Rezultatele căutării pagină 37
Număr de rezultate: 1859
A House Full of Shit
My job is not that tricky
I just want to please you.
Fingers, hair, tram
Worker's strike, main post office.
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A Shop, badges made out of silk
Running Pseldonin* and Yolko**
You can call a Squirrel 'Ass',
Fingers, hair, tram.
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
A house full of shiiiIIIIIt!
My job is not that tricky
I just want to please you.
Fingers, hair, tram
Worker's strike, main post office.
A house full of shit
A house full of shiiiIIIIIt
A house full of shit
A house full of shit
Ai fost a mea o vară
Azi am văzut-o, din întâmplare,
Eu eram în bar, ea m-a privit în trecere.
I-am zâmbit și-am vrut să-i vorbesc,
M-a rugat să n-o fac, poate altă dată.
Poate altă dată, poate altă dată.
Dulce răsărit, știu că niciodată.
Cum să uit părul tău, cum să-ți uit parfumul,
Dacă mai navighează pe buzele mele savoarea gurii tale?
Fiecare tipă care merge cu o carte în mână
Îmi va aduce numele tău, ca în acea vară.
Ai fost a mea o vară, numai o vară.
Nu uit plaja, nici acea veche cafenea,
Nici acea pasăre rănită, pe care-n palme tu ai încălzit-o,
Nici glasul tăi, nici pașii tăi ce se vor îndepărta.
Poate altădată, poate altădată.
Dulce răsărit, știu că niciodată!
Iubirea mea, iartă-mă
Te gândești încă la el,
te gândești mereu la el.
Ce stranii sunt tăcerile tale
în timp ce mă privești!
Da, știu, ai vrea să-mi vorbești,
dar curaj nu găsești, știi de ce?
Aș muri, aș muri fără tine!
Îți jur, nu vreau asta,
dar încă mă gândesc la el.
Iubirea e precum vântul
prin plete, știi,
face din mine o frunză rătăcită acum,
o femeie care-i pe cale să-ți spună adio,
iubirea mea, iubirea mea, iubirea mea!
Să spui adio
e tare trist, știi...
Să ne salutăm așa:
sărută-mă și nu mă mai privi,
deja te văd mică acolo jos.
Iubirea mea, iartă-mă!
Coboară o lacrimă (cade încet, încet)
aici, pe pielea mea,
și lasă o rană
ce nu se va vindeca.
Sărută-mă și nu privi în urmă,
deja te văd mică acolo jos.
Forgive Me
Forgive me for not writing a love song.
I guess we will never be two in the end.
I'm sorry for not avoiding it, I don't know how to pretend.
I look at you and your face is a labyrinth.
And forgive me for forgetting, I can't find a reason.
I don't know how to live like this, I'm sorry, love.
I don't know how to face you against me, now I know I fell.
Such a weird sensation, I feel so lost.
And you don't want to understand there's no possibility today.
I lost so much hope, I don't want to go on.
The farewell is here, I'm only looking for an exit.
Today it will be better to say goodbye.
For everything that is gone today,
I'm looking for a way
to love myself a bit more.
I'm not going to waste my time.
Always is only a moment,
I only want to walk.
I know the time will come,
bit by bit, at a slow pace.
Today I'm going to think of myself.
You taught me that being strong
is worthier than being brave.
You lost me, now without you
I will remember what I am and I will smile again.
To continue this today is impossible for me.
Forgive me for consuming time and not stopping.
We lost control out of our need.
Today, we were beaten by a pain stronger than love.
You look at me and my face is a labyrinth.
And you don't want to understand there's no possibility today.
I lost so much hope, I don't want to go on.
The farewell is here, I'm only looking for an exit.
Today it will be better to say goodbye.
For everything that is gone today,
I'm looking for a way
to love myself a bit more.
I'm not going to waste my time.
Always is only a moment,
I only want to walk.
I know the time will come,
bit by bit, at a slow pace.
Today I'm going to think of myself.
You taught me that being strong
is worthier than being brave.
You lost me, now without you.
I know the time will come,
bit by bit, at a slow pace.
Today I'm going to think of myself.
You taught me that being strong
is worthier than being brave.
You lost me, now without you
I will remember what I am and I will smile again.
To continue this today is impossible for me.
Iubirea, precum vântul, se duce într-o zi
Căutam iubirea, și te-am găsit,
era mare acea dorință.
A trecut iluzia
pe care am simțit-o amândoi.
Iubirea, precum vântul, se duce într-o zi,
iubirea, precum vântul, se duce într-o zi.
Cu timpul, precum vântul,
vei vedea.
Câte nopți am petrecut, gândind,
în acea fericire!
Mă iubeai, și azi te-ai schimbat,
simt doar singurătatea.
Unu, doi, trei, e mai bine să nu număr,
sunt anii iubirii noastre.
N-a mai rămas nicio speranță,
doar un pic de înțelegere.
The Young Women Are Sensational
The young women are sensational
She's rising really nice, learning really well
Going down really nice, it's sensational
This here feels really good, it's phenomenal
The party's fucking loud
The women like it
Everyone knows
What's happening, what's happening
Pedro Paulo and Alex, only in the motion
Get a notion of this beat
Fraga only in the motion
The young women are sensational
She's rising really nice, learning really well
Going down really nice, it's sensational
This here feels really good, it's phenomenal
The grumpy wife
Don't use that tone, don't use it with me
You have no reason to rub it in and I'll tell you why.
You are my wife and queen, star of my hearth
I swear it on the red wine that fills this glass.
I give you my body if you are interested in it,
but I keep my mouth, because I want to talk to you tonight.
You must have respect for this profound man
who stacked the deck and pissed on the walls of the world.
I may be a drifter or even a loser
but do ask around, ask who your husband is!
I am the king of cards and I have heavy hands
and I have left the impression of my ring in lots of people
I am the son of the Sun and I eat roses
and I have taught love to hundreds of boring women.
Your brother-in-law is an asshole, he's anything but a catch!
He is gloomier than a graveyard and looks like a faded martian.
He may be filthy rich and a gentleman to boot,
but imagine him in bed making love, how lame is that?
I am just biding my time
because in this world one must be brave but more importantly, smart.
Then we'll see who's laughing, I'll show you
I have here a list of people and I'm going to get back at them.
I am the son of the Sun and I eat roses
and I have given sleepless nights to hundreds of lusty women.
Now let's stop talking
give me a honest kiss
we are like falling stars
but we are still in the sky.
Let's go back to bed because it's almost morning,
I want to make love with you, my stubborn queen.
In my city
Look at us,
What games we have,
Houses full of secrets
In our city.
Look at us,
At our diferent fates,
What mysterious business
In our city
Hey, give me your hand, brother,
I'll quitely walk you
Through sins and demons
Where our deepets passion in our city.
In my city there's thieves and priests,
In my city there's love and money,
There's no peace in my city, there's no peace.
In my city angels yet live,
In my city it sometimes is easy,
In my city, there still is God, there still is God.
Mrs. Maria
Sorry for coming here like this
Forgive me for these rogue clothes
With a long shirt and my hat backwards
Right when the soap opera that you like most is on
It's been three days since I've slept well
Your daughter has left me like this
And what she talks about the most is how you're angry all the time
But today I won't go back home with a 'no'
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
That God painted and threw away the paintbrush
Sorry for coming here like this
Forgive me for these rogue clothes
With a long shirt and my hat backwards
Right when the soap opera that you like most is on
It's been three days since I've slept well
Your daughter has left me like this
And what she talks about the most is how you're angry all the time
But today I won't go back home with a 'no'
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
That God painted and threw away the paintbrush
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
That God painted and threw away the paintbrush
Miss Anna
You dress so modestly
Your way of life is simple
Your attitude and style is so pleasant
It's a sign that you're a woman
That is rather personal
Miss Anna, Miss Anna
You make all the boys
Interested and fascinated again
To you...and to me...
Miss Anna, Miss Anna
Such a lucky man
Who can marry you
Someday, someday
I wanna try to get close
And give my heart
I feel the happiest
When my love is received
Corona 22: Obfuscation
If a part of the Humanity
have to wear a veil
in Reasons of belief
gets a Outcry around the
'Free World'
If a part of the Humanity
have to wear a Mouthguard
in Reasons of belief?
Speechlessness prevails and the
Freedom drops
You just can't prove it
That its than normal
So you shift your Apocalypse
Till it's coming
As ordered
And your from the past
Are the from today
And the from the past
Turns today to a
As you like it
Corona Song
Such a dumb virus
Straight out of China, one day you showed up
Get your ass back there, so they can confine you
In that country, where they eat dogs
Bats and pangolins
Me behind my lousy tv
Switching between BFM and LCI
I can't seem to stop running into Arlette Chabot
Or the poor Roselyne Bachelot
I can't do this any longer, being stuck at home
I want to see the world, how am I supposed to do that?
I want to catch a breath of fresh air
I want to go meet up with nature
Such a dumb virus
Such a dumb virus
The worst still, is that these scumbags
Have closed down all my bars
I can't drink my water as I chill out
With my buddies, it's hopeless
Not even a small restaurant
Closed down in the name of confinement
Joining the queue with these jerks
For a miserable MacDonald's menu
The checkout assistants at Intermarché
Have had it, and I feel their pain
They're masked all day long
As for their salary, tell me about it
Such a dumb virus
Mad virus
Honestly, this noble Doctor Raoult
Painted black by jealous colleagues
By the bigwigs and hotshots
Who have the balls to waste money
Hear this, Douste-Blazy, sir
Don't always spew garbage
This world is full of rascals
Who see evil almost everywhere
I've got antibodies in abundance
But I've also got anti-idiots
It must be said that in France, there are loads of them
Such a dumb virus
Such a dumb virus
Fortunately, in these dangerous times
You have spared kids
You haven't laid a finger on children
The little innocent beings
Stayed out of school, for a time
To experience some merry moments
Without cronies, without pals
Just their Nintendo consoles
Be gone already, stupid virus
Kill our american friends
Oh shit, they've got another disease
Donald Trump, and his stupidity
Such a dumb virus
Mad virus
Such a dumb virus
Mad virus
Such a dumb virus
Noapte bună floricică
Noapte bună, noapte bună dragostea mea,
noapte bună, între telefon și cer.
Îți mulțumesc că m-ai uimit,
și că mi-ai jurat că e adevărat.
Porumbul pe câmpuri e matur
și am mare nevoie de tine.
Pătura e înghețată și vara s-a sfârșit,
noapte bună, această noapte e pentru tine.
Noapte bună, noapte bună floricică,
noapte bună, între stele și cameră
să te visez, trebuie să te am aproape,
și nu e încă destul de aproape.
Acum o rază de soare s-a oprit
Chiar deasupra biletului meu expirat,
între fulgii tai de zăpadă, frunzele tale de ceai,
noapte bună, această noapte e pentru tine.
Noapte bună, noapte bună bănuț,
noapte bună, între mare și ploaie
tristețea va trece mâine dimineață
și inelul va rămâne pe plajă.
Păsările mici în vânt nu se rănesc niciodată,
au aripi mai mari decât mine
și de la răsărit la apus
sunt singure în soare,
noapte bună, această noapte e pentru tine.
Am nevoie de cineva să mă țină în brațe când plâng
Bagajele tale sunt făcute și așteaptă la ușă,
Dacă vrei într-adevăr să pleci, e-n regulă.
Nu-ți face în ce mă privește, iubite, căci mă voi descurca,
Dar am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Și am nevoie de cineva să-mi spună
Că te voi uita,
Și am nevoie de un prieten pe care să mă sprijin
Când sunt tristă.
Așa că șezi aici, lângă mine,
După ce-ți iei rămas bun,
Căci am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Taxiul te așteaptă ca să pleci,
Dar iubite, spune-i șoferului că te-ai răzgândit
Și stai până mâine, căci știu, la noapte
Am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Și am nevoie de cineva să-mi spună
Că te voi uita,
Și am nevoie de un prieten pe care să mă sprijin
Când sunt tristă.
Așa că șezi aici, lângă mine,
După ce-ți iei rămas bun,
Căci am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng.
Căci am nevoie de cineva să mă țină-n brațe când plâng!
Bravely, comrades!
Forward march, comrades,
March bravely into the fire!
Through executions
Freedom awaits for us!
Make way for the true sons of terrestrials
Make way for the children of labor!
Let's free all our brothers!
Let there be a shout of victory!
We were chained for a long time,
We were starving.
Enough, enough of our suffering!
We can atone for ourselves!
After all, more powerful than this world
Only the work of our tools.
In a thundering riot,
We'll load our rifles!
Let's put an end to this audacity
Of the nobles and dives!
We will plant the shaft
Of our Red Banner into the ground!
Song of the International Brigades
We, born in the distant fatherland,
Took along nothing except hatred in the heart.
But we haven't lost our home,
Today, our home is in front of Madrid.
But we haven't lost our home,
Today, our home is in front of Madrid.
Spain's brothers stand on the barricade.
Our brothers are peasants and proletarians.
Forward, international brigade!
Raise the flag of solidarity!
Forward, international brigade!
Raise the flag of solidarity!
Our honour is now called Spain's freedom.
Our heart is international.
Chase to hell the foreign legionaries,
Chase into the sea the bandit general.
Chase to hell the foreign legionaries,
Chase into the sea the bandit general.
He already dreamt to parade in Madrid,
But we were already there, he was too late.
Forward, international brigade!
Raise the flag of solidarity!
With rifles, bombs and grenades
The vermin is being burned out.
Free the land of bandits and pirates,
Spanish brothers, because the land belongs to you!
Free the land of bandits and pirates,
Spanish brothers, because the land belongs to you!
No mercy to the fascist vermin,
No mercy to the dog that betrays us!
Forward, international brigade!
Raise the flag of solidarity!
Celebrate the great bonnet
Celebrate the great bonnet
Add to it, leave it alone
More on the other bonnet
There's not half enough on it
Donald Ban's bonnet
Is to be found in Bothalam
It was as high as the roof joist
Higher than the corn-stack frame
Celebrate the great bonnet
Add to it, leave it alone
More on the other bonnet
There's not half enough on it
Donald Ban's bonnet
Is to be found in Bothalam
It was as high as the roof joist
Higher than the corn-stack frame
Celebrate the great bonnet
Add to it, leave it alone
More on the other bonnet
There's not half enough on it
Donald Ban's bonnet
Is to be found in Bothalam
It was as high as the roof joist
Higher than the corn-stack frame
Two spoon-nets in the loft
There's something in the fish-trap
Two spoon-nets in the loft
The seagull has a catch
Although I'm empty-handed
There's something in the fish-trap
Although I'm empty-handed
The seagull has a catch
Two spoon-nets in the loft
There's something in the fish-trap
Two spoon-nets in the loft
The seagull has a catch
Although I'm empty-handed
There's something in the fish-trap
Although I'm empty-handed
The seagull has a catch
Oh celebrate the great bonnet
Add to it, leave it alone
More on the other bonnet
There's not half enough on it
Oh celebrate the great bonnet
Add to it, leave it alone
More on the other bonnet
There's not half enough on it
Donald Ban's bonnet
Is to be found in Bothalam
It was as high as the roof joist
Higher than the corn-stack frame
Celebrate the great bonnet
Add to it, leave it alone
More on the other bonnet
There's not half enough on it
Donald Ban's bonnet
Is to be found in Bothalam
It was as high as the roof joist
Higher than the corn-stack frame
Higher than the corn-stack frame
A girl like her
Where can I find a girl like her
I'm looking for someone just to tell me
Where I can find comfort until morning
When my old friends can't even help me
Is she now
Not alone anymore
Or does she have no one
Like me
Just one, just one
Just the one girl who I love is no longer mine
I drink to get over it all
Just one, just one
Just the one girl who I love is no longer mine
I drink to get over it all
Where can I find a girl like her
Who has a smile like her which calms me down
Where can I find the shine in her eyes which warms me up
I just want to relive my old love just for a moment
Is she now
Not alone anymore
Or does she have no one
Like me
Just one, just one
Just the one girl who I love is no longer mine
I drink to get over it all
Just one, just one
Just the one girl who I love is no longer mine
I drink to get over it all
Smile More Often
The sun is rising and begins a day of wonder,
Where do I get all my luck?
A new morning, a new miracle,
once again, fortune awaits me.
Life is smiling, as if happy to see me,
I'm the happiest person on Earth.
The sun will rise again, I await more wonder
as I smile in my sleep.
Occasionally sorrow visits me,
I feel a bit blue but then I smile.
When life is tough, when life is sad,
I laugh to spite it all.
You can't hide from sorrow, you can't forget the worries,
But you can't not love this world.
A lovely day will come and I will say hello again,
Hello, hello my lovely world.
I am lucky because I know the secret,
I smile as I watch the sunset.
So smile more and you'll be lucky,
Fortune will smile right back at you!
So smile more often and you'll be lucky,
Fortune will smile right back at you!
Samoan National Anthem - The Banner of Freedom
Samoa, arise and rise your flag, your crown
Samoa, arise and rise your flag, your crown
Look at those stars that are waving on it
This is the symbol of Jesus dying for Samoa Oh
Samoa, hold fast your power forever
Don't be afraid, God is our foundation
Lots of freedom
Samoa, arise, wave your flag, your crown.
Noapte bună, iubirea mea
Noapte bună, iubirea mea!
Aș vrea să fiu lângă tine,
să te pot mângâia
și apoi să mă auzi zicând:
”Te iubesc de mor!”
Noapte bună, iubirea mea!
Dacă mă vei visa,
în visele tale, eu știu,
voi fi și eu,
și sărutându-te îți voi spune:
”Noapte bună, iubirea mea!”
Știi că atunci când trebuie să plec
îți las inima mea,
și noaptea nu pot să dorm,
pentru că nu ești tu.
Mă gândesc la tine, iubire,
când se lasă seara
și inima mea te salută așa:
Noapte bună, iubirea mea!
Aș vrea să fiu lângă tine,
să te pot mângâia
și apoi să mă auzi zicând:
”Te iubesc de mor!”
Noapte bună, iubirea mea!
Dacă mă vei visa,
în visele tale, eu știu,
voi fi și eu,
și sărutându-te îți voi spune:
”Noapte bună, iubirea mea!” (bis)
Și sărutându-te îți voi spune:
”Noapte bună, iubirea mea!”
She forgot me
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot our, our, our, our summer
She forgot, how we walked until dawn with her
I'm inhaling nicotine and it's like sweet scent
And our endorphins won't find the way back
We flew with you above the clouds
I thought so, but you weren't there
I was against, to such an alignment
You left, leaving only the sky to us
- Ey! I'm tired of yelling at you already
But you don't hear me and your number
The phone, it's like, you didn't hear
And now you're my ex
Replaced me, me my smart girl
Mine isn't around, I replaced you with poison
Ey! Replaced, forgot, ey!
My baby's cold, ey!
Replaced, forgot, ey!
My baby
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
Let go, or still be mine
I'm alone, or we're together again
I'm flying somewhere above the sky
Like cigarette smoke
Flashbacks crushes the past again
Where's this poison, but you can't poison me
I forgot you, loved you
But time's killing us here
Give me strength, let go
I'm more used to being without you, I'm alone
But your scent couldn't leave
I'm remembering, I'm drowning
In an apartment, where you aren't
My baby
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power!
She forgot me, forgot, forgot, forgot
The love in me is killed, killed, la, la
It has been frozen in my chest for so long, frozen, frozen
Love is dangerous power...
Cruel brother
Behind Ythan river a farmer lived once,
it was in manor Fyvie.
That farmer had a beautiful daughter,
he called her beautiful Annie.
Lord of Fyvie had his trumpeter,
and that was Andrew Lammie.
That young trumpeter all the long time
thinked of beautiful Annie.
Suddenly, her mother once says:
'Look out from window, my Annie!
possibly no more beautiful man went through the world
than lord's trumpeter Lammie.'
In the evening, when everyone else went to sleep long time ago,
beautiful Annie couldn't sleep.
The love started to warm in her heart,
in her thoughts Andrew Lammie.
I wish my love will come on my threshold,
I wish he grips me in hug.
I wish to give all my life to him,
when the world denies his love for me.
However, only a short time could love bloom
like a flower of field poppies.
Andrew was with Annie every night,
he was leaving with birds' voices.
But her dad didn't like him.
And jealous sisters
went to sue her to their brother.
They were making wily plans.
Her cruel brother, when he heard it,
went into her chamber,
and by evil and cruel hit
he punched his sister down to the ground.
Ah, my mother, prepare the bed
the last time for your Annie.
Tell my love that I'm dying.
Let Andrew Lammie come.
Ah, my mother, give me your hand
and turn my head to Fyvie,
so my eyes can see once more,
where Andrew Lammie waits.
Slava, what have you done?
Ehee, ye... Eh! Mhmph.
Ice is on my wrist (ice-ice),
She went out, this bitch a Pennywise (brr-eh), what's this mouth?
She's eating my kids (my kids), nom-nom-nom
This bitch wants some sex (ooh, blah), I won't give (no, I wont give)
Okay, eh
This bitch a hoe (hoe), this bitch a clown (clown)
Ordered her, uh-huh, she gave me a top (okay)
She's munching up the kids, they call her It (It)
Bitch's dragging me to bad, but totally not to a hole (okay)
Respect my flow (ya), bitch you won't get home (too-too-too-too)
Chains on me, yeah, that's gold (ye)
Yeah, bitch's yours, but you're a cuckold
Your bitch, let's go, yeah bitch let's get it
She's sucking it off like this like she wants money (ye)
Will lead this madame to the exit (eh? uh?!)
How's it in the university? (Well, how's it? Well, how's it, huh?)
Ay, ay... So, how's it in the university? (Well, how's it, huh? Well, how's it, huh)
Ha, ay... So, how's it in the university? (Well, how's it, huh? Well, how's it, huh?)
Ha... Ow!!! So, how's it in the university?
Everything's okay and all.
Ice is on my wrist (ice-ice),
She went out, this bitch a Pennywise (brr-eh), what's this mouth?
She's eating my kids (my kids), nom-nom-nom
This bitch wants some sex (ooh, blah), I won't give
Ice-ice is on my wrist (ice-ice),
She went out, this bitch a Pennywise (brr-eh), what's this mouth?
She's eating my kids (my kids), nom-nom-nom
This bitch wants some sex (ooh, blah), I won't give–
This song has reached it's logical ending.
Too Early
I was safe on the lap of winter
I was alone, but happy
But my mind was weak and bored
Seeking for a shortcut to the sping
And I was such a fool that I asked for it
Love from those who helped me
In the middle of this long winter I ordered
Relief for my grayness
Yeah and I looked into the crystal ball
In there, I saw him coming
And when the year changed to another
I already found someone sleeping next to me
But soon, so very soon
Even a fool like me noticed it
This love was not for the winter
I took it in too early
I disrupted young love
When it still wanted to sleep
I pulled tulips of May from the frozen ground
And they wilted away in my hands
Oo-too early
Too early
I disrupted love
And it lost its power
(Oo) too early
(Oo) too early
I teased love
Maybe I lost it forever
And now I wait alone
For the next winter
Summer is [full of] sorrow and agony for me
I received it too early
If a power higher than me will bless me
And I'll get you back again
I'll wait until the Midsummer night
I'll wait for the next summer
The next summer
Always for the next summer
When I am older
I’ll never forget our connected feelings,
Tears we exchanged, and the warmth I felt
The sky I looked up at was blue, the clouds quickly charging on
I wonder if someday I’ll casually forget about even this view
I have a dream I could maybe reach, and a future that can’t come true
I have no reason for following them, I just do it for me
So that we never forget our connected feelings,
Tears we exchanged, and the warmth we felt,
We’ll definitely never stop going
Through each day together
I tried painting the summer we had, but like a TV with a broken antenna,
Nothing appeared no matter how much I struck the canvas
I still just can’t accept this
I had a dream I couldn’t reach, and a future that didn’t come true
I’m fruitlessly searching for an answer as to why
I closed my eyes during an unbroken prayer,
And I saw us fighting
Those days we yelled at each other
Were definitely real
I can’t brush it off because it’s so frustrating,
And I surely wasn’t all alone
When I’m older, I wonder if
We’ll be able to laugh away all of those things?
Let’s meet again, having stayed just as we are
Our days together had all been real
Our story will never end
Suffocating Life
Am I not allowed to get to know this world
Do I have to live in solitary
Alone and lonely
Am I not allowed to get to know love
Love from someone
That I love
Life like a bird
inside a suffocating cage
Be my cage made of gold
Better I live in the vast wilderness
Am I not allowed to get to know love
Do I have to live in solitary
Alone and lonely
Oh... I want to be free
Free in this world
Free to love my lover
Free to love my lover
Free to love my lover
If Only
I feel longing
in this heart
Want to meet
even though it's short
Why do we have to part
Just because we are different
Will I be able to ignore everything
Wow... wow...
If only we
were always together
Flying through the clouds
If only we
were blessed by Him
Life would be happier
Oh God, please unite us
So love is flourishing in (our) heart
For us forever
Wow... wow...
[Back to verse 1 and reff]
If only we were inseparable
Sunshine was there
If only we were always together
Moon was also smiling
If only we were always together
Flying through the clouds
If only we...
were blessed by Him
Life would be happier
Strofa 1:
Încă-mi aduc aminte de ziua de 3 Decembrie, eu și puloverul tău
Ai spus că arată mai bine pe mine decât pe tine
Doar de-ai fi știut, cât de mult îmi place de tine
Dar te privesc când ea-
Trece pe lângă tine
Ce priveliște, mai strălucitoare decât cerul albastru
Te-a fermecat în timp ce eu mor pe dinăuntru
De ce m-ai săruta?
Nu arăt nici pe jumătate atât de bine ca ea
I-ai dat puloverul tău, e doar poliester
Dar pe ea o placi mai mult
(Aș vrea să fiu Heather)
Strofa 2:
O privesc când stă lângă tine, ținându-te de mână
Îți pui brațul după umerii ei, mie îmi e mai frig acum
Dar cum aș putea s-o urăsc, e așa un înger
Dar oricum, cumva mi-aș dori să nu existe
Trece pe lângă, ce priveliște
Mai strălucitoare decât cerul albastru
Te-a fermecat în timp ce eu mor pe dinăuntru
De ce m-ai săruta?
Nu arăt nici pe jumătate atât de bine ca ea
I-ai dat puloverul tău, e doar poliester
Dar pe ea o placi mai mult
(Aș vrea să fiu Heather)
(Oh) Mi-aș dori să fiu Heather
(Oh,oh) Mi-aș dori să fiu Heather
De ce m-ai săruta?
Nu arăt nici pe jumătate atât de bine ca ea
I-ai dat puloverul tău, e doar poliester
Dar pe ea o placi mai mult
Aș vrea să fiu...
Nu ne vor prinde
Nu ne vor prinde ...
Spune doar -
Apoi suntem doi dintre noi.
Numai lumini
Vom fugi
Nu ne vor prinde
Mai departe de ei
Mai departe de casă
Ghid de noapte
Ascunde-ne umbrele
Printre nori!
Dincolo de nori
Nu ne vor găsi
Nu ne vor schimba
Nu-l înțeleg
Stele cu mâinile
Cerul va cădea
Noaptea pe palmă
Nu ne vor prinde
Nu ne vor prinde! (X2)
Nu ne vor prinde ...
Vom fugi
Totul va fi simplu
Noaptea va cădea
Cerul va cădea.
Și golul de la răscruce
Iar golul nu ne va prinde
Nu spuneți, nu înțeleg
Numai fără ei
Doar nu trecut
Nici o cale mai bună
Dar nu înapoi
Numai că nu cu ei
Doar nu cu ei!
(Doar nu cu ei)
Nu ne vor prinde ...
Cerul va cădea
Noaptea pe palmă
Nu ne vor prinde
Nu ne vor prinde! (X2)
Nu ne vor prinde ...
The autumn colors of the trees begin to have more shades
the hues mix in the cycle of the world
and we are learning with it
The road under is shining
speeding on it our car is a handsome sight
fearless like this we're heading north
The cities behind us are burning
the surrounding forests embrace us
secretly you take me with your music and carry me fast
on the wings of songs back in time
May I be yours
for this journey soon forgotten
although nothing remains
I get to breath in your beauty
Sparkling party nights
even the most heartfelt baptism
a premature memorial service
First we waste it all
and then sinking into oblivion
we fertilize the earth for those to come
The child grows at our side
our faces catch the years
this song, too, plays and disappears
May I be yours
for this journey soon forgotten
although nothing remains
I get to breath in your beauty
May I be yours
for this journey soon forgotten
although nothing remains
I get to breath in your beauty
Versions: #1
You brought reasons to my mornings
to the cold ruins of the sun
the silence of the night, the eternity resonating to us
this longing, endless vast space
this is how you raise me to the heights
out of my room we float into the brightness
You reap the rotten berries
and so, you use them to make the freshest wine
you enter my most sacred room
for you only, for you only, yeah, the incense burns on my altar
Patchouli, jasmine
your scent takes me to heaven
to the lights far away
I wouldn't even want to return anymore
no, no, no
You brought reasons to my mornings
to the cold ruins of the sun