Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 152



These eyes... why don't you know about me?
It is etched into my heart... know my name.
Do not end it... I will make you strong... Let it resonate.
The power is unshakable so what you see is what you get.
Don't make it all.
Don't rot away, dream again.
What you
Your wings have been wounded and so you can't touch the sky.
Overcome my limits once again.
Turn your sadness into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
Why don't you want to touch me with your lips?
Don't hold your desires back... kick it out.
It's not a lie... I will make you strong.
Push yourself to keep running.
Don't make it all.
Don't rot away, dream again.
What you
Your wings have been wounded and so you can't touch the sky.
Overcome my limits once again.
Turn your hatred into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.
Turn your sadness into power and chose a way.
I can say that I got a true and honest love... now, tell me about your love?
Take this song for you. I want my unending love to resonate.
I'm legend of DIVA.

In the origin, the woman was the sun

I burned out falling in love
And I loitered through a glacier called loneliness
The destiny loved by sorrow
Beckons my heart
But the sun rises in my bare chest
Now even the sadness
Becomes strength to live
I feel no grudge for anyone
That's why someone stares
At all of me still
My heart lost in dreams spilled blood
Angry for an unrewarded love
The night exists for greeting the morning
The sky and the earth taught me
As a woman born in the origin
The truth is that
I want to search for love
Nobody console me
But someone feel
All of me embraced
Darkness melts, the wind murmurs
I caught even the weakness
What was the good about you being born man?
Surely I'm glad that I was born woman
Nobody console me
But someone feel
All of me embraced
All of me

Red flower

I rescue by myself
The days spilling through my fingers
That this person has left me
Is a desert that gulps even the light down
Ah, my heart cries and shouts
But in this dry world
No voice resounds
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
Let me see it with my eyes at least until its red color melts
The coincidence of meeting casually
Becomes tenderness and a knife
It's an unbearable pain
But, why I chase you?
Tear me up in pieces soon
Until I don't feel anything
Hurt me and go away
Now please, don't tell me your reasons to leave everything
Don't tell me that even the love that shone far is a lie
If I spilled my last tears is for not seeing you anymore
I'll keep walking anywhere through a rusty landscape
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
I want to watch over it at least until its red color melts

I hope so

I run through the dry desert
To where I can open my moisten wings
While I gather
Anything I go past
In the sky that is hotter than yesterday
There are no boring dreams shining
I'm passing and raising sand clouds
With this land
To get to any place however. Spreading my wings
To get to any place however. If I could look below
I want to bury in the spilled sand
Scars that I can't understand
Now I can laugh saying 'They're mirages'
My favorite cracked shoes
How many times I sewed them together?
The map fluttering in the wind ejects the past
And draws the future
To get to any place forever. Spreading my wings
To get to any place forever. Now I look below
I want to give in into the spreading sky
The smiles that only lie
Go to a fading future like a mirage
Go ahead and tell us what they really mean
To get to any place forever. Spreading my wings
To get to any place forever. Now I look below
I want to give in into the spreading sky
Without borrowing anyone's hand
To get to any place however. Spreading my wings
To get to any place however. If I could look below
I want to bury in the spilled sand
Scars that I can't understand
Now I can laugh saying 'They're mirages'

Fire starter

Hooh the way of starting a fire
Hooh I will teach you
Hooh Just Let Me Take Your Heart Tonight.
Hooh Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Attraction, temptation, my mood is of a dangerous lady
With my cold eyes, I drag burning flames
A rhapsody that is played by two exchanging sighs
A red petal burns on an eternal night
Fire starter, thee gaze of a sniper
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Only in dreams my mood is of a doll of song
With the wet eyes, I live la dolce vita
If someday I find a man I don't get tired of
One day I can become the queen of his heart
The morning star melts secretly in the morning glow
A pain that doesn't save anything, a mysterious fantasy
Only flames pass, plied up shadows are left behind
Heart shaped hungry angels burn out devotedly
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!
Hooh the way of starting a fire
Hooh I will teach you
Hooh Just Let Me Take Your Heart Tonight.
Hooh Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Only flames pass, plied up shadows are left behind
Heart shaped hungry angels burn out devotedly
Pirómana, sighs that burn hearts
Fire Starter Fa Fa Fa Fire Starter Watch Out!

Fotografia unei povești de iubire

Dacă nu ieși în oraș seara,
Ți se întâmplă și ție
Să îți pregătești un sendviș, în timp ce te uiți la televizor?
Ți se întâmplă și ție
Să adormi lângă cineva, pe care în zorii zilei să nu-l mai recunoști?
Să te sun sau nu? Să te sun sau nu?
Sunt cu moralul la pământ.
Mă suni sau nu? Mă suni sau nu?
Cine știe cine va câștiga?
Nu ți se întâmplă și ție,
Apoi, dacă te distrezi, să pui deoparte un pic de fericire (pentru mai târziu)?
Aș vrea să te visez, dar mi-am pierdut imaginația și nu am somn.
Și tu la fel?
Să te sun sau nu? Să te sun sau nu?
Nu cedez prima.
Mă suni sau nu? Mă suni sau nu?
Cine știe cine va câștiga?
Iubirea asta e ca o cameră de gazare,
E ca o clădire care arde în oraș.
Iubirea asta e o lamă subțire,
E ca o scenă filmată cu încetinitorul.
Iubirea asta e ca o bombă într-un hotel.
Iubirea asta e ca un fals în ringul de luptă,
Este o flacără care explodează în cer.
Iubirea asta e o înghețată cu venin.
Ceea ce nu reușesc să spun,
Este doar că te-aș dori un pic mai mult.
La fel și tu?
Aș vrea să te ating, dar cu cât mă apropii mai mult, cu atât nu mai știu cine ești.
La fel și tu?
Să te sun sau nu? Să te sun sau nu?
Nu cedez prima.
Mă suni sau nu? Mă suni sau nu?
Cine știe cine va câștiga?
Iubirea asta e ca o cameră de gazare,
E ca o clădire care arde în oraș.
Iubirea asta e o lamă subțire,
E ca o scenă filmată cu încetinitorul.
Iubirea asta e ca o bombă într-un hotel.
Iubirea asta e ca un fals în ringul de box,
Este o flacără care explodează în cer.
Iubirea asta e o înghețată cu venin.

Ochii care nu se văd

Ce se întâmplă?
E în aer ceva rece
Dar nu este iarnă.
Ce se întâmplă?
În seara asta copiii de pe stradă
Nu se mai joacă.
Nu știu de ce
Bucuria prietenilor mei dintotdeauna
Nu mă mai amuză.
Cineva mi-a spus că
Ochii care nu se văd
Se uită,
Iar tu ești departe,
Departe de mine.
Pentru fiecare persoană care se întoarce
Și îți aduce un trandafir,
Sunt alți o mie care te uită.
Ochii care nu se văd
Se uită,
Iar tu ești departe,
Departe de mine.
Acum știu
Ce este acest gust amar,
Care rămâne în urma ta,
Cân tu
Ești departe iar eu nu știu unde ești,
Ce faci, unde mergi
Și acum știu de ce
Nu-mi mai pot imagina surâsul
Care există în ochii tăi,
Atunci când nu ești
Cu mine.
Ochii care nu se văd
Se uită,
Iar tu ești departe,
Departe de mine.
Pentru fiecare persoană care se întoarce
Și îți aduce un trandafir,
Sunt alți o mie care te uită.
Ochii care nu se văd
Se uită,
Iar tu ești departe,
Departe de mine.
Pentru fiecare persoană care se întoarce
Și îți aduce un trandafir,
Sunt alți o mie care te uită.
Ochii care nu se văd
Se uită,
Iar tu ești departe,
Departe de mine.

Christmas, Christmas

Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas
It's a day of joy and happiness
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas
It's a day of joy and happiness
Bells everywhere ringing endlessly
Proclaiming gladly that today is Christmas
The children with song, bring pleasant tidings
On this day of love and goodwill
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas
It's a day of joy and happiness
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas
It's a day of joy and happiness
The street smells of love
In a hurry to reach
People who come
And who go
To bring happiness
Champaign for toasting
Lights for the Nativity scene
And firewood to warm up
Those who love each other well
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas
It's a day of joy and happiness
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas
It's a day of joy and happiness
It's a day of joy and happiness
It's a day of joy and happiness

Those summer days

I look gently to the sky
And the smell of the flowing wind
Are lingering scents of summer days
I get lightly drunk
In the distance the season fades
It becomes a distant past
Those summer days when you were there
The fireworks exploding in the sky
And fall together with memories
The constellations of the summer I saw with you
Color the night sky
I won't forget your voice
By my side
Seasons change
My love won't change
It will go on till eternity
A pale monochrome picture
Wrapped the midsummer sky
The memories that burned red
Burn my chest once again
Silently the days get filled
They get carved deeply
Those summer days when you were there
The graffitis of the school
Fade together with memories
The blue of the sea I saw with you
Wears my chest out
I won't forget the warmth of your hands
By the coast
Meetings pass
My love won't change
It will go on now
Those summer days when you were there
The fireworks exploding in the sky
Are memories that fly up
The constellations of the summer I saw with you
Color the night sky
I won't forget the dreams of that day
That I dreamed with you
Seasons change
My love won't change
It will go on till eternity
Those traces of summer
My love won't change
It will go on till now

Its Christmas Again

Its Christmas Again
O Time surely flies
It has been a while since
Christmas passed by
Now its Christmas
We should give thanks
Now its Christmas
Let's sing Christmas songs
Christmas! Christmas!
It's Christmas Again!
The very day
we were waiting for
Christmas! Christmas!
It's Christmas Again!
Let Love
reign this Christmas

Flight 5/4

Via radio
Of the future
Shadows of copper
Sons of the sun
Waiting for the seasons to change
Like time
In transit
On the waiting list
Sons of the sea
Waiting for the steer to turn
Waiting for Zeus to calm down
What was that
Maybe I have slept
Of the airport
Before the departure
To be, tobe together in the queue
Waiting, waiting for the takeoff

A music sounds from the ship

Little town is woken by the sound of horn
And а crowd of people came to berth.
Everybody is worried, hurries up, time is short,
For the ship stands ten minutes, not more.
For the ship stands ten minutes, not more.
Chorus: (2x)
A music sounds from the ship that leaving
and I’m alone standing on the bank.
My hand is waving but my heart is lurching.
I try to soothe it but it can’t be helped
You came here last spring, and it seemed to me then,
That it was a design of the fate.
‘See you later’, you said, and a year along
I’ve been waiting the new happy date.
I’ve been waiting the new happy date.
Chorus: (2x)
A music sounds from the ship that leaving
and I’m alone standing on the bank.
My hand is waving but my heart is lurching.
I try to soothe it but it can’t be helped
Yet again beeps of horn, and a ship coming slow
And I wait things that never come true…
once again winter is with first ice and white snow,
But I can’t pave a road to you
But I can’t pave a road to you
Chorus: (2x)
A music sounds from the ship that leaving
and I’m alone standing on the bank.
My hand is waving but my heart is lurching.
I try to soothe it but it can’t be helped

On The High Rock

I´m sitting on a rock, on a high rock
And from here the world seems to be marvelous and wide
I´m sitting on the rock and just looking
And suddenly all the shadows are gone
I´m sitting on the rock and everything is calm
All this hurry is lost somewhere, somewhere down there
From this rock I can see that everything is purer
Suddenly peace fills my heart
I like sitting on the high rock
There are no people, only sun is shining (only sun is shining)
On the high rock there´s something what caresses my soul
Suddenly one can feel God´s presence
I´m sitting on the rock, on the high rock
Two of us escaped from the cage of freedom
From this rock I can see that everything is purer
Suddenly peace fills my heart
I like sitting on the high rock
There are no people, only sun is shining (only sun is shining)
On the high rock there´s something what caresses my soul
Suddenly one can feel God´s presence
Only few clouds are running beside me
And the breeze is blowing calmly
I like sitting on the high rock
There are no people, only sun is shining (only sun is shining)
On the high rock there´s something what caresses my soul
Suddenly one can feel God´s presence


Without knowing anything
You held my hand
You came into my dangerous and anxious heart
Your beautiful smile brightened up
My empty days
I just wanna see it for a moment
Because it’s fading away slowly
And actually, I’m afraid
Hug me
I don’t want to wake up from this dream
Hold me tight
In your warm embrace
Melt my hands
Don’t ever let go
Without you
I can’t do anything
Na na na na na na
Every night, I’m anxious
Na na na na na na
Without you, I’m nothing
Na na na na na na
I’m just a fool
Even if everyone else leaves me and curses at me
I don’t want to wake up from this dream that is you
I’m just a guy who is suited for this
You’re just a girl who is suited for that
Just need to smile and live like that
Even if everyone turns away, even if the world turns away
The reason I am complete is you
Even if the world is cold
Even if everything changes
One thing that will never change
Is my love for you
Na na na na na na
Every night, I’m anxious
Na na na na na na
Without you, I’m nothing
Na na na na na na
I’m just a fool
Even if everyone else leaves me and curses at me
I don’t want to wake up from this dream that is you
This wasn’t the life I wanted
I think I’m crazy, I’m really crazy
I thought we would last forever
But we’re in the same place
Na na na na na na
Every night, I’m anxious
Na na na na na na
Without you, I’m nothing
Na na na na na na
I’m just a fool
Even if everyone else leaves me and curses at me
I don’t want to wake up from this dream that is you

Thread, thread

Thread (X16)
A thread, I go hard wherever the fuck I go
Givin' up on smoke
It's so good to me but it kills me
Just like what happens with you
I just can't wait
I can't see these minutes are too many to wait over
Tell me something, tell me where you at
I live, live, I arrive
Because I can't survive
If you starve me of your breathe
I can't live, can't live, babe
I live, live, live
We're some jugglers on a thread
In the never ending night of eternity
It looks like all
is reminiscence and truth
Everything moves on
But I'm still here
Stay with me
This time forreal
Thread (X3)
We're all hangin on by a thread
But something's still worth it
Something that makes us run and fight
Stop, I can't reach it
It lacks little, it lacks a sleep
we're inside the clock
it's impossible to meet
I just can't wait
Even the minutes are too many
I don't wanna wait no more
Tell me something, tell me who you are
I live, live, live
Because i can't survive
When i turn breathless
I breathe you and I still live yo
I live, live, live
We're jugglers on a thread
Every day is our eternity
It looks like all
is reminiscence or truth
Everything moves on
But i'm still here
Come here
Stay by my side

At the First Sign

It’s hard to deceive [your] heart
Because it’s wiser than you are
It’s hard to resist your heart
When it’s trying to break free and palpitates
You don’t know yet, who is he
Your beloved one, your someone
But love already gives you signs
That something’s happened in [your] life
The first sign [is] when the heart budges
[And] immediately after it budges, one already knows
That it’s him, only him
The second sign is the sweet anxiety
The third sign [is] the sound of the song
That plaits into [your] dream, [your] golden dream
It’s enough that you show me your foggy eyes
Then I know for sure already that you love [him]
At the first sign, when the heart budges
[And] immediately after it budges, one already knows
That it’s him, only him

K P Beat

I've started the car
I didn't forget to put gas in it
The whole world is waiting for me
Today isn't like Monday
It's great, ah ah yeah ah
And how much I would like for things to always be this way!
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
The telephone's ringing again, the season has begun
Of fun, of partying
Crowd, let the girls come
We're preparing as we should
Jeans, makeup, clothes
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
You know or maybe you don't know what I want
It doesn't matter now
I want to take you with me
Na na na na na na na
I want you to listen to the music with me
I'm not chill, I don't want peace anymore
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
The insects are hoarding shame,
The insects are hoarding jealousy.
The pity squeaked between the teeth,
The meat cried under the knife.
The insects are squirming,
The insects are slithering.
Shit doesn't sink in fire and in blood.
Honest and respectable people everywhere.
Everyone was born a cop!
Everyone was born a cop!
The padded jackets heed lessons in courage,
The borscht is smirking like a crapper wide open.
An insect can endure everything —
Self-control is self-control.
A beautiful, brave new world,
A beautiful, brave new plague!
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
They froze to death,
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
For ever and ever,
For ever and ever,
In the name of the puppy
And the crumpled piece of paper
I invoke!
I invoke
The dry little river,
The dead little birdie,
The great gaping flame,
The charred grimy rock,
To deliver us from
The efforts of evil,
From the eyes of meat,
From the speeches of stone,
The museums of plenty,
And the boozy remarks,
From the proletarian masses
And all other life!
The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
Insects, insects...
Insects, insects...
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.

Te iubesc atât de mult

eu voi trăi cu tine
fiecare zi începe unde sfârșesc săruturile
acum că e inevitabilă
o durere fantastică în minutele care rămân
pentru totdeauna
te iubesc atât de mult
și voi fi acolo pentru tine
dacă vei simți în inimă
o iubire care nu există
te iubesc atât de mult
și ție mă voi alătura
cu toată vocea mea
eu voi cânta pentru tine
mă vei simți în aer
intrând în ochii tăi
singură în suflet
eu voi trăi cu tine
privindu-te că exiști și renaști în soare
eu știu că suntem fragili
și cu ochii îngerilor
ne privim rezistând
eu văd o lume mai bună
se întorc norii
ai grijă să strălucești
te iubesc atât de mult
și nimic nu se va sfârși
dacă nu-ți va fi frică
să continui să trăiești
eu voi cânta pentru tine
mă vei simți în aer
intrând în ochii tăi
singură în suflet
eu voi cânta pentru tine
voi cânta pentru tine
amintește-ți numele meu
te iubesc atât de mult
nu voi vedea cu tine
acei zori de lumină
acum unde sunt


Versions: #2
It's so cold here
The wind took my last leaves
The serpent gnaws in the ground
Sharply I age
The fire that takes - Life
The fire that gives - Life
Deep from the deep
The heart hammers
Deep from the deep
The heart strikes
Like stone strikes sparks
Strikes sparks for the chest's
Strikes sparks for the heart
For mind and blood
Hearts hammer
The dimness covers
What the eye can see
And the way i follow
And the tracks i tread
Are cold, so cold
Be welcome
Hunger no more
In hunger is found
Need, my fire
Be welcome
Long for no more
In longing is won
Need, my fire
Be welcome
Burn no more
In fire is won
Need, my fire

La Boheme

I could play with like-minded people like you
You're a wanderer of sinful fingers
I try to see you, you sway your waist colourfully
Tonight you'll surrender to that girl
On the midnight stage, with black sunglasses
You play the guitar with a cigarrette
Yeah, save you, save me, play loud
Make me forget that I'm a gypsy
Yeah, save you, save me, tiré mi amor
The nails of your sinful fingers follow the whereabouts of a red wound
The gaslight smokes in my favourite club
If I dress flashy, the night becomes merry
If you turn your arm like if you hold your guitar
You pump a blue phrase
You too are La Boheme
Your soul is a wanderer
I'm of the kind that can't forgive a lie
Though if I recognize it, that's love too
As if you cut in pieces the obstinate sadness
You play the guitar with the timbre of someone bent backwards
Yeah, save you, save me, it's the melody
That makes me fly like a bird again
Yeah, save you, save me, make me feel it
The horizon that will burn sweating one day embraces the white night
If you invite me, my heart will go running
I want to take you away of that girl
Because it's a night of mixed petals raining
While I get wet and moved I want to walk
You too are La Boheme
You're a wanderer in this city
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Passion is a glass door
It chills so sad that it burns
If we could get together like a constellation
Like the day we met
The fire of the night won't fade away
I want to love and be loved
But your hands one day will hold a beautiful woman
Hidden in the coat of my heart
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
You behaving like a brat and drunk
I feel like holding you on my lap
A woman only waits
I'm more a lonely pierrot than men
Even bad dreams shine
I understand this is a foolish love
I'd forgive a hundred sins with a rose
Just as much as shortening the distance to love you
Even if the farewell comes, it wouldn't be strange
Ah Ah Ah
I want to love and be loved
But your hands one day will hold a beautiful woman
Hidden in the coat of my heart
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
Ah Ah Ah
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
I drink my tears and make a pistol with my hand
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I missed the shock

Because of the night of a long day
I got used to not understand you
More than any kind of severe novel
My heart is sad. A rainy day
A very slept circuit, unnoticed for me
Is leaving my heart behind
The sure kiss of that time
Had faded in my dreams. Slow down
I missed the shock, without being aware
All starts to fall apart
I missed the shock, without being sure
Love is leaving me behind. Shock!
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Because of the loneliness afraid of the rain
Someday I'll get used to desolation
The old days that continuously chased me
Are leaving a dim shadow behind
Believing instead of doubting
Is something that now I hanged up
The weight of the night drawing near pressures me
I predict that tomorrow is just a day
I missed the shock, without understanding
I've lost the future
I missed the shock, The tears
That tried love are calling me. Shock!
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Lonely night in the rain
Nothing is seen. I can't see the sky through the glass
I can't tell anyone the sighs of tears that aren't heard
Being beautiful, being tender
Is not being empty
I missed the shock, without being aware
All starts to fall apart
I missed the shock, without being sure
Love is leaving me behind. Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
I missed the shock! Shock!
I missed the shock! Shock! Shock!
I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
Oh I missed the shock! Shock!
I missed the shock, without being sure
Love is leaving me behind. Shock!
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Oh no, oh yes

One by one are fading out
The lights of the windows at the office streets
Lowering the noise of my heels
To meet you
I go walking fast
More than a ring on a ring finger
I chose a love hidden to the public gaze
Even if I show that I'm a strong woman
Always in my heart
I'm shaking of pain
Oh no, we're two sinners
But no, we can't separate
Oh yes, I want to be loved this way
Oh no, loving you is not right
But no, don't take me home tonight
Oh yes, so baby won't you hold me tight
A theater that was left desolate
And a pharmacy that closed its doors
If I cross the street immediately
There's the hotel where you wait
But I'm bewildered
Lovers that walk down the road
How happy they seem
I fall in your lovely chest
A very late meeting
I'm burying with tears
Oh no, these are impossible affections
But no, I need nothing
Oh yes, if you embrace me
Oh no, it's not the way I planned
But no, don't let it be 'one-night-stand'
Oh yes, so baby try to understand
Oh no, we're two sinners
But no, we can't separate
Oh yes, I want to be loved this way
Oh no, loving you is not right
But no, don't take me home tonight
Oh yes, so baby won't you hold me tight
Oh no, it's not the way I planned
But no, don't let it be 'one-night-stand'
Oh yes, so baby try to understand
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Southern wind

The sea breeze salutes me
My body takes the rhythm to nature
I whirl my panama hat revolving the finger
The fruit wine they sent to my table
Is a message of someone unknown
I look on my back an I'm perplexed by a strong gaze
With the feet crossed in a white chair
And resting the chin in a hand you draw my attention
Like in a movie
I comb my hair up a little melancholically
Dangerous heart
Under the silhouette of the shadow of a coconut tree
My burnt body rests
Ignoring your transparent gaze and your pose
If you're a man dead of temptation
The seaside distracts me
Spontaneously you waved your hand attracting me
A beautiful boy on a white yatch
Dazzling eyes
If you're a man dead of temptation
You call me to the hotel window
Making me wave my freshly washed hair
In an instant I wink at you playing
Is it dangerous?
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Both quiet (from The Noh Mask Murders)

'Surely because I loved you too much'
It's innocent the finger that arranges the fallen petals
In the back of time saying 'goodbye'
Wanting to kill you is sad because I loved you too much
Sleep with me, I'll give you an eternal hug
I wish you good dreams. The night cherry blossoms
Make the brief dreams merry
To take off the clothes of the pale dragonfly of happiness
I want to show my way of life that tried the coldness
Because I've been so sad that I even yearned for you
Sleep with me, if in the new moon you sleep in my pillow
Your soul will become a reborn phoenix
A heaven river with a momentary flash of light​
Wanting to kill you is sad because I loved you too much
Sleep with me, I'll get close to fate
Push your completely cold palm against my chest
Warm up
Sleep with me, I'll give you an eternal hug
I wish you good dreams. The night cherry blossoms
Make the brief dreams merry
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Forget (Special live version)

Last summer, I went buying
A swimsuit that I anxiously was looking for
Bursting into laughter
I put on airs of being on a summer holiday
As if I pile up everyone's sunburns
I pile up memories in my heart
On my shoulder reflected in the mirror
My memories with him dissapeared
Wanting to lose you, wanting to lose you
I bought a swimsuit
Wanting to forget you, wanting to forget you
I tried changing my favourite design
Today I bid farewell with this
But I want you to listen one thing
Many things worry me
I want you to forgive me from the heart
On this stage I stood up until yesterday
In my dreams there was only anxiety
That me now is bathing
In the warm eyes and the smiles of everybody
Don't forget, don't forget
My love for you won't change
Stare at me, stare at me
Because since tomorrow I'll be what I was until now
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Flowers arranged in the water

From the crescent moon a platinum light leaks out
At the sigh I woke up in the corner of the room
I saw an angel shaking
The hem of her lace spreads to the ankle
Instead of wings. Brefly and fleetingly
She says sweet words
Come, let's return
to when I was a girl
I'll be able to return once again to the day I was loved in my way
You maybe when you sleep innocently
She feels good while she lays on your shoulder
When I fall in love, time isn't bound
Everybody get hurt, it's a sin
But it's lovely too
Ah, sorry
Therefore, I can't go
I have again the pain that changed its form
I'm worried about the flower withering in the vase
I forgot it's arranged in the water with loneliness
That's why alone, homding my shoulders
I dream
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Tango noir

With your cold fingers you grab me by the wrist
Because my black satin shoes moved forward
The night without an end has begun
A black pas de deux
Cutting the rhythm, my shoulders tremble
The heat haze in your eyes gets red
I can't go back anymore. A beautiful devil
Possesses me, loves me, torments me so.
Just by turning around you're a criminal
Burning my life we dance Tango Tango
I'm breaking up by being loved
You kiss my chest bended backwards
Tango Noir
While I get covered in all the jealousy
I brecome an extraordinary lady
The battle of so called love becomes precious
A black pas de deux
Grab me by the waist with my silk bustier
If you decide to turn, my breath cuts short
Let's go to bed. The beautiful ruin
Possesses me, loves me, washes me away so.
Just by living you're a criminal
Since I want to burn in flames, we dance Tango Tango
I'm breaking up by being loved
Even opposing is a pleasure
Tango Noir
I can't go back anymore. A beautiful devil
Possesses me, loves me, torments me so.
Just by turning around you're a criminal
Burning my life we dance Tango Tango
I'm breaking up by being loved
You kiss my chest bended backwards
Tango Noir
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


It's fine if I could forget only love
If I cried as much as I wish
In front of my eyes a different love
I think is shown maybe
Showing that show of courage
Is for forgetting you
I'm too lonely and broken
I'm the shipwrecking of love
Spreading my broken wings
I want to fall over you
If I sink in the bottom of the sea
I want to cry and I want you to hold me
If I loved someone else
I shouldn't be chasing you
Rather than continuing with a miserable love
I choose the pain of farewell
With a single word and without turning around
That morning when you left
I didn't recognized this loneliness
I'm the shipwrecking of love
Even if they laugh at me saying that I'm foolish
I want to chase you and hold you
Leaving our bodies to a whirlwind
I want to sink in your sea
I won't be able to meet you in this city
Tonight I walked alone
Everybody faking ignorance
Remain quiet and pass by
Just with losing a lover
Everything dissapeared
I'm lonely, I have nobody
I'm the shipwrecking of love
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning love
There are times that I'm so bored that is unbearable even if I'm with you
If I start talking, I wanna dance now in a glass discotheque
Everyone are fallen angels. Sweat flies instead of wings
Can I get obsessed with something? Lovers in a time where love isn't shown.
Fall head over heels, desire
Burn up like fire, desire
Until love dance, dance, dance, dance
Not getting used to obsession is so lonely
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning heart
Quit your arm. Sorry. I'm not in the mood for being kissed.
I feel I kick of my heels. The night is long and lonely.
Maybe I understand the extravagant problems, however
Can I believe in something? Even a scandal is an ecstasy of the time
Collide and turn, desire
Gather the remmnants of stars, desire
Dreams are in front of me
If I wake up, they become nothing
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning love
Fall head over heels, desire
Burn up like fire, desire
Until love dance, dance, dance, dance
Not getting used to obsession is so lonely
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning heart
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up
Get up, Get up, Get up, Get up Burning love
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Meu amor é

Looking for you, the extended fingertips
Wind up in the whirlpool of the dance
A crowd of people surround me
The city of Rio is a carnival
Silver confetti, black eyed dancers
Feathers that shine making the sweat fly
At night in the city of an exotic country covered in magic
When it threw a spell on our hearts
It was a chance
Hesitations, make me hesitate carnival
Because it's a dream, tonight
Invitation, if I'm invited by the carnival
I sway in and out of your arms
Hold me, because we're embraced by the carnival
A kiss is the fire of life, amor é
On the other side of the parade I stared at you
In order to wake up from my dreams
You were in a corner standing still
Fireworks blast in the sky
The samba rhythm
For a thousand and one seconds
Tell me to not do it yet
Dance, make me dance carnival
In the circle of lights I beg you
I was requested by the carnival
To take my hand, amor é
Hestitations, make me hesitate carnival
Hold me strong
Invitation, if I'm invited by the carnival
Because my heart slips away
Hold me, because we're embraced by the carnival
A kiss is the fire of life, amor é
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.