nu voi face presupuneri
Despre motivul pentru care ţi-ai schimbat clasa
Cred că este din vina mea
Betty, o dată mă plimbam cu skateboardul
Când am trecut pe langă casa ta
Era ca şi cum nu puteam respira
[Inainte de refren]
Ai auzit zvonurile de la Inez
Nu poţi crede un cuvând din ce spune
De obicei, dar de data asta era adevărat
Cel mai oribil lucru pe care l-am făcut
A fost ce ţi-am făcut ţie
Dar dacă aş aparea la petrecerea ta
M-ai primi?
M-ai vrea?
Mi-ai spune să mă duc dracu'?
Sau m-ai conduce în gradina?
În gradină ai avea încredere în mine
Daca ţi-aş spune că a fost doar o chestie de vara
Am doar saptesprezece, nu ştiu nimic
Dar ştiu ca îmi e dor de tine
[Versul 2]
Betty, ştiu unde totul a început să meargă prost
Melodia ta preferată se auzea
Din spatele sălii de gimnastică
Nu eram de găsit
Urasc mulţimile, ştii asta
Plus, te-am văzut dansând cu el
[Înainte de refren]
Ai auzit zvonurile de la Inez
Nu poţi crede un cuvând din ce spune
De obicei, dar de data asta era adevărat
Cel mai oribil lucru pe care l-am făcut
A fost ce ţi-am făcut ţie
Dar dacă aş aparea la petrecerea ta
M-ai primi?
M-ai vrea?
Mi-ai spune să mă duc dracu'?
Sau m-ai conduce în gradina?
În gradină ai avea încredere în mine
Daca ţi-aş spune că a fost doar o chestie de vara
Am doar saptesprezece, nu ştiu nimic
Dar ştiu ca îmi e dor de tine
Mergeam acasă pe pietre sparte
Doar găndindu-mă la tine
Cand ea a oprit ca
O dovadă a celor mai proaste intenții ale mele
Ea a zis 'James, urcă, hai să conducem'
Acele zile s-au transformat în nopţi
Am dormit lângă ea, dar
M-am gândit la tine toată vara
[Versul 3]
Betty, sunt aici la uşa ta
Şi am plănuit asta de săptămâni
Dar în sfârşit se întâmplă
Betty, acum e ultima dată
Cănd pot să visez la ce se întampla când
Îmi vezi faţa din nou
[Înainte de refren]
Singurul lucru pe care vreau să îl fac
E sa mă revanşez faţă de tine
Aşa că am apărut la petrecerea ta
Da, am apărut la petrecerea ta
Da, am apărut la petrecerea ta
M-ai primi?
M-ai iubi?
M-ai săruta pe verandă
În faţa tururor prietenilor tăi stupizi?
Dacă m-ai săruta, ar fi chiar aşa cum mi-am imaginat?
Am doar saptesprezece, nu ştiu nimic
Dar ştiu ca îmi e dor de tine
Stand în cardiganul tău
Sărutându-ne în maşina mea din nou
Oprindu-ne la un semafor
Ştii că îmi e dor de tine
With a Very Little Kiss
You made me fall in love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
I accompanied you,
then said goodbye
and, in front of the house, you remained alone with me.
A blue street lamp,
a street and you,
and a sliver of moon was suggesting to make love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
I no longer forget you,
and I address you with you
and, in front of the house, every evening I remain with you.
A blue street lamp,
a street and you,
and under the clear moon we remain making love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
you made me fall in love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
You made me fall in love,
in love.
To a Girl's Ear
I did not want to.
I did not want to tell you anything.
In your eyes, I looked to see
two strange little trees
of gold, laughter and breeze.
They were swaying.
I did not want to.
I Hate You All
I hate you all
[Verse 1]
Big normal strike like Makélélé (eh), for hea-heads, get in li-line (woh)
All I do is spit on my TV (sah), your rappers only smoke bad weed (eh)
I don't believe in science, it's a bunch of baloney (oh), I like conspiracy theories more (yeah)
No need to study to become a pro (nan), why do I pay more fines than taxes? (eh)
Fuck NASA, fuck CIA (fuck), nobody has ever walked on the moon, (nobody)
Only tricks, movies (yeah), the Earth is flat, I just see a few dunes (han)
There are fools of all ages (really?), misunderstandings, misunderstandings (too many)
Another evening where I'll smoke weed
Seriously, I hate you all (yeah), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (yeah), if you don't like this world, we're two (yes)
Seriously, I hate you all (all of you), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (eh), if you don't like this world, we're two
Seriously, I hate you all
[Verse 2]
I'm getting carried away by the current, third gold disc, you know about it (ah)
Respect has gone running (ah sah), soon eight zeros on current account
Your buddy, like hitting, he's sticky, he gets too much blank, he needs to be covered
I think about my brother who is dying (sah), and those people who deserve to die
A lot of people who deserve to die, it's a curse, all these assholes, I attract them
I stay locked up in my house, I never want to go out again, genocide of all humans, it couldn't be worse
Too many journalists that you shouldn't read (never), when I'll meet them, they'll turn pale (yes)
Today, we can no longer say anything
Seriously, I hate you all (yeah), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (yeah), if you don't like this world, we're two (yes)
Seriously, I hate you all (all of you), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (eh), if you don't like this world, we're two
Seriously, I hate you all
Big normal strike like Makélélé (eh), for hea-heads, get in li-line (woh)
All I do is spit on my TV (sah), your rappers only smoke bad weed (eh)
I don't believe in science, it's a bunch of baloney (oh), I like conspiracy theories more (yeah)
Why am I paying more fines than taxes? (eh)
Seriously, I hate you all (yeah), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (yeah), if you don't like this world, we're two (yes)
Seriously, I hate you all (all of you), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (eh), if you don't like this world, we're two
Seriously, I hate you all
I'm with you so your flame doesn't go out.
To make our color range brighter
I would stay the most-most-most for you
But wake up early again
Frozen or not, it does not matter, because I am all glass.
As long as you only warm yourself up with a cold bath.
My problem is that I'm a constant...
But we're not in any way. (at all).
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And here we are again far from home.
And I come back completely unfamiliar.
I don't think anything will remind you of me anywhere.
But I don't care anymore, because you're the one who's overwhelming me.
I can't catch you anymore and I don't care almost.
In a rush I swallow oxygen, hoarsely
I'm sorry I didn't have time to realize my dreams.
Where the two of us are in the same dream car.
Just take me where your headlights are looking.
I catch all the landscapes and forget the boulevards.
Millions of track options lead only to you or for free
Don't worry, I'm around, I keep the hearth and the gift.
Days and weeks were melting slowly
While I'm in a rush, I'm on the beach.
I'm running to tell you that you're with the wrong people.
To somehow brighten up your darkness.
In fact, I'd even be a shadow
Not yours, but your car.
Just to be there for you,
Without these races.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
Champagne & Cigar
[Verse 1: Lorenzo]
Small moccasins, champagne and cigar
I don't like cops except dirty cops
Weed ingots for my buddies
I run with my penis air like Kirikou
No wine cellar, but a joint cellar
Rolling joints in the bat cave
I'm much richer than all your dads
I need several women and slaves
I got into rap through the exit
Many Sylvester, only one Tweety
To have you filled like her shorty
They're all sluts, I need the Nefertiti
Megalomaniac Emperor in Kuzco
I shave my balls like Britney's head
Moisturize your pussy with Pulco
Penis problems, I'm going to see my physiotherapist
[Chorus: Charles Vicomte]
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
[Verse 2: Charles Vicomte]
Go Fast in jet to Panama
With her, like my yacht, I have no attachment
Her ass on leather has no place
Good student, Mercedes, I skipped classes
In a bathrobe, I look at the sky, there are only 5 stars
Your salary around my finger
Job centre ? Job centre ? It's across the street, always straight ahead
Hey, thanks to the haters for the comm'
No Dom Pé' in the alcohol department
I make classics, no album, boat and offshore account
The watch is Swiss, I almost sprained it
In my worst nightmare, I was hitchhiking
You got the electron, and I got the gold
You boycotted, now you love it
Lamborghini Aventador
I can't remember the name of my escort girl
I'm a bit overdone on sports cars
The first floor is my garage
Who tidies the room? It's the maid
Caviar on toast, it's rather basic
If I die, I'll go to the tax haven
[Bridge: Lorenzo and Charles Vicomte]
Charles Vivi, Lolo it's so cool
Touching the minimum wage must be a pain in the ass
Palace life is so cool (really)
Small moccasins, champagne and cigar
[Chorus: Charles Vicomte]
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
[Outro: Lorenzo and Charles Vicomte]
A wound
Close the door, come closer
There's no need to talk to me, I know about everything
Don't hide your face, look at me
How I stayed 'til morning and waited for you
You always calculated who loved more
You judged all my past mistakes
And now, now you tell me that you've gone off with someone else
That you woke up in a stranger's arms but
You're a wound on my heart
You're a wound that I can't forget
Time will heal me
Of your love
You're a wound on my heart
You're a wound that I can't forget
After the rains come new days
But we aren't a couple anymore
You once said to me, hang on tight
Love like mine you'll never find with anyone else
And I ran, but how much am I to run from myself
When I'd give even my heart for someone like you
You always calculated who loved more
You judged all my past mistakes
And now, now you blame fate
And with a serene smile say, girl, karma won't forgive you
You're a wound on my heart
You're a wound that I can't forget
Time will heal me
Of your love
You're a wound on my heart
You're a wound that I can't forget
After the rains come new days
But we aren't a couple anymore
The Bridge's Railings
The bridge's railings
Swing from side to side when I walk by.
It's only you that I love:
I ignore all the others.
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve!
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Come on, now!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve... The bridge's railings
Swing from side to side when I walk by...
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve!
Oh, listless one! Out of mercy!
Come on, now!
Tell me that you love me,
Do not make me grieve... The bridge's railings
Swing from side to side when I walk by...