Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 218
Burn the Ships Down
I've sickened of longing for
I've sickened of being troublesome
I've sickened of surrendering
I've sickened of waiting for your call
This seperation ought to end
Pity of our time
Look, if you regret one day
There'll be no point crying
Burn the ships down! Tonight is the night!
I don't care whether or not they heard
Forget about everything! Come to me toinght!
I don't care whether or not they heard
Ah, none of their friggin' bussinss
Love in cottage tonight!
Hah, I don't fucking care whether they heard or not
Didn't you want and tell me that you love me
Didn't I tell you that there was nothing to be afraid of
Don't fucking care whether or not if we get a bad name
Don't fucking care whether or not if we get a bad name, who cares?
I would still dream about the blonde hair
If i didn't find out the truth
I wouldn't know what's pain
I would still think
That she, oh mother, loves me
Chorus 2x
I would still dream about the blonde hair
Swore in her eyes
If i didn't the other night
See her with the other
If i didn't find out the truth
I would still, oh mother, be happy
I would still every night
Dream about her blonde hair
Chorus 2x
If i didn't find out the truth
I would still call her my happiness
I would still in my dreams
Gently caress her chest
Chorus 2x
Ultimul rămas bun
Mmmm Da
Rămas bun
(Vers 1)
Nu am spus niciodată ca am fi prefecți
Doar am spus sa încercam
Și când ai spus ca o sa fim pentru totdeauna
Presupun ca e o alta minciuna
Lasă-mă sa alunec printre degetele tale
Sper ca știi ca e pe bune de data asta
Da, știi ca am spus ca nu ma întorc acasă pentru un ultim rămas bun
Nu vreau sa te las sa pleci dacă încă ma iubești
Pentru ca nu vreau sa te văd plângând (Yeah)
Dar se simte ca și cum am murii
Și nu e nimeni care sa ne salveze viețile
Și știu ca ești bolnav și obosit de a fi bolnav și obosit
Dar știu ca o sa vrei
Sa ma întorc acasă pentru un ultim rămas bun
(Vers 2)
Stau in întuneric cu tine împotriva mea
Nu îmi pot deschide ochii
Pentru ca durerea a depășit plăcerea
Nu cred ca mai rezist încă o noapte
Cum cel mai bun prieten al meu a devenit așa un străin
Părea ca totul era bine
Am trecut prin asta deja de doua ori
Și niciodată nu ma întorc acasă pentru un ultim rămas bun
Oooooh Yeah (2x)
M-ai dezamăgit, am renunțat
Te-am luat înapoi, nu te pot învinovăți
Pentru asta când mi-am spus
Nu voi spune acel rămas bun
Niciodată nu voi spune
Acel rămas bun
I am so fed up (literaly I have my helmet full)
I am so fed up
Of winter, of your mom, of potholes
and of all of our dreams that are falling apart
I am so fed up
Of war, and of all the other stuff
that made it so the humans of this earth
have so much remorse on their face
I am so fed up
I've built my life like you would buid a house
The kitchen is gone and I messed up the living room
And tomorrow's my birthday
And I kinda hope that maybe
Someone will offer me a window
That I could put on my head
Life will give me a year
I bet that Pikachu wouldn't be happy
If he knew that I was gonna become a man
And that I'll have to get rid of all my pokemon cards
Ah shit...
And I have remorses on my face
Because loving is making me do grimaces
Like the ones one does when they eat lemons
But I'm not doing this on purpose
Maybe I'm just a bit dumb
It would take more time and even more laugher
And then maybe at 100 yo
I'll still be able to serve myself
My creme café or even milk
And then I love you and please
Stay with me until the end, or at the very least
While we wait for the refrain
I am so fed up
Of winter, of your mom, of potholes
And of all the dreams that are falling apart
I am so fed up
Of war, and all the other stuff
That an artists has the obligation to denounce
When he's going to fetch his trophy
I am so fed up
Mister, can you please tell me
Without being too furious, if I have the right to depart
From your e-co-co-nomics class
That fills my head with boredom
Because I'm sure that the supply and demand can wait
If we would take some time to discuss it with mister the GDP
I'm sure he'll tell you the fact
That your reality is cold
That life can not be summarized with money
There is love and then time
There is love and then time
There is love and then time
There is love and then time even if too often
I am so fed up
Of winter, of your mom, of potholes
And of all my people falling apart
I am so fed up
Of war, and of all the other stuff
That made it so that the humans of earth
Have so much remorse on their face
I am so fed up
The Army(Rodica)
The army is on the street
it's a big danger
They shoot out all the working ladies,
but Rodica is on her feet!
Whoever said that we don't have history?
Whoever said that we have no memory?
Rodica is the proof
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
That's how it always was
when the Rodica-named ladies were one...
One only thought, one only aim
One only dream, one only goal:
To rip her and turn her into a flag!
Rodica is the mother of all sons,
daughter of all mothers
Housewife of all the people
man of all the housewives
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Rodica is the salvation of all sick
the sick of all salvations
Joy of all babies,
baby of all joys
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Through her, we can have the same goal:
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Leap and manea
On a leap's lap
it's a hole in the heaven
that's dark and deep...
From a corner of a stone,
a sheeper is watching
how the sheep herd
is falling
into that big void...
As a sheep was falling
she was making a sound
then she was dying
the shepherd was screeming to her
That's your wedding,
my dear sheep...
That's your wedding,
my dear sheep...
At the window,
our girl
is dancing in a blue dress
Never ever had a curtain
All the world was watching her.
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
Anybody that was there
had his eyes for the girl
watching her as on the big screen
but no one paying
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
When the gipsy lady thought,
and put a token for watching
it was a tragedy,
but the cash started to come!
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
Time is rushing by
She starts to pay the people,
all the people are dancing
at the window she's watching
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
The straw man
with straw eyes
and straw mouth
and straw teeth
with plastic soul
and plastic thoughts
heart of plastic
and plastic, and plastic...
The warm and subtle sickness...
it's laying down
warming me
and melting my
plastic mind,
plastic thoughts
plastic speaking
and plastic life
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Andreea, come and play with someone
He's waiting down the corner dressed in PJs
Picked all the flowers from the town
to show you his feelings
Andreea, why did you chase him in his PJs?
You could let him take his shirt, at least,
Andreea, it doesn't matter how you lied o him
or the locks that you turned into white
Andreea, if you have someone else,
call his mother to came and take him away
for since he's been sitting after the blocks in his PJs,
It started to stink and the whole block is terrified
I'm Andreea and I'm in collage, learning... good
My parents are spending a lot of money for me
sending letters from Lybia that don't come anymore
I've bought an appartment to stay with me
When you came, you said... 'OK'
Why don't you wanna talk to me
when my parents said to yours 'OK'
Why don't you wanna talk to me
when my parents said to yours 'OK'
Ships To Giresun
Ships going to Giresun* oh
I love your voice
I wish for one more time, oh
Your breath hit my breath
Oh no, the bride, no
A smoke took the mountains
Walk straight oh, bride
I'm going to faint, no, no
Yard of the ships, oh
I couldn't recognise the one coming
I wonder where do the place
The one who died of love
Oh no, the bride, no
A smoke took the mountains
Walk slowly, oh, bride
I'm going to faint, no, no
Dragă, astăzi în special ești frumoasă, mereu spun asta
Sunt prea leneș s-o zic iar
Ooh, dragă, am ceva să-ți zic, ascultă ușor
Am fost forțat să merg înainte pentru câteva zile de acum
O să filmez toată seara astăzi, iar
Trebuie să schimb scutece acasă
Să fac baie la copii, să-i duc la creșă
Să plătesc chiria, pensiile statului, împrumutul, cămătarii
Gazul costă, trăitul costă, plăți fixe, program strâns
Nu am spus nimic și ți-am acceptat toate sâcâielile
Kilometrajul crește încet
Yonghwa mă întreabă dacă nu vreau să beau ceva cu el
Iubito, ce să fac?
Pot să-mi folosesc kilometrajul astăzi iar?
E doar o zi pe lună sau ceva de genul
Începând de mâine
O să-mi refac kilometrajul în brațele tale, încet
Shabillab shabillab shabillab
Shabillab shabillab shabillab
Dragă, ce vrei să mâncăm la prânz?
Nu ceea ce mănânci zilnic, ci ceva diferit
Ooh, dragă, am ceva să-ți zic
Vreau să-ți mărturisesc inima mea
24/7 zile din 365 doar pentru tine
Linia aeriană YDG are plinul făcut și e gata de decolare
Către un loc unde picioarele tale nu pot atinge
Spre regatul Raiului
Da, asta e
Poți trece la clasa întâi
Odihnește-te în comfort
Fără nici o îndoială, fără îndoială, la naiba, nu, frate
O inimă proaspătă, nu, frate
Pot să-mi folosesc kilometrajul astăzi iar?
E doar o zi pe lună sau ceva de genul
Începând de mâine
O să-mi refac kilometrajul în brațele tale, încet
Shabillab shabillab shabillab
Shabillab shabillab shabillab
Toate cunoștiințele practice de medicină
Se prăbușesc în fața iubirii
Care e mai înaltă ca turnul Babylonului
Toți încearcă să mă oprească, dar mirosul tău îmi face
Sângele să alerge. Voi lucra din răsputeri să-mi refac kilometrajul
Pot să-mi folosesc kilometrajul astăzi iar?
E doar o zi pe lună sau ceva de genul
Începând de mâine
O să-mi refac kilometrajul în brațele tale, încet
Kilometrjul meu pentru tine
Îl voi crește mereu doar pentru tine
Te rog, dragă, stai cu mine
Îți promit, începând de mâine
O să-mi refac kilometrajul în brațele tale, încet
Shabillab shabillab shabillab
Shabillab shabillab shabillab
Once My Sweetheart...
Once my sweetheart gave me bold
Necklace, all from solid gold.
My life's finished, from now on
Bed won't hold up 'til the dawn!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
My Sweet Honey's Really Cool
My sweet honey's really cool,
Like a teacher from the school.
But when he puts on his tux,
He's a real dolt. Oh, shucks!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Stale Booze Odor
My hon reeks with stale booze odor,
Burning like a serpent,
Smacks me in the face from shoulder -
That means I am welcomed.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
My darling with brains wasn't blessed...
My darling with brains wasn't blessed
He offered me an oral sex.
Under the blanket we jumped in.
He was screaming, I couldn't scream!
I Sail With My Sweetheart Blonde
I sail with my sweetheart blonde
Back and forth across the pond,
But my boat I cannot moor -
Husband waits with log on shore.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Two Lovers
Far away and nearby
I have got two lovers.
I love one in winter time,
Summer's for the other.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
zâmbet fals
După râs vin lacrimile
După râs vin lacrimile
[Ariana Grande]
Altă noapte, altă petrecere
Spunând 'Bună' tuturor
Îmi pare rău
Încep să mă las, mă las acum
Am ajuns unde trebuia sa fiu
Sunt obosit
Poate cineva să mă ducă până la mașina mea?
Dacă mă duc singură, nu mă duc departe
Sunt fericită pentru iubire
Toate cele de mai sus
Dacă devin onestă, am facut
mai multe decât trebuia
Nu pot să am un zâmbet fals
Nu mă pot preface că sunt în regulă
Ooh, ah ( Ooh, ah)
Și eu voi spune că mă simt bine
După ce am trecut prin multe, nu pot minți
Ooh, ah (Ooh, ah)
Zâmbesc fals, zâmbesc fals
Citesc lucruri pe care ei le scriu despre mine
Aud ce spun ei la TV
E nebunie
E prea greu pentru ei ca să șocheze
Dar chiar acum și după, șochează
Nu mă învinui
Știu că e viața pe care am ales-o
Dar, iubire, sunt recunoscătoare, vreau ca tu să știi
Și toate cele de mai sus
Și dacă sunt onestă, am făcut mai multe decât trebuia
Dacă subt rănită, nu voi minți despre asta
Brațele încrucișate cu atitudine, buzele bosumflate
Dacă sunt nebună, nu mint despre asta
Gâtul drept cu atitudine, yeah x2
Nu pot să am un zâmbet fals ( nu mă pot preface)
Nu mă pot preface că sunt in regulă ( nu zâmbesc)
Ooh, ah (Ooh, ah) (Ooh)
Și nu voi spune că sunt în regulă ( sunt bine)
După ce am trecut prin multe, nu pot minți
Ooh, ah (Ooh, ah)
I’ll Smile Even If It Hurts
I still can’t believe it
It feels like I could still see you
I tell myself that it’s a lie
The fact that you left my side
Your face that’s smiling in the photo
The past days that seemed would last forever
But one day, suddenly
You left my side
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
I tell myself that I forgot you, that I’m okay now
But no matter how much I pretend
I keep thinking of you
And tears keep flowing
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
When my heart was aching and hurting
Many good people comforted me
I hope you have that too wherever you are
I pray that you’re happy
But I won’t cry, so you won’t feel bad
I’ll try living without you now
No matter how much it hurts, even if tears keep coming
I wanna smile, I wanna think of you and smile
I’ll smile even if it hurts
Smile for me
My heart can't stop jumping
It dances like popcorn
Softly in our connected fingertips
Love is sprouting
I can't see anything else but you
Let me be by your side, lets join our shoulders
Let's meet each other, look at each other, melt into light
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
The lemon color wind embraces me
The first love visited me
Just with feeling lightly a light kiss
My heart shivered
Hold me strongly extending both arms
Teach love to my throbbing chest
Let's meet each other, search for each other, we are two since today
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
I can't see anything else but you
Let me be by your side, lets join our shoulders
Let's meet each other, look at each other, melt into light
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling
Smile for me, I'll smile for you
You're dazzling

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I'm fine
We were walking on the boulevard of life
Towards the destination of death, we have departed
And then God, in his car, stops on the edge
He said to me, 'Hey, my Son, can I give you a lift?'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
'And if you see the ones I love along the way
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'm not very far'
'And if you see the ones I love along the way
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'm not...
And that I'm not very far'
We were walking on this boulevard in the night
And then the sky and its aurora were my faith, so pretty
Suddenly, the wind was strong and then the weather was gray
Out of nowhere, an old biker stops and tells me:
'Ah, you know, boy, I've waited so long in my life My sentence, romance and then the restaurant too
You know the time is fading, and I lost my wife
I lost all my friends too and I have absoloutely no company
So, get on my Harley, hang on, we'll take a trip
And then I said, 'that's all well Mr. Biker...
But do you have dark thoughts or something?'
'Well no, it's not that
It's just that I've rubbed death
And if I invite you on my bike
It is so that your road goes a little faster
We'll fly a hundred miles an hour
Burn our throttle gas in happiness
We will drive without stopping '
And very bothered, I responded:
'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'll see them again soon'
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I'll see them ... and that I'll see them again soon '
And even if sometimes
I watch the road
And it tells me that it sucks
Because life without you
Goes on to be a huge challenge
I prefer not to take the shortcut
'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
And I said, 'No, I'm fine, I'm going to walk, I'm going to walk'
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more pain and that I will see them again soon »
'And if you see those I love up there
Tell them that I have no more paim and that I'll see them ... and that I'll see them again soon '
Nave goale
Navele goale trec pe țărmul inimii mele,
Sufletul meu este obosit și bolnav de numărul dușmanilor mei
Ce ar trebui să înțeleg din privirea ta?
Poate că era evident din fuga ta?
Navele goale trec pe țărmul inimii mele,
Sufletul meu este obosit și bolnav de numărul dușmanilor mei
Ce ar trebui să înțeleg din privirea ta?
Poate că era evident din fuga ta?
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of!
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of, ce of!
Cineva a construit un zid pe care l-am văzut
Toată lumea a fost oarbă și eu blestem
Toată lumea a văzut.
Avem nevoie de puțină speranță, de dialog avem nevoie, de o caravană avem nevoie,
Toată lumea râde
Și eu blestem.
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of!
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of, ce of!
Share music and kindness! :)
Scars remain
I thought you were joking
When you told that, man
Somebody must've put a curse on us
I thought it was crap
Just a story
Old wives chatter
The cry of the weaklings
Now already 37 days I'm here alone
I cant forgive everything
That you hurt(me) and that you don't fight for us
I don't know what would be right
Pain can be swallowed
But the scars remain
There are many memories
Paths that we walked together
I want to go off to somewhere
Where there is no us
Hundred kilometers an hour
On a narrow gravel road
Nobody forces(me) to do anything
Nobody waits ahead
Now already 37 days, I'm here alone
I cant forgive everything
That you hurt(me) and that you don't fight for us
I don't know what would be right
Pain can be swallowed
But the scars remain
I was like a rock, no women
could break me
It's all over and what I'm gonna do ?
I'm falling in love with crap.
Come on, let's go, let's go
Come on, come with me to the end of the world
Come on, let's not play dumb
When you have nowhere.
For me that love is heavy.
Kazanova died becaus like her.
I am not that 'old'
Hey, friends, I love her.
It's hard for me, my brother
Once when the arrow strikes you
The wounded lion can only surrender
and to look at her.
Ibiza, Bali, Gucci, Cavalli
To where without her and without gifts?
It doesn't save, but it's worth it
so buy 2 rings.
Come on, let's go, let's go
Come on, come with me to the end of the world
Come on, let's not play dumb
When you have nowhere.
For me that love is heavy.
Kazanova died becaus like her.
I am not that 'old'
Hey, friends, I love her.
It's hard for me, my brother
Once when the arrow strikes you
The wounded lion can only surrender
and to look at her.
It's hard for me, my brother
Once when the arrow strikes you
The wounded lion can only surrender
and to look at her.
You Make Me Smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
[Verse 1]
Scenes, climbs end to end
On the chain, which I cut and rejoice
In Super 8, and super blur
Editing taboo images
I make black and white films
And nightmares in colour
Until the hours, of our meeting
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
[Verse 2]
Dramas, in my script
I do too much, Oscars, actors studio
I make black and white films
That you know in your heart
Until the hours
Of our meeeting
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
No more tears
No more tears
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
You make me
You make me
You make me smile
And in a little while
I don't have no more tears to cry
Navele melancoliei
Tu ești prima ploaie care mă udă în deșertul meu
Nimeni altcineva nu este important pentru mine
Mi-am sigilat inima cu tine
Voi pune ultima mea suflare în mâinile tale.
Ancorați la port,
Navele melancoliei!
Inima mea arde,
Nu dorm noaptea...
Aștept la usile inimii tale
Nu este alt loc în care să merg, doar inima ta!
În absența ta, am devenit mai atașat de tine
Voiam să te îmbrățișez, dar nu erai lângă mine.
Ancorați la port,
Navele melancoliei!
Inima mea arde,
Nu dorm noaptea...
Share music and kindness!
Smile (Hana N. Fountainstand)
Let's go!
Spinning around the starry sky
Let's dance together
I know it’ll be fun! Turn the special life
Japanese refinement!
When we're here our hearts jump
There's so many different things
Samurais! Ochimushas! Rebellions?
I don't really get them...
But I love them, they're so cool!
I can't be alone
I'd rather be together with everyone
I want them all to hold me
But a small good bye escaped from my lips...
Let's go!
Spinning around the starry sky
Let's dance together
It'll surely be fun! Turn the special life
I'll come meet you!
So wait right there
Show me your smile!
Made in Japan!
When we're here our hearts tingle
So many things are happening
Takoyaki! Cotton candy! Sea hares?
They look kinda tasty
And also cute, I love them!
I can't have them both
I’ve gotta choose one, but..
They’re both so precious
I loudly and firmly said 'I'm home!'
Let's go!
Under the sun
Let's dance together
I know you won't be able to forget this special life
If we are special friends
Then we're close, even if we're far away
Once our smiles reach each other
Let's go!
We gaze at the faraway skies
Our hearts are connected
And before we know it, our story will break out running
Again today
Spinning around the starry sky
Let's dance together
It'll surely be fun! Turn the special life
I'll come meet you!
So wait right there
Once we hold hands
Show me your smile!
Hearts are lights
It's written in the temple on its ruins
That the hearts are... lights.
It's written in the temple on its ruins
That the hearts are lights.
And they beat inside of people
To light up the christians
And the hindu and the jews
The muslims and the atheists.
To light up too those
who think they are gods.
The hope is singing
The sky is crying.
A drop of truth
And a lot of daring.
A drop of truth,
The world is not what it seems.
A drop of truth,
In a sea of stories
Written in blood by those
who teach you how to love.
It's written clearly in the sun
The universal laws.
And the shadows are not following
The one who step with their feet
On grass and flowers,
On soul and dreams
On longing and wishes
On the human and the crowds.
The hope is singing
The sky is crying.
A drop of truth
And a lot of daring.
A drop of truth,
The world is not what it seems.
A drop of truth,
In a sea of stories
Written in blood by those
who teach you how to love.
(A drop of truth)
In a sea of stories
Written in blood by those
who teach you how to love.
Umbra zâmbetului tău ...
Umbra zâmbetului tău
Când ai plecat
Îmi vor colora toate visele
Și lumina zori.
Priveşte în ochii mei, dragostea mea și vezi
Toate lucrurile minunate ce ești TU pentru mine.
Dorința noastră mică stea, era mult prea mare
O lacrimă ți-a sărutat buzele
Așa cum am făcut-o EU.
Acum, îmi amintesc primăvara
Toată bucuria pe care o poate aduce dragostea
Îmi amintesc
Umbra zâmbetului tău.
Dana Kósa
Come with me
Come with me, I will be yours,
You will see where I want to go.
Come with me, connect with me.
Come with me, I will be happy
And maybe you will be happy three times more than me.
Come with me to wish for the good.
Come with me, I will give you what you need,
I will give you things you don't need to pay for.
I will give you things,
that the one, who was there before me, promised you.
All the things he didn't give you.
I will show you the world which you wanted,
I will prove how the little can be a lot.
Just give me a time, so you can understand,
That I am what you've wanted so much.
Take my hand, everything will change.
Let's be connected like a needle and a thread.
Don't worry about that you can't change.
You will not get lost with me, I am your destiny.
Come with me, I will be yours,
You will see where I want to go.
Come with me, connect with me.
Come with me, I will be happy
And maybe you will be happy three times more than me.
Come with me to wish for the good.
Let's stay together forever
Just one for another,
Let's meet our dream that the world doesn't involve us.
We have our own world,
There is just you and me in it,
I wish that nobody can separate us.
Till the end of the time are we.
We belong together,
Even if they say we are not meant for each other.
Take my hand, everything will change.
Let's be connected like a needle and a thread.
Don't worry about that you can't change.
You will not get lost with me,
We are meant for each other.
Empty Ships
Empty Ships goes by from the coast of my Soul (Heart)
My Souls is tired and sickened from the count of my enemies
What should I understand from your look?
Was it obvious from your escape?
Empty Ships goes by from the coast of my Soul (Heart)
My Souls is tired and sickened from the count of my enemies
What should I understand from your look?
Was it obvious from your escape?
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Off what a sigh Off
Someone built a wall I saw it
Everybody was blind so I curse
Everybody saw
We need some Hope, some dialog, a Caravan
Everybody laugh
So I curse
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Off what a sigh Off
Why do you complicate your life?
Why the sadness and despair?
If you forgot then remember…
The life of our Prophet, and contemplate…
Follow his advice and be optimistic
Give glad tidings, do not scare people away
And allow none but Allah in your heart
He has the power to turn your hardship into ease
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him (x2)
Stand up to pray and supplicate from your heart
He will take your worries away
As long as you believe in your Lord…
He will be as your good opinion is of Him
And say “O Lord, I am your slave - O Allah!”
“I am content with Your decree and Your justice - O Allah!'
Do your part and then rely on Him
And pin all your hopes on Allah, and pray
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him (x2)
Where did all this despair come from?
Tell me, where is your faith gone?!
Everything that happens is by the will of Allah
And hardship is always followed by ease
Where did all this despair come from?
Tell me, where is your faith gone?!
Everything that happens is by the will of Allah
And hardship is always followed by ease
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him
Rekindle the spark
Child, what do you want to be
When others produce dreams
When all of them around you
Are directed or written
Watch out what you give for money
Traps are laid out
Stare them in the eyes
And don't let them change you
And there's people of good that tell you to give up
But when the heart shouts, I say you listen to it
Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire
If you shove your elbows room will be made
Do the first step, it isn't far away
Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose
Because you can't lose what you never had
Just make the first step, it isn't far away
There's no point in being sad
Life's just a game
You can make it paradise
Hurry up because it will pass
Enjoy today
You'll find reasons for sure
Laugh at all that's fake
And don't let that change you.
And there's people of good that tell you to give up
But when the heart shouts, I say you listen to it
Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire
If you shove your elbows room will be made
Do the first step, it isn't far away
Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose
Because you can't lose what you never had
Just make the first step, it isn't far away
My mom told me to live every day like it was the last
And to dance when the songs come on
When you have something to say, child don't hesitate
Life is simple, just live it and don't complicate it
I said like Gopo to animate it nicely
I feel like Simo on a final of Roland Garros
Oo, and the money's not controlling me
When I go all-in with ten-seven like Negreanu, yo
And if I'll cop it, I'll do like Bute
Because life can sometimes also shake you
But it's nothing, it's nothing and whatever it would be
I've got wings from the trend, from Henri
I fly with the thought and so I see them all
I pass through India with flair from Eliade, ah
Don't say that the plea doesn't hold
Because I'll raise my eyebrow now higher than Anastasia
God, guide my steps
If I'll step in void, make it be like Hagi
And if it goes up in smoke
I will smile like Mr. Iancu
Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire
If you shove your elbows room will be made
Do the first step, it isn't far away
Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose
Because you can't lose what you never had
Just make the first step, it isn't far away