Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 327


Era primăvară

Pentru tine
care din acea zi
mi-ai vorbit de dragoste,
în această seară voi cânta
cel mai dulce cântec de dragoste.
Era primăvară,
înfloreau trandafirii,
mi-ai spus multe lucruri
apoi, iubire, apoi iubire, iubire.
Amintirea acelor ore, știi,
îmi face inima să explodeze.
Acolo, în parc
noi doi singuri și multă dragoste.
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
te port în inimă,
cânt și spun:
'Dragostea mea,
te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc '.
Amintirea acelor ore, știi,
îmi face inima să explodeze.
Acolo, în parc,
noi doi singuri și multă dragoste.
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
te port în inimă,
cânt și spun:
'Dragostea mea,
te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc'.

M-am îndrăgostit de tine

M-am îndrăgostit de tine
pentru că nu aveam nimic de făcut ziua voiam să întâlnesc pe careva
noaptea voiam ceva să visez.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
pentru că nu mai puteam să stau singur
Ziua voiam sa vorbesc de visele mele
noaptea să vorbesc de dragoste.
Și acum că aș avea mii de lucruri de făcut
îmi simt visele pierzându-se
nu mai pot să mă gândesc la nimeni altcineva decât la tine.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
și acum nici măcar nu știu ce să fac
ziua regret că te-am întâlnit
noaptea vin să te caut.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
și acum nici macar nu știu ce să fac
ziua regret că te-am întâlnit
noaptea vin să te caut.

Sfârșit de iubire

Amintirile mele te caută în adâncul zilelor,
Și uneori uit numele zilelor.
Eu nu mai trăiesc de când trăiești fără mine,
Tot orașul s-a înstrăinat de mine.
Poate sunt singura care regretă
Iubirea noastră sfâșiată.
Curând, lumea se va roti fără noi,
Indiferența va trece peste noi.
Unde să mergem cu lacrimile în ochi?
Cum să ne iubim, când suntem mai puțin de doi?
Cine ne va spune de ce rănitele noastre inimi
N-au știut să se ferească?
E prea târziu să oprim timpul,
Nu mai putem redeveni amanți,
Nu mai putem reîncepe iubirea, iubirea mea,
Iubirea mea!
Alerg după ceea ce nu mai există,
Până și numele străzilor l-au schimbat.
Și toți acei oameni ce ne întâmpinau cu brațele deschise,
Aceiași oameni nu mă mai cunosc.
Și mai e Parisul, ce-și trăiește viața fără noi,
Parisul, căruia nu-i pasă.
Amintirile mele te caută în adâncul zilelor,
Și uneori uit numele zilelor.
Dar nu mai găsesc de-a lungul zilelor
Decât un biet soare bătrân, de șfârșit de iubire,
Un bătrân soare de la tine
Și care moare în fața mea,
Iubirea mea!

Can't help it if I like you...

Verse 1:
Can't help it if I like you...
Tell me if it's my fault
I want to avoid you
so I won't love you
Can't help it if I like you...
Verse 2:
What should I do to forget you?
Maybe just change my heart
But I change it in vain
for you do what you do
and as I see you, I like you...
It's a drag and I'm ashamed
when I see who you are
For you always laugh at me
and you tell me that you don't love me!
Verse 1
Verse 1
Verse 2:
Verse 1
If I like you...
If I like you...

Your image

People say I'm crazy
That I speak alone on the road
Oh, my heart. Of my heart.
I'm not crazy, I'm talking to you
That I always feel you with me
Oh, my heart. Of my heart.
I only see your image
I talk to her everywhere
He sits in front of me
How come no one else sees her?
I'm looking for you with a look
I feel like you're yelling at me
Oh, my heart. Of my heart.
You're not, I can't see you
You're just in my mind
Oh, my heart. Of my heart.
I only see your image
I talk to her everywhere
He sits in front of me
How come no one else sees her?
People say I'm crazy
That I speak alone on the road
Oh, my heart. Of my heart.
You're not, I can't see you
You're just in my mind
Oh, my heart. Of my heart.

You Got Me Used To

You got me used
To all those things,
And you showed me
That they are wonderful.
Subtly you came to me
Like temptation,
Filling my heart
With nervousness.
I couldn't understand
What you wanted,
In your strange world
And from you I learned.
That's why I wonder
Seeing that you've forgotten me,
Why you didn't show me
How to live without you.
I couldn't understand
What you wanted,
In your strange world
And from you I learned.
That's why I wonder
Seeing that you've forgotten me,
Why you didn't show me
How to live without you.
Without you, without you.

Play for Me, Old Fiddler

Versions: #1
Please play for me one of your songs,
The strings to cry in your hands,
I have no gold, I’ll give you wine,
My coat and all that’s mine.
I have no gold, I’ll give you wine,
My coat and all that’s mine.
Please play for me one of your songs,
Please use your old guitar,
Old fiddler please, I want to hear,
The music through my tear.
Old fiddler please, I want to hear,
The music through my tear.
Please play for me, play from your heart,
The story of my love,
To soothe my longing for a day,
and happy fly away.
To soothe my longing for a day,
and happy fly away.
Please let me stay next to my cup,
To drink my pain, my sorrow,
I have no home I have no friends,
Today my journey ends.
I have no home I have no friends,
Today my journey ends.
Please let me stay in this dark pub,
To hear the silence crying,
To drink, to cry, but no regret,
My love, I won’t forget.
To drink, to cry, but no regret,
My love, I won’t forget.

Cal alb

M-au lăsat singur
în mijlocul câmpului,
aș vrea să strig
'Ajutor, mor'
între roșul macilor și greierilor
și mila festivă a păsărilor.
Dar pe neașteptate apare
un cal alb
este delirul meu
care mă face să visez
eu sar în șa
și mergem să galopăm
acolo în vale nu mă voi mai întoarce.
Aleargă, calul meu,
de-a lungul cărărilor nostalgiei mele
aleargă, pentru că acolo jos mă poți duce doar tu.
Uite, vezi marea
lasă-mă acolo aproape
lângă acea căsuță
uite cât de drăguță e dragostea mea
în această fotografie
Am mângâiat-o prea mult
cu degetele
De aceea acum s-a increțit puțin
dar în realitate e încă și mai frumoasă.
Privește satul meu
acele căsuțe albe
de pe deal
ia-o pe această străduță care duce exact la casa mea.
Il văd pe tatăl meu
care lucrează
pe mama mea în casă
care se roagă
gătește și plânge
gândindu-se la mine.
M-au lăsat singur în mijlocul câmpului
tovarășii mei m-au uitat
calul meu alb
a plecat
e prea obosit de-acum pentru a galopa.
Cerul în jurul meu
deja se învârte
ochii îmi sunt deschiși
dar nu mai văd
în timp ce gura mea zâmbește
și motivul
doar Dumnezeu îl știe.

Gust de sare

Gust de sare, gust de mare
Pe care îl ai pe piele, pe care il ai pe gură
Când ieși din apă și îți vine să te întinzi
lângă mine- lângă mine.
Gust de sare, gust de mare -
un gust puțin amar de lucruri pierdute -
de lucruri lăsate departe de noi
unde lumea este diferită, diferită de aici.
Timpul în zilele care trec leneș
și lasă un gust sărat în gură.
Te arunci in apă și mă lași să te privesc,
și rămân singur pe nisip și în soare
Apoi te întorci lângă mine și te lași căzând
așa în nisip și în brațele mele-
și în timp ce te sărut
gust de sare -
gust de mare,
gust de tine.
Și în timp ce te sărut
gust de sare-
gust de mare,
gust de tine -
de tine -
de tine.

Cântec pentru tine

Petrecerea de-abia începută deja s-a terminat .
Cerul nu mai este cu noi.
Dragostea noastră era invidia celor singuri,
Veselia ta era orgoliul meu.
A fost atât de mare și acum nu știe să moară
de aceea când si-ți cânt ție.
Singurătatea pe care mi-ai dăruit-o
eu o cultiv că pe o floare.
Cine știe dacă va sfârși dacă un vis nou îmi va lua mâna-
dacă alteia îi voi spune ceea ce-ți spuneam ție?
Dar azi trebuie să-ți spun că te iubesc -
de aceea cânt și îți cânt.
A fost atât de mare și acum nu știe să moară-
de aceea cânt și îți cânt ție.
Cine știe dacă se va sfârși, dacă un vis nou îmi va lua mâna -
dacă alteia îi voi spune ceea ce-ți spuneam ție?
Dar azi trebuie sa-ți spun că te iubesc
de aceea cânt și îți cânt ție
A fost atât de mare și acum nu știe să moară-
de aceea cânt și îți cânt ție.

How You Tell Me

And I don't know how much I can offer you
I don't know if to give you, I don't know if fear you
I don't know if you're going to hurt me or you're going to love me
Only the night will decide how to proceed
And sleep, sleep, don't pretend
Want, I want to see the sunsets with you
Wake up at once
And realize that not everything goes the way you want
Hey, how do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
Hey, how do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
And it's for you my love
And for your security
I have real affection
For me it's no, this love
But I'm going to try and I don't know if it will fail
Nobody told me that it would be so complicated
The desire to stay here by your side
I feel like my days are numbered
To fall in your prison
It lights the city on fire when your lips touch mine in the dark
All this hell, all this loneliness
You came to destroy her, get me out of my place
And now how do I believe you?
How do I stay?
How do I kiss you?
How do I love you?
Don't make me choose because If I choose I will go
Wake up at once
And realize that not everything goes the way you want
Hey, how do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
Tell me, tell me, tell me, ay tell me
Ay tell me, tell me, tell me
I want it to come out of you (ay, tell me)
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me? (Tell me, please)
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me? (Ay, tell me, tell me)
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
Ay tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay tell me, ay tell me, ay tell me, ay tell me

BZRP Music Sessions #13

When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
Welcome, pain, I invite you to be part
The love left awhile ago, did not want to wait for you
Really, you and us are something apart
This happens to me because my heart trusts you
I would give everything to return to what it was before
But you don't go back to the past
No matter how much I sing to you, before and during
I return to call you, he doesn't answer the phone
And I can't free myself from you
Baby, you don't escape from my mind
I hallucinate with visions of you
With power to see you again
Maybe I made you cry more than once
Maybe I hurt you and later I healed you
I had the luxury of playing until I won
But I see you pass and it makes me realize
When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
You're always going to know
You're always going to have it
In your mind when you think
You aren't going to be able to stop
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay, tell me when
Ay, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
Raise my heat
I only think of you, of you of you

I like

I like that they look at me
I like that they love me
I like that they talk about me
I like it, I like it
I like to look at you
To create with you
Something more that
I don't do with anyone
He looks a lot like heaven
And I am looking like hell
I don't know what to do, I can't understand
I can't prevent him from being my sunrise
In the sleepless nights
No no, ah ah
He looks like heaven
And I am looking like hell
No, and how do I stop being
That bad girl who was never educated well
No, and how do I stop being
That bad girl who was never educated well
He looks like heaven
and I am looking like hell
I don't know what to do, I can't understand
How to prevent him from being my sunrise
And me, and me looking like hell
He looks so much like heaven
Heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven
I like that they look at me
I like that they love me
I like that they talk about me
I like it, I like it
I like to look at you
To create with you
Something more that
I don't do with anyone
He looks so much like heaven
And me looking like hell
I don't know what to do, I can't understand
I can't prevent him from being my sunrise
In the sleepless nights
No no, ah ah
He looks like heaven
And me looking like hell (like hell)


Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Mambo counter strike, at the count of five
We turn off the lights, like business life
We live holiDIE, nothing to regret
I watch you place my life, restart
Everyone wants to be, uy
I watch them when I play Helix Jump (uy)
It makes me hungry and I eat mianmian (ey)
Before we didn't have anything for dinner
Now I'm on top of where they are
LED screen, my name all over
No one will fall into the movie you made up
Back in the days, I tried to fuel you
A pity that you sell yourself when it comes to sticking together
It's that I am high
It's a corner turned, we are agonized
With the time behind us
The good ones by my side, those fake ones forgotten
We close the entire curtain
(But they continue with the show)
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
With the anesthetized mind (look, look, look)
Even if I kill myself searching, I will not find
You know, it's not by chance
To make light out of the darkness
Being able to get out of reality for a bit
That the bad times last for an eternity
You know, it's not chance
I swear to you that in the party I didn't choose to sound
I swear to you that I did not want to like it
I swear to you that the music brought me here
It's that I am high
It's a corner turned, we are agonized
With the time behind us
The good ones by my side, those fake ones forgotten
We close the entire curtain
(But they continue with the show)
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes

The Death of The Deer

Versions: #1
The drought has killed the wind’s last breath,
The melted sun flowed on the earth facing his death,
The sky is hot, empty, and void,
The old wells full of mud, destroyed,
The forest is suffering, so many fires,
Dancing with diabolical desires.
I follow my father up on the hill,
The evil pine trees cut deep wounds in my skin,
Together we go silently to hunt our deer,
The hunt of starvation in the mountains of sin,
The thirst shatters me. The drips of water
are boiling on the rock.
My temple is pressing on my shoulder,
On a new, huge, heavy
the unknown planet I walk.
We’re waiting in a place where the springs are still singing,
With their smooth, magical strings to the ear,
By dusk, moon and silence clinging,
Here will come in droves, to drink one by one the deer.
I tell father I’m thirsty he beckons me to shut up,
Oh, dizzying water, the clearest one I saw
I feel thirst-bound to you. You’re condemned to death
by rules, traditions, and by the natural law.
The valley breathes with a faint rustle.
What a terrible evening floats in the universe!
The blood is flowing in the horizon, and my chest is red
as if I wiped my bloody hand on it from this curse.
Ferns burns with purple flames, I can see the altar, I can hear the drum,
Even some astonished stars blinking, are crying,
How much I wish you would not come, you would not come,
The beautiful offering of my forest, you are dying!
She jumped up, and then stood still,
She fearfully gazed around a moment,
Her thin nostrils made the water thrill
In a rusty circling movement.
I saw in her wet eyes, confusion,
I knew that she would suffer, that death is near,
It was like reliving a myth, a wild dream, an illusion,
The story about the girl turned into a deer.
From above, the pale lunar light
Sifted cherry blossoms on her warm fur,
Ah, how I wished that for the first time, in that night
The bullet from my father riffle to miss her!
Suddenly the valleys roared. Kneeling
she raised her head and shook it to the stars,
Then she collapsed, stirring
black swarms of beads on the water, her scars.
A bluebird, from the branches, is flying free from all,
The life of the sweet deer toward the eternal rest
it had flown screaming like a bird leaving in the fall
her empty, dry, deserted nest.
Stumbling, I closed her shady, sadly eyes
guarded by her horns somehow discreet,
I winced silently, vivid like a ghost when my father
proudly shouted: - We have meat!
I tell father I’m thirsty he beckons me to drink,
Oh, dizzying water, the darkest one I saw
I feel thirst-bound to you. You are already dead
because of rules, traditions, and because of the natural law.
The law is useless, full of shades,
When life in us so quickly fades,
Traditions and mercies are echoes flying,
When my sister is hungry, sick, and dying.
The smoke is coming silently from my father’s gun,
Without the wind, the scared leaves wildly run and run!
My father makes a frightening fire,
The forest trees sing in the saddest choir!
I catch from herbs unknowingly, and I cannot tell,
A little silver tinkling bell.
With his bare hands out of the skewer, dad had set apart
The deer’s kidneys and her roasted heart.
What’s your problem, heart? I’m hungry! I want to live, to conquer fear
Please forgive me, virgin, maiden, my beautiful deer.
I’m sleepy. How high is the fire! I hear the forest beat!
I cry. What is my father thinking? I eat and cry. I eat!

I Made A Mistake, You Made A Mistake Too

I made a mistake, but who doesn't make mistakes
You made a mistake too, the mistake is to be paid off.
I see in your eyes that something has changed you
I wonder what you have to hide
Maybe you found someone else
But silence is also an answer
I see in your eyes that something has changed you
I wonder what you have to hide
Maybe you found someone else
But silence is also an answer
I made a mistake, but who doesn't make mistakes
You made a mistake too, the mistake is to be paid off.
It is my fault, but it's also your fault
It doesn't matter how many mistakes we made, love still binds us
I made a mistake, but who doesn't make mistakes
You made a mistake too, the mistake is to be paid off.
It's my fault, but it's also your fault
It doesn't matter how many mistakes we made, love still binds us
If you only knew how much I regret what happened
What has been between us is hard to forget
Maybe I'm asking you too much to overlook
If I lose you, I couldn't stand the pain
If you only knew how much I regret what happened
What has been between us is hard to forget
Maybe I'm asking you too much to overlook
If I lose you, I couldn't stand the pain
I made a mistake, but who doesn't make mistakes
You made a mistake too, the mistake is to be paid off.
It is my fault, but it's also your fault
It doesn't matter how many mistakes we made, love still binds us
I made a mistake, but who doesn't make mistakes
You made a mistake too, the mistake is to be paid off.
It is my fault, but it's also your fault
It doesn't matter how many mistakes we made, love still binds us

A Guitar Was Playing

It's like I see the emerald, wonderful sea,
When you showed up in my way for the first time.
Thousands of waves, thousands of rays whispered
Their speechless waltz.
To the golden sights you were smiling.
And a guitar was playing
From the open sea, from somewhere,
I will never forget its voice.
You, guitar, you don't know
That on your vivid strings
You announced the love
Which was blossoming .
I won't forget the foamy sea of topaz,
When we took for a walk ashore for the first time.
The breeze was blowing at sunset,
Caressing like a balm.
How many things I'd have liked to tell you! I dared not...
And a guitar was playing
From the open sea, from somewhere,
I will never forget its voice.
You, guitar, you don't know
That on your vivid strings
My unspeakable longing
You told it for me.
I will not forget the silver-plated sea of crystal,
When we kissed, bashful, for the first time.
Thousands of waves, thousands of stars were shining,
In an endless game,
And we said 'welcome' to love.
And the guitar was playing
From the open sea, from somewhere,
I will never forget its voice.
You, guitar, you don't know
That on your vivid strings
Our pure dream
You sang it.

Născută pentru a te iubi

Se zice că alături de tine voi suferi,
se zice că n-ar trebui să cred niciodată în tine.
Dar în inima mea eu am mii de inimi,
și toate bat pentru tine.
Ce vină am dacă sunt așa,
născută pentru a te iubi?
Se zice că tu ești regele orașului,
în fiecare clipă o inimă frântă te caută.
E atât de frumos și de incitant
să stau lângă Barbă Albastră.
O voi plăti, dar așa sunt,
născută pentru a te iubi.
Suntem la fel, știi, ne lipsește o vineri.
Acum vreau și eu să trăiesc, să trăiesc.
Hai să fugim, voi fi cu tine cât timp mă dorești,
până când tu, privindu-mă, o să zâmbești.
Va fi pe veci sau poate nu,
nu-mi fac griji pentru mine.
Va fi pentru că așa sunt,
născută pentru a te iubi.
Suntem la fel, știi, ne lipsește o vineri.
Acum vreau și eu să trăiesc, să trăiesc.
Hai să fugim, voi fi cu tine cât timp mă dorești,
până când tu, privindu-mă, o să zâmbești.
Va fi pe veci sau poate nu,
nu-mi fac griji pentru mine.
Va fi pentru că așa sunt,
născută pentru a te iubi.
Născută pentru a te iubi,
născută pentru a te iubi,
născută pentru a te iubi...

Seri pustii

În seara asta n-o să te-ntorci
și eu singură voi sta.
La fereastră voi aștepta,
dar pașii tăi nu-i voi auzi.
O altă seară începe pentru mine,
întrebându-mă iar unde ești.
Aș vrea să închid ochii și-apoi să simt
că mă strângi în brațe, fiindcă ești aici.
Seri pustii nu, nu aș petrece
dacă ți-aș putea dărui iubirea mea
pentru tot restul vieții.
Aș vrea să închid ochii și-apoi să aud
o voce zicând că ești aici.
Seri pustii nu, n-aș mai avea,
de bucurie nu, nu aș muri,
dacă te-aș avea lângă mine.
Dar serile mele trec
și simt în adâncul inimii un gol enorm,
pe care n-am să-l umplu nicicând
dacă nu te întorci.
Seri pustii nu, n-aș mai avea,
de bucurie nu, nu aș muri,
dacă te-aș avea lângă mine.
Aș vrea să închid ochii și-apoi să aud
o voce zicând că ești aici.
Seri pustii nu, nu aș petrece
dacă în sfârșit, lângă mine
te-ai întoarce.


Tu ești viața mea, tu ești visul meu,
Mâinile mele ajung cu bucurie la tine.
Acum tot ce vreau e să fiu cu tine
Și mă uit sus, pe cer,
Și curajos, sper că vei fi liber.
În ochii mei simt acum alinare.
Ține minte, scump iubit, nu plânge,
Sunt lângă tine, pe veci cu tine.
Sper că vei fi liber,
În ochii mei tu ești aici.
Ține minte, dulce iubire, și nu plânge,
Sunt lângă tine, pe veci cu tine,
Iubirea mea, dulce viață, dulce trandafir!


I found you like
Never so kind
I go from hell to the sun
that I come back for you
If not I don't try it
Search me, don't say 'goodbye'
Because I pray only for you
I go from hell to the sun
That only for you I return
Look for me when there is love
That only for you I pray to God
Crying in the churches
Praying to God
Have patience
That I don't forget about you
Who killed your innocence today?
Tell me where is the killer in the story
I'm looking for the end
Today's story I will tell you
If I go, hellish heat
Fatal mismatch
That I don't see you anymore
If you are, start screaming
I start to think
That I don't feel you anymore
Ah ay
It hurts deep inside
From the heart
Ay, ay
I light it and I mean it
that act like me
I go from hell to the sun
that I come back for you
If not I don't try it
Search me, don't say 'goodbye'
Because I pray only for you
I go from hell to the sun
That only for you I return
Look for me when there is love
That only for you I pray to God
I pray to God
I fall in the times
I do not care anymore
Lose myself deep inside
I have you on my mind all the time
All the time I explode inside
And my heart is dying
That you don't love me anymore, this shit is going to kill me
I'm going through the world with nothing at all
Thinking of healing this wound today
I go from hell to the sun
That I come back for you
If not I don't try it
Search me, don't say ’goodbeye’
Because I pray only for you
I go from hell to the sun
That only for you I return
loo for me when there is love
Because only for you I pray to God

All I Know

Sometimes I don't know if I want what I hope for,
I don't know where I'm going or where I come from.
I don't know where I'll go tonight,
nor in which hotel, if you called me, if I call you.
Sometimes I don't know if I want, if a scenario
is my freedom or my torment.
I don't know if I can go on another year, another day,
if I call you, if you call me.
The only thing I know, the only thing I know,
is that I'm dead.
If I don't carry a song in the pocket of my heart,
if I don't see the South, my root will rot away.
If I am without a copla, I don't know what'll become of me,
if I'm not guaranteed your love every morning,
all that I sing and all that I sing for, love,
love, it's worthless.
Sometimes I look at people and my mouth trembles,
I can't mess up the last note.
And I wonder is my laughter and pain are in my guitar,
if there's some message in its reply.
The only thing I know, the only thing I know,
is that I'm dead.
If I don't carry a song in the pocket of my heart,
if I don't see the South, my root will rot away.
If I am without a copla, I don't know what'll become of me,
if I'm not guaranteed your love every morning,
all that I sing and all that I sing for, love,
love, it's worthless.
Tomorrow morning, I'll have left,
I received your flowers in my dressing room.

Se va întoarce vara

Aștept vara pentru că...vei reveni.
Se va întoarce vara
și pe plaja mării,
așteptându-te mă vei găsi,
mai îndrăgostit ca oricând.
Se va întoarce vara (vara),
vom regăsi amintirile.
De atunci a trecut un an pentru noi
și, ca atunci, suntem aici.
(și, ca atunci, suntem aici)
Va coborî seara (seara)
și din nou vei auzi (și din nou vei auzi)
notele unei orchestre,
ce va cânta pentru noi, pentru noi.
Se va întoarce vara (vara)
și, pe plaja pustie,
un om încă te va aștepta,
și iubirea noastră se va-ntoarce.
Va coborî seara (seara)
și atunci vei auzi
notele unei orchestre
ce va cânta pentru noi, pentru noi.
Se va întoarce vara
și, pe plaja pustie,
un om încă te va aștepta,
și iubirea noastră se va întoarce.


Every sorrow has a name.
And I want to know yours.
I know you'll pain me at the end of times.
We never had witnesses.
We don't even have a picture together.
The lens can't register people like me.
What does it matters if I'm a vampire? If I'm gonna fall in love anyway.
What's the use of being immortal, if you can't die of love?
I don't want to be abnormal anymore.
Every story has a where and I want to remember it forever.
A little piece of that we felt I want to take with me.
This illness I have makes me look a little stupid.
For knowing the consequences and act like this.
What does it matters if I'm a vampire? If I'm gonna fall in love anyway.
What's the use of being immortal, if you can't die of love?
I don't want to be abnormal anymore. (what's the use of that?)
What's the use of being immortal? (I don't want it anymore)
I don't want to be abnormal anymore.

A Voice of an Angel

I hear the voice of an angel whispering beside me,
and recounting the longest fairy tale for me alone.
And I feel myself carried away by the wind—up there, near the sun,
and a cloud laden with silver slowly, slowly settling over me.
I hear the voice of an angel whispering beside me,—
and then far away, this your music that plays only for me alone.
And I feel myself carried away by the wind—up there, near the sun,
and a cloud laden with silver slowly, slowly settling over me.
I hear the voice of an angel whispering beside me,—
and then far away, this your music that plays only for me alone.

Go Boy

Mundane encounters are not enough for life.
You are in a hurry to figure out something you don't know.
You do not believe words but you know a guitar
has chords for tears and chords for love.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
The horizon is distant but certainly you will arrive.
You will carry love and pain in your heart.
For yourself, you want nothing except to live,
but living means knowing and loving.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.
So go boy, the world is so big.
It's an old world that needs you all the same.


Celestina, you have green eyes but,
Celestina, you can't talk about love.
You did not want to fall in love anymore
but you only lose out.
Celestina, what a strange woman you are.
Celestina, you have everything and nothing, you know.
The love that you do not want—
why are you leaving it to us?
You know you cannot say you're happy
if you love a little more than you really do.
The love that you do not want—
why are you leaving it to us?
You know you cannot say you're happy
if you love a little more than you really do.


White night of fright,
black night of terror,
water, rain, snow, and wind—
furious thunder and lightning.
With a chilling rattle,
the murderer with the knife
slices and dices in an instant
anyone found in the castle.
But from the world of horror,
where the sky is always black,
the son of mystery pounces
faster than can be believed (can be believed).
Bem arrives, enemy of evil,
who holds in his mouth a thousand daggers.
Only three fingers, two eyes of ice,
sixty vipers upon each arm,
he mangles the killer.
He beats him to death with a club.
White night of fright,
black night of terror,
water, rain, snow, and wind—
furious thunder and lightning.
A step that shuffles sounds,
the blow of a hammer sounds,
the hanged man falls to the ground
making a mess where he falls.
But from the world of horror,
where the sky is always black,
the son of mystery pounces
faster than can be believed (can be believed).
Bem arrives, enemy of evil,
who holds in his mouth a thousand daggers.
Only three fingers, two eyes of ice,
sixty vipers upon each arm,
he mangles the killer.
He beats him to death with a club.
White night of fright,
black night of terror,
water, rain, snow, and wind—
furious thunder and lightning—
furious thunder and lightning—
furious thunder and lightning.

You Will Not Leave Me

You will not leave me because I love you—
so, so much that, if I live, it is only for you.
And never fear that, if a shadow falls,
in the heart it will stay far away—it will go away.
It is so beautiful, my love,
to remain together—do not say goodbye.
You will not leave me because I love you—
so, so much that, if I live, it is only for you.
(You will not leave me because I love you.)
You will not leave me because I love you,
so, so much that, if I live, it is only for you.

Something Stupid

It is difficult to find a way to spend an evening with you.
For example, suppose we went off to dance, you know how it goes.
We would end up looking for a quiet place to hide out together.
Inevitably, I'd end up saying something stupid like 'I love you.'
You already know that you would end up at least listening,
thinking it is nothing but some words among the many that are said.
I plan out extremely intelligent words as I like to do.
I wait for the evening to create the atmosphere to offer them to you.
You want it to be the moon and your perfume that draws us very close.
Inevitably, I blurt out something stupid like 'I love you.'
You want it to be the moon and your perfume that draws us very close.
Inevitably, I blurt out something stupid like 'I love you'—
'I love you'—
'I love you.'

Wonderful World

Do not awaken me while I am dreaming of you.
I see a sweet world where you are alone with me.
At sunset, the flowers tell thousands of love stories.
All of those flowers resemble you.
Do not awaken me—close your eyes with me
and my great dream to which this world will transport me.
At sunset, the flowers tell thousands of love stories.
All of those flowers resemble you.
Do not awaken me—close your eyes with me
and my great dream to which this world will transport me.

Why I No Longer Cry

No one knows why I no longer cry—
because I no longer have you.
Perhaps I will never be able to pray again
and no one will ever want to listen to my story.
I will not have the words that only you knew how to tell me.
And you know why I no longer cry—
because I can no longer pray.
Perhaps I will never be able to pray again
and no one will ever want to listen to my story.
I will not have the words that only you knew how to tell me.
And you know why I no longer cry—
because I can no longer pray.