Rezultatele căutării pagină 51
Număr de rezultate: 2698
Post Punk
My flyer read: 'bass player wanted for a post punk band'
but it wasn't a post punk band that got back to me.
He showed up on time at the A-line subway stop,
he brought me a record by GoGoGo Airheart.
He was shy and grim, he was twice my age
and a shit job, but he wrote for [bleeped out].
He wanted to establish a record company, he'd get me in touch.
Not even six days later, the first letters and texts.
See, Niccolò, people are not the job they have
the clothes they wear, the shoes they put on, the things they own.
This is why I don't see myself in this society
Do Not Play With Love
You ought not to play,
play with love.
You can lose your heart,
you ought not to play.
Oh-oh, you ought not to try.
It's a risk to kiss.
You can lose your heart
when you play with love.
(I ought not to play!)
You can play
as you wish
and your beautiful dreams,
your hopes
of reality—
what you have,
what you can
with love.
No, do not try!
(I ought not to play!)
Oh-oh, you ought not to play,
play with love.
It's foolish to try,
you can lose your heart.
(I ought not to play!)
You ought not to play,
play with love.
It's foolish to try,
you ought not to play,
(I ought not to play),
you ought not to play,
(I ought not to play),
oh, you ought not to play, uh-uh, uh-uh
I ought not to play...
Într-o seară minunată
Într-o seară minunată, ai putea vedea o străină,
Ai putea vedea o străină într-o cameră aglomerată,
Şi cumva ştii, ştii chiar atunci,
Că undeva o vei vedea iar şi iar.
Într-o seară încântătoare , cineva ar putea să râdă,
Tu ai putea auzi râsul ei din partea opusă a unei camere aglomerate,
Şi noapte după noapte, la fel de ciudat cum pare,
Sunetul râsului ei va cânta în visele tale.
Cine poate explica asta, cine-ţi poate spune de ce?
Nebunii îţi dau motive, bărbaţii înţelepţi nu încearcă niciodată.
Într-o seară minunată, când găseşti adevărata ta dragoste,
Când o simţi că te cheamă din partea opusă a unei camere aglomerate,
Atunci zboară lângă ea şi fă-o a ta,
Sau toată viaţa ta ai putea visa singur singurel.
Odată ce ai găsit-o, niciodată nu o lăsa să plece,
Odată ce ai găsit-o, niciodată nu o lăsa să plece.
Telling Diamond from the Rest - Is It True Love
Is it true love?
Not saying I don't like you
Some part of me just doesn't wanna admit it
Is it true love?
Once I fall in love, I can't go back
I'm afraid of that, too
Folding before the game gets too serious
I thought I'd gotten over the pain
Funny that I'm still scared
Is it true love?
I'm not a child
Fine-tuning the screenplay of romance
Nailing every scene with finesse
If I want to be that actress
Maybe now's my chance
Maybe you're the one
Try telling diamond from the rest
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
Tell me, is this the real thing?
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
This takes skills
Is it true love?
He appears, a little younger than me
Not my type but
His high IQ is sexy
That's my weak spot
What jumps over the invisible walls around me is
A dry, witty conversation
Is it true love?
I want to be polished
Bagging both love & success
Playing every scene with style
If I wish to be that actress
Maybe now's my chance
Maybe you're the one
Wake up the diamond inside you
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
Our time is fleeting
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
A rose-scented sigh
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
Tell me, is this the real thing?
Is it true love?
Is it true love?
A rose-scented sigh
Nu-i nimic, asta e! (traducere Florian Pittis)
Versions: #1
Ei la ce bun sa intrebi de ce iubito
Daca n-ai aflat deja
Pai si la ce bun sa intrebi de ce iubito
Acum tot n-ar mai conta.
Cand cocosii tai vor canta in zori
Pe geam te uita eu sunt calator
Tu esti devina ca ma pierd din nou in nori
Dar nu-i nimic, asta e!
Ei si la ce bun sa aprinzi acum lumina
Cea de care n-am aflat
Ei si la ce bun sa aprinzi acum lumina
Drumul meu e-ntunecat.
Dar dorea cumlit sa fi gasit ceva de spus
O vorba buna ce oricum n-ar fi indeajuns
Timp de vorbe multe pentru noi n-au fost-ndeajuns
Dar nu-i nimic, asta e!
Ei si la ce bun sa ma mai strigi pe nume
Nu te-am mai auzit,
Ei si la ce bun sa ma mai strigi pe nume
Nu te aud am asurzit.
Dar ma tot framant si ma gandesc pe calea mea
Iubeam, o femei, biet copil imi spunea
Eu inima i-am dat dar ea sufletu-mi dorea
Dar nu-i nimic, asta e!
Si deci, deci adio,
Unde plec, hm, pai nu prea stiu
Dar pe curand nu-i bun iubito, Nu...
Un adio e mai viu.
Nu, nu-i timp acum
De vreun 'imi fac repros'
Puteai tu multe dar ce folos
Tu mi-ai cheltuit anii mei cei mai frumos
Dar nu-i nimic, asta e!
Dar nu-i nimic, asta e!
But don't think twice, it's alright.
Red Berries
Red berries
Fall down into water
People are saying
That I lack beauty
Beauty, beauty
If I had you
I would get a boy
The one I would want (x2)
Although I lack beauty
I have a pure heart
I won't marry you
I don't want just anybody
I won't marry you
I have self-respect
Just anybody
may not kiss my hand
Mommy once told me
Little daughter, my dear
You do have a fortune
Why do you need beauty?
They don't have a fortune
But they do have beauty
That's where the boys go
As if for living water
Mommy, daddy,
I am your little daughter
Buy me a bead necklace
(hanging) Down to the waist
Down to the waist
Down to the ground
I am your little daughter
Only until autumn (x2)
Aluś, Aluś
You are my little daughter
You will for sure not marry
Such scum
Such scum
Who doesn't have a bead necklace
He's a broke ass
The barn falls apart
Father-in-law, father-in-law
Although I have bare feet
The heart I have full
A noble, but poor
The sack I have empty
But the heart I have full
We will live long
The daughter I will love (x2)
La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La
Red berries
Fall down into water
People are saying
That I lack beauty
Beauty, beauty
Although I didn't have you
Good God gave the boy
The one I wanted (x2)
I Dug, I Dug a well
I dug, I dug a well
For two Sundays, two
Loved a Kozak a young maiden
For the people - not for myself
Oh, pity, pity
O I'll get it - the people will take her away
The people will take her - she will not be mine!
Oh, pity, pity!
Not a little did I love the maiden from her youth
Loved - the maiden from her youth
Loved but did not take her!
And already from that well
Eagles drink the water ...
And already my little girl
They lead her into marriage.
Oh, pity, pity
O I'll get it - the people will take her away
The people will take her - she will not be mine!
Oh, pity, pity!
Not a little did I love the maiden from her youth
Loved - the he maiden from her youth
Loved but did not take her!
One leads her by the hand,
The second - by the sleeve,
The third stands, weeping bitterly -
I Loved, but did not take her!
Oh, pity, pity
The people will take her - she will not be mine!
Oh, pity, pity!
Not a little did I love the maiden from her youth
Loved - the he maiden from her youth
Loved but did not take her!
I dug, I dug a well
For two Sundays, two
Loved a Kozak young maiden
For the people - not for myself
Oh, pity, pity
O I'll get it - the people will take her away
The people will take her - she will not be mine!
Oh, pity, pity!
Not little did I love the maiden from her youth
Loved - the he maiden from her youth
Loved but did not take her!
Oh, pity, pity
O I'll get it - the people will take her away
People will take her -
She won't be mine!
Oh,piy, pity!
Not a little did I love the maiden from her youth
Loved - the maiden from her youth
Loved but did not take her!
Oh, pity, pity
Frunzele tomnatice
Versions: #1
Frunzele căzânde pe la fereastră-mi -
Focoase, aurii, frunze veștejind...
Buzele-ți sunt săruturi ale verii pe sfârșit,
Mâinile-ți cu bronz ce-obișnuiam să le țin.
De cand plecași, zilele cu greu curg.
Curând voi auzi al iernii vechi cânt.
De tine mi-e cel mai dor, suflet drag
Când frunze tomnatice încep să cad'...
De tine mi-e cel mai dor, suflet drag
Când frunze tomnatice încep să cad'...
N-ar trebui să-mi fie teamă. Teama este călăul oricărei minți. Teama este micro-moartea ce aduce o anihilare completă. Eu îmi voi înfrunta temerile! Iî voi permite să treacă peste mine și prin mine, iar atunci când va fi plecat, voi căuta drumul ochiului interior. Oriunde pleacă teama, nu rămâne nimic în urmă.
Numai eu rămân în picioare.
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If I'm with you
My heart is paralyzed
The strength of my body escapes
And my breath dyes of pink
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Why are you hesitating?
Saying unsuitable words
The clock is spinning
I want to become honey
My mood depends on you
Why don't you kiss me?
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Let's get out of the store
I want to be the two of us alone
Come with me
I know you have
Somebody else
But for tonight
You're completely mine
Loving each other is wonderful
Loving each other is wonderful
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Lenevind într-o după-amiază însorită
Controlorul fiscal mi-a luat toţi banii
şi m-a lăsat în casa mea impunătoare
lenevind într-o după-amiază însorită
Şi nu-mi pot vinde iahtul
Moartea unui clovn
Machiajul meu e uscat şi se crapă-n bărbie
îmi înec tristeţile în whiskey şi gin
biciul dresorului de lei nu mai plesneşte
leii nu mai luptă şi tigrii nu mai rag
Aşa că hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Nu mă poate ajuta careva să sparg coroana asta?
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Bătrâna ghicitoare e-ntinsă pe podeaw
nimeni nu mai are nevoie să i se spună destinul
Antrenorul de insecte e crăcit pe genunchi
şi se uită frenetic după purici fugiţi
Aşa că hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Nu mă poate ajuta careva să sparg coroana asta?
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Am văzut-o într-un club din Soho
unde beai şampanie
cu gust de cola cu cireşe [versiune LP: Coca-Cola]
c-o-l-a, cola
Ea a venit spre mine şi mi-a cerut să dansez,
am întrebat-o de nume şi într-o voce şaten-brunetă mi-a zis 'Lola'
L-o-l-a, Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Ei bine, nu-s tipul cel mai bine dotat fizic din lume
dar când m-a strâns tare, mi-a cam rupt sinarea
Doamne, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Ei bine, nu-s prost, dar nu pot să pricep
de ce păşea ca o femeie şi vorbea ca un bărbat
Doamne, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Ei bine, am băut şampanie şi am dansat toată noaptea
sub lumina lumânărilor electrice
M-a luat şi m-a aşezat pe genunchiul ei
şi a zis 'Băiete, nu vii acasă cu mine?'
Ei bine, nu-s cel mai pasional tip din lume
dar când am privit-o în ochi -
ei bine, m-am cam topit după Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Am împins-o departe,
am ieşit pe uşă-afară
am căzut la podea
m-am pus în genunchi
apoi am privit-o şi m-a privit
Ăsta-i felul cum vreau să rămână
şi voi vrea mereu să fie aşa pentru Lola mea
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Fetele vor fi băieţi şi băieţii fete
e o lume amestecată, tulburată, zdruncinată - mai puţin Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Ei bine, am fugit acasă cu o săptămână în urmă
şi n-am mai sărutat o femeie până atunci
Dar Lola zâmbea şi m-a luat de mână
şi zise 'Băiete, am să te fac bărbat!'
Ei bine, nu-s cel mai masculin bărbat din lume
dar ştiu ce sunt şi mă bucur că-s un bărbat
şi aşa-i şi Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Vino la dans
Au pus o parcare pe un petec de teren
unde era supermarketul
Înainte de asta au făcut o popicărie
pe locul unde-a fost palatul local
Acolo veneau să cânte marile trupe
sora mea a fost acolo într-o sâmbătă
Vino la dans
toţi prietenii ei obişnuiau s-o sune şi s-o cheme
De ce nu vii la dans?
E normal..
Altă sâmbătă, altă întâlnire
Ea era gata, dar mereu îl făcea să aştepte
în hol, anticipând
Aşa o ruşine
Toate momentele bune au fost în van
e o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine
E o ruşine,
fiindcă n-am vrut să-ţi cauzez nicio durere
dar ştiu că nu va mai fi la fel
Toate momentele bune au fost în van
e o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine
E o ruşine,
fiindcă n-am intenţionat să-ţi greşesc
M-aş întoarce dar nu va dura prea mult
Aş vrea, dacă aş putea, dar nu pot
E o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine...
E o ruşine, aşa o ruşine
că am jurat că nu te voi dezamăgi niciodată,
dar am fost cel care ţi-a greşit
E o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine...
Fiindcă n-am intenţionat să-ţi greşesc
M-aş întoarce dar nu va dura prea mult
Aş vrea, dacă aş putea, dar nu pot
E o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine...
E o ruşine, aşa o ruşine
că am jurat că nu te voi dezamăgi niciodată,
dar am fost cel care ţi-a greşit
E o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine...
Fiindcă n-am vrut să-ţi cauzez nicio durere
dar ştiu că nu va mai fi la fel
Toate momentele bune au fost în van
e o ruşine, aşa o ruşine, aşa o ruşine
Without You
Love is painful, although love is painful (hah!)
I repeat it like a fool, that's what I always do
But pain is beautiful (Yeah), it's same as you
Hope turns into disappointment, hope turns into despair (Wo..)
The deeper love grows, the deeper the pain gets
I make the mistake of thinking and hoping it'll be different this time
In the end, how many years would have passed?
There is no such thing as forever
In the end, were we never mеant to be?
I am alone again
Barely, barеly, barely
I thought I only barely found true love
But in the end, in the end, it ends like this
My heart is just like the first time
But now it’s filled with scars because of you
We keep changing, at your cold voice
I cool down too
We grown so far apart to turn things back
To linger around each other without any feelings
It was so hard that I gifted you with separation
And after turning around, fallin' without you
In the end, whose fault was it?
There is no such thing as love
In the end, is breaking up, losing?
I'm tired and I fall asleep
Barely, barely, barely
Is this point barely our last?
In the end, in the end, are we becoming strangers again?
My heart is just like the first time
But now it’s filled with scars because of you
We keep changing, at your cold voice
I cool down too
We grown so far apart to turn things back
To linger around each other without any feelings
It was so hard that I gifted you with separation
And after turning around, fallin' without you
Yeah, fallin' without you, hey
Let's go
I didn't know at first, I liked her empty spot
But after a day or two, I would appreciate her
I didn't know about myself
I thought I could live well without you
Tomorrow will be different from today
It's already been one, two years
As much as the hardships of those times
My lingering attachments increase
I pray that things will change as time passes
For you, my baby
My heart is just like the first time (Hey)
But now it’s filled with scars because of you (For you, my baby)
We keep changing, at your cold voice
I cool down too
We grown so far apart to turn things back (Turn back)
To linger around each other without any feelings (To linger)
It was so hard that I gifted you with separation
And after turning around, fallin' without you
Yeah, I'm fallin' without you...
Holy Trinity exalted
Holy Trinity exalted
and ever adored by us,
glorious Trinity, in one Being
miraculously united.
You are ambrosial manna
and all the world's desire.
Vincent van Gogh
You're so high-class and I'm so middle-class
You're sitting there with your legs crossed
And at your vernissage
Once again, I'm the only embarrassment
Come on, come on, come on, come on get down off your high horse
I'll drive you to McDonald's on my bike
Come on, come on, come on, come on let go your ego trip
I'm telling you, it tastes great right at the bottom
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearly
You said: baby, come along to the art exhibition
It's gonna be fun, you said
But now I know you lied to mechenangelo
Nibbles and champagne
I'm caught under your spell
But nobody's allowed to touch you
You're wearing a tie
And I'm getting a bit tipsy
Baby, how about you interpret me
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearlyI've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearly
The scream leaves me
The kiss is what she covets
The starry night, summer evening
Or the creation of Adam
Dalí, daVinci to me are pure genus
You don't desire me
But instead the birth of Venus
Mona Mona Mona Mona Mona Lisa
Fuck it, come back to my place
Mona Mona Mona Mona Mona Lisa
She isn't even in A4 format
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearly
I've got one ear
I've got one ear
I've got one more ear
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And I'm pretty happy with the second
I've overslept three alarms
Keep my eyes closed
And wait for the fourth
Traffic jam on the A3
Intervention in Turkey
The weather and then some music
Cars honking their horns in front of my window
And I've got to go soon, too
These trousers are fine
The first thing I learned in the new town is
Clean is relative
Oh Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Oh Rosie, tell me where the
Germania Export taste as good as they do here
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Oh Rosie, please give me another
I aim at the window with my remote control
But what's the point?
There's only really
Two channels on
The building site and my reflection
Rosie, listen to me, I can tell you
I never close my eyes at night
Because I'm scared of sleeping
Rosie, the lights are always on here
Rosie, tell me, who's that screaming next door at night?
Oh Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Oh Rosie, tell me where the
Germania Export taste as good as they do here
Oh Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Oh Rosie, tell me where the
Germania Export taste as good as they do here
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
People are leaving, you're cleaning the counter
I order another glass
You say 'Darling, go home'
But it's not that easy
I'm sitting with you and I'm homesick
But home will never be the way it used to (used to)
Stay another while, cause when I go home
All that await me are boxes and scrambled egg
Oh, Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Rosie, please give me another
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
Oh give me another
Influență proastă
În regulă, domnule
Sigur mai vreau un pahar, e devreme
Trei măsline, amestecă-l, îmi place să joc murdar (murdar)
Tequila pentru prietena mea, o face să flirteze (flirteze)
Sunt provocatoarea lenjeriei intime
Mă arăt pe ici, pe acolo, uh, o (o, nu)
Sunt întotdeauna într-o misiune, de la început
Ce dacă e doar ora 1, după amiaza
Nu e niciodată prea devreme să trimiți toate invitațiile la ultima noapte (din viața ta)
Doamne Dumnezeule
Nu am ce face, îmi place să petrec, e ceva înnăscut
Este incitant, provoacă-mă și privește-mă pornind
Unde se oprește ea nu știe nimeni
O scuză bună să aibă o influență proastă asupra ta, și a ta (x15)
În regulă, madam
Calmează-te, știu că fecior-tu a spus că a fost la mine acasă (acasă)
Era căpitanul echipei de fotbal dar l-am dat afară
N-a fost nici primul și nici nu va fi ultimul care s-o lase mai moale
Chestia asta se întâmplă tot timpul
Eu sunt povestea care confirmă alibi-ul
Ei vor să plece acasă, i-am întrebat de ce (de ce)
Este ziuă (nu noapte)
Ei ar putea avea nevoie de-o pauză de la viața reală (fă-ți o viață)
Ajunge să fie prea mult uneori
Nu e niciodată prea devreme să trimiți toate invitațiile la ultima noapte (din viața ta)
Doamne Dumnezeule
Nu am ce face, îmi place să petrec, e ceva înnăscut
Este incitant, provoacă-mă și privește-mă pornind
Unde se oprește ea nu știe nimeni
O scuză bună să aibă o influență proastă asupra ta
Plec să mă întâlnesc cu doctorița
Sper ca ea să aibă un leac
Sper să mă facă bine
Ce o fi însemnând asta măcar? Nu știm
Doamne Dumnezeule
Nu am ce face, îmi place să petrec, e ceva înnăscut
Este incitant, provoacă-mă și privește-mă pornind
Unde se oprește ea nu știe nimeni
O scuză bună să aibă o influență proastă asupra ta
Doamne Dumnezeule
Nu am ce face, îmi place să petrec, e ceva înnăscut
Este incitant, provoacă-mă și privește-mă pornind
Unde se oprește ea nu știe nimeni
O scuză bună să aibă o influență proastă asupra ta și a ta (x15)
Sunt o scuză bună (o scuză bună)
Să am o influență proastă asupra ta, și a ta, și a ta
Ești prea obosit
Nu ești prea obosit!
O viață mai bună
Am stat trează până târziu uitându-mă cum respiri,
Întrebându-mă dacă o să pleci,
Nu-mi spune că ce vezi
Tu chiar crezi cu adevărat.
La naiba, sunt la pământ (1)
Și toate pozele alea care-ți plac, cu o viață mai bună, o soție mai bună, nopți mai bune, mai bine de-atât
Fir-ar a dracului, asta e, îmi lipsește băutura
Da, așa e
Am stat trează nopțile,
Uitându-mă la luminile de pe stradă.
Tot fumul de țigară nu poate scăpa printr-o fereastră care se închide
Și-n capul meu e ceva de genul ”Ce s-a-ntâmplat cu..., e-n regulă”
Iubi, nu e-n regulă.
Dacă noi suntem o fereastră care se închide?
Dar nu pot să scap de senzația
Că tu-ți închipui o viață mai bună, o soție mai bună, nopți mai bune, mai bine de-atât,
Nu pot să scap de senzația asta,
Îți închipui o viață mai bună?
M-am pomenit trează târziu, simțindu-mă oarecum geloasă
Uitându-mă la rahatul ăsta, la bunăstarea altora
Și asta m-a făcut să mă gândesc
Că nu ești tu de vină.
Am stat toată noaptea uitându-mă în ochii copilului meu
Chiar acolo în fața mea, ce dar, atât de minunat,
Și asta e ceea ce-i adevărat.
Dar stau trează târziu noaptea
Zbierând la luminile de pe stradă,
Tot fumul de țigară, umplând acești plămâni deznădăjduiți
Oh, și-n capul meu e ceva de genul ”Ce s-a-ntâmplat cu..., e-n regulă”
Iubi, nu e-n regulă,
Mă simt ca o fereastră care se închide.
Dar nu pot să scap de senzația
Că tu-ți închipui o viață mai bună, o soție mai bună, nopți mai bune, mai bine de-atât,
Nu pot să scap de senzația asta,
Îți închipui o viață mai bună?
Nu reușesc să înțeleg
Cum am ajuns așa de jos,
Nu, nu, nu, nu
Nu reușesc să înțeleg
Cum am ajuns așa de jos,
Nu, nu, nu, nu
Dar nu pot să scap de senzația (Nu reușesc să înțeleg cum am ajuns așa de jos)
Că tu-ți închipui o viață mai bună, o soție mai bună, nopți mai bune, mai bine de-atât (nu, nu, nu)
Dar nu pot să scap de senzația (Nu reușesc să înțeleg cum am ajuns așa de jos)
Îți închipui o viață mai bună?
Îți închipui o viață mai bună?
Ooh, îți închipui o viață mai bună?
Și mă întreb, și mă întreb
Îți închipui o viață mai bună? (Nu pot să scap de senzație)
Și mă întreb (Nu pot să scap de senzație)
Îți închipui,
Îți închipui o viață mai bună?
The girl from Vranje
I was loved by one girl from Vranje*
She has my youth with her
Her name isn't Sophka* , nor it is Kostana*
Her name is Lela,Jelena, the most beautiful
Empty,empty, everything is deserted for me
My Jelena isn't here
Come, come, Lela, Jelena
You've carried away my youth
Who knows where is my girl from Vranje
The most beautiful, Jelena
I would give everything, just to find out
Who has taken away my Lela
The girl from Vranje
The girl from Vranje
I was loved by one girl from Vranje*
She has my youth with her
Her name isn't Sophka* , nor it is Kostana*
Her name is Lela,Jelena, the most beautiful
Empty,empty, everything is deserted for me
My Jelena isn't here
Come, come, Lela, Jelena
You've carried away my youth
Who knows where is my girl from Vranje
The most beautiful, Jelena
I would give everything, just to find out
Who has taken away my Lela
Empty,empty, everything is deserted for me
My Jelena isn't here
Come, come, Lela, Jelena
You've carried away my youth
Could It Be
In the muddy and tainted valley
There is where I am now
Why or why
I can't believe that
You used to adore me
Could you still want to be with me
Why oh why
I am asking now
Could it be
You want me to go back
To the way we used to be
Just forgo
And forget everything that happened
Take it as nothing
Till when do I have to be like this
Let me always be like this
Why oh why
Who will believe
Could it be
You want me to go back
To the way we used to be
Just let it be
And forget everything that happened
Take it as the travelling wind
Till when I have to be like this
Let me always be like this
Why oh why
Who will believe
If you came, I would be glad.
Kitty cat, your voice is mild,
Come and rock our lovely child.
Meow a rockabye, purr a lullaby.
Kitty-pussycat - grey tail!
Be sure, I will pay you well.
If my baby will not cry,
I'd treat you to milk and pie.
Our darling kitty cat
Has a golden bassinet
I am a little gypsy girl
I am a little gypsy girl
my eyes are on fire
I dance,i sing songs
all night up untill dawn
I am your little dark,black-haired gypsy girl
Only yours little dark,black-haired gypsy girl
When you kiss my lips,you forget abut sorrow
Your heart wants one
But your mind another one
Only yours little dark,black-haired gypsy girl
I am a little dark, gypsy girl
If only you have met my eyes before
You would have stayed young for your whole life
Versions: #1
No feelings
Only doings
No questions
Only endurance
No thoughts
Only service
No tribulation
No life
No life
No death
No nothing - only
I only this, I only that
I only sat there in a bad mood feeling tired
Everyone here wants to talk
It's for the best that I'm quiet
For the best that I'm tame
If everyone here is wild
You can easily enough forget
What makes you happy
The voice of the voiceless
And what it never said
Every single weekday
What do you dream about then?
Every freest day off
What do you run away from then?
I only, I only
I only listen to the conch and dream about the ocean
I only, I only
I only listen to the conch and dream about the ocean
Everybody here wants to say something
But no one here wants to listen
Everybody here want to be something
But no one will be anything useful
I'm good at talking
But don't have anything to say
Because all that talk
It doesn't matter
You can easily enough forget
What makes you happy
The voice of the voiceless
And what it never said
Every single weekday
What do you dream about then?
Every freest day off
What do you run away from then?
I only, I only
I only listen to the conch and dream about the ocean
I only this, I only that
One man's trash
Is another man's treasure
Because no one here can stop
You from just leaving
For a holiday in your mind
See you soon, good bye!
You can easily enough forget
What makes you happy
The voice of the voiceless
And what it never said
Every single weekday
What do you dream about then?
Every freest day off
What do you run away from then?
I only, I only
I only listen to the conch and dream about the ocean
I only, I only
I only listen to the conch and dream about the ocean
I only, I only
I only listen to the conch and dream about the ocean
Mr. Joker
You're always covering your true self
You're a liar, you're too good
You talk too much, you've got thick skin
You wanna showoff, but you're trashy
Why don't you look at the mirror
You always run, you avoid
You're hiding your real personality
You're a cheat and fake
Hey hey hey Mr. Joker, why do you stink
Hey hey hey Mr. Joker, why do you stink
Face to face, you talk sweet
Once you turn around, the scent disappears
They can see you, you're a double crosser
You should know that you're a joker
(Repeat Chorus 4x, fade)
Woman's Turning Away Song
For me drifting all alone
The old playful jokes one by one
Are torn away like nameless flower petals
Thrown away thrown away discarded
A song of a woman's heart turning away
Sometime somewhere I must have heard
An old whispered comic song
I tried to cry coldly but
I'm in a dark dark dark room
A song of a woman's heart turning away
Finally fruitlessly fading away
Even thoughts of fake dreams of my past
What remains on the cold tatami floor is
The red red tears of blood
A song of a woman's heart turning away
Happiness, encore!
I’m getting a feeling that I wanna see you right now
So I’m knocking
Knocking on your door
I’m right here!
Bringing a delivery of surprise with me
And as something pops out of my round eyes
Confusion and laughter fanfare
Welcome here!
Seems like we’ve got a promise
Sorry for my unannounced visit, happens all the time
Because you’d suddenly come up with all these good ideas
That’s right!
Don’t say a cup of coffee’s enough
I just wanna hear you say more
Cuz I wanna have more chats with you
This serving of coffee will warm you up
And make your shoulders loose
I love time like this la la la I love it very much
I’m getting a feeling that I wanna speak up
That’s it!
I always want to be like this
Are you okay?
A harmony of joy
The single mumble of it’s hot
For some reason, my heart feels
Feels so easy
It’s a mysterious place
Sorry for my late reply
My consciousness is amusing itself afloat in the land of dreams
Here you are!
Give me your cup
I’m getting you a refill
Gonna get up and make some the way I usually do
After we drink one more cup of coffee
One of my funny stories
I think it sure brings me back la la la would you like a refill?
Let your tiny hesitation melt away (make happiness out of it)
Because I want to share all the fun things here with you
The taste of vanilla that makes you smile
How about we add some on it?
Cheeks are waiting on us
That’s right!
Don’t say a cup of coffee’s enough
I just wanna hear you say more
Cuz I wanna have more chats with you
This serving of coffee will warm you up
And make your shoulders loose
I love time like this la la la I love it very much
Dummy's Song
I am the famous one-headed
Even my name is that: Dummy
But I'm not sad about any of that
I life my best life as a one-headed
Nobody understands my joyful soul
Not children, not women and not men
Nobody at all on this earth!
What my great, secret dream is
Mi good father has disowned me
I've been wandering ever since, that's right
The humans will accept me
One loves me, the other is shivering
Why are you afraid of me?
I happen to know a lot of etiquette!
That's right!
...I welcome you, great knight
Your clothes are pretty and so's your horse!
Say, what has brought you here?
And what might be your heart's intent?
You're beautiful as a rose
Oh, you kind princess!
The most sacred thing is friendship
It's worth more than every kingdom
I also have a good friend
If he gets in trouble, I'll get him out of it
Oh, if I could be a rose
The butterflies would gently land on me
My little heart would beat alongside them
I wouldn't be so big and ugly
This Dummy is wonderful in the end
Although, as you can see, he's one-headed
But he still has a good laugh with his one head
People seem to love him too
There's not a lot of brains in his one head
His life won't be too hard
What will happen to you, one-headed?
What will you do here, good Dummy?