Rezultatele căutării pagină 27
Număr de rezultate: 1234
Flower wedding
From gardens of perfume,
flowers are coming in a crowd
Come, darling, now
come with the first tram
Lilies, roses, violets
want to have us as wedding guests
and buy us again
the bittersweet soul.
On the streets of dew at dawn,
barefoot we run lightly,
may the fire carnations wish you good luck
darling at the flower wedding
The day is coming as well
in a flower chariot
let's open in the dawn
the big gate of the citadel.
And lightly, with a flower
as we dreamed once
let's knock in the windows
to the ones that still dream
Maybe these roses
they were once like us
lips lit by the bride and groom
and embrace of the rains.
Let's leave the flower wedding
to pour into the alleys
the whole city you want,
let's give it to the flowers...
[Intro: Mozzik]
King of Albania
Lookin' for the queen
[Hook: Loredana]
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold (ice-cold)
Everyone is gawking on my lifestyle (lifestyle)
They want to talk but no, no (no, no)
I have no time
Nope, forget it, forget it
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold (ice-cold)
Everyone is gawking on my lifestyle (lifestyle)
They want to talk but no, no (no, no)
I have no time
Nope, forget it, forget it
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold
[Part 1: Loredana]
They overtake everything 100%
The haters fall like they do in domino
30k for the show
We make money money either way
Please no photos, put your phone away
If you want to throw hands with me, there will be no happy end
Around the globe once, we are trendy now
Yes, I aim with the gun and all rapper run
Luckily my business goes by plan
They talk and talk, but I couldn't care less
It's all ok, but please get out of my way (haha)
[Hook: Loredana]
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold (ice-cold)
Everyone is gawking on my lifestyle (lifestyle)
They want to talk but no, no (no, no)
I have no time
Nope, forget it, forget it
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold (ice-cold)
Everyone is gawking on my lifestyle (lifestyle)
They want to talk but no, no (no, no)
I have no time
Nope, forget it, forget it
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold
[Part 2: Mozzik]
Ahh pretty the car, that I drive
G-Class, white like Dieter Bohlen's hair (hehe)
Just give me a few days
Hands full of gold but the head is full of scars
Ziki ziki ju mes nfyt si kikiriki
E ju prishet tripi nese m'prekni mu te shpirti
E gjinin e nanes kurre nuk e koriti
E per baben tem nuk nalna, veq hite mas hiti
Interesting, in Germany I was formerly a Asylum seeker
But know I'm in the charts (oua) Thank God!
Ton jeten jom kon rrezikant se andrra shume e madhe elefant
[Hook: Loredana]
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold (ice-cold)
Everyone is gawking on my lifestyle (lifestyle)
They want to talk but no, no (no, no)
I have no time
Nope, forget it, forget it
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold (ice-cold)
Everyone is gawking on my lifestyle (lifestyle)
They want to talk but no, no (no, no)
I have no time
Nope, forget it, forget it
You can be sure, I will stay ice-cold
As I stared at the clouds I could see a vision of you
I could see my desire was still uncertain but still so true
Still I long to believe there will soon be a brighter day
Underneath this disguise still I walk through the pouring rain
I wanna make it tonight
During the unending night
You have no need now to cry
The unending melody
So tonight I will send you my own melody
But the time passes by and I can't stop the lies it seems
Still I wait for you now, living life on a broken dream
Cannot hide the frustration inside, now I'm on my knees
I wanna make it tonight
During the unending night
You have no need now to cry
The unending melody
Gloria, I need your love
From your passionate HEART
Hold me tight
Lonely night
I cannot see you once again
I wanna make it tonight
During the unending night
You have no need now to cry
The unending melody
Gloria, I need your love
From your passionate HEART
Hold me tight
Lonely night
I cannot see you once again
Three colours
Three colours I know in the world,
Reminders of a brave people –
Which is brave, with old renown
Victorious in battle.
For long ages
Our heroic forefathers fought
To live as masters of this land,
Builders of the new world.
Red, yellow, and blue
Is our tricolour
The glory of my people
Rises like a star.
We are a people in the world
Close-knit and industrious,
Free, with a new renown
and an audacious aim.
Today the Party unites us
And on Romanian land
Socialism is being built,
Through the workers' spirit.
For the honor of our country,
We crush enemies in battle.
With other nations under the sun,
We live, trustworthy, in peace.
And you, splendid Romania,
Shall stand for ever and ever,
And in the Communist era
Shall shine as a star.
Gust of Wind
I have met some, the lives
I've done some, the seasons
I got through the night,
I spun my jacket
And yet ... and yet, it was there
I've spent some, the moons
in questioning tomorrow
I've known some, the girls
who do not understand anything
And yet, it was there, in front of me
I had forgotten
The humour of a summer
And yet it is so good to think
That a gust of wind
Could carry everything,
We could take
And yet it is so good to dream,
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could sweep everything
Blows ... the reality
I’ve kept in the heart,
A bright hope
Besides some perfumes
To my old happy days
Everything is there, just there, under your eyes
A sunset
A bit of grass to smoke
A few faithful friends,
A handful of projects
That does me, like a rooftop
I work all year
For my freedom
And yet it is so good to think
That a gust of wind
Could carry everything,
We could take
And yet it is so good to dream,
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could sweep everything
Blows, sweeps, wipes off
Overlook ... that bloody reality
And yet it is so good to think
That a gust of wind
Could carry everything
We could take
And yet it is so good to dream
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could brushes off everything
And yet it is so good to think
And yet it is so good to dream,
At the dawn of a day past
That a wave or the wind
Could sweep everything
Blows ... the reality
Trees in bloom
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't,
I can't, I can't believe
that you think so nastly
totally different
I know that I'd always want to see nothing but happy people
I'd want to walk the streets and admire the trees in bloom.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
I don't want money, I don't want anything
I only want the fulfilled love
I'm looking in the troubled see through the broken tin can
I'm keeping the cold beer in the sand to get a little warm
And I don't need anything but the tree in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the tree in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the tree in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the tree in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the tree in bloom
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't,
I can't, I can't believe
that you think so nastly
totally different
I know that I'd always want to see nothing but happy people
I'd want to walk the streets and admire the trees in bloom.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the trees in bloom
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....
Glory to God
On high
And on earth
Peace to men
Whom the Lord loves
We praise you
We bless you
We worship you
We glorify you
We give you thinks
For your great glory
Lord God, Heavenly King
God, All-Powerful Father
Lord, Only Son, Jesus Christ
Lord God, lamb of God
Son of the Father
You who remove the sins of the world
Have mercy on us
You who remove the sins of the world
Hear our prayers
You who reign with the Father
Have mercy on us
On us
Glory to God
On high
And on earth
Peace to men
Whom the Lord loves
Because you
Alone are holy
Only you
Lord you alone
You alone Jesus Christ Almighty
With the Holy Spirit
In the glory of God the Father
Lăsați-mă să plâng
Mi-am tot amintit momentele pe care ți le-am oferit,
Câte mi-ai dat tu și de ce sunt acum aici,
Așezată pe jos, gândindu-mă că te iubesc,
Că te-am iubit atât și că am nevoie de iubirea ta.
Lăsați-mă să plâng. Vreau să mi-l scot din piept,
Cu plânsul meu să sting focul ce arde înăuntru.
Lăsați-mă să plâng. Vreau să-mi iau adio în liniște,
Să-mi fac mintea să raționeze, căci pentru asta nu există remediu.
Au fost așa frumoase întâlnirile.
Să ne iubim fără frică.
Tu ești noaptea, iar eu visul tău, tu, povestitorul meu.
Te voi uita, îți jur, îmi pare rău.
Iubirea ta mă rănește
Și nu mai poți să repari asta,
Însă iubire ca a mea nu vei mai găsi niciunde,
Pentru că această iubire pariază până și pe mine.
Lăsați-mă să plâng. Vreau să mi-l scot din piept,
Cu plânsul meu să sting focul ce arde înăuntru.
Lăsați-mă să plâng. Vreau să-mi iau adio în liniște,
Să-mi fac mintea să raționeze, căci pentru asta nu există remediu. (×2)
Râu de lacrimi pentru tine
Eu, aici, un râu de lacrimi pentru tine,
Dându-te uitării.
Ce lucru atât de nedrept, iubire.
Mi-ai tot omorât pasiunile,
Mâzgălindu-mi cântecele.
Eram lipsit de speranță.
Nu-i drept, nu, scumpo.
Dar lumea asta s-a învârtit deja,
Iar acum a fost rândul tău să pierzi, scumpo.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Scumpo, am plâns cu disperare.
Of, nu, nu, nu ai inimă.
Nu te voi iubi iar.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Acum, fă-te și tu pentru mine o mare de lacrimi.
Nu mă mai căuta,
E deja prea târziu,
Am deja altă iubire.
O frumoasă sirenă
Care îmi înoată în piele.
Eu te iert,
Fără resentimente.
Rămân doar dureri.
Sufletul meu e zgâriat,
Stau ud me pământ.
Nu-i drept, nu, scumpo.
Dar lumea asta s-a învârtit deja,
Iar acum a fost rândul tău să pierzi, scumpo.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Scumpo, am plâns cu disperare.
Of, nu, nu, nu ai inimă.
Nu te voi iubi iar.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Acum, fă-te și tu pentru mine o mare de lacrimi.
E adevărat că m-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
E adevărat vă nu te voi iubi iar.
Of, nu, nu, nu!
Nu te voi iubi iar.
E adevărat că m-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
E adevărat vă nu te voi iubi iar.
Of, nu, nu, nu!
Pierde-te în marea ta!
E adevărat că m-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
E adevărat vă nu te voi iubi iar.
Plângi după mine, plângi după mine,
Plângi după mine.
Când plângi
Când plângi, lumea stă în loc și nu știu niciodată ce să spun.
Când plângi, mă cutremur și nu reușesc să mă prefac.
Când plângi cu orele, acele ceasului se învârt.
Când plângi în singurătate, îmi muști din suflet.
Gândește-te la ce te-oi gândi când plângi, când îmi zici că nu.
Gândește-te la ce vrei, dar acum...
Când plângi, ruta deviază și nu am unde merge.
Când plângi, eu mă scufund și nu mă grăbesc să revin la suprafață.
Când plângi cu orele, acele ceasului se învârt.
Când plângi în singurătate, îmi muști din suflet.
Gândește-te la ce te-oi gândi când plângi, când îmi zici că nu.
Gândește-te la ce vrei, dar acum...
Gândește-te la ce te-oi gândi când plângi, când îmi zici că nu.
Gândește-te la ce vrei, dar acum...
Cel care plânge sunt eu, cel care plânge sunt eu, cel care plânge sunt eu...
The Value of Defeat
I think it is necessary to educate the new generations to the value of defeat, to the management of defeat, to the Humanity that emerges from it, to build an identity able to experience a common destiny, where you can fail and start over without your value and your dignity will be undermined.
We need to educate the new generations to not become social elbows, to not pass over the body of the others to finish first.
This world belongs to vulgar and dishonest winners, false and opportunist abusers, this world belongs to the important people, they are occupying power and robs the present and the future.
To this anthropology of winners I prefer the loser.
It is an exercise that I can do well.
And I'm in peace with my sacred few things.
- -
I'm a man who prefers to lose rather than win with ways unfair and unkind.
Gross negligence on my part, I know!
And the best part is that I have the nerve to defend this guilt, to consider it almost a virtue.
White Worlds
I see how they're gathering
Seven signs in the moon.
They're melting in the spoons
The wrinkles of life.
It's like, it's like a curse,
It's like I hear a train...
Through my veins are gushing
The signs of the night,
I'm always sinking
And it's getting harder.
With a beautiful face,
Death sits at the table.
It promises me the heaven
And show me the straw.
I cling to life,
And life...spits in my face!
The world is falling apart,
The world is falling apart,
My world is falling apart!
Please, help me!
Please, lift me up!
The white death is coming,
Bad powders, fine...
Big waves of haze,
They freeze my soul.
Everyone throws rocks,
Waving rags.
What a witless world!
What a crooked justice!
The world is falling apart,
The world is falling apart,
My world is falling apart!
I'm trapped between customs,
I'm clinging to the gates.
I'm draw straws by the fate.
The world is falling apart,
The world is falling apart,
My world is falling apart!
Please, help me!
Please, lift me up!
Floral Summer
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you...
Another summer has come just like that day
The aroma of the earth is carried in the blowing wind when I go out
In the beginning of this year the cicada's voice
The plants grow green as the sunlight restores their strength
The pounding of my heart during the lunch break resonates around the school building
My love is trembling and my feelings are about to burst
Even now I believe in the promises that we exchanged
There are more important things than living an elegant life
I want to love the person reflected in my eyes more
The rising throbbing in my chest is seared into my heart
Spread and flap your wings while the future opens
One day for sure we we can walk together
Ah! If that is the case
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you...
The hydrangea flower fades
The brightly colored new green leaves flutter in the breeze
After school gazing at each other even just a little during the sunset in the evening
The many memories begin to overflow from the classroom
I know that I should tell you about my feelings
In my favorite season the memories reach you
There are more important things than living a cure life
The glittering angel has opened her wings right now
The always radiant eyes are absorbing
I want to walk with slowly the future which repeatedly flaps its wings
I need you forever...
I want to love the person reflected in my eyes more
The rising throbbing in my chest is seared into my heart
Spread your wings and fly as the future opens up to you
s we struggle to hold each others hands never stop loving
Aah! If that is the case
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you…
You can be protected if you...
You can be protected if you…
You can be protected
Сказки не затянутся, мой друг
В каждой истории есть конец
Всё, что у меня когда-то было стало чем-то иным
Мне отведена часть для моей игры
Наблюдаю всю декаду
И это ранит сильнее
Ох, так бесславно
Я больше не хочу
Я отказываюсь смотреть на твоё падение
И я оставил тебя на перекрёстке
Когда ты так нуждалась во мне
Осознал, что ты платишь лжи
Мы разрушаем все иллюзии
Твоя ложь правдой станет
И мы всё ещё бесславны?
Сейчас, когда дошли до победы
Мы сможем отличить свободу от страдания?
Яркость теряет себя
И в восторге без цветов
Правда была в руках твоих врагов
Когда ничего уже нет
Ты увидишь как ты исчезаешь
Осознал, что ты платишь лжи
Мы разрушаем все иллюзии
Твоя ложь правдой станет
Ты считаешь, я это проглочу?
Твоя корона трескается
Твой трон распадается
Так же, как и заблуждение
Твоя ложь за моё доверие
Мы всё ещё бесславны?
Сказки не затянутся, мой друг
И ты можешь забрать свой приз
Но сколько ты трупов оставил позади?
Сдери с человека все маски
Что тебе стоит найти внутри
Ты потеряла себя где-то по пути
И в правде ты винишь меня
Но моё преступление лишь честность
Brunette Flower
Brunette flower
Give me a pleasent scent,
full of love
Later also
Give me all that tenderness
That only you possess
Brunette flower
Give me a pleasent scent,
full of love
Later also
Give me all that tenderness
That only you possess
Without you, what would be of me
I'd be so sad,
and everything would be so ruinous
It happens that Bahia
has made you
just like that
Just for me
Brunette flower
Give me a pleasent scent,
full of love
Later also
Give me all that tenderness
That only you possess
Give me all that tenderness
That only you possess
Give me all that tenderness
That only you possess
I Don't Believe A Word
[Intro: Loredana]
Macloud, what a beat...
[Hook: Loredana]
Every time you say to me: 'It's over!'
I don't believe a word
Because I have what you want and you know that
There won't be a second chance
I don't believe a word
No second chance
I don't believe a word
[Part 1: Loredana]
How can someone hate*1 so much like I'm hating you?
You thought this is gonna be a love song, but I'm gonna break your neck
You're talking about all those chicks but they are supporting me
I'm going gold, look at my success - no end is in sight
Please don't tell me that you don't need me, baby
I'll buy your car, your honor and your house, baby
We both know very well that I'm looking good
Don't act like you're cool, we both know the chat record, baby
[Hook: Juju]
Every time you say to me: 'It's over!'
I don't believe a word
Because I have what you want and you know that
There won't be a second chance
I don't believe a word
No second chance
I don't believe a word
[Part 2: Juju]
Yeah, be sure, I'll stay ice-cold*2
Even when you're talking shit like telling me you wanna be alone
I don't say a thing although it's fucking me up, 'cause I don't wanna fight
I'm always on my way, no part-time
You know that I'm savage, getting me was a challenge
Just look at all that I'm managing, no life-work balance
Boy, don't tell me the price will be high, you know it's going to be dangerous
When you're saying that you want to end it you ain't even honest
(ain't even honest)
No, I don't need your money, I'll buy a Gucci handbag myself
I'm getting booked, 100k, Fendi, Louis - already ordered them all
Your drivel won't get me in your bed again
You want to break my wings so that I won't fly away
[Hook: Loredana & Juju]
Every time you say to me: 'It's over!'
I don't believe a word
Because I have what you want and you know that
There won't be a second chance
I don't believe a word
No second chance
I don't believe a word
Perioada mea preferată a anului
Felinare luminând oraşul,
Pacea pe pâmânt e pretutindeni,
Totu-i liniştit în Ajunul Crăciunului,
În atmosferă se simte bunăvoinţa în seara asta,
Îngeri cântă la lumina lumânării,
Vocile lor sunt purtate de vânt.
Când se adună colindătorii,
Când aud acel sunet de sărbătoare,
Vreau să mă alătur lor şi să cânt.
Ei cântă un cântec vesel şi toţi cântăm cu ei
O melodie festivă ce ne spune că a venit Crăciunul.
Priviţi stelele în noaptea asta, ele strălucesc puternic
Căci e Crăciunul şi e perioada mea preferată a anului.
Împodobiţi casele cu crenguţe de ilice,
Daţi-mi vâsc, e vremea să fim voioşi,
Împachetând cadouri, scriind felicitări, ajutând la împodobirea bradului,
Dar e o lucru care pentru mine înseamnă totul,
Când colindătorii se adună,
Voci îngereşti umplu oraşul,
E ca şi cum lumea ni se alătură!
(Crăciun, Crăciun,Crăciun)
Ei cântă un cântec vesel şi toţi cântăm cu ei
O melodie festivă ce ne spune că a venit Crăciunul.
Priviţi stelele în noaptea asta, ele strălucesc puternic
Căci e Crăciunul şi e perioada mea preferată a anului.
Ajunul Crăciunului,
Mai cred,
Sunt atât de entuziasmat,
Nu pot să dorm,
Când vine dimineaţa
Bat clopote de biserică
Şi El S-a născut!
Ei cântă un cântec vesel şi toţi cântăm cu ei
O melodie festivă ce ne spune că a venit Crăciunul.
Priviţi stelele în noaptea asta, ele strălucesc puternic
Căci e Crăciunul şi e perioada mea preferată a anului.
Şi e perioada mea preferată a anului.
(Crăciun, Crăciun)
The Llorona (The Weeping Woman)
Alas, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
Alas, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
And even if it costs my life, Llorona
I won't stop loving you
I won't stop loving you
I climbed the highest pine tree, Llorona
To see if I could spot you
I climbed the highest pine tree, Llorona
To see if I could spot you
But the pine tree was tender, Llorona
When it saw me cry, it cried
But the pine tree was tender, Llorona
When it saw me cry, it cried
Sorrow and that which is not sorrow, Llorona
Everything is sorrow for me
Sorrow and that which is not sorrow, Llorona
Everything is sorrow for me
Yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you, Llorona
Now I cry because I saw you
Yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you, Llorona
Now I cry because I saw you
Alas, Llorona, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
Alas, Llorona, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
And even if it costs my life, Llorona
I won't stop loving you
And even if it costs my life, Llorona
I won't stop loving you
I won't stop loving you
I won't stop loving you
Ay, ay, ay!
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.
Sevillanas of the 18th century
Long live Seville! Long live Seville!
Long live Seville! The sevillanas carry on
in the Mantilla a signboard that says: Long live Seville!
Lon live Triana, long live the trianeros, those of Triana!
I bring it walking, I bring it walking,
I bring it walking: the macarena and everything
I bring it walking: the macarena and everything I bring it walking
I bring it walking: a face like yours I didn't find it
The macarena and everything I bring it walking
You look so good! You look so good!
You look so good! Wow, Seville river,
You look so good! Wow, Seville river, you look so good
You look so good! Full of ehite candles and green branches
Seville river, you look so good!
Tell me that backwards
Today I woke up
with the message you left me
Saying that you love me
And that you feel alone
And don't be evil
that why I ignore you
and I don't know what to do.
Because I want to see you again
I know you are of those who left with everything
And I'm about to do it at your way
Tell me that backwards
And may this time
you know how to convince me
to dawn
Tell me that again
And may this time
I want to get crazy
(evol ni)*
I'm of those who falls in love
But your skin gets me out of control
When I'm with you
Everything changes of color
Even you don't believe
I'm of those who falls in love
I don't know what to do now
'Cause what I feel it seems to me that is love
I was not going out
But I don't know why this night something says to me
Gloria, don't let him alone
to don't be evil, that why I ignore you
Tell me that backwards
And may this time
you know how to convince me
to dawn
Tell me that again
And may this time
I want to get crazy
(evol ni)*
I'm of those who falls in love
But your skin gets me out of control
When I'm with you
Everything changes of color
Even you don't believe
I'm of those who falls in love
I don't know what to do now
'Cause what I feel it seems to me that is love
With each verse I don't wanna stop
I wanna arrive
To the infinity, but slowly, I go
With each verse
I can lose myself, dissapear
To the infinity, but slowly, I go
Tell me that backwards
And may this time
you know how to convince me
to dawn
Tell me that again
And may this time
I want to get crazy
(evol ni)*
I'm of those who falls in love
But your skin get me out of control
When I'm with you
Everything changes of color
Even you don't believe
I'm of those who falls in love
I don't know what to do now
'Cause what I feel it seems to me that is love
evol ni
In love
evol in
In love
I ask myself for forgiveness
Come on, say it all, give all that you've got
You make me feel like a beggar
On the street corner
I can't even cry, I beg for love
I gift you mine
Here, there's nobody to see me
You don't know how to let go, let go of me
The end is like this all the time,
Hard, always without color
If I had the courage to run out into the world
I'd put an end to it, even if I made mistakes
I ask myself for forgiveness
Maybe one day, if you want, you'll remember us
I return and run, no more, no more, can I bear the longing
And I ask myself for forgiveness hard, hard, hard . . .
I want your forgiveness
And I ask myself for forgiveness hard, hard, hard . . .
I want your forgiveness
I ask myself for forgiveness, eh yeeh
I ask myself for forgiveness, yeeh
I ask myself for forgiveness, eh yeeh eeh
I ask myself for forgiveness, yeeh
I stay, I always wait, I look at a shadow
Better for you to leave now
But take our photo with you
Hey, here I am, I'm no celebrity
You conduct, I'm just a violin in the orchestra
Come on, say it all, give all that you've got
Even now, you're mute
But it's nothing, only you're an expert
You don't even know how to say 'I can't' well
To have the courage to say . . .
I ask myself for forgiveness, and I forgive you
I want your forgiveness
And I ask myself for forgiveness hard, hard, hard . . .
I want your forgiveness
And I ask myself for forgiveness hard, hard, hard . . .
I want your forgiveness
Maybe one day, if you want, you'll remember us
I want your forgiveness
And I ask myself for forgiveness hard, hard, hard . . .
I want your forgiveness
And I ask myself for forgiveness hard, hard, hard . . .
I want your forgiveness
I ask myself for forgiveness, eh yeeh
I ask myself for forgiveness, yeeh
I ask myself for forgiveness, eh yeeh eeh
I ask myself for forgiveness, yeeh
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
La, la, la...
Cu dragostea nu te joci,
aoleu, drace!... că e mai rău.
de mult timp vă aștept
suportând ploaia torențială
să vă spun că vă iubesc
chiar dacă nu permiteți...
– Drace!
Ce-mi răspundeți?
- Domnule,
niciodată n-am fost îndrăgostită,
lăsați-mă câtva timp
că n-am deloc încredere
într-o iubire trecătoare...
- Plecați de-aici, vă rog!
La, la, la...
Cu dragostea nu te joci,
aoleu, drace! ... că e mai rău.
eu vă ofer averea,
stelele una câte una
cu soarele și cu luna
și iubirea care aici palpită...
- Drace!
Vedeți că sunt formal.
- Vai, băiețele!
Nu-mi pasă de bogăție
nici nu mi-am pierdut capul
dacă vă spun sincer
că am nevoie de un soț...
- Căsătoria e cel mai bun lucru.
La, la, la...
Cu dragostea nu-i de jucat,
aoleu, drace! ... că e mai rău.
Frumoasa mea,
oricând vrei, sunt dispus
să fac bugetul
de cât de scump a ajuns
să treci pe la vicariat…
- Drace! De aia suntem doi.
Cu dragostea nu te joci,
aoleu, drace! ... că e mai rău,
pentru că dragostea, când vine
este, drace!... cea mai bună.
Cu dragostea nu te joci,
aoleu, drace! ... că e mai rău.
- Pentru că dragostea când vine
este, drace!...
Cea mai bună.
La, la, la...
Pentru că dragostea când vine
este, drace!... cea mai bună…
Lord Jim
Lord Jim, Lord Jim, do not go away
if that night lives again inside you.
You must not despair, you can forget it—
you can forget it with her.
Lord Jim, Lord Jim, do not leave.
Entrust her with the memories that you have in your heart.
You cannot flee from a love greater than you,
Lord Jim.
(Lord Jim, Lord Jim, do not leave.)
Lord Jim, Lord Jim, do not leave.
Entrust her with the memories you have in your heart.
You cannot flee from a love greater than you,
Lord Jim.
My lovely brave sailor
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
Come all you pretty maidens
no matter who you are,
you all that love a gallant sailor
who dwells in the seas.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
Olè, pretty girls
You know by now
That only a sailor can comfort us
The one that glances through the waves
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
The dance of the money
If you live just for money, you have a bankrupt soul
You collect your whole life, but it seems that it still isn't enough
If love of money, money, money, in your world is feeling
You become absent in your life . . . and money isn't a bandage
For a long time, money has had the world at its feet, if you don't have it, you dream in debt
Because money always breeds dirty thoughts, even in your childhood heroes
You know what's funny? That we do it to fools
When money turns people into monsters
Because sometimes even our folks
Are lost behind the mask
I've seen families which, for money
Don't call each other, don't talk for many years
Because supposedly their bag of silver
Has a spot on the list of happy people
It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts
When they even bought souls which weren't for sale
It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts
When they even bought souls which weren't, weren't for sale
If you live just for money, you have a bankrupt soul
You collect your whole life, but it seems that it still isn't enough
If love of money, money, money, in your world is feeling
You become absent in your life . . . and money isn't a bandage
And money doesn't change people, but it highlights their character, it brings all sorts of problems
And fake smiles appear at the percent, they don't miss the call, they control their wallets
But all the money in the world can't make two cents
If you don't have anyone to enjoy life with, to share with
I see people who are sad, yet rich
I'm not saying that you don't need to run after money
But in exchange give time, years
Then tell me when you're old
With what money can you buy another youth?
It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts
When they even bought souls which weren't for sale
It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts
When they even bought souls which weren't, weren't for sale
If you live just for money, you have a bankrupt soul
You collect your whole life, but it seems that it still isn't enough
If love of money, money, money, in your world is feeling
You become absent in your life . . . and money isn't a bandage
You, you, don't you see how the years are passing?
And everyone dances to the money's singing
You, you, don't you see how the years are passing?
And everyone dances to the money's singing
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
I've Been Waiting For You
I remember what you told me
Every word straight to my soul
You played with my feelings
Now I'm alone with them
What's with me? I trusted you
But probably for the last time
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
Don't look for my tracks
And forgive my soul for its love
It's all in the past, I don't trust you anymore
I'm scared of being alone
Listen up, my soul can't keep silent
I'm letting you go, but my heart is screaming
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't go on
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
Colorată, colorată
Oh, de ce pari supărată?
Cerul se face galben
Dacă doar tu mi-ai zâmbi iar
(Lumea s-ar face iar albastră)
O alarmă roșie pornește pe undeva
Apoi zâmbetul tău de culoarea mentei
(Culorile lumii)
Momentul (când ne-am întâlnit)
Când ne-am întâlnit privirile (momentul)
Inima mea gri
A început iar să bată (bate roșu)
În (în ochii tăi) ochii tăi, eu (obișnuiam să fiu întunecat)
Dar am găsit lumina
Mi s-au stricat ochii?
Clipa în care mâna ta m-a atins
Totul în jurul meu s-a colorat
În lumea albă și înghețată rece
Clipa în care ochii mi-au orbit
Îmi faci viața colorată
Cred că ești magică (hei)
Cred că ești minunată (da)
Din cauza ta, inima mea e colorată
În lumea neagră și întunecată
Clipa în care încerc să-mi închid ochii
Îmi faci viața colorată
Pot vedea spectrul tău
Inima îmi bate mai tare ca o tobă
Merge spre tine ca alunecând pe un topogan
Fii culoarea mea preferată, roz, fă-mi cu ochiul
Acoperă-mă cu culoarea ta
Acoperă tot ce nu are culoare cu un curcubeu
Pune o culoare pe apusul oceanului
Peisajul pe care îl vezi e atât de cald
Înfruntă vântul pe care îl simți
Momentul (când ne-am întâlnit)
Când ne-am întâlnit privirile (momentul)
Inima mea gri
A început iar să bată (bate roșu)
În (în ochii tăi) ochii tăi, eu (obișnuiam să fiu întunecat)
Dar am găsit lumina
Mi s-au stricat ochii?
Clipa în care mâna ta m-a atins
Totul în jurul meu s-a colorat
În lumea albă și înghețată rece
Clipa în care ochii mi-au orbit
Îmi faci viața colorată
Cred că ești magică (hei)
Cred că ești minunată (da)
Din cauza ta, inima mea e colorată
În lumea neagră și întunecată
Clipa în care încerc să-mi închid ochii
Îmi faci viața colorată
Colorată, colorată, colorată
3, 2, 1, colorează-mă
Mi s-au stricat ochii?
Clipa în care mâna ta m-a atins
(Mâna ta mă atinge)
Totul în jurul meu s-a colorat
Această clipă în care ne ținem de mână
În această lume parfumată cu un verde gros
(În această clipă)
Mi s-au stricat ochii?
Clipa în care mâna ta m-a atins
Totul în jurul meu s-a colorat
În lumea albă și înghețată rece
Clipa în care ochii mi-au orbit
Îmi faci viața colorată
Cred că ești magică (hei)
Cred că ești minunată (da)
Din cauza ta, inima mea e colorată
În lumea neagră și întunecată
Clipa în care încerc să-mi închid ochii
Îmi faci viața colorată
Îmi faci viața colorată
Crossing parallel lines
My orange dreams
don't need courage
to account
their guts
in front of me
they'd even give some courage
to my khaki dreams
that make foolish things
imagining wars,
slaughter and mud
and make me
struggle in my bed
Hey... Ay-ay-ay-a!
Our orange people
don't need courage
to account
their guts
in front of him
they'd even give some courage
to the khaki people
that make foolish things
imagining wars,
slauther and mud
and make
only 'bang-bang-bang' in the world
Hey... Ay-ay-ay-a!
My orange dreams
our orange people
My khaki dreams
Our khwki people
Our orange poeple
my orange dreams
our orange people
are highly brave people
Like a Light in the Dark Night
On some nights it seems to you
as though not a soul is close to another.
Not moon nor star,
you just stand there silently, clothed in the heavy blackness.
Light up!
Light up!
Like a light in the dark night.
Light up!
Light up!
Your light will be a thousand-fold
The long shadows fly away,
and our world comes into the light.
The darkness dies in the first light at dawn,
can you see it?
And our world will come into the light
if you put your mind to it.
A black shadow lies upon you
no matter where you go
The coldness grasps at your heart,
and no one hears what you implore.
Light up! Light up! Light up!
Light up!
Light up!
Like a light in the dark night.
Light up!
Light up!
Your light will be a thousand-fold
The long shadows fly away
and our world comes into the light.
The darkness dies in the first light at dawn,
can you see it?
And our world will come into the light
if you put your mind to it.
A star in the night,
a fire that burns,
it's you doing all that.
Light up!
Light up!
Like a light in the dark night.
Light up!
Light up!
Like a fire in the night!
The long shadows fly away,
and our world comes into the light.
The darkness dies in the first light at dawn,
can you see it?
And our world comes into the light.
The long shadows fly away,
just say the word
and our world will come into the light.
The darkness dies in the first light at dawn,
can you see it?
And our world will come into the light
if you put your mind to it.
Light up!
Light up!
Light up!
Light up!
You are a star!
Gloria, barely 15
She's run away from from home
Her jeans are tight, her hair is long
She's looking for dreams
In the streets of the big city
Scared of missing out
On what all the others have got
If you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria, you're trying hard
Inside of you, a fierce hunger for life
Is burning like a fire
Invisible voices are shouting:
'You'll be free' – they're shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria (Gloria), you keep thinking:
'I'll lose all my chains now'
'The night is full of songs'
But if you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha
Gloria, you still believe in miracles
You've got to learn how to fight
For whoever is weak will go down here
Don't let anyone take away your future
Don't let anyone take away your smile
The dream enticing you is as sweet as poison
But tears are bitter
If you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria, you're trying hard
Inside of you, a fierce hunger for life
Is burning like a fire
Invisible voices are shouting:
'You'll be free' – they're shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria (Gloria), you keep thinking:
'I'll lose all my chains now'
'The night is full of songs'
But if you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it (sku sku)
[Verse 1]
Never, never sleep, yah
Never, never sleep, yah
Talk to my heart, talk to my manager
I'm turn-up the housewife, ah (yah)
Mom told me: 'Don't buy views' (young phenomenon)(yah)
The labels call, I gave them 'view', never disappointed
I'm so strong, I don't sleep well cause of it (yah)
I want 300k, it's normal (ouh)
All driven by their hormone (yah)
Prince of the trap, still out of the ordinary (ouh)
I'm so strong, I don't sleep well cause of it
I made the front page of your journal
Their future in formaldehyde
I'm the best and it's clear
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it
[Verse 2]
I'm the best, I know for sure
The fear I have in me calls me and wants to be reborn
I feel like Turner, I'm here to turn-up
I represent what youth want to embody
I'm gonna burn their net, now I'm in burn-up
I ended up taking the bull by the horns
In content and form, they play the strong guys
But I always get more juice at the end of the porn
I come first on the track (yah)
Only my brothers are on the list (ouh)
Many are asleep and others insist (yah)
I'm not a rapper, I'm an artist (ouh)
Every time a feat comes out, I hear 'Lord, you killed that' (sku)
The only mistake of my career: not being born in the USA
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it
Never, never sleep, level up, level up, level up
All my profit in an envelope
Yes, my network is growing
Never, never sleep (ya)
Never, never sleep (ya)
Talk to my heart, talk to my manager
I'm turn-up the housewife
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it