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Night fades above the woods,The wind sleeps outside the window,
Leshy1 stands still in the darkness,
Guarding the sleeping forest.
I will catch up with the hour of dawn,
I will call the night back.
I will grieve meeting the tears
In the bright eyes of the sun.
You and I are sad together, dawn,
The world is slumbering in a quiet dream.
But sadness as a rain-downpour
Is beating at the doorstep.
In drops of dew light radiates,
Rus weeps a shower of tears,
But the soul will forgive everyone for everything
After discovering the sun's sadness.
- 1. A slavic spirit who protects the forests and the wild animals in it
Don't boast about your flying, my grey friend,And don't call yourself 'steely'
Arrows will come even at you
From an unkind and perverse hand.
My falcon, rush as an arrow,
Should you fall on the earth, rise,
Should you not rise, keep low,
And ask me to take you on my arm.
You cannot disappear in marsh salt
Nor vanish among the fields,
I will pick you up and cure your illness,
I will give you my own warm blood to drink.
My falcon, as an arrow rush,
And with an injured wing keep calm.
At sunset come back home
And, falcon, be family with me.
I cannot drink the potion of freedom with you.
And I cannot sleep on the wind's bosom
Your talons have hardened, your feathers grow stronger,
Skyey journeys are calling you away.
My falcon, as an arrow rush,
There she is, your darling on high.
Don't be angry with me, a wingless being,
Just share the sky with me.
We were fucking for the first time
I’lol bring out my white suitAnd put on a black tie
I’ll buy flowers, come to you
I’ll tell you how much I love you
I was flying to you with candy
My shoes were freaking on the road
Ran into the front yard with a bouquet of roses
And you have diarrhea again
We were tucking for the first time
And you shitted yourself
It was so disgusting
Fucking you, and you’re covered in shit
You came out, screamed:
Jumped onto my neck
And after, farting loudly
Said: I love you
I stood in shock for half an hour
But I didn’t show it
I said, it’s because of love
My eyes are watering like that
We were tucking for the first time
And you shitted yourself
It was so disgusting
Fucking you, and you’re covered in shit
You grabbed the candy
Said: I am all yours now
With one hand, you took off your underwear,
With the other, put some candy in your mouth
We were tucking for the first time
And you shitted yourself
It was so disgusting
Fucking you, and you’re covered in shit
We were tucking for the first time
And you shitted yourself
It was so disgusting
Fucking you, and you’re covered in shit
You’re ignoring me again
Sleeping on the toilet until the morning
I brought you candy
And you have diarrhea again.
What would happen (what if)
What would happen if you entered my hearttravel in the city of love
how strangely you have overtaken (my) heart
When you stole my heart, you broke it at same time(?)
what would happen to my heart
You made love distressful and lamentable
I became regretful of the custom of love
You made love distressful and lamentable
I became regretful of the custom of love
I became regretful of the custom of love
You acted/were different every moment
(when you) travelled in the city of love
how strangely you have overtaken (my) heart
When you stole my heart, you broke it at same time(?)
what would happen to my heart
What would happen if you were not disloyal
(so) you would take the colour of loyalty (in my eyes you would become my loyal)
What would happen if you were not disloyal
(so) you would take the colour of loyalty(in my eyes you would become my loyal)
What would happen if you were not disloyal
(so) you would take the colour of loyalty (in my eyes you would become my loyal)
so you would be more careful of leaving (the beloved behind)
travel in the city of love
What would happen if you entered my heart
travel in the city of love
how strangely you have overtaken (my) heart
When you stole my heart, you broke it at same time(?)
what would happen to my heart
Here, have all my treasure,Although they don't even cost a penny.
I'll be your beast,
Hidden away in a man.
Here, have all my treasure,
Although they don't even cost a penny.
I'll be your beast,
Hidden away in a man.
Here, have all my treasure,
Although they don't even cost a penny.
I'll be your beast,
Hidden away in a man.
Here, have all my treasure,
Although they don't even cost a penny.
I'll be your beast,
I'll be yours, I'll be yours.
Bună, mamă, îți scriu o scrisoare,Bună, mamă, totul e bine, ca de obicei.
Soarele străluceşte, totul e bine, ceața se lasă pe munte,
Ştii, mamă, aici nu e îngrozitor, doar că aici e Afganistan.
A-a-a! Afganistan!
A-a-a! Afganistan!
Ştii, mamă, v-am văzut în vis,
Cum surioara mea a mers în clasa a patra.
Ar trebui s-o inviți pe Ana mai des la noi,
Spune-i că ma voi întoarce, să mă aştepte.
A-a-a! Afganistan!
A-a-a! Afganistan!
Mama citeşte, iar ochii îi sunt încețoşați,
Mama plânge, unde e adevărul, unde e minciunea?
Mama nu se poate desprinde de piatra mormântului,
Fiul ei e în pământ, iar pe palmă e o foaie a acestei scrisori.
A-a-a! Afganistan!
A-a-a! Afganistan!
Abia ieri sub cerul albastru totul a fost aşa de bine,
Dar azi dimineață poştaşul i-a adus o scrisoare
În care el e aşa frumos, râde şi vrea atât de mult să trăiască,
Bună, mamă, bună, veşnicie, n-avem dreptul să-i uităm.
A-a-a! Afganistan!
A-a-a! Afganistan!
Goodbye Rolling Star
I don't know where we're rolling toBut we were happy
This feeling like injuries wearing us down
It's a mass of ill feeling
Why is it this time
We can't seem to keep going
It's so strange
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Keep rolling strongly
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Make a beautiful ball
All that self-confidence vanished
Like fireworks, in a twinkling
Came unwound like a ball of yarn
Feeling smaller
Can you do it eternally?
Our joined hands are little by little coming apart
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Every time you're becoming bigger
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Let's roll
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Goodbye is painful, but
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Live your life looking forward
So lonely at the ticket taker, waving and smiling
I couldn't stand it, before I got there, I turned around and cried
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
If you take care of that little ball
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
You can make it into a big ball
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
I loved you the most
Good to see you.
I will never, ever forget you.
Good to see you. You are my rolling star.
Is that okay?
Until we meet again, somewhere...
Something finished
Don't delude me.And you say you're finished, still loving me
And missing so much to me,
to see me and hugging me.
Please remind me just who you are,
When you have free time only, you remember me?!
I understand you very well
You will never change
I am tired of trying to change your thoughts
You are already starting to lose me
and take this promise from me?!
When you deny the blessing that you have
Decreases years from your life
and the loss is gain to you, not for mine
and instead of your eyes, I'll take the whole world.
Do not love me, no need to, who is forcing you
I do not suffer and tire for your sake
O soul support
Who it becomes needless
I don't want to love
It just reminds me of a time of need
and according to the mood of your heart
No one let me move accord to his mode desires
It will not help you to return, and apologize
Your apologies won't fix what is broken
The door of my heart is closed after you
And far from him became whole the lifetime?!
You have become something finished
A person does not wish me
and death does not bind with
Be sold and try to settle down !?
Do not love me, no need to, who is forcing you
I do not suffer and tire for your sake
Pleacă și închide ușa
Au fost nopți, au fost zileAm rămas singuri,
Nu înțeleg cum s-a întâmplat totul
Dar parcă mă îndrăgostesc
Acum a înroșit, acum a devenit palidă,
Am vrut să fiu cu tine,
Tot ce am vrut odată,
Să fi mers la film cu mine,
Însă un prieten a bătut,
Că te-am întâlnit în secret,
O lacrimă îmi curge pe obraz,
Și îți spun în ochi
Pleacă și închide ușa,
Eu am acum altele,
Nu-mi mai trebuie multe de-ale tale
Numărul în caiet,
Am trecut prin multe, am așteptat atât de mult,
Am fost ars de dragoste,
Însă acum am în sfârșit
M-am născut din nou!
Ziua nu este zi și noaptea nu este noapte,
Îmi alung gândurile,
Nu știu cum să fiu și cine mă poate ajuta!
Merg singur în depărtare
Luminile orașului se sting
Am plecat fără tine
Ei bine, de ce am spus!??!
Pleacă și închide ușa,
Eu am acum altele,
Nu-mi mai trebuie multe de-ale tale
Numărul în caiet,
Am trecut prin multe, am așteptat atât de mult,
Am fost ars de dragoste,
Însă acum am în sfârșit
M-am născut din nou!
Dancing in the Scent of Flowers
With a bright, brilliant radianceLet's bloom like the flowers
All I want is a little courage to take the first step,
and a magic key to open my timid heart
And yet on the count of 'one, two, three!' we spring vigorously.
Our dream begins, our (true) dream - what form will it take?
Dance and dance
Don't let it scatter
Together with you, I want to count out more and more –
Unseen views
Arranged in fragrant colors, with a bright, brilliant radiance (yes)
Let's bloom like flowers! (yes, yes)
I hope to be able to watch over you from now on.
Arranged in fragrant colors, with a bright, blazing radiance
These flowering feelings are eternal. (yes, yes)
After all, a maiden's way is left to the wind
Is what I murmured... that's a maiden's heart!
If you hestitate, nothing will happen.
But your eyes alone say you're ready to move forward.
So 'come on, let's go!' – Tomorrow is shining
And this brilliant dream (it's for real), this dream
Will manifest in colors
Sing and sing
while we're lighthearted
I want to always, always have fun together
In this cherry blossom-colored harmony
On scattered petals, it flows strongly, strongly (yes)
This ephemeral floral fragrance! (Yes Yes)
I want to always be with you.
On scattered petals, it flows strongly, strongly (yes)
Before getting drunk from the meetings and partings (yes, yes)
I want to softly gaze into each other's eyes,
and feel....
your presence...
That's a maidens wish!
Dance – and feel such a joy now
Dance – look we're in such a joy
Feeling like we can jump as high as we want!
Sing – having so much fun now!
Sing – see how much fun we're having
This feeling of wanting to have fun together forever, forever
resonates a cherry blossom-colored harmony
Arranged in fragrant colors, with a bright, brilliant radiance (yes)
Let's bloom like flowers! (yes, yes)
I hope to be able to watch over you from now on.
Arranged in fragrant colors, with a bright, blazing radiance
These flowering feelings are eternal. (yes, yes)
After all, a maiden's way is left to the wind
Is what I murmured... that's a maiden's heart!
This colorful fragrance,
I do not want it to fade away
The silence
If ever the silence learns how to speakFrom its eyes, will flow, some memories in the form of tears
It knows me even better than myself
How much I fear the darkness
To that extinguishing lamp house, why do you enter your feet
After teaching how to smile, you're asking to cry, it's not easy to live without u
After teaching how to smile, you're asking to cry, it's not easy to live without u
One day sitting in your balcony besides me
You saw the distant skies in my eyes
After my sleep was auctioned away with your dreams
Why do you again pay the fine of tears in the path of love
After teaching how to smile, you're asking to cry, it's not easy to live without u
After teaching how to smile, you're asking to cry, it's not easy to live without u
That first meet, it seems like yesterday
2 cups of coffee, wrote the rest of the story
The letter of midnight, I've hid it in your favorite vanity
If that seasons ever returns, from my eyes will flow
After teaching how to smile, you're asking to cry, it's not easy to live without u
After teaching how to smile, you're asking to cry, it's not easy to live without u
Haiku 7.
Enormous fool moonIs hiding behind the clouds.
Again these hackers...
The Dust of Sun
I will be called today, I’ve started to live backwards and my day is brighter.The breeze of cleanliness comes from the streets and the world is whiter when I walk next to you, I walk.
I’ve found a medicine for loneliness, I’ll remove the locks of your doors and we’ll be all alone.
Let us dream all day, dream and multiply dreams through reason, let us not be upset.
The dust of sun is above my head,
It warms me up and provides me with a good mood.
We can chase away the eternity of clouds,
Since were still alive.
They change the depth again and I am drowning in your eyes, the night has gotten longer.
But we’re changing the horizon because an umbrella will saves us from the rain, and we’re lighter.
The dust of Sun is above my head,
It warms me up and provides me with a good mood.
We can chase away the clouds,
For we are still alive.
I know that love hits from afar so stand there and catch it for it may fly away
So you’ll look for it for a long time, smiling and waiting.
I am opening a door and I’m becoming courageous, let all of your worries fly away.
Only for now or for ever we will build our cities.
The dust of Sun is above my head,
It warms me up and provides me with a good mood.
We can chase away the clouds,
For we are still alive.
The dust of Sun is above my head,
It warms me up and provides me with a good mood.
We can chase away the clouds,
For we are still alive.
Dark night
It's a dark night, only the Grads1 whistling in the distance,Without letting up and without rest, the deranged artillery rages.
At this late hour you, my love, are checking Facebook,
Peering at the news from the ATO2, praying to God for me.
This fucking war separated me from you,
But it will certainly come to an end.
I know that someday we will heal,
That belief inspires me to fight the invader.3
Those creeping scum4 are already entrenched in Crimea,
Donetsk is torn to shreds, pained are the souls of the suffering.
Just as my grandfather once burned the fascists,5
So too will I drive out the occupiers.
The cold and snow, trench mud wedged under my nails,
And only in sleep is everything radiant and lovely.
At least, momentarily, to touch you and the kids,
To hug the old parents, to go for a walk around the city.
Many you'll no longer see in our ranks,
Their bodies are in the ground, but their memories are imperishable.
Prostrate yourself before all who died in this unequal struggle,
To all who laid down their body and soul for YOUR Ukraine.
- 1. The BM-21 Grad, a Soviet-designed rocket launcher. The Grad as well as the launching system it uses can be found all over the world because of its simplicity, mobility, and effectiveness.
- 2. The ATO (anti-terrorist operation) zone is the Donbass, where Ukrainian forces are currently fighting the separatists of Luhansk and Donetsk.
- 3. Ukraine alleges that the separatists in the Donbass region are supported by an active Russian military presence.
- 4. Нечисть, literally 'unclean', generally means an evil spirit. Colloquially it means something like trash, scum etc., used with contempt. Both are applicable, but I find the second one more congruous.
- 5. The Nazis occupied Soviet Ukraine from 1941-43.
Cântecul de leagăn al Mamei-urs
Amestecând zăpada cu o lingură,Vine marea noapte.
De ce nu dormi încă,
Vecinii tăi dorm,
Urșii polari la fel,
Grăbește-te și du-te la culcare,
Înotăm pe blocul de gheață,
Ca și cum ar fi un brigantin,
Pe mările gri,
Și toată noaptea, vecinii,
Strălucesc spre îndepărtatele
Oh, my darling
Versions: #1Oh, my darling, where to find such words
To make you understand,
To make you understand how I love you?
It’s impossible to forget how we have met,
And that karma will return, yet again, one can’t expect.
To those emerald eyes, a famous singer has sung,
And to melody’s rhythm, hearts by hundreds sprung.
Invited to dance, I didn’t know what to say,
My feelings I can’t describe to this day.
Intoxicated with happiness, with you I danced,
And in emerald eyes, it's my fate I have glanced.
Oh, my darling, where to find such words
To make you understand just how I love you?
How I love you.
I am grateful that fate brought us together.
Hence, this song is for you, and I’ll sing it forever.
I dedicate to you this song of mine,
My entire soul is vested in each line,
All words of love I gathered best I could,
And for you, the melody I wrote made good.
Notes, like flowers, I chose for my bouquet.
Can you imagine I was dreaming when at times I haven’t slept.
You are my muse, the inspiration for my songs.
You kept me safe from grief and kept away wrongs.
Cântec de leagăn fără rost
Mai multă tandrețe și beție,mai multă moliciune și somnolență,
în timp ce furtuna hălăduiește-n noapte
printre străzi, în jurul casei.
Vechea oboseala se apropie tot mai mult,
tot mai imperceptibila e paloarea
singurei căi pe care mi-ai lăsat-o
ca pomană.
El a luat tristețea pe-ai săi umeri,
iubirea care pășea gânditoare.
A fost o singură întâlnire,
el n-o să adoarmă.
Și nu te mai poți încălzi,
adormi în furtuna din zori de zi.
Și pentru o singură inimă
nu există leagăn.
Folk wisdom
Neither backwards nor forwards in rowsLittle piglets can fly through the air.
Or perhaps they could fly years ago
But today they are flying nowhere.
Their hooves got too sluggish and narrow,
Their tails got too stubby and crude.
All they need is to scavenge and burrow,
Dully filling their bellies with food.
Heavy blackness descends like a cloud
And they're having a dream full of fun:
Flock of piglets just lifts off the ground,
Flying South to bask in the sun.
And the people wake up in the morning,
Fetch a couple of logs for the hearth,
For they know: the winter is coming
When the piglets migrate to the south.
The Unsettling Song
I'm worried again that the day is wastedThe morning is coming, but it won't help me to sleep,
That there's not a single dream left,
In which we would not be apart, you and I!
Like ashes on the Nevsky ( *1), like sand on the Arbat ( *2),
Like the destroyed Kharkiv ( *3) and the victory at Stalingrad ( *4),
Like my love that you don't need to talk about,
Like the blue sky over Herat ( *5)…
Again, it bothers me that we are quite similar.
The whole world is in your pocket, God, it won't help us anymore,
That there's not a single dream left,
All you have to do is jump off the damn cliff…
Like birds of passage who don't know where to land
Like suicides who can't stop
Like my love, the one that is not enough,
Like the blue sky over Bagram ( *6)…
I am again worried that I have lived in vain,
That soon eternity won't help me to sleep either,
That there's not a single dream left,
In which you and I would be together forever.
Like ashes on the Nevsky ( *1), like footprints on the Arbat ( *2),
Like the blue sky over Kandahar ( *7),
Like my love, the one I need?
Like a bright sun over Leningrad! ( *8)
Let you be wrongBut the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
If you were like everyone else,
Who would you be like?
When you are near, you give me strength
Make dreams come true.
You write I'll break up with you
You are just like that, you are in my destiny
Now I understand why without others I can
Without others, I can
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Spent so long time to find you
I don't need all these people, they don't equal you
I will put you into my life
For a thaw to come to our hearts
I'm fine with you, honestly
Because we are so closely connected to each other
And now you are in my songs
So now you will live in me
You will live forever
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Komsomol marching song
Trumpeters sounded the alarm.Equipped with everything for the battle in the proper way,
The Komsomol consolidated battalion
Was going on a long journey.
Goodbye, my mother, don't grieve,
Kiss your son in farewell
Kholodnaya Vesna (Cold Spring)
From a muddy windowI see the boring neighborhoods.
The cold spring
sleeps in the empty cities.
The world is so small,
foolishness rules them.
Bitter final,
always alone, in the empty walls.
It is repugnant to me to think that I am going to see their thick, selfsatisfied faces. They make laws, they write popular novels, they get married, they are fools enough to have children.
And all this time, great, vague nature has slipped into their city, it has infiltrated everywhere, in their house, in their office, in themselves.
It doesn't move, it stays quietly and they are full of it inside, they breathe it, and they don't see it, they imagine it to be outside, twenty miles from
the city.
And I, I see it, I see this nature... I know that its obedience is idleness, I know it has no laws: what they take for constancy is only habit and it can change tomorrow...
(с) Jean-Paul Sartre 'La Nausée'
Let me longing,
don't touch my soul thread.
Let the ages go by,
in the remains of their rotting.
Let the body be covered with fragrant herbs,
let the bones shine in the golden rays.
Through the velvet of flowers, through a portrait in an emerald frame.
Not through the voice of the man, but by the nature itself that will repay.
Weird tale
A new day begins once again,The morning spotlight hits from the window again
And the phone's silent - disconnected...
There is no sun on the sky again,
Fights again - every man for himself,
And I feel that, the sun isn't more than a dream...
On the window glass there's a tale with a bad ending....
A weird tale...
And the rain knocks like bullets
And it's autumn on the streets.
And the wall of the cloud-bricks is durable...
The trees got sick with plague,
They got sick back in spring,
Leave-palms fly down, waving to us from above...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending,
A weird tale...
And then she'll come,
'Pack your things, - she'll say, - Let's go, give the body to the earth...'
But the body almost hasn't finished,
But the body hasn't received much love...
Weird thing...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending...
A weird tale...
Weird tale
A new day begins once again,The morning spotlight hits from the window again
And the phone's silent - disconnected...
There is no sun on the sky again,
Fights again - every man for himself,
And I feel that, the sun isn't more than a dream...
On the window glass there's a tale with a bad ending....
A weird tale...
And the rain knocks like bullets
And it's autumn on the streets.
And the wall of the cloud-bricks is durable...
The trees got sick with plague,
They got sick back in spring,
Leave-palms fly down, waving to us from above...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending,
A weird tale...
And then she'll come,
'Pack your things, - she'll say, - Let's go, give the body to the earth...'
But the body almost hasn't finished,
But the body hasn't received much love...
Weird thing...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending...
A weird tale...
Red Nine
Fuck itI am taking a seat in your red nine
I am pulling the snackbar out of the compartment
You set Warlocks - today we'll die
Together in a fucking car crash
One hundred and thirty per hour we are going in a turn
Someone of us two is definitely retarded
One hundred and thirty per hour we are going in a turn
Warlocks banging aloud, holy shit
Let's take a ride, bitch
Let's drive right against the traffic
Cause we are driving right in dudemobile
Protected by Jesus and Maria
Let's take a ride, bitch
Let's drive right against the traffic
Cause we are driving right in dudemobile
Protected by Jesus and Maria
Don't give a fucking about the slipping, nor about the snow
We got fucking summer tires
You are my driver, get past the red light
We need to get to the grocery before its late
One hundred and thirty per hour we are going in a turn
Someone of us two is definitely retarded
One hundred and thirty per hour we are going in a turn
Warlocks banging aloud, holy shit
Let's take a ride, bitch
Let's drive right against the traffic
Cause we are driving right in dudemobile
Protected by Jesus and Maria
Let's take a ride, bitch
Let's drive right against the traffic
Cause we are driving right in dudemobile
Protected by Jesus and Maria
Dark night
Dark night, only bullets are whistling in the steppe,Only the wind is wailing through the telephone wires, stars are faintly flickering...
In the dark night, my love, I know you are not sleeping,
And, near a child's crib, you secretly wipe away a tear.
How I love the depths of your gentle eyes,
How I long to press my lips to them!
This dark night separates us, my love,
And the dark, troubled steppe has come to lie between us.
I have faith in you, in you, my sweetheart.
That faith has shielded me from bullets in this dark night...
I am glad, I am calm in deadly battle:
I know you will meet me with love, no matter what happens.
Death is not terrible, we've met with it more than once in the steppe...
And here it looms over me once again,
You await my return, sitting sleepless near a cradle,
And so I know that nothing will happen to me!
A never ending story
Sidewalks and buildingsReflect in shop windows.
Star diamonds are scattered all over.
I can't stop time
Even for a moment,
But I wanted it so…
I live this way, I sing,
I look at the world. Again I throw everything
Into the fire without regret.
The sound does not stop,
This life is going round in a circle
Like a never ending story
Move, Tanya! Rock it out, Tanya!
It is easy to do so,
I have enough notes,
Cobwebs of words I weave.
And now there's no reason
To take aspirine,
My depth is here.
I live this way, I sing,
I look at the world. Again I throw everything
Into the fire without regret.
The sound does not stop,
This life is going round in a circle
Like a never ending story
Move, Tanya! Rock it out, Tanya!
Strong Weak
Strong ... Weak ...Strong ... Weak ...
On the heels and on my knees I'm strong
Both in the clouds and in the dungeon I'm strong
But sometimes when it gets dark I'm weak
I'm getting crazy and I don't know what to do
Cannot understand who I am, like there are two of me
Strong, strong, strongest
Or am I, or am I, or I am weak
Strong, strong, strongest
Or am I, or am I, or I am weak
I fell off and I soared, I am strong
I can do everything myself, I am strong
But here again I'm scared to believe, I'm weak
I'm afraid to fall down and am I really falling
Cannot understand who I am, like there are two of me
Strong, strong, strongest
Or am I, or am I, or I am weak
Strong, strong, strongest
Or am I, or am I, or I am weak
Strong, strong, strongest
Or am I, or am I, or I am weak
Strong, strong, strongest
Or am I, or am I, or I am weak
I live three years in a hostel,I eat and sleep here.
I've got friends in there,
And I live with a girl.
The bastards may kick me out,
Our landlord is like a beast.
We get ambushed every day,
And sometimes we lose.
Life in a hostel
It ain't a show-off, but it's cool
Oooh, ooh
Life in a hostel
Still it's (???), but very cool
Ooh, oooh ooh,
Ooh, oooh ooh
Oooh ooh
We go there to eat dumplings, with and without mayonnaise
Mostly it's with mayonnaise, but may also be without it
School's got me out of my mind, got me out me out of my mind to the end
Like Alla said, this is literal blasphemy
Literal blasphemy
My only one
Versions: #1Even in a broken mirror,
Leaning over the splinters,
In the forgotten reflections
You will see me once again.
And love like a crazy bird,
Will break through your window,
And I will be in your dreams again,
Still will be in your dreams.
My only one,
Betrothed to the wind,
Luminous with light,
My lightsome one.
Why would I need a dawn now?
The stars are falling into the seas,
And breaking the anchors,
My soul is flying away.
What have we done with hope,
In that hour when misery came?
After all, we will never be the same as we used to be.
Our children will never be born,
They will never bring us flowers.
Only a cold wind will be singing
Over the ruins of our dreams.
My only one,
Betrothed to the wind,
Luminous with light,
My lightsome one.
Why would I need a dawn now?
The stars are falling into the seas,
And breaking the anchors,
My soul is flying away.
My heart was yearning for the skies,
Yet, you were afraid of the heights.
And what’s left is only bitterness
From the sudden void.
In our broken mirror,
Leaning over, you will see -
Two unfulfilled lives
Scatter, tanging, apart.
My only one,
Betrothed to the wind,
Luminous with light,
My lightsome one.
Why would I need a dawn now?
The stars are falling into the seas,
And breaking the anchors,
My soul is flying away.
Song to Stalin's good health
Accept, Great Stalin, our Father,The love of hearts devoted to the homeland,
Accept the deference of your people
On your joyous birthday.
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!
You illuminated our epoch with clear light,
You are the closest person to us all,
With you, we went the glorious, difficult road,
Fighting for the honour of our native land.
You lead us on Lenin's path,
You call us all to new exploits,
With you, we entered sunny life,
Fighting for peace and building communism!
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!