Rezultatele căutării pagină 7
Număr de rezultate: 340
Niciodată duminica
O, poți să mă săruți într-o luni,
Lunea, lunea e foarte, foarte bine.
Sau poți să mă săruți într-o marți, într-o marți,
Marțea de fapt aș vrea s-o faci.
Sau poți să mă săruți într-o miercuri, o joie,
O vinere și sâmbătă e cel mai bine,
Dar niciodată, niciodată într-o duminică, o duminică,
O duminică, pentru că e ziua mea de odihnă.
Aproape-n orice zi ești invitatul meu,
În orice zi spui tu, afară de ziua mea de odihnă.
Numește o zi care-ți place cel mai mult,
Doar să stai departe de ziua mea de odihnă.
O, poți să mă săruți într-o zi rece, fierbinte,
Umedă, oricare, la alegerea ta.
Sau încearcă să mă săruți într-o zi cenușie, o zi de mai,
O zi de plată, și vezi dacă te refuz.
Și dac-o faci într-o zi sumbră, o zi ciudată,
O zi de lucru, ei bine, ești invitatul meu,
Dar niciodată, niciodată într-o duminică, o duminică,
Singura zi când am nevoie de puțină odihnă.
Aah aah aah aah aah...
O, poți să mă săruți într-o zi de lucru, de lucru, de lucru,
Ziua când ești invitatul meu,
Dar niciodată, niciodată într-o duminică, o duminică,
O duminică, pentru că e ziua mea de odihnă.
Dar niciodată într-o duminică, o duminică,
O duminică, pentru că e ziua mea de odihnă.
Aer de zăpadă
Deasupra norilor este seninul
Dar dragostea noastră nu aparține cerului,
noi suntem aici printre lucruri cotidiene,
zile și zile gri.
Aer de zăpadă pe chipul tău, cuvintele mele sunt cuvinte amare fără motiv,
Mai devreme sau mai târziu nu va mai rămâne nimic între mâinile noastre.
E o viață imposibilă această viață împreună cu tine.
Tu nu râzi. nu plângi
nu mai vorbești
și nu știi sa-mi spui de ce.
De-a lungul drumului iubirii noastre
am inventat deja mii de cântece noi pentru ochii tăi,
mai mult de o mie de cântece noi
pe care nu le cânți niciodată.
Old feeling
Anna: The cold wind is blowing harder and harder
This year is slipping by
Clouds are floating across the sky through the autumn wind
From the pumpkin everything has already become fertilizer
Olaf: And my leaf keep a little sadness to itself
Anna: I rely on those certainties
That old feeling, your hand is in mine
The same feeling
Anna & Olaf: how we get along well
Anna: Like walls which don't collapse, are acient truths
Old feeling, like when I need you by my side
Kristoff: The leaves are already in new color
Sven, it's like the future is calling us
Sven: Are you indicating that tonight you will kneel in front of her?
Kristoff: I'm feeling dreadful about planning all that
Her rings with candles, my suggestion
Sven: It's best to leave all the romance to me now
Kristoff: That old feeling, my love can't be extinguished
The sane feeling, like how reindeers are easier
If I decide, just go with it, I'll manage to get by, right?
Sven: Old feeling
Kristoff: Sven, I trust in your (sense of) hearing
Elsa: Now the wind is blowing, is that why I hear the sound of a call?
Is something coming? I don't want days to be changing
Every precious one is scattered like a dream
Time doesn't know how to stop, but I will therefore embrace the day
Everyone: Now the wind is blowing harder and harder
Olaf: And on faces a new wrinkle
Anna & Kristoff: Let's be thankful for what that autumn sky offers
Everyone: Since forever kingdom attracts with abundance
In it we all live happily
Elsa: The flag will fly for us forever in Arendelle
Anna: For us will fly
Everyone: For us will fly
For us will fly
Old feeling, time flies in the blink of an eye
The same feeling, don't know what tomorrow holds
Let our happiness last forevermore, time doen't stop
Old feeling
Anna: Like when I need you by my side
Elsa: When I need you by my side
Olaf: When I need you by my side
Kristoff: When I need you by my side
Anna: When I need you by my side
Nu mi-a păsat niciodată de tine
Soarele este plin cu gheaţă şi nu dă căldură de loc,
Şi cerul nu a fost niciodată albastru.
Stelele sunt stropi de ploaie căutând un loc să cadă,
Şi mie nu mi-a păsat niciodată de tine.
Ştiu că nu vei crede aceste lucruri pe care ţi le spun,
Nu, nu vei crede,
Inima ta a fost avertizată că toţi bărbaţii te vor minţi.
Şi mintea ta nu poate concepe.
Acum totul depinde de ce îţi spun eu
Şi pe îndoiala ta despre mine.
Deci am pregătit aceste afirmaţii departe de a fi adevărate
Fii atentă şi nu crede.
Soarele este plin cu gheaţă şi nu dă căldură de loc,
Şi cerul nu a fost niciodată albastru.
Stelele sunt stropi de ploaie căutând un loc să cadă,
Şi mie nu mi-a păsat niciodată de tine.
Şi soarele este plin cu gheaţă şi nu dă căldură de loc,
Şi cerul nu a fost niciodată albastru.
Stelele sunt stropi de ploaie căutând un loc să cadă,
Şi mie nu mi-a păsat niciodată de tine.
Nu mi-a păsat niciodată de tine,
Nu mi-a păsat niciodată de tine.
Never More
Irresponsibly ruthless words fill this town but,
Never more, will a painful voice flow by
Those days we spent casually are bidding farewell to us
As we lose those irreplaceable days
The rain hides the sun, stealing away its light
I am troubled as I lost what I believed in
I won’t forget those days that I spent with everyone precious to me,
Never more, will I be alone even in the darkness
I will find it, that precious thing that I lost
Never more, because I’m sure your voice will guide me
I don’t know when but I really have forgotten,
Those important words that I once believed in when I was young
In the world I can’t wake up from I searched for them,
I finally found them, they were deep in my heart all along
If I get on the train now, I have the feeling I won’t see you again
Never more, will you have to give the troubled me a little push
I will believe in that smile of yours, in our bond
Never more, for even when we are apart, your heart will be with me
Always I will be at the brink of your memories
Never more, just start walking and believe I’m by your side
I won’t forget those days that I spent with everyone precious to me,
Never more, will I be alone even in the darkness
I will find it, that precious thing that I lost
Never more, because I’m sure your voice will guide me
I won’t forget those days that I spent with everyone precious to me,
Never more, will I be alone even in the darkness
I will find it, that precious thing that I lost
Never more, because I’m sure your voice will guide me
Even now I remember
Those nights when I was only with you
Those are wonderful memories for me
I will always remember you
For unbelievers!
I do not agree
I am not happy
I am not satisfied
I am not happy
I am not free
I am not happy
I am not a believer.
Through The Years
No desires, no thoughts either,
as if I was gone.
Nothing but you left in my head,
and a picture of yours on the wall.
I spend all my days
remembering you.
This feeling I can't explain
overwhelms me.
Trying to absorb your mind,
I want to hold tight
and never let go,
and be near you, always.
I'll carry you through the years.
When I see you everywhere,
I think I've gone mad.
When I see you in my dreams
I wish I would never wake up.
I'll carry you through the years.
Not Today! (Never Trust a Stranger)
I have found a star
I have seen the farewell
I have walked among stones
I have walked through mud and dirt
I have loved in peace
I have loved in war
Just to get back to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
I have put down roots
I have been hurt when walking
Brave in the arena
Stranded at sea
I look for you in my peace
I look for you in my war
And now I just want to escape to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
I have found the instant and the eternity
Souls of stone in statues of salt
Footprints that were left behind
And glory and defeats and broken ones who want to love
I look for you in my peace
I look for you in my war
And now I just want to escape to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
Niciodata destul
M-am saturat de toata lumea din jurul meu
Nimanui nu pare ca le pasa
Sunt atat de departe plecat si nimic nu se va schimba
Nu voi fi niciodata la fel
Mereu este la fel: fa aia, tot ce vor ei sa fac
Nu vreau sa traiesc asa
Cu toate sansele pe care le obtin ei, ei ma dau la o parte
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu voi fi niciodata ce vrei tu sa fiu
Este totul atat de incurcat si nimeni nu asculta niciodata
Toata lumea-i deranjata
Sunt atat de afectat si nu ma voi schimba niciodata
Vreau sa irosesc totul /sa uit totul
Ei mereu spun asta, spun aia, nimic din ce vrei tu
Nu vrea sa traiesc asa
Cu toate sansele pe care le obtin ei, ei ma dau la o parte
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu voi fi niciodata ce vrei tu sa fiu
La final, suntem doar linii de creta pe beton
Desenate numai ca sa fie sterse
Pentru timpul pentru care am fost nascut
Eu sunt cine sunt
Mai bine te-as ura pentru tot ceea ce esti
Decat sa te iubesc pentru ceva ce nu esti
Mai bine m-ai ura pentru tot ceea ce sunt
Decat sa ma iubesti pentru ceea ce nu pot fi
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza cine incerc sa fiu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu conteaza ce spun eu
Niciodata nu-i destul, nu, niciodata nu-i destul
Nu voi fi niciodata ce vrei tu sa fiu
I Could Never Forget You.
I won't be at your funeral,
I'll be in jail for killing the man who killed you
They deserved such a thing!
I could never forget you.
I feel bad for the people who do this
What assholes.
I wish someone could help them see what racism is:
They don't even understand
They don't give a fuck...
Soarele nu apune niciodata
Este aceasta viata? Este adevarata?
Simti si tu lucrurile pe care le simt eu?
Inchide-ti ochii, dispari
Si putem s-o privim arzand, arzand de aici
Pentru ca eu cresc mai mare decat am fost inainte
Si sunt gata, pregatit sa strig dupa mai mult
Stiu ca soarele nu apune niciodata
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Nimic nu ne va incetini
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Nu vreau sa adorm
Iubito, stai treaza cu mine
Soarele nu apune niciodata, soarele nu apune niciodata
Soarele nu apune niciodata, nu apune, nu apune
Lumini orbitoare, intr-o ametire
Lasa-ma sa raman asa pentru totdeauna
Si cand esti aici cu mine, noi urcam
Pentru ca eu cresc mai mare decat am fost inainte
Si sunt gata, pregatit sa strig dupa mai mult
Stiu ca soarele nu apune niciodata
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Nimic nu ne va incetini
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Nu vreau sa adorm
Iubito, stai treaza cu mine
Soarele nu apune niciodata, soarele nu apune niciodata
Soarele nu apune niciodata, nu apune, nu apune
Soarele nu apune niciodata, nu apune, nu apune
Love Will Never End
You are the voice in my heart
I feel you here beside me
You are the light of the sun
Which illuminates my life
When night falls
I see your splendor again
Time keeps moving like an ocean
Memories of you come back again
Like the dawn still lives
This love will shine on
The love we give will never end
I can feel you everywhere
In the sun and in the shadows
You're still burning like a flame
In my heart and up in heaven
Somehow you're still with me
I can hear you whisper
Time keeps moving like an ocean
Memories of you come back again
Like the dawn still lives
This love will shine on
The love we give will never end
In my dreams we will be together
This love has no end
Time keeps moving like an ocean
Memories of you come back again
I feel you, I feel you everywhere
You are my soul, I will love you forever
The love we give will never end
This love will shine on
I do not complain to anyone
Versions: #1
I do not complain to anyone
I weep for my plight
I do not complain to anyone
I weep for my plight
I shake like a criminal
When I think of my destiny
The curtains of gloom are drawn
I am afraid of my luck
I shake like a criminal
When I think of my destiny
Sale Nadj** died in his sleep,
the day was just starting to grey,
and I don't know what's suspicious there
since he also lived in his dreams.
They say he must've felt it was the end,
roomer has it he never set the clock.
Well now, he knew he was losing that war.
Some people have bad dreams,
to others, each sunrise is a nightmare.
The priest was moaning the Psalm
as if it were a verse learned as punishment.
In front of the Chapel the nobility and scum
from the same regiment of the defeated.
Luckily he didn't have what to leave,
'cos he wouldn't have to whom...
He'd squandered his life his way,
his Will but a sketch on a box of matches.
Chorus: The patient fingers of inevitability are dispersing the prelude of a song I know well, and if there's anything else left to forgive you for...there you go...that too, I forgive you tonight. A roaring ocean of unavoidability, the sky is heavy on the soft teal of the ceiling, but that's nothing that can't be treated with two-three drops of tenderness in the wine from Ravanica.***
Yes, Sale Nadj died in his sleep,
I guess he was dreaming of Srem.****
That water well cold at the bottom
and the vine shade shadowed porch.
I guess he was dreaming of her,
whose name's known only to God,
and that what happened in the yoke of that dream
simply had killed him.
Chorus: The patient fingers of...
*A female given name, derived from the name for the marigold flower.
**A man whose first name is Sasha and surname is Nadj /nɑːdʒ/. Sale is a version of Sasha.
***Serbian Orthodox monastery. Pronounced Ravanizza, 'ts' as in 'ragazza' Italian for a girl.)
****A district in Vojvodina, which is a province in Serbia.
Sun Will Never Set
The fog on the sky appears casual
The river is as quiet as an oil paints
Peace dove is walking lazily with a rhyme
The heart turns to sunny secretly
Wish you're as brave as a royal guard
Guarding the love without moving
Your step left in my memory
is the scenery I love
I'd like to give you my mind as the sun that will never set
and send the postcard represented as love
I'd like to give you my love as the sun that will never set
Two heart holds each other and travels around the world
You are a festival. You are a sunny day. My love will never sleep
My mind has never fallen. Flying next to you. My love will never sleep
The bus of love always go and stops repeatedly
Looking the people on the square with a smile
I'd like to package all my love into the luggage
and travel with me
I'd like to give you my mind as the sun that will never set
and send the postcard represented as love
I'd like to give you my love as the sun that will never set
Two heart holds each other and travels around the world
You are a festival. You are a sunny day. My love will never sleep
My mind has never fallen. Flying next to you. My love will never sleep
Wish you're as brave as a royal guard
Guarding the love without moving
Your step left in my memory
is the scenery I love
I'd like to give you my mind as the sun that will never set
and send the postcard represented as love
I'd like to give you my love as the sun that will never set
Two heart holds each other and travels around the world
You are a festival. You are a sunny day. My love will never sleep
My mind has never fallen. Flying next to you. My love will never sleep
I'd like to give you my mind as the sun that will never set
and send the postcard represented as love
I'd like to give you my love as the sun that will never set
Two heart holds each other and travels around the world
You are a festival. You are a sunny day. My love will never sleep
My mind has never fallen. Flying next to you. My love will never sleep
Neverending story
Remember the first day we met
A shy smile and the pouring sunlight
I was able to tell just from your gaze
That we're one
That we're one
That you're me
Whenever you smile, whenever it's hard for you
I'll always protect you
For you
I can go against time
So that I can appear in front of you
I believe, I believe
Even if the world changes, can you promise that we won't change?
At this beautiful place
All the memories where I loved you
Will become a neverending story
It'll shine
Never say goodbye
Because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
I'll love you further than tomorrow and longer than forever
On late night when I couldn't sleep because of my worries
I looked at you and made a promise to that sky
Until my dream that's really far away
I promise that I won't let go of both hands
Even if you lose your way for a moment or get lonely
Listen to my voice with a small breath
If you call me, no matter where it is
I'll go and find you
I said that I wouldn't cry
On days that's like a fierce storm
I said that I'll hug you even more warmly and protect you
The love you gave me still remains
Nevertheless, I gain strength to live on
You don't cry
Never cry and only say hello when we meet again
The story we created will remain like that
We'll make the neverending days become beautiful
I'll always want to live while dreaming a glorious dream
Forever in your heart
Never say goodbye
Because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
I'll love you further than tomorrow and longer than forever
Although saying 'I love you' might be a little obvious
I can't save those words with you cuz I care about you most in the world
Tomorrow is just for you, I wait for tomorrow for you
Create a story that won't end the whole day with an ending like the title
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
My love, further than tomorrow and longer than forever
Never say goodbye
Because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
I'll love you further than tomorrow and longer than forever
Never Give Up On Your Dreams
Go back, go back, girl
Don't follow me
Go back, go back, Kalino girl. Girl, don't !
Go back, go back, girl
Don't follow me
Don't follow me. You won't be able to cross it.
You won't be able to cross it,
Go back, go back, girl
Go back, go back, Kalino girl. Girl, don't !
Go back, go back, girl
Don't follow me
Don't follow me. You won't be able to cross it.
Go back, go back, girl
Go back, go back, girl
Go back, go back, girl
You won't be able to cross it.
You won't be able to cross it.
You won't be able to cross it. Girl, don't !
Go back, go back, girl, don't follow me.
Ești și tu ... Saint Tropez
--- R ---
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
--- 1 ---
Poți să mergi desculț oarecum .... prin Saint Tropez
Nu ai nevoie nici de un costum ... în Saint Tropez
O pereche de blugi vechi este suficientă pentru a te îmbrăca
Este costumul perfect așa ........ în Saint Tropez
--- R ---
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
--- 2 ---
Și când vara ... revine ... în Saint Tropez
Toți băieții arată bine ... în Saint Tropez
Toate fetele sunt frumoase, să te mănânce
La o întâlnirea de iubire dulce ... în Saint Tropez
Fugim prin adierea vântului ca niște puștani
Ne prăjim la soare, ne ardem cei 20 de ani.
Ne distrăm râzând, dansând și facem greșeli oricum
Cântăm ca să ne trăim viața acum.
--- R ---
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
--- 3 ---
Dragostea este ca marea cumva ... în Saint Tropez
Se schimbă în fiecare zi așa .... în Saint Tropez
La un suflet pierdut, zece ne regăsim
De dragoste noi nu murim ... în Saint Tropez
Fugim prin adierea vântului ca niște puștani
Ne prăjim la soare, ne ardem cei 20 de ani.
Ne distrăm râzând, dansând și facem greșeli oricum
Cântăm ca să ne trăim viața acum.
--- R ---
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
--- R ---
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
--- R ---
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez
Ești și tu ... ești acu' ...... Saint Tropez
Ești de-acu', te faci și tu ... Saint Tropez.
It's Impossible Not To Love You
Maybe, I will know one day
That it is so diffcult to go away
You can be cute or bad
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
I know how these lips lie
But your lies will destroy you
You can be ridiculous or rough
But it's impossible to forget you
But it's impossible to forget you
When I come to know of your cheating
I feel hurt and disappointment
But I see tenderness in your eyes
And I greedily drink your love
And I greedily drink your love
You can be strange and far
And love can be ridiculously insignificant
You can be trashy and cruel
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
It's impossible
Maybe, I will know one day
That it is so diffcult to go away
You can be cute or bad
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
It's impossible
Niciodată nu am crezut (Că o să mă îndrăgostesc)
Niciodată nu am crezut că o să mă îndrăgostesc
Niciodată nu am crezut că voi fi cu tine, fato
Pentru că al meu curaj fără frică a explodat
Ai ajuns să fii a mea
Nu-mi vine să cred, cred că e adevărat
Eu și ea suntem împreună
Încerc să mă ciupesc, să mă mușc
Dar ăsta nu e un vis
Ea mă privește și zâmbește
Vorbește cu mine
O fată ca tine, de ce?
O fată așa drăguță ca tine, de ce?
Niciodată nu am crezut că o să mă îndrăgostesc
Niciodată nu am crezut că voi fi cu tine, fato
Inima mea tremurândă a explodat
Am ajuns să fiu al tău
De fiecare dată când fata mea șarmantă merge lângă mine
Strălucește ca un răsărit de soare
Toți au ochii pe ea
Sunt unul dintre ei, dar sunt mai bun, pentru că te am pe tine
Bine. lasă-mă să fiu curajos și să vorbesc cu tine
Dar dacă mă refuză?
Bine, nu contează, să vedem cum merge
Hei tu, îmi placi mult
Lal La Lal La (Hei!) Lal Lal La Lal La (Ho!)
Lal La La Lal Lal La La Lal Lal La Lal La (Hai! Hai!)
Lal La Lal La (Hey!) Lal Lal La Lal La (Ho!)
Lal La La Lal Lal La La Lal Lal La Lal La
Niciodată nu am crezut că o să mă îndrăgostesc
Niciodată nu am crezut că voi fi cu tine, fato
Pentru că al meu curaj fără frică a explodat
Ai ajuns să fii a mea
E adevărat? Nu-mi vine să cred
Cred că dragostea se împlinește dacă îți dorești cu adevărat
Ai fost vrăjită de vraja pe care am rostit-o în fiecare zi?
Nu-mi vine să cred ce norocos sunt
Bine, e o binecuvântare, dar cum rămâne cu mine?
Sunt destul de bun și eu
Bine, să fim încrezători
Hei tu, te iubesc mult
Lal La Lal La (Hei!) Lal Lal La Lal La (Ho!)
Lal La La Lal Lal La La Lal Lal La Lal La (Hai! Hai!)
Lal La Lal La (Hey!) Lal Lal La Lal La (Ho!)
Lal La La Lal Lal La La Lal Lal La Lal La
Niciodată nu am crezut că o să mă îndrăgostesc
Niciodată nu am crezut că voi fi cu tine, fato
Pentru că al meu curaj fără frică a explodat
Ai ajuns să fii a mea
Niciodată nu am crezut că o să mă îndrăgostesc
Niciodată nu am crezut că voi fi cu tine, fato
Inima mea tremurândă a explodat
Am ajuns să fiu al tău
Someone Loves Us
I have a smile and I carry it,
When I see clouds in horizon,
And sometimes I want to fly there.
I believe the most in what I don’t see,
I believe in wonders, I think I can
To reach the angels and all
What is on the other side.
When the nights seems do not have colors,
When the silence scolds the first dawns,
I remember that I can enjoy the moment.
That somewhere,
Someone loves me for sure,
It’s so simple and somehow,
I have nothing to ask him for.
I only look toward the sky,
And my heart startles,
Up there is surely someone,
And someone surely loves me.
I’m sure that I’m not alone,
Certainly there up,
Someone loves us .
You know that you have something extra,
Rebellious soul, disobedient .
Your treasure worth unsaid,
And it is full.
I’ve told you,
That you can aim even higher,
That the cold shadows have gone,
As soon as you proposed yourself,
To become light.
Someone loves me for sure,
It’s so simple and somehow,
I have nothing to ask him for.
I only look toward the sky,
And my heart startles,
Up there is surely someone,
And someone surely loves me.
I’m sure that I’m not alone,
Certainly there up,
Someone loves us .
When the nights seems do not have colors,
When the silence scolds the first dawns,
I remember that I can enjoy the moment.
Someone loves me for sure,
It’s so simple and somehow,
I have nothing to ask him for.
I only look toward the sky,
And my heart startles,
Up there is someone,
And someone loves me.
I’m sure that I’m not alone,
Certainly there up,
Someone loves us .
În această zi dinaintea unei nopți dulce fără somn,
În această zi minunată se adună prietenii
Și părinții varsă lacrimi de fericire pe ascunse.
Această zi este cea mai bună pentru mine,
Mă uit la ceas, nu trebuie să întârzii
Și vreau să-ți șoptesc...
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând.
Parcă ne sărutăm pentru prima oară,
Ești așa de frumoasă în rochia ta albă.
Știi că te iubesc mai mult ca pe viață,
Și astăzi visele ni se fac realitate.
Să treacă zilele și anii,
Nu ne vom despărți niciodată.
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând.
Astăzi ești cea mai frumoasă ca oricine,
Îți aud râsul plin de bucurie
Care îmi este ca aripile de pe spate,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu.
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând.
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând,
Îngerul meu blând.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Nu ma voi intoarce niciodata
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu este iubita mea
Nu fata pe care o stiam atunci
Nu fata pe care o stiu acum
Nu te-as lasa
Iubito , nu ma lasa
Iubito , nu ma mai iubesti ?
Mereu uitandu-ma in jurul tau
Incercand sa observ un lucru bun
De ce spui mereu ca nu gresesti ?
De ce nu ma sprijini niciodata ?
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
De ce spui intotdeauna ca nu ai pleca niciodata ?
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu aș face asta
Nu vreau să fac asta
Fato, nu ar trebui să mai facem asta
' Vreau sa te las , tu nu ai nevoie de mine '
¿De ce spui intotdeauna asta , iubirea mea?
Mereu uitandu-ma in jurul tau
Incercand sa observ un lucru bun
De ce spui mereu ca nu gresesti ?
De ce nu ma sprijini niciodata ?
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
De ce spui intotdeauna ca nu ai pleca niciodata ?
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Ar trebui să te las , as vrea sa e las ,
Dar nu pot renunta
Ar trebui să te las , as vrea sa e las ,
Dar nu pot renunta
Ar trebui să te las , as vrea sa e las ,
Dar nu pot renunta
Ar trebui să te las , as vrea sa e las ,
Dar nu pot renunta
Mereu uitandu-ma in jurul tau
Incercand sa observ un lucru bun
De ce spui mereu ca nu gresesti ?
De ce nu ma sprijini niciodata ?
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
De ce spui intotdeauna ca nu ai pleca niciodata ?
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Mereu uitandu-ma in jurul tau
Incercand sa observ un lucru bun
De ce spui mereu ca nu gresesti ?
De ce nu ma sprijini niciodata ?
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
De ce spui intotdeauna ca nu ai pleca niciodata ?
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
Nu ma mai intorc niciodata , nu , nu , nu
Nu ma mai intorc , nu ma mai intorc niciodata
By a Sheer Chance...
By a sheer chance Petrovich
Put his junk in English tea.
Everything at once turned novel:
English dick and junky tea.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Invisible treasure
I keep the invisible treasure
The trace of this love in myself, and I begin to understand that
Even when it doesn't look like that, all my songs are about you
Connected with desire and dream
While I whisper your name
Like the beginning of verse
Then I walk without weight
Happier than everyone
Year after year
We share good and bad
I love you without breather
And I can't change that
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
I am quiet, but where from myself
When hours flow into nothing
Because a lot of it means little
Now I live, but I die for you
Because you knew how to know
Find the untouched heart
While I whisper your name
Like the beginning of verse
Then I walk without weight
Happier than everyone
Year after year
We share good and bad
I love you without breather
And I can't change that
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
Because the sky condemned me
That pushes me into madness
Open eyes, open eyes
I Want Names
I want to hear names, who are the executioners of '56?
Who brought judgment over a clean revolution?
Because a crime is still a crime, blood stains their hands
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
I want to hear names, I cannot forgive,
For the long prison years, for the dust befallen tears
Because a crime remains a crime, blood stains their hands,
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
Wittner, Mária:
'Now the world expects us, out of pure Christian mercy,
to forgive, and move on? Forgive those who trampled children with tanks? Who lead the firing squad?
Forgive the massacres? The many years of cruel oppression?
Forget, that Hungarians were buried faced down?
That for many, emigration was the only option?
Forget the horrors of the torture? The last words of the death sentenced?
Forgive, and history will judge?!
Well no...
No, and no!'
Because a crime remains a crime, blood stains their hands,
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
Because a crime is still a crime, blood stains their hands
Don't expect mercy from man nor God
Thousands of victims now rise from their graves,
Murderers and traitors, shall not rest in sacred land!
If you like the translation, please press the 'Thanks' button, or leave a rating, so I know it's appreciated. Thank you :)
And I'd like to think about it some more,
we're frightened by this angel.
Come to think of it, it's true, who knows where is
the last word that concerned you.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know where it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
Who among us already has an idea?
Seeing you again and not talking with you makes me shiver,
mad obsession of those who don't know who is
a new love being born here.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know how it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know how it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
Only you, only you...
In my mind
only you, only you...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Lady Carneval
Great as Lolo, posh as little Jane
beautiful as Aphrodite once in Athens
All of them together, that's what I call perfect
like this and nothing else is Lady Carneval
One in a hundred - only one can it be
99 times it is not what it seems
There are Ladies everywhere, but Lady Carneval
exists only one time, only one time
When we find each other, that's clear as a crystal
the people say, we are the most beautiful couple
and the one that I mean, knows it for a long time
Today is the day of the most beautiful time that will come
Your eyes are promising so much
although I know that everything is just a game
Red roses, red wine, beeing happy - just for a few days
only with you
Nu vei merge niciodată singur
Când mergi prin furtună, ţine-ţi capul sus
şi nu te teme de întuneric
La sfârşitul furtunii e un cer auriu
şi dulcele cântec argintiu al unei ciocârlii
Mergi mai departe prin vânt
Mergi mai departe prin ploaie
chiar dacă visele ţi-ar fi sfărâmate
Mergi, mergi cu o speranţă în suflet
şi nu vei merge niciodată singur!
Nu vei merge niciodată singur!
Mergi, mergi cu o speranţă în suflet
şi nu vei merge niciodată singur!
Nu vei merge niciodată singur!
Never Land
Hands on the clock made a full circle - it's another day
Lyrics sung over and over - forgetten again
Blame it on the neighbor's fat cat - it's footsteps are too loud
Tree branches peek through skyscrapers
The night owl’s eyes look to and fro
People passing by walk in dancing steps
Wrong rhythm are not important
Tedious rules are meant to be ignored
Let boredom end in the next second
Unstoppable mood makes you scream
Baby join our crazy fun
Let’s be high and forget all troubles
Spread our joy throughout the universe
Bypass those snobbish channels
Send a simple and direct signal
Only pictographs are considered old-fashioned
Wrong rhythm are not important
Tedious rules are meant to be ignored
Let boredom end in the next second
Unstoppable mood makes you scream
Baby join our crazy fun
Let’s be high and forget all troubles
Spread our joy throughout the universe
Memory, memory, what do you want of me? Autumn
Makes the thrush fly through colourless air,
And the sun casts its monotonous glare
On the yellowing woods where the north winds hum.
We were alone, and walking in dream,
She and I, hair and thoughts wind-blown.
Then, turning her troubling gaze on me,
‘Your loveliest day?’ in her voice of fine gold,
Her voice, with its angel’s tone, fresh, vibrant, sweet.
I gave her my answer, a smile so discreet,
And kissed her white hand with devotion.
– Ah! The first flowers, what a fragrance they have!
And how charming the murmured emotion
Of a first ‘yes’ let slip from lips that we love!
I'm throwing off yesterday's world and leaving on a trip for the ocean
This map of the future that I drew with my small mind and this luggage
I threw them out and ran off with one bag
I'm always bad at telling my dreams, with a cold look I'm listening to stories of another place
'Is it like that? That's not what mine's like'
I'm always howling that out only in my heart
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?
It's always noisy inside my head, every day there is a big speech only in there
The world is overflowing with the words of successful people, at any time
The microphone is never turned towards the defeated
That vivid shining, this hand with all one's might
A pointed fingertip, sweeps over the world
If I could be with you on a night like this
I feel like we might reach it
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?