Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 234


The Miracle of Love

In the valley of Scammacca
the carters from time to time
left their dejections
and the blowflies buzzed over
and we went hunting lizards…
The Circum-Aetnean diesel railcar,
the school concerts, the Nabucco,
school will soon be over.
As the years are going by
this fever gets into my bones,
though war is raging outside
I feel the miracle of love,
of love
And when I meet you in the street
I feel a shock in my heart,
though death is raging outside
the miracle of love does not die
And when I meet you in the street
I feel a shock in my heart,
though death is raging outside
the miracle of love does not die
As the years are going by
this fever gets into my bones,
though war is raging outside
I feel the miracle of love,
of love

Give It To My Lonelyness

There are somethings given up in your eyes
A song inside of you misunderstood
What did they do to you that you're such as hurt
Your tears appear instantly when you think deeply
You are tired of understanding the world
That you're stranger to, it isn't easy
Also looking the hopes that disappering slowly
Between the mountains in your heart
If I don't tell this to anyone
If now I ignore death
If I add pain in my drink
For my loved ones that I lost
If I ever don't smile, all has a reason
Give it to my lonelyness
If I ever don't smile, this has a reason
Give it to my lonelyness
Ours is to stand out with pains
To take back the same city everyday
Later to meet somewhere in tomorrow
To challange against the lonelyness together

Since I got you

Thank the heaven and the earth.
Thank destiny for our encounter.
Since I got you.
Life is full of miracles.
All sorrow and happiness.
From a splendid memory.
Thank the wind and the rain.
Thank the sunlight for shining over the earth.
Since I got you,the world becomes so beautiful.
Let's wander and drift together.
The tims is full of intoxicating sweetness.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand.
We travel all over the world.
Visit the setting sun.
And sing thoroughly of the cloud and the moon.
Thank the wind and the rain.
Thank the sunlight for shining over the earth.
Since I got you,the world becomes so beautiful.
Let's wander and drift together.
The tims is full of intoxicating sweetness.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand and hand in hand.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand.
The sea can dry and the stone can break.
The sky can collapse and the earth split.
We are always shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand and hand in hand.

Wish I loved you only for this

birds are migrating together
wish I loved you only for this
I have nothing else than the street flowing by
wish I loved you only for this
when I had seen you that close
wish I loved you only for this
resembling each other after buzzing buses
wish I loved you only for this
we sit together with the screenwriter woman
wish I loved you only for this
your voice becomes deeper in your good moments
wish I loved you only for this
I looked at, the footsteps put the earth in order
wish I loved you only for this
a bunch of people sitting at doorways
wish I loved you only for this
fazıl hüsnü says, what does fazil hüsnü say?
wish I loved you only for this
the decor of our play is a paper tissue
wish I loved you only for this
and an incomplete silver box on the console
wish I loved you only for this
you were far away, there on the other continent
wish I loved you only for this
there is a secondary gleam in your eyes
wish I loved you only for this
I have found a short poem titled 'prophecy'
wish I loved you only for this
we walk in a failed exam-silence
wish I loved you only for this
we ordered two teas there, one of them light,
wish I loved you only for this
there was a faraway look of yours at the cafeteria
wish I loved you only for this
there is something, but I can say it only by the bushes
wish I loved you only for this
the moment, the fountain of the eternity
wish I loved you only for this

You got me to open the box

Someone saw, won't say, he seems to be a coward
Someone has fallen in love, but he gave up, he seems to be a whopper
We have fallen in love with someone who is ill, we are regretful, we have become forlorn
What is the main purpose of your speech, even it doesnt work
Your things are not enough
Everyone lies, but I
See the big picture
A face of someone's who understood turned into dark
He doesn't understand even we tell him his brain fucked up
Spin that goose
What is the main purpose of your speech, even it doesnt work
Your things are not enough
Everyone lies, but I
See the big picture
I wish I was a raven
You were a nestling owl
Meet face to face
I shall multiply you within kisses
What is the main purpose of your speech, even it doesnt work
Your things are not enough
Everyone lies, but I
See the big picture

Frânturi de cenusă în eternitate

De ceva timp înțeleg
Că inima asta sinucigașă
Doar cu forța gâturilor voastre
Își va vindeca rănile.
De ceva timp, în nopțile mele,
Când mă lovește nebunia,
Privindu-mă în oglindă
Zăresc numai îndoieli.
Sunteți voi cei la care mă gândesc
Și nu vreau să vă mint,
Chiar dacă știu că nu vă place
Ce vă voi povesti:
Eu nu mai pot să fac rumba,
Pentru că viața mea s-a schimbat
Și dacă mâinile mi se ating,
Trecutul meu îmi provoacă frică¹
Dar, da, există un sentimet
Care în pieptul meu crește și crește,
Pe care nu-l destramă vântul
Și care niciodată nu se alterează,
Care nu își pierde speranța
Și care explodează în gâtul meu, prin viu grai.
Eu vreau să fiu războinic²,
Cum sunteți voi,
Să-mi las degetele în fiecare cântec,
Cântând ca un nebun.
Să ridicăm brichetele³,
Celebrând ceea ce am trăit
Și să ne atingem mâinile
Amintindu-ne de cei căzuți.
Nu contează timpul, nu e real,
Ceea ce într-o zi am fost, va dăinui
Gravat în frânturi de cenușă în eternitate.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu... războinic, războinic, războinic.
De ceva timp înțeleg
Că mi-am găsit drumul
Doar mulțumită vouă
Celor care ați decis să-l urmați.
Când văd că mă sting
Simt în piept o lumânare⁴
Care mă menține treaz
Și care uneori mă umple de ceară.
Căci eu iau totul de bun,
Cred că despre asta e vorba,
Pentru că aici nimeni nu e perfect,
Și eu o mai dau în bară.
Și ce vreau să vă spun e
Că tipul ăsta nu se vinde,
Nu există bani ca să poată să plătească
Barca asta cu toți oamenii mei.
Dar, da, există un sentimet
Care în pieptul meu crește și crește,
Pe care nu-l destramă vântul
Și care niciodată nu se alterează,
Care nu își pierde speranța
Și care explodează în gâtul meu, prin viu grai.
Eu vreau să fiu războinic,
Cum sunteți voi,
Să-mi las degetele în fiecare cântec,
Cântând ca un nebun.
Să ridicăm brichetele,
Celebrând ceea ce am trăit
Și să ne atingem mâinile
Amintindu-ne de cei căzuți.
Nu contează timpul, nu e real,
Ceea ce într-o zi am fost, va dăinui
Gravat în frânturi de cenușă în eternitate.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu... războinic, războinic, războinic.
Eu vreau să fiu războinic,
Cum sunteți voi,
Să-mi las degetele în fiecare cântec,
Cântând ca un nebun.
Să ridicăm brichetele,
Celebrând ceea ce am trăit
Și să ne atingem mâinile
Amintindu-ne de cei căzuți.
Nu contează timpul, nu e real,
Ceea ce într-o zi am fost, va dăinui
Gravat în frânturi de cenușă în eternitate.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Și doar
Vreau să vă
Pentru că m-ați lăsat
Pe mine
Să fiu firul de lăgătură
Al unei energii așa frumoase,
Să fiu tulpina acestei flori
Care nu se ofilește cu timpul,
În ciuda suferințelor
Și în contra întregii lumi,
Pariați pe copilul
Și acum, pe bărbatul pe care îl descopăr,
În fiecare zi în oglindă.
Nu știe cum să vă spună
Că inima mea e a voastră,
Aproape lafel de tare cum îmi aparține mie,
Pentru că sunteți echipajul meu,
Cel mai fiedel pe care l-am cunoscut,
Și singurul care mă îmbracă
Când sufletului meu îi e frig.
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu războinic,
Vreau să fiu...

Down the stream

1. In the gorge where the moon rests by day
And black rocks are like a wall
Away from roads
A creek runs rapidly
Over stones.
And is it a really big trouble -
To rush all the time to who knows where?
It's enough to know you need to run -
That's the whole point of water.
Birds above are singing about something
And there's nobody.
Only elks and foxes
Come here to drink.
Down the stream (x3)
Water runs, polishing backs of stones.
Down the stream (x3)
I'm going to go while I have nothing to do.
2. Following the stream, I was going east.
And after some time I didn't recognize the creek.
Not knowing barriers, a waterfall ran,
The rapid mountain torrent.
And branches that wind dropped,
It (water) threw from height and broke in flinders.
And fearing of wild powers,
Pines on a bank
Stood and bowed.
Paying no attention to anyone,
It rages and has fun
And you can't drink or wash up your face,
You can only admire it.
3. And then the gorge brought me
To the valley where a river flows lazily.
Having found a shallow place in advance,
At evening time people bathe horses here.
The river forgot that it was a creek,
Forgot the noise of the waterfall.
There are tourist houses and beaches,
And even the curative beverage 'Borjom' is for sale.
I'm dreaming of the creek for some reason
And all I want -
To be in the gorge again
To wash my face and to get drunk.

They're waiting me back here

Like a wanderer, I travel half of the world
I've seen how the seagulls are flying in Seychel
I know how the Italian pizza is
And how cool Vegas is at night
Still my heart is pulling me back here
Where the girl isn't Christine, but Kriszta
Where the 'Balaton' is a lake, for us a sea
Where the politics is difisive and it makes arguments
But for me Borsod and Budapest are the most beautiful
I was born here and I'll be put into a grave here as well
I haven't seen more beautiful than the shore of Danube
Doesn't matter if I travel further with a plane
When the Andrássy road becomes full of flowers
My heart sinks in the sunset of Danube
I know it's not perfect but I love it
I haven't found its couple in the world
I can be anywhere, any far,
My heart is always pulling me back to Budapest
I can walk anywhere on the planet, it is clear that
It isn't perfect but they're waiting me back here
To think that at us every crap is a trap
Somewere else there isn't clean water in the tap
It had expiated a thousands times its past
But at least there are no wars here anymore
It is bleeding from hundreds of wounds,
But I'd rather be the gauze and I won't disappear
like the carbonate
How many wonders, look, aromas and tastes
And abroad I don't feel myself more than a decoration
Chinese tourists are keeping their mouth*
Because they had seen Budapest only on photos before
The bridges and the castle are beautiful
But the bus is being late and the underground doesn't run, again
A lot of pair of eyes at night, the body of the girls impresses me
The way is straight, but sometimes a bit steep
You hate Budapest exactly as much as you love it

Lord I cannot be humble

In the name of the father, in the name of the son
and the holy ghost,
life was given to me by the heavens
directly by God.
That's why I have hands, that's why I have legs,
a soul and a body.
Eyes to see, a heart to love
and you, so that I may be happy.
Lord, I cannot be humble
when everything goes so well for me.
I gladly look into the mirror
I feel like crying from happiness.
Whoever gets to know me, loves me,
I am the Devil's womanizer.
That's why, Lord, I cannot be humble,
but otherwise, good job!
I was dust and dust
I will become at the end
and afterwards I will rise from the dead
and be born once again.
But while I'm still here and still breathe air
and the music plays
I will dance polka, waltz, tango and rumba
calypso or cha-cha-cha.

My heart is colourless

Versions: #2
'We are all moving around the old circle'1,
Singing in this sweet and salty language.
What is far is near in the songs
Which make a party between three continents.
We dance samba2 and marrabenta3 too,
We cry the fado4and play the coladeira5.
The door is always open to welcome everyone.
If one is tired, says goodbye to tiredness6.
Corridinho7 started to run,
A well-performed and hopping dance.
Just play the funaná5and the malhão8 vigorously
And we will dance together, without getting confused,
In the offbeat pace of this heart.
Come on, come on, come on,
Let's make a circle and dance!
We are on the mood, let's dance.
Come on, mix your flavour with mine9.
Let this song sail away
Because my heart is colourless10.
We are on the mood, let's dance.
Come on, mix your flavour with mine.
Let this song sail away
Because my heart is colourless.
We are always dancing,
Our bodies swing with sweet and slow moves.
In our mouths there is a tumultuous saudade11
for fig, papaya and guaraná12.
Vira13 started to turn and merengue14 too,
We cry the morna5 and play the sapateia15.
The door is always open to welcome everyone
Because we like when our house is full of people.
Let's dance the bailinho16,
Bring the sanfona17 and the cavaquinho18.
Chula19 will be danced and the baião2 too
And we will dance together, without getting confused,
In the offbeat pace of this heart.
Come on, come on, come on,
Let's make a circle and dance!
We are on the mood, let's dance.
Come on, mix your flavour with mine.
Let this song sail away
Because my heart is colourless.
We are on the mood, let's dance.
Come on, mix your flavour with mine.
Let this song sail away
Because my heart is colourless.
(And turn around, and turn around to the end)
Because my heart is colourless.
  • 1. We are repeating the old traditions
  • typical dance music from Brazil
  • 3. typical dance music from Mozambique
  • 4. typical music style from Portugal
  • typical dance music from Cape Verde
  • 6. He/She starts to dance (no more tiredness)
  • 7. folk dance music from the region of Algarve, Portugal (literally, 'little run')
  • 8. folk music from Portugal
  • 9. Let's join cultures/traditions
  • 10. my heart embraces all cultures (has no preference for any ethnic group)
  • 11. nostalgic feeling of missing something/someone
  • 12. a plant common in Brazil that has seeds containing a large amount of caffeine (Cambridge Dictionary)
  • 13. folk dance music from the region of Minho, Portugal (literally, 'turn')
  • 14. typical dance music from Dominican Republic and Haiti
  • 15. folk music from the Azores, Portugal
  • 16. folk dance music from Madeira, Portugal
  • 17. ancient musical instrument from the Iberian peninsula
  • 18. musical instrument from Portugal, spread to Hawaii as the ukulele
  • 19. folk dance music from Portugal

I have you by my side

I'm very thankful my dear,
For just being by my side!
My soul is melting
In your hands.
Let the years go by
Like a color succession,
Let the death get exhausted -
I have you by my side!
The bright stars
Are watching us,
The Bora* winds
Will forсe us down on our knees.
And I feel no fear -
I have you by my side!
My hope is -
In your love!
My heart
Won't be soften on the fire,
You're like an angel,
Release an arrow out of the sun!
I agree that my dreams
Are hidden from everyone,
My thoughts are drunk
On your magic love.
The bright stars
Are watching us,
The Bora* winds
Will forсe us down on our knees.
I feel no fear -
I have you by my side!
My hope is -
In your love!

It's Easy for Me

[First Verse]
Every day, we make a promise to ourselves that we're not going to be
like everyone else.
And by the morning, we believe that it's all over,
and our time is up.
It's easy for me ... But it's easy for me ...
It's easy for me ... But it's easy for me ...
[Second Verse]
Every day, (the souls rising from bones) 1.
don't expect 2 any guests here.
And from behind her, you scream out of spite because you're scared.
Give up that hobby.
It's easy for me ... But it's easy for me ...
It's easy for me ... But it's easy for me ...
I am waiting for fate to give me a sign.
That I live not just exist, and have a reason to live.
It's easy for me ... It's easy for me ... It's easy for me ... It's easy for us ...
It's easy for me ... It's easy for me ... It's easy for me ... It's easy for us ...
And it's easy for us ...
  • 1. 'the soul out of thin bones'
  • 2. literally 'wait for'

Agree To Be Alone For Life

This fires are diying
This paces are fading
if you ain't gonna take me away then why does this passion hurt me
This paces very hard
This fires are diying
This paces are fading
If you aren't burning down then why does this passion hurt me
This paces very hard
Without suffering
Without feeling pain
If you come back to me for the last time
Nothing could be better
I won't add previous feelings
But will love you again
You've got a piece of my heart
No one can fill it except you
If remain without you had written on my forehead, agree to be alone for life

From below ice and above - I leap between ...

From below ice and above - I leap between, -
Make a hole above or drill below?
Of course - rise to the surface and not lose hope,
And there - to the matter of expectation a visa!
Ice above me, cracks and bangs!
I am bathed in sweat, like a ploughman ploughing.
I returned to you like a ship out of a song,
Remember everything, even old poems.
I am less than half a century - forty and more, -
I live because of you and the Lord's grace.
I have something to sing, standing in front of the Almighty,
I have something to justify before him.

Jump Down

And I stand on a roof and look at life from above,
Which I hate so much yet love so much.
Jump down, jump down, don't be afraid
Quietly whispers the rain into my soul.
Jump down and don't worry about where you'll go
Jump down, jump down, don't be afraid
Your life is a lie
Jump down and don't
Worry at all, you'll die someday
Jump down, jump down, don't be afraid.
Quietly whispers the rain into my soul.
Jump down and don't worry about where you'll go
Jump down, jump down, don't be afraid
Your life is a lie
Jump down and don't
Worry at all, you'll die someday.
Jump down, jump down, don't be afraid
Quietly whispers the rain into my soul
Jump down and don't worry about where you'll go
Jump down, jump down, don't be afraid
Your life is a lie
Jump down and don't
Worry at all, you'll die someday.

Where Is Your Nest Little Bird

Versions: #2
Where is your nest little bird
Your hideaway and hinterland
After all you know little of any snares
It seems to me just a bit
Hey, white birch tree, lean down,
Give this bird your boughs and blinds
Then I can come and soothe my soul
For after that I will have it
Where is your nest, little bird,
Where will you go to sleep today?
When snow and frost cloak the meadow
Then I will begin to worry so.
Hey, white birch tree, lean down,
Give this bird your boughs and blinds
Then I can come and soothe my soul
For after that I will have it

Eu singură voi toți

Pilates a scris nu există arvună*
Alem* să vadă din sport
Nu există nefericire pe Instagram
Mereu ști minciuni pline
Cartofi prăjiți nu există pe listă
Alem să vadă dieta
Pe Instagram nu există grăsime
Mereu vezi subțire
Fals, mic, minunat
Toții de pe lume
Posibil candidat la căsătorie
Toate sunt prințese
Eu singură voi toți
Se uită în oglindă absolut nimeni
Nu-mi pasă nu-mi pasă va păsa
Nu o să plec de lângă nimeni
Ege Kökenli

În genunchi

În fața casei noastre curge ca un pârâu fluxul apei
Iubirea mea în vârstă cu tine în genunchi
Mănâncă ramura neagră s-au deschis florile albe
La această iubire nu există nici un beneficiu nu ne-am petrecut timpul
Nu eram un munte subțire fumul mi-a înfășurat capul
Iubirea mea mă strigă(înțelege) ah și eu te iubesc
Barca vine de la depărtare valurile s-au combinat
Încă nu ne-am întâlnit ne-a fost scrisă despărțirea
Jocul meu cântat la vioară problemele oricum inima mea rănită
Nu se poate o asemenea despărțire totul aceasta averea mea neagră
Litorarul Civranun are un mic port
Să nu ne întâlnim ochii în ochii nu rezist să nu plâng
Nu eram un munte subțire fumul mi-a înfășurat capul
Iubirea mea mă strigă ah și eu te iubesc
Barca vine de la depărtare valurile s-au combinat
Încă nu ne-am întâlnit ne-a fost scrisă despărțirea
Ege Kökenli


[Verse 1]
Take a look
This isn't your planet
We came here
Just for a minute
Be a guest
Of a new joyful moment
Let go
Continue your path
That way
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la
[Verse 2]
Someone you haven't seen in a while
Step outside
And take a deep breath
We are living
On one big magnet
Forgive everyone
And it'll become easy
We're falling, falling, falling, falling up
Into the reflection of joyful faces
Into this carefree laughter
Falling, falling, falling, falling up
This sea has no boundary
In our world there's enough room for all
[Verse 3]
The echo will carry into next year
And wake up the sleepers on the shore (us)
And if it's on the way then so too earth and water
I'm ready, you just say when
We're falling, falling, falling, falling up
Into the reflection of joyful faces
Into this carefree laughter
Falling, falling, falling, falling up
This sea has no boundary
In our world there's enough room for all
We're falling up

Ai grijă de tine

Nopțile care trec arzând se pot uita?
Durerile se termină brusc?
Ducându-i dorul unui copil să am cu tine
Aceasta este mereu așa mereu pleacă?
Dorul apei în deșert trandafirii albi se termină?
Spinii clatină cerul?
Să te caut într-un miros de viorea
Aceasta este mereu așa mereu pleacă?
Ai grijă de tine nu te gândi la mine
Fluxul de apă îți găsește patul.
Furtuna din mine este un glonț orb?
Luptele se termină fără sânge?
O pușcă țipă căutându-te pe tine
Aceasta este mereu așa mereu pleacă?
Acestă lume nenorocită îți este dușman?
Prieteniile se termină brusc?
Cu salutul unui frate te caut
Aceasta este mereu așa mereu pleacă?
Ai grijă de tine nu te gândi la mine
Fluxul de apă îți găsește patul.
Ege Kökenli

Strange Duke

Strange Duke rode across the land and cornflowers faded,
when from fingers he forged bars and from hands railings,
[: he knit wires from hair, he had casemates made of palms,
and clothes from brocades, evil words instead of arms:]
Wherever he stood only the saffrons and henbanes sprout,
when no tears were left then the gas helped,
[: he drove winds away with chaffs and Christ screamed from cross,
when wounds he healed with salt, that Strange Duke :]
He was both master and servant and wad of verdicts
he tied with black ribbon which he dipped into the Channel,
[: and deaf song weakened when raven marked path,
when for glory of devil he proclaimed in the manifesto :]
Instead of poems he had files and prose as plague,
and brown and black rats, and diphosgene and chlorine,
[: he had hat made of bird-of-paradise and with dignity of snob,
he came up with fables in which ire prevails :]
He had baton instead of rights and estates for guards,
where murderers roared for the red cockade,
[: he berated people as betrayers, he wrote slogans on archways,
in which, by wish of rulers, the lie and vice marry:]
Further Duke carries wreath through that horrified land,
he has the fear as ally, he goes with his head down,
[: and he doesn't realise that children from that cold land,
will plainly and without the will behead him once :]

The loneliness train

Truth is that, I can never be your sentinel lover ( that waiting his/her own turn)
Is not enough for both us only one world ?
Belonging to myself I am and you carefree to yourself
Is not it going out one right, through three wrongs?
This is the train of lonely ones(the loneliness train) ,how an endless symphony
Go but go and forget me so
It's easy for me , I'd forget and it's over
My heart will not forgive you (but at all)
Oh never mind , let it be impossible (this love)
Let it go wherever broke
Neither your face was ever smiled , nor I was satisfied too
It will not be nice by forcing
Remained a loneliness in my share
The fate was always drawn the dark on me
When it hasn't laughed once at your face then it's so hard anymore
Did you ever give up your dreams for love ?
Did you ever be enemy against to your heart ?
Come on imagine that , I've forgiven everything
Come on imagine that , I forgot everything
How can I give an account of myself
This is the loneliness train, how endless symphony
Go but go and forget me so
It's easy for me , I'd forget and it's over
My heart will not forgive you

M-am înecat în Marea Neagră

Veacul curge din ochii mei
Pe drumurile de ruine
Sunt prins respirând
În cușca dragostei
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Dacă ar vedea inima mea nebună
Am închis moartea
Moartea mea să fie în ochii tăi
Sunt prins respirând
În cușca dragostei
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Dacă ar vedea inima mea nebună
Am închis moartea
Moartea mea să fie în ochii tăi
Veacul curge din ochii mei
Pe drumurile de ruine
Sunt prins respirând
În cușca dragostei
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Dacă ar vedea inima mea nebună
Am închis moartea
Moartea mea să fie în ochii tăi
Ege Kökenli

I've Always Sat Around Waiting

Versions: #2
Could you please tell me,
Out of curiosity, what it is that I mucked up
Because I've never felt so strange
At any stage of my life
Maybe I haven't told properly
I've saved everything what I had to say for the last
And I've never been so desperate
At any stage of my life
Maybe I haven't called up, maybe I haven't come
Maybe I've thought it was always the wrong time
But in the Mecidiyeköy metro station, in case we should come across
I've always sat around and waited
Could you please tell me
What the solution was for this situation
Because I could never pass this test
In any lesson of my life
Maybe I haven't studied hard,
I haven't studied the multipliers of a heart
And I've never miscalculated so bad
Any equation of my life

I have been named you Deniz

Where are the impertinent children?
They have gone one morning
Applauses tingled in the dead-end streets
Who has the echo?
I have been named you Deniz
I have sorrow
I've been built the villages far from each other
I have mistaken your Sea
We have made a fire on the bulwarks of the suffering
They shooted us, We were out of breath
Time was stopped
Shadows kept their positions
I have been named you Deniz
I have sorrow
I've been built the villages far from each other
I have mistaken your Sea*
Sinful night becomes

On The Dock Alone

Versions: #2
I am miserable in the dark of night
With my tear filled eyes on the dock alone
I cried all night as the waves lapped on
With my tear filled eyes on the dock alone
The gulls flew away, they forgot me
In the night I am alone on the dock by the sea
I cried all night as the waves lapped on
With my tear filled eyes on the dock alone

Me Alone vs. All Of You

She enrolled to the plates course but she didnt started at all
May the world see her doing sports
Nobody's unhappy on instagram
All lies, you know
Fried potatoes arent on the list
May people see her on diet
Nobody's fat on instagram
You see everybody slim
-fake, small, perfect-
In her -...- world of her everyone is
future marriage candidate
everyone is their own princess
Me alone vs all of you
Has any of you looked at the mirror
I dont care, I will not
I wont leave it unpunished

Nezelt L Ba7r

I went down to the sea and observed the view
I found the waves had news
I walk on the shore of the sea
With me the moon walks
A smile goes and comes
Bird after bird for me meet
The sun calls me to hope
Oh my heart, the waiting
It appears to me the face of my beloved
Sometimes far, sometimes close
The fire that is in my heart burning
Oh my I hunger for rain

Vor numele tău

Ei vor si de la mine numele tău
M-au ținut 2 de guler, spun 'nu se poate!'
Vine timpul eroziuni, cel mai scump pierderea prieteniei
Eu nu rămân la acest examen
Cât de mult ne-am schimbat noi, așa în picioare te ține viața dând o declarație
Apoi m-am uitat chiar au fost învinși ei
Nu mai rezist în această beznă, gâtul lor stă oblic
Deasupra noastră sunt jocuri
Spune-mi rănile de pe brațele tale, nu te rușina
Lucrurile frumoase vin cu dureri și dezamăgiri mari
Detaliile despre bijuteriile minorități, sunt fanii oamenilor
Ziua vine așa cu o gură nedeschisă de cuțit
Pe această stradă ne vom strânge
Tu spui 'iubire', spui 'dragoste' dar nu se poate acum
Spune cine le-a spus lor 'trăiesc liber'
M-au ținut 2 de guler, vor numele tău
Vina pică deasupra noastră
Nu contează asta va veni ziua tuturor
Țin minciunile, exte interzisă opinia deschisă
Pentru că este o figură ca vina să pice deasupra noastră
Un prieten ca primăvara, să fie ca primăvara
Ce este în mintea noastră? De ce fug și se opresc?
Ce va fi să fie o dată în curând vom cădea
Factorii răscolii nu au nici-o prestație, am vorbit despre asta
Ei sunt oamenii frumoși
Nu nu mint cei care spun că au capul gol
Drumul de a curăța mâine în curând oricum într-o zi brațul aripei se va prinde
Cu siguranță ultimul meu cuvânt nu va fi 'rămâneți cu bine'
Ce am dat parcă? Ce vor de la mine?
Gura mea, fața mea sunt în sânge, dar o să tac
Tot timpul spre deosebire de și crede tot timpul
Brațele mele s-au legat, vor numele tău
Ege Kökenli

Not Your's

I paint white on white
I don't believe in him, neither am I jealous
I have gone blind and lost feeling
Breaking apart is a new art
We weaved arguments like blankets
We loaded our guns and shot them
My wounds became stronger than walls
I don't need this, goodbye
I'm far away, I fly over you
It's so easy for me, I fly over you
Just stop, stop
Paying with your heart
for everything that it's not at all your's
Just stop, stop loving with your heart
Everything that's not your's (it's not yours)
Verse 2:
No, I'm not here to see our power
I almost forgot his name
Or to even excuse the manner of silent embraces
He is my death and creator
Just stop, stop
Paying with your heart
for everything that it's not at all your's
Just stop, stop loving with your heart
Everything that's not your's (it's not yours)

Come Before the Rain Quieten

Come before the rain quieten
Before my remedy ran out
When you arrive my all four sides
Will blossom.
Come before the winds return
Before my edict written.
For years my blood blazed
With your longing.
Come before the moon gets dark
Before the carnations wear away
My floods won't slacken
Without you.
Nothin', but blue skies from now on.

Rugaciune catre o mama

O dragoste... Se terminase dragostea.
Un prieten nu era sincer.
'Intoarce-te'! - mi-a spus inima
Si eu ma intorc, plangand, la tine.
Se saruta buzele de doua ori
pentru a spune 'Mama'.
Nu poate tot aurul din lume
Sa inlocuiasca inima unei mame.
Si in timp ce te strig
Imi sarut buzele de doua ori
pentru a spune 'Mama'.
Dragostea... Se casatoreste maine
Prietenul... cine stie daca o iubeste...
Nu mai cred in nimic si in nimeni.
In seara aceasta simt ca innebunesc.
Se saruta buzele de doua ori
pentru a spune 'Mama'
Nu poate tot aurul din lume
Sa inlocuiasca inima unei mame
Si in timp ce te strig
Imi sarut buzele de doua ori
Pentru a spune 'Mama'.