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Număr de rezultate: 406


ultima dinastie măreață a americi

Rebekah a călatorit cu trenul de după masă, era însorit
Casa ei în stil saltbox de pe coastă îi lua gândul de la St. Louis
Bill era moștenitorul Standard Oil nume și faimă
Și orașul a zis:
'Cum a reușit un divoțat de clasă mijlocie?'
Nunta a fost încântătoare, poate umpic ciudată
Doar până aici te aduc bani noi
Și-au ales o casă și au numit-o 'Holiday House'
Petrecerile erau de bun gust, poate puțin prea gălăgioase
Doctorul i-a spus să se liniștească
Probabil că e vina ei că inima lui a cedat
Iar ei au spus
S-a zis cu ultima dinastie măreață Americană
Cine știe, dacă ea nu ar fi apărut, ce ar fi putut să fie
S-a zis cu cea mai nebună femeie pe care acest oraș a văzut vreodata
Ea a avut un timp minunat stricând totul
Rebekah a renunțat la decorul din Rhode Island pentru totdeauna
Și-a adus toate prietenele Bitch Pack din oraș
A umplut piscina cu șampanie și a înotat cu nume mari
Și a îrosit bani pe băieți și balet
Și a pierdut pariurile la jocurile de cărți cu Dali
Iar ei au spus
S-a zis cu cea mai măreața dinastie a Americi
Cine stie, daca ea nu ar fi apărut, ce ar fi putut să fie
S-a zis cu cea mai nerușinată femeie pe care orașul asta a văzut vreodată
Ea a avut un timp minunat stricând totul
Ei spus că a fost văzută din când în când
Plimbându-se printre stânci, uitându-se la mare in miez de noapte
Și la o ceartă cu un vecin
Ea i-a furat câinele și l-a vopsit verde gălbui
Cincizeci de ani e o perioadă lungă
Holiday House a stat liniștită pe plajă
Liberă de femei nebune, barbați cu obiceiuri rele
Și apoi a fost cumpărată de mine
Cine știe, daca eu nu aș fi apărut niciodată, ce ar fi putut să fie
Și s-a zis cu cea mai gălăgioasă femeie pe care orașul asta a văzut vreodată
Am avut un timp minunat stricând totul
Am avut un timp minunat stricând toful
Un timp minunat stricând totul
Un timp minunat
Am avut un timp minunat

Follow Me

Today I had a dream
Thay I was by the sea
And you by my side
Gazed endlessly
And you took me by the hand
The sun played with your skin
And without words you said
Something very easy to understand
Follow me, leave the world behind
It's enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!
While walking
I was telling you:
I don't want to wake up
I don't really understand what's happening to me
But to understand is ultimately not important
Everything seems so different
Since you came to me
Follow me, leave the world behind
It is enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!
Without words you said
Something very easy to understand
Follow me, leave the world behind
It is enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!

Scrisoare din America

Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Obosit de la munca mai deunăzi
Am petrecut seara gândindu-mă
la tot sângele care curgea
peste ocean, la a doua șansă
Mă întreb cum a ajuns când a ajuns pe pământul promis?
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Am privit pe ocean
am încercat greu să-mi imaginez
felul în care te-ai simţit când ai navigat
din Wester Ross spre Nova Soctia
Trebuia să te fi ţinut,
trebuia să-ţi fi spus
dar ştii simţul nostru de timp
Mereu aşteptăm mult...
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Fără Lochaber
Fără Sutherland
Fără Lewis
Fără Skye
Mă-ntreb dacă sângele meu
se va reîntoarce
să ne ajute să repornim viaţa
unui prieten comun pe moarte.
N-o iubim oare?
Cred că toţi o iubim
Trebuie să cutreierăm lumea
Pentru a demonstra cât doare?
Oare când ai să-mi trimiţi înapoi
o scrisoare din America?
Priveşte pe linia ferată
dintre Miami spre Canada.
Fără Bathgate
Fără Linwood
Fără Methil
Fără Irivine
Fără Bathgate
Fără Linwood
Fără Methil
Fără Lochaber

Like Before

Are we going to love each other like before?
Are we going to love each other like in fairytales?
Are we going to love each other like before?
Are we going to love each other only in dreams? (Ha ah)
You've never stayed without me
If I didn't call, you didn't sleep [go to bed]
Now we know that you are awake[?], because it is not the same
Pray tell, pray tell are you coming?
Pray tell, are you coming back?
Pray tell, are you coming back?
Pray tell, are you coming back to me? (Ha ah)
Because you and I, I
Many things have left undone
Many things we have in our minds
I just want to look you in the eyes and ask you
Are we going to love each other like before?
Are we going to love each other like in fairytales?
Are we going to love each other like before?
Are we going to love each other only in dreams? (Ha ah)
With you every night
The phone is ringing but no one is worth it
About you I am thinking all night, all night
C'mon let's make it totally alright (ha ah)
With you every night, worn out
Because you haven't come back
About you I am thinking all night
C'mon let's make it totally alright (ha ah)
Hey mama, hey mama
C'mon forgive me, C'mon forgive me
Hey mama, leave everything behind
Because in me you have everything
Hey mama, c'mon forgive me
Because it is no good to call you every day
Hey mama, leave everything behind
Are we going to love each other like before?
Are we going to love each other like in fairytales?
Are we going to love each other like before?
Are we going to love each other only in dreams? (Ha ah)

El Perro

Versions: #1
The dog, the dog is my heart
The cat, the cat, the cat is not good.
Cilantro is a singer,
Cilantro is very famous
Cilantro is my man, with the cheese of the devil.
The dog, the dog never without a reason
The cat, the cat, the cat is obscene
Cilantro is hot, Cilantro is loving
(Francine is vaccuming)
never without a reason,
The cat, the cat, the cat is obscene
Cilantro is hot,
Cilantro is loving
better than your husband.

To South America

Warm Southern breezes
Over the waving of the seas...
I paint the sea in blue
And I feel its foam on my feet.
You're always far away from me
Even when you're here.
Whenever you look at me like that
I exist only for you...
I've lost my own self!
To South America
The day I found you!
In the kiss that I gave you
Life never ended.
To South America,
Now I don't know how to go back:
I don't know how to live peacefully anymore
Without the certainty of you, my love!
I don't know who I am anymore...

Sweet rumour of the sea,
Sweet scent of the warm soil
As someone is singing
A song full of sadness...
You're always close to me
Even if you're not here.
There isn't a beginning and there is no end:
I exist only for you...
I've lost my own self!
To South America
The day I found you!
In the kiss that I gave you
Life never ended.
To South America,
Now I don't know how to go back:
I don't know how to live peacefully anymore
Without the certainty of you, my love!
I don't know who I am anymore...!


Those Like Me

Those like me hand out dreams, even at the cost of being left dreamless…
Those like me give away their soul,
because a soul is like a drop of water in the desert.
Those like me stretch out a hand and help you get up,
while running the risk of falling in turn.
Those like me look ahead,
even if their heart is some steps behind
Those like me search for a meaning to existence and, on finding it,
try to impart it to the ones who just survive.
Those like me, when in love, love forever.
and if they stop, it’s only because
small fragments of being
lie powerless in the hands of life.
Those like me pursue the dream
of being loved for what they are
and not for what they are expected to be.
Those like me travel the world striving for values that human souls have long forgotten
Those like me would really like to change,
but this would mean to be born again.
Those like me scream in silence,
so that their voice is not confused with tears.
Those like me are women whose hearts you are definitely going to break
because you know they’ll let you go, without a question.
Those like me love too much, even knowing that, in return,
they’ll receive nothing but crumbs.
Those like me feed on little and sadly build their existence on it
Those like me go unnoticed,
but they are the only women that will really love you
Those like me are the ones that, in the autumn of your life,
you will regret for what they might have given you
and you didn’t accept..

My Family My World

It’s my pleasure tonight to be with you
My dear ,very*kind guests and *connoisseurs
Oh listen,dear connoisseurs and kind guests
This evening is turning out to be so beautiful
And it’s bringing so much joy around
My songs(music),my language,my loved ones together are world to me (x3)

You Did Not Deserve

You did not deserve how I wronged you
but I want you to feel sorrow no longer,
and I would like you to return.
I cannot explain what happened.
No, I did not blame you
and your love was sincere.
I must forgive myself because I still love you.
Tonight, I realize that it was me who caused all the harm.
Our love obviously deserved much better—
so let's forget everything that separates us
and start over our love story.
I must forgive myself because I still love you.
Tonight, I realize that it was me who caused all the harm.
Our love obviously deserved much better—
so let's forget everything that separates us
and start over our love story—
when I awaken,

I Have Ordered Plastic Phallus

I have ordered plastic phallus
Off the 'net - price can't be beat!
I've received a dick: so callous,
Nothing good will come from it!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

I And My Best Buddy Mark

I and my best buddy Mark
Were working on a diesel truck.
We are both as thick as bark,
'Cause someone stole our diesel truck.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Love cannot be resisted

Love cannot be resisted
because the hands want to possess beauty
and do not leave a long time of silence.
Because love is living two thousand dreams
until the sublime kiss.

On A Picket Fence

On a picket fence I's sitting
Absolutely in the nude.
Grief has come to me, unwitting:
Lost my innocence, I'm screwed!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Gander Put A Gas Mask On

Gander put a gas mask on,
And it's standing, swaggering.
You and I can't get it on
Without drugs: it's staggering!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Darling Gave A Ride To Me

Darling gave a ride to me
On his massive harvester.
He would've better queried me
All about my character.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Through The Field And Through The Woods

Through the field and through the woods
Bunch of misfits drove along.
What has tempted my mixed moods
To go there with my sweet John?
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Lilies blossomed very fast
In the little pond.
I will never change my last
Name to yours at all.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Painted Saucer

Such a pretty painted saucer,
With a golden border ring,
Drinking'll pass with age like water,
Must drink vodka in one swing!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Maidens Played With Local Schoolboy

Maidens played with local schoolboy
In the forest clearing,
They torn up all ropes in shrewd ploy,
Broke his stiffy, cheering.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

The Electric Current

The electric current scurries
In wall socket back and forth.
Comes and goes in rapid flurries,
Kids, then what do we pay for?
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

She Ain't Pretty, People Sneer

'She ain't pretty' people sneer.
Well, so what if that's true?
But when I consume some beer,
Anyone I can do!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

In The North I Bore The Brunt

In the North I bore the brunt,
Digging gold down under,
If it were not for my cunt,
I'd have died from hunger.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Some Young Dude Is Lying Still

Some young dude is lying still
Under bridge for days. Oh no!
There's no way to find for Jill
Where her husband's hanging low.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Pump Is Lying On The Bridge

Pump is lying on the bridge -
It fell off the wagon.
Pile of horse shit's in the ditch -
Mares are stupid nags all.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Opening The Door

Opening the door: Oh, Good Lord!
Four gross faces have my wife floored,
And they all look pleased with life.
'Renovation', says my wife.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Once Three Girlfriends Out Of Spite

Once three girlfriends out of spite
Fucked the son of local priest.
But the priest was in a plight:
He jerked off till midnight feast.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

O'er The Edge Of Our Town

O'er the edge of our town
Foxbat MiG1 was flying by,
On the logs I've fallen down,
Popped my cherry on the fly.
  • 1. MiG-25: one of the fastest and loudest supersonic interceptor aircraft in the world
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Rumbling Tanks On Cobblestone

Rumbling tanks on cobblestone
Pavement roared like deep hell.
It's the moans behind the wall
Didn't let us sleep well.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Someone Stripped My Bike For Parts

Someone stripped my bike for parts
In the yard: it's so lame!
The torpedo short fuze parts
I'll hide in its old frame.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Granny Says To Her Old Hubby

Granny says to her old hubby:
'Why don't you buy me a Caddy?
If you don't buy me a Caddy,
I'll leave you for other daddy.'
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

I Once Loved My School Professor

I once loved my school professor,
Missed the school - he said: God, bless her!
Skipped one day, slept for two more,
Still my GPA was four!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Holy Sunday Comes Tomorrow

Holy Sunday comes tomorrow,
Many cakes they'll bake to treat.
They will slather them and show them,
Only won't give us to eat.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.