Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 327



I feel in the air that you’re looking for me on the street
You asked for my name that night
In that bar at that party I didn’t want to go to
I ride around your parts, we spend the night looking at each other
Without even touching each other
But I don’t know if I feel like going back home now
In your car I’d shout to you at the top of my lungs
No one will hear us
We’ll trade skin
Nothing’s left for us
Ok, ok I feel the vibes
Between my secrets and yours
Between our problems, in this current
I want to drown in your waves
Let’s stay from dawn to dusk
Alone on a deserted island
Where everything seems more profound
What’s gone to our heads
Ok, ok, ok, ok
I want to drown in your waves
It’s been days you’ve been asking to see each other again
All summer we lost ourselves under the moon
But it’s been days I’ve been looking for a way out
You always here on the way home
You don’t want to call it quits
But I don’t know if I feel like talking for hours and hours
In your car, so much space and noise
No one will hear us
We’ll trade skin
Nothing’s left for us
Ok, ok I feel the vibes
Between my secrets and yours
Between our problems, in this current
I want to drown in your waves
Let’s stay from dawn to dusk
Alone on a deserted island
Where everything seems more profound
What’s gone to our heads
Ok, ok, ok, ok
I want to drown in your waves
Your pupils talk
We’re locked together
Amber colors
Inside a bubble of sand
I’ll come get you
Come get me
Let’s stay from dawn to dusk
Alone on a deserted island
Where everything seems more profound
What’s gone to our heads
Ok, ok, ok, ok
I want to drown in your waves

Pentru marele Gigi Proietti

L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare matador
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare actor
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare actor
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare matador
Care ne făcea să râdem
Care făcea să se distreze tot publicul său
Care te făcea să râzi
Care distra tot publicul
Un comic special
Intr adevăr
Un mare actor Intr adevăr
Intr adevăr Intr adevăr
Intr adevăr un mare
Intr adevăr un mare actor
Intr adevăr Intr adevăr
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare actor
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare
L am pierdut pe Gigi Proietti mare actor!

Write on my soul

Listen to me weakly, look at me more
Undress my soul
And love me silently, beautiful words were said to me
When the wind blew harder, they went
I threw whole pages of 'I love you,' I don't use them
Write love stories on my soul
Show, don't say what you feel for me
Make me fall in love every day
I don't want you to be my 'once upon a time'
Love me like you've never loved before
And forgive me when I err
Conquer me with dreams and don't leave closed those senses ignited
By all that you gift me
Beautiful words were said to me
When the wind blew harder, they went
I threw whole pages of 'I love you,' I don't use them
Write love stories on my soul
Show, don't say what you feel for me
Make me fall in love every day
I don't want you to be my 'once upon a time'
Love me like you've never loved before
And forgive me when I err

The Righteousness and Blood of Christ

The Righteousness and Blood of Christ,
they are my trim and dress most prized

Da, se pare...

Da, se pare că ea trăiește doar pentru tine
Da, se pare că face dragostea mai bine decât mine.
Nu, nu spune că vorbești despre viitor,
Nu, nu spune că sunt doar o amintire!
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Așa cum n-am iubit vreodată.
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Și aș vrea să te păstrez
Viața este mult prea lungă
Când sunt atât de departe de tine,
Trebuie să ne reluăm viața împreună, tu și eu.
Da, se pare că lumea e a ta,
Da, se pare că trebuie să pleci tare departe.
Nu, nu spune că nu ai remușcări,
Nu, nu spune că între noi dragostea este moartă!
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Așa cum n-am iubit vreodată.
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Și aș vrea să te păstrez
Viața este mult prea lungă
Când sunt atât de departe de tine,
Trebuie să ne reluăm viața împreună, tu și eu.
Da, se pare că ea are un frumos păr blond,
Da, se pare că mi-ai uitat numele.
Nu-mi spune că îți dărui viața ei,
Nu-mi spune că azi te însori cu ea!
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Așa cum n-am iubit vreodată.
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Și aș vrea să te păstrez
Viața este mult prea lungă
Când sunt atât de departe de tine,
Trebuie să ne reluăm viața împreună, tu și eu.
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Așa cum n-am iubit vreodată.
Căci te iubesc, da, te iubesc
Și aș vrea să te păstrez
Viața este mult prea lungă
Când sunt atât de departe de tine,
Trebuie să ne reluăm viața împreună, tu și eu.

I Am

I am a stream, tributary, river
I am the wind, the rain
I am the shadow, the light
I am life
I am the hurricane on the dune
I am a symphony
I am a plum pit
I am
It may be autumn
It may be winter
It may be summer
It's so hot
I am the wave on the shore
I am a leaf at the will of the wind
I am the shadow of darkness
I am time
I am the spirit, the spark
I am the infinite space
I am the little bee
I am the rain
It may be autumn
It may be winter
It may be summer
It's so hot
I am the only one, the glorious one
I am the flower under the maple tree
I am the impalpable silence
I am God
It may be autumn
It may be winter
It may be summer
It's so hot
It's so hot

I Would Like Spring to Come

I would like spring to come,
To turn green the meadow!
I would like spring to come,
To turn green the meadow!
To go with my sweetheart to the floodplain,
To hear with her the cuckoo singing.
Come with me, sweetheart, to the floodplain,
I will make a reel and a distaff for you.
Come with me, sweetheart, to the floodplain,
I will make a reel and a distaff for you.
At the end of the seedbed,
You will pay for the reel.
But when we reach the midway,
Lie down on the meadow.
When we reach the midway,
Lie down on the meadow.
You will count the stars,
I will count your beads.
You will count the stars,
I will count your beads.

Doubt not but trust

1.Doubt not but trust that yonder the darkest gloomy cloud
There lies an even sweeter, much brighter shining sun,
/:The cloud is not eternal, just watch the glorious sun
Which will defeat the evil and rule from up above.:/
2.Fear not that you are lowly and weak and deeply frail,
Fear not the cruel en’my who’d kill you right away,
/:Fear not the iron locked gates that trapped you in their walls,
The hatred that is raging, but trust the Heaven doors.:/
3.Doubt not but trust that in each and every circumstance
Rules Lord of Hosts Almighty God of the universe,
/:For none a hair will fall out, for none a second be,
For none a trial can reach you but what comes from His will.:/
4.And if you truly trust Him, then nothing is against,
But all the situation will turn out for the best,
/:Doubt not but trust that even along the hardest times
The Sovereign God in Heaven controls the darkest hours!:/

Fending Off The Living Dead (Curse Breaking Chant)

He sung so loud,
he shout so loud,
his voice reached the skies,
his tears fell into the sea.
Nobody in this world could hear him,
only the Holy Virgin Mary heard him,
She run to him and asked:
- 'Draghi, why are you screaming,
why are you screaming so much
that your voice is reaching the skies,
that your tears are falling into the sea?'
- 'I'm screaming, i'm lamenting,
cuz a Moroi has risen, Moroi,
a live Moroi, a dead Moroi,
on a large open field
i came face to face with it.
With one of its claws it pierced my chest,
the other one it pierced my back,
and it ate me.
It ate my meat,
it drunk my blood
and sucked my bone marrow,
it pined me to the ground.'
- 'Dont you sing no more, Draghi,
dont lament,
quicly run to
Nicolia, the old lady curse breaker.
Let her go
grab some tar,
and three sharp spindles
cuz they're good against Morois.
Let her grab some incense,
and get a knife
and rush to you, Draghi.'
And we grabbed the Moroi, Moroi,
a live Moroi, a dead Moroi,
We grabbed it, we cut it,
we poured tar over it,
we stabbed it with the three sharp spindles,
cuz they work against Morois,
we lit incense.
We cut it, we diced it,
we pulled it from Draghi's head: from his head,
from his eyelids, from his eyebrows,
from his eyes,
from the tip of his nose,
from his cheeks,
from his chest, from his heart,
from his spleen, from his kidneys,
from his mind, from his hat,
from his intestines, from his gizzard,
from his bones, from his ribs,
from his hips, from his adam apple,
from his heels, from the soles of his feets,
from his fingers, from his nails.
We too all the pieces, we cut them, Moroi, Moroi,
a live Moroi, a dead Moroi.
We cut it apart, we poured tar over it,
we lit incense,
we cut it with a knife,
we throw it into the fire.
We burt it, we crisped it, Moroi, Moroi,
a live Moroi, a dead Moroi.
We threw it into the fire,
we burt it, we crisped it,
but we took care of Draghi,
we washed him, we rinsed him and we honored him.

Lil Hoe

Versions: #1
Mercilessly, leaving behind
A hollow worship entourage
You’re so stunning
You can’t only be mine
Gotta be everyone else’s
The skin and lips
Where bambula rubs
Will be my meadow, my orchard
I already know
Road to fame doesn’t mean a thing
If there’s no ambition
Which is it?
To become a lil hoe, to get your treat
I already know, I already know
Which is... I already know
Oozing that self like
Portraying tenderness
No humility around you
Venus becomes a joke
Gotta be everyone else’s
The skin and lips
Where bambula rubs
Will be my meadow, my orchard
I already know
Road to fame doesn’t mean a thing
If there’s no ambition
Which is it?
To become a lil hoe, to get your treat
I already know, I already know
Which is... I already know
I already know, I already know
Which is... I already know
I already know, I already know
Which is...

Romantică iubire

O poveste fără sfârșit,
începută nu știu când,
mi-a oprit viața-n loc.
Dar unde ești, unde ești?
Romantică iubire,
simplă iubire
făcută din poezie,
unde ești?
Zile și zile de rememorare,
fiecare clipă în așteptare
că te-ntorci din trecut.
Dar unde ești, unde ești?
Romantică iubire,
tânără iubire,
visul vieții mele,
unde ești?
Romantică iubire, întoarce-te
pentru mine!
Zile și zile de rememorare,
fiecare clipă în așteptare
că te-ntorci din trecut.
Dar unde ești, unde ești?
Romantică iubire,
tânără iubire,
visul vieții mele,
unde ești?
Romantică iubire, întoarce-te
la mine!

8 years (the chains)

Eight years of agony, I have eight years left
Eight years of suffering
To see the ones that chained me
It's my last wish
To see the ones that chained me
It's my last wish
I don't remember what I have done
I haven't done anything
They beat me up and forced me
And what doesn't fear say
They beat me up and forced me
And what doesn't fear say
God, I beg you day and night
I beg you day and night
To break all the chains, all the chains!
To get to my ennemies, to my ennemies
So they pay with a couple of their years, at least a couple of years
I also remember the kids
I have a son and a daughter
If I were not chained right now
They would have a father
If I were not chained right now
They would have a father
But, of the boy, I don't know anything
He's probably in foreign countries
Or maybe he is too, now
Chained like me
Or maybe he is too, now
Chained like me
(Chorus x2)
God, I beg you day and night
I beg you day and night
To break all the chains, all the chains!
To get to my ennemies, to my ennemies
So they pay with a couple of their years, at least a couple of years

Rivers of Words

You say that, you say that you come back,
But I've been waiting for a year now.
Who knows what you will do?
You write that, you write that you think of me,
But it is possible that you can never be able
To say something more, something more?
At first, at first - rivers of words,
Lengthy, lengthy pages of love.
Then less and less, but then less and less,
Just 'hello, see you, how are you?,
I'll return to you'.
You say that, you say that you come back,
But I've been waiting for a year now (waiting)
Who knows what you will do, where will you be?
At first, at first - rivers of words,
Lengthy, lengthy pages of love.
Then less and less, but then less and less,
Just 'hello, see you, how are you?,
I'll return to you'.
You say that, you say that you come back,
But I've been waiting for a year now (waiting)
Who knows what you will do, where will you be?
Where will you be?


At the end of almost everything
My vagabond boat
Rocked by the waves
Dragged me forcefully.
The mysterious island,
The one we all dream of
Seems to invite you
To come inside.
Youkali is the country someone dreamed of,
Youkali is where color was invented,
Youkali pain ceased at its border,
In the darkness, it is a ray of light,
The star to follow, Youkali.
It is best
that we guard in our hearts,
which you dreamed so of caressing.
It's as real as dreaming
No such Youkali exists.
And life takes us, tired, daily
Through a valley of tears
From which there's no escape,
Leaving us with soul
In every corner
Leaving us in shreds,
Dreaming to dream.
Youkali is the country someone dreamed of,
Youkali is where color was invented,
Youkali, pain ceased at its border,
In the darkness is ray of light
The star to follow, Youkali
Youkali, Youkali ...


Cu cărțile sub braț
și cămașa cu flori albastre,
vrei s-o faci pe-a domnișoara
în fața școlii chiar și tu

And my father!

When you were dancing in this time,
No need for wah-wah pedal.
It wasn't bossa nova
But it was already moving.
The cellars were deep
And ring dance was never stopped.
An old bastringue piano
And the crazy ones
Already twirled.
And Juliette still had her nose.
Aragon wasn't a twink.
Sartre was already well committed.
At the Café de Flore, there were already some gays
And my father had just landed.
He already haunted the shopkeepers.
In his bedroom, one munched on coffee.
He ignored that one day I'd talk about it.
When you were flirting in this time,
You only touched each other with your fingertips.
The (contraceptive) pill didn't exist.
It was better not to play these games.
You only said 'I love you',
And even sometimes
You were making love.
Today, two salads,
Three tirades
And the deal is done.
Uncle Adolf had already shot himself.
His Eva had accompanied him,
In case he wanted to flirt:
Who knows if there aren't some gays up there?
And my father'd soon plant
This seed that was going to give him
This moron trying to sing.
He didn't know my cadets would come.
When you were singing in this time
Money didn't dictate the law.
The hit parades didn't exist,
At least they weren't influent.
You needed weeks
And weeks,
Sometimes years.
If you had no guts,
Your shop, you could close it
And Trenet had taken years,
Brassens was starting to work hard
And Bécaud was polishing his keyboard.
Monsieur Brel wasn't yet talking about the gay ones
And my father had just landed
Where there was still some humanity,
Where people still knew how to speak
of the future ... even if they were exhausted.
And Juliet still had her nose.
Aragon was not a twink.
Sartre was already well under way.
At the Café de Flore, there were already some gays
And my father had just landed.
He already haunted the shopkeepers.
In his room, one munched on coffee.
He ignored that one day I'd talk about it.

Always with You

I am always with you
And even if you're far from me, your love is in my heart
I am always with you
You are always in my mind and in my heart, and I will not forget you
I miss you even when I'm with you
I am always with you
And even if you're far from me, your love is in my heart
I am always with you
You are always in my mind and in my heart, and I will not forget you
I miss you even when I'm with you
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
I am always with you
My heart is with you, my soul is with you, my precious love
My precious love
And no matter how far you are from me, you are close to my heart
My life and my future, oh beautiful destiny
I am always with you, with you
My heart is with you, my soul is with you, my precious love
My precious love
And no matter how far you are from me, you are close to my heart
Oh my life and my future, oh beautiful destiny
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
Eih, eih, eih, eih
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you
Always, my love, I need you
Always my eyes deserve you
And if the whole universe is around me,
I'll still, my love, need you


Când lumea doarme cobor ,
pulover pe umeri în noaptea albastră
În inimă o chitară, în minte lucruri ciudate
și pe a mea față un pic de naivitate.
Vagabond, vagabond, vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
Singuri nu se trăiește,
fără dragoste nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.
Picioarele merg de la sine, ha, ha, ha
drumul pare un fluviu, cine știe unde va merge.
Nici măcar tu, fată poți să ma oprești din drum,
în ochii tăi nu e sinceritate.
Vagabond, vagabond, vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate
Singuri nu se trăiește,
fără dragoste nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.
Vagabond, vagabond, vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
Singuri nu se trăiește, fără dragoste nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.

On the long road

At one time some people rode on the troika with jingle bells,1
And the lights flashed in the distance.
I would now, dear strangers, follow you,2
I would assuage my soul from the yearning.
They rode on the long road and аt the moonlit night,
With the song, that flies away with ringing,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
Yeah, we sang, it turns out, for nothing,
Wasted in vain night after night.
If we done away with the old life,
Since as well these nights became a thing of the past.
We are destined to take new pathways
To the honey distant land from now on.
Those people rode on the troika with jingle bells,
But now arrived this many a day.
They rode on the long road and аt the moonlit night,
With the song, that flies away with ringing,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
  • 1. 'тройка' (troika) - in this song means a cart carrying by three horses, a type of vehicle in early 20th-century
  • 2. 'соколики' (falcons) - affectionate recourse to the young men

Where did my years go?

I ran to raise fortunes and money,
In vain I raise them,
Because I gathered enemies
I worked in vain, I struggled hard
And I didn't give anything to my soul...
The years pass quickly, my years pass,
And in my old age I feel sorry for them,
I gathered money in my life, but what's the use?
The youth is gone, all that is beautiful...
I ran to raise fortunes and money,
In vain I raise them,
Because I gathered enemies
I worked in vain, I struggled hard
And I didn't give anything to my soul...
Where did my years, my years, my life go?
I quickly went through them, my years, my life...
I would give all my fortune, if I could,
To have just one day from my youth.
I'm sorry now and I'm still thinking
The years don't come back even if I pay them,
All the money in the world if I would collect
I couldn't buy my youth!
I ran to raise fortunes and money,
In vain I raise them,
Because I gathered enemies
I worked in vain, I struggled hard
And I didn't give anything to my soul...
Where did my years, my years, my life go?
I quickly went through them, my years, my life...
I would give all my fortune, if I could,
To have just one day from my youth.,,

Heart Is All I've Got

Great spirit, great grandfather, great grandmother
As I am I present myself in front of you
As I am I ask you for blessings
I thank for the heart you have placed in me
And today I come, I come for no less than, for no less than
Great Spirit, you will know what I came for
To surrender my heart, my heart
Heart, whis is all I've got
To surrender my heart, my heart
Heart, whis is all I've got

Under the sky's flowers

So many different people,
the bare feet and the music
and your weird dress,
the burning fire and someone close to you.
The changing sky, he looks for you
You look so beautiful, and you continue the game
He loves you and it's night time again.
So many different people,
the sound of voices and the music
He comes looking for you, there's no afterwards
you run fast to me.
Under the sky's flowers
you look for me, you look so beautiful
and you continue the game, as always,
it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people sing, people love,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.

America Wishes President Biden

Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaa America
Aaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaa America
Aaaaaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaaa Americaiiiiiiiiica
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden

To the Great Gigi Proietti

We have lost Gigi Proietti greatest showman
We have lost Gigi Proietti greatest actor
We have lost Gigi Proietti greatest showman
We have lost Gigi Proietti greatest actor
That made you laugh
That entertained its entire audience
That made you laugh
That entertained its entire audience
Really a special comedian
Really a greatest actor
Really really
Really a greatest man
Really a greatest actor
Really really
We have lost Gigi Proietti greatest showman
We lost Gigi Proietti greatest actor
We have lost Gigi Proietti greatest showman
We lost Gigi Proietti greatest actor!


Așadar tu pleci
Și nu-ți pasă deloc de mine.
Fără mine tu pleci,
Și eu deja te caut
În timp ce te pierd.
Așadar tu pleci
Și deja ai decis cum o vei face,
Unde te vei duce, ce vei face.
Și privește-mă în ochi,
Dăruiește-mi o îmbrățișare.
Unde soarele nu e niciodată,
Unde nimic nu vei găsi.
În mintea mea vei rămâne,
Căutând ceea ce ai.
Apoi cu vântul vei vorbi,
Câte povești vei plăsmui,
Fără timp vei alerga
Unde nimeni nu e.
Fără o stea tu pleci,
Cu iubirea tu pleci,
Desculță tu pleci
Și nici un semn de la tine.
Așadar tu pleci,
Am impresia că e un film.
Fără mine tu pleci,
Tu care mă părăsești
Și eu, care sunt pe moarte.
Așadar tu pleci,
Dar în inima mea rămâi cu mine.
E un adio acesta deja,
Și ia această lacrimă,
Pentru tine eu plâng.
Unde soarele nu e niciodată,
Unde nimic nu vei găsi,
În mintea mea vei rămâne,
Căutând ceea ce ai.
Apoi cu vântul vei vorbi,
Câte povești vei plăsmui,
Fără timp vei alerga
Unde nimeni nu e.
Fără o stea tu pleci,
Cu iubirea tu pleci,
Desculță tu pleci
Și nici un semn de la tine.

The Unique who Know You

So, ¿what happen My Love?
I beg your pardon, if in something I've fa•a•ailed...
But, ...don't will be a truth...
that you want to fly...leaving me ha•a•anged...
I am the unique that know you...
I am the unique that hear you...
The same one you are always calling,
...when help are you•u needing...
I am the unique that know you ...
I am the unique that love you...
With me you have 'all thing'
...and whithout have 'nothing'...
Come on, look at me,
¿what can you desire, that I hadn't to gi•i•ive you?
Then, think it very well,
if it's someone more atte•e•ention...
I am the unique that know you...
I am the unique that hear you...
The same one you are always calling,
...when help are you•u needing...
I am the unique that know you ...
I am the unique that love you...
With me you have 'all thing'
...and whithout have 'nothing'...

The wind blows on my face

The wind blows in my face,
I have no zest for life
Oh, my heart, what a thief world!
Where are my friends,
Those I was having fun with?
Oh, my heart, cheap friends!
(chorus x 2)
All right, I'll flip the script with everyone,
Their mother of vagabonds! * (?)
They are hypocritical and evil, they are hypocritical and evil
These are my friends ...
Where have you been, friends,
When I asked you for help?
You let me die on the road...
How could I always
Help you when it was hard for you?
As you are, I can be also!
(chorus x 2)
All right, I'll flip the script with everyone,
Their mother of vagabonds! * (?)
They are hypocritical and evil, they are hypocritical and evil
These are my friends ...

So far away from L.A.

Versions: #2
Some glimmering /dim airport Lights
Some strange foreign/golden-haired girls
In my memory /still linger.
It's winter in / San Francisco,
Water never falls, never. no,
On the borders of Colorado.
The Golden Gate /starts to slumber
On Alcatraz/ where still linger
Prison-coloured /tears and sobbings
Mr Caryl /Chessman is dead
There's still the sha/dow of a doubt
Was he really/ right, was he wrong ?
So far away from L.A
So far ago from Frisco
I'm no one but a shadow
But a shadow, a shadow
The Queen Mary's/ now a hotel
Off the shore of/ Beverly Hills
And all the hills/ can still recall
The splendours of / the Dynasty
That ran from Gar/bo to Bogie
Reverbera/ting its folly.
So far away from L.A
So far ago from Frisco
I'm no one but a shadow
But a shadow, a shadow.
Such a poor M/rs Polanski

Un strop de pace

Ca o floare la început de iarnă
Și ca un foc în vântul înghețat,
Ca o păpușă nemaidorită de nimeni,
Așa mă simt în unele zile.
Apoi mă uit la norii ce sunt deasupra noastră
Și aud țipetele păsărilor în vânt.
Cânt un cântec din teama de-ntuneric
Și sper că nimic rău n-o să se-ntâmple.
Un strop de pace, un strop de soare
Pentru acest pământ pe care trăim.
Un strop de pace, un strop de bucurie,
Un strop de căldură, asta-mi doresc.
Un strop de pace, un strop de visare,
Și ca oamenii să nu plângă așa des.
Un strop de pace, un strop de iubire,
Ca să nu-mi pierd speranța niciodată.
Știu, cântecele mele nu vor schimba multe,
Sunt doar o fată care spune ce simte.
Numai că sunt neajutorată, o pasăre în vânt,
Care a observat că furtuna începe.
Un stop de pace, un strop de soare
Pentru acest pământ pe care trăim.
Un strop de pace, un strop de bucurie.
Un strop de căldură, asta-mi doresc.
Un strop de pace, un strop de visare,
Și ca oamenii să plângă așa des.
Un strop de pace, un strop de iubire,
Ca să nu-mi pierd speranța niciodată.
Cântă cu mine un cântecel,
Ca lumea să trăiască în pace!
Cântă cu mine un cântecel,
Ca lumea să trăiască în pace!

Ultimul romantic

Ultimul, sunt eu
ultimul romantic,
sunt eu cel ce-ți poate oferi o floare
și să înțeleg din asta,
din expresia feței,
din tremurul unei mâini, dacă mă iubești.
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume care se poate emoționa
privind doi porumbei
sărutându-se într-o piață
nepăsători de cei prezenți
care poate călca în picioare
din graba de a ajunge acolo.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir de cand există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
de când e lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, fiind deja multe lucruri
care sunt în schimbare, iubirea nu poate?
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
care se poate emoționa
privind doi tineri
sărutându-se într-o piață
nepăsători de cei prezenți
cum facem acum, cum facem noi doi.
De ce dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
de când există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
de când există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, fiind deja multe lucruri
care sunt în schimbare, iubirea nu poate?
La la la la la la ...

Eu care te iubesc doar pe tine

Sunt oameni care au avut mii de lucruri,
tot binele, tot răul din lume.
Eu te-am avut numai pe tine
și nu te voi pierde,
nu te voi părăsi
pentru a căuta noi aventuri.
Sunt oameni care iubesc mii de lucruri
și se pierd pe cărările din lume.
Eu care te iubesc numai pe tine,
eu mă voi opri
și-ți voi dărui
ceea ce rămâne
din tinerețea mea.
Sunt oameni care au avut mii de lucruri,
tot binele, tot răul din lume.
Eu te-am avut numai pe tine
și nu te voi pierde,
nu te voi părăsi
pentru a căuta noi aventuri.
Sunt oameni care iubesc mii de lucruri
și se pierd pe cărările lumii.
Eu care te iubesc numai pe tine,
eu mă voi opri
și-ți voi dărui
ceea ce rămâne din tinerețea mea...
Din tinerețea mea
din tinerețea mea,
din tinerețea mea...

Am înțeles că te iubesc

Am înțeles că te iubesc
când am văzut că ajungea
a ta întârziere
ca să simt pierdută în mine indiferența,
ca să mă tem că nu ai mai fi venit.
Am înțeles că te iubesc
cand am vazut că ajungea
o frază de-a ta
pentru ca o seară
la fel ca alta
începuse ca printr-o vrajă a se ilumina.
Și a gândi că
puțin timp înainte,
vorbind cu careva,
mi-am impus să spun că de-acum
nu m-aș mai fi întors
să cred în dragoste
să mă amăgesc visând.
Și iată că apoi
am înțeles că te iubesc,
și deja era prea târziu să mă întorc.
Pentru puțin am căutat în mine indiferența,
apoi am dat frâu liber dragostei.
Pentru puțin am căutat în mine indiferența
apoi, apoi am dat frâu liber dragostei.