Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 74
My Name Is
I'm Hyojin, that red hair kid from ONF
like a sensitive roe deer when it's empty stomachs
That'a not how I feel inside even I nag you a lot
I'm Hyojin, the leader of the team ON
Hello this is WYATT
You know, when you listening to my voice,
It will make you feel like that yu're in a cave,
I know that suits to my face image, but that's not my true personality
Twist os Twist Yeah, now yu can call me a princess
I'm the one who isn't brave, but wanna be brave
And the one who wants to be close to MK
My Name Is
My Name Is
I'm J-US My nickname sounds funny
I like to be chilly but I hate to be bothered
When I am rehearsing, nag modes ON, cucumber in gimbab is OFF
I'm J-US the leadear of the team OFF
I'm E-tion Lee Chang Yoon Sensation
Third leadear Yeah I'm a fashion leadear
Keep loving me even I look 'chang-dol' sometimes
I'm E-tion Everything is sesation
My Name Is
My Name Is
I am U, got cute personality
I know I look grown up
but I am actually the youngest member U
I'm MK a Lemon it's fresh more than yesterday and today
you'd better be careful pop pop pop I might pop out
I look like a weirdo sometimes
but no one can stop me
except 'father Hwang' when I'm doing music
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ONF
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ONF
I will be the light of your youth
Dn't be alone 'Fuse' lghts on lights on
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
My Name Is
ON and OFF
My Name Is
ON and OFF
Flower Girl
Lady, flower girl
Love, first love
You're the awakening of a song
Which fell asleep in my heart
And today came love arriving, love singing
I heard love speak
In the voice of your gaze
Look, child
First love, flower girl
Look, child
In such a time
First love, flower girl
The Conference Room
The calls of the German nationalists for a union with Germany are growing louder and louder!
That's exactly why we need to renew our alliance with Germany!
There are rumors, Your Majesty, that there is an alliance between France and Great Britain in the works.
[ COUNT TAAFFE ] seems that Julius Felix is playing a not insignificant role in this matter.
Is the man hiding behind this name really my nephew Johann Salvator?
Majesty, I hardly dare to say it, but I fear there is evidence that supposes that...the crown prince...
My son! Impossible!
Shorty a spus că a crescut, ea a primit încredere, dar pe cont propriu ea a primit opțiuni
Când suntem singuri îi place să facă prostii.
La naiba, ce vom face cu falsul tău?
Shorty te rog să-l întorci pe el, îți dau bani pentru conslet
Când sunt singur cu tine îmi suflă încrederea
Când sunt cu tine am nevoie de mai multă încredere.
Fata, nu-i lăsa să te țină jos, pentru că ai venit de jos și noi nu trăim pentru mâine, poți să mă săruți cu ochii închiși
Este mai ușor când spui cu adevărat, nu te face să vrei să-mi arăți, arată-mi dragostea până la ultimul apel
Shorty a spus că a crescut ea a primit încredere, dar pe cont propriu ea a primit opțiuni
Când suntem singuri îi place să facă prostii.
La naiba, ce vom face cu falsul tău?
Shorty te rog să-l întorci pe el, îți dau bani pentru conslet
Când sunt singur cu tine îmi suflă încrederea
Când sunt cu tine am nevoie de mai multă încredere.
Nu suntem la fel acum, suntem în drum acum
Știi ce trebuie acum, nu vrei să te estompezi acum
Suntem pe drum acum, fă-mă să vreau să te dărâm
A spus că vrea să se confrunte acum, sunt în drum acum.
Pământ al confuziei
Trebuie să fi visat o mie de vise,
Am fost bântuit de un million de ţipete,
Dar pot auzi picioarele mărşăluind,
Se mişcă pe stradă.
Ei! Ai citit ştirile astăzi?
Ele spun că pericolul a plecat,
Dar eu văd focul încă aprins,
Ard în noapte.
Sunt prea mulţi bărbaţi, prea mulţi oameni
Care fac prea multe probleme,
Şi nu există multă dragoste să meargă peste tot.
Nu vezi că acesta este un pământ al confuziei?
Aceasta este lumea care trăim,
Şi acestea sunt mâinile pe care le dăm,
Folosiţi-le şi hai să începem să încercăm
S-o facem un loc în care merită să trăieşti.
Oh, Superman,unde eşti tu acum?
Când totul cumva merge rău?
Bărbaţii de oţel, aceşti bărbaţi ai puterii
Pierd controlul la timp.
Acesta este timpul, acesta este locul,
Aşa privim viitorul,
Dar nu există multă dragoste să meargă peste tot.
Spune-mi de ce acesta este un pământ al confuziei?
Aceasta este lumea care trăim,
Şi acestea sunt mâinile pe care le dăm,
Folosiţi-le şi hai să începem să încercăm
S-o facem un loc în care merită să trăieşti.
Îmi amintesc cu mult timp înainte,
Când soarele strălucea
Şi toate stelele erau strălucitoare toată noaptea
Şi sunetul râsului tău, cum te ţineam strâns,
Aşa de demult .
Nu voi veni acasă la noapte,
Generaţia mea va face dreptate,
Nu facem doar promisiuni
Pe care ştim că nu le vom ţine niciodată.
Sunt prea mulţi bărbaţi, prea mulţi oameni
Care fac prea multe probleme,
Şi nu există multă dragoste să meargă peste tot.
Nu vezi că acesta este un pământ al confuziei?
Ei! Aceasta este lumea care trăim,
Şi acestea sunt mâinile pe care le dăm,
Folosiţi-le şi hai să începem să încercăm
S-o facem un loc pentru care merită să lupţi.
Aceasta este lumea în care trăim,
Şi acestea sunt numele pe care le dăm,
Ridicaţi-vă şi hai să-ncepem să arătăm
Tocmai unde merg vieţile noastre.
Increzatoare pierduta
Sunt singura, dar nu sunt singura
Răsfățându-mă confortabil, în încercarea de a mă cunoaște
Sunt doar o imagine a ceea ce am fost înainte
Evoluând constant
Reinoire constanta
Sunt o increzatoare pierduta
Nu am nevoie să mă găsești
Tu nu mă definesti
Sunt o increzatoare pierduta
Nu am nevoie să mă găsești
Pentru ca nu mă ascund
Orice ... orice
Formata din speranță și meditație
Iubire, imaginație
Apă e creația mea
Iubitule e uimitor, toate zilele cu care mă confrunt
Nimic nu pare să mă afecteze
Pentru ca sunt o increzatoare pierduta
Nu am nevoie să mă găsești
Pentru ca nu mă ascund
Orice ... orice
Nu ascund, nimic, nimic ... nimic
Gandindu-ma pe unde am fost și unde o sa ma indrept
Și nu as schimba-o pentru nimic in lume
Gandindu-ma de unde sunt si dacă aparțin acolo
Dar n-aș schimba-o
Pentru nimic
Nu aș schimba-o pentru
nimic ... nimic
Nu ascund, nimic, nimic ... nimic
Late have I loved you
Oh, so ancient and so new beauty
You inhabited inside me
And I was searching outside
I wouldn't exist
If I don't exist in you
Deformed I kept myself far
From the beauty of your being
But your voice shouted
Tearing my deafness
And so you called me, called me
Your light shined, the blindness was dissolve
And so I saw you
Late have I loved you
Oh, so ancient and so new beauty
You inhabited inside me
And I was searching outside
I wouldn't exist
If I don't exist in you
Deformed I kept myself far
From the beauty of your being
You exhaled your fragrance
I breathed your scent
And I can't stop anymore
Your strong touch made me hostage
My heart burns in desire for your peace
Father, powerful god, feel compassion of me
I need your abundant grace here
Break my heart and save me from myself
Make me blessed in you
Father, god of justice, mercy and love
I confess I left and forgot you
I am no more than others, teach me to see who I am
Make me give instead of possess
Empty my ego, fill me of you
Help me to trust when trust lacks
Help me to see
When my vision fails
As I stared at the clouds I could see a vision of you
I could see my desire was still uncertain but still so true
Still I long to believe there will soon be a brighter day
Underneath this disguise still I walk through the pouring rain
I wanna make it tonight
During the unending night
You have no need now to cry
The unending melody
So tonight I will send you my own melody
But the time passes by and I can't stop the lies it seems
Still I wait for you now, living life on a broken dream
Cannot hide the frustration inside, now I'm on my knees
I wanna make it tonight
During the unending night
You have no need now to cry
The unending melody
Gloria, I need your love
From your passionate HEART
Hold me tight
Lonely night
I cannot see you once again
I wanna make it tonight
During the unending night
You have no need now to cry
The unending melody
Gloria, I need your love
From your passionate HEART
Hold me tight
Lonely night
I cannot see you once again
Oh! What are you doing here?
Playing with toys.
Alone? In the sand box?
Well, yeah.
Filthy pedophile, get away from me!
I'm only 8 years old, don't harm me!
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Maybe, can I hold you? No.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli-Loli, come to me.
My father is a police officer.
Oh, no!
Oh, he is! Punishment awaits you.
Little girl, forgive me.
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Do you want some candy? No.
Pedophile, come to me. No.
Pedophile, come to me. No.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli-Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli, come to me.
Loli-Loli, come to me.
Trust the Wind
Verse 1:
Let go of my hand, don't look back
They, the stars, will go with you
Good luck, my friend, you'll get it
Open wide the map of your heart
Although fear blows in the other direction
Look for hope where the Sun dies
Pre-Chorus 1:
We are raindrops in the sea
But nothing can stop us
Don't look behind, trust the wind
You can make the trip around the entire world
That nobody will forget
Verse 2:
When the storm seeks the captain
Open your wings wide to navigate
And those who doubt you will see you fly
A good sailor always returns to the sea
But now the world will never be the same
You've changed the course of humanity
Pre-Chorus 2:
Neither monsters nor the storm
Hope is stronger than the sea
Don't look behind, trust the wind
You can make the trip around the entire world
That nobody will forget
Don't look behind, trust the wind
You can make the trip around the entire world
That nobody will forget
I’ve much faith in you. It seems
that I could await your voice
in silence, for centuries
of darkness.
You know all the secrets,
like the sun:
you could make flower
geraniums and wild orange blossom
on the rocky depths
of quarries, of the legendary
I’ve much faith in you. I’m quiet
like the Arab wrapped
in a white barracan,
who listens to God ripening
his barley round the house.
(8th December 1934)
Încredere falsă
Versions: #1
[Versul 1]
Nu fi așa severă cu tine
Uită-te la tine, îmbrăcată pentru cineva pe care n-o să-l vezi niciodată
Ești aici pentru un motiv, dar nu știi de ce
Ești ruptă și instabilă, mâinile-ți sunt sus
Și mă întreb de ce mă pun la pământ
Pentru a fi reconstruit
Oh, sper cumva, mă voi trezi tânăr din nou
Tot ce a rămas din mine
Găuri în încrederea mea falsă
Și acum stau la pământ
Și sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
Sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
[Versul 2]
Nu lăsa demonii ăia înăuntru din nou
Umplu golul cu greșeli lustruite, sentimente false
Și mă întreb de ce mă pun la pământ
Pentru a fi reconstruit
Oh, sper cumva, mă voi trezi tânăr din nou
Tot ce a rămas din mine
Găuri în încrederea mea falsă
Și acum stau la pământ
Și sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
Sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
Sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
De ce nu mă iei în serios?
Uită-te la mine, dat peste cap pentru cineva care n-o voi întâlni niciodată
Și mă întreb de ce mă pun la pământ
Pentru a fi reconstruit
Oh, sper cumva, mă voi trezi tânăr din nou
Tot ce a rămas din mine
Găuri în încrederea mea falsă
Și acum stau la pământ
Și sper că mă trezesc
Mă întreb de ce mă pun la pământ
Pentru a fi reconstruit
Oh, sper cumva, mă voi trezi tânăr din nou
Tot ce a rămas din mine
Găuri în încrederea mea falsă
Și acum stau la pământ
Și sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
Sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
Sper că mă trezesc tânăr din nou
The Value of Defeat
I think it is necessary to educate the new generations to the value of defeat, to the management of defeat, to the Humanity that emerges from it, to build an identity able to experience a common destiny, where you can fail and start over without your value and your dignity will be undermined.
We need to educate the new generations to not become social elbows, to not pass over the body of the others to finish first.
This world belongs to vulgar and dishonest winners, false and opportunist abusers, this world belongs to the important people, they are occupying power and robs the present and the future.
To this anthropology of winners I prefer the loser.
It is an exercise that I can do well.
And I'm in peace with my sacred few things.
- -
I'm a man who prefers to lose rather than win with ways unfair and unkind.
Gross negligence on my part, I know!
And the best part is that I have the nerve to defend this guilt, to consider it almost a virtue.
Versions: #2
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я не люблю ходить рядом с тобой, наши руки то и дело соприкасаются
И каждый раз я хочу удержать её, но не могу
Я не люблю сидеть рядом с тобой, Ты облокотишься на меня и уснёшь
Пока ты будешь спать, мы будем грезить о разных вещах
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я не люблю, когда ты плачешь передо мной, ведь моё сердце разрывается от боли
Я готов сделать всё для тебя, но я не 'тот' человек
Я хочу побыть вот так с тобой рядом ещё чуточку дольше
Но я больше не могу смотреть тебе в глаза и скрывать свои чувства.
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я приду к тебе, я признаюсь тебе сейчас, я хочу держать тебя за руку
Я приду к тебе, я признаюсь тебе сейчас, я хочу мечтать о том же, о чём и ты
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
We Must Love
What I'm saying from now on
I know it's hard to believe it all.
From the day I got to know you
I'm full of strange things.
Whenever I think sad,
you sigh.
When I walk with you,
why does the shoelace getting loose?
Did we lose our memory?
We're both in the past, or in the future, in another world.
I don't know what happened,
but I know one thing.
That is
You'll love me.
'Cause I'll be your everything.
You'll find out a little bit later.
You'll love me.
You'll love me.
we must we must we must love
You'll love me.
we must we must we must love
These monstrous realities
are getting bigger and bigger
and it's going to hit you,
but it's nothing.
Hide behind me.
I'm more immune to grief.
I can't explain it.
I'm just used to this feeling.
We either loved
or we must love.
Did we lose our memory?
We're both in the past, or in the future, in another world.
I don't know what happened,
But this is real.
You'll love me.
'Cause I'll be your everything.
You'll find out a little bit later.
You'll love me. You'll love me.
I feel like I've traveled a long journey
from a completely different star that has lost even its name
to look for you.
My mind, not my head, reacted.
I recognized you first. That's a relief.
You should be me.
You'll love me.
'Cause you've become my everything.
You'll love me.
Trust me. Trust yourself. I trust you. yeah
You'll love me.
we must we must we must love
You'll love me.
we must we must we must love
Today I Confess to You
Time passes and it's necessary
to look for the way to forget it
having your heat.
The minutes go by,
I'll be living little by little
living from your love
Touch your skin, making yourself mine
Having you always here by my side
It's a way of dreaming.
In the happiest moments
have scars on the inside
that you shouldn't erase
I also swear to you now that I'll never forget you
that our nest the storm will not be able
to put aside, without thinking about the end.
But today I need your way of life,
I don't wanna be so lonely here in the house,
Today I confess to you, my love: I love you.
I love you so much, my love...
Touch your skin, making yourself mine
Having you always here by my side
It's a way of dreaming.
In the happiest moments
have scars on the inside
that you shouldn't erase
I also swear to you now that I'll never forget you
that our nest the storm will not be able
to put aside, without thinking about the end.
But today I need your way of life,
I don't wanna be so lonely here in the house,
Today I confess to you, my love: I love you
Amețit și Confuz
Sunt amețit și confuz de atât de mult timp, nu poate fi adevarat
Am vrut o femeie, nu m-am târguit pentru tine
Mulți vorbesc, puțini știu
Sufletul femeii a fost creat în iad
Rănit și abuzat, fiecare minciună
Fugi, iubire. Nu știu pe unde ai fost
O să te iubesc, din nou și din nou
Muncesc zilnic, aduc acasă truda mea
Am încercat să te iubesc, dar m-ai respins
Nu știi unde te îndrepți, doar pe unde ai fost
Iubire, te vreau înapoi
Sunt amețit și confuz de atât de mult timp, nu poate fi adevarat
Am vrut o femeie, nu m-am târguit pentru tine
Nu te grăbi, lasă-i să vorbească
Lasă limbă să vorbească, o să plătească pentru asta
The city wake up and get out to work
The same routine, the same place
So she agrees he has to stop
She does not disagree that she has to change
But she remembers that she has to fight.
Crowded transport, pressed, standing
The city go down to Largo da Sé¹
mechanically it shows faith
on another day's arrival
And in Liberdade² she drink a coffee
Office, boss, card to mark³
The skinny sandwich eaten in a bar
So she's awake, she's trying to scream
Against what tightens you and makes you silent
But she gives up and begins to cry
As the Voices Said
That day I started to hear the voices
That told me things about my destiny
From the day that I would become
From an ordinary subject to a systematic killer
I waited, as the voices said
For the sign of the end of our time
And then I went through the revealed message
Just at the entrance to a large parking lot
I didn't really understand all the voices
I barely understood what the goal was
However, so fast that one speaks
I filled the trunk of the car with the explosives
I parked, as the voices said
On the side, next to the cinema doors
I felt sorry for the imported cars
But the voices guaranteed that it would be worth it
And suddenly all the voices ceased
As if they had never existed
Relief that would be memorable
If I were not responsible for a destroyed mall
And since then I've never heard the voices
But I doubt it will change my luck
My future is somewhat uncertain
From here I head straight for the death row
I Confess
If the truth offends you
If I tell you what I feel
And what my soul doesn't dare to
It's because I love you, and I want to be straight with you
Today I'd rather hurt you than do what all the others do, lie to you
If I ever tell you that touching your hand sometimes makes me confused
That the idea of crossing the line is irresistible, I'm saying it
In spite of the fact that deep down I might regret it
I confess: it's too much to find that I've been taken captive
You hypnotize me
I'm stunned, anesthetized, constrained
Frozen, and you haven't a clue
I'm going to risk it all
No matter what, to be without you is to be forever losing
What this silence within me is shouting is consuming me
Tell me if it's just me or you're feeling it too
I confess: it's too much to find that I've been taken captive
You hypnotize me
I'm stunned, anesthetized, constrained
Frozen, and you haven't a clue
I'm going to risk it all
If the truth offends you
If I tell you what I feel
And what my soul doesn't dare to
It's because I love you, and I want to be straight with you
Today I'd rather hurt you than do what all the others do, lie to you
When a Spoonful of Sugar
Because what you do joyfully
Tastes as good as cake to us
A joke, a game,
It's not very difficult.
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
Yes, sweetens medicine,
Sweetens medicine,
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
It runs down just twice as good.
And when a bird builds its nest,
It leaves the tree very early,
Searches tirelessly feather home and twig.
But the work becomes a passion
Then it sings cheerfully and confidently.
It knows: A song, that makes a happy mind.
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
Yes, sweetens medicine,
Sweetens medicine,
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
It runs down just twice as good.
The bee carries her nectar
From the flower to the basket
And droning she flies bustling back and forth.
A droplet she takes for herself
From every blossom she empties
So she achieves, achieves
A lot, a lot.
It's a piece of cake.
I'm Confessing Now
What did you do all day today?
Why am I getting through to you just now?
I was looking for you since last night
I have something on my mind and I’ll tell you about it now
From friends to lovers
From friendship to love,
So baby, my lovely
Actually, I like you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
What did you just say? Don’t play around
I’m not joking right now, don’t shock me
We’re too close and I care too much about you
So I’m worried that I might lose you or that we’d grow apart
I thought about it, wondering if you knew my habit
Wondering if this natural attraction is my heart fluttering
What we need right now isn’t a prepared heart but an organized one
We need distance to calm down my trembling heart
I want to wake you up every morning
Take you home every day
I want to hold your hand, want to hug you
Want to kiss you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Why aren’t you answering? Do you not like me?
Do you hate me? I’m suddenly scared
There aren’t many guys like me, I’ll be good to you
You are always in my way~~
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Yes, wherever I go with you, it feels like home
You’re my bodyguard that stayed by me like my shadow
We know each other so well
And we naturally became one like this
I promise to trust you, hold your hand
Don’t steal glances at other girls
I know just by hearing your breath and looking at your eyes
If I’m with you, I can do anything
Convicted Defendant
I've come to tell you that if something's gone wrong
I was to blame, I apologize
I come after you, to apologize to you
The breakup was my fault
I must admit I'm a convicted defendant
And this is why I ask for a comeback
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
With you around I can do anything
I can already see it all, I ask for a comeback
I must admit I'm a convicted defendant
And this is why I ask for a comeback
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
With you around I can do anything
I can already see it all, I ask for a comeback
Weight of the world
My shoulders under weight for all the eternity
Blame the passing of time
Carved torso by the blizzard
Naked at the mercy of time
Condemned to endure mankind's weight
Cruel punishment, I can escape. No!
Eyes tired of watching for years
Always the same horizon
I contemplate the clouds, the land and sea
The countryside, the valleys and mountains
On my knees I have to be
That's how I have to pay
My curse, I can't escape
I'm the heaven's pillar
Exiled titan for fighting
The gods for my liberty
I miss you so much
I'm dying on the inside when I remember
That I won't see you ever again
I'm still here, even though my soul lives alongside you
Body made into stone and chains around me
I want to flee, I'll make the Olympus pay for making us suffer
The gods of the heaven must die
I'll fulfill my vengeance and return to you
I'm the heaven's pillar
Exiled titan for fighting
The gods for my liberty
I miss you so much
I'm dying on the inside when I remember
That I won't see you ever again
I'm the heaven's pillar
Exiled titan for fighting
The gods for my liberty
Hear my sorrow
You'll hear it on the wind above the sea
I'll fight to see you one more time
Press Conference
That line
That body
Oh and a breast like this
Who would not like it
Maybe any of you disagree?
- None
That really makes me emotional
They fooled us
And take us the rewards
And it's so unfair
Maybe any of you disagree?
- None
That really makes me emotional
And so if nobody disagrees
That's the the first good looking lady
I know we promised to say goodbye forever
With an adventure and you had enough
Dream every night to caress me
Know that you are only mine
You must accept the reality
Tell him that you belong to me even if you're with him
That with a whisper you get a goosebumps all over your skin.
And tell him the truth that I am the man who
Hides in your bed to awaken
That no mortal can separate us
Because you are my woman.
You know what?
You are not realy for this
You came to my world almost in a stroke of luck
I let you to escape on a single step of having you
To deceive you are my complicity
You know that you are only mine
You must accept the reality
Tell him that you belong to me even if you're with him
That with a whisper you get a goosebumps all over your skin.
And tell him the truth that I am the man who
Hides in your bed to awaken
That no mortal can separate us
Because you are my woman.
Tell him that we are more than friends
Whisper my name to him when he's with you
Tell him that we are more than friends
That the moon and the stars are witnesses
Tell him that we are more than friends
That nothing and nobody can separate
What you and I have lived
What is my name?
Dani j
Tell him that you belong to me even if you're with him
That with a whisper you get a goosebumps all over your skin.
And tell him the truth that I am the man who
Hides in your bed to awaken
That no mortal can separate us.
Confused Composer
(A composer who made a mistake)
It has been run in a story that was wrong
(A composer who made a mistake)
And this tremendous sonero I assure you
(A composer who made a mistake)
Let's go like Havana (You're right)
He has symbols of glory (He's right)
Let's go like Havana (You're right)
He has symbols of glory (He's right)
Do not put in your story (You're right)
To a rich caymana
(A composer who made a mistake)
But tell me and tell me buddy what happened
(A composer who made a mistake)
A rich caymana gets you confused
(A composer who made a mistake)
How beautiful is my capital (You're right)
Well, as she does not have anyone (She's right)
How beautiful is my capital (You're right)
Well, as she does not have anyone (She's right)
Maceo's tomb and cradle (You're right)
Of the immortal apostle
(A composer who made a mistake)
That happens to anyone I tell you, I
(A composer who made a mistake)
Ask Faustino Orama what also happened to me
(A composer who made a mistake)
You have my precious Havana (You're right)
A tunnel and a boardwalk (You're right)
You have my precious Havana (You're right)
A tunnel and a boardwalk (You're right)
And a capitol they are (He's right)
Big and that Cuban
(A composer who made a mistake)
Eh eh (buddy)
There is something wrong here
Come on!
(A composer who made a mistake)
That composer was wrong mom
(A composer who made a mistake)
(He was wrong)
Hey mamaaaa! (He was wrong)
Oooooh! (He was wrong)
When I'm very pulling (You're right)
Nobody has me (You're right)
I sing what I like (He's right)
And even what suits me (He's right)
Look what looks guajiro hey (He was wrong)
That man is wrong (He was wrong)
Take what is always trocao
cute boy
Copper made of chub boy
(He was wrong)
The guajiro was wrong (He was wrong)
Aaaaay (He was wrong)
The day I die (You're right)
Take me to the East (You're right)
The day I die (You're right)
Take me to the East (You're right)
And so I can say more (You're right)
I'm from the hot land (He's right)
And the day I die (You're right)
I'd like to die alone (He's right)
The day I die (You're right)
I'd like to die alone (He's right)
So everyone can sing to me (He's right)
Bartolo's Platanal (You're right)
And now I'm going to finish (You're right)
This is a time of falseness (He's right)
And if luck accompanies me (He's right)
We will rejoice hearts
(A composer who made a mistake)
That composer mommy (He was wrong)
That composer (He was wrong)
That composer
Love of Conflict (Everything That Matters)
I have more than I wanted to make [1], more than I had gotten
Deducting the value added [2] is no longer looked upon so badly
I hope that until the next time we take sides
there will be more solutions than eagerness to fight [3]
Have a plan
Then don't pay attention to anybody else
Float on the edge [4]
Everything that matters is up in the air
Even though they [5] have more fear of gaining weight [6] than good intentions
There is no pain, they never hit as hard and it's not so destructive
Have a plan
Then don't pay attention to anybody else
Float on the edge
Everything that matters is up in the air
They arrive late
Everything that matters is up in the air (guitar solo begins)
Have a plan / then don't pay attention to anybody else
Float on the edge
Everything that matters is up in the air
They arrive late
Everything that matters is up in the air
Fifty Fifty
50 50 50 50 50
Feel good or bad
50 50 50 50 50
My confused appearence in between the 50/50
I hang to dry in the gap between Sunday and Monday
Tomorrow, everyday, hay there's not much going on oh
Even if you knock on the hundreds of doors in front of me oh
It's the answer to the many rapeated faces
As time goes on I go down down down down
Around the same time I stopped growing, my dreams did it too
I'm nervous where I am
It feels like I'm trapped at the border
Feel good or bad
I want to learn to one side, no matter which one
The weight on my shoulders is filled of the world I live in
No matter if I go down, how do I continue on as much as I breath?
I lay down between today and tomorrow
I ask at about the halfway point
Where am I going? Am I going in the right direction?
Even at your obvious lies telling me it's alright and I did well
Even tough I know about it all
My tears that are unable to bear it anymore drop drop drop
A more realistic reality that comes after sighing
I'm nervous where I am
It feels like I'm trapped at the border
Feel good or bad
I want to learn to one side, no matter which one
Fly, fly, I want to fly
Away, away, far away
I want to be able to see you without any more fear
Will there be a different world past that far wall?
You're no long here in my embrace, in my dreams
There's nothing, no
Please take me out of this crack at the border
Here I am, feel good or feel bad
I want to learn to one side, no matter which one
50 50 50 50 50
Feel good or bad
50 50 50 50 50
Without realizing he was already outside,
he was clinging to the window bars,
and screaming to the prison guards who where inside:
'Let me out!'
Just learning.
If after arriving here
you think something has changed
Right now it's my time
Take the knife once and for all human!
There was a time
when my brother warned you
that if you continued this way
You would have a bad time!
But it was no use
you hands are stained
with blood and dust!
Now it's too late
There's no more forgiveness
There's no more determination
for the thousands of friends
that couldn't say goodbye
I don't believe in you anymore
Now it's too late to say
that it was not your intention
that all has been a mistake
All the damage you've done
is shown at your hands
I still remember the trail of bodies
where I found my brother!
At these moments I'm
completely alone
I go only with the dust
as a reminder
Your steps trigger death
everyone shakes at seeing you
When we see again
it will be burning in hell!
I swear for everything in what I believe
that this doesn't end like this
that every corpse
will turn into a scar
I feel disgusting
the destiny of your steps
Revenge will make me pay the lifes
of those you have taken away
There's no more forgiveness
There's no more determination
for the thousands of friends
that couldn't say goodbye
I don't believe in you anymore
Now it's too late to say
that it was not your intention
that all has been a mistake
All the damage you've done
is shown at your hands
I still remember the trail of bodies
where I found my brother!