Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 55


Tot ce vrea ea

E o discuție veche de când lumea
Care se schimbă cu vremurile
Dar vai, e atât de complicat
Dacă mama ta e ca a mea
Tot ce vrea ea sunt stelele
Și luna de pe cer
Un fiu cu o nevastă
Și o sufragerie mare
Tot ce vrea ea
E un alt aranjament special,
O logodnă particulară
Ia-ți o soție-trofeu respectabilă
Să eviți vreun scandal
E o altă soluție simplă
Pentru iluziile mamei mele
Să-i facem niște poze adorabile
Pentru mama ei din Liban
Tot ce vrea ea
Este un alt fiu
Să fie clar, nu o urăsc
Și îmi place și de soția mea
Hai să fim cinstiți unul cu altul
Există lucruri pe care le-am știut mereu
Tot ce vrea ea sunt soarele
Și luna de pe cer,
Îndemnul naturii
Și o mare moștenire
Tot ce vrea ea
E un alt aranjament special,
Un angajament financiar,
Statutul social e stabil
Dar nu plănuim copii
Doar o mică distracție nevinovată
O persană acceptabilă
Dar știu că inima mea e în pericol
Am făcut un pact cu diavolul
Tot ce vrea ea
Este un alt fiu
Ah, se pare că m-am înșelat
Dumnezeu știe ce am făcut
Toate aceste conversații odioase
Nu ajută pe nimeni
Draga mea soție, trebuie să te părăsesc
Nu poți să spui nimic
Poți să ții casa fără mine
Îți va fi mai bine așa

Orice altă lume

În orice altă lume
Ai putea să vezi diferența
Și să lași totul să se desprindă
În rămășițe ruinate
Zâmbește convingător
Și eliberează-te
Căci totul este în mâinile unui om cuprins de amărăciune
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
Fă o plecăciune, joacă rolul unei inimi însingurate
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
De la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
Am încercat să trăiesc singur
Dar singurătatea e copleșitoare când ești singur
Așa că fiind om
A trebuit să-mi las garda jos
Așa că am încercat să zâmbesc sincer
Să mă eliberez
Căci totul este în mâinile unui om cuprins de amărăciune
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
Fă o plecăciune, joacă rolul unei inimi însingurate
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
De la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
Căci totul este în mâinile unui om cuprins de amărăciune
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
Fă o plecăciune, joacă rolul unei inimi însingurate
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
De la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
Ia-ți adio de la lumea în care credeai că trăiești (x2)
De la lumea în care credeai că trăiești
În orice altă lume
Ai putea să vezi diferența
'Niciodată nu mi-am uitat povestea.
Fața mea nu e tristă, dar uneori sunt tristă'

Shooting Star

Versions: #1
On a lonely night with no stars around
When you sat hugging your knees
Trembling all alone
When you dreamed of the future
You lost sight of it and shed a tear
I’ll protect you
My love in my arms
I’ll protect you
Forever from any kind of sadness
I want to be the shooting star
The one who makes your wishes come true
I want to be the shooting star
The one and only throughout the world
And that’s you
By causing pain to one another
Our lonely hearts will grow stronger
If tomorrow doesn’t come into view
If you’re about to break down
Turn around and look this way
I want to tell you
How passionate I’ve been my love
I want to keep my eye on you
Forever by your side
I want to be the shooting star
The one who carries overflowing dreams
I want to be the shooting star
The girl with the brightest eyes in the world
And that’s you
I want to be the shooting star
The one who makes your wishes come true
I want to be the shooting star
The one and only throughout the world
And that’s you

Hero of the Working Class

I leave the bar after the last call
I ride a bike through the city
To the night shift in Mäntyluoto
From the tower crane I can see the sea
Miss October smiles on the cab wall
My wife complains in the back of my head
Our neighbour Timo has thick hair
And he's won Finnish wrestling championship
A ship leaves for the Bahamas
Is it time for me to leave this evil land?
Would the ship take a normal man named Kari
A hero of the working class
Would anyone notice if Kari disappeared
A hero of the working class
The housing cooperative's olympics
Darts and wrestling
I fought my way to the final
Timo won my gold medal with a throw
A ship leaves for the Bahamas
Is it time for me to leave this evil land?
Would the ship take a normal man named Kari
A hero of the working class
Would anyone notice if Kari disappeared
A hero of the working class
My wife moved to the neighbours'
I moved to the tower crane mattress
The foghorns echo in the night
It's time to board the ship
Would the ship take a normal man named Kari
A hero of the working class
Would anyone notice if Kari disappeared
A hero of the working class

My Favorite Person/Amazing Man

Versions: #4
Sometimes I feel I don’t belong
On this ship in outer space
But if you were here on board
I would know that’d be bizarre
Even while stuck in traffic jams
Time passes fast with you
And those disgusting instant drinks
Taste like coffee from Hawaii
Oh I still don’t really know ya
Nothing to say when looking at you
And once the day is over and I’m feeling sad
I’ll grab your hand on this adventure
Chorus [x2]
You’re an amazing man
And that’s a compliment for knowing me so very well
With you I’m myself
So dreamy and crazy
(na na na na na na)
Thanks amazin’ man
I’m so glad we met
No one can ever know
Yet I know I can trust you
With this secret you must keep
My own Area 51
Sometimes life just comes around
And we’re in some stupid fight
But I just can’t be mad at you, for
More than 5 minutes at a time
If I’m upset you’ll instantly know
You’ll make me laugh, can’t hide it from you
Life just makes me wanna cry out loud
Yet I’m just fine when I am with you
You’re an amazing man
And that’s a compliment for knowing me so very well
With you I’m myself
So dreamy and crazy
(na na na na na na)
Thanks amazin’ man
I’m so glad we met
The clock is ticking and we’re now growing up
On this polaroid photo, you and I were so young.
The last time we met was just ages ago
But now we’re here together like you were never gone
You’re an amazing man
And that’s a compliment for knowing me so very well
With you I’m myself
So dreamy and crazy
(na na na na na na)
Thanks amazin’ man
I’m so glad we met

Je ne parle pas français (I Don't Speak French)

Versions: #2
Somehow, I got lost
I have no plan where to go
Standing there with my little suitcase
Here at the Champs-Elysees
Suddenly you say to me:
'Hello, what are you looking for?'
I say: 'Excuse me, I'm sorry
Unfortunately, I can't understand you'
But you just keep speaking
I find it somehow charming
And I draw two cups of coffee
On your hand, with a pen
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking
Your long, wild hair
The little scar on your face
Even the dust on your jeans
Has spirit, when you speak
The cigarette tastes like liberty
As long as we both share it
You talk to me in body language
And I read between the lines
I hang on your lips
I don't ever want to leave here
And you keep talking and talking
But I don't understand a word
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking
The sun slips behind the houses
Ships go past us
And all that we want
Is for the moment to last forever
Thousands of people around us
They're all talking to each other
But the language, that we speak
Only we two understand
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking

What Troubles

What really troubles man
When he no longer can tolerate liquor
Did you exchange the soda for a disco
Are you on the way to a soda-disco1
Why can't the Finnish man tolerate
That someone else only drinks water
I will torture you until
You too succumb to liquor
I guess you're a teetotaler
Since you don't like the taste of liquor
Hey, let's booze a little bit
Let's mess up your head
Why can't the Finnish man tolerate
That someone else only drinks water
I will torture you until
You too succumb to liquor
What really troubles man
When he no longer can tolerate liquor
Did you exchange the soda for a disco
Are you on the way to a soda-disco
Would you drink yourself nice
When you're sober, you're a total nazi
I give you a shot liquor
You're even nice, this is a start
Why can't the Finnish man tolerate
That someone else only drinks water
I will torture you until
You too succumb to liquor
  • 1. A disco dance where only non-alcoholic beverages are served


If only I could, help you out
Both of my hands, are lend out to you
(If only I could)
Be your lighthouse in the dark
A ray of light, little sister
You seem different lately
Following blindly after him
Maybe, you should open up your eyes
On the sidewalk, in a sunny afternoon
You used to play Hopscotch and ride bikes
Now, you burn your own brain
If only I could, help you out
Both of my hands, are lend out to you
(If only I could)
Be your lighthouse in the dark
A ray of light, little sister
We can hear the pain in your rolling laughter
We can see how the fear is raging over you
You should stop running away from yourself
Mom is waiting for you, standing at the window
Once you were the biggest dream in her eyes
Now, she has no strength left
If only I could, help you out
Both of my hands, are lend out to you
(If only I could)
Be your lighthouse in the dark
A ray of light, little sister

Everything that matters

81 years are given to me here
50- hour working week
I smile 13 Minutes a day
Taking 1,5 kids in average
and 45.000 brutto in year.
Is that everything that matters?
Somehow I cannot feel it.
Everything that matters?
I can never with numbers...
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.
The watch has counted every step.
Tells me I should go, otherwise it gets too late
and reminds me to stay tuned, to drink water.
I have searched the word 'meaning' seven times
and Amazon recommends me that book.
But where is the meaning when we don't see each other?
Is that everything that matters?
Somehow I cannot feel it.
Everything that matters?
I can never with numbers...
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.
They have broken down on me
Six senses and 212 bones.
Tell me, when the heart stops beating, who will calculate the worth?
They have broken down on me.
30 billion cells and 212 bones.
But that one heart beats and lasts for more.
Is that everything that matters?
Somehow I cannot feel it.
Everything that matters?
I can never with numbers...
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.
And always when the day runs over me
I notice how much I miss you.
I believe everything that matters,
cannot be counted.

To the light

I ran away from the real world
As you change TV channels
An unseen rule ties me
Though I don’t know the meaning of liberty yet
I wanted to make sure the future only for me
I aroused the hidden sun, for I can’t stop going
Go to the light
I want to hold the hottest passion in my heart
Wherever I go, it would shine a distant dream
Go to the light
I hold the strength to cut off every chagrin
I get over every dawn
To find my own existence
This trip would not be over
Even someone admit it
This extended hand would go to sleep
With the result of repeated process
I can’t lie to the unchanging pride
There is a place I want to get even I lose
Go to the light
I can’t be an obedient adult
I want to believe in me even they laugh
Go to the light
I can’t reset my youth again
I try hard not to say excuses
I wanted to make sure the future only for me
I aroused the hidden sun, for I can’t stop going
Go to the light
I want to hold the hottest passion in my heart
Wherever I go, it would shine a distant dream
Go to the light
I hold the strength to cut off every chagrin
I get over every dawn
To find my own existence

Je ne parle pas français (Remix)

Versions: #2
[Intro: Namika]
Ey, ey, ey, ah-ah
Ey, ey, ey, ey
[Verse One: Namika]
Somehow, I've got lost,
I have no idea where I'm going,
Standing with my little suitcase,
Here at the Champs-Élysées
Suddenly you speak to me,
'(Hi, what are you looking for?)'
I say, 'Pardon me, I'm sorry,
Unfortunately I don't understand!'
[Pre-Chorus 1]
But you're still talking,
Somehow I find it charming,
And paint 2 cups of coffee,
With the pen in your hand.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak French
But please carry on.
[Verse 2: Black M (in French)]
Hey Miss, I don't speak German.
Come I'm gonna show you what is the French Touch is,
Give me your hand we start with a step,
Quick, it's faster here, Parisians have no time,
Trust me I'm your Aladdin,
The jealous say that I'm only good for the bullshit,
Come on, you and me we'll walk,
Stop! Close your eyes there's a crowd,
Yes, Paris is magic but Paris is also dark.
The contrast between Pigalle and the Arc,
I ain't gonna lie, everything here is pink,
That there are only flowers that are waiting to be watered.
I have no accent, but I like you.
Do you understand what I must explain,
You are charming like my city.
I'll see you like it is in my life.
[Pre Chorus 2: Black M]
I don't speak German.
But like you I feel the people,
Come we talk there's nothing bad,
I'll drop you off on the Champs.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak English
But please carry on.
[Post-Refrain: Namika]
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
[Bridge: Namika]
The sun drops behind the houses,
Ships are passing by,
And all we want,
That this moment stays something,
A thousand people around us,
They speak to each other,
But the language that we speak,
They only understand us two.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak French
But please carry on.
[Chorus: Namika]
I don't speak French,
But please carry on.
Everything you're saying,
Sounds somehow nice.
And time simply stills still,
I wish I understood you,
I don't speak French
But please carry on.
[Post-Refrain: Namika]
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la
Oh la la la la la la la la la


Hei, cine-a avut ideea!
Salut, Mika!
Zic, să sugi tare acadeaua
Hei, dragostea te va trage-n jos
Zic, să sugi tare acadeaua
Hei, dragostea te va trage-n jos
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Iubire, iubire
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Iubire, iubire
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Mergeam de mână cu mama-ntr-o zi
când m-a avertizat de ce zice lumea:
trăieşte-ţi viaţa până găseşti dragostea,
că dragostea te va trage-n jos.
Ia priveşte la fata de-alături.
Joacă bine dar e un plictis,
Iisus o iubeşte, ea vrea mai mul,
fetele rele te trag în jos!...
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Iubire, iubire
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Iubire, iubire
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Mama spunea că trebuie să ştiu:
prea multe bomboane îţi rod sufletul
Dacă te iubeşte, las-o
că dragostea te trage-n jos
Ia te uită la unu ca mine
N-am stat nicicând pe picioarele mele
acum sunt trist de nu se poate
dragosea nu m-a tras în jos!
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Iubire, iubire
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Iubire, iubire
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Mergeam de mână cu mama-ntr-o zi
când m-a avertizat de ce zice lumea:
trăieşte-ţi viaţa până găseşti dragostea,
că dragostea te va trage-n jos.
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
dragostea te va trage-n jos
dragostea te va trage-n jos
Mama spunea că trebuie să ştiu:
prea multe bomboane îţi rod sufletul
Dacă te iubeşte, las-o
că dragostea te trage-n jos
Wow, oh, Wow, oh
Wow, oh, acadeaua
Wow, oh, Wow, oh
Wow, oh, acadeaua
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos
Să sugi tare acadeaua
Sau dragostea te va trage-n jos

Fată mare (eşti frumoasă)

Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Intră în cameră
se simte ca un balon
îi spun: 'Hei, fată, eşti frumoasă!'
Cola light şi o pizza, te rog,
Cola light, sunt în genunchi
strigând 'Hei fată, eşti frumoasă!'
Ia-ţi fetele slabe
că simt că o să mor
fiindcă o femeie adevărată
are nevoie de un bărbat adevărat, iaca de ce:
Ia-ţi fata,
înmulţeşte-o cu patru,
acum multe femei
vor mult mai mult.
Du-te la Butterfly Lounge
găseşte-ţi o femeie,
Băiat mare, vino aici
şi ele-or să-ţi spună 'iubire'.
Nu-i nevoie să fantezezi
de când purtam aparat dentar,
o groapă de apă
cu fete în jur
şi curbe acolo unde trebuie.
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Intră în cameră
se simte ca un balon
îi spun: 'Hei, fată, eşti frumoasă!'
Cola light şi o pizza, te rog,
Cola light, sunt în genunchi
strigând 'Hei fată, eşti frumoasă!'
Ia-ţi fata,
înmulţeşte-o cu patru,
acum multe femei
vor mult mai mult.
Du-te la Butterfly Lounge
găseşte-ţi o femeie,
Băiat mare, vino aici
şi ele-or să-ţi spună 'iubire'.
Nu-i nevoie să fantezezi
de când purtam aparat dentar,
o groapă de apă
cu fete în jur
şi curbe acolo unde trebuie.
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Du-te la Butterfly Lounge
găseşte-ţi o femeie,
Băiat mare, vino aici
şi ele-or să-ţi spună 'iubire'.
Nu-i nevoie să fantezezi
de când purtam aparat dentar,
o groapă de apă
cu fete în jur
şi curbe acolo unde trebuie.
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Oh, eşti frumoasă!
Du-te la Butterfly Lounge
găseşte-ţi o femeie,
Băiat mare, vino aici
şi ele-or să-ţi spună 'iubire'.
Nu-i nevoie să fantezezi
de când purtam aparat dentar,
o groapă de apă
cu fete în jur
şi curbe acolo unde trebuie.
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Oh, eşti frumoasă!
Du-te la Butterfly Lounge
găseşte-ţi o femeie,
Băiat mare, vino aici
şi ele-or să-ţi spună 'iubire'.
Nu-i nevoie să fantezezi
de când purtam aparat dentar,
o groapă de apă
cu fete în jur
şi curbe acolo unde trebuie.
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!
Fată mare, eşti frumoasă!

Nu vorbesc franceza

Nu știu cum dar am reușit să mă rătăcesc
Nu am nici o idee încotro să merg
Stau cu valiza mea mică
Aici, pe Champs-Élysées.
Pe neaşteptate vorbești cu mine
'Salut, unde vrei sa ajungi?'
Eu îţi spun: „Par-Don, îmi pare rău,
Din păcate, nu te pot înțelege.'
Dar tu continui să vorbeşti
Eu sunt fermecată
Şi desenezi două cești de cafea
Cu un stilou pe mâna ta.
Nu vorbesc franceza
Dar, te rog, continuă să vorbeşti
Tot ce povesteşi
Sună fantastic.
Și timpul se oprește
Aș vrea să te înțeleg
Nu vorbesc franceza
Dar, te rog, continuă vorbeşte.
Părul tău lung și sălbatic
Micuţa cicatrice pe faţa ta
Chiar și praful de pe blugi
Are spirit, când vorbești.
Ţigara are gustul libertăţii
Atâta timp cât amăndoi o împărţim
Povesteşti cu limbajul corpului
Iar eu citesc printre rânduri.
Absorb fiecare cuvănt de pe buzele tale
Nu vreau să plec
Iar tu vorbeţti, vorbeşti întruna
Dar nu înțeleg nici un cuvânt.
Nu vorbesc franceza
Dar, te rog, continuă să vorbeşti
Tot ce povesteşi
Sună fantastic.
Și timpul se oprește
Aș vrea să te înțeleg
Nu vorbesc franceza
Dar, te rog, continuă vorbeşte.
Soarele apune în spatele caselor
Navele trec pe lângă noi
Și tot ceea ce ne dorim
Este, ca acest moment să rămână încă puţin.
În jurul nostru, peste o mie de oameni
Vorbesc unii pe alții
Dar limba pe care o vorbim
Numai noi o putem înțelege.
Nu vorbesc franceza
Dar, te rog, continuă să vorbeşti
Tot ce povesteşi
Sună fantastic.
Și timpul se oprește
Aș vrea să te înțeleg
Nu vorbesc franceza
Dar, te rog, continuă vorbeşte.
Dana Kósa

My Youth

She had brown hair with black eyes
We grew up together
I ignored her in the mirror
I didn't like that we looked like each other
She annoyed me with her
Insolent little girl's face
I let her hang out by herself
I was ashamed she stuck by me this much
I see her flying away
Like a well-behaved child
Who only obeys
And turns pages
Now I'd really have
All of my time for her
I, who never
Thought her so beautiful
To look older than her
I used to change my voice
It's true, I thought she was
Too young for me
Without a word, like that
She changes her address
And here she flies away
My youth
With another on me
Younger, obviously
She runs away
Once again
He won't keep her very long
I see her flying away
Like a well-behaved child
Who only obeys
And turns pages
Now I'd really have
All of my time for her
I, who never
Thought her so beautiful
To look older than her
I used to change my voice
It's true, I thought she was
Too young for me
To look older than her
I used to change my voice
It's true, I thought she was
Too young for me
Without a word, like that
She changes her address
And here she flies away
My youth
Oh, and here she flies away, my youth

I Want to Miss You

You want to know everything
(you) want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
see you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence
What I can have right away
Isn't that interesting
And I don't fully recognize you
Are you too close to me
Please don't satisfy me
I want you to tell me
Don't betray every detail
Stay inscrutable to me
You want to know everything
(you) Want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
See you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence
If you don't know where I am
Don't think too much about it
(I) don't have to hear you everynight
Finally sleeping alone again
I am not all in what I write
Something is between the lines
Believe me, I really need you
But I also like being alone
You want to know everything
(you) Want me with you, want all of me
I want to miss you
See you from a distance
You want to see through me
In my neighborhood, in my dreams
I want to miss you
To admire you, your confidence

She Tells Me

Versions: #6
She tells me
Write a happy song
Not a song that's depressing
A song that everyone loves
She tells me
You'll become a billionaire
You'll have something to be proud of
Don't end up like your father
She tells me
Don't lock yourself in your room
Go ahead, move yourself and dance
Tell me, what is your problem?
She tells me
What's up with you? You look hung-up
Are you high or are you gay?
You'll end up like your brother
She tells me
She tells me, it's your life
Do what you want, too bad
One day you'll understand
One day you'll blame yourself
She tells me, you're too boring
Get out of your bubble a bit
You're doing random things
It seems as though you like that
Why do you waste your life? (x3)
Dance, dance, dance
Why do you waste your life? (x3)
Dance, dance, dance
She tells me
Do like the other boys
Go play some ball
You'll become popular
She tells me
What the hell are you doing on the internet?
You're not well in the head
Look at the time you're wasting
She tells me
Why do you always complain?
We'd think you're 8 years old
It's not like that that you'll please me
She tells me
One day I wont be there anymore
But it's when she tells me that
That she tells me something that I like
She tells me, it's your life
Do what you want, too bad
One day you'll understand
One day you'll blame yourself
She tells me, you're too boring
Get out of your bubble a bit
You're doing random things
It seems as though you like that
Why do you waste your life? (x3)
Dance, dance, dance
Why do you waste your life? (x3)
Dance, dance, dance
She tells me dance
She tells me
You don't have any white hairs yet
But you'll soon be thirty years old
It would be good if you woke up
She tells me
You're still a child
You'll never be big
And me I'm already old
She tells me
Look at your friends a bit
What they will do with their lives
There's something to be screwed up
She tells me
Yes one day you'll kill me
But its when she tells me this
That she tells me something that I like
She tells me dance (x8)
She tells me, it's your life
Do what you want, too bad
One day you'll understand
One day you'll blame yourself
She tells me, you're too boring
Get out of your bubble a bit
You're doing random things
It seems as though you like that
Why do you waste your life? (x3)
Dance, dance, dance
Why do you waste your life? (x3)
Dance, dance, dance
She tells me dance
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

When they come

Versions: #2
His day began so early,
After only an hours sleep
He jumps from a cattle wagon
Unseen to those who come towards him
A grasp in the mandarin crate and he's quickly away from here
Fixated on the tourist at the corner
Unasked he polishes the muck from his shoes
Only for four Dirham
In the vacation season, business booms here
Hes got the shiney Rolex in his eye
If he just glances through the open window,
He skillfully hunts through the open window,
Just before anybody could hear anything
Short of breath, he goes over the roofs of the city
In this Moment, he can be a kid
He shakes the street dirt off
One eye always open, all the lights blurry
Both ears open and listening, ready to quickly escape
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]
And they hunt after him, nimble as he is
He forced himself through a slot and runs into shards
He swallows the pain so as to not cry out
He limps on so he won't be caught
And he ducks down
The police come,
he uses older people as a shield
Until he falls over
Punch one, punch two
The tourists are shocked, but they do nothing
Because he shames the cities image
He is only a street kid,
Who is too young for prison
First he plays dead
And when the moment comes,
He rips himself free
Short of breath he hides himself in the shadows of the night
In this Moment, he can be a kid
He shakes the street dirt off
One eye always open, all the lights blurry
Both ears open and listening, ready to quickly escape
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]
[Ali As:]
His stomach growls, he waits a moment, breathes deeply
Runs into the store for brand name watches
The sheep in the black strap,
The hard road
They pay for the goods only the street market price
Sad scenes in dirty beige
The younger tourists sell Haze
He sees the older in their Audi TT's
Or sitting at the Ritz before ostrich fillets
And it's clear to him
His dream will be blown away in the flurry of it all
His parents are sick, no helping hand
He, alone, has to be the man here,
Someone has to be
And he runs, when they come
Come, come,
Come, come
Come, come [x4]


Versions: #2
Mom, I remember with nostalgia my childhood drenched in your unconditional love which you showered on me. Unforgettable is the feeling of the cool of the shade which your loving hands would provide! Unforgettable is the sight of your arms which would try to catch me when I used to run away from punishment for my mischief. I'll not be able to forget it even if I want to.
I remember with fondness the choori soaked with your affection which you would make for me. Sweeter than the jaggery was the lullaby that you sang to me. You won't catch me knowingly for the theft of sweets.
Unforgettable is the feeling of the cool of the shade which your loving hands would provide! Unforgettable is the sight of your arms which would try to catch me when I used to run away from punishment for my mischief. I'll not be able to forget it even if I want to.
It was you who taught me devotion to God. It was you who put the schoolbag full of books on my back. You always put me before your restfulness , my mom.(x2)
I again want to sleep on your lap. I really want to hold you firmly to my heart. I'll not be able to forget you even if I want to, my mom ..
Thanks to your blessings and your prayers and your dedication I have managed to make my way in life. You even forgot God and looked to my needs.
You watched over my sleep. What did you gain by starving yourself?
I was not near you when you needed me the most.
You watched over my sleep. What did you gain by starving yourself? I was not near you when you needed me the most.
Mom, I really want to drink your tears. I really want to live your dreams. I'll not be able to forget it even if I want to.
Mom, unforgettable is the cool of the shade which your loving hands would provide.

What creates the atmosphere of Christmas?

I wish you a happy and fun Christmas
I wander as I take Christmas traditions with me
It brings peace and love by coming
Which one of the Christmas traditions creates the atmosphere?
Well, we decorate every doorpost with sprigs
I bake a big gingerbread to the shape of Norway
This happy choir may be behind the door
You hang huge socks to the jamb of fireplace
Really safe!
So it brings happy and fun Christmas by coming
These Christmas traditions create the atmosphere
We better hurry if we want to go to every house!
This flow of traditions is happy and fun
Now I ask what creates the atmosphere at you
Hey, shalom, solstice, even Lucia would like
If she'd know what traditions she's causing here
You see, you can't eat these decorations
But you have to taste my fruitcake
That went through fast
We hide the presents really wryly
Until this one fat guy arrives to the chimney
Crime: burglary, is pardoned on Christmas
I wish you happy and fun Christmas times
And thanks for letting me know your traditions
Thank you!
We can knit scarves to the whole family
I can knit jumpers to the kitties at the same time
We also light eight candles
You cut down a tree and then decorate it's carcass with candles
Just lovely!
Anna and Elsa will get everything
When I fill this sleigh
The knight's helping me
This is how I create the atmosphere to them
You can do this!
I can do this!
You can- (mew)
Merry Christmas to us all, happy fun thingy
The Santa's coming soon and that reindeer's running
And it brightens the feeling of Christmas and
Can I leave this cake here?
It creates the atmosphere!
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)

No More Milk

I get up! It'll be a lovely day!
It's 7 am, but that's no problem
Good morning, Mika! Come here
Seriously, Tobias, just 5 more minutes
Just kidding, I'm so fresh
My hair's done, and I'm so fresh
Come on, Denmark, let me hear you say yeah
1-2-3 yeah
Coffee in the morning, I like that a lot
But it's gotta be a latte - with so much milk
Well, I'm more of a tea person - and that's because --------
Oatmeal, cornflakes, honey monster puffs, and oat cushions
Easy there, boys - those, they're daddy's
I get my bowl, I'll just take a spoon
Ouch - it's a burning hot cup of tea
My bowl on the table, and then pour up the oats
Cornflakes on top, and cinnamon through a strainer
Strawberries from the garden, and a single slice of cucumber
Do we still need something? Look, a villain is running over there
'Hey, Tobias, uhm... Care to hand me the milk?'
'You betcha - otherwise, it would get a bit dry!'
I'm opening it, opening it - you're opening it, opening it
I'm shaking it, shaking it - you're shaking it, shaking it
You gotta be kidding me!
There's no more miiiiiiilk, milk
No more milk! No more milk
'There's no more milk, no!'
There's no more milk, milk
No more milk - No more milk
'Aw! I hate when this happens...'
It's Tuesday and the weather is great!
Did you remember sunscreen?
No, I didn't!
How about crackers and lemonade?
No, I forgot that, too
Ohh, Mika, we can't find our way!
Scoobidoobidoobidoobidum dum day!
Chocolate milk powder sprinkles down from the sky
Look at how dusty it is, yeah, we know it's messy, but
Sugar on the rim, and a kitten is saying hi!
There's still something we need - is it water? NoOOOooOO
'Hey, Mika?'
'Could you hand me the milk?'
'Sure thing, it would be a shame if it were to get dry!'
I'm opening it, opening it - you're opening it, opening it
I'm shaking it, shaking it - you're shaking it, shaking it
You gotta be kidding me!
There's no more miiiiiiilk, milk
No more milk! No more milk
'There's no more milk, no!'
There's no more milk, milk
No more milk - No more milk
'Aw! This happened yesterday, too...'
I can't stand it!
Mika, you've got a bloody nose
Ha-ha, it's not even blood
It's ketchup - suitable for BBQ
'Wow... can you here it, too?'
'I can, it sounds so nice...'
'Benjamin, is that you?'
'I'm no longer Benjamin,
now I'm just... the Milk Man.'
Because the greatest thing is quenching your thirst
'Cause I'll give you liters of milk
- As much as we can drink?
Semi-skimmed milk, whole milk, mini milk,1 and skimmed milk
Milk from a cow - and milk from a sow
Chocolate milk, curd, and soy milk
-Milk teeth, milk slices, milkyways, and buttermilk
There's milk on my table, and milk on my lip
Milk on my clothes? Remember to use soap!
If you want milk, just come to me
'Cause I have got all the milk you'd like!
'Well, then we're just going to need a one year subscription for mini milk for our oatmeal.'
'It would be too bad if we ran dry!'
Yeah, now we've got milk, milk, milk
We've got milk! Yeah, now we've got milk!
Ohh, we've got milk, yeah!
Yeah, now we've got milk, milk, milk
We've got milk! Yeah, now we've got milk!
And that's delicious!
1 - 2 - 3 - Let's dance!
  • 1. A kind of skimmed milk
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

there is no surrender, no withdrawal

I know that the day comes, when I am here and the power of hopelessness cuts in me.I find myself on the floor,I will not, I have no obstacles, they are just challenges.
It's a difficult step, but with my raised head I step on my way, because I know it comes again the day I breathe the smell after winning.
Let them be hindered by me, Let's, oh, Because man in his life falls, But they are always counted as victories. Let them judge me, I do not care, Since my heart continues to blink. There is no surrender, no withdrawal.
Go some guy,
I'm supposed to bring you that Pull yourself into the ti most all of here.
Leave problems
Serve your heart
and put your head up,
let them shake you.
Nika, do not be afraid, do not be afraid. Nika, do not be afraid, go back.
Let them be hindered by me, Let's, oh, Because man in his life falls, But they are always counted as victories. Let them judge me, I do not care, Since my heart continues to blink. There is no surrender, no withdrawal.
On my paths
doubts, obstacles, falls,
superiority, temptation.
Nika, do not be afraid,
live, do it, screw yourself.
And it raises me, it raises me,
I'm in the sky.
And I breathe, I feel it,
I live for her,
I'm sharing it with you.
Thanks for applause, applause,
thanks for the applause!


Cand pruvesti in ochii mei
Lumea devine un loc mai bun
Si tu stii adanc inauntru
Iubirea umplebtot locul
Iubitule, te iubesc... si tu?
Noi suntem pasari
Zburam atat de sus si cadem
Cand visez la tine
Visul meu este fara frica
Suntem oameni ai planetei, traim vieti umane
Suntem ingeri , suntem in pericol, suntem cristal alb... cristal alb
Cand privesti in ochii mei
Soarele atinge varful muntelui
Cand privesti in ochii mei
Asta nu se va opri niciodata
Iubitule, te iubesc... si tu?