Rezultatele căutării pagină 11
Număr de rezultate: 348
I think that now I can for every moment
Every second and lapse of time
I think and finally now the unrest of time is gone
With you I'm born again
I think that now every step feels
Like racing through arches of time
I think and finally now the peace is real and true
And it's like that every time you look at me
I realize how much it is
To be with you, to be there and watch you grow
I think that now the days are on a loop bright
It seems even during storms and rain
I think and finally now everything is over
No, really, I know everything's over
I realize how much it is, how very much
To be with you, to be there and watch you grow
I realize how much it is, how very much
To be with you, to be there and watch you grow
Lips Like Million Watts
Whisper in my ear
What a cool idea you have
I'm here, without a plan
That you love me, say with delay
Come, come, come you
Come, you crazy head
No one has the right
To spoil our night
Each touch is
Remembered by my skin
I'm yours
Remember that
You tell me: 'Tell me what you'd like
Abu Dhabi or Havana?'
And I would like you, nothing else
Every night, every day
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Kiss me slowly
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Touch me like that
Come, come, come you
Come, you crazy head
No one has the right
To spoil our night
My body's flashback is
Your's forever
Crazy about me totally
You tell me: 'Tell me what you'd like
Abu Dhabi or Havana?'
And I would like you, nothing else
Every night, every day
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Kiss me slowly
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Touch me like that
- Oh Milisso, how is it that you sleep alone?
- I don't sleep alone, I have a husband who is a gaida [Balkan bagpipe] player
and a brother-in-law who is a floyera [short end-blown flute] player
I have twelve guys
and with you, thirteen
Walls of Gold
Follow me now, yeah
Follow me now, yeah
Follow me now and I'm a part of you
The habit I deny is splitting me, yeah
Follow me now that all the thoughts I fear
All the tenderness I'm running from, it finds me
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
Ends up on the floor as soon as I've got you, I've got you
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
End up on the floor, I let go of my scars and (those walls of gold)
Follow me now that it's got its grip on me
I fell on that blow because you said you'd catch me, yeah
Follow me now, see us the way we stand here and thought there was more
But we wake up with the question of where we are, hmm
Don't think that I don't miss you, I do
Don't think that I don't love you, I do, yeah yeah
But I feel how the smoke is going through my body
And the noise as paralyzed both of my legs
I where asphalt is like a trampoline
I jump high to not land before it's too late
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
Ends up on the floor as soon as I've got you, I've got you
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
End up on the floor, I let go of my scars and (those walls of gold)
Follow me now, yeah
Follow me now, yeah
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
Ends up on the floor as soon as I've got you, I've got you
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
End up on the floor, I let go of my scars and (those walls of gold)
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
Ends up on the floor as soon as I've got you, I've got you
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
End up on the floor, I let go of my scars and (those walls of gold)
See it ends up on walls of gold when it takes me
End up on the floor, I let go of my scars and (those walls of gold)
They follow me now
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
The entire world, mi familia
Señoras y señores
Buenas tardes, buenas noches
Hello, and good evening
My ladies, my gentlemen
I'm so happy that I could be
Here with you, que alegria
'Cause music's my language
And the entire world, mi familia
'Cause music's my language
And the entire world, mi familia
[Miguel & De La Cruz]
'Cause music's my language
And the entire world es mi familia
'Cause music's my language...
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
The family
The Sundays with the family
a box of surprises
the humor on the table
hand made pasta and TV
The Sundays with the family
caresses jokes and emotions
as desserts discussions
gossips truco and coffee.
The family is a typical clan
they share the laughter the anger and the bread
The family is the most faithful copy
it looks like yours, mine and his
The family is a little country
if it's together it can be happy
The family invites you to come
in the good times and the bad times
it will always make you a place.
The Sundays with the family
with brothers father and mother in law
with some black sheep
it couldn't miss.
The Sundays with the family
to remove your sorrows
with smell of good stuff
from the mother hands

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The world is my family
Ladies and gentlemen
good afternoon, pleasant evening
good afternoon, pleasant evening
ladies and gentlemen.
Being here tonight
is my pleasure, what joy!
because music is my language
and the world is my family.
Because music is my language
and the world is my family.
because music is my language
and the world is my family...
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).
Emilio the well-digger
He was dumped to the garbage
for being born prematurely
Like Moses he scaped from death
sailing by the waters of a torrent
Time passed, the child grew
but he's still hidden in his nest
Emilio the well-digger is the son of fear
and even if love were like fire
Emilio would be an ashtray
Emilio the well-digger is the son of fear
and if love were like fire
who wouldn't be an ashtray
He recieves the things from the sea
son of the things you use to throw
His skin is darker than any night
he has no stars to make a clasp
he's the prince of the sewers
he's partner of all the rats.
If you came down to the sewer
you'd be the ninth wonder
but you walk stepping in his sky
that's why Emilio will never have consolation
He's the prince of the sewers
he's partner of all the rats
Emilio can't buy tobacco
he carries in the skin the stigma of the armpit
He's the prince
He's the prince

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Neither with you nor without you
Neither with you nor without you
My pains have cure
With you because you kill me
Without you because I die
Neither with you nor without you
Because you don't see my writing
You think I forget you
And in the bottom of my chest
I write you every moment.
I'd like to see you and not to see you
I'd like to talk to you and not to talk to you
I'd like to not to meet you
To forget you
Everytime I see the crab
I start to consider
It looks like my joys
That go backwards
Who sings scare the problems
And those who cry, make them bigger
I sing to entertain
The pain that torments me
I'm so suitable to the pain
That it becomes my companion
And the day I don't have it
Seems weird to me
My sad heart
Is drowned by the fatigue
And it has no more rest
But the time it cries for you

This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Soledad, she's as tender as the poppy
who always lived alone in the wheatfield
without needing anyone, oh my Soledad
Soledad, she's an exquisite creature
who doesn't know she's beautiful
neither knows about love nor dissapointments, oh my Soledad
Soledad, she lives like any other
in the land she was born
she washes, sews, cries and laughs, oh my Soledad
But I love her like that, different because she's sincere
She's natural like the water flowing
Running joyful from the spring
Without knowing where does it go
How happy lives my Soledad.
Soledad, she's as beautiful as a pidgeon
and as clear as the sun rising
over the scrubs, oh my Soledad

This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Mâine până în zori
1. Nu crede că nimeni nu te iubește,
Strânge-mă mai tare, lângă tine sunt eu!
O nouă persoană dragă e urmată de una și mai nouă
Dar prietenia noastră ne promite timpul stelelor.
Îmi păzesc fața, iar ție ți-e frica de a ta
Te-ai pune în lanțuri, în timp ce ai cere libertatea
(În timp ce) ai cere-o înapoi
R:Mâine până în zori ne păstrăm visul treaz
Mâine până în zori găsim totul la locul lui
Atinge-mi sufletul încă odată
Atinge-l și apoi dă-i drumul
Mâine până în zori îmbrățișează-mă cu sinceritate, îmbrățișează-ma!
Daca simți ca nimeni nu te iubește
Aleargă catră mine, langă tine voi fi eu
Seara noastră nu poate fi astfel
Însă prietenia noastră te va proteja, nu te teme
Unul într-un milion
Versions: #2
Noapte bună, iubire! Bună, singurătate!
Oriunde te trezești, continuă să zâmbești,
iubirea nu are preț, dar ți l-aș plăti.
Ai venit către mine, când nimeni n-a făcut-o,
ai mers alături de mine, când toți ceilalți s-au oprit,
fiecare rană de-a ta aș transforma-o mereu în aur.
Unul într-un milion e ca tine,
răsfață-mi inima pentru oricine altcineva,
unul într-un milion, de neuitat,
unul într-un milion, greșit, dar totuși cel potrivit.
Ai fost pasul meu, oglinda mea,
inima mea, lângă tine, a înflorit în plină iarnă,
iubirea nu are preț, dar ți l-aș plăti.
M-ai avut și nimeni altcineva n-a făcut-o,
mă inalți spre cer, când totul pare prăbușit,
fiecare rană de-a ta aș transforma-o mereu în aur.
Unul într-un milion e ca tine,
răsfață-mi inima pentru oricine altcineva,
unul într-un milion, de neuitat,
unul într-un milion, greșit,
unul într-un milion, greșit,
dar totuși cel potrivit.
A million reasons
You leave broken women, but you will not
You did not get up to me, and that's why you're not coming
You were uninhibited, now I realize that I would
My consciousness is slowly dear, you're mistaken
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
At first glance, it's just blue
You did not know I was a smart little head
And badwa, all these stories because I do not care
To give me a drink, you promise everything, you know
The thought in the city has squeezed closer and closer and closer
And it's raining, you have not experienced it yet, only now you've come to life
Your game is known to me, I will be your fault
You did not come to me so you did not approach
Because you were uninhibited, now I realize that he would
My consciousness is slowly dear, you're mistaken
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
So lousy, so special
But you are unbreakable
Mil-mil-mil-million reasons
To play your thoughts
Give me a reason to let you down
To touch me, let me let you
Draga mea
Am gresit in fata ta
Inca platesc pentre ce am facut
Umbru fara destinatie, sarut femeile gresite
Merg din pacat in pacat
E de parca, dupa tine
Mi-e frica de iubire
Pentru ca eu sunt cel ce in totdeauna
Invata din greseli
I-mi aduc aminte de tine, iubirea mea
Pentru ca oricare alta femeie ma dezamageste
Timpul nu m-a fatuc sa uit
Inca esti in fanteziile mele, draga mea
As da jumatate din viata
As regreta pentru o secunda
Sa iti sarut ochi tau cei negri
Fara ea sunt pierdut
E de parca, dupa tine
Mi-e frica de iubire
Caci tu esti singurul motiv
Pentru care traiesc
Through Sparkling Diamond Web The Eastern Sky Turned Green...
Through sparkling diamond web the eastern sky turned green.
Across the land, mysterious in stern wrath,
The thousands of the trails and roads glow bright, serene.
If only we could cross the world on just one true path!
To see it all, to grasp, to know, to go through all,
Through eyes to take in all the forms and all the colors.
To pass on burning feet across the land of wonders,
To comprehend [it all] and incarnate once more.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
It Was Like This: As If The Links of Life Chain...
It was like this: as if the links of life chain
Have been already ripped... And solace like bane -
So dark and deep... And slow ebb-tide of all
My thoughts, my drive... Just breath of grasses' sprawl
Gave me a sign that I'm alive but stalling.
The seagull cries saluted moonrise calling...
And I was drowning in a cold moon dream,
In shimmering abyss of starry gleam,
And from wet chasm they rode at me as sharp gust -
The rains of comets, streams of shining stardust.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
I Walked Through Night...
To Odilon Redon
I walked through night. And burst of pallid death's flame
Has licked my face and then it's vanished with no sign...
Just vast eternity pulsates in rhythmic waves' game.
With sadness, as in dream, I reminisce sometimes
About the meteor that's faded in sky deserts,
The hoary crystal in the sparkling dust,
Where Angel, cursed by bane of his omniscient fret spurts,
Still lives between the folds of wrinkled earthly crust.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
In Wicked Hour I Met My Penance...
In wicked hour I met my penance,
Avoiding you was not my troth -
With one stamp fate has marked us both,
And doomed us both to one death sentence.
And, not resisting ancient powers,
That led us both to one despair,
Our bodies we so meekly bared,
And rite of love performed for hours.
The priest had no faith in death's grace,
The victim wasn't afraid of secret,
And wine has not turned into blood yet
In blasphemous hearts' darkness maze.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
We Are Children of Sunny-Red Honey...
We are children of sunny-red honey
And of brown and rusty-red earth -
In the dark we grew through flesh from birth,
And our nature resembles wild fire.
In the star hive for centuries' spread
Like the bees at the loins Aphrodite's,
We keep circling, encrusted with sun dust,
Over flame of the gold flower head.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Hear my heartbe-e-e-at
I knew you had me, was too stupid and I only blame myself
I didn't know where you had me, why are you only special now?
What we said, we needed to do, it was weakened only by me
Kept you up all night and let you drown
Hear my heartbeat, it beats for you now
I feel your loss, screaming your name, my heart is in pieces
Are you and I okay? Thinking of you now
Thinking of us, like many, many times before
You have wandered in and out, you've said I should go
I've packed my stuff, unpacked again, we've said at least a thousand things
If you're listening shawty, you should know
It's you I have on my mind every second
So if you're listening shawty there is time
It's only you, you should be able to understand that
Hear my heartbeat, it's beating for you now
I feel your loss, screaming your name, my heart is in pieces
Are you and I okay? Thinking of you now
Thinking of us, like many, many times before
You leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, like many, many times before
You leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, like many, many times before
Late nights you've been waiting, waiting like I was expecting
Those were the things that you did, that made me speechless
Without you I'll turn gray
I stopped, the clock is ticking, but my heart it will not beat
Took my wings, now there's no air
I didn't see it blew out, I didn't see the flame blew out
Hear my heartbeat, it's beating for you now (for you now)
I feel your loss, screaming your name, my heart is in pieces
Are you and I okay? Thinking of you now
Thinking of us, like many, many times before
You leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, like many, many times before
(So many times, so many times before so many, many times before)
You leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, you leave, like many, many times before
(So many times, so many times before so many, many times before)
So many times before
I think about you
I want you to know
That I think of you
I think of you, I think of you
In the morning, afternoon and evening
I think of you, I think of you, I think of you
I think of your eyes so cute
I think of your sweet mouth
I think of a great delirium
I think with such crazy passion
I want you to know
Every moment of my life
I think of you, I think of you
In the morning, afternoon and night I think of you
I think of you
Now I Am Dead. I'm In Book Lines...
Now I am dead. I'm in book lines, not boulders,
Your hands adorn...
The chains of love are taken off your shoulders,
My ashes burn.
I can be flipped through in the times of trouble
From this day on,
Your roads forever will keep through life's rubble
My seal foregone.
I've dug myself a grave, the tomb of my verse,
With rolled up sleeves,
But listen - do you hear singing sky birds?
My verse - it lives!
My tomb's not empty, do not leave confused like
Poor Magdalene...
Just for a single moment touch my lips with
Your lips serene.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Just look at me
Just look at me and don't ask anything
My eyes are talking tonight
Come and take me, lead me to the night
Kiss me until the dawn comes
I was waiting too long
For happiness at my doorstep
And now I solved it to change rules
So, I change myself
And I will never
Be alone for hours anymore
It's enough of waiting
Tonight I move on
To fight a glow
Just look at me and don't ask anything
My eyes are talking tonight
Come and take me, lead me to the night
Kiss me until the dawn comes
It's not important tomorrow what it'll be like
Believe, it's whatever to me
Come on, hurry up, drink that beverage
Until it's not too late for everything
And I will never
Be alone for hours anymore
It's enough of waiting
Tonight I move on
To fight a glow
Just look at me and don't ask anything
My eyes are talking tonight
Come and take me, lead me to the night
Kiss me until the dawn comes
It's not important tomorrow what it'll be like
Believe, it's whatever to me
Come on, hurry up, drink that beverage
Until it's not too late for everything (x2)
Just look at me
O, o o o o, o…
Not even a meter millimeter
Just so you know
Everything can be tamed
But you find the wild horses more beautiful
This is not a man's lie
Just so you know
The night's watch falls asleep eventually
And the child has to grow up too
You always belong to me
People go swallows migrate
Some will treat you as they pass by
Let everything go, just you don't
Just you don't
Neither meter nor a millimeter right left (right left)
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
Just you don't
Neither meter nor a millimeter right left
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
Just so you know
The night's watch falls asleep eventually
And the child has to grow up too
You always belong to me
People go swallows migrate
Some will treat you as they pass by
Let everything go, just you don't
Just you don't
Neither meter nor a millimeter right left (right left)
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
Just you don't
Neither meter nor a millimeter right left
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
O o o, aea, o o o, aea
O o o, o o o o, cause it's yours entirely
aea, o o o, aea, o o o, aea
Not even a meter millimeter
Neither meter nor a millimeter right left
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
Just you don't
Neither meter nor a millimeter right left
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
O o o, aea, o o o, aea
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
O o o, aea, o o o, aea
You don't have to move from my heart cause it's yours entirely
Not even a meter millimeter
Operated from love
Don't worry nothing, everything is under control
except that everyone watching me for the table
and because I'm mixing brandy with aperol
'cause brandy....
Don't worry nothing, I'm not amateur
already in urgent center I'm answering on counter
vice is your brother, ally and partner
call me
I'm bad at it when they broke my heart
from deep coma I'm not waking up
I'm not breathing, help me
recommend me night with you
you are spending good time with others
I am alone between people
I'm not breathing, help me
recommend me night with you
but you don't hear me anymore
operated from love
Don't worry nothing where am I and what I'm bringing (on herself, clothes)
where I'm hanging out and how much I'm spending
do I drink with bad guys
do I drink with....
Don't worry nothing, I'm not amateur
already in urgent center I'm answering on counter
vice is your brother, ally and partner
call me
I'm bad at it when they broke my heart
from deep coma I'm not waking up
I'm not breathing, help me
recommend me night with you
you are spending good time with others
I am alone between people
I'm not breathing, help me
recommend me night with you
but you don't hear me anymore
operated from love
I'm still giving signs of life
I won't die because of jerk
all smells me on new
and all this will pass me
I still have little smart
and my heart didn't stoped beating
get out of my dreams
and stay away from me fool
I'm not breathing, help me
recommend me night with you
you are spending good time with others
I am alone between people
I'm not breathing, help me
recommend me night with you
but you don't hear me anymore
operated from love
One Hundred Million
Today I got up, as everyday, at 5:30
It was still dark outside, the smoke was lingering over the city
I ate what I eat everyday, as everyday I haven’t washed myself
I left the house, I waited for the bus
When the bus arrived I barely crawled inside
All steel workers use this bus line, I met all of them
Suddenly someone shouted: “Look at the prices in shop windows”
I look, oh, Jesus, the prices got lowered by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
An old man shouts from behind: “I told you this would happen
He’s just a simple man like all of us in our steel plant
When workers fought for him, they helped him win
Have you seen it? I knew that’s gonna happen”
- “Wait, wait, let me count how much money I’ve got now”
- “Hey, you, are you crazy? You don’t need more”
Better look around, look at the prices in shop windows
I look, oh, my God, the prices got lowered by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
On the rally in our steel plant you promised us that money
I remember what you said, you should have thought about the consequences
I don’t wanna eat what I eat everyday, I wanna live the same way you live!
And look, it happened, there is justice in this world
Now I’m shouting together with others: “We said this would happen
When workers fought for him, they helped him win”
Keep an eye on everything, here the parson took control over me
I don’t think, I don’t feel, I just work
I lived on this street, hundred light years from the capital city
I travelled that distance fiercely, I found this job
Let the unbelievers and friends appal, I will fight
Let them see how angry the horde of bloody Poles is
The clerks behind the desks watch us
Look, look carefully, the clerks are the same
It often happens on the manor that someone controls someone
I feel that!
You promised one hundred million, I heard that clearly
So much time had passed and I didn’t get anything
I’m gonna wait for three days and not a minute longer
My impatience grows as I’m forced to wait for too long
My all comrades, they all think the same
when they go to sleep in the evening and when they get up in the morning
They remember your words, ‘cause they heard you saying them
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
One hundred million!!!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
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