Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 104
The Planes, the Birds
The planes that return at night
are the most beautiful, the planes, the birds
The loves that last an entire lifetime
are the most beautiful, the loves, the birds
The children who kiss in the rain
are the most beautiful, the children, the birds
and all these things make me think of you
I'm all alone like a child, a bird
Oh oh oh hum hum hum
When you come back, you come back
The lovebirds are always cold
When you're here, you're here
you'll be sorry but...
don't say anything
The suns that light up at midnight
are the most beautiful, the suns, the birds
The blue trains that return from Italy
are the most beautiful, the blue trains, the birds
Oh oh oh hum hum hum
When you come back, you come back
the lovebirds are always cold
When you're here, you're here
you'll be sorry but...
don't say anything
When you're here, you're here
you'll be sorry but...
don't say anything
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
I owe you my love and my very life
You're the one who
gave me the strength and desire to live again.
You're the one who
found the words that soothe and set free.
You gave me back
the hope I had lost deep inside
and the sun I could no longer see.
Without you I would be no more.
My heart beats only thanks to you.
I owe you my love and my very life.
You're the one who
gave me my reason for being.
You're the one who
proved I could believe in my good fortune.
I don't know
what you might be wishing for with all your heart,
what you would consider the greatest happiness.
Ask me anything,
I'll do whatever you want.
I owe you my love and my very life.
~ ~
Ask me anything,
I'll do whatever you want.
I owe you my love and my very life.
Oh yeah
I owe you my love and my very life.
I owe you my love and my very life.
I owe you my love and my very life.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Violence, the kind that kills with words
It's in the eyes of a lost dog without a collar,
in the heart of a man humiliated by a woman.
It's in the city, plastered on the walls,
idiotic slogans whispered by people.
And in the poor child as he watches his father going away,
in the searing memory of the love he's being deprived of.
It's in the voice, it's in the gestures.
You only have to whisper about it, and it will do the rest!
Violence, the kind that kills with words
Violence, the kind that shoots you down with a camera
Violence, the kind that won't say its name,
that will never be sorry
that murders in silence...
It's printed on an immigrant passport
It's displayed on photo prints,
it's in the fear, it's in the cry,
in the eye of the victor and in his contempt.
It's in the hand of the one who expects it less.
Yesterday or tomorrow, it's still there.
The distant friendship, the hurtful pity,
there it holds true to all its promises.
It dwells in mud,
gossips and lie.
It's inside every one of us,
like a disease eating at us:
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
A last loving word
Versions: #2
Maybe what I'm writing
is much more than a letter,
rather a message
following a shipwreck.
In the great silence
I'm calling for help,
and so I utter
a last loving word.
You, the impossible child,
the impossible dream,
my reason for being,
my love madness
You, through whom I exist
You, the only artist
who could make
my sad Pierrot heart dance
Maybe you'll laugh
as you read my letter,
this cry of distress
written by my tenderness.
I don't care, I love you,
and that's quite enough
to send you anyway
a last loving word.
You, the inscrutable
You, the irreplaceable,
more handsome than the Devil,
more distant than God
You, my bleeding wound
You, without whom
the joy in my eyes and the fire in my veins
go out
Maybe you'll laugh
as you read my letter,
this cry of distress
written by my tenderness.
I don't care, I love you,
and that's quite enough
to send you anyway
a last loving word.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Live your life
I know she is prettier than me
That her dreams are not mine
That her smile is that of angel
Who knows how to make men cry
I know that in your eyes
Burns the look of a man on love
I know
I know that after a few years
You may feel like getting away
I know she's not responsible for that
That all the blame is on you
I know you forget me sometimes
But please, don't talk about it
I know
Live your life but don't go
Even if your love is elsewhere
You must come back to me
Live your life but don't leave me
I'll invent some happiness
You'll see, we'll forget
I know I shouldn't
Speak about her
And it hurts me so much
To spend nights waiting for you
And never will you enquire
Whether I slept or I cried
If I was in need of sreaming
You know
Live your life but don't go
Even if your love is elsewhere
You must come back to me
Live your life but don't leave me
I'll invent some happiness
You'll see, we'll forget
I know love is too strong
I know that still better than you
I know she's younger than me
That she has an aura of storms
But you must remember
That for you I was the most beautiful
Live your life but don't go
Even if your love is elsewhere
You must come back to me
Live your life but don't leave me
I'll invent some happiness
You'll see, we'll forget
(Live your life) but don't go
Even if your love is elsewhere
You must come back to me
Live your life but don't leave me
I'll invent some happiness
You'll see, we'll forget
Live your life but don't go
A mea convingere!
Da eu cred că o viață se naște
Cu un mesaj de iubire
Da eu cred , că a mea se intrezereste
Începând din astă zi
Da eu cred , toate mesajele de dragoste
Ce tu le creezi pentru mine
DA, eu cred tot ceea ce tu îmi trasmiti
Căci eu , cred în tine !
La fel de adevărat , ..că putină dragoste
Face lumea a se schimba
Cum adevărat e că ai tăi ochii
Sunt unica-mi lumină
Cum adevărat e că viața-mi se învârte
În jurul clipelor noastre de fericire
Da eu cred, că zilele-mi așteptau
Doar o vorba de iubire de la tine
Eu cred, că toată dragostea de pe pământ este (a mea)
Atunci când ești alături de mine
Eu crezut-am de fiece dată când tu mă cuprinzi în brațe
Da eu încredere am, că noi putem construi
O lume în însemnul iubirii
Da , eu cred că noi vom face
Acest tărâm al nostru, în fiece zi
Da , eu credință am că vom amesteca
Ale noastre lacrimi , și bucurii
Însă eu cred, că iubesc
Viața , de trăit-am alături de tine am s-o fac !!
La fel de adevărat , ..că putină dragoste
Face lumea a se schimba
Cum adevărat e că ai tăi ochii
Sunt unica-mi lumină
Cum adevărat e că viața mi se învârte
În jurul clipelor noastre de fericire
Da eu cred, că zilele-mi așteptau
Doar o vorba de iubire de la tine
Eu cred, cred că toată dragostea de pe pământ a mea este
Atunci când ești alături de mine
Eu crezut-am de fiece dată când tu mă cuprinzi în brațe
Da eu cred!!!!
It snowed in Mykonos
I have just returned to Paris
And I can not help but
To tell you that my heart is gray
Far from the Mediterranean
My letter may be useless
But let me remember
Our love in the hollow of this island
Where mills sing summer
I do not know if you will believe me
Yet the day after your departure
The sun has disappeared
It snowed in Mykonos
The old fishermen had never seen that
They were all as surprised as me
A late summer day
It snowed on Mykonos
You should not have left me
It was snowing on white boats
And I can not accept
That nothing is more like before
That's what I wrote to you
That's how you left
Old mills with sad wings
Still remember today
I do not know if you will believe me
Yet the day after your departure
For the first time
It snowed in Mykonos
A beautiful love for a late summer
So many memories I had
Just a few words, you see
It snowed in Mykonos
It snowed in Mykonos
It snowed in Mykonos
O o o o o ...
o o o o o ...
Cum facem să uităm
să suportăm iarna
când eram obișnuiți
cu vara?
Și cum să trăiesc singură
fără tine lângă mine ?
Cum putem face să treacă
ore și zile
lungi acum ca anii
fără vară?
Și cum să uităm
cum trecea timpul ?
O, tu care m-ai învățat totul
din bucuriile vieții,
te rog
învață-mă !
Și tu m-ai învățat
să mai privesc altfel
cu ochii uimiți ai copilului,
mă găsesc mergând în viață,
uitând de furia și zgomotul
acestor vremuri de nebunie.
M-ai învățat să iubesc
și să iubesc viața.
Învață-mă să uit totul
și să încep din nou
să fiu cea care eram
și care putea
trăi fără speranță
și trăi fără iubire.
Tu care m-ai învățat totul
din bucuriile vieții,
învață-mă !
Tu care m-ai învățat să iubesc,
învață-mă să te uit,
te rog
învață-mă !
Tu care m-ai învățat totul
din bucuriile vieții,
învață-mă !