Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 1859


Corona 12: The Great Mistake

I must confess, much as it pains me,
I almost emigrated.
I read New Zealand's death figures
My God - how I was wrong.
At first, I was white with shock
and then I was red with shame
A whole land full of corpses.
19 people are dead there!
How I underestimated
The dreadful pestilence
I wrote poems, frantically
Despite the clarity of the facts.
But now everything is so much clearer
And now I must beg forgiveness
Now it's so much more obvious to me
I hope you will forgive me
Tomorrow, I'll go - you can imagine
obediently with my mask, to go shopping
I'll make my way through a crowd of corpses.
Whoever is willing to see, they will see them too.

Corona 13: The End of the World

Corona hit us hard,
Only a few people are still alive,
But there's no reason for them to be hopeful,
The next calamity is looming.
An asteroid is coming to Earth!
On the 29th of April
Perhaps it will hit us
There'll be a big bang, and then silence.
We won't even be able to have lunch,
because it's going to arrive before noon.
So instead, should we ask
what's left to be done?
A face-covering would surely be useful,
as the impact will raise dust.
The masks will protect us from that,
but the noise will surely make us deaf.
So put cotton wool in your ears,
and your briefcase on your head,
since without that you'll be lost.
Or would a saucepan be better?
We'll do it together,
The authorities are already aware.
Death will not grab us.
We'll do it, we're ready.
In case we don't see each other again,
I greet you one all last time.
I'm going to a brighter world,
This one here was pure agony.

Corona 16: The Solution?

Mankind daily multiplies, you know,
them flying to and fleeing fro,
It's utter chaos, beyond compare,
How to reach out for the dream of freedom we all share?
And if we want to stay on this planet any longer,
We have to save our Resources much stronger.
Economic crisis, there will be more and more,
A fast solution seems to be the ony the score.
Freedom was my finest dream,
but in this darkness - can you still see it gleam?
To face this problem here, to ring the bells,
I focus on my body-cells.
Amany Trillions there are, they say,
And not one lives for itself, okay?
They cannot vote at an election,
but they are cells, so no objection.
The brain, dictator, defines the law,
else humans suffer, so I saw.
But brains get confused, quite a few,
which makes the cells run out of queue.
The drunkyard in drinking up his liver,
Even if it hurts like hell, he calls it a shiver,
Greed, anger, lust, and fear - to torture us - their mission!
Obesity, war, strokes, AIDS are their admonition.
The cells, who once lived so carefree,
drop dead like flies now, you can see.
I wonder if all the little, tiny cells
do wonder sometimes by themselves,
if all they've done was good at last -
making our freedom so enourmous and vast.
So, to diminish us as 'solely cell'
implies that every freedom goes to hell.

On the Right Road

You are on the right road, I say to myself, thinking of you,
The fog is getting thinner and all is clearer in me.
Yes, on the right road I don't want war anymore,
Nor to pick up to the ground the pieces of another farewell.
It will not end, it will not end
Like a scene collapsed in half.
I, fallen into the world
To go after the big moment,
I, to believe that time
Will never crush me again.
You are on the right road, two wings in my footsteps,
It's time to get up, now there's so much confidence.
Yes, on the right road, what a great opportunity there is!
The right direction is drawn in front of me.
It will not end, it will not end
Like a speech only half said.
I, fallen into the world
To defend my great dream.
I, to believe every day
That something will happen for us.
Desperate silences (trying to hold our words),
We, some scared thoughts (in love with this life),
We, newborn smiles,
That never stop, never again.
I, to believe every day
That something will happen for us.


Perhaps you think you've seen it all
And count all knowledge your own
Are you tired from traveling far and wide?
Welcome to our city!
Perhaps you seek adventure
And love wicked scenes
Maybe you're not quite satisfied with life?
Welcome to our city!
Here it's just like anywhere else
Nothing stays secret, no one incognito
Perhaps mere coincidence brought you here?
Enjoy the night with us!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
Where everyone hates with passion
And love never quite fits in
Here only two make the laws
The Montagues and Capulets!
No one needs to take a side
That was done for us long ago!
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
Long live Verona!
Do you sleep soundly in your bed?
Trusting that you are loved?
This sort of peace doesn't exist here
Welcome to our city!
But God also has power over us
We do die, but we die old
Here everyone wears the prince's crown
Welcome to our city!
Here it's just like anywhere else
Nothing stays secret, no one incognito
Perhaps mere coincidence brought you here?
Enjoy the night with us!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
[ MEN (staggered) ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
[ ALL ]
Where everyone hates with passion
And love never quite fits in
Here only two make the laws
The Montagues and Capulets!
No one needs to take a side
That was done for us long ago!
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
[ Refrain and dialogue together ]
Benvolio and Mercutio, two friends who love their weapons.
Even the prince's words can't keep us from a fight!
And this is Tybalt, their sworn enemy, the leader of this slaughter!
Laws mean nothing to me! I live and die by the sword.
City of insanity! Everyone fights everyone else. War dominates everyday life!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
Verona! Verona!
Long live Verona!

We Are Legendary

In my world
Come with me
Follow me
Open your eyes wide and see
Everyone, gather here
Put your hands up
Don’t lose your focus on something else
I won’t say this twice
Let’s just look forward and keep running ahead
Everybody’s up
I’m gonna start this now
So everything will be upside down
Be confident and listen
Throw away all your fear
No one can stop you
We are legends
You can be a little chic
So you will shine from your fingertips
Everyone follow me, they’re all looking at us
Hey you let’s get up
Even if you go crazy, you’ll be alright
Now we’ll make this story
I see a light that can’t be hidden
Let’s shake up the world
We are legendary
Get out of the way
Heart beat Knock knock
About to explode, feeling good
No one can stop me
You can’t stop me
This moment highlight highlight
Hey Watch me Watch me
Move out of the way if you don’t have what it takes
Put your tail down and run away
Everything will be amazing
We are legendary
Even if you can’t see the end
Don’t stop, don’t stop
Even if you fall several times
Get up again, get up again
Beginning Legend, the legend has begun
Hey no turning back
Hey don’t look back
We’re at a higher
Be confident and listen
Throw away all your fear
No one can stop you
We are legends
You can be a little chic
So you will shine from your fingertips
Everyone follow me, they’re all looking at us
Hey you let’s get up
Even if you go crazy, you’ll be alright
Now we’ll make this story
I see a light that can’t be hidden
Let’s shake up the world
We are legendary
Get out of the way
Heart beat Knock knock
About to explode, feeling good
No one can stop me
You can’t stop me
This moment highlight highlight
Hey Watch me Watch me
Move out of the way if you don’t have what it takes
Put your tail down and run away
Everything will be amazing
We are legendary
Let it go Let it go Let it go
Let it go Let it go Let it go
Let it go Let it go Legendary
Heart beat Knock knock
About to explode, feeling good
No one can stop me
You can’t stop me
This moment highlight highlight
Hey Watch me Watch me
Heart beat Knock knock
About to explode, feeling good
No one can stop me
You can’t stop me
Let’s have a better day
Let’s have a good day
Can’t get better than this
Look at my power
Look at my weapon
Can’t be stronger than me
Look carefully
We are legendary

The Telephone Call

I give you my affection and my time.
I have to see you again, when will it be time?
You're close to me and yet so far away.
I call you up, I like to hear you.
I give you my affection and my time.
I have to see you again, when will it be time?
You're close to me and yet so far away.
I call you up, I like to hear you.
I give you my affection and my time.
I have to see you again, when will it be time?

Learn from Lei Feng's good example

Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Loyal to the revolution, loyal to the Party!
Be clear about what to love and what to hate
Do not forget your origin, stand firm with strong spirit!
Do not forget your origin, stand firm with strong spirit!
Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Never forget hard work and simple life
Be willing to make a revolution
The collectivist ideology shines
The collectivist ideology shines
Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Remember Chairman Mao's guidance in your heart
Wholeheartedly for the people
Communism's character is noble!
Communism's character is noble!
Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Maoists march to the military
Defend the ancestral land, hold the gun tight
The revolution will last forever!
The revolution will last forever!


Partea vestică, partea estică
Nu știam unde, unde să mă duc
În seara asta călărim
Un sunet în noaptea liniștită
Pe întuneric, ușa se deschide
Cine mă va opri? Nimeni
Partea vestică, partea estică
Nici nu mai contează
E cald, cald, cald, cald
Tălpile mele fierbinți, e cald
Privește, simte, respiră și visează
Lumea la care am visat
Cel mai uimitor cer de noapte din viața mea
Picioarele mele deja aleargă cu cea mai mare viteză
Lumina verde dinaintea mea
Nimic, nimic nu mă înspăimântă
Ei au venit, mă prind de la spate
Nu trebuie să fiu prins
Ei au venit, mi-au prins prietenii
Prin ceața asta groasă
Peste tot aici e un întuneric profund
Prin tensiune
Tot ce aud este
Bang bang bang
Trebuie să fug
Dar cumva sunt fericit
Nu m-am mai simțit niciodată așa
Acum învăț ce-i libertatea pentru prima oară
Woo cumva mă simt fericit
Alegerea e liderul meu
Eu sunt cel care crede în mine
Inima îmi bate tare și tresare
Sângele meu ce-l văd pentru prima oară
Se împrăștie puțin câte puțin
Sângele ăsta mă ține în viață să fug
După evadarea de la Zoo
Lumea ce-am întâlnit-o era extraterestră
Nimeni nu mă întâmpină cu bucurie
Fiecare zi e o cursă, ”Picioare, salvați-mă!”
Noaptea, în lună
Văd fața mamei mele după care tânjeam
O inimă întristată
Al doilea pas al meu de copil
Ți-am spus
Prea tânăr ca să fiu de unul singur
Lumea asta e o junglă plină de luptători
Microscopul se concentrează asupra gâtului tău
Mii de ochi intră pe internet
Ai grijă, poți avea dușmani peste tot
”Cât mai e până să-mi trăiesc visul?”
Doar gloanțe se aud pe fundalul acelei întrebări
Din nou, alerg, ca să pot continua să respir
Dar cumva sunt fericit
Nu m-am mai simțit niciodată așa
Acum învăț ce-i libertatea pentru prima oară
Woo cumva mă simt fericit
Alegerea e liderul meu
Eu sunt cel care crede în mine
Inima îmi bate tare și tresare
Sângele meu ce-l văd pentru prima oară
Se împrăștie puțin câte puțin
Sângele ăsta mă ține în viață să fug
Partea vestică, partea estică
Nu știam unde, unde să mă duc
În seara asta călărim
Un sunet în noaptea liniștită
Pe întuneric, ușa se deschide
Cine mă va opri? Nimeni
Partea vestică, partea estică
Nici nu mai contează

A long and happy life

No to commotions and celebrations
No to horizons and celebrations
No to inspirations and celebrations, no, no, no
No fish in the golden polynya
Omnipresence of petty intrigues
Evil twilight of an immortal day
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
Ruthless depths of wrinkles
Mariana trenches of eyes
Martian chronicles of us, us, us
Among the identical walls
In the faraway coffin-like houses
In the impenetrable icy silence
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
No to temptations and celebrations
No to crimes and celebrations
No to exceptions and celebrations, no, no, no
On the seven sharp drafts
Through the swamps, through the deserts and steppes
Through the snow piles, through dirt and through land
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
A long and happy life
Such a long and happy life
From now on a long and happy life
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us
For every one of us

Who Are You Committed to

What is it for...
What is it for...
You say the love word
Love doesn't exist anymore in this heart
It's impossible
It's impossible
Flower grows in my heart
hurt, before disappear from this heart
And you...
You're sweet only on the lips
You give me bitterness
You ask for sweetness
What did you promise me?
What do you do to me?
Nothing but adding agony
My heartache
And you...
You're sweet only on the lips
Who are you belong to, who are you committed to
What else, my love...
What else, my love...
What else do you want from me
My love is only for you

Do Not Abandon Me

Love, my love, if you love me,
do not leave me again.
Therefore in this fateful moment,
no, do not leave.
I don't know the destiny that awaits me
but I have to go far from the border.
You don't see the worry that grips me.
Whatever my fate is,
you must not abandon me.
I already feel that time is passing.
I feel that the hour is approaching
and the great hand of destiny
appears up in the sky.
I go to speak with death
and in my heart it will be stronger
if you will not leave me alone like this
and you will know how to wait.
Love, my love, if you love me,
you must not abandon me.
We can always live together.
Whatever my fate is,
you must not abandon me.
Stay here
sweet love
to hope,
to dream.

The Passionate

We've been through many afflictions
We've also played all or nothing
And it wasn't good
We've said goodbye, but then
We just felt sorry for ourselves
We already know by heart that we are like this
We lament a lot because of not having
Achieved something greater
Or even better
One returns to the other almost every month
What makes us do what we did
Both stunned by the stupidity
Me you in life together again
It doesn't hurt no
I just came
To congratulate
Congratulations to us
The passionate
Congratulations to us
And everybody else
Who like us also
Go, come back
That just like us
Don't have peace
Congratulations to us
Congratulations to us
WIthout rivals
Congratulations to us
Infernal partners

I'll Wait

Hug me tight, before you leave
Hold my hand
And hug me again before you leave
Can you say it again
That I'm the one you love
And no one will be able to separate us
To our love
I'll wait for you to come back
I will be just here
No matter what happened
Keep this before you leave
Our happy past
I'll wait
Why did you have to leave
To reach
Our dreams
I'm hoping and praying that we'll be together again
I'll wait for you to come back
I will be just here
No matter what happened
Keep this before you leave
Tough of feelings and love
If ever you're not coming back
Inside my arms
I'm not changing
Our love
Will be keeping our promise, I'm ready to wait
In the middle of loneliness
I'll wait
I'll wait
I'll wait
Hug me tight
Before you leave

Without A Woman

It's not the way,
it's not the shortcut, baby.
How are you?
I'm here,
Healing my wounds,
And... Where are you?
From here,
Watching the beach,
I haven't eaten at all
I haven't even tried to...
I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Without a woman!
The distance keeps us apart...
Without a woman,
The sun's light fades out!
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered.
Without a woman,
Life's like this...

I don't know why
You spend your time, baby.
You know why...
If you want to play,
Don't hold back: shoot straight to your heart,
if you do have one.
I'm your slave,
What are you asking me to do?
Take a good look at me:
I love you...
I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Without a woman!
The distance keeps us apart...
Without a woman,
The sun's light fades out!
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered...

And from here,
Watching the beach,
Not knowing
How can I look at you...
I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Without a woman!
The distance keeps us apart...
Without a woman,
The sun's light fades out!
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered...

Come here!
Without a woman!
Today I feel that you're closer.
Without a woman,
The countdown has begun...
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered...

And isn't with me anymore...

A Toast

Versions: #1
Long live all the nations
That yearn to await the day
When wherever the sun walks
The fight will be driven away from the world
When every compatriot
Will be free
Not a devil, only a neighbour will be at the border!

Welcomed person

Truth is a horizon, a forever invisible phantom
A great shadow is approaching
Organization with an enigma
You don't have to bow down to it
And since you're you, and free, fly away
You can't live under domination, fallen angel
I couldn't realize that until I embraced you
Lost... In the Light, ascending the skies
Persona Grata
Betraying the Angel
Will we lose the future and the civilization?
A certain Justice is governing the world
Human desires are swirling
People are fooled by some loves they encounter
Since when are you an accomplice?
Lost... In the Light, ascending the skies
Persona Grata
Betraying the Angel
Will we lose the future and the civilization?
Oh God, humans have betrayed the Angel
Will they lose their future and civilization?

Subject: Goodbye

I was noticing a little
Your reasons to stop mailing me
But until hearing it from your lips
I didn't want to believe it
If the name of your new girlfriend
Is of a girl I know
Don't you think it's cruel?
Picking a friend of mine specially
In the long time that passed
I couldn't win over the sudden temptation
Before not being able to meet you
I wanted to know your true feelings
I often sent you mails
Why don't you reply?
How cold you leave me
I can't hate you from the bottom of my heart
Because you're the one I loved
At least be brave to retire
A love excluded by the weight
If it doesn't graduate, it's only miserable
My fingers tremble writing a mail
With the word 'goodbye'
Before the screen saying 'Sent'
I spill overflowing tears
'Goodbye'. After being prepared
To never follow you anymore
While I erased the address I was familiarized to
I muttered 'Stay well'
This time I sent another mail
Of goodbye to that girl
Friendship and love
I lost them at once on a cold night


Versions: #1
Everyone calls me a jigaboo, Llorona,
a jigaboo, but a loving one.
Everyone calls me a jigaboo, Llorona,
a jigaboo, but a loving one.
I’m like a jalapeño, Llorona,
hot, but tasty.
I’m like a jalapeño, Llorona,
hot, but tasty.
Woe betide me, Llorona, Llorona,
Llorona, take me to the river.
Cover me with your wrapper,
‘cause I’m dying of cold.
If because I love you, do you want, Llorona,
do you want me to love you even more?
I have already given you my life, Llorona,
so what do you want more?
Do you want more?

Cultul personalității

[Intro: Malcolm X]
În aceste câteva clipe care ne-au rămas, vrem să vorbim, cu picioarele pe pământ, într-o limbă pe care toți cei de aici pot cu ușurință să o înțeleagă.
[Strofa 1]
Uită-te în ochii mei. Ce vezi?
Cultul personalității.
Îți cunosc furia, îți cunosc visele.
Am fost tot ceea ce ai vrut să fii, oh,
Sunt cultul personalității,
Ca Mussolini și Kennedy.
Sunt cultul personalității, cultul personalității,
Cultul personalității.
Lumini de neon, Premiul Nobel,
Când o oglindă vorbește, reflecția minte.
Nu va trebui să mă urmezi.
Numai tu mă poți elibera.
[Strofa 2]
Vând lucrurile de care ai nevoie ca să exiști.
Sunt fața zâmbitoare din televizorul tău, oh.
Sunt cultul personalității.
Profit de tine, continui să mă iubești.
îți spun că unu plus unu face trei, oh.
Sunt cultul personalității,
Ca Joseph Stalin and Gandhi, oh.
Sunt cultul personalității, cultul personalității,
Cultul personalității.
Lumini de neon, Premiul Nobel,
Când un lider vorbește, acel lider moare.
Nu va trebui să mă urmezi.
Numai tu mă poți elibera.
M-ai îmbogățit, mi-ai adus faima,
Mi-ai dat putere, în numele Domului tău.
Sunt fiecare persoană care ai nevoie să fii.
Oh, sunt cultul personalității.
Sunt cultul, sunt cultul, sunt cultul, sunt cultul,
Sunt cultul, sunt cultul, sunt cultul, sunt cultul
[Outro: John F. Kennedy și Franklin D. Roosevelt]
Nu întreba ce poate să facă țara pentru tine!
Singurul lucru de care trebuie să ne temem este de fică în sine.

Flashdance - Dance in the Fire

Some nights I wake up and I cry,
because my goal seemed so close, but it was just a dream.
The day arrives far too early, only my pride makes me strong
because I know, nothing will happen to me.
At night I follow the lights and I close my eyes,
the music carries me forward and I dance.
Dance in the fire, like in a fever,
Dance in the fire
a feeling, that makes me dizzy.
I want to live, give it (my) all,
Dance in the fire of the night's fantasies.
I'm light like a ray of light
and my heart feels the rhythm
the music frees me and I dance.
Dance in the fire, like in a fever,
Dance in the fire
a feeling, that makes me dizzy.
I want to live, give it (my) all
Dance in the fire of the night's fantasies.
Dance in the fire.


We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
If I do swishes it's for the noise, not for thepoints
A tear leaves a stain on paper, not on a body
Our souls are as grey as the city but I smile for my job
Pretty like surfing on an avalanche, we'll do it for show
I walked in circles so much, it wronged me
I think about it sometimes, distracted when I think positively
I tell myself wandering shouldn't be a thing when you follow your method
Admitting your wrongs, every morning becomes a new schoolday
Sometimes, I block my feeling, as if I needed liquid coolant
Toxic like the air we breathe, don't take it personally when I stay away
I was confused when I stared at you, it was insulting
You were right to run away, only a few things are worse than indeciveness
But for good or bad reasons, we find compromises
We're at war while agreeing
Every second becomes a door, I avoid monotony
I ascend to fall better, my mind turned towards memories
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it

Goodbye is for me

In the bus seat looking at the crowd
If tears flow, what would I do?
Each one of the reasons why we can't meet
Are futile when they pile up with the landscape
The more I thought 'I want to be tender'
The less deeper I could love
Goodbye is for me
Or else is for you
Even if the happy days aren't in vain
Because you can't make a promise
Don't call me
You lied to me from the heart
The night you escorted me for the first time
We couldn't go back home
If memories come to my mind faintly
I don't understand happiness
If only crying I can be strong
For who it could be?
Goodbye is for me
Someday for you
I'll get pretty wanting to bother you
Now I'll let my hair grow
But I don't want to meet you
You lied to me from the heart
Goodbye is for me
Someday for you
I'll get pretty wanting to bother you
Now I'll let my hair grow
But I don't want to meet you
You lied to me from the heart

Weeping Woman

Versions: #1
Oh, my weeping woman, weeping woman,
weeping woman, dressed in azure,1
oh, my weeping woman, weeping woman,
weeping woman, dressed in azure,
Even if it costs me my life, weeping woman
I won't stop loving you,
even if it costs me my life, weeping woman
I won't stop loving you.
I don't know what's wrong with the flowers, weeping woman,
the flowers in the cemetery,
I don't know what's wrong with the flowers, weeping woman,
the flowers in the cemetery,
When they're moved by the wind, weeping woman,
they seem to be crying,
when they're moved by the wind, weeping woman,
they seem to be crying.
To a blessed Christ made of iron, weeping woman
I will tell all that ails me,
to a blessed Christ made of iron, weeping woman
I will tell all that ails me,
So many were my sorrows, weeping woman
that the blessed Christ wept,
so many were my sorrows, weeping woman
that the blessed Christ wept.
Don't think that because I sing, weeping woman,
that my heart is happy,
don't think that because I sing, weeping woman,
that my heart is happy,
You can sing from pain too, weeping woman
when you can't cry anymore,
you can sing from pain too, weeping woman
when you can't cry anymore.
Ohh, weeping woman, weeping woman, weeping woman,
ohh, weeping woman, weeping woman, weeping woman.
  • 1. Throughout many versions, it's never clear what 'de azul celeste' is supposed to refer to. Is it her attire? her skin?

I'm not an adult

Promise me you'll keep it secret from everybody
I'll let you do whatever you like
A swing with the crescent moon, blocks with byramids
I'm gonna do it, pipipipi
I'm a little witch, a little magician
I'm not an adult but neither a child
I'm not a woman but neither a girl
I'm a ticklish little magician
There are happy days but also blue nights
Even if I'm human, my mood won't change
You'll be a dog and I'll be a cat
I'm gonna do it, pipipipi
I'm a little witch, a little magician
You're not a tough man but neither a soft man
You're not tender but neither a punk
But I want to play with you
I'm gonna do it, pipipipi
I'm gonna do it, pipipipi
I'm gonna do it, pipipipi, I'm a little magician
It's not true but neither a lie
It's not the normal but neither rare
I'm normal in the witches country
I want to tell it only to you

I won't let this end with a goodbye

If you lack some love, come
We'll pour light on you,
Protecting the flowers that bloomed from your tears
Preventing them from being trampled wow wow wow.
'I'm used to getting hurt'
Don't say things like that,
But gather the hope that peeks through from the scratch's openings.
It's 'See you'
I won't let this end with a goodbye,
Say it many times, so, say it again and again
You're alive, right, you're surviving
Wow wow wow wow wow wow
I won't let it end in sadness
I love you, see, if there's love
We can laugh again.
I won't let this end with a goodbye.
'Thank you' and 'I'm sorry'
I don't need such words,
Because I'll never let this
End with a goodbye.
'I'm used to getting hurt'
Don't say things like that
But gather the hope that peeks through the scratch's openings
It's 'See you'
Because I won't let this end with a goodbye
I'll say it many times, so, I'll say it again and again
You're alive, right, you're surviving
Wow wow wow wow wow wow
I won't let it end in sadness
I love you, see, if there's love
We can laugh again
I won't let this end with a goodbye
If you're lacking some love, come
Let's get the light shine on you.

Mirror Lady

With your lipstick
I wrote a message in the bathroom
This rumor that I'm betraying you
It's true
It's written there,
My entire confession
Read it with attention
I described with whom I betrayed you with every detail
Only in the end
You'll know with who
I involved myself with
I'm really crazy
With her smile
I'm quitting everything
To be with her
You're not dreaming
And this isn't a nightmare
Don't cry now
And finish reading the whole text
She has your mouth
She has your look
If I know you well now
You're going to cuss at me
Your exclusive dress
She has the same one
Love, I betrayed you
With a mirror lady
Because I'd only leave you
If it really were for you
You silly
Because I'd only leave you
If it were for you


Ti-am spus ca trec prin ce-ai trecut si tu
Ti-am spus ca n-am cerut ce tu nu ai cerut
Ti-am spus c-am plans si ea a ras
Eu de pericolul vietii iti vorbesc.
Singur vei ramane
De nu incepi sa o ignori
Singur vei iubi
De nu incepi sa o chinuiesti
Eu nu am avut cerinte si am dat destul
Eu am uitat discutii cu greseli ingrozitoare
Eu mi-am cerut iertare dar vina a fost a ei
Eu iti voi schimba parerea despre ceea ce ai gandit
Singur vei ramane
De nu incepi sa o ignori
Singur vei iubi
De nu incepi sa o chinuiesti

o viața mea

O, viața mea, o urez bun venit
vino să fiu oaspetele meu
fii căldura casei mele
vezi cum mi se confundă inima
intra si linisteste-ma
oh, viața mea, vreau ca casa mea să fie plină de parfumul trupului tău
Când nu ești aici, sunt un rătăcitor pierdut
oh viața mea, vino pentru că fără tine sunt ruinat
oh viața mea, viața mea, respirația mea,
dragostea mea, tu ești totul
vaay Sunt fericit să te am
oh viața mea
oh viața mea, motivul ființei mele
dragostea ta este ca sângele din corpul meu
vaay Sunt fericit să te am
oh viața mea,
oh viața mea, autmn-ul meu
fără u Sunt un nor plos cu ploaie
Vino la mine viața mea, vino pentru că știu cu adevărat unde este prezența ta
Știu, dacă spui că vei rămâne
m-ai face să obțin tot ce mi-am dorit
de când trăiești, vino să-mi spui că vei rămâne
oh viața mea, viața mea, respirația mea,
dragostea mea, tu ești totul
vaay Sunt fericit să te am
oh viața mea
oh viața mea, motivul ființei mele
dragostea ta este ca sângele din corpul meu
vaay Sunt fericit să te am
oh viața mea,
oh viața mea, îți datorez aceste sentimente minunate pentru tine
Știu cât timp voi fi în viață, voi fi îndrăgostit de tine
oh viața mea, viața mea, respirația mea,
dragostea mea, tu ești totul
vaay Sunt fericit să te am
oh viața mea
oh viața mea, motivul ființei mele
dragostea ta este ca sângele din corpul meu
vaay Sunt fericit să te am
oh viața mea

Gold - Red - Blue

Golden days in summer
Golden as an autumn field
And golden as the hair of my Anemaleen
Full of gold and happiness in our world
Red as the sun, which laughs so beautifully
Red is the blooming clover
And red as the cheeks of my little bride
That is for work, for love, and thinking
Blue as the water as far as we can see
Blue as the sky over us
So blue, like the eyes of my little girl
And true as our love to our homeland
You, do you see, high in the wind
Just above my Anamaleen
So I wish you much faith, like a thought
I see the flag in gold, red, and blue

Shush, sweet baby

Shush, sweet baby
Little calf, in the pit
Dad and mom so far from the house
I can't yell to them

Ding Ding Dong

You know, I felt weird
when I looked at you, oh
somehow you're familiar (yes yes)
Why is it that when I meet your gaze
before I realize, my mouth curls up?
Be careful, do not misunderstand
I keep looking at you
I dream of holding your hand
maybe we're destiny, maybe
Come quickly,
Ding ding ding
the bells are ringing
Come to me,
Ding ding ding
before the end of today (I'll show my heart)
Ding ding ding
this is awkward to say
(just come near)
I'm saying I like you
The sweet fantasy I dreamed of
(Uh, it's a secret)
You appear to be my coincidence, this is deja vu
starting this moment, yours and my rendezvous
My heart fills like a balloon,
It floats high in the blue sky
Uh, this thrilling excitement
So, what you waiting for?
I'm telling you because I may have misunderstood
I've never felt like this before
I'm brave enough to make the first move, I'm honest
My heart pounds, pounds
Come quickly,
Ding ding ding
the bells are ringing
Come to me,
Ding ding ding
before the end of today
(I'll show my heart)
Ding ding ding
this is awkward to say (just come near)
I'm saying I like you
Maybe this is all a dream
if it's a dream I don't want to wake up
I'm filled with thoughts of you
circling in my head (come towards me)
Ding ding ding
Oh woah, Come quickly
Ding ding ding
before the end of today
Just, just come
I'm saying I like you (so,you)
Just, just come
I'm saying I like you
Come quickly,
Ding ding ding
the bells are ringing
Come to me,
Ding ding ding
before the end of today (I'll show my heart)
Ding ding ding
this is awkward to say (just come near)
I'm saying I like you
The sweet fantasy I dreamed of
(Uh, it's a secret)