Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 218


My eyes

Hey if you sometime go looking for me
Ask the sad people, they know me
Hey if you want to break my heart once again
I'm there where you left me
Hey if you want to break my heart once again
I'm there where you left me
Ooo, my eye, my eyes
Don't look at those who are in love
Ooo, my eye, my eyes
Because neither you nor I are there
Hey the pain piles up as large as a mountain
Dust covers the way to her heart
Hey the pain piles up as large as a mountain
ever since I'm not with the girl I love.
Hey if you sometime walk by me
Don't ask me just how I'm doing
Hey if you want to come back to me again
Look for me, I'll give you everything
Hey if you want to come back to me again
Look for me, I'll give you everything
Ooo, my eye, my eyes
Don't look at those who are in love
Ooo, my eye, my eyes
Because neither you nor I are there
Hey the pain piles up as large as a mountain
Dust covers the way to her heart
Hey the pain piles up as large as a mountain
ever since I'm not with the girl I love.
Hey the pain piles up as large as a mountain
Dust covers the way to her heart
Hey the pain piles up as large as a mountain
ever since I'm not with the girl I love.

It will be always us...

Black dark with white light
The silence met the noise
A shiny lacquer with a matt laquer
Anarchy and law
The future in the past
And calm hide in anger
A question with an answer
You with me and me with you
It will be always us
Four eyes, four hands
It will be always us
Whatever will happen
It will be always us
Whether at a table or in a bed
Nobody will tear us apart
The time spilled in the space
And a hot dessert and a sea
Stone is turning into sand
And boiling water into ice
January in the middle of July
The sheep are caressing with the wolf
And serpentine road with the straight one
You with me and me with you
It will be always us
Four eyes, four hands
It will be always us
Whatever will happen
It will be always us
Whether at a table or in a bed
Nobody will tear us apart
It will be always us
Nobody will tear us apart

Come dawn

Glistened have our eyes
As dew on a flower
We loved each other all night
In love, in our own world
Come dawn, come foe
My beloved from our bed he chased away
to a place where the moon hides her today
Of love we haven't satiated (x2)
Joined have our lips
Brimful of fire, brimful of ember
Carried have us our hearts
to where the love emerges from
Come dawn, come foe
My beloved from our bed he chased away
to a place where the moon hides her today
Of love we haven't satiated (x4)

Hero Milenko Pavlović

Even as a kid I had a dream,
I dream to fly just above the clouds,
With this you born and live every day,
For my country I breathe and I will give her all.
I have an ideal, and I won't surrender,
I came to the finish despite all temptations,
Became a faithful pilot for my people,
Colonel Pavlovic on every movement ready.
And everything is so nice when looking from above,
Until he attacked us aggressor misery,
People are losing heads, to them life is not worth,
For all I prepared, for his never give up.
I now climb to the heavens,
Defend hometown, I know it's right,
They are much stronger but life is not one,
Proud hero fly, the defense is holy.
NATO squadrons over Valjevo,
May 4 ’99,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
I defend my people and I can’t give up.
I hear that nothing is so good,
Fly grenades, they taking fire from sky,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
Long live Serbia I'm not going to surrender.
They are ready to shoot the factory,
Destroy the city, say they have tactics.
Damn you, children won’t dying,
I'm going on a plane and turn on the machine.
Radar is canceled and the sky burning,
Flee cowards here are not welcome,
I'll give my life, let me pain,
I go to them, I am not afraid.
Attacking them with courage, try to break them,
Too many of them, I can’t count.
So they flee if they were 16,
And I have them, but also they have me.
NATO squadrons over Valjevo,
May 4 ’99,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
I defend my people and I can’t give up.
I hear that nothing is so good,
Fly grenades, they taking fire from sky,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
Long live Serbia I'm not going to surrender.


Versions: #2
Someone stole your heart from me,
which used to cry at night.
Something inside you withered,
you don't even look outside anymore.
Are you going to leave behind that,
that you have dreamed of
and have fought for, for years,
road, that you have walked along?
Ah-ah, Someday your heart
will ask for that,
that you have taken away from it,
without even realizing it.
Oh-oh, Someday your heartwill judge you for that,
that you have lied to it a lot.
Never say 'I do',
when the feelings are missing inside you,
when you are delving into your solitude,
wandering again for which time.
Tired from your run,
you still continue there,
somewhere deep inside you
and you are always left alone.
(Chorus x2)
Ah-ah, Someday your heart
will ask for that,
that you have taken away from it,
without even realizing it.
Oh-oh, Someday your heart will judge you for that,
that you have lied to it a lot.

Am ars navele

Parca era foarte adevarat
Totul era foarte bine
Lumea nu se roteste in jur
Uită-te la un munte
Toată lumea crede că vorbești despre asta
Puțin inutil acum
Ce este cu increderea asta?
Este un loc acum
M-am indragostit de mine
Am ars navele
Nu voi muri pentru drumul spre moarte în fiecare zi
Până când îmi voi găsi dragostea pentru totdeauna
Nu imi voi pierde deloc speranta
Nu-mi iesi in cale
Eu spun vai
Te toci destul
Privirea mea.
Ege Kökenli

Am ars navele

Am ars navele
Nu mă mai întorc niciodată
Nu iubesc, nu am să te mai iubesc niciodată
Nu mă mai faci sa strig
Nu am să te mai iubesc după aceea
M-am chinuit foarte mult
Nu mi-ai înțeles iubirea
Ți-am dat valoare
Mereu ți-am dat inima
Dacă într-o zi o să îmi ieși în cale spunândumi să te iert
Nu te iert, nu mă mai întorc la tine
Într-o zi când întâlnirea ni se va încheia
Te-ai terminat tu înaintea mea
Am ars navele
Nu mă mai întorc niciodată
Nu iubesc, nu am să te mai iubesc niciodată
Nu mă mai faci sa strig
Te-ai pierdut
Am ars navele
Nu mă mai întorc niciodată
Nu iubesc, nu am să te mai iubesc niciodată
Nu mă mai faci sa strig
Nu am să te mai iubesc după aceea (de)
Ege Kökenli


Wide river, let us cross over
I know there's no land of milk and honey waiting for us
Wide river, let us cross over
Here the belfry pounds with a heavy mallet
On every one who stands out a bit
So let's go anywhere
North, west, east, south
Spin the atlas, there'll be place for us there!
The side platforms are getting full again
Me too old to be new
The one who bearly stutters
Under someone else's lid
But drop by drop and here's a waterfall
Now we've had it over our head already of
Those eternal repetears of their predecessors' mistakes
Who read nothing,
Especially not between the lines
Here the belfry pounds with a heavy mallet
On every one who stands out a bit
The side platforms are getting full again
Me too old to be new
The one who bearly stutters
Under someone else's lid
But drop by drop and here's a waterfall
Now we've had it over our head already
Wide river, let us cross over
I know there's no land of milk and honey waiting for us
Wide river, let us cross over...

When I was in love with you

When I was in love with you, you were at the dentist’s
When I was in love with you, you went shopping
When I was in love with you, you lost weight
When I was in love with you, you became a vegetarian
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you, you went to Jūrmala
When I was in love with you, you counted your freckles in front of the mirror
When I was in love with you, you filed your nails
When I was in love with you, you engaged in fortune telling
When I was in love with you, you were fighting for women’s rights
When I was in love with you…
You truly had a very bad cold and really needed to stay at home, for else it would have gotten even worse, and besides, people who take penicillin get so weak that they just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep or, at best, read some once-popular novel which they picked up cheap when it was on sale last spring
When I was in love with you, you complained about the hot weather
When I was in love with you, you would just listen to Beatles records
When I was in love with you, you painted your lips pink and your nails purple
When I was in love with you, you were wasted twice
When I was in love with you…
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
Was in love with you

With a Smile and a Song

With a smile and a song
Life is just like a bright sunny day
With no worries and the heart is young
With a smile and a song
The world seems to waken anew
With a blissful gaze, as the song is sung
You shouldn't be grumbling
It's better to be happy
Because anyone
Can shine like a star
Whoever sings and smiles
Walks along to the sounds of life
With a careful step
With a smile and a song

God, May It Happen to No One

You were neither mine
You were neither my love
And you neither will be to someone else
And you neither will be better to someone else
When you're trouble
God, May It Happen to No One
And May It Not Happen to Me Again
There no word that can heal
the wound, so that the wound would go away
There's no wine nor lipstick
To evoke love
Why should I regret, when you didn't
Why should I regret, when you're not with me
When with you
When with you, it couldn't get better
Just issues
Chorus x2
There no word that can heal
the wound, so that the wound would go away
There's no wine nor lipstick
To evoke love

The femur

Versions: #2
I'm a medical school student,
My life is very busy and serene,
When I'm dissecting corpses,
I feel I'm drowning in formaldehyde.
Study materials are scarce,
Can't learn properly without them.
I need a femur bone,
So I'm going to the cemetery to steal one.
Between the crosses, in the heavy night,
I am digging out someone.
The deceased is entombed recently,
So the flesh needs to be cut off.
With the axe I cut the leg off - Hack!
With a knife I take the flesh off from the bone.
I take the femur and put it in my bag,
And I quickly bury the body.
I return home happily, I am victorious!
I take out the femur--it's such a joy to see!
I am the beloved student,
The best and the most loved,
The best and the most loved,
This is what I worked for,
This is what I worked for...
This is... what... I... worked... for...

Aş vrea

Mă uit la tine,
Te uiţi la mine,
Amândoi putem simţii dragostea
dintre noi e atât de adevărată!
Îţi simt îmbrăţişarea dulce,
Timpul potrivit, locul potrivit,
Nicio femeie, nicio femeie
Nu m-a mai atins astfel.
Hai să păstrăm vie această clipă
Nu aş schimba nimic din ea
Nici măcar n-aş încerca
Şi acum sunt un bărbat mai bun
Măcar de mi-ai da şansa
Ultimului tău dans.
Şi aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Încă o noapte cu tine aş vrea...
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Încă o noapte cu tine aş vrea...
Mirosul părului tău,
Atingerea buzelor tale,
Mă simt atât de binecuvântat să te am
Alături de mine, pui!
De câte ori vorbeşti,
Mmmm.. genunchii îmi devin atât de moi!
Într-adevăr pentru mine de acum
Nu mai există nimic altceva.
Hai să păstrăm vie această clipă
Nu aş schimba nimic din ea
Nici măcar n-aş încerca
Şi acum sunt un bărbat mai bun
Măcar de mi-ai da şansa
Ultimului tău dans.
Şi aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Încă o noapte cu tine aş vrea...
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Încă o noapte cu tine
Aş vrea
Când aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Încă o noapte cu tine aş vrea...
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Aş vrea, aş vrea, aş vrea,
Încă o noapte cu tine aş vrea...
Atât de puţin timp,
Atât de mult de făcut,
Lume - noapte bună!
Şi... Bun venit, ţie!
Bun venit ţie!

With the flax

We have always wandered down roads, that's what makes a traveller
But now we are going home, the whole gang, with the flax, with the flax
We have brought with us talent, you choose your winner
Andy and Andra and Mihai Petre with the flax, with the flax
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We have made Bartos sexy, and so all the people shout
I am a modest and simple boy, I came only with the flax, with the flax
I have done my repetitions too and I have prepared the decorations
And Maciuca boosts our morale, only with the flax, with the flax
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
Some came with their mothers, others with their admirers
Some end up with fame, but some only with the flax, with the flax
Gather, everyone, wherever you have a television
So that it ends up a good job, everyone open up with the flax, with the flax
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
We come with the flax, all of us, the people, we have fun
And if you bring us longing, you shout loud, loud
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax, with the flax
With the flax

Dolu Gülümseme

Eğer üzgünüm dersem
Yalan söyleyen sadece ben olurum
Kollarımda olduğun zaman
Önemsiz olduğumu hissediyorum
Hiç bu kadar tatmin olmuş hissetmedim
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Dolu bir gülümseme
Boş bir bardak
Ve son bir dans
Ele ele yürürken
Tek istediğim sensin
Ve sen yokken evet
Gittiğini fark etmem bile
Zar zor devam ediyoruz
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Bana seni istetiyorsun bebeğim
Bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun?
Hal bebeğim istiyorum
Bellli bir tür karmaşa
Bana seni istetiyorsun bebeğim
Bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun?
Hal bebeğim istiyorum
Bellli bir tür karmaşa
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Dolu bir gülümseme
Boş bir bardak
Ve son bir dans

não posso sorrir sem ti

sabes que não posso sorrir sem ti
não posso sorrir sem ti
não consigo rir, não consigo dormir
nem mesmo conversar com aqueles que conheço
sinto-me triste quando estás triste
sinto-me feliz quando estás feliz
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti
vieste, como uma canção
clareaste meu dia
quem acreditaria que eras uma parte de um sonho
que parecia estar a anos luz de distância
sabes que não posso sorrir sem ti
não posso sorrir sem ti
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti
uns dizem que a felicidade oscila
é difícil de encontrar
na novidade, deixando o velho para trás
sinto-me triste quando estás triste
sinto-me feliz quando estás feliz
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti
na novidade, deixando o velhor para trás
sinto-me triste quando estás triste
sinto-me feliz quando estás feliz
e deves saber por que estou a passar
simplesmento não consigo sorrir sem ti

Smile on your face

Smile on your face
what a wonderful place
the situation I like more
Grass under feet
and in a cup some coffee
but just a cigarette to share
Children are playing
and 'SuperSantos' in the air
let's move there a little bit
I sing you a song
That I wrote all alone
I'm even playin it for you, so now what do you want?
for this smile on your face,
what I'd give..
I'm just afraid if I think about it,
With this smile on your face
you make me fool
and it is not good...
Tears down your eyes
I don't understand why
rain came to see us.
Oh no, no woman no cry,
'are you serious?'
everything's gonna be alright.
for this smile on your face,
what I'd give..
I'm just afraid if I think about it,
With this smile on your face
you make me fool
and you walk away.
smile on your face,
what a wonderful place
I don't know anymore what to invent.
and now it stopped raining
I am all wet
...I wanna go back home in a hurry!

Arabian Nights

I come from a faraway place
Where the camels roam the desert,
(Old version:) [They'd cut off your hand for the simplest of crimes
It's barbaric, but... it's my home!]
Immense spaces are spread out flat,
And the water there is little.
A vortex of sand
And the wind's of the east
And the sun's in the west,
Let's get on the magic carpet
And fly to one of those Arabian nights.
Those hot nights
Are like the days,
And most of the time
They're even hotter
In many ways.
Even in the bright light
Of a silver moon,
Many dangers
Awaits for the traveler,
To which he's exposed.

All from the Heavens

If you'll stick to the truth, all things will turn out alright
It's all from the Heavens, I never ask what or why
I've already learned that all good things take time
And that the way up there is long and beautiful.
We'll beat all difficulties through ways of love
We never break, we have faith
And we know how to appreciate every single minute
Nothing is obvious.
Oh God, how good is my life
I know it could have been different
Thank you God for the sun that's above me
It wraps me up with warmth and tenderness
Yes it is important to say thanks, the blood that flows in my body
The voice that makes me fly
Thank you, Beloved Father.
My entire life is nothing without You, Creator of All
It's funny how people remember You only at hard times
And only I know how You always gave me strength
To spread my wings and to rise above my obstacles
I thank thee for every passing day
I keep in mind my most secretive prayers
And am proud to praise and glad to glorify
And I swear I'll do it more.
You've given me talent to take a paper, pencil
And to enter the heart of the crowd that's in the abyss
You've placed angels around me, guardians,
You've crossed my paths with good people
I know that doors don't open by themselves
I understood, everything in on purpose in my life…
Faith in my heart, God above me and therefore no obstacles at my feet!
Oh God, how good is my life…

What am I doing with you from today?

I forgot to ask how are you doing?
So busy until you let me free.
Once we were close,
Once we were more sincere.
Did I give too little or did you want too much?
You wanted hours from me, I only had seconds.
Now we are hiding behind the silent walls,
Together alienated.
Chorus x 2
What am I doing with you from today?
I've argued with you since yesterday.
I do not even know how much time do I have,
Tomorrow it may not even be anymore.
Guess Who
I knew you yesterday, you're different today
Come on, pour gas.
By tomorrow, by no means
Look into my eyes, you fall!
As I'm not too special either,
Whatever you have done to endure,
All the past, you can burn it
You're indecisive, I'm awake.
I know you from one look
You inspire, you expire dissatisfaction.
How could we match
So different as characters?
How come that the extremes attract each other,
When they go in opposite ways?
When the prides are fighting, who's guilty?
Too bad that time doesn't stop,
And it doesn't go back either.
In vain it passes if there won't be anything of us,
Everything leaves you cold when you have too many needs
You started thinking for both of us.
Chorus x 2
What am I doing with you from today?
I've argued with you since yesterday.
I do not even know how much time do I have,
Tomorrow it may not even be anymore.
Did I give too little or did you want too much?
You wanted hours from me, I only had seconds.
Now we are hiding behind the silent walls,
Together alienated.
Chorus x 3
What am I doing with you from today?
I've argued with you since yesterday.
I do not even know how much time do I have,
Tomorrow it may not even be anymore.

Hey Cemile

Let a foreign ear not hear your voice
If you understand from the heart, look into my eyes
The comb that I combed the hair of my beloved
It is harder tahn my hand, hey Cemile
My Cemile, my Cemmile, my dear, my rose Cemmile
If the string of my saz breaks out
Leave your stringy hair get longer
Before the snow comes after this Summer
That comes after the Spring, my dear
My Cemile, my Cemmile, my dear, my rose Cemmile
Come on, be a light, and I shall be a luna moth
Let me flap and you burn me
It is such a love that if you want
The biggest is in me my dear Cemile

Thousand of things

Thousands of things go through my mind on this day
I feel that I die if you are not close to me
I hope you understand what I feel for you if you
are not with me
My love I'm going to die
I want you to come back and for us to never again separate
to be together
And love each other more and more
I hope you understand what I feel for you if you
are not with me
My love I'm going to die


Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because good things will surely come to pass
When I've still got things to do late at night
Nothing goes right at all, so frustrated
My co-workers are about to go home leaving me behind at work
So I'm pointing my rubber-band gun at their backs (missed)
Never thought they got me to do goddamn word-processing
Wouldn't have it that way
That's completely unfair
Because I don't know how to convert my words either
Pah Pah Para-pah (ain't get it)
It's around nine o'clock (my god!)
The show's about to start (what to do)
While I'm doing all this
I should have recorded it early on
Did someone do for me?
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because there's no point
In hanging down and brooding over it
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's get by today again
Because good things will surely come to pass
On a warm beautiful Sunday
When I called my friend
She says, 'I'm sorry, I'm on a date right now'
... I feel like I'm completely alone
What a hassle it could be
Pah Pah Para-pah (ain't get it)
On the way back from the convenience store
I found someone cool (feeling excited)
While I set my front hair
A cute girl is running close to him from the distance
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
While you smile all the time
I bet you'll ever find someone special for you
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because good things will surely come to pass
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because there's no point
In hanging down and brooding over it
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's get by today again
Because good things will surely come to pass
Because someone special will surely come around
Come around just for me

Tattooed autumn

You don't know how magical it is
to know that somewhere you exist
equally dear and fragile
and on a mad sea
in this tattooed autumn
that you're less and less afraid of
in a world where butterflies
don't even get to see the dawn.
Hidden in your veins
I'm a drop that doesn't flow,
no matter how far we'd be,
no matter how strange we'd look.
Fortunately clowns don't lose
at the end of every story
even though they come out of them
at least for a millimeter crazier.
But you, you're a star
you fell asleep on my palm
and I protect you and won't let go
and don't be afraid.
But if you're already a dagger
and you make some kind of a wound
then I'll also be happy
that you still exist somewhere.
That autumn in my sweetened blood
fell asleep a gypsy child with blue-green eyes
and two wounded roes from some distant fable.
Remember... I was coachman
in love with my carriage
and with the light of our star that's slowly turning off.
Sunset... clowns are coming out of me through a street that doesn't exist
and a thousand fireflies bring candles
to our unborn son.
There's a wane in the sky and my shadow's afraid
of the troubadour that breaks the mandolin.
Now... I don't have anything except for rhymes
but I would also like to give them back
to some far away star that I've came from vulnerable.
I won't say thank you, but I won't pay you either
cause you're the biggest culprit why I'm gentle and vulnerable.
That autumn I was left with a smile,
but I've lost it also soon after that.
But when I leave the stars
I wan't you to be beside me
cause they could also
go to hell in no time.
deep under the water.
a blurry mirror.
At least because of the most beautiful secrets
that we were on the trail
stay for a moment.
a bit.
Cause when you leave the rhyme
into a terribly scary night
I will, with a manner of a clown
put on a hat made of straws,
a torn coat
and a dull bloody bow tie
and with my weary hands
a huge moon on my shoulder.
Rain and a sky blurry by crying.
A dream is the last option
to save
what has to be gone.
Don't wake me up
In the eyes of a drunken musician
there's too much water this morning
restlessness, and one distant autumn.
Not even nightingales are whistling the song
that all the birds know.
Let go.
at dawn between the spruces
scared stars shall be found
and lightened candles.
evening, and one small piece of pain.
Words will always say
that the eyes speak.
Don't turn around.
The glasses are at the end of the table
but there's no one else anymore
to fill them.
Maybe the stars tonight intentionally look like beehives
while the light slides down the face and starry drops sting.
You know that there are good and bad stories,
but you don't know when they come, even less when they leave.
Imagine a river that a moon separates in half
and above it a white seagull that forgot how to fly.
A painter spilled an ounce of pain on his favorite canvas
in the form of drops of blood, and later on, who knows when he'll be allowed.
Don't wake me up, there's a little bit of sorrow in the dreams.
While laughing, we play an equally comical roll,
and those who retreat at dawn under the rainbow
maybe in the next autumn they'll go to school with angels.
Now take the tattooed autumn and spin it like a boomerang.
I love you like the bee loves quince in bloom.
We have forever stolen all the fairy tales from death,
not knowing that our souls are in mat.
A secret is only a secret if the dawn accepts it,
waves sometimes withdraw even without the tide,
a smell of departure carries inside more salt that a smell of sea does,
and when the ships sink they still dream about the harbor for a long time.
I no longer have anything to regret or anyone to forgive,
except that little patch of light that sometimes touches me and awakens me
even if I believed and I didn't believe
even if I dreamed and I didn't dream
I come back the same and I bleed the same
and the same trail leads me in vain as the painter
who would repeat his best painting
on a piece of white gold
and the life goes on.
You don't even know
that for days I've been dreaming the same butterfly,
just the lamps aren't the same or at least I wake up hoping they're not.
He doesn't have faces and doesn't have anything to be recognized by
except a little scar on the left wing,
and that's enough for me.
I know,
it should've been spring,
but it was an autumn on a raft of medusae
and there was no glow in the grass.
No, don't be afraid.
My rhymes, besides never leaving me alone
sometimes know to be so wonderfully silent.
Everything is tattooed and lost.
And this autumn is also tattooed and lost
although I can still convince myself that I have
dream it all.
And you?
What will you do?
Does she sometimes remember while watching through other people's windows
down the empty and rainy streets, does it hurt her at least a little bit.
It's just enough for me if her curl trembles
even if she never says that she still loves me.
She doesn't know how much it hurts what's not given back
like nights kept in the eyes that burn double.
Not everything has it's price, but everything has to be payed
with one dreamy scream of the moon that falls into the sea.
I have locked the most beautiful song in her hair
and I hid all my smiles in the curtain of rain,
and she knew very well what that autumn brings
but she didn't want to admit and we didn't exist anymore.
Who knows... maybe tonight some pictures still matter to her,
maybe you can really love only once in a lifetime.
And I'm just a clown whom they forced to cry
with a desire that he plays himself for a miserable sum.
Does she sometimes remember while watching through other people's windows
down the empty and rainy streets, does it hurt her at least a little bit.
It's just enough for me if her curl trembles
even if she never says that she still loves me.
A million lighthouses in the night and a sky made out of roasted clay
and your hands and lips, juicier than a ripe pomegranate,
in the eyes a sleeping rain and a cloud of hot silence
and one canvas for a painting one slightly clumsy painter.
In the water the moon bled slaughtered in half,
over your half-goodbye a black night has risen.
I remember you were a star bigger than the Big Dipper,
remember, I was a firefly smaller smaller that a poppies grain.
And then I'm at the shore with eyes that don't hold the tide,
heavy as a bura, light as a jugo.
Who knows who's losing tonight: the fire that burns in a smoke
or the smoke from that fire, or maybe both.
Oh, yes, once upon a time, I almost don't remember anymore
on the other side of the light tattooed dreamy until dawn
one clown has dreamed of an island of rain through teary eyes
like a dead dolphin pictures a sleeping sea.
Above the ashes most favorite pictures have found the souls of painters
waves that at dawn silence everything that lightly burns.
Once when you smell the pomegranate through the smell of sea
believe that somewhere a slaughtered moon bleeds after me.


Nu am venit niciodat pe plaja sau langa ocean
Nu am stat niciodata pe
țărm sub soare cu picioarele in nisip
Dar tu m-ai adus aici si sunt fericita ca ai facut-o
Petru ca acum sunt la fel de libera ca pasarile care prind vantul
Intotdeauna m-am gandit ca m-as putea scufunda,deci nu am inotat niciodata
Nu am mers niciodata cu barca,nu inteleg cum plutesc
Si uneori ma sperie ce nu inteleg
Dar sunt aici
Langa tine
Cerul este mult mai albastru
In Malibu
Langa tine
In Malibu
Langa tine
Am privit soarele apunand in timp ce ne plimbam
Mi-as petrece tot restul vietii doar stand aici si vorbind
Ai explica curentul ca pe un zambet
Sper sa raman la fel si nimic sa nu se schimbe
Si vom fi noi,doar pentru o vreme
Noi chiar existam?
Asta se intampla cand imi doresc
Sa inot cu pestele
Se presupune ca e fierbinte toata vara?
Nu te-as fi crezut niciodata
Daca acum trei ani mi-ai fi spus
Ca voi fi aici scriind acest cantec
Dar sunt aici
Langa tine
Cerul este mult mai albastru
In Malibu
Langa tine
In Malibu
Langa tine
Langa tine
Cerul este mult mai albastru
In Malibu
Langa tine
Suntem ca valurile care curg inainte si inapoi
Uneori simt ca ma inec si tu ma salvezi
Si vreau sa-ti multumesc din toata inima mea
Este un nou inceput
Un vis devenit realitate
In Malibu

Cu un kilogram mai mult sau mai puţin

Mă uit la tine de mult timp
Dragă, îmi place totul la tine
Arăti ca o zeiţă
Eşti o zeiţă a inimii mele
De ce ţi-e ruşine de corpul tău
Când eşti toată aşa de perfectă
O femeie perfectă, perfectă, perfectă, perfectă
Cu un kilogram în plus sau în minus (I'd rather say- 'Cu un kilogram mai mult sau mai puţin'), oooo nu mă interesează
Câteva riduri pe faţa ta, ooooo îmi place de tine aşa cum eşti
Păr şi sâni exuberanti, eşti exact cum aş vrea să fii
Ai totul pentru a mă face să înnebunesc, da, da, da, da, da
Eşti atât de frumoasă, ai totul
Chiar dacă nu ai avea, aş fi în călduri după tine
Tu ai totul, ai tot ce am eu nevoie
Ca să ajung la cer
Eşti atât de frumoasă, ai totul
Îmi plac toate greşelile tale în toate cele patru părti ale tale
Tu ai totul
Dar ce nu ai
E (faptul) că nu eşti a mea
Esti atât de minunată peste tot
Eşti atât de sălbatică şi sexy şi crezi că eşti una obişnuită
('Brisle up' I think it refers to goosebumps) Mi se face pielea găină, fierbe sângele în mine, da, da, da , da, da
Nu îţi dai seama că pui inima în pericol
Eşti atât de frumoasă, ai totul
Chiar dacă nu ai avea, aş fi în călduri după tine
Tu ai totul, ai tot ce am eu nevoie
Ca să ajung la cer
Eşti atât de frumoasă, ai totul
Îmi plac toate greşelile tale în toate cele patru părti ale tale
Tu ai totul
Dar ce nu ai
E (faptul) că nu eşti a mea