Rezultatele căutării pagină 59
Număr de rezultate: 2698
Marinar Tras'
Ce vom face noi cu-n marinar tras'?
Ce-i facem noi marinarului beat?
Ce-i facem noi marinarului beat?
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
Burta-ii radem cu-n ruginit briceag
Burta-ii radem cu-n ruginit briceag
Burta-ii radem cu-n ruginit briceag
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
Pe-o mare vela-l aruncam pana ce treaz din nou el e
Pe-o mare vela-l aruncam pana ce treaz din nou el e
Pe-o mare vela-l aruncam pana ce treaz din nou el e ,
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi !
Intr-un sabord de scurgere-l indesam
Intr-un sabord de scurgere-l indesam
Intr-un sabord de scurgere-l indesam
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi !
In pat cu fiica capitanului il punem noi
In pat cu fiica capitanului il punem noi
In pat cu fiica capitanului il punem noi
Devreme-n zori de zi !!
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi !
Asta-i facem noi marinarului cel beat
Asta-i facem noi marinarului cel beat
Asta-i facem noi marinarului cel beat
Devreme-n zori de zi !
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
'Way hay' si velele-s ele ridicate
Devreme-n zori de zi
Monkeys are trouble
Callithrix, chimpanzee, capuchin monkey
Capuchin monkey, chimpanzee, callithrix
All these creature are true nuisances
They climb in the greenery, so that they can tease you better.
Callithrix, chimpanzee, capuchin monkey
Capuchin monkey, chimpanzee, callithrix
These individual cases make up 400 coups
When they want to be pet, take to your heels.
Callithrix, chimpanzee, capuchin monkey
Capuchin monkey, chimpanzee, callithrix
These Quadrumana throw under your feet
their banana skins everytime you're in a hurry.
Nimble Monkey, mocking monkey,
Skilled monkey to scare us.
Nimble monkey, mocking monkey,
Hostile monkey and monkey without a heart.
Lunch is at three.
Night watch
We used to get up with the rise of the sun
And lived a thousand years,
And then someone just took and stole
The fire, and flickering light disappear.
Then, some of us suddenly begin to pray,
The others sharpened the fangs,
But we all lived and drunk along the Blue river banks.
And then time flowed through our fingers,
The river became shallow by winter.
And those, who have always lived there, begin to blame
Newcomers from afar.
Some had sons growing up,
Others- daughters, pretty and slim,
But we all drunk from the same stream.
We imprisoned each other in a fortress,
We burned the bridges.
Above this city a star with a crescent,
Above the other- crosses on peaks.
Over one window the sound of oriole’s song,
Over the other the crows will scream,
But we all drunk from the same stream.
One gone to the mountains, away from the world
To the sources of Yin and Yang.
Another just smoked a hookah in a dark tea room
Sitting on the soft ottoman.
One of the wives had a white dress,
The one in black is nobody's wife, it seems,
But we all drunk from the same stream.
One has risen higher and higher in life,
The other broken the wing.
On some fields the ears of wheat were abundant,
On others not one tiny seedling.
One was dying, caught by a neighbor’s bullet,
Another fired his rifle at him,
But we all drunk from the same stream.
And taken a sip, some of wine, some of potion,
One remembers the father, one mother,
One decides, that it is time to build,
But it's time to blow up for another.
But every midnight the one Sitting
By the mill of Fates resolves their argument:
He says, who going to be the watchman.
Kiss me
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
[Zion & Lennox]
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Like the first time
[Daddy Yankee]
To open those lips, I already found the key
If you knock on the door, I already have the key
Kisses in the bandage
Tell me what it tastes like
Kiss me like the world will end someday
I remember the first time
When everything started
I thought this was going to be greeting and goodbye
But when I kiss her, I said score a goal
The hand of God accompanied me to Maradona
How you become
When my tongue electrifies you
Go ahead put, put, put
Get crazy that today it's your turn
To relive the past
That we are both present
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Like the first time
Like the first time
I spent the morning thinking about you, imagining you
That I already had you in front of me
Oh, from the morning still thinking about you and look how I got you
I even sent you flowers and I didn't get any answer no no no no
And for you to fall in love I already have my heart on offer na na na na
Like the first time, I remember
That you were kissing me and you took me to heaven
You had me wrapped up
When I was leaving I was coming back for more oh baby
Nothing compares to that
And look, I travel the whole world
I want them to know that you are
The hottest woman
The one who makes me feel complete
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
This how we do with the new Play-N-Skillz sound
Take, take
The new Play-N-skillz sound
This how we do with the new Play-N-Skillz sound
Take, take
The new Play-N-skillz sound
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
One little kiss, two little kisses, three little kisses
Very soft
Kiss me baby, like the first time
Kiss me baby, like the first time
A Remote Sound Calls Me
I can hear your voice, but I don't care about it
Some people are bold and some aren't
There's thousand reason, which could make my days good
Your voice never sank, so I have tor un away
You're not a voice, you just a riniging in my ears
And if I hear you (Shut up!)
I feel that I am afraid
Every people lives withing walls, and that's my destiny too
I am sorry, that I have to block your voice
I had my miraculous past, I don't need anything else anymore
I am afraid, when I hear your sound, and I will follow you
A remote sound calls me, a remote sound calls me
A remote sound calls me
Tell me, what do you want? Your calls never dissapear
Are you here for me now, to make me do a mistake?
Or are you similar with me, who is living out there, far away?
A powerful, ancient, siren calls me
Every days a little harder and I feel my power grows
I don't know, how to tell, that I want to go far away
A remote sound calls me, a remote sound calls me
A remote sound calls me
Are you here, do you know me? Do you feel me?
Do you show me the way? Do you recognize me?
Where are you going? I was waiting a lot for you, don't leave me alone
How can I follow you? This is my path
Into the unknown?
M-am pierdut
pe mare
în visele tale
Visează ca mine
Cândva îmi voi găsi inima
şi vino înapoi.
Ţi-e dor de mine,
dragul meu
pe-atât cât îmi este şi mie de dor?
Ia-mi mâna
şi ia-mă aproape
şi nu mă lăsa niciodată să plec, dragul meu.
Era o vreme
când eram
şi stelele cădeau ca diamante
Atunci eram tineri
şi dragostea noastră era mai tânără
Era oare doar o iluzie?
închide-ţi ochii
şi vei vedea:
Mă întorc acasă
Fiecare cer din inima mea va fi albastru
în ziua în care mă voi întoarce la tine.
Mă întorc acasă
Fiecare cer din inima mea va fi albastru
în ziua în care mă voi întoarce la tine.
Tristeţea Rusaliilor
De sărbătoarea Duhului
Pândesc prezenţa Spiritului.
A Spiritului, care e mai mult decât un eseu.
A Spiritului, ce n-a fost niciodată al meu.
A Spiritului, care nicicând nu va fi al meu.
De sărbătoarea Duhului
Unica-mi omilie răsună posomorât:
'Cum poate învia, cel care a îmbătrânit?'...
Ceai pentru doi
Sunt nemulțumită de casele pe care le-am închiriat
Așa că mi-am inventat pe ale mele.
Dragă, acest loc este o oază de îndrăgostiți
Unde oboseala vieții nu este cunoscută
Departe de strigătul orașului
Unde flori frumoase mângâie curentul
Confortabil ca să te ascunzi, să trăiești cot la cot,
Nu-l lăsa să rămână în visele mele
Imaginează-ţi că sunt pe genunchiul tău
Ceai pentru doi
şi doi pentru ceai.
Doar eu pentru tine
şi tu doar pentru mine.
Nimeni lângă noi să ne vadă sau să ne audă.
Niciun prieten sau relaţie
în vacanţe de weekend
nu lăsăm să se ştie
că avem telefon, dragă...
Ziua va începe şi mă voi trezi
şi voi începe să fac o prăjitură cu zahăr
pentru tine să iei ca să vadă toţi băieţii
Vom creşte o familie:
un băiat pentru tine
şi o fată pentru mine
Nu vezi ce fericiţi am fi?
Imaginează-ţi că sunt pe genunchiul tău
Ceai pentru doi
şi doi pentru ceai.
Doar eu pentru tine
şi tu doar pentru mine.
Nimeni lângă noi să ne vadă sau să ne audă.
Niciun prieten sau relaţie
în vacanţe de weekend
nu lăsăm să se ştie
că avem telefon, dragă...
Ziua va începe, te vei trezi
şi vei începe să fac o prăjitură cu zahăr
pentru tine să iei ca să vadă toţi băieţii
Vom creşte o familie:
un băiat pentru tine
şi o fată pentru mine
Nu vezi ce fericiţi am fi?
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
Samovarul e plin de ceai,
tu de holbezi la mine fără să clipeşti
în timp ce maşina ta aşteaptă în ploaia rece.
Ştiu că sufletul tău numeşte Moscova 'acasă',
dar inima aparţine Romei
aşa că de ani te-am urmărit în van
Dar vai, oare vei şti ce eşti?
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
E un loc unde mergi singur
E o lume pe care doar tu o ştii.
Pe un balcon neterminat
deasupra mării Adriatice
am încercat să gonesc ca furtuna Kremlinul din inima ta
În Florenţa eram să ne refacem
dar mazurka trebuia să se termine
Îţi era dor de copacii goi din Gorki Park
Dar vai, oare vei şti ce-ai pierdut?
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
E un loc unde mergi singur
E o lume pe care doar tu o ştii.
Dar vai, oare vei şti... ce ai?
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
Dosvedanya, mio bombino
E un loc unde mergi singur
E o lume pe care doar tu o ştii.
Am auzi că, în sfârşit, te-ai stabilit
într-un oraş cald italian
Aşa că am luat trenul să te văd
Soţia ta e dulce şi eşti bine hrănit
Fiica ta era culcată în pat
Şi totuşi te uitai la mine cu disperare
'Aud ninsoare căzând pe Piaţa Roşie'
val-de-ree, val-de-rah, val-de-ree, val-de-rah,
val-de-ree, val-de-rah, am raniţa pe spate!
Oraş al nopţii
Ei bine, soarele coboară
cu lumina sa adâncă
îmbrăţişând oraşul
ce coboară-n noapte.
Către sunetul argintiu
în timp ce păsările zboară
pregâtindu-se de dragoste,
ieşind din zi.
Este oraşul nopţii
Este oraşul nopţii
Lasă-ţi grijile zilei în urmă
şi visează un nou vis diseară.
Toate tărâmurile sunt într-o strălucire,
toate buzele-s roşii
şi tu-ţi doreşti să poţi retrage
ultimul lucru pe care l-ai spus.
Ei bine, noaptea e o tobă
ce cântă cântece ce fac deliciul,
dar când răsăritul vine,
dragostea e pierdută-n lumină.
Dar în oraşul nopţii
Oh, în oraşul nopţii
Lasă-ţi grijile zilei în urmă
şi visează un nou vis diseară.
Oh, ohhh, ohhh...
În oraşul nopţii
Oh, în oraşul nopţii
Lasă-ţi grijile zilei în urmă
În oraşul nopţii
Oh, în oraşul nopţii
Poţi lăsa totul în urmă, departe
şi să visezi un nou vis diseară.
Crăciun alb
Soarele străluceşte, iarba e verde
Portocalii şi palmierii se unduie
Nicicând n-a fost aşa o zi
în Beverly Hills, LA
Dar e 24 decembrie
şi mi-e dor să fiu în Nord
Visez la Crăciunul alb
cam ca acelea pe care le ştiam.
Acolo unde strălucesc vârfurile copacilor
şi copiii ascultă
să audă zurgălăii în zăpadă...
Visez la un Crăciun alb
cu fiecare felicitare pe care o scriu.
Zilele tale să-ţi fie fericite şi strălucitoare
şi toate Crăciunurile să-ţi fie albe!...
Punk Fu!
For some time, I stopped enjoying it
A big difference of views is attacking me
My twentieth face forces submission
Symetric sentences, such a light unity, oh-woah
I washed the sand out of my eyes
Unnecessary deposits
Kilos of grateful words, oh-woah
I feel like I'm escaping, far away
With every thought, a short dream
I fall into the ground in one breath
Like I'm bleeding into the shadows
I fell like I'm sneaking out
At midnight I'll be gone
I won't be here, oh no
We have common money and common addictions
We have a loan of trust, extremely high
Still, there is no sense in it
On blurry roads out of context, oh-woah
I washed fear out of my eyes
Unnecessary deposits
A few grams of grateful words, oh-woah
I fell like I'm escaping, far away
With every thought, a short dream
I fall into the ground in one breath
Like I'm bleeding into the shadows
I fell like I'm sneaking out
At midnight I'll be gone
I won't be here, oh-woah
On pink glasses
The pink steam condenses
And it stops being comfortable
It's getting out of fashion
You have colossal skirmishes
Transparent gloves
You throw me at random
I hope you don't miss
I fell like I'm escaping, far away
With every sentence, a short dream
I fall into the ground in one breath
Like I was stealing from the shadows
I fell like I'm sneaking out
In two words, I'll be gone
I'll not be! I'll not be!
I'll not be! I'll not be!
I'll not be! I'll not be!
Ready to Fight
Did you see the angel bleeding... the name of the Father?
Do you feel comfortable with your delusions of God... the name of the Father?
Do you think killing's legitimate... the name of the Father?
Do you want to see the Earth burn... the name of the Father?
Be ready to fight when the hammer falls.
Be ready to fight in the name of the Father.
Be ready to fight when the hammer falls.
Be ready to fight.
Do you live only for your illusion... the name of the Father?
Celibacy doesn't bring absolution... the name of the Father.
You stagger in the storm that devours your spirit... the name of the Father.
There's still a long way to paradise
in the name of the Father.
Be ready to fight when the hammer falls.
Be ready to fight in the name of the Father.
Be ready to fight when the hammer falls.
Be ready to fight.
Be ready to fight when the hammer falls.
Be ready to fight in the name of the Father.
Left Right
Sensation meadow anthem
But just a lil' bit different
loose with the snollebollekes*
Clap with those hands
Ooh - thats going to be a mess again
Pay attention now
Welcome in the party tent
Just go nice 'n crazy**
It's sad but the attic but the roof is going off
chopping, pounding, jumping
The hut goes out from it's sphere
All go from left to right the tent will be destroyed**
All go from left to right the tent will be destroyed**
All go from left to right the tent will be destroyed**
To the left
To the right
Once again
To the left
To the right
Keep filling the glasses
With even more alcohol
We can't be longer hold
Fill the ladies nice 'n full
Sitting, hanging, laying
This way we aren't married
All go from left to right the tent will be rebuilt
All go from left to right the tent will be rebuilt
All go from left to right the tent will be rebuilt
To the left
To the right
(My god*** this is ending well)
To the left
Once again to the right
(This is going nuts)
It can go a little faster or not?
Yes there it goes
Welcome to the party tent
Just go nice n' crazy
Its sorry of the attic but the roof is going off
Chopping, pounding, jumping
The hut is going out of its sphere
All go from left to right the tent will be destroyed
Keep on filling the glasses
With even more alcohol
We aren't stoppable
Fill the ladies nice 'n full
Sitting, hanging, laying
This way we aren't married
All go from left to right the tent is being rebuilt
My narrow limits
My own narrow limits, my own short sightness
I bring before you.
Change it into wideness, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into wideness, have mercy, my Lord.
My whole helplessness, what bends and criples me
I bring before you.
Change it into strength, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into strength, have mercy, my Lord.
My lost confidence, my timorousness
I bring before you.
Change it into warmth, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into warmth, have mercy, my Lord.
My long for security
I bring before you.
Change it into home, have mercy, my Lord.
Change it into home, have mercy, my Lord.
Ţara e-a noasgtră
Ţara e pentru tine, pentru mine
Acest pământ brav şi glorios ce-l văd
Şi când soarele dimineţii îi arată dealurile şi câmpiile,
mă gândesc la câmpiile unde copiii pot alerga liberi.
Aşa că ia mâna mea şi mergi pe acest pământ cu mine
şi mergi de la mare, la strălucitul mării.
Fiindcă sunt doar un om, atunci când eşti lângă mine
cu mâna ta în mâna mea, ştiu că pot fi mai puternic.
Să facem pământul acesta căminul nostru,
dacă pot lupta, voi lupta ca să fac pământul acesta al nostru
până voi muri, pământul acesta e al meu...
Oriunde mă duc, ştiu
că oriunde mă duc voi străluci
cerul somnoros de vară,
îndrăgostiţii trecători
şi toate oraşele
mă fac să mă gândesc la tine.
Oriunde mă duc, văd
o lume proiectată pentru tine şi pentru mine
Mereu am realizat cu fiecare nou răsărit
că tu eşti oriunde cu mine.
Niciodată n-am ştiut o dragoste care să fi ţinut
dincolo de tulburarea unui prim-sărut
Dragostea asta a noastră l-a surclasat de nu se poate,
iar acum fericirea mea este asta.
De fiecare dată când sunt departe de casă,
nu sunt niciodată atât de singură.
Oricând am fi departe,
eşti mereu în inima mea,
fiindcă tu eşti cu mine oriunde.
De fiecare dată când sunt departe de casă,
nu sunt niciodată atât de singură.
Oricând am fi departe,
eşti mereu în inima mea,
fiindcă tu eşti cu mine oriunde.
Third World War
Petros, Johann and Franz
were working in a factory building tanks
Petros, Johann and Franz
became inseparable building tanks
Petros, Johann and Franz
were working for Brown, Fisher and Kraft
and Brown, Fisher and Kraft
became inseparable building a corporate trust
Petros, Johann and Franz
were carefree working on the tanks still
they had never read Marx
they didn't know anything about trusts and about crashes
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
split into Brown, Fisher and Kraft
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
quickly became enemies and dissolved the trust
And before they learned what Marx said
they were taken as soldiers, they went to war
Petros, Johann and Franz
fell as heroes under the tanks
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
reflected and found that all is Marx's fault
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
joined up again and rebuilt the corporate trust
(Left, right)
(Left, right)
(Left, right)
(Left, right)
Left, right
Left, right
The middle is the goal
Germany needs an opinion
Europe needs some courage
We don't stick together anymore
Too much pride is seldom good
Germany needs an opinion
The conflict's just around the corner
Europe's falling apart
But we're dancing this freestyle
Left, right
Left, right
Left, right
The middle is the goal
Left, right
Left, right
Left, right
The middle is the goal
Germany needs an opinion
The middle is the goal
Truth is always painful
But we talk too much
Germany needs an opinion
Morals and tolerance
Brexit was just the beginning
Now it's off to the dance
(Now it's off to the dance)
(Now it's off to the dance)
(Now it's off to the dance)
(Now it's off to the dance)
Left, right
Left, right
Left, right
The middle is the goal
Left, right
Left, right
Left, right
The middle is the goal
Club Vacation
Versions: #1
I wet the bed tonight
My psychiatrist killed himself last week
I'm sitting at home playing city, country, and river in middle earth
And waiting till I finally become a rockstar
I hate my life because it steals my time
I'm constantly searching for myself, but there is nothing there
Maybe I've been searching in the wrong country up till now
That's why I booked a ticket to Panama
Just me, my backpack, and my Lonely Planet
In the big wide world, like being picked up and not ordered
I'm here again and telling you
This experience is priceless
Flat rate at the cocktail bar
Oh, how nice Panama is
Club vacation in the Caribbean
Here the worries are small, but the cocktails are giant
Flat rate at the cocktail bar
Oh, how nice Panama is
Club vacation in the Caribbean
Life is easy here, but being sober is hard
35 degrees in the shade
Between the pool and hammocks
Already drunk from the morning's fizzy vodka
It's almost like home
Only at home, I drink vodka without fizz
Self-service, rarely laughed so much
Here everything is always brought to the deck chair
I throw the fork out of the window because I only need my hands
Thanks to all-inclusive I get bottomless fries
Gangbang with entertainers
The walls are soundproof, so no one can hear us
Now I'm sober again and I'm telling you
This experience is just priceless
Flat rate at the cocktail bar
Oh, how nice Panama is
Club vacation in the Caribbean
Here the worries are small, but the cocktails are giant
Flat rate at the cocktail bar
Oh, how nice Panama is
Club vacation in the Caribbean
Life is easy here, but being sober is hard
Topless at the cocktail bar
Oh, how nice Panama is
Club vacation in the Caribbean
The alcohol level is high, but standards here are low
Naked on the cocktail bar
Oh, how nice Panama is
Club vacation in the Caribbean
Life is easy here, but being sober is hard
March of Internationalism
Wake up now, wake up from your sleep
Wake up the world of slaves
Our rage against torment is a volcano
This is a death-life matter
Let's demolish this fusty system
We want another world
Those who underestimated us
Should know that we are everything by now
This is the latest fight of ours
The humanity will survive with internationalism
God, pasha, thegn, landlord, sultan
How would they save us?
Those who will save us
Are our own arms
Raise, raise the flag of Independence
Scatter the torment through the winds
With the massive power of your arms
Hit the annealed iron!
This is the latest fight of ours
The humanity will survive with internationalism
Both factories and soil
Belong to labourers
We recognize no right of spongers
World should belong to labourers
The blood that is shedded by deathsmen
Will suffocate deathsmen themselves
On the horizon of that blood sea
A red sun will rise
This is the latest fight of ours
The humanity will survive with internationalism
The Sun Set
I loved you
I hope, that you remember it
How I loved, I only hated everything else
So I felt even though I smiled
When new mornings brought new disappointments with them
Only you never once disappointed me
Let the time go, maybe you'll come to me
But don't hurry for me
The Sun set long ago
The Sun, it went its way
There's no point in anything since it did not rise
I too decided to end this game
I loved you, but now I'm too tired to love anything else
Urges, wishes, the future, and even this land are strangers
I throw away the mask and a small piece stays
The pain moves away and finally disappears
{refrain 2:}
The Sun set long ago
The Sun, it went its way
There's no point in anything since it did not rise
All that stayed was the plight
End this game... (2x)
Like this, a human makes one decision
No other thoughts, that's why I can do it
{refrain 2}
A thousand times I've heard this sentence,
but all your hatred still hasn't destroyed us yet.
A thousand times I've stood in the darkness,
but every time, I freed myself from it.
A thousand times you've accused us now
without even really questioning anything.
A thousand times you've pissed us off.
Now throw the stone if you're free from sin.
But each time, we will rise again.
Every time, we will rise again.
Each time, we will rise again.
Every time, we will rise again.
What is wrong and what is right?
What is good and what is bad?
For our entire lives, we've just been accused,
but haven't the words already been said enough?
...already been said enough?
A thousand times you've looked at us in anger.
I don't give a shit
because the look goes straight ahead.
I won't cry even if you keep dissing me.
Now throw the stone if you're free from sin.
Because every time, we will rise again.
What is wrong and what is right?
What is good and what is bad?
For our entire lives, we've just been accused,
but haven't the words already been said enough?
...already been said enough?
What is wrong and what is right?
What is good and what is bad?
(What is wrong?) And what is right?
(What is good?) They're the words...
(And what is bad?) ...already said enough.
Along the Tramcar Railways
Versions: #1
And we will go together
On a stroll along the tramcar railways.
We will sit together
On the pipes at the start of a traffic circle.
And the breeze that warms us
Will be a heavy smoke from the foundry’s chimneys.
And our guiding star
Will be a yellow saucer of the roadway signal.
If we are lucky,
We will not return to our cage until the nightfall.
We must learn how
To bury ourselves in ground in two seconds.
This way we would stay below
When above us grey trucks will start rolling.
Trucks that take away these
Who never learned or wanted to bury themselves in ground.
If we don’t run out of time,
We’ll continue our crawl across the railway sleepers.
You will see the sky,
I will see fresh soil on your outer soles.
We would have to burn our clothes inside the furnace.
If we make it safely,
If the blue caps are not on our doorsteps,
Waiting with their greetings.
If they do, please keep silence
That we did walk along the tramcar railways.
It’s the first condition for a felony
Or schizophrenia.
From the wall Iron Felix will cast smiles
Through his portrait.
This will go on forever,
This will be a very fair-minded
Punishment for us,
For us strolling along the tramcar railways.
A fair-minded punishment
For strolling along the tramcar railways.
They will kill us
For walking on the tramcar railways.
They will kill us
That you and I were walking on the tramcar railways.
The Death Squad
Us the death squad,
From Moldova today we troop
Casted is the dice of the stars
We either commend, or past.
We embody the banner
Of a new esteemed belief
On it's written in blood
Praised gains and triumphs.
A lot of woe inside the country
For the foreigner is ruler,
A begger in its own home
The dejected romanian has become
Thus why today at sword & gun
We've begun to evade,
The nation of its outlaws
Honour to restore.
In line with the Captain
Delighted we will immolate ourselves
On top of the enemy's cadavers
New country we'll create!
Smile on our lips,
We stare the death's eyes
For we are the death party
We either commence, or all we die!
BWV 248 VI, 4 Air S: Just a wave of your hand.
Air S
Just a wave of your hand
Casts down the powerless strength of men.
Here all might is derided
If the highest speaks one word
To put an end to the pride of his enemies,
Oh, then at once must
Thoughts of mortals be changed.
Anti-fascist Caucasian Song (Mount Elbrus)
I wish I were on Mount Elbrus, dear
I wish I loved a Circassian girl, dear
With accordion on my hand and balalaika on my waist
I wish I were in Caucasia now, dear
When the dark days come
When the enemy smashes with his boots
My heart bleeds when the rope is around her neck
Partisan Sitare won't snitch
I pine for my burnt village
My comrade is hanged in a colhoz
One day, Sitare and Natalia will avenge his death
Caucasia is a grave for fascists
Krasnodar, Crimea, Odessa
Kiev, Kharkiv, Kuban, Ukraine
Stalingrad is not fallen, Moscow is not given
The Red Cavalries goes on the offensive
Among the comrades
There's a red star on my fur cap
Ahmed and Ivan marches together
among the tanks to Berlin
You should've seen, my dear Sitare
We smashed the fascist in his lair
We are performing Kazaska* with victory songs
Our flag is in Berlin now
Austrian Workers March
We walked into a fight called 'life', we are stepping with steel feet
We see the sun that will rise at the end of this dark way
It's climbing over the mountains, look, it's coming closer
Always run towards the red star
This is not a dream, this is not a reverie, this is the star of liberation
You're like a lantern in the middle of dark seas, we're walking thanks to your light
We see the sun that will rise at the end of this dark way
We're in the factories, we're in fields, we are the ones who create the life
We don't know about religion difference, we don't know about language difference, it's as if we were born to the same mother
Our mother is the working class, our homeland is the whole world
We are prepared for the last bloody battle, with our banner 'Leninism'
Raise the banner, raise higher, raise the banner to the sky!
Let's hit today, create tomorrow and abolish the classes!
Summer Wonderland
Once again you want to return without me
I heard from my friend that it's GAME OVER with you
The same sandals
I go back without throwing them out
Even that blue dress
I could not dare to throw it out
It is a little lonely without holding your hand
A new summer wonderland has come
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
The magic of summer love
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
Towards a new story that will begin from today
Wow wow
I met you during the summer time last year
I was burning in the hot weather as the days passed by
Cause trouble was in your genes
A complete demon
We had a real and dreamy love all by chance
I am looking for the old glory
I believe in the love story of those sweat dreams
I believed that it was fate
Before I could even realize it
The summer love that I indulged in was like a trip
He was part of my dream?
I was part of his dream
I wish for a new faithful encounter
A love burning as brightly as the sun
I will open my heart so please try to catch it wonderland
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
A dramatic rainbow in the summer
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
To a new story that will continue tomorrow
Wow wow
I will let go of the memories that have been left behind
There is another new world a Wonderland
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
The magic of summer love
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
Towards a new story that will begin from today
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
A dramatic rainbow in the summer
(Wandering in a summer wonderland)
To a new story that will continue tomorrow
Wow wow
Tell Me Why
Please don't say that
'It is better if we are apart'
He is in denial (a bad boy)
My friends tell me
Even if you are waiting
It is better not to contact him...
You are spoilt, aren't you? Hey boy...
Only when I am in trouble (You're using me)
At any place even at midnight (My friends tell me)
I must not care about you (How can I trust you?)
I cross over and start calling out to you (Good guy or bad boy?)
Just being useful is not necessary, right?
Isn't that it? Baby
Tell Me Why Tell Me Why do we really
Have to part?
I like you. Hey I don't want you to leave
You seem to be disappearing from within me
I cannot do it. Tell Me Why to go this far
Even though I love you, why do you disagree?
You are selfish
You just loiter around
I am an invisible woman to you
Even if you notice me you do not say anything
I just stay silent
Is she not saying anything?
I am shocked to see that My Best Friend
Even if you become cold you still keep a straight face
Tell Me Why Tell Me Why about me
Can't you think of me as important?
I like you but you do not say anything
Regardless of whether it is a truth or lie my heart is breaking
Don't listen to it, Tell Me Why. Don't do this
Even though I know it, My Friends
You are strong, Tell Me Why
I have stopped crying
This fleeting love Tell me why!
I loved you completely Boy as much as I could friends
Oh I am being controlled by you
You don't like me, no more
I won't get more lost than this
The kindness of a lie
I am bound in this trap lie or true
Tell Me Why Tell Me Why do we really
Have to part?
I like you. Hey I don't want you to leave
You seem to be disappearing from within me
I cannot do it. Tell Me Why to go this far
Even though I love you, why do you disagree?
You are different No Tell Me Why
The Sky Above
No matter how fashionable you are,
No matter how cute,
You’ve always had your head in the clouds
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
A feeling of love,
That’s what I have here
Although it sounded like a sigh,
It was my voice cracking from these feelings
What should I do? Hey…
I wonder what you’re thinking
In the hand holding mine,
In those millimeters of the universe
I realized, even now,
You’re still losing your way
But, no matter how fashionable you are,
No matter how cute,
You’ve always had your head in the clouds
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
A feeling of love,
That’s what I have here
I wonder if you’ll make it?
I wonder if we’ll meet up soon?
I can’t see into the depths of your eyes
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
My uncontrollable emotions
Have turned into affection
During an unnaturally long night
I dreamt of a brighter time
A questionable feeling,
It was heartbreaking and frustrating
In the hand holding mine,
In those millimeters of the universe
I realized, even now,
You’re still losing your way
Selfishly, I want you to hold me
And never let go
Even if there’s something wrong with it
It’s alright
It’s our world
That melody heard from all corners,
Please let me listen ‘kay
I want it all to myself
“Even though I tried, I couldn’t tell you
I’ve always been pretty insecure
I question myself when I see your face
But once again, I foolishly make the same mistake
If it were just you and I on Earth
I think it would trouble you,
Is that childish of me?
I just want to be yours
I want to stay beside you forever…”
No matter how fashionable you are,
No matter how cute,
You’ve always had your head in the clouds
Perhaps that’s the only difference
The two of us have in the entire world
A feeling of love,
That’s what I have here
Selfishly, I want you to hold me
And never let go
Even if there’s something wrong with it
It’s alright
It’s our world
That melody heard from all corners,
Please let me listen 'kay
I want it all to myself
Don't Even Have To Think About It
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, dare to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go again
Without you, irregardless of how splendid the fireworks are, They are nothing more than just dust in the sky
Rather than abiding by the arrangement of fate, Why not do the reverse and return you the entire blue sky
Remove my crown of pride, I'm not afraid of obstacles and can move mountains and drain seas
Two hearts have always been together, and long to fight (together)
There isn't a need to think, What I love is love
(I will) not allow anyone to destroy it
True love can be testimony that it is you who bolstered my bravery
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, dare to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go
Replacing ambiguity with honesty, You will see me coming to you
If it is not for the fact that life is unforeseen, (We) won't understand how much our souls rely (on each other)
Failure is used to help us understand, (To) turn regret into new beginnings
Two hearts are always together and inseparable
There isn't a need to think, What I love is love
(I will) not allow anyone to destroy it
True love can be testimony that it is you who bolstered my bravery
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, date to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go
I hope to always have the impulse to embrace you
Love needs no reason
Openly screaming at the sky for you
It turns out that the tears of true love are shocking
It turns out that your love resolves regret
There isn't a need to think, What I love is love
(I will) not allow you to experience hurt
I will love you till doomsday arrives, I will love you till doomsday arrives
Please exist for my sake, Dare to hate, dare to love, The bad may even be eliminated
Holding you in my heart, I will never let go
I will not give up our future again