Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 39

Număr de rezultate: 2206



Thinly intertwined people
A player you caught with both eyes
In a threadlike line of emotion
You're standing on multiple rows.
Clear vibration
I'm getting a little tremor.
Boldly crossing the line
I want to know you more.
First, get interested in me.
I'll sneak you in, too.
And then I'll paralyze my judgment.
Whisper it low and lure it in.
So as not to get wet by the sticky consistency
I control the sweetness.
Suddenly, the reason is entangled
You can't move.
Drawn into a deep instinct
I don't want to escape.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
You fill me up.
You know, when I look around, it feels like it's tightening,
You won't be able to walk away easily.
With five keen senses
Now you're detecting me.
Growing wave
He's not a light-hearted man.
Shattered silence
Actually, I think he wanted this.
And then I'm going to explode.
The fantasy you've been drawing is in your arms.
At the last minute, at the critical moment,
Take aim at the free heart.
So as not to get wet by the sticky concentration
I control the sweetness.
Suddenly, the reason is entangled
You can't move.
Drawn into a deep instinct
I don't want to escape.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
You fill me up.
at the touch of one's hand
Your warmth spreads.
It's no longer casual
I think it will be difficult.
Shake you up
Burn the child.
I paint it full of my own color
beyond one's ability
with all one's might
Wake you up with a strange sense
The novelty will be sweet.
A narrow mind in its stride.
You want more of me.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
Fill each other up.
Draw deeper
Slowly lure

You'll hug me (Think Of You)

Everything starts to get boring
I'm worrying about every little thing.
Self-esteem depends on
What other people say.
It's time to stop
I'm exhausted enough.
What is it, mmm.
I'm greedy for this life.
Even if I'm young, sometimes
I allow myself to lean on you
And cry. Just give me a hug.
I'll hide my reddened face
In your hands and my forehead will feel
The warmth of your lips.
When tears form a sea
You still my only hope.
I love you, give me a word
Just one word.
When you feel tired
And when it hurts,
You know you can lean on me.
Give me a hug.
When you want to let go
And the feeling of loneliness is all around you,
You know you can just lean on me.
Give me a hug.
'It's time for you to finally wake up and
To take the responsibility'. -
These words split out from your lips
Unleash our emotions
I was only looking for consolation...
Why does everyone say that...
I try to seem strong
And laugh as long as I can play this part.
Even if everything looks so carefree
I allow myself to lean on you
And cry. Give me a hug.
I'll hide my reddened face
In your hands and my forehead will feel
The warmth of your lips.
When tears form a sea
You still my only hope.
I love you, give me a word
Just one word.
Even if it's all a lie,
Even if it's just a lie,
It's okay to lie.
The main thing is that I love you
I love you. Say that you love me,
Give me a hug.
I'll hide my reddened face
In your hands and my forehead will feel
The warmth of your lips.
When tears form a sea
You still my only hope.
I love you, give me a word
Just one word.
When you feel tired
And when it hurts,
You know you can lean on me.
Give me a hug.
When you want to let go
And the feeling of loneliness is all around you,
You know you can just lean on me.
Give me a hug.
Mmm hug me ...

I Think It's Love

How did I get to know you?
Would it be like this if anyone knew you
Why am I so happy to see you?
The excitement is a little overwhelming
Oh, my God. Even if I'm a little awkward,
I want to know more.
I want you.
No matter how much I close my lips,
Leaking words
Stand by my side.
I need you.
I want you to love me.
It's not something that anyone could contain.
I was just a kid.
I think you're the only one of mine.
I think it's love.
There's a lot I want to tell you.
When I stand in front of you like this,
All over my head
Full of you
I can't do anything.
I need you.
I want you to love me.
It's not something that anyone could contain.
I was just a kid.
I think you're the only one.
Maybe many days have passed
I'll remember even if I'm dull.
So I'm the only one who can do it.
I wanted it and I wanted it.
I love you.
I need you.
I want you to love me.
It's not something that anyone could contain.
I was just a kid.
I think you're the only one of mine.
(All I need is you in my life)
I just wanna love you)
I need you.
(All I need is you in my life)
I just wanna love you)
Oh, no one's ever been able to capture it.
I was just a kid.
I think you're my only love.
I think it's love.

Behind Three doors

In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture
In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture
To picture, to attraction
To adventure, to doubting of words, do you still believe?
To see off
To search for the edge of the wolrd, leave it behind the door
With spoiled thoughts climbing the walls
They remained under the shirt useless
We will open the windows at night
I don't know, maybe it's about the same thing
Probably not today
Most likely, not
I felt her between my fingers
And anyway, it will not be a surprise
Probably not today
Most likely, not
I saw her near
And it won't be the first time
Probably not today
(Probably not today)
I felt her between my fingers
And anyway, it will not be a surprise
Probably not today
Most likely, not
I saw her near
And it won't be the first time
Behind the door, behind the walls, behind the image
Behind the panel, the filters and the whims
It will not get boring to look at one
It is not boring to look at one
For 'I don't want', 'I can't', 'I hate'
I will come back as the next, with an exhaustive tone
It seems that it's not getting boring to look at the one [person]
It's not that bright behind three doors
You are such a person behind three doors
It's not that bright behind three doors
You are such a person behind three doors
In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture
In the ashtray
There is still room left for cigarette butts
Some room left for attraction
A smile to a picture

Slow Goodbye

Da-da-da-da-da-da, yeah
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
No, baby
[Verse 1]
I wish that I could say
That I meet someone else
That I'm much happier now
And I wish that I could say
That we made it together
But you are much happier now, mhm
And I probably have to understand that it ends here
Have to realise sometime that you and I won't be together
Baby, that things ended like this, fuck
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
[Verse 2]
Now you walk down the beach
Holding someone else's hand
And why didn't I hold your hand tighter
When I had the chance?
Because every time I see you
It's like my heart stops beating
And, baby, please tell me
How could it end like this?
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
I have to let go off you
Oh, yes, and I have to let you go, oh
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye

25 la viață

[Refren: Liz Rodrigues și Eminem]
Prea târziu pentru cealaltă parte
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
Prea târziu pentru cealaltă parte
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
Prea tarziu
(Nu pot să te urmăresc în continuare
Îmi iau viața înapoi)
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
[Strofa 1: Eminem]
Nu cred că ea înțelege sacrificiile pe care le-am făcut
Poate că dacă curva asta ar fi acționat bine aș fi rămas
Dar mi-am pierdut deja peste jumătate din viață, m-aș așeza
Jos și aș murit pentru tine, nu mai plâng pentru tine, gata cu durerea
Cățea, m-ai luat drept garantat
Mi-a luat inima și ai alergat-o direct pe planetă
În murdărie, nu mai suport, acum respectul meu, îl cer
Voi prelua controlul acestei relații, o comand
Și acum voi fi șeful tău, la naiba
Și ceea ce vreau să spun este că nu te voi mai lăsa să mă controlezi
Deci, mai bine mă auziți, atât de mult îmi datorezi
Am renunțat la viața mea pentru tine, total devotat ți-am rămas
Credincios până la capăt, așa mă răsplătești?
Uită-te la modul în care mă îmbrac, plin de transpirații, la serviciu
Mereu grăbit să mă întorc la tine, încă nu te-am auzit
Nici măcar o dată nu spui că mă apreciezi, merit respect
Am făcut tot posibilul pentru a vă oferi nimic mai puțin decât perfecțiunea
Și știu că, dacă voi termina asta, nu voi mai avea nimic
Dar tot mă tratezi ca pe o scară: e timpul să fac un pas
Și nu mă voi întoarce, așa că nu-ți ține nenorocita respirație
Știi ce ai făcut, nu este nevoie să aprofundezi
Ți-am spus că îți pare rău dacă voi pleca
Am râs în timp ce plângeai, cum te simți acum?
Da, amuzant, nu-i așa? M-ai neglijat
Mi-ați făcut o favoare, totuși, spiritul meu liber l-ai lăsat
Dar un loc special pentru tine în inima mea l-am păstrat
Este regretabil, dar este ...
[Refren: Liz Rodrigues și Eminem]
Prea târziu pentru cealaltă parte
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
(Nu mai pot continua)
Prea târziu pentru cealaltă parte
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
[Strofa 2: Eminem]
Simt că, atunci când mă aplec înapoi pentru tine, tot ce faci este să râzi
'Pentru că nu este suficient de bun
Te aștepți ca eu să mă împart în jumătate până când mă prind
Nu crede că sunt loial, tot ce fac este rap
Cum pot lumina pe lateral? Nu am viață în afară de asta
Nu-ți dau suficient din timpul meu? Nu crezi, nu?
Geloasă când petrec timp cu fetele
De ce sunt încă căsătorit cu tine? Omule, nu știu
Dar în seara asta te servesc cu hârtii
Divorțez de tine - căsătorește-te cu altcineva și fă-i celebri!
Și ia-le libertatea ca și mie
Tratează-i de parcă nu ai nevoie de ei și nu sunt demni de tine
Hrănește-i cu același rahat pe care m-ai făcut să îl mănânc
Merg mai departe, o să uit de tine
Oh, acum sunt specială? Nu mă simțea, special când am fost cu tine
Tot ce am simțit vreodată a fost această neputință, întemnițată de o cățea egoistă
Mestecă-mă și scuipă-mă, am căzut pentru asta
De atâtea ori este ridicol
Și totuși rămân cu asta, m-am săturat de asta
Dar în boala și dependența mea, devi dependență
Rău pe măsură ce vin, răzbunător pe măsură ce îi fac
Prietenii mei mă întreabă de ce nu mă pot îndepărta
Sunt dependent de durere, stres, dramă
Sunt atras de rahat, cred că sunt un
Dezastru, blestemat și binecuvântat, dar de data asta eu
Nu-mi schimb mintea, mă urc în acest abis
Urlă în timp ce ies că îmi va fi dor
Dar când vorbeai despre oameni
Care au însemnat cel mai mult pentru tine, m-ai lăsat de pe lista ta
La dracu, hip hop! Te părăsesc
Condamnarea mea pe viață este servită, cățea, și este doar ...
[Refren: Liz Rodrigues și Eminem]
Prea târziu pentru cealaltă parte
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
(Am plecat, omule)
Prea târziu pentru cealaltă parte
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață
Prea tarziu
Prins într-o goană, 25 la viață

Don't Look For Me

Don't look for me in my hideaways,
If you love me.
Don't be jealous, the winters are gloomy
Wherever you go.
Don't look for me in my wrathful lyrics,
I'm hurting now.
And don't believe I live in the sounds,
I just forget.
Don't look for me this winter,
In the image of me you've painted.
Don't look for me again in the single ones,
It's the first time I've lost it.
Don't look for me in big fears,
Only in small, full-of-shame ones.
Don't look for me by asking others,
Just follow the tired, silent ones.
Don't look for me in the terror of the crowd,
If I matter to you.
Don't fight it, because they are not afraid at all
Don't look at them.
Only steal your old dreams
And protect them
And believe it's worth it when I break
Laugh for me
Don't look for me this winter
In the image of me you've painted.
Don't look for me again in the single ones,
It's the first time I've lost it.
Don't look for me in big fears,
Only in small, full-of-shame ones.
Don't look for me by asking others,
Just follow the tired, silent ones.

The eternel feminin

If my Air means anything to you,
You would be wrong to embarrass yourself

Opaque blanket of snow

This opaque blanket of snow
Probably, holds some meaning
For that I collected
I pray
Ah, the shape of my heart
formed in my childhood,
Brought me back to this time
I spent with you
In solitude I was overflowing with loneliness
Unable to say anything, I hid it all
Memories of your crying profile
pile up like snow
I drop you into the restless
depths of my heart
because you bring light to me
The dream ends...
This opaque blanket of snow
Probably, holds some meaning
For that I collected
I pray
I feel like I can still remember
Even your habits and movements
One day, it'll all melt and become pure again
Ah, this place I spent time with you
The mornings I'm not
by your side
pile up like snow...
Your words and voice
Ring in my ears
Even though we were so tightly knit...
My murky feelings
Pushed you away
The words I didn't mean to say increase...
I really wanted to convey it
That I love you
But I couldn't put power into it...
Laugh for me one last time
Will your smile, one day
melt into the snow, and become pure again?
Under this opaque blanket of snow
The days that we spent together
and the love we had, are melting away...

The Little Shepherdess from the Valley

When my eyes shall close
And I shall forget my flock and my pigeons
I shall yet remember, I shall yet remember, my friends,
The little shepherdess from the valley.
Stars shall extinguish above me
And the darkness shall cover my life,
But I shall yet behold before me
The little shepherdess from the valley.
In the tree birds shall go silent
And the wind shall go still in the mountains
My flute and its tune shall go silent,
But I shall hear her ringing sound as it passes by.
And were I to open my eyes,
And lo, she is there, the shepherdess from the valley,
Like a tawny goat kid among my goat kids
She bleats and asks: When?
She asks: When, my lad,
Will you bless my mother in my village,
And eat from her fruit in her garden,
And drink with my father from her wine?
And I shall respond to the little shepherdess:
I shall not satiate from the fruit in her garden,
I shall not indulge from her wine in her winepress,
I have only desired to forget her home.

Enlighten me

I like you like Saturday
I like you as one who embraces fire
I like you as one who wins the space
Like the one who opens the lap
As one who jumps the void
A boat arrives on the river
A man dies in the effort
Seven hills on the back
And a city for me
I like you as the one who kills the degrade
I like you as the one who pretends the future
I like you as if you say you're not afraid
Like someone who lies in secret
Like who dances on the road
Dress made of nothing
The hands full of the body
A crazy kiss in Porto
And a city for you
While there is no tomorrow
Enlighten me
Enlighten me
While there is no tomorrow
Enlighten me
Enlighten me
I like you like a star in the day
I like you when a cloud starts
I like you when your body was asking for
When my hands were on fire
Like the silence in war
Kisses of light and earth
And in an imperfect past
A bountiful fire in the chest
And the world away from us
While there is no tomorrow
Enlighten me
Enlighten me
While there is no tomorrow
Enlighten me
Enlighten me

Memories of the April Sky

Versions: #1
Open your tired eyes and let it out!
This has been growing in me
Oh, for such a long time
Rainclouds used to chase me
And now I chase the morning down avenues
You were drunk and I was drunk
In the sun of April
You're the kind of girl I like
Because you're empty and I'm empty
And she said:
You're really not in love with me
And in fact
That's okay with me
Because I never fall in love
Those things are such a waste of time...
But let's waste our live's away
(I always think of you in April)
Give me a kiss before you leave
to build a dream from
A kiss before you leave
A kiss to build a dream from
You're not actually in love with me
And in fact
that's okay with me
Because I don't love anyone
Those things are such a waste of time
I was no one
You were the sky in April
Like I remember it...
and like I remember you...
And I hope you can see me now
And I hope that you...
hear me now

Minimal Warm

I'm a little bit clumsy
It's a little overwhelming to follow
I'm on the side of hiding
A little to you
It can be frustrating
I'm on the side of only trusting the original
I'm a stubborn iron that doesn't change when it's strong
Once I fall in love, that's it
A little to you
It can be frustrating
Will you love me – only me?
I mean – this time, I'm you
When you're by my side
I didn't know that
I fell in (love) belatedly
Will you love me – only me?
I mean – this time, I'm you
Now everything is dark and I only see you
It's so simple, that it's pretty long
Toast and light coffee in the morning
After eating,
Walking around town,
After walking,
Simply taking a shower
My day starts after a shower –
But these days, when I wake up
It's your idea
Besides eating,
It's your idea,
If you are off guard while working,
It's your idea,
Then one day
Go again
Will you love me – only me?
I mean – this time, I'm you
I didn't know when you said that you love me
I fell in (love) belatedly
Will you love me – only me?
I mean – this time, I'm you
Now, everything is dark and I only see you
It's so simple, that it's pretty long
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...
Now I only think of you...

Ok Man

Oh ok
How you like that
I'm feeling amazing
When I rapid-fire rapped
The Korean-American said,
'Oh sh*t! yo look at that
I've never seen like that'
Eyes grow round like pancakes, ok
Oh man
You can't handle
Me, I'm on another level
From my mom's womb ok
Oh sh*t
That little kid shares
What they wanna be when they grow up
And they mention my name, oh thanks, ok
Ok ok wear 2XL tee and for the first time in a while
Go to Homi Art Shop to buy paints worth a watch, flexin'
Playing around? No way, I sit back down to make some money, turn on the computer, new template
Like I'm getting a tan from the monitor's electric waves
The bottom of my eyes turn black but I keep working nonstop, yeah
Woo, delivery, Coupang man
Woo, this beat's so raw
My flow so tight like I got a gun for a month
Bambambambambam, make bullet holes
Huh if my company's like a ottogi I'm at its center, Song Minho
Even if I pass out it's art, ok let's do MINO
Even if I roll down the middle of a flat surface like a bowling ball
I'm always a hole-in-one
How you like that
I'm feeling amazing
When I rapid-fire rapped
The Korean-American said,
'Oh sh*t! yo look at that
I've never seen like that'
Eyes grow round like pancakes, ok
Oh man
You can't handle
Me, I'm on another level
From my mom's womb ok
Oh sh*t
That little kid shares
What they wanna be when they grow up
And they mention my name, oh thanks, ok
Ok ok wear 4XL t-shirt timbs on my teams so lit y'all
Outsiders you can stay home
Just watch this through your monitors, losers
MINO BOBBY abnormal, ignorant, and
Stiff drum, elephant base, we surfing
Feeling relaxed, like it's the end of the century
MOBB yeah we gon get it
Can't die so I'll kill it instead
Introducing (Hello)
My girlfriend to my girlfriend (Savage)
Bad and boujee
Curvy a witches they cling to me (I love you)
Coco butter
On my white shirt there's pink glitter
Ok man,
Representer, came back
Run away, whine and moan
Hectically, round and round
Ok man,
Representer, came back
Bells ring, ding ding
Tongue's all tied up
Ok man,
Representer, came back
Run away, whine and moan
Hectically, round and round
Ok man,
Representer, came back
Bells ring, ding ding
Tongue's all tied up


Lately I forgot about the beauty
The second I see you everything else is bullshit, all my blood rushes down south
Salivating, drooling, halo's like OLED
Oh my god my eyes, you're too dazzling
I pass out right then and there, you're like Jigglypuff
Need CPR, you're my clinic
When you run your hands through your hair
I know you show it on purpose, the curve of your neck
May the gods serve thee,
I pray, in your presence surfing,
Oh surfing I hope, hope
All the other boys can piss off
Called dibs on this girl, I'm rich, you know
And it's big and, and...
Woo baby, my eyes aren't big enough to behold all of you
Think I'm about to get a bloody nose, oh no no
Space and time, it all stops, oh you, you
Can't be standing up like that
No no no no baby come to me
Wa wa wa baby by my side
Wa wa wa come to me come come
Wa wa wa baby by my side
Wa wa wa come to me come
I'm on my way right now
Swear I'm almost there, let me hang up for a sec
I think it's here, is it the red building? I see your car
I'm parking now, is it on the 2nd floor? How's the music?
Should've stayed home, there's so many people, hate that
The second I enter I regret coming
Sit in the corner for a while, pretend
To drink but really it's just water
Then I think, 'Kinda want to go to the bathroom'... Hm, wait! (Why?)
I think I just saw her
No, the one I was talking about earlier
Woo baby, my eyes aren't big enough to behold all of you
Think I'm about to get a bloody nose, oh no no
Space and time, it all stops, oh you, you
Can't be standing up like that
No no no no baby come to me
Wa wa wa baby by my side
Wa wa wa come to me come come
Wa wa wa baby by my side
Wa wa wa come to me come
Wa wa wa wa wa
Wa wa wa
Wa wa wa wa
Wa wa baby by my side
Wa wa wa
Wa wa wa wa
Come to me come come
Wa wa baby by my side
Wa wa wa

Love and boy

Keep that
Drop it
Easy come,
Easy go
Slippery, savage
28, all grown up now
But emotions turn me back to a kid
In hot water, like listening to a sermon
I'm hungry though
That love looks like a drawing, one with a nice varnish
Coat, almost touched it with the tip of my tongue
But I come to and it's in my stomach, huh?
Think I ate it already, oh no, I feel bloated
Think I have indigestion, and that's when you took over
My brain, you took it over, you
Don't look pretty today, you
Aren't pretty, you, for real
It's all shattered
My fantasy, crushed
What's wrong with all of you?
You're only mean to me
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Never will I ever
Do something like this ever again
Stop trying to tempt me
I can see right through all of you
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
I'm loved but don't know how to get a hold of it
I have it so I want to share, but I don't know how
The love pooled in a puddle and it's about to stink
So I held my nose but I miss your scent
Can't do this, can't do that, I just wander
How many weeks have I been drunk now
Talking all high and mighty every day, a hundred days
I need a battery strapped to my back
An ashtray piled up like a bowl of rice
A couple matchsticks stained with burgundy lipstick
I hate it, I see you everywhere
My bookshelf's full, lined up with books
But why are they all about consolation
No thanks, I don't have the courage to be disliked
It's all shattered
My fantasy, crushed
What's wrong with all of you?
You're only mean to me
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Never will I ever
Do something like this ever again
Stop trying to tempt me
I can see right through all of you
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Love and a boy (Love and a boy)
Love and a boy
I can see right through all of you
It's all shattered
My fantasy, crushed
What's wrong with all of you?
You're only mean to me
Love and a boy
Never will I ever
Do something like this ever again
Stop trying to tempt me
I can see right through all of you

I'll give you my morning

The dawn is once again rising at you pale shoulder
Through frosty glass the sun appears like a Huldra*
Your hair, it flows over the whole pillow
If you were awake I would give you
All the things I never give you
But hey, I'll give you my morning
I'll give you my day
Our curtain billows faintly where the sun's streaming
The dreams of the night shrinks far behind your eye
You dream something nice, I see you smile
If you were awake I would give you
All the things I never give you
But hey, I'll give you my morning
I'll give you my day
We can hear the ground's songs outside our window
Like a restless child in Spring, the day is coming
Listen to the song the soil is singing
If you were awake I would give you
All the things I never give you
But hey, I'll give you my morning
I'll give you my day
Like a dragonfly's frail wing the eye shivers
The sun's flux in your hair around the forehead arches
Hey, I think we should escape straight into the sun
If you were awake I would give you
All the things I never give you
But hey, I'll give you my morning
I'll give you my day
But hey, I'll give you my morning
I'll give you my day

Bomba cu ceas

Suntem intr-o bomba cu ceas, inainte de sfarsitul noptii
Hai s-o facem chiar acum, fa o haide, haide
Rapid, timpul tichaie asa rapid
Nisipul se scurge rapid prin mainele noastre
Batai, simte ritmul inimii mele
De ce nu-ti misti corpul catre al meu
Inainte de a disparea
Spune-mi acum
Tu vrei, vrei
Eu vreau, vreau sa dansez de parca-i ultimul dans al vietii mele
Eu vreau, vreau, vreau
Tu vrei, vrei sa dansezi, de parca-i ultimul dans
Stai, nu, te rog nu ma face sa astept
Cand peretii se zgaltaie, se simte ca pamantul s-ar rupe
Nu e sfarsitul lumii
E doar inceputul dintre tine si eu
Asa sa ne bucuram de moment
Baiete, sa ne miscam
Spune-mi acum
Tu vrei, vrei
Eu vreau, vreau sa dansez de parca-i ultimul dans al vietii mele
Eu vreau, vreau, vreau
Tu vrei, vrei sa dansezi, de parca-i ultimul dans
Asteapta, asteapta, te rog nu ma face sa astept
Asteapta, te rog nu ma face sa astept
Spune-mi acum
Tu vrei, vrei
Eu vreau, vreau sa dansez de parca-i ultimul dans al vietii mele
Eu vreau, vreau, vreau
Tu vrei, vrei sa dansezi, de parca-i ultimul dans

Now for tomorrow

Now for tomorrow
Sweaty aiming for the goal
The suffering and regret of those days
If you keep it in your memory, you're about to leave
It will be painful in my heart
If repeating is our mistake
I want to choose to lose rather than run away
If you get up from there, you can find something
Even if it's covered with dust, we
The sun shines, with a dream for tomorrow
As long as there is a world I want to see now
The world accustomed to competing
I say everything is the result
Even if you seek out a person's weakness
Will not change to my strength
It can be said that it is a youthful adventure
What we shouldn't lose now
The shape of the dream to find out Until you touch this arm
In a violently flowing era
I can't wait even for the dawn and seek shine tomorrow
Without feeling the impossibility right now
Half the real pain
You may not know
There is no reason to stop
Even if it's covered with dust, we
The sun shines, with a dream for tomorrow
Run now run we are
I can't wait even for the dawn and seek shine tomorrow
With my friends who are now on my shoulders
Let's run forever
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Blueberry Hill

Mi-am găsit fiorul pe Blueberry Hill
Pe Blueberry Hill, când te-am găsit
Luna a stat pe loc pe Blueberry Hill
Și am zăbovit până când visele mele s-au împlinit
Vântul prin salcie a fredonat
Melodia dulce a iubirii
Dar toate jurămintele pe care le-ai făcut
N-au fost împlinite niciodată
Deși suntem despărțiți, încă faci parte din mine
Căci tu ai fost fiorul meu pe Blueberry Hill
Vântul prin salcie a fredonat
Melodia dulce a iubirii
Dar toate jurămintele pe care le-ai făcut
N-au fost împlinite niciodată
Deși suntem despărțiți, încă faci parte din mine
Căci tu ai fost fiorul meu pe Blueberry Hill

2032: Track 15 - 200 Minutes (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
Two hundred minutes of wait,
Hundreds of miles are left behind,
And yet another day
Will disappear with the red sky.
All the events of it
Will vanish too, no longer matter,
The thoughts of all these things,
Among the issues, they will just scatter.
Yet, it’s impossible for us to love
People who want to be loved on the planet.
Can’t feel their hand, it’s unlikely to touch
In this story.
We aren’t meant to feel
Emotions of others within our minds,
Our own feelings are real,
Everything else can’t be defined,
This kind of selfishness
Is a typical issue for our lives,
The progress just doesn’t help,
And the way out is yet to find.
For many people, it is only stress,
The wonderful feeling turns into a bother,
Countless emotions they have to suppress
To solve their problems.
Yet, it’s unreal being able to love
Everyone who is alive in this world,
The everlasting spring still hasn’t come
In this story.

Half moon, don't hurry

Night, stop the time from now on
Half moon, don't hurry
I spilled wine
And threw your shirt
With a thin Georgette dress by the window
I wore my naked body
Your gaze (don't turn it away)
Upon my reckoning (Do you want my love?)
Something seems to happen
While you kiss me, try to take off my pierces
If you can't do the trick, you're not a man
Kill me softly, just tonight set the trap
I turned up the volume
Of an old TV
I don't want to hear
Nor my own tactics
My aim (Don't forgive it)
Upon your perspective (I want to tease you)
I'll make an incident happen
If I drive you crazy, try to unzip my fastener
If you take off my clothes, I can be a woman
Invite me with thee eyes, I want more
Night, stop the time from now on
Half moon, don't hurry
While you kiss me, try to take off my pierces
If you can't do the trick, you're not a man
Kill me softly, just tonight set the trap

Gemini Tale

Holding hands, squeezing tightly
We were shapeless in the drifting night sky,
Weaving a Gemini Tale
Same face, different voice
We were anxious
No words were needed
I could see it in your eyes
Where did you come from and how did we meet?
I don't know but
Stay as close as possible
Don't flow away, Gemini Tale
The changing seasons taught me how to say goodbye
There's no point in being alone
Being together is fine
Broken stars from the old days fall around our revolving field of view
Disappearing, too ephemeral
We were holding on
The changing seasons taught me how to say goodbye
There's no point in being alone
Being together is fine
Broken stars from the old days fall around our revolving field of view
Disappearing, too ephemeral
We were holding on

Să-mi dea Dumnezeu numai bine

Să-mi dea Dumnezeu numai bine, numai bine,
Nu doar mereu rele, rele.
De ce ne temem, să ne salveze, să ne salveze,
Ceea ce așteptăm, să le avem, să le avem.
Să-mi dea Dumnezeu toate cele bune, toate cele bune,
Vremuri mai bune decât anul trecut, decât anul trecut ,
Multă bucurie în această casă, în această casă,
Fericire pentru țara noastră, pentru țara noastră.

New world

Time passes without waiting
Sad times don't stop
If we carve the passing days
We could laugh with joy
Please protect in this world
The happiness that lasts in eternity
If you have a heart fading away
I'll give you a heart that bears fruit
Softly, little by little
Let's make bloom the flower of tomorrow
Please protect in this world
The happiness that lasts in eternity

My eyes

Leaving too late
Because you know exactly well what you do to me
Old ride
But I know that you still want the same as I
And what
If you do not like talking, I will not say anything
Dare to come closer
You are ready to have everything tattooed on your hands
Smoking two
And I now that now everything is going out of control
And those who admire you and who desire you
They do not get to know something
Everything what my eyes see
Just how you are moving
When you know exactly what I want
And you know how to numb me
Oh ...
We know this too well
I want you, you want me and so we escape
No matter who
You are the only one I am coming back to
And I know that no matter what you try
You cannot stop thinking about me
Everything what my eyes see ...
Just want you to see me
Just want you to see me
No matter what, I just see you ...
Everything what my eyes see ...
No matter what you are looking for
Say that nothing will change between me and you


Putting on a note a petal falling in the wind
I remember the distant days
I had a lover
Though I was fifteen, I loved him
But now he's not here anymore
He went to America with his family
He said goodbye on the departure day
And he did it crying
Softly he kissed my ear
It's good, it's a pure memory
Putting on a note a petal falling in the wind
I remember the distant days
He wrote me a letter asking if I'm well
I'm alone but I'm well
Taking on a shawl a petal falling in the wind
There's a happy spring in the land where cherry blossoms bloom
I want to have nice dreams
To live according to destiny


Versions: #1
I want to see, I want to get in
Baby nobody will do you harm,
Except loving you.
You go here, you go there
But you'll never find yourself
By escaping.
There's no force around
There're no love potions
Where are you?
Where am I?
Why are we on Sensation Street'?
So far from the sun, that's burning with love.
I give you bread, you want salt
Baby I'll never give you
What you ask me.
I give you God, you want more
Is it that you'll never understand
A poor boy?
Those bikes that ride so fast
Will only make you feel the wind
Nothing else, nothing else.
If you could just forget your mind
In front of me, I know your heart
Would say 'yes'.
There's no force around
There're no love potions
Where are you?
Where am I?
Why are we on 'sensation street'?
So far from the sun, that's burning with love.

Let me do what I want

Throwing my high heels
I try to behave selfishly
Men say
I'm a woman with a high pride
Really, I'm just honest
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
I can't change myself
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
No matter how much I love you
The more serious I become
The less I can pretend I cried
Sorry for the lies
I show you my true face
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
I won't turn back
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
No matter how much I love you
Keep lovin' you
Keep lovin' you
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
I can't change myself
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
No matter how much I love you
Keep lovin' you with my eyes
I won't turn back
Keep lovin' you with my eyes

Blue weekend

At the platform of the station returning from the sea
We feel awkward by touching our shoulders
I broke up with you a little on purpose
On the opposite, with my inclined heart
Our shadows pile up in the twilight on the shining beach
From being friends we are lovers
At the sea shore
The roar of the blue sea overflows in my chest
I fell in love on summer, we go barefoot
Blue Blue weekend
Blue Blue weekend
I can't be alone anymore
The class changes on a spring snap
It placed a red sign 'Let's be friends'
On that time you were somewhat immature
On an album you appeared smiling
Your adult face is projected in the train glass
Pretending to do my hair
Your pinky finger wipes my tears
Though you presented yourself in silence
Promise me you won't ask anything
Blue Blue weekend
Blue Blue weekend
Don't leave me alone anymore
Even if the 'I like you' letters
That I scrabbled on the board
Of the sea station fade away
I like you, I still like you
Blue Blue weekend
Blue Blue weekend
I can't be alone anymore


When I go out from the quiet lobby
Of the Ritz Hotel
A veil of fog blurred London
Like a blindfold
'From now on I'll come to greet you'
That midnight call is always
Selfish! Selfish! Selfish!
Though it's bad
Cancel! Tonight's love
Cancel! Is one sided
Cancel! Tonight's love
Cancel! Is not amusing
A silver headlight twinkling
From the fog
The door of an old Bentley
Opens slowly
But cut now with a romance you met
On a foreign county and going with your mood
It's wrong! It's wrong! It's wrong!
On purpose
Cancel! I'm trying to
Cancel! What's your plan?
Cancel! I'm trying to
Cancel! Your reservation
Though it's bad
Cancel! It's not a 'yes'
Cancel! I want to betray you
Cancel! It's not a 'yes'
Cancel! I'm different as usual
Cancel! Leave me alone
Cancel! Leave me alone