Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 40
My Turkey
Treason infiltrated my heroic nation,Pain and hate in every single heart,
My enemies are not brave, all of them are craven,
Turk has no friend but the Turk!
Let's enthuse with principles that Atatürk gave us
Let's run to the aims he pointed
My Turkey, my Turkey, my heaven
My unique nation
My Ata1, the leader of the Turkishness and the youth
This great homeland is your work
We follow your footsteps nationally, enthused with love
May you live long Republic, oh sacred homeland!
Let's enthuse with principles that Atatürk gave us
Let's run to the aims he pointed
My Turkey, my Turkey, my heaven
My unique nation
- 1. Father, Atatürk
September 17
I let out a sigh as I open my eyes again todayWhy did I do that yesterday?
I couldn’t tell you the words I prepared
Like a fool, with a hesitating face
I couldn’t say anything, stupidly
My hidden heart
Is growing bigger
When I see you
Like a child,
I’m getting smaller again
(I draw you out) in an empty room, not able to sleep
(Tossing and turning), imagining I’m with you
As I fall asleep, though you don’t know
Some day, I want to tell you my aching heart
As if it’s nothing, I want to hold your hand
I’m dreaming again, that I’m laying next to you
I’m laying in your arms, you’re closing your eyes, so sweet
In my dreams, your breath tickles me, always so soft
I’m afraid to wake up from being with you
Do you feel the same way as me?
Or do you just
Wanna be friends? Like a habit,
With every little thing you say
I’m laughing or thinking about it alone
My hidden heart
Is getting farther from you,
The deeper my feelings get
I have a small wish
Ever since I first saw you
(I draw you out) in an empty room, not able to sleep
(Tossing and turning), imagining I’m with you
As I fall asleep, though you don’t know
Some day, I want to tell you my aching heart
As if it’s nothing, I want to hold your hand
Should I be brave? Should I approach you more?
Do you feel the same way?
I hope this song will be our beginning
(Always you’re mine)
Even if it’s not now, I don’t care, (Whenever it is)
I want to be in your heart
Some day, I want to tell you my aching heart
As if it’s nothing, I want to hold your hand
The Goddess
A Goddess lives deep inside me.She has withdrawn from this world.
She seldom raises her voice,
That allows me to produce a poem.
She's delicate like a butterfly,
No one may touch her.
When you catch her in a net,
It can lead to her death.
Only in dreams
Do beauty and poetry come to life.
Your imagination must be free,
And you need your space to live.
The Heart Doesn't Renounce
Mountains have renounced snowVineyards have renounced pomegranate
The heart doesn't renounce the love
Halay*has renounced Bar*
Fire has renounced the warm
The heart doesn't renounce the lover
Nightingale has renounced the rose
The sun has renounced the day
The heart doesn't renounce you
My body has renounced the head
My soul has renounced the flesh
My heart doesn't renounce you
My heart doesn't renounce the lover
Hai, haiȘtirile despre despărțire
Au ieșit în sfârșit, ups
Oprește-te aici
Eventual, a venit timpul
E timpul să te las să pleci
Gata, sunt gata, sunt gata, hei!
Mi-am fluturat mâna
Ți-am dat un sărut de adio
Și am gustat o lacrimă
Pentru că această idioțenie murdară
De a nu fi prins
Am pretins că sunt calmă
Mă întrebi dacă sunt ok
Pretinzi că nu știi și întrebi iar
Măcar crezi că are vreun sens?
Întrebi dacă sunt bine, bine
Ce crezi? Bine
Chiar întrebi pentru că nu știi?
Ești atât de tipic, ești la fel
Nu e posibil ca să te fi schimbat
Ai pretins până la sfârșit că ești mult mai bun
Suntem așa tipici
Nu e posibil ca asta să se termine bine
Această despărțire e așa un tărăboi
Nu am nimic să-ți spun
Nu te apropia
Te urăsc
Înnebunesc din cauza ta
Eventual, a venit timpul
E timpul să te las să pleci
Gata, sunt gata, sunt gata, hei!
Furia de
A-mi înghiți lacrimile
Vine, făcându-mă să plâng
Întrebi dacă sunt bine, bine
Ce crezi? Bine
Chiar întrebi pentru că nu știi?
Ești atât de tipic, ești la fel
Nu e posibil ca să te fi schimbat
Ai pretins până la sfârșit că ești mult mai bun
Suntem așa tipici
Nu e posibil ca asta să se termine bine
Această despărțire e așa un tărăboi
Pretinzând că ai tot, pretinzând că ești drăguț
Pretinzând că ești ok, în fiecare moment, de fiecare dată
Sunt minciuni, minciuni
Atât e greu de crezut, atât de greu de crezut
Hei, dă-mi bunurile mele
Dă-mi bunurile mele
Mă întrebi dacă sunt ok
Pretinzi că nu știi și întrebi iar
Măcar crezi că are vreun sens?
Întrebi dacă sunt bine, bine
Ce crezi? Bine
Chiar întrebi pentru că nu știi?
Ești atât de tipic, ești la fel
Toate chestiile pe care le-am făcut
Întotdeauna s-au transformat în vina mea
De acum, te voi înjura
Și orice fac
Nu-mi va părea rău
Știrile despre despărțire
Au ieșit în sfârșit, ups
Oprește-te aici
Eventual, a venit timpul
E timpul să te las să pleci
Gata, sunt gata, sunt gata, hei!
Mort pe Dinauntru
Admira un milion de rugaciuni,Si trage-ma in sfintenia ta
Dar nu e nimic acolo
Lumina straluceste doar de la cei ce impart
dezlantuie un milion de trantori
Si limiteaza-ma apoi sterge-ma, iubire,
Tu n-ai suflet?
E ca si cum a murit cu mult timp in urma
Buzele tale sunt calde la atingere
Tu ma poti readuce la viata
Pe dinafara esti inflacarat si in viata
Dar esti mort pe dinauntru
esti liber sa atingi cerul
In timp ce eu sunt strivita si imprastiata in aer
Pentru ca tu ai nevoie de control
Acum sunt eu cea care renunta
tie iti place sa dai un centimentru
In timp ce eu iti dau infinitatea
Dar acum nu mi-a mai ramas nimic ...
Tu n-ai nici o grija iar eu sunt privata de iubire
Pielea ta pare calda la mangaiere
Vad magie in ochii tai
Pe dinafara esti inflacarat si in viata
Dar esti mort pe dinauntru
Simte-ma acum
tine-ma in brate, te rog
Am nevoie sa vad cine sunt
confeseaza-te mie
Nu te mai ascunde de mine
Ma doare!
Doar tu poti opri durerea
Nu ma lasa afara in frig
Nu ma lasa afara sa mor
Ti-am dat tot
Nu mai am ce-ti da mai mult
Acum am devenit ca tine
Buzele sunt calde la atingere
Dar cuvintele mele par atat de pline de viata
Pielea mea e calda la mangaiere
Voi controla si hipnotiza
M-ai invatat sa mint fara sa clipesc
Si sa omor fara remuscare
Pe dinafara sunt cea mai de treaba
Acum sunt moarta pe dinauntru
Museum (Art Gallery)
Which painting do you like?Do you like the prettiest and most colorful ones?
Bashfully, you can't keep your eyes off the scarlet colored paints
I don't notice this kind of painting
I don't notice paintings that make me feel like I'm floating
To be honest, I don't know one thing about art
I'll be outside, look at it more
I always have many angles
And you have many round colorful ones too
The pretty child(1) who's a bit sad
He feels down because of me
He's looking at the painting with tears in his eyes
I like pretty paintings
I don't notice the dark and painful ones
I like stories about the lover of the artist
It's romantic
Why does that painting of a tree look so painful?
Is it because our lives hurt too?
We'll hang it up later
I always have many angles
And you have many round colorful ones too
The pretty child who's a bit sad
He's hurt because of me
He leaves and walks into the street with tears in his eyes
Where do we come from?
Maybe this paintbrush knows
If we keep on painting
It's already spreading, spreading, spreading, spreading
It's a boring day
I always have many angles
And you have many round colorful ones too
The pretty child who's a bit sad
He feels down because of me
He's looking at the painting with tears in his eyes
The world is strange
Do you say lover love from the heartLove again and get hit?
I am wounded already ...very helpless
I spent my years for you unavailingly
My love deeply
Deeply I had loved you
You weren't worth of my innocent love
Did the evil eye look at our passionate love
Our love
We suddenly became enemies to one another
We became enemies to one another in one moment
They got into your system and took you from me
They drank from your lips you trusted the words of strangers
They told you I was bad
In this world...this strange world
Everything is strange a person loving is strange
Did the evil eye look at our passionate love
My eyes are filled with tears
Filled and emptied again
This heart of mine has burned it has burned
It is alone
It dreams about being with your love
My destiny just stayed crying for you
Suffering is what my destiny became
What other sin do I have except of loving you
Tell me what sin do I have...