Rezultatele căutării pagină 10
Număr de rezultate: 348
All the happiness in the world
Versions: #2
We wish you all the happiness in the world
and that someone gives you a helpfull hand,
That your road escapes from bombs,
That it leads to quiet gardens.
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and for tomorrow
That your sun lights up the shadow
That it shines because of love every single day.
Because the future belongs to you,
Because we don't control your destiny,
May your escape be for tomorrow.
Because everything we might offer you
will not always be enough
In this freedom that will come,
Because we won't always be there
Like we did it at the first steps.
We wish you all the happiness in the world
and that someone gives you a helpfull hand,
That your road escapes from bombs,
That it leads to quiet gardens.
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and for tomorrow
That your sun lights up the shadow
That it shines because of love every single day.
You are facing an entire life,
So many dreams to live till the end,
Probably also with lot of joy.
Free of making your own choices,
To choose what will be your way
And where it will lead you.
I just hope you will take time
to enjoy every moment.
We wish you all the happiness in the world
and that someone gives you a helpfull hand,
That your road escapes from bombs,
That it leads to quiet gardens.
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and for tomorrow
That your sun lights up the shadow
That it shines because of love every single day.
I don't know what a world we will leave for you behind
We do our best, but sometimes
I only hope that it will be enough.
Not to save your carefreeness
But to calm down our conscience.
For everything else, I have the right to trust in you...
We wish you all the happiness in the world
and that someone gives you a helpfull hand,
That your road escapes from bombs,
That it leads to quiet gardens.
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and for tomorrow
That your sun lights up the shadow
That it shines because of love every single day.
A million flaws
Oh, what a match we are
Like a picture and a frame
I dance on the tables
While you sit alone
Like coffee and tea
Like diamonds and clovers
It always goes hand in hand
The cards and the bluff
Let go of your meaningless talk
And your useless science
'Cause you and I are two halves of the same apple
You're finding a million flaws in me
And I say all the best about you like a fool
I have a million flaws, but at least say thank you
If I wasn't this way, you wouldn't love me
Oh, what a match we are
You're cold as ice
And I'm like living fire
The world's too small for me
Like minus and plus
Like vodka and juice
Happiness and sadness
go together forever
Let go of your meaningless talk
And your useless science
'Cause you and I are two halves of the same apple
You're finding a million flaws in me
And I say all the best about you like a fool
I have a million flaws, but at least say thank you
If I wasn't this way, you wouldn't love me
Let go of your meaningless talk
And your useless science
'Cause you and I are two halves of the same apple
You're finding a million flaws in me
And I say all the best about you like a fool
I have a million flaws, but at least say thank you
If I wasn't this way, you wouldn't love me
Million Reasons
In the words that you say
Hides a dream
Your love protects me
You're stronger than any enemy
You don't give up
And how to thrill strings of heart
Only you know
You've formed all the feelings
You gave me million reasons
To walk with love, that is within me after you
I will be delighted in your delight
And take your pane
And fill with happiness your days
How you conquer me
With your tenderness
You make me younger
I love you
Everything good in the world
I've revealed with you
I thank God
That I have you
You've formed all the feelings
You gave me million reasons
To walk with love, that is within me after you
I will be delighted in your delight
And take your pane
And fill with happiness your days
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט
The world es mi familia
Señoras y señores,
Buenas tardes, buenas noches
I want to tell you the power
Of songs' language
Just speaking in a song
Gives me so much cheerfulness
Each note, a word
In people's heart
Plunking my guitar,
This world es mi familia
Each sound spread in the air,
And the world es mi familia
Each note a w...
Girl, give me your hand
Girl, give me your hand,
give me your little hand,
because we need to say good bye!
It was wonderfull, so wonderfull,
and we will see us again,
when elder and dontforgetme will blossom,
Our luck, our luck, our luck,
our luck, our luck, our luck
will finally come back forever!
Girl, give me your hand,
give me your little hand,
because we want to see us soon again.
Our luck, our luck, our luck,
our luck, our luck, our luck
will finally come back forever!
Girl, give me your hand,
give me your little hand,
because we want to see us soon again,
because we want to see us soon again.
My familiar dream
Versions: #3
I often make that strange and penetrating dream
Of an unknown woman and whom I love and who loves me
And who is, everytime, not entirely the same
Nor quite another and who loves me and understands me
Because she understands me and my transparent heart
For her alone, alas!, stops being a problem.
For her alone, and the sweatineness' of my pallid forehead
Her only knows how to refresh them by crying.
Is she brown haired, blond or redhaired? I don't know.
Her name? I remember it's sweet and resonant,
Like the ones of the loved ones who life exiled.
Her gaze is alike to the gaze of the statues
And, for her voice, distant, and calm, and deep, it has
the inflexion of the dearest voice who went silent.
All of my work is dedicated to Ms Z. G., who is the real counterpart of Beatrice Portinari for me.
The world is my family
Ladies and gentlemen,
good evening, good night,
good evening, good night,
ladies and gentlemen
To be here with you today is fun for me, What a joy,
Because music is my language and the world my family
Because music is my language and the world my family
Because music is my language and the world my family
Because music is my language...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
From summer to summer
Every love of mine always comes to an end
Like everything was over as May came
Out of all old stuff I'd like something new
All I need right now is to catch the flow
Some new song, some new hit
Everything is annoying me, I need rest
All of that is caused by smoke that came from Cuba
I'm asking for rounds of drinks on the hill above
We're changing adresses until autumn comes
Like the urban myth would say
All of that is caused by smoke that came from Cuba
I'm asking for rounds of drinks on the hill above
I hear it first, it just bangs from the car
New summer hit, hit, hit
, gas
Summer, a convertible, bass
Your body, my arms
Short days, long nights
A little bit of
We're driving from
Everything shakes in every city
We're coming, say where you are
From summer to summer...
From summer to summer...
From summer to summer...
From summer to summer...
Entire winter I thought you were the one
But like everything is over as May comes
I'd immediately like to fly with a plane somewhere
But now I need someone who's totally my type
Some new place, some summer hit
I'll say goodbye to all my problems
All of that is caused by smoke that came from Cuba
I'm asking for rounds of drinks on the hill above
We're changing adresses until autumn comes
Like the urban myth would say
All of that is caused by smoke that came from Cuba
I'm asking for rounds of drinks on the hill above
I hear it first, it just bangs from the car
New summer hit, hit, hit
, gas
Summer, a convertible, bass
Your body, my arms
Short days, long nights
A little bit of
We're driving from
Everything shakes in every city
We're coming, say where you are
From summer to summer...
From summer to summer...
From summer to summer...
From summer to summer...
Long live my family!
Long live life!
Long live my family!
Long live me!
Long live our love!
I love my family so much
And my family is the best in my life
That's why I want to sing
In all power of my voice
Long live life!
Long live my family!
Long live me!
Long live our love!
My family, she is my life
And my life is paradise
My family and me, we are one
And again I want to sing
Long live life!
Long live my family!
Long live me!
Long live our love!
Latin serenade
We are laying in the sand on the beach
The wind fondles us
And suddenly our shadows meet
The sea retreats slowly
It silences its water
I feel the salty taste on your thirsty skin
Wait, please don't ruin everything,
Wait, this is our night!
The eternal film is made about us
Just we would play somehow else
Wait, please don't ruin everything,
Wait, enjoy the night!
The latin serenade is played for us too in the distance
Let me reach your heart
Love me as I do
And our faces redraw the passion
We are laying in the sand on the beach
The wind fondles us
And suddenly our shadows meet
Wait, please don't ruin everything,
Wait, this is our night!
The eternal film is made about us
Just we would play somehow else
Wait, please don't ruin everything,
Wait, enjoy the night!
The latin serenade is played for us too in the distance
The militians
I'd like so much
if I only can
to cross the street so close
to the stripes
and don't catch me.
Man, you know
that it'll be this way
as you say...
I'd stop you
with a whistle
you'd be fined!
The militians, the militians
keep the order.
The militians, the militians
take care of our silence. - One more time!
The militians, the militians
keep the order.
take care of our steps
and shelter us.
Singing carries me into the world
Señoras y señores
I'm greeting you here now
Buenas tardes, buenas noches
Ladies and gentlemen
The moment of song, the moment of laughter
It's a joy, que alegría
Singing gives me a language
It carries me into the world
Singing gives me a language
It carries me into the world
Singing gives me a language
It carries me into the world
Singing gives me a language...
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)
The whole world music is home
Ladies and gentlemen
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Say hello to you
Ladies and gentlemen
Tonight we have a good time.
How happy we are and we have nothing to worry completely.
Music is my language.
The world music is home.
Music is my language.
The world music is home.
Music is my language.
The world music is home.
Music is my language...ah!
[Intro: J Balvin]
J Balvin, omule
Liam Payne
G-ul meu
[Strofa I: Liam Payne & J Balvin]
E simplu, faci dip low
Rostogolirea soldurilor tale, faci Calypso-ul
O introducere este tot ce imi trebuie, oh, da
Si incep eu
Stii la ce ma refer
De la zero, stii ca sunt pa'ti (ti, ti)
[Pre-refren: Liam Payne]
Ooh, ooh, am vrut doar sa-ti obtin numele
Dar daca e ok, vreau sa intru in mintea ta
[Refren: Liam Payne]
Putem sa ne famili-famili-familiarizam? (da)
Te te te te simt (da)
Ce ai in cap pentru mai tarziu seara?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne
[Strofa II: Liam Payne]
Linia taliei tale, linia de baza (baza)
In viata reala, nu o vreau fata in fata
Pentru ca mintile marete, gandesc exact la fel (hei, da)
Scuturi precum vibrato
Un model sau un fel de sticla
Pai, toarna-te pentru ca vreau sa gust (sa gust, oh)
[Pre-refren: Liam Payne, J Balvin]
Ooh, ooh, am vrut doar sa-ti obtin numele
Vroiam doar numele tau, draga
Dar daca e ok, vreau sa intru in capul tau
[Refren: Liam Payne, J Balvin]
Putem sa ne famili-famili-familiarizam? (familiari)
Te te te te simt (familiari)
Ce ai in cap pentru mai tarziu seara?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne famili-famili-famili-familiarizam?
Te te te te simt (familiari)
Ce ai in cap pentru mai tarziu seara?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne
[Pod: J Balvin, Liam Payne]
Doar tu si cu mine
Doar tu si cu mine
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne
[Strofa III: J Balvin]
As vrea sa ne familiarizam pe noi insine
Putina chimie si petrecerea pe care o aprindem
Uita de critici, asa ne putem intelegem
Ce crezi ca se va intampla daca ajungem unul in mintea celuilalt?
Domnisoara, de ce ai nevoie?
Ar fi mult mai bine daca ai participa
Pana acum nu, mai aproape
Am de gand sa fac tot ce imi sta in puteri
Si stii ca ceea ce porti arata bine pe tine (arata bine)
Ma prabusesc mult mai puternic ca o factura de o suta de dolari
[Refren: Liam Payne]
Putem sa ne famili-famili-familiarizam?
Te te te te simt
Ce ai in cap pentru mai tarziu seara?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne famili-famili-famili-familiarizam?
Te te te te simt
Ce ai in cap pentru mai tarziu seara?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne
[Outro: Liam Payne]
Putem sa devenim familiari?
Vreau doar sa ajung sa te cunosc
Putem sa ne famili-familiarizam?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne
Vreau doar sa ajung sa te cunosc
Vreau doar sa ajung sa te cunosc
Putem sa ne famili-familiarizam?
Lasa-ma sa fiu cel care il umple
Putem sa ne
Why did my dear I've got to know you?
Versions: #2
Why did my dear I've got to know you,
Why did you answer to my love?
It would be better if I didn't know the sorrow,
Than wouldn't beat so fast again my heart.
You are tormenting my young heart, my dear,
Your sweetheart is calling you, do come,
The golden time will only disappear,
So why are you not coming, my desired one?
I'm waiting, and my long-awaited here he comes,
Tenderly taking me by the hand and kissing on and on...
Oh. dear friend, my gentle my desired one!
And my heart is singing a joyful song.
Lise puts on
Unsettling airs
Lise's suitcases
Are full of air
What do you want me to tell her
She does everything backwards
She functions in reverse
Under her royal airs
Lise's poetry
Can be understood around a drink
She's got nerve
You have to read
One or two of her poems
Light like a breeze
Lise, she's never won over
Your heart, she breaks it
Your soul, she loses it
While writing her poetry
Lise's poetry
Can be understood around a drink
Lise, a different girl
She turns you inside out
She's not that submissive
She makes you want a change of scenery
Lise, she disguises her poems
To not be understood
To not be taken
For down-to-earth
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
The Stars of Paris
If I confide in you
It means I dream of you
Yes from night until morning
That's a lot, I know
But when the breeze brings
Your scent to my door
I think of nothing but you
That's a lot but that's how it is
If the midnight
stars settle
Over the roofs of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
We'll walk you and I
And then time will go by
I don't care about tomorrow
I'm yours, and you know it
And when the moon gives me
Updates on you I shiver
All the way to my fingertips
You know that I am yours
If the midnight
stars settle
Over the roofs of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
If sometimes the midnight
stars get carried away
In the sky of Paris
It's for you
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
Lumea mi-e familie
Doamnelor și domnilor,
Bună seara, noapte bună,
Bună seara, noapte bună,
Domnișoarelor și domnilor.
În seara aceasta să fiu aici
Este pasiunea mea, ce bucurie!
Pentru că muzica mi-e limbă
Și lumea mi-e familie.
Pentru că muzica mi-e limbă
Și lumea mi-e familie,
Pentru că muzica mi-e limbă,
Și lumea mi-e familie,
Pentru că muzica mi-e limbă...
© Vladímir Sosnín
She runs the silk stockings
between her fingers,
she prefers those made of wool, silk stockings bother her,
She puts black on her eyes
and knots in her hair
a bit of porcelain on Madeleine's cheeks....
Madeleine contains her hate as much as she can for those who cut her wings
who slyly butcher her
Madeleine swore that even if they were to slit her wrists
she would keep going, Madeleine....
She takes attitudes,
instead of habits,
We don't talk about that femininity...
Madeleine contains her hate as much as she can for those who cut her wings
who slyly butcher her
Madeleine swore that even if they were to slit her wrists
she would keep going, Madeleine....
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
In Ashes
I'm just a figure with uncertain outlines
With a gloomy gaze a tiny bit haughty
I blindly go forward and I'm in a bad mood
A room without a window with a view of my feet
I'm hard-of-hearing due to misunderstandings
And these déjà-vus make me mean
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
How much longer do I have to wait?
I often hear him murmur at night
Taking the silence of the ruined walls as a witness
He promises them beauty but he feels ugly
Next to her photo on the bedside table
I'm hard-of-hearing due to misunderstandings
And these déjà-vus make me mean
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
How much longer do I have to wait?
I don't smoke anymore but I leave in ashes
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
Seen From Here
Seen from here, the earth is mine, but I take on water
That's how the old boats come and go
I'd like to see the earth again
I've been gone for a long time
I'd like to be in winter
And far away from here
I've touched the troughs of waves, the depths of seas
On the swells the wind deviates from its course I let myself be pushed around
I want to finally touch earth
Quietly escape
I'll tell you how to make yourself
Forget everything
I want to finally touch earth
Go back to the port
Show me how
To find the door
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
Scrap Metal
What use are they to me,
My hydrangeas, my primroses, my long ivy vines?
What can I do about it?
I leave them there, to rust on the ground...
What's left?
A bit of pistil, my rose petals,
aren't very many things, your love...
what do you want me to do about it...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
What use are they to me,
Me hydrangeas, my primroses, my long ivy vines?
What can I do about it?
I leave them there, to rust on the ground...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
I left flowers aplenty,
to wilt away on a scrap metal heart, it makes the flowers age badly...
And your heart in a saddlebag, what do you want me to do about it?
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
Her name is Solène
She struts her gene
It sticks to your skin, the gene
Like neoprene
A wool sun
Warms its veins
It spreads and fills you
Solène's gene
Solène's gene
Is a bit unhealthy
A tune that talks of itself
Its ideas get mixed up
A wool sun
Warms its veins
It spreads and fills you
Solène's gene
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
Midnight Lovers
Midnight sounds
and your footsteps echo
I know them better than anyone
That's how time goes by
for midnight lovers
Midnight sounds
the hours surrender themselves
into the arms of an autumn night
That's how life goes
for midnight lovers
At midnight I shiver
and I see how the ghosts
have dwindled my love
My love at midnight it's the moon
that reddens under my pen
Midnight sounds
and the wind hums
a tribute to our kingdom
That's how time goes by
for midnight lovers
That's how life goes
for midnight lovers
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
My Heart Belongs To You
I've felt
The bitterness of your abandonment
Have you ever in your heart, love me?
There will never be an end to
My love for you
As long as my soul is still for you
Don't ever let me
Go back to my past lover
I only want to stay by you
Until you're not able to feel my pulse
The love of my heart can never be
Replace by another
I ever tried to and I felt it before but I'm helpless
Don't ever try to ask for it
Even I, over here, had never been willing
Please guard and strengthen your heart for me
My heart belongs to you
Don't ever let me
Go back to my past lover
I only want to stay by you
Until you're not able to feel my pulse
The love of my heart can never be
Replace by another
I ever tried to and I felt it before but I'm helpless
Don't ever try to ask for it
Even I, over here, had never been willing
Please guard and strengthen your heart for me
My heart belongs to you
My heart belongs to you
My heart belongs to you
Oh My Dear Lady Doesn’t It Appear...
Versions: #3
- Oh my dear lady doesn’t it appear
That the weather is so gorgeous – rare treat…?
- If I may Sir I would say
It is truly a lovely day
And the weather is unusually sweet…
- Oh my dear lady why it just so happens
That this evening is enchanted with surprise?
- Sir it may be just because -
Hard to say without a pause...
But it may be the lovely sparkle in your eyes
- Oh, my dear lady when we are together
All the flowers seem to blossom in the mead
- I will say my dear Sir
It just so happens to occur
That the flowers make this evening feel complete
Oh how pleasant and amusing
That you seem to like me so!
Well, and you are the one that I am choosing…
And so be it! O-o-o!
E.T. (Eva Trussell) aka Vesper Lynd
Pare a fi îmbracată în toate inelele...
fatalităţile trecutului
atât de fragilă şi totuşi atât de înşelătoare
Continuă să vadă,
mâini climatice care apasă
Tâmplele ei şi pieptul meu. intrat în noapte
că a venit acasă... pentru totdeauna
oh (Ea este singura care mă face trist)
Ea este totul şi mai mult
hipnoza solemna
A mea Dalie, scăldat în stăpânire
Ea aste acasă pentru mine
Devin agitat, pervers când o vad, este grav
Dar stresul este ameţitor
Acum or niciodată se va întoarce acasa
Pentru totdeauna
oh (Ea este singura care ma face trist)
Greu de spus ce mi-a captat atenţia
Fixat şi nebun-- Atracţia de Afide (păduchi de plante)
Sculptează-mi numele în faţa mea, să recunosc
Un aşa cult a feromonilor să terorizeze
Nu voi lăsa asta să se adune în mine
Sunt un sclav, şi sunt un stăpân
Nici o reţinere şi, colecţionari necontenit
Exist prin nevoia mea, la auto constrângere
Ea este ceva în mine, pe cere îl dispreţuiesc
Nu voi lăsa asta să se adune în mine
(Ea nu este reala, nu o pot face reala)
if I'm wrong, teach me or maybe this is my view
The World Es Mi Familia (Romanian)
Ladies and gentlemen
Good evening, good night
Good evening, good night
Young women and men
I am with you all tonight
And I bring to you joy
My music is my language
and my family is the world
My music is my language
and my family is the world
My music is my language
and my family is the world
We happen upon each other in the dark again
Yet we'll deny it in the light of day
When I'm with you, I don't know what happens to me
I'm like that with no one else
Are you giving me double? I'm giving you back triple
If your lips hurt, kiss someplace else
Are you giving me double? I'm giving you back triple
If you're out of strength, let me recharge you
But why should we deny it
We're attracted to each other in the light of day, too
With you I feel like doing everything
I've never dared to with someone else
Are you giving me double? I'm giving you back triple
If your lips hurt, kiss someplace else
Are you giving me double? I'm giving you back triple
If you're out of strength, let me recharge you
Is my world
Ladies and gentlemen
Good afternoon, good night
Good afternoon, good night
Ladies and gentlemen
With you tonight
My heart calls you, happiness
This music is my words
And the world is my family
And music is my words
And the world is my family
Music no... Ah
The World Is My Family
Nice to see you everyone
Good afternoon, good evening
Good afternoon, good evening
Nice to see you everyone
It's such a pleasure to sing a song here tonight
Because music is the voice of my heart
Everyone who listens to me is my family
Because music is the voice of my heart
Music is the voice of myー!
Mis traducciones son de uso libre, pero por favor, no las reclames como tuyas. Si tienes alguna petición (de traducciones inglés - español), puedes pedirlo sin miedo.
The Argentinian Family
Let's eat, let's go!
Mom, mom, he took of my straw...
Long live the peace in our home,
children come from studying,
and we sit to drink coffee,
and we smile.
While dad goes to work,
I sing and start to brush down.
My pretty hands can't stand it anymore,
and there's no more cream.
But anyway theres something essential,
that is defending and loving
our argentinian family.
To keep the faith and the moral,
pray and foster
well made couples.
Dad comes without saluting,
I forgot cooking today,
that's why we won't fight,
turn on the TV.
Children know to respect,
they don't have vices nor meanness,
they always use walkmans,
I can't talk to them,
They never listen to me.
They all went to sleep, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
the TV is about to end, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Now there's time to talk,
bring me the news.

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