Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 105
A Hundred Times My Life
A hundred times my life—
my life for you.
I would give
a hundred times my life for you.
I would play it over
for a single word from you
my love—
so much do I hope in you.
A hundred times my life—
my life for you.
I would play it over,
believe me, with eyes closed,
against the hope
that you never forget
all of the love
that you promised to me.
Because it was you,
forget it not,
this stranger who came
to offer me your life
for love—
to offer me love
for life.
My life a hundred times,
without regret,
my heart and me
we gave it to you.
It is a treasure
that belongs only to you,
my love,
never forget it.
A hundred times my life—
my life for you.
I would give
a hundred times my life for you.
I would play it over
for a single word from you
my love—
so much do I believe in you.
And Thanks Anyway
He went away
and yet I love him.
Leave without me.
Go dance.
Good luck
and thanks anyway.
Thanks for thinking about me.
You had expected
to sooth my pain.
Excuse me—
I want to stay.
Save yourself
and thanks anyway.
Thanks for thinking about me.
Even though
he will not come,
I will wait for him
for a long, long time.
Yes, even if
he will not return,
I will wait for him
for a long, long time
because I love him!
How to forget it—
whatever my punishment.
I cannot
detach myself.
Good night
and thanks anyway.
Thanks for thinking about me.
Even though
he will not come,
I will wait for him
for a long, long time.
Yes, even if
he will not return,
I will wait for him
for a long, long time
because I love him!
Only real friends
such as you understand me.
Leave without me.
You're welcome.
Leave me
and thanks anyway.
Thanks for thinking about me.
Leave me
and thanks anyway.
Thanks for thinking about me.
And When You Will Be Here
With its tile roof,
with its clay walls,
she is there so fragile,
offered to the summer winds.
There is in the garden
some thyme, some rosemary—
and just a little further—
Judea trees.
She did not suffer too much
from the rigors of winter.
And you can see her from the sea
at the end of the path—
There it is: my house.
Far on the horizon,
there it is: my house.
She and I wait for you.
And when you will be here,
the sky will light up,
time will stop—
how good to be in love.
And when you will be here,
happiness will blossom
in the branches of lilacs—
in the leaves of orange trees.
You will take my hand
and you will say to me, 'come.'
And I will say nothing,
and then I will follow you.
Yes, when you will be here,
all will start over again.
So do not tarry—
I wait only for you.
I changed the curtains.
I put on top of your piano
old photos
of past vacations.
I arranged in one corner
your papers, your books.
And I will go starting tomorrow
to wait for you on the first train.
And when you will be here,
the sky will light up,
time will stop—
how good to be in love.
And when you will be here,
happiness will blossom
in the branches of lilacs—
in the leaves of orange trees.
You will take my hand
and you will say to me, 'come.'
And I will say nothing,
and then I will follow you.
Yes, when you will be here,
all will start over again.
So do not tarry—
I wait only for you.
And when you will be here,
the sky will light up,
time will stop—
how good to be in love.
It's Your Name
It's your name
that cradles my days and my nights.
It's your name
that chases me everywhere.
It's your name
that mingles with my tears.
It's your name
that interprets my happiness.
It's your name
that makes me now forget
all of the names
that have filled my life.
It's your name
that returns and stubbornly hangs on
in the depths
of my lost dreams.
That has all the powers—
that reflects everything—
from the blue of my hopes
to the gray of my regrets—
and, when inevitably we grow old,
that it will be necessary to remember.
My tired eyes will not see
anything but your name.
It's your name,
whether I'm whispering or screaming.
It's your name
that sleeps under my madness.
It's your name
of which I hear the troubling echo
without reason at the end of all words—
that I will always hear
until my last day—
until my last day.
A Song of the Streets
It's a song of the streets
that tells a story,
that of a stubborn love
that wants to know nothing
about the heart that falls asleep—
about the fire that turns to ash—
about the caresses that you forget
by dint of waiting for them.
A song of the streets—
one more song—
four cents of love—
that I sing
so that you hear me.
A song of love—
a song about
one more love
that I sing
so that you hear it.
The story of a beating heart,
despite the passing time,
that wonders why
all loves are erased—
why the day breaks
when it should not—
and leaves me on the beach
when you—you are no longer there.
A song of the streets—
one more song—
four cents of love—
that I sing
so that you hear me.
A song of love—
a song about
one more love
that I sing
so that you hear it—
so that you hear it—
you hear it.
Andy, it was childhood,
then life
and the mistakes
that take off from the heart.
Andy, when you live.
Andy, if you want to
reverse course,
that's today.
If you regret
our days of defeats—
Andy, me too.
Take this tear fallen from a smile.
The lilacs will bloom again.
Andy, Andy, that's life.
Andy, if you want to
reverse course,
that's today.
We were both close
to the time of regrets.
Andy, my friend.
Take this tear fallen from a smile.
We are going to get back to ourselves.
Andy, Andy, that's life.
Tonight I Lost You
I cry endlessly all of these tears of sorrow.
I claw the walls at night around me.
I cry all alone where I blacken leaves
in the shade of shutters, in the purple heart.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
I had only you.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
Stripped bare, I'm cold without you.
I pace the floor from the bedroom to the living room.
I erase the traces of the unforgettable devil.
I never sleep and, even if that's not true,
be sensitive to my sadness for at least an hour.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
I had only you.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
Stripped bare, I'm cold without you.
I do not want to undo our love
and I grasp for the slightest sound of your return,
and I wring my hands that tremble,
and that keel over to the point of poison—to the point of delirium.
I hit bottom—I do not know how to laugh any longer.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
I had only you.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
Stripped bare, I'm cold.
Tonight I lost you—lost.
I had only you.
Tonight I lost you—oh lost.
Stripped bare, I'm cold without you, without you.
These Moments of My Life
To write—to write
on the walls
'I love you—I love you,
I am sure of it.'
To cry—to cry
in the rain.
To sing—to sing
at midnight.
To run—to run
in the wheat.
To suffer—to suffer
from love of you.
To want—to want
to forget you.
One evening—one evening
to marry you.
These moments of my life
belong to me—
no one but me—
like a photograph
that no one
will take.
The most beautiful memories
are all of those
that I invent myself
for fun.
I loved you.
It is far—it is far.
These moments of my life
belong to me—
no one but me—
like a photograph
that no one
will take.
To write—to write
on the walls
'I love you—I love you,
I am sure of it.'
To cry—to cry
in the rain.
To sing—to sing
at midnight.
These moments of my life
belong to me—
no one but me—
like a photograph
that no one
will take.
To run—to run
in the wheat.
To suffer—to suffer
from love of you.
To want—to want
to forget you.
One evening—one evening
to marry you.
I loved you.
It is far—it is far.
What's the Use, Love
JOHNNY: What's the use, love?
We always tell
insane stories.
What's the use to love?
MIREILLE: Love cannot be explained!
It's a thing like that!
That comes from who knows where
and then takes you all at once.
JOHNNY: Me, I heard it said
that love hurts,
that love makes you cry,
What's the use to love?
MIREILLE: Love, what is it for?
To give us joy
with tears in the eyes.
It is sad and wonderful!
JOHNNY: Yet we often say
that love is deceptive,
that one of the two in love
is never happy.
MIREILLE: Even when we lost it,
the love we have known
leaves behind a taste of honey.
Love is eternal!
JOHNNY: All that is very nice—
but when all is said and done,
nothing is left
except immense disappointment.
MIREILLE: All that right now
seems to you heartbreaking
Tomorrow, it will be for you
a memory of joy!
JOHNNY: In short, if I have understood,
without love in life,
without its joys, its disappointments,
then we have lived for nothing?
MIREILLE: But yes! Look at me!
Every time I believe it—
and I always believe it—
that's exactly it, love!
But you, you are the last!
But you, you are the first!
Before you there was nothing,
with you I am complete.
It is you I wanted!
It is you I needed!
You, whom I will love forever.
That's what love is for!
The New Tango
I am not one for the mambo, samba,
too lively jerk, or the cha-cha-cha.
These dances require too much effort.
Their music—a bit frenetic
and suitable to gymnastics—
is only good if you want to damage your body.
I am for a maximum of unleashing
by using a minimum of movement.
Let others dance as they will—
I am for a refinement that is going to please you.
I am for the new tango—
a model of stillness.
Nothing is in the gesture.
Everything is in style.
Held tight against each other,
the bodies are restrained.
That is the new tango.
That is the old system.
Crammed together in a crowd,
some couples dance.
What are you looking for? To move?
Why move?
Even the orchestra seems muted,
fostering more thoughtfulness
about the dance.
You are not here to be Abel—
rather, you are Cain.
So until tomorrow,
goodbye to that scandal.
You can remain pure—
dance the fandango.
But I am less sure
about the new tango.
Before the fanfare, change partners,
before it's too late.
You can not do it here anymore
No need to count the beat.
Here, we spend without counting the change.
Here, there is no need to shake with each step.
Forget what you do—
watch what you do not.
To be in the know—
at least to do the tango.
Best of all, it is a man,
and it's the new tango.
Best of all, it is a man
who leads you to dance the new tango.
When you go away
When you go away,
because you have to leave some day,
and I've always known that.
When you go away,
don't try
to hold me in your arms.
No, don't say anything to me.
I've been expecting this for so long.
Doing worry, everything will be ok.
But as you leave look at me
and simple smile.
The world will carry on,
the earth won't stop.
When you go away,
neither you or I
will cry about it.
When you go away,
like those great birds who fear the winter
who go far away in search of blue skies.
Go, don't lie to me.
I know very well that sometimes
you are already very far away from me.
Go, follow your own path,
and as for me, I'll follow mine.
The world will carry on,
the earth won't stop.
When you go away,
neither you or I
will die from that.
Numele tău e acela ...
Numele tău e acela
Care îmi leagănă zilele şi nopţile,
Numele tău e acela
Care pretutindeni mă bântuie
Numele tău e acela
Care tocmai se amestecă cu lacrimile mele
Numele tău e acela
Care reflectă fericirea mea!
Numele tău e acela
Care mă face să uit acum
Numele tuturor
Care mi-au umplut viata,
Numele tău e acela
Care se întoarce atârnat cu încăpățânare
În esenţa
Visurilor mele pirdute.
Care cu toată puterea,
Care își asumă riscul
Din dorinţa speranţelor mele
Pe nespusele mele regrete
Iar când vom îmbătrâni
Ar trebui să -ții aminteşti
Ochii mei obosiţi nu vor ști niciodată
Altceva decât numele tău.
Numele tău e acela
Pe care îl şoptesc sau îl strig
Numele tău e acela
Care doarme sub nebunia mea
Numele tău e acela
Al cărui aud tulburătorul ecou
Fără motiv, la sfârşitul tuturor cuvintelor mele,
Îl voi auzi mereu
Până în ultima mea zi,
Până în ultima mea zi.
Dana Kósa
Când vei pleca ...
Fiindcă trebuie să pleci într-o zi
Iar EU ştiu asta dintotdeauna,
Când vei pleca
Nu căuta să mă strângi în braţe!
Nu, nu-mi spune nimic!
Mă aştept la asta de mult timp.
Nu-ţi face griji ! totul va fi bine.
Dar, în timp ce pleci, priveste-mă
Şi zâmbeşte-mi, pur şi simplu.
Lumea va continua,
Pământul nu se va opri
Când vei pleca,
Nici TU, nici EU
Nu vom plange din cauza asta ...
Când vei pleca
Precum acele mari păsări îngheţate
Care se duc departe căutând albastrul.
Pleacă, nu mă minţi !
Ştiu prea bine că, uneori,
TU eşti deja foarte departe de mine.
Pleacă, urmează-ţi calea
Iar EU voi şti, la randul meu, să-mi urmez drumul.
Lumea va continua,
Pământul nu se va opri
Când vei pleca,
Nici TU, nici EU
Nu vom plange din cauza asta ...
Dana Kósa
Teach me
O o o o o ...
o o o o o ...
How can one possibly forget
How can one possibly endure Winter
When one is in the habit of living
In the summer?
And how do I learn to live alone
Without you by my side?
How can we pass
Hours and days
Which now seem years
Without summer?
And how do I get about forgetting
The time we spent together?
You who taught me everything about
Joys of life
Teach me
Teach me
You too taught me
Another way to look at
The world
With the dazzled eyes of a child
And I learnt to walk in life
Forgetting the fury and the noise
From these times of madness
You taught me to love
And to love life
Teach me to forget everything
And to start afresh
To be the one I used to be
And who could
Live without hope
And live without loving
You who taught me everything about
Joys of life
Teach me
Teach me!
You who taught me to love
After having forgotten
Teach me
Teach me!
You who taught me everything
Joys of life
Teach me!
O poveste de iubire
O poveste de iubire
În care fiecare zi devine pentru noi ultima zi,
În care unul poate spune” ne vedem mâine”celui ce-l iubeşte
Şi unul este acolo foarte aproape să privească
Cum viaţa unuia moare.
O poveste de iubire
În care pentru noi cuvântul totdeauna pare prea scurt,
Vezi tu, chiar dacă nouă nu ne-a mai rămas mult timp,
Nu, dragostea mea, tu nu trebuie, nu trebuie să
Plângi pentru mine,
Nu-mi spune „ La revedere”,
Îmi voi închide ochii,
Vino lângă mine,
Şi ţine-mă în braţele tale,
Hai să stăm împreună,
Ţine-mă strâns,
Vezi tu, cred că viaţa mea se stinge,
Spune-mi „Te iubesc!”
O poveste de iubire
Este cântecul oceanului în nopţile de vară,
O amintire care va rămâne pentru totdeauna
Pentru mine, la noapte viaţa mea se sfârşeşe dar dragsotea noastră
Nu se va sfârşi.
O poveste de iubire
Aceasta nu poate muri cu adevărat doar într-o zi,
Nu-ţi lăsa inima să jelească trăind singur,
Trebuie să vezi alte ceruri, alte zile cu soare,
Nu plânge !
O poveste de iubire
Adio, te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Spune-mi adio
Şi apoi du-te
Nu mai este timp
Să-mi spui te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Spune-mi adio
În seara aceasta tu şi eu
Nu mai avem dreptul
De a spune te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Şi tu revii
Este prea tâziu
Din povestea noastră
Nu rămâne nimic
Decât puţină dragoste
Puţin de ales
La lovitura de durere
Este prea târziu, vezi
Pentru a spune te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Totuşi, tu ştii
Dacă ai vrea
Am pleca
Amândoi împreună
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Nu spui nimic
Tu nu vrei obligaţii
Decât puţină plăcere
Să avem împreună
Şi apoi tu vei pleca
Nu mai eşti tu
Mai mult ca niciodată tu
Care mă vei ţine
În interiorul braţelor tale
Deci du-te
Nu mai este timp
Să spun te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Adio, te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Adio, te iubesc
Eu mă căsătoresc mâine
Adio, te iubesc
Bravo, You won
We played our life together
And then on a beautiful day, things turned
We will not end the game together
And everyone goes alone on his side
Bravo, you won, and I lost everything
We loved each other so much, we don't anymore
I was sure of myself, I lived in peace
And with your hand in my hand, I crossed my fingers(with yours)
And all the wickedness of this big city
Did not scare me when you were there
But the dices are thrown, odd pair, red or black
Which one of us is the happiest tonight?
Bravo, you won, and I lost everything
We loved each other so much, we don't anymore
Is this partner your accomplice,
That you chose as my replacement?
There's a law in love, that's like a war
The strongest of us two remains the last
And our beautiful love which ends so badly
Is judged behind closed doors in court
Bravo, you won, and I lost everything
We loved each other so much, we don't anymore
We played our life together
And then on a beautiful day, things turned
We will not end the game together
And everyone goes alone on his side
Bravo, you won, bravo, you won...
He won
And I lost everything
We loved each other
We don't anymore
A very good love
Yet very bad
Is judged behind closed doors...
I've kept the accent
Versions: #2
Yes, I've kept the accent you catch when born
near Marseille
It's the garden garlic, the olive oil, the grapes
of the arbor.
It's the hackberry where schoolboys play,
that a cicada brightens up.
When Pagnol's sea, holding back its waves,
Daydreams into sleep
And dreams of a sailor marrying her
Sea has our accent!
When the Mistral wind whirls the merchants' hair
Paying and wanting to be The Powerfull God.
And which turns the sky bluer than lavender
The wind has our accent!
Yes, I've kept the accent you catch when born
near Marseille
It's dad's farmhouse, honey-coloured walls,
ruby-red tomatoes.
It's the tile on the roof, illuminated by the sunset, as does a bit of
provencal language.
When Daudet's night, on the mills,monts
That screech as they circle,
And when millions of stars teem in the sky
Sea has our accent!
When Giono's summer returns, as sheep climb in the mountains
And holidaymakers laugh while imitating the old
Provencal language,
the world has our accent!
Yes, I've kept the accent you catch when born
near Marseille
It's the accent of the bell tower, the shepherds Christmas
in the night of wonders.
It's Provençal pride, the glory of the Mistral
It's the accent of... Mireille!
Always love
So many steps and so many ways
That take us to the same place
So many dreams we didn't reach
And that make us dream again
So many 'comes and goes'
Vivid life all around
Exists because of love
Every smile that sounds in the world
Turns into a shooting star
That look for future skies
They'll shine during other peaceful night
Love always comes
Love always stays
In the soul of each person
Always love.
Love always comes back
Love always waits
Deep inside of all the things
Always love.
So many sorrows and so many failures
Are the traps that make you doubt
If there is more than one chance
If you can still trust
It dawns although you don't want it to
There are no flags for the sun
That exist because of love
If life doesn't fit in your hand
If light doesn't fit in your eyes
If you don't have battles and wounds
The one loosing the war is you
Love always comes
Love always stays
In the soul of every person
Always love.
Love always comes back
Love always waits
Deep inside of all the things
Always love.
If you hide behind your door
If you cling to loneliness
Your garden will stop blooming
Still it's in your hands
Every new spring
That gifts us with its color
Exists because of love
Every kiss and every word
Kisses being passed and let go
An impression that kisses and talks
That knows to love and to listen
We're always talking about love
We're always looking for love
We're waiting
and dreaming
In the soul of each person
Always love
And we don't see
what we have
Deep inside of all the things
Always love
A furtive tear,
A bit of a rasp in the voice,
Of old hurts in love
Fleeting shadow that passes.
The time that always goes on
And will not return,
That's what they call nostalgia
It's nothing more than a ghost,
It flees from the mirrors
For it wishes to hide,
It flees from the clocks
And becomes suicidal over yesterday.
The memory that defies logic,
Memories that destroy the illusion,
You, ghost selling passion
Don't cheat my heart with nostalgia.
You, ghost selling deception
Don't cheat my heart with nostalgia, no.
You, ghost selling passion
Don't cheat my heart with nostalgia, no.
You, ghost selling deception
Don't cheat my heart with nostalgia.
Acropole, adio !
În seara asta vântul vine de la mare
Septembrie e aici, vara dispare
Și fericirea este trecătoare
Ca florile care deja mor ...
Acropole adio, adio iubire
Trandafirii albi din Ateneu s-au ofilit
Ne-am iubit câteva zile
Acropole, adio !
Seara asta e ultima noastră seară
Mâine dimineață voi pleca
Vei rămâne în amintirea mea
Ca o fericire, ca un regret
Acropole adio, adio iubire
Trandafirii albi din Ateneu s-au ofilit
Ne-am iubit câteva zile
Acropole, adio !
Acropole, adio !
The wind has told me a song
Alone I am in the night
My souls is awake and listening
Oh heart, do you hear, the way it sounds,
How it is singing and hissing in the palm trees?
The wind has told me a song
Of a fortune, so beautiful no words can tell
He knows what my heart is missing
For whom it beats and burns
He knows for whom
Come, come!
The wind has told me a song
Of a heart that I miss
Many times I have been at the sea in the evening
And I hoped -
For what?
I followed coloured birds with my eyes
Alas, my fortune broke
Like glass
The wind has told me a song
Of a fortune, so beautiful no words can tell
He knows what my heart is missing
For whom it beats and burns
He knows for whom
Come, come!
The wind has told me a song
Of a heart that I miss
The wind, the wind
Leaving you
In the east the day already dawns
And a clock that strikes in the distance
He must leave in an hour
I was as happy as a child
For I forgot about reality
Time with him, it was too beautiful
Leaving you
I find so difficult
And my pain
You must forgive
Leaving you
Hurts me so bad
Without your heart
I am alone
Your photo seems so cold and empty
Where's the light that linked us?
Our happiness is now at the end
Yes, this will be [for] a long time
And only in dreams is he with me
And yet I know,
He['ll] return
Leaving you
I find so difficult
And my pain
You must forgive
Leaving you
Hurts me so bad
Without your heart
I am alone
Leaving you
I find so difficult
And my pain
You must forgive
Leaving you
Hurts me so bad
Without your heart
I am alone
Our memories
Without you, night is without lights.
It is said that the land forgets those memories.
Fallen leaves that twirl with my every step.
The past walks with me.
Autumn and its peaceful time
And the city streets made our memories.
I was pretty without knowing it and I'd smile, I was pretty
to love you.
In this sleepy town where our loves stroll
I make a wish and I raise my eyes, my Lord, how he's returning to me.
And me, this morning that dawns
I'd like for him to become one of our memories
For the story one day lost at life's corner
Starts anew today.
I see you come to me, perhaps I'm dreaming.
Perhaps you're here, this time, so, I want to tell you.
Take me, the future will be sweet.
I only waited for you throughout each night.
We embrace to erase all our memories.
Everything begins today.
Come to my street
When the blues goes round in hour head,
come to my town, come to my street.
When friends and lovers are grumpy,
come to my town, come to my street.
There's blue sky awaiting in my street,
with a bouquet of sunshine on top,
and that gives a festive feel
to my street every day.
When you're down and your heart capsizes,
come to my town, come to my street.
Who knows, maybe you'll find
the love you need in my street.
There are songs and washing at the windows.
Come to my town, come to my street.
It flaps in the wind like on a celebration day.
Come to my town, come to my street.
There are kids in my street
who catch the sun to dazzle you
and do sound and light shows,
though they go barefooted.
They will be proud to parade behind you.
Come to my town, come to my street.
Maybe someday, together with them you'll see
the girl who's already waiting for you.
She's long been waiting for you to come.
Come to my town, come to my street.
The waiting makes the days drag like weeks.
Come to my town, come to my street.
And this girl, like a lost child,
loves you more with each passing day,
and she cries at her window
as they dance in the street.
Dance with her like all lovers do.
Come to my town, come to my street.
And then, as you dance, maybe you'll realize
this girl who loved you was me.
Dance with me, since you're the one I love.
Come to my town, come to my street.
And I'm sure you'll realize as you dance
that this loving girl is me indeed.
It's me indeed, it's me indeed!
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
The colour of gold
Beginning again
Clearing a whole past
Finding again with you
My olden fervors
All from zero
Oh... being a pretty woman again
In spite of what I know,
forgetting precaution,
To set upon the adventure which passes by,
like others go to the Mars Planet,
What is attracting me?
What makes me run?
It is the colour of gold,
Of the Fire that makes your eyes shine.
It is the colour of gold,
Of the sun drowned into plenty of blue,
It is the colour of gold,
That warms my heart again
And that gives to my love
Oh...the colour of gold.
I 'd want to say to you :
I'd want to know how to write
The warm and the cold
You blow on me.
Finding the echo
Oh...of my hands, of my words,
Closing my eyes,
Seing only both of us
And setting upon the adventure which passes by,
like others go to Mars Planet,
Running after
What makes me run?
It is the colour of gold,
Of the Fire that makes your eyes shine.
It is the colour of gold,
Of the sun drowned into plenty of blue,
It is the colour of gold,
That warms my heart again
And that gives to my love
Oh...the colour of gold. (twice)
Of the Fire that makes your eyes shine.
It is the colour of gold,
Of the sun drowned into plenty of blue,
It is the colour of gold,
That warms my heart again
And that gives to my love
Oh...the colour of gold.
Be happy
Be happy,
Be happy,
Be happy,
During your whole life.
For the joys I owe you,
For so many roses,
For our tendernesses of yesterday
and the ones which will come,
I wish you, from the bottom of my heart
Your heart can hope
Without telling me.
Be happy,
To the bottom of your soul.
Be happy,
Until the beginning of the night.
That hope
Stay for ever with you.
Be happy,
During your whole life.
And even if winter would come
On our caresses
Or if you would leave me
For another lover
I would live all the hells
of sadness.
But retaining my tears,
I'd tell you:
Be happy,
To the bottom of your soul.
Be happy,
Until the beginning of the night.
That hope stay for ever with you.
Be happy during your whole life.
Be happy during your whole life.
Be happy during your whole life.
Be happy,
Be happy,
Be happy,
During your whole life.
Freedom over the Atlantic
People fought in France and America
to build her, a hundred years ago.
Freedom over the Atlantic
defies time itself.
It was a gift from Marianne
Bartholdi's and Eiffel's statue
in the heart of the world
waves lapping at her feet
I pray, I shout
for Freedom.
Just like you, I believe
in Freedom.
A quiet island
where everything might change.
I want to dream
of a secure island.
Her arm that raises the torch,
hatred could carry it away.
Freedom is a banner
that is hard to bear.
Freedom lightens up the world,
but the world keeps its eyes shut
in the prison of fear and shadows.
I live, I write
for Freedom.
The Earth put its hopes
in Liberty.
Come hell or high water,
I want to sing
that we found again today.
THe pice of a life
is Freedom.
Welcome Freedom
For mankind,
my fragile island.
Frontiers are about to vanish
as they meet
the same Freedom
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Sfântă Maria a mării
Fecioară ce te uiți la mare
Sfântă Maria
Cu mantia ta de cer albastru
Sfântă Maria
Mamă a copilului Dumnezeu
Gândește-te la noi
Și la durerile mute pe care
Le spun ochii mei
O ploaie mănoasă
Sfântă Maria
Dă-ne grâu pe câmp
Mii de flori de asemenea
Și ocrotește-ne mereu
Sfântă Maria
Dă-ne toată dragostea ta
Și lumina cerului
Fecioară de bună iubire
Dacă ei te imploră
Și te roagă cu așa pasiune
Tu îi ajuți
Mamă a copilului Dumnezeu
Pentru că povestea ta
Este povestea multor suflete
Care sunt credincioase
O ploaie mănoasă
Sfântă Maria
Dă-ne grâu pe câmp
Mii de flori de asemenea
Și ocrotește-ne mereu
Sfântă Maria
Dă-ne toată dragostea ta
Și lumina cerului
O ploaie mănoasă
Sfântă Maria
Dă-ne grâu pe câmp
Mii de flori de asemenea
Și ocrotește-ne mereu
Sfântă Maria
Dă-ne toată dragostea ta
Și lumina cerului
Dă-ne toată dragostea ta
Și lumina cerului
Like Two Trains In The Night
You come and you go
If I cry sometimes
You don't see me
You look elsewhere
Yet, we loved each other
But life is life
We two have nothing any more
No desires, no wants. . .
We're here like two trains in the night
We're here like two trains. . .that's life. . .
Who drive on the same tracks
Who run through the same tunnel
Two trains who enter the station
Every evening, every evening, every evening
And I'm caught in a trap
The hours go round in circles
The carousel horses
Have cardboard hearts
In the hollows of our bed
Boredom's moved in
And love forgets us
It's over, really over
We're here like two trains in the night
We're here like two trains. . .that's life. . .
Who drive on the same tracks
Who run through the same tunnel
Two trains who enter the station
Every evening, every evening, every evening
La la la. . .
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word'.
Paris of a Hundred Years Ago
Paris of a hundred years ago
Yes, that was a real Paris!
There, you could experience
How beautiful life is!
Come with me on the journey into the past
For you to get amused
And learn what happiness is
Paris of a hundred years ago
Yes, that was a time!
Because all our worries live only till tomorrow
Live only till the day after tomorrow
Because nobody can tell
Who we happen to kiss tonight
Who we happen to kiss tonight in Paris!
Paris of a hundred years ago
Yes, that was a real Paris!
There, you could experience
How beautiful life is!
An evening in the casino begins with champaign
Here's something to look at
The best-looking women and gentlemen
Who are bold enough
To dance cancan tonight!
Because all our worries live only till tomorrow
Live only till the day after tomorrow
Because nobody can tell
Who we happen to kiss tonight
Who we happen to kiss tonight in Paris!
Paris of a hundred years ago
Yes, that was a real Paris!
There, you could experience
How beautiful life is!
There was a greatest freedom in a smallest studio
And it joyfully and peacefully went on for days on end
Drink with me for love and for Paris, Monsieur!
Paris of a hundred years ago
It only in the memory now
But all its songs
Keep ringing out
So like a hundred years ago
Paris stays forever young!
The American
I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
In a suburb of London
While speaking Indian
To a Chinese who is stunned
To be so far...
The time of a burst of laughter
The time past is not far
Help me to remind myself
That all is well
There's sunshine in the windows
Birds in the garden
And perhaps you hear them
Because i know nothing of them
I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
At a Broadway terrace
In a Berlin cafe
You will speak Japanese
To a Brazilian
The time of a passing song
The time past isn't far
Help me to make a face
Give me your hand
It's raining on the capital
And the rain is from sorrow
You've got your name in the stars
I see it wwll
As I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
In a neighborhood in Harlem
Or a square in Austria
I'll hear myself say 'I love you'
In American