Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 176


Nothing Left

I can hear your voice saying goodbye
Destroying all hope
Don't want to talk or think anymore
I can't even imagine
After everything you'll leave my place
If there's someone else, I can't even think about...
Nothing left, our love is gone
Deserted streets, no light, no sun
The warmth of our love has gone, nothing left
Nothing left of our love
Look around and you're not there anymore, nobody to talk to
The rain is falling and nothing remains
I remember that place
Where we looked at each other passing by
Without you, nothing left, just the end
Without you, nothing left, just want to cry
And it's like...
Nothing left, our love is gone
Deserted streets, no light, no sun
The warmth of our love has gone, nothing left
Nothing left of our love
I can still feel you, can still dream about you here
I can still love you, be yours, my love
Your kisses hug me, your hands close to me
Na na na na na

I dont feel anything anymore

These wounds are so deep,
theres nothing else to prove,
I swore not to take a step back.
It was your ego showered in lies
and now i cant give you love,
its better to let it go by and I continue, here, here, here, here...
Because I remember everything that ive lived through
and I dont want this ending like that.
How many times did I tell you that the soul goes wearing off if you dont give it wings,
To fly so far, that nothing exists
To end with the fury of the sea
thats how I would look at you, when I would kiss you,
when I would tell you that it wouldnt end,
But this already already has the hours marked(our love)
Because, although Im scared to death inside,
I dnt feel anything anymore... I dont feel anything.
Through your defeat, today you disarm,
You trusted more than the normal and reality hit you.
You were never sincere, and now you ask me
That some beats exists(hearbeats)
Before accepting that, alone,
I continue here, here, here, here, here...
Because I remember everything I lived through and I dont want this ending this way
How many times did I tell you that the soul goes withering away if you dont give it wings,
To fly so far, that nothing exists
To end with the fury of the sea
Its the way I would look at you, when I would kiss you,
When I would tell you that it wouldnt end,
But this already has the hours counted,
Because, añthough im scared to death inside,
I dont feel anything... I dont feel anything.
And you were wrong when you would think
That the day wouldnt come where everything ends.
How many times did I tell you the soul withers away if you dont give it wings,
To fly so far, that nothing exists
To end with the fury of the sea
Thats the way I would look at you, when I would kiss you,
When I would tell you that it wouldnt end,
But this already has the time counted,
Because, although im dying of fright inside,
I dont feel anyrhing... I dont feel anything.
I dont feel anything anymore

Msg35 The symbols - The lucky islands

What sound comes in the sound of the waves
Which isn't the voice of the sea?
It is the voice of someone who speaks to us,
But who, if we listen, falls quiet,
For having been heard.
And only if, half asleep,
Without knowing that we hear we hear,
That she tells us the hope
To which, like a sleeping
Child, upon sleeping we smile.
They are lucky islands
They are lands without having place,
Where the King dwells waiting.
But, if we start wakening,
It silences its voice, and there is only sea.

Nobody told me anything

The last train was passing
an early morning tuesday
and I spent it sleeping
because nobody told me anything
that the train that passed on tuesday
was leaving the tracks.
And I never came to the date,
and I never returned for her.
And here I am in another bed
holding a bottle,
resurrecting on the ceiling
the caresses of the prettiest one
The last train was running
an early morning tuesday
leaving behind a valley
of sleeping faces.
My last train was leaving
and nobody told me anything.
Nobody told me,
Nobody told me anything.
Nobody told me anything.
Nadie me dijo anything.
Nobody told me anything.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Rege al banilor

Nu caut un rege al banilor
Caut un valet de inimi
Stii unde este palatul meu
Sub cerul instelat cu tine.
La cine imi ofera bani
eu le raspund ofensata
La cine imi ofera flori
Le voi da toata inima mea.
Viata e un joc
Amesteca cartile
Rade cine invinge
Cine pierde plange
Dar partida
E doar una
In viata e nevoie de noroc
O revansa nu va fi
Adio frumos rege al banilor
Iubesc valetul meu de inimi
Bogatia ta ce este
Cand dragostea nu este
Viata e un joc
Amesteca cartile
Rade cine invinge
Cine pierde plange
Daca moare soarele
Se naste luna
In viata e nevoie de noroc
Eu norocul l-am avut cu tine

Owner of nothing

I am not the one who makes you happier
and occupies a special place in your life
I am not the one who makes you dream of the moon
and see cristal drops in the rain
I am not the one you call 'my owner'
I am just a dog that you make jump,
And you look for when you feel like
having a man who makes you really feel
Owner of you, owner of what? owner of nothing
A harlequin who makes your soulless body tremble
Owner of air and the reflection of the moon on the water
Owner of nothing, owner of nothing
I am not the one who always shares your life,
pains and laughs and your reality
I am not the one who spends sleepless nights
when your sadness perturbs your home
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Nothing upset you

Nothing upset you
Nothing scare you
Everything happens
With patience
Everything achieves
God does not change
Nothing upset you
Nothing scare you
Who has God
Nothing lacks
Nothing upset you
Nothing scare you
God alone is sufficient
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Tune of the Full Moon

I saw a black heron
Battling it out with a river
That is how your heart
Falls in love with mine
I saw a black heron
Battling it out with a river
That is how your heart
That is how your heart
Falls in love with mine
Falls in love with mine
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Young man, go to my house
And fetch me my rifle
So that I may kill this sparrowhawk
He won't spare a single one of my hens
The moon is looking at me
I don't know what she sees in me
My clothes are clean
I washed them late last night
The moon is looking at me
I don't know what she sees in me
My clothes are clean
My clothes are clean
I washed them late last night
I washed them late last night
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon
Moon, full moon


Stiu ca nu e dreapta aceasta rana
ca mi-ai facut-o in suflet
tu stii cata incredere am avut in tine
si inca mai mult, cat te-am iubit
Poate Dumnezeu a facut femeia
pentru ca barbatul mereu sa uite
si tu nu esti exceptia
deja cui ii mai pasa, deja totul e la fel
Dar mai mult decat durererea de a ma simti inselata
ma sperie ideeade singuratate
la sosirea noptii si in zori
voi muri gandindu-ma cu cine vei fi
Cu cine te vei juca sarutandu-te in suflet
si aprinzand focuri
sub paturi
mai mult decat tristetea care a intrat in casa mea
ma sperie ideea de a nu te mai vedea
Poate Dumnezeu a facut femeia
pentru a suporta ranile
ca barbatul le face fara sa gandeasca
ca o femeie i-a dat viata
Dar mai mult decat durererea de a ma simti inselata...
Cu cine te vei juca sarutandu-te in suflet...
Dar mai mult decat durererea de a ma simti inselata...
Cu cine te vei juca sarutandu-te in suflet...
ma sperie ideea de a nu te mai vedea.


I have walked to your home
I don't know how I was able
If they had told be you're not there
That you'll never come back
If they had told me that you've gone...
How much snow there is in my soul
What silence there is at your door
Upon arrival at your doorstep
A keylock of pain
It'd detained my heart
Nothing, nothing remains
at your birth home
Only spider webs
That weave the grass
and the rose bushes
Neither exist and that's certain
That it has died at your depart
Everything is a cross
Nothing, nothing more
What sadness and stillness
Nothing that tells me
If you still live
Where are you...
To tell you that today
I have returned in regret
To search for your love...
Now I get away from your house and I go
I don't now where
Without wanting to tell you goodbye
And even the echo of your voice
responds back to me nothing...
At the cross of your keylock
For your shame I pray
And I drove at your door
A teardrop becomes flower
Of my poor heart
Nothing, nothing remains
at your birth home
Only spider webs
That weave the grass
and the rose bushes
Neither exist and that's certain
That it has died at your depart
Everything is a cross
Nothing, nothing more
What sadness and stillness
Nothing that tells me
If you still live
Where are you...
To tell you that today
I have returned in regret
To search for your love...

Love Dies Away (She's Gone)

When did you start become weary of me
What burdens did I give you
To you, I can no longer say anything
The reason why you’ve abandoned me.
Without the usual grumbling
Still smiling that polite smile to cover the misery
Losing the sadness that passed by your eyes
It was stupidity on my part I’m sorry, my love~
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took now I can see it too
Like a time of separation past memories come flooding back
I saw it coming i didn’t know were such a part of me
If I could turn it all back
No, if you would smile for me just once more
By myself, I’m unable to hold your heart
Because of foolish pride I’m sorry, my love~
When I look at how cold you’ve become
Now I know there’s nothing to be done
In the name of love slowly like changing colors
Love is leaving me I didn’t know I had it to begin with
Even words of apology
Although I’m as sorry as this oh~ yeah~
What could a person like me say and how could I say it
Like I can’t breathe, I’m dizzy
Inside lost time even if I roam quickly
The only thing I could do now is that I can’t do anything
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming I didn’t know you were such a part of me.


Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
How crazy things can be
When you love intensely, with sentiment
All the promises
Fly like the ones you keep inside
What do you want from me?
I've opened my chest to you, my love
Now I can't get used to
See myself in other arms and feel other lips
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
How crazy things can be
When you love intensely, with sentiment
All the promises
Fly like the ones you keep inside
What do you want from me?
I've opened my chest to you, my love
Now I can't get used to
See myself in other arms and feel other lips
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed

You're No Good

There's no one crazier than this girl
More insane than her I've never seen
It's a hard time for her friends limitless
Doesn't shape up even inside out
Tonight she's going to the funk party
Tomorrow morning she has a test, she doesn't care (she doesn't care)
Told her dad she's got some homework
And will sleepover at her friend's
This girl is the big deal wherever she goes
Today she'll attract a lot of attention at the vip section
If it's cold, her friends will wear boots and pants
And she'll wear a skirt and a generous cleavage
When a guy calls her out
She trainned by the deception art
Says she's a saint, who doesn't drink and never lied
Go easy there girl cause it's not april first
(She) kisses and says she's in love
You're no good
Little does he know that he's became the laughingstock
You're no good
While she doesn't find the right person, she has a good time with the wrong ones
You're no good
She's a registered teaser
You're no good
(She) kisses and says she's in love
You're no good
Little does he know that he's became the laughingstock
You're no good
While she doesn't find the right person, she has a good time with the wrong ones
You're no good
She's a registered teaser
You're no good
There's no one crazier than this girl
More insane than her I've never seen
It's a hard time for her friends limitless
Doesn't shape up even inside out
Tonight she's going to the funk party
Tomorrow morning she has a test, she doesn't care (she doesn't care)
Told her dad she's got some homework
And will sleepover at her friend's
This girl is the big deal wherever she goes (wherever she goes)
Today she'll attract a lot of attention at the vip section
If it's cold, her friends will wear boots and pants
And she'll wear a skirt and a generous cleavage
When a guy calls her out
She trainned by the deception art
Says she's a saint, who doesn't drink and never lied
Go easy there girl cause it's not april first
(She) kisses and says she's in love
You're no good
Little does he know that he's became the laughingstock
You're no good
While she doesn't find the right person, she has a good time with the wrong ones
You're no good
She's a registered teaser
You're no good
(She) kisses and says she's in love
You're no good
Little does he know that he's became the laughingstock
You're no good
While she doesn't find the right person, she has a good time with the wrong ones
You're no good
She's a registered teaser
You're no good
Ôôô, you're no good
You're no good
You're no good
You're no good

Twenty Hours of Nothing

I've noticed the light in your eyes
While mine were closed
And I've felt the warmth from your lips without having touched them
I noticed I felt a puncturing in my soul
I think your shot has reached me
Maybe that was your intention or you dreamt it
Tomorrow we'll see one another again
Now our luck is cast
I don't know if I'll be able to withstand 20 hours of nothing
Whoo... because the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
I've taken out my old watches,
Kept in dark drawers
I've tried to set the time correctly
But I have not been able to
Tonight I've gone out
I was looking for you without realizing it
Asking everyone about your name
But I didn't find you
So I sleep while I wait
For the wee hours to pass
I don't know if I'll be able to withstand 20 hours of nothing
Whoo... because the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
Whoo... today the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
There's no need for me to tell you that I'm dying to make
Time run faster
And to see you again
Whoo... because the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
Whoo... today the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it


We only want to drink lemonade
There where they're dancing samba and lambada
Ramba ramba
Ramba ramba
Everyone tells me you're an egoist
That you're real amorous fascist
You have everything but you don't have a heart
You're like Paulo Escobar
When it comes to love
You have a sight of a terrorist
There's only crystal served by your table
You have everything but you don't have a soul
Emotionally handicapped
When it comes to love
We only want to drink lemonade
We want to eat chocolate somewhere out of the city
There where they're dancing samba and lambada
Ramba ramba
Ramba ramba
And we want to
And we want to
Ramba ramba
Ramba ramba
We only want to drink lemonade
Only lemonade
Only lemonade
Everyone tells me you're hedonist
You look like a sadomasochist does
You have everything but you don't have a soul
Emotionally handicapped
When it comes to love
We only want to drink lemonade
We want to eat chocolate somewhere out of the city
There where they're dancing samba and lambada
Ramba ramba
Ramba ramba
And we want to
We only want to drink lemonade
We want to eat chocolate somewhere out of the city
And we want to drink, drink
Ramba ramba
We only want to drink lemonade
We want to eat chocolate somewhere out of the city
There where they're dancing samba and lambada
Ramba ramba
Ramba ramba


Mă plimb pe o mare de frunze uscate
Îngerii zboară peste Berlin
Ei cântă împreună cu mine o aleluia
În timp ce ploaia intră în mine
Mi-e dor de vocea ta
Nu sunt în ţara nimănui
Îmi lipseşte aerul
Înapoi la soare
Petrecând o altă zi fără tine.
Nu ajută să ajungem mai departe
Nu toată faima, nu toți banii
Nu-ți este de folos dacă nu ești cu mine
Și singurătatea e blocată în oasele mele
Nu e de folos
Ah, ah nimic
Oh, oh n-i-m-i-c, no oh
Nu, nu, nu, nu
Nimeni nu ghicește care este destinul
Calea noastră este încă pe jumătate făcută
Am aruncat geanta Chanel făcuită China
Pe podeaua umedă și alerg
Mi-e dor de vocea ta
Nu sunt în ţara nimănui
Ascunde-te, te uiți la tine ...
Înapoi la soare
Terminând o altă zi fără tine. ...
Nu ajută să ajungem mai departe
Nu toată faima, nu toți banii
Nu-ți este de folos dacă nu ești cu mine
Și singurătatea e blocată în oasele mele
Nu e de folos
Ah, ah nimic
Oh, oh n-i-m-i-c, no oh
Nu ajută să ajungem mai departe
Nu toată faima, nu toți banii
Nu-ți este de folos dacă nu ești cu mine
Și singurătatea e blocată în oasele mele
Nu e de folos
Ah, ah, ah nimic
Oh, oh n-i-m-i-c, no oh
Nu, nu, nu, nu