Rezultatele căutării pagină 5
Număr de rezultate: 234
Pentru a începe o viață
Cum poți gândi că
ar fi gol înăuntrul tău,
dacă n-ai crezut în nimic,
dacă nimeni nu te-a oprit,
când te-ai dus să arunci
tot ceea ce înseamnă trecutul tău?
Încă încerci să scapi
de judecata oamenilor,
nu-ți trece prin minte
că poți fi schimbată.
Non stiu ce am, dar stiu ce ma omoara
sufletul meu e rebel, de-ai auzi ce zice
cu privirea catre stele, asteptand un meteorit
nu stiu ce am, dar stiu ce ma omoara
intr-o lume unde e drept ceea ce e gresit
de-as stie cat ulei curge
(Ye, ah)
eu, inger cazut
flacarile sunt inalte
incerc sa ma ridic, dar de fiecare data cand o fac
daca o fac, de fiecare cand ma ridic
sfarsesc sa ma ilud, sa cred ca reusesc
raul se intoarce pentru cine uraste viata
am detestat, incercat sa ies (incercat sa ies)
ah, frange-mi inima, hai fa-o iar
iti simti durerea, nimic bun (nu)
eu asezat aici jos
mai ales, si totusi, totusi as muri pentru tine (pentru tine)
si totusi as muri iar, iar (iar)
eu as muri acum, acum (iar)
A muri e de las
o zicea mereu locul care m-a luat
dar nimic mi-a dat, si aici cazual
intr-un loc gresit, dar a tuturor
cu primul pacat, cel mai mare
si eu regret ca m-am nascut
frica sa nu las un semn
timpul trece, si eu ma simt ciudat
ma simt asa, slab, slab
strange-ma mai tare, atinge timpul cu degetele
daca ies ma iau la bataie, invata-ma viata (invata-ma viata)
am lumea in maini, si as vrea sa o termin
am lumea in maini, si as vrea sa o termin
Calaresc valul, simt urletele tale
avem un vis, crezi (crezi)
da, noi, o sa castigam (o sa castigam)
da, noi, o sa castigam (o sa castigam)
(noi o sa castigam)
(Nu, nu)
nu stiu ce am
dar stiu ce ma omoara
sufletul meu e rebel
de-ai auzi ce zice
cu privirea catre stele
asteptand un meteorit
nu stiu ce am
dar stiu ce ma omoara
My Walls
Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!
My Walls
Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!
In Flakes
Even though I knew the end of this, I crossed this border.
I chose what was the best for both of us.
None of my dreams go by her nature.
All she is good for is herself.
This time I'm leaving for sure, there won't be a return.
It hurted me once but the second time wouldn't touch me.
And her life doesn't fit in my life.
If you can find the same person whenever you want, that means he is deprived of character.
It is snowing in flakes onto my heart but my beloved won't see.
With whom the seeds I planted in you will blossom?
She hurted and hurted me, she ended up slapping my soul, but she will never know that.
Each and every difficulty I went through will go back to what caused it.
I couldn't see any way out, she left and I waited.
I haven't smiled ever since I loved her.
Her height fits my height but the problem is with her behaviours.
''Someone who is so in love can also leave'' , my eye!
Her pink lips came to my mind.
I couldn't hide it, she crippled me.
Whom did my love bring clean?
Her cheeks wait 2 streets away
and I can't kiss them.
It is snowing in flakes onto my heart but my beloved won't see.
With whom the seeds I planted will blossom?
She hurted and hurted me, she ended up slapping my soul, but she will never know that.
Each and every difficulty I went through will go back to what caused it.
March of Turkish Submarine Fleet
We are named after Murat, Oruç, Burak
Flowing blood in our veins are of Barbaros' and Turgut's
We dive blue high seas day and night
Our motto is 'We're ready, anywhere and anytime!'
Our true home is these blue deepnesses
Defending the homeland is our sincere dream
Green board! Dive! We are coming, enemy!
In silence and depth, give no one quarter
Officers, sergeants and privates join hands
To make the deep darknesses a home together
Our true home is these blue deepnesses
Defending the homeland is our sincere dream
Bearing on end distance, torpedoes are on guard
We work to be veterans, our wish is to be martyrs
We devoted our life to the seas, we'll sacrifice this very soul,
Long live the homeland, the submariner vows!
Our true home is these blue deepnesses
Defending the homeland is our sincere dream
You are prettier than on the photos.
I hope you are happier without me
and I mean it, it's not just I sing about it.
Whoever has not died for love cannot live.
I didn't want to die so quickly.
I'm not singing it to make you come back to me,
or to make that they will feel sorry for me,
but I have to throw it out.
Because Fendi, Gucci or Louis V did not help me.
I know you are watching me on a different account.
How do I know? I also watch.
Everyone around tells me that I'm 21 years old
and I have time to get to know another girl.
But I don't want to trust anyone anymore.
No, if that's what it looks like.
You taught me to drive.
Others are asking me to slow down.
So I drive alone more and more often and faster
and I try not to crash.
It's my fault, I love too much and my love is toxic
I've never been able to admit.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
I feel uncomfortable around people.
But you can cure it.
When they wanted to kill me, you had ridden with me.
And you had two pistols in your purse.
You'll never stab me in the back with a knife.
You are my G, you are OG.
If we're fucking riding, then we're riding.
I never want to be alone again.
I will love you until my death.
For others, I am the greatest,
but I'll be small for you today,
or I'll be big.
I will take you where there won't more storm.
Although I love it when it rains on us.
I will fuck motherfucker up, if he hurts you,
because I love you.
You are my little 'Bibi'.
It's your birthday every day.
Every day I will sing 'Happy Birthday'.
I don't see the point without you.
Stop talk nonsense now and get in.
I don't want to sit in Range Rover without you.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
Farewell My Brother Sea
Versions: #2
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea
We took some of your pebble
A little bit of your blue rich salt as well
Also a little bit of your everlastingness
A little bit of your gleam as well
A little bit of your grief as well
You gave some voice to us
About being a sea's destiny
We're full of hope a bit more
We mended our ways a bit more
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea
The scent of the sea
I am bringing the scent of the sea
Humidity pervaded into my salty body
My eyes are red because of the morning frost
I am singing a song
I can't make it stop
I can't make it stop
I am bringing the scent of the sea
The top of the snowy mountains
Is Freedom
The bottom of it is a sea
Here is the Mediterranean Sea
A frivolous lightness
Is flying around my head
I can't believe it
I can't believe it
Ankara is half day away
To play the docile, urban (person) in the streets
To read the newspapers again
The night weariness, again
To get used to the night hastes, again
I am bringing the scent of the sea
The sun burnt skin of mine
I don't know why I am careless and bare
Like after sex
I really don't know
I really don't know
Ankara is half day away
To play the docile, urban (person) in the streets
To read the newspapers again
The night weariness, again
To get used to the night hastes, again
I am bringing the scent of the sea
The sun burnt skin of mine
I don't know why I am careless and bare
Like after sex
I really don't know
I really don't know
Aici ei mă așteaptă înapoi
Ca un rătăcit, călătoresc în jumătate a lumii, am văzut pescărușii zburând împotriva lui Seych
Știu în Roma ce pizza italiană este, că Vegas noaptea este atât de spectaculos, dar inima mea mă atrage mereu înapoi aici în cazul în care Christine nu este fata, dar Krista în cazul în care Lacul Balaton este un lac, dar pentru noi mare, unde politica se dezbină și pentru mine Borsod și Budapesta cele mai frumoase
M-am născut aici și mă vor înmormânta aici
N-am mai văzut nimic mai frumos decât malul Dunării, degeaba călătoresc cu avionul departe, strada Andrássy înflorește
în apus de soare pe Dunăre, inima mea se agită , știu nu e perfect , dar îmi place
Nu i-am găsit perechea în toată lumea
Să fie oriunde și oricum de vis, inima mea întotdeauna mă atrage acasă în Budapesta
Oriunde am mers în lume este sigur că
nu e fără greșeli, dar aici mă așteaptă înapoi
Să crezi că totul în țara noastră e nasol e o capcană, în altă parte, apa potabilă nu este suficient în robinet, a fost pedepsit de o mie de ori în trecut, dar cel puțin războaiele nu mai afectează
Știu că sângerează de la o sută de răni
Voi fi și voi rămâne, nu voi dispărea ca acidul carbonic
cât de mult e de mirare uite numai mirosuri set arome
În străinătate mă simt câteodată că sunt doar un ornament
Turiștii chinezi se miră
pentru că Budapesta au văzut-o doar în fotografii
Poduri și bulevarde frumoase, dar autobuzul este târziu și metrou din nou nu funcționează
O mulțime de perechi frumoase seara și fete cu corpuri fermecătoare
Drumul este drept doar uneori un pic abrupt
Așa de mult îl urăsc pe Pest la fel de mult îl iubești.
Versions: #1
People always love what's hard to get every time
The truth is hidden with me
and the fake one is hidden on tongue.
I'm the one who turned out to be upset
over the word love
and the one who made me upset is hidden in my heart.
I know it is not easy
If this is life, what's reality,
Since you made me get used to crying
from now on even death will feel like a fairytale.
It's so hard.
Trust me I can't put it in words.
It's too hard.
You're not there when I face what's real.
By looking at the mirrors,
I find myself complaining about me to me
like I'm going insane
To İsa, To Eylül, To Efe, To Timuçin, To Sinan, To Utku...
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
People and their norms
Out of 'em, hell and fire
People and their brains
Nothing but potato sack
Geography is the destiny
Wherever you go, they're after you
They are not us, they must die
They are not like us, they be burned
The chains of the ignorance of mine are grits in the ocean
My glasses is nothing but blinders
What be said! To anomalies
Must be hanged, be cut, be fusilladed
I was this, in Baku, they didn't want my face everlasting smiling
I was this, in Istanbul, they shutted my mouth that always talks good
I was this, in Tehran, they exiled me into Turkey
I was this, I'm this, I'll be this, I died being this, I've been murdered!
Long live the everlasting ignorance of yours!
Shall never end the superstition made by your minds
The god you believe gave me this burden, you didn't help me at all
Things you believe gave me this, you've never wanted
I've been murdered without having said what I've done to you
''Go kill yourself, do not waste our efforts'' I was told
''You shall be prostitute, eh'' I was told
I found the rope on my neck without having said I feel myself the way I'm
Only solution I have was the rope on my neck and the chair beneath me
Only thing will solve this, is to make oxygen can't flow to the brain
How could I manage my own life, they hate me already
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
''God loves everyone the way he creates''
If he exists, he loves already, but people he created
They don't, because they don't possess hearts
Ignoramus this bigot herd is, they won't relief without killing
For the people who think like me, the death is the only solution
My pride is the only chance
My pride
Pride of EFE
Pride of EYLÜL
Pride of Timuçin
Pride of all of ours
Run away from 'em
Don't die
Don't leave me be
You without me, me without you
Versions: #1
Out there, a summer rain
Wet streets, without you, without me
Evening has fallen, a warm wind
Dim lights, without you, without me
Past years, a fairy tale
How many leaves do we have in our hands
Love had been a dream, we awakened
The name of it remains on our tongues
The instruments aren’t resounding
Of the taverns, without you, without me
Strangers at our table
Memories, without you, without me
Past years, a fairy tale
How many leaves do we have in our hands
Love had been a dream, we awakened
The name of it remains on our tongues
Let this story end
Let fate close our door
Closed in our hearts
You without me, me without you
Past years, a fairy tale
How many leaves do we have in our hands
Love had been a dream, we awakened
The name of it remains on our tongues
God (Deus)
You threw me into this world
Without saying anything
Without saying even a word
Without saying a shit
You expected me to learn everything on my own
But you gave me only sixty years
During the lifetime you dragged me through the mud
I haven't known what to do!
It was true that sorrows instruct one, but that much of it
Made me suicidal, wanted to end this shit
You made suicide is a great sin, eh shrewd god!
You sent us a book centruies ago
You forbade everything joyous
To the world which I was sent only to be hurt
You told us to worship you, you recited azans for five times a day
You wanted me to worship you five times a day, eh egoist god
You told us not to go against you, if we do, you may send all of us into the hell
Well said, to the souls who already got hurt a lot in this world you said you may
Send all of them into the hell to make us suffer eternally, eh sadist god!
You gave nothing good, why would I worship you
Men aren't man
From mouth to nose not man
Thought in mind, not a thought
Acts not decent
Whom you expected me to pattern
The man who lived centruies ago
What? Should I crusade the Arabia like him?
What do you want me to do? Level with me
You told us to behave well to each other
First you behave us well
Afterwards you will have the right to teach us the good
You sought what you haven't
Eh, what should I tell you, a bizarre creature?
Existence or non-existence no matter?
Those books sent by you
All of them are demoded
Not even once, you adressed the Eskimos
Not even once, you mentioned the boreal forests
Always desert, always Red Sea, always same place
Those books are yours, aren't them?
You not exist, admit it
I created you!
Actual 'Deus' is me, not you
Because you not even exist
Your existence is mine
I'm the creator
When I die, you shall come with me
Your angels and djinns are me, nothing more
I ran away from my fears, in my minde
I ran to you when I've been slandered
I ran to you when I've been ignored
So into my mind, my brain where I created you
Everything of yours nothing but a paradox
Everything of yours is bizarre
Should I worship you
I'm the actual god, you worshipe me
Eh the object in my mind, eh the being
Eh the eternety, the universe circling in
Eh, existence, ye non existence, take this burden from me
I'm nothning but a human in flesh
Eh, the god who satisfies himself
I created you in my mind, now it's truth's turn
I know you can only exist only when I do
Thus, I'm destroying you, killing you!
Gianizm Scolding (Seven)
Expose your unique, different form right now, right here
It's the one and only of its kind in this world
After all, only you guys who don't know yourself gather
You should still be in time if you wake up now
What do you think of, and what do you seek?
Hiding a decisive spirit in my heart
I can surpass the inevitable that may happen
Tout that self-importance
Don't trifle me with trivial things
No matter what kind of jeering is thrown at me, there's no hesitation in my heart
I'll grasp these vexing emotions, and make them the power for tomorrow
I'll keep showing my own resolution and good faith
And I'll carry out the intentions I've imagined
Harboring the growing fury in my heart
At the end of oblivion, carve your name in this earth
Hiding a decisive spirit in my heart
I can surpass the inevitable that may happen
Tout that self-importance
Chinese kiss
Stopping a car in the harbor, chinese kiss
I stand tiptoes a little
Shy you invited me to a date in the wharf
Lovers here and there, chinese kiss
Shake like a beautiful silhouette
I throb but I'm fine because we can be two
Chinese kiss, to the country
Chinese kiss, of love
Come with me
Nobody comes, nobody is here
Please let's be in the middle of the fog
At the café where the tides are heard, chinese kiss
I could get wet with a silk rain
Why I can't return knowing that it's past midnight?
Chinese kiss, we join
Chinese kiss, our cheeks
Burning softly
When you say that tonight
I'm beautiful, it's lovely
Stay with me just a little
Fly with me please
I love you so
Chinese kiss, to the country
Chinese kiss, of love
Come with me
Nobody comes, nobody is here
Please let's be in the middle of the fog
Rumba puștilor de stradă (1)
Asta e rumba puștilor de stradă
care dansează peste tot.
Căutați damele chiar acum
care te mângâie de două ori.
Strângeri de mână, săruturi și distracție,
le prinzi gustul și te obișnuiești cu ele,
precum atâtea pere prea coapte,
aluneci în tot felul de scheme
până când cazi.
Asta e rumba puștilor de stradă!
Camillo! (2)
Acum ți-i prind, acum ți-i vând!
Oh, usturoiul!
Asta e rumba puștilor de stradă
care dansează peste tot.
Căutați damele chiar acum
care te mângâie de două ori.
Strângeri de mână, săruturi și distracție,
le prinzi gustul și te obișnuiești cu ele,
precum atâtea pere prea coapte,
aluneci în tot felul de scheme
până când cazi.
Asta e rumba puștilor de stradă!
Oh, am cuiul!
chiar de la țară (3)
dulci, plăcute, proaspete toate, acum ți le dau.
Asta e rumba puștilor de stradă
care dansează peste tot.
Căutați damele chiar acum
care te mângâie de două ori.
le prinzi gustul și te obișnuiești cu ele,
cu cât te înfrânezi mai mult, cu atât te-aprinzi mai tare
precum atâtea pere prea coapte,
aluneci în tot felul de scheme
până când cazi.
Asta e rumba puștilor de stradă!
Iubire amară
Mâinile, totul începe mereu cu mâinile, și încă nu i-ai spus că o iubești
Chiar dacă o știe.
Și apoi, poți să respiri doar dacă este ea, devii tot ceea ce nu ești
Devii așa cum te-ar dori ea, dar nu-ți este suficient niciodată, niciodată.
Dragoste dragoste dragoste amară iubirea mea,
Dragoste care o va putea opri numai Dumnezeu
Dar această dragoste fără cer va zbura,
în mâinile tale, aaaah
Dragoste fără iubire
iubire pe care n-o am,
Dragoste care nu va învinge dacă tu nu vrei
Dragoste mare închisă într-o minciună,
fără mâine, aaah
Mâine, mâine, ce va fi mâine.
Dacă pentru noi doi nu va exista mâine,
Imi voi relua viața obișnuință
Dar fără tine n-aș mai avea nimic mai mult, nimic mai mult, nimic.
Dragoste dragoste dragoste amară iubirea mea,
dragoste pe care o va putea opri doar Dumnezeu
Dar această dragoste fără cer va zbura,
în mâinile tale, aaah
Dragoste fără iubire iubire ce n-o am, dragoste care nu va învinge dacă tu nu vrei
dragoste mare închisă într-o minciună,
fără mâine, aaah, mâine
Dragoste dragoste dragoste amară iubirea mea,
ciudată dragoste, dragoste nebună, dragoste
fără mâine, aaah, mâine.
The List
Now that I know about everything,
I hope there's some way
to bring back the kisses I gave you,
and all my time wasted with you.
I'd rather be alone,
go find another fool,
to give you what I gave you,
you're already late.
I don't believe you, no, I know that story, no
don't say anything, with you, I understood.
When you told me that I was everything for you,
that was a lie, and I believed you,
even though it hurt, I realized
I was not the only one in your life.
One more on the list, one more on the list,
you think you know it all, you think you are clever.
But you're always calling me to go back,
ask me to stay the whole night,
baby, you know how to play, but I taught you so,
in a couple there's no space for three,
let me tell you, everything is fine.
Now that I know about everything,
I hope there's some way
to bring back the kisses I gave you,
and all my time wasted with you.
I'd rather be alone,
go find another fool,
to give you what I gave you,
you're already late.
I don't believe you, no, I know that story, no
don't say anything, with you, I understood.
When you told me that I was everything for you,
that was a lie, and I believed you,
even though it hurt, I realized
I was not the only one in your life.
One more on the list.
All languages, without your eyes
The letter begins its journey, from your eyes
All languages, without your eyes, are lost...
Love, in your body
Love, in your body ..
Old and eternal ..
As salt, is part of the sea ..
N-am căzut încă
Pasul, ochii gerului sunt pasul,
Dacă pământul și cerul sunt patru pereți, încet, încet
N-am căzut încă.
Cei ce se îndrăgostesc încet de străzi profunde și întortocheate
Îi fac să stea drepți pe cei ce cad încet, încet,
Eu n-am căzut încă.
Nemilos lovește-mă, dacă o să mă lovești fără rușine,
Ei, Soartă, întoarce-te și tu, dacă e să te întorci,
Pierde-ți repede lumina, stea singuratică, și afundă-te în neant,
Ziua Judecății, vino și tu, dacă e să vii,
Noaptea ta, ziua ta de ce nu mă recunosc?
I Didn't Fall,Yet
Step,Zemheri× eyes is step
İf the earth and sky are four wall slowly
I didn't fall,yet
Those who in love with heavy narrow streets deeply
Make to stand up those who fell slowly
I didn't fall,yet
Dry cold,hit me,if you are gonna hit, with no shame
O Fortune,you turn back,too if you are gonna turn back
Quickly lose your light,Orphan star and dive in deep
Doomsday,you come too,if you are gonna to come
Why didn't your night,your day recognize me?
I'm Leaving
I'm leaving, I'm leaving
I'm going to find luck
Paths that take me
Don't have a South or North
But my walk is firm
My desire is strong
Either I enchant life
Or disenchant death
I'm leaving, I'm leaving
Nothing is left here for me
Apart from the pain in
A goodbye without a party
I'm going in the departure
That fear awakens
Caring for my life
Because death is certain
Someone who said they were bringing
To this day hasn't brought
The good in making
A bitter life, sweet
I don't wait for the day
It matters little to me
If the old man is wise
If the girl is crazy
If the sadness is too much
If the happiness is not enough
If José is week
Or if João is strong
I want to, at all costs
Find luck
I'm leaving, I'm leaving
I take in the departure
Resolution in my chest
Firm and defined
Whoever comes in my departure
Listen to my voice
It's every man for himself
And God for everyone
Black Sea Was Flutter
Black Sea was flutter.
When looking the flag of Turk.
Oh,I wish I had a chance to see it before I die.
I wish to be a martyr for the land.
I wish I could show my love to it.
I wish I could align pearls for it.
Let stop the storms
Let open the roads/ways for the Turk's flag.
The wind comes from Turkestan
Now sending loves/sending regards to you
The loyal Turks came again.
Greetings/Best regards to Turk's flag.
We will pass by Caucasus
We will ennoble the Turkishness
We'll hang up Turk's glorious/bright flag to Turan(*)
Turk to her Turk brother/cognate
Can Turk take her Turk brother's own life
Let the world give sacrifice to Turk's leader Türkeş(**)
Durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea
Cimitirele sunt închise după evenimentele
din ultimele săptămâni, din ultimele săptămâni.
Privesc lanțurile, îmi șterg lacrimile
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine.
Poarta se deschide, nu pot să-mi cred ochilor,
oare lucrurile s-au schimbat până la urmă?
Alerg, dar gâtul tău strigă ”Stop!”,
pentru că durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea.
Tu poți să-ți alini durerea de unul singur,
ceilalți nu, sunt niște sărăntoci.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai bun ca al meu.
Pe străzi și în apartamente
spiritul iubirii apare.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai mare ca al meu.
Acum patru ani, pe zece aprilie ,
fetița Mariei a fugit exact sub roțile mașinii.
Maria n-o să intre astăzi pe poartă,
Pentru că durerea ta e mai bună ca a ei,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a ei.
Jòzef a avut un tată, nevastă și fiu,
și-n acea zi timpul s-a oprit pentru ei.
Jòzef nu va comemora azi acea zi,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a lui,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a lui.
Tu poți să-ți alini durerea de unul singur,
ceilalți nu, sunt niște sărăntoci.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai bun ca al meu.
Pe străzi și în apartamente
spiritul iubirii apare.
Două limuzine, încă una, tot cimitirul e-al tău,
e mai mare ca al meu.
Sincer, mie nu-mi plac cimitirele.
Când mama mă roagă, merg acolo cu ea,
Pun flori pe mormântul tatălui meu.
Durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea,
durerea ta e mai bună ca a mea.
Ce frumoasă zi ni s-a oferit azi!
Ne amintim toți de cei duși dintre noi.
De cealaltă parte a zidului, ei stau și varsă lacrimi,
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine,
la fel ca tine.
Alone, tonight I am so alone again
Now our love is just dream
I thought a lot again, it can't be
Now it's hard to return these days
How many years have passed for nothing
Only with your love
I don't why, why we broke up
Just understand The reason, what's my fault, we are offended
I'm alone, I don't want anymore, don't come
I got used the days without you
The love just was a toy for you
The love is lie and you didn't believe it
And now maybe you belong to someone else
I'm alone, like the empty streets
I don't want to think no more
No love, no lover
Mare Neagră
Felinare ale corăbiilor strălucind și pierind,
Reflexia lunii lasă sclipiri pe mare,
Brusc, mistralul adie, am fost prinși de furtună,
Munții ne îndrumă, ne-am dat viețile pentru această iubire.
Hei, străveche Mare Neagră, negură în munții tăi,
Iubirea a sfârșit împușcată, zăpada a fost pătată de soare,
Marea a răspândit zvonul, haide să urcăm munții,
Lasă iubirea noastră să devină zarvă, învăluind munții.
Navele sunt negre, îndreptându-se spre depozite,
Deasupra Mării Negre noi am ținut piept valurilor,
Brusc, mistralul adie, am fost prinși de furtună,
Munții ne îndrumă, ne-am dat viețile pentru această iubire.
Hei, străveche Mare Neagră, negură în munții tăi,
Iubirea a sfârșit împușcată, zăpada a fost pătată de soare,
Marea a răspândit zvonul, haide să urcăm munții,
Lasă iubirea noastră să devină zarvă, învăluind munții.
Hei, străveche Mare Neagră, negură în munții tăi,
Iubirea a sfârșit împușcată, zăpada a fost pătată de soare,
Marea a răspândit zvonul, haide să urcăm munții,
Lasă iubirea noastră să devină zarvă, învăluind munții.
Share music and kindness! :)
Crime Scene
I'm on a crying street and i'm going on the left side
I’ve just gave up on my darling and I can’t see front of me
On the street's walls, there are writings about who loves whom
It's (Street) look like a crime scene who lamps was blown up (by guilty)
If only you could come my city, every debris will become palace
If only you could love me again, my slammer will become heaven
I'm on a complicated marsh and i'm getting in deeper
I'm in a difficulty, and i don't know which situation is easy
Which book says that 'Love lose out to difficulty'?
I was so mess when police searched me again
If only you could come my city, every debris will become palace
If only you could love me again, my slammer will become heaven
Is it legal to love like that? Is it okey if we love like this?
Is it legal if we love right now? Give me an answer before it was late
If only you could come my city, every debris will become palace
If only you could love me again, my slammer will become heaven
Easy Come , Easy GO
Versions: #2
Easy Come , Easy GO
and Thats the way the world will go
our days will be over
even though we count them one by one
the years run by
making us laugh, making us cry
we look at the road ahead like a mirror
whist our lives pass us by
from joy to grief
what is left for us from this world
thats how it came
and thats how it'll go
yesterday as kids
we ran along the streets
we might be diasporic tomorrow
this world wont let us know
the years run by
making us laugh, making us cry
we look at the road ahead like a mirror
whist our lives pass us by
from joy to grief
what is left for us from this world
thats how it came
and thats how it'll go
thats how the world goes by
our days will be over soon
as we count the days
You're the reason of..
Your love doesn't get out of my mind
Maybe life is over but it's not
I've written in my heart
It's indelible whatever you do
Don't let this heart loves
Anybody that after you
You're the secret reason
Of my helpless troubles
Don't let the trouble comes at all
In my heart but except love
Getting my gosh the life from me
Let he adds into your life
The Sun Sets
The sun sets
The evening is near
Musicians are playing
And guests are coming
It was a wedding
A rich one -
Were playing there
When midnight came
The newlyweds went to bed
The prettiest bridesman
Put them to sleep
You - the prettiest bridesman
Please, for God´s sake
Don´t put me to sleep with him
Because I must die
When it was one o´clock
In the morning
Turn around, my dear
So I can see your cheek
I won´t turn around
Because I don´t love you
Because deep in my heart
I love somebody else
When he heard it
He took the saber out of the scabbard
He took the saber out of the scabbard
And he stabbed her in the heart
And when the morning came
Wedding guests woke up
Where are our newlyweds?
Do they love each other?
And mother
Walked into the chamber
Walked into the chamber
And saw a lake of blood
You musician
Stop playing in my house
Because I have to
Make a funeral to my daughter
The church bells were ringing for her
They were dressing her up
And they put a white bonnet
On her head
Don´t put the white bonnet
On her head
Put on a green garland instead
Put on a green garland