Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 24
Mi-au adus aminte (de tine)
Mi-au adus amintecântă: Oum Kalthoum
versuri: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
muzica: Mohamed Abdelwahab
Iar mi-au vorbit de tine și mi-au adus aminte,
Aprinzându-mi în inimă și în priviri focul dragostei pentru tine.
Iar trecutul mi-a revenit, cu dulceața, avuția, farmecul, chinul și rănile..
Mi-am amintit fericirea cu tine și cum ne-am depărtat...
După ce crezusem că te pot uita și că inima mea își va trăi doliul,
Cu o simplă șoaptă m-au schimbat...
De ce, de ce mi-au adus aminte (de tine)?
După ce mă obișnuisem, fără să vreau, cu absența ta
Și după ce îmi pierdusem speranța și uitat năzuințele,
Cu câteva cuvinte, au reușit să-mi spulbere tăria,
Să-mi semene în ochi nostalgia surâsului tău
Și să-mi alinte auzul cu vorbele tale,
Dar și să-mi reaprindă gelozia și îndoiala.
Iar inima a început să ofteze și să mă chinuie
Și noaptea s-a prelungit la nesfârșit,
Ascultându-mi inima, care te chema,
Căci sufletul meu îți aparține, orice-ar fi
Și viața nu-și mai are rostul, când nu ești lângă mine,
Iar lumea-mi e pustie, fără tine.
Revin, iubite, la tine și la ce am trăit împreună,
După ce crezusem că te pot uita și că inima mea își va trăi doliul,
Cu o simplă șoaptă m-au schimbat.
De ce, de ce mi-au adus aminte (de tine)?
Mi-au vorbit de tine, după ce ai lipsit atât de mult,
Rana care era doar amintire au redeschis-o
Și m-au ținut trează, gândind la ce mi se poate întâmpla
Mâine, poimâine...
Viața mea! Sunt amețită, febrilă și dornică să te revăd,
Să scap de chin și să mă arunc în brațele tale.
Certurile, despărțirea și nopțile negre
Nu mă vor face să uit dragostea ta!
Acest sentiment îl port mereu în suflet,
Iar el nu s-a schimbat niciodată, chiar dacă ne-am despărțit.
Este adevărata dragoste și mai mult de-atât,
Este pasiunea adevărată și mai mult de-atât,
Este exact același lucru.
Ah, iubite, nu pot trăi fără tine!
Și viața e atât de scurtă...
De ce să o sacrificăm cu despărțiri și certuri?
Când putem să zămislim o lume mai bună.
Prin tandrețe și apropiere, viețile noastre vor renaște,
Iar iubirea va alunga pentru totdeauna mâhnirea
Și vom trăi copleșiți de vise.
De la bucuria noastră, Luna va fi mai strălucitoare
Și stelele vor sclipi mai vesel,
Iar arborii vor înverzi înaintea primăverii...
Trecutul și necazurile le vom uita
Și ne vom întoarce în timp, la zilele senine,
Căci viața noastră, fără să ne fi reîntâlnit, n-ar mai fi fost aievea,
Că doar nu trăim de două ori, iubite drag!
Cum mi te-au amintit, când eu te uitasem?
Acum ești atât de aproape de mine!
Ah, iubite, chiar dacă ești departe
Și zilele vor trece, iar noi ne vom stinge,
Dragostea ta va rămâne cu mine pentru vecie
Și nu se va stinge niciodată!
its been a long time oh my weapon
its been a long time oh my weapon, i missed you in my strugglespeak and say i am awake, oh war its been a long time
its been a long time for the soldiers, advancing with thundering rage
swearing not to return, except with victory
rise up and close the ranks, with lives prepared for sacrifice
oh the horror that the enemy will suffer, in the fire of the battlefield
its been a long time oh my weapon, i missed you in my struggle
speak and say i am awake, oh war its been a long time
oh our glory oh our glory, oh you who have been built by us
with hardships and pain, your age will never go to waste
rise up and close the ranks, with lives prepared for sacrifice
oh the horror that the enemy will suffer, in the fire of the battlefield
its been a long time oh my weapon, i missed you in my struggle
speak and say i am awake, oh war its been a long time
free Egypt, who will protect us? we shall protect her with our weapons
the land of revolution, who will sacrifice for her sake? we will with our souls
the youth advance like the night, the youth stand like mountains and seas
volcanoes angering erupting, earthquakes digging the enemy into the graves
its been a long time oh my weapon, i missed you in my struggle
speak and say i am awake, oh war its been a long time
No, My Love
I'm thinking about you day and night, my life will always be yours aloneAnd yet you still believe an envious hater
They told you jealousy increases my love, and with tears and confusion you can own my heart
No, my love
Only with love are you precious to me, only with love are you the light for me eyes
Only with a little bit of love
No, my love
When I loved you I considered what happened to me and what will happen
I imagined my happiness and bless by your side, my restlessness when you're away and the fire of my suffering
I never said how and why I loved you
and I never said if only you or I
With all my heart and all my mind I loved you
Love is amiability and kindness
It was never jealousy, suspicions or harshness
Love is what molds your identity
It's not in your hands or mine
Who said your pride lies in my submission
or that your value in love is in my tears
If I accepted being insulted, what about my heart
How can you betray it and control it
Only with love did I surrender my heart to you
Only with love, not by my jealousy
Where is the kindness and safety, my love?
If my mind is clouded by the buzzing around you
Being apart is easier than suffering near you
and seeing a day that I regret being at your side
It's enough for me to live in memories while you're away
I lived more than my lifetime in your love
Only with love are you precious to me
Only with love are you the light for my eyes
Only with a little bit of love
No, my love
I Now Have a Rifle
I now have a rifletake me to Palestine with you
to the sad hills, like the face of the Magdalene
to the green domes.. and the brown stones
for twenty years I've been,
looking for a land and an identity,
looking for my home that is there,
for my homeland that is surrounded by wires
looking for my childhood,
and for the friends of my neighborhood,
for my books.. for my pictures..
for every warm corner.. and for every vas..
I now have a rifle
take my to Palestine with you.. with you
oh men..
I want to live or die like men
I want.. to grow in its soil
like an olive tree, or like a field of orange trees..
or like a scentsy flower
say.. say to the one who is asking about my case,
my rifle.. became the case..
I now have a rifle..
I became a revolutionary
I sleep on thorns and dust
and I wear death..
what fates want doesn't hold me back
I am the one who changed fates
oh revolutionaries
in Jerusalem, in Hebron,
in Beit She'an, in Jordan Valley..
in Bethlehem, oh free people, where you used to be
go ahead.. go ahead... go ahead.. go ahead..
to Palestine
because the story of peace is a play..
and justice is a play..
there is only one way to Palestine
and it is to pass through the nozzle of a rifle
اغدا القاك | will i meet you tomorrow | agadan alkak
Versions: #2?Will i meet you tomorrow
O' my heart's fear from tomorrow
O' my longing and eagerness for the promissed date.
O' how i fear this tomorrow,
O' how i desire its coming.
I was yearning for it to be close,
but fear took over me when the date came
and joy Spreaded when it responded
That's how I lived among grace and agony
Free soul, and a heart melted down for its craving
Will i meet you tomorrow, O' paradise of my love and longing and madness
O' you, goal of my soul O' my grief
Will your lights shine upon the darkness of my eyes
I call for you with longing and preyers in my
O' my hope, how painfull is this long hope
If it isnt for you, i would not care for the passing of those who come and those who go
I live for a tomorrow filled with dreams of our meeting
So, come.
Or dont.
Or do to my heart what you want.
This world is a book, you're its ideas
This world is nights, you're its days
This world is an eye, you're its vision
This world is a sky, you're its moon
So, be mercifull with the heart that desires you
Because tomorrow you'll have it between the palm of your hands.
I see you holding back the tears
I see you holding back the tears, your habit is patienceIs the air inhibition for you or is it a must?
Yes, I miss with a burning desire
but someone like me, doesn't spread (the words)
When the night illuminates me, I extend the hand of the wind
And I'll be humiliated by the tears for her greatness
It ignites the fire between my wings
When she inflames the warmth of my desire and thoughts
Explained by, and connected by death without her
When I die thirsty, the tears will go down
I vowed and in some vows there was humiliation
for a woman who in the neighbourhood has a smell of treachery
She asked me, 'Who are you?', and she knows
Is she grudging for a deniable situation, like me?
I said, like you wish and cleared the air for her
I'm your killer! She said: Which one? There are many
I left contemplating my lot with no comfort insight
If the human being insisted on abandoning me
And she said: you will be captured by eternity after us
I said: Heaven forbid! you are not eternity
The Nile Poem
Since how long have you been flowing through the villages?
With which hand have you been granting to the cities?
Have you descended from Heaven? Or have you been blown up from paradise as glittering streams?
With which loom are you weaving such an unprecedented cloak for the two banks?
You pour water as welded gold,
and flood the land with life.
Your sources are well-known,
whether one is aware about them or not.
One just obey to the immense generosity,
from the unceasing sweet springs.
You keep your promises and honestly flow according to loyalty orders.
From your hands, the valley accepts such a decent, abundant life, overall.
Each year, a jewel is offered to you, free with no possible dowry.
Through the year, each girl inquiries about her turn to join you.
For those fairs, glory is an ultimate longing,
as much as beauty.
She’s been wedded to the king of kings,
motivated by religion, adoration and yearning.
In a festival that rocked the world,
that was the pride of the orient.
Shining in her procession,
while the boats are guided by cheering folks on both brims.
She gave herself and her wealth to you.
She came craving for you, deluged by a fascinating.
She gave up her timidity and her life.
Is there anything more precious to relinquish?
Whenever endless passion and sacrifice are joined,
one’s self is the most appropriate to offer.
O Nile, you have been praised by God and celebrated in the Torah.
The origin of civilisation around you is a fact,
and its outcome is your virtue.
It was born and you were its cradle.
Then it grew up and was preserved by appreciatives and sympathisers.
You filled your territory with wisdom,
whose heritage is neatly kept in rocks and papyri.
A civilisation that erected excellent academies,
targeted by everyone from west to east.
The people, who were privileged and protected over centuries,
are thankful to you.
They express their gratitude to the Lord for His creation.
And may God keep on His blessings.
My mind is perplexed
Between my longing for you, when you're being away ,and my fear for you,when you're being close.My mind is perplexed
When you go away from me,my night gets longer,
And my mind is busy in your love
I wonder when will we meet some day?
And when our time gathers us together, I think about the time after that
It may take us apart
And I would suffer a lot
....and between my longing for you, when you're being away ,and my fear for you,when you're being close.
My mind is perplexed
And gets me confused.
and when I find out that you're here, I say the distance between us is lost
I see your eyes are taking care of me,and my heart is happy for meeting you
and I see between you and my eyes the shadow of distance and deprivation
and I fear that our nights would pass by ,and left me wanderer in the sea of my chagrins
and my wishes dissipate and I suffer from the separation again
when you're away , I fear that I would miss you and when you're near I fear that you may leave me
....and between my longing for you, when you're being away ,and my fear for you,when you're being close.
My mind is perplexed
And gets me perplexed.
You converse with me when you're being near,and the rememberance of the distance hunts me
And when you're away from me,you call me and I wonder who is going to take me to you?
I can't handle you're away untill your eyes say hello...
nor I get happy the day you're being near and let the happiness to speak on my behalf
I wish you were a dream between my eyelids
And I'd fall asleep to see you & live with you and you will be the last thing my eyes see
I wish you were a dawn in my eyes
To sleep & to wake up to its joy..
And you will be the first thing my eyes see
And between you and your image
I would live and my heart would be pleased with the infinite happiness
Unlike, my fear when you're being near that you may go away again.
And I wonder when will we meet some day?
....and between my longing for you, when you're being away ,and my fear for you, when you're being close.
My mind is perplexed
And gets me perplexed. ❤❤
Moon's nights have come
Moon's nights have comeCome, let's stay up in its bright light
Our staying up together would sweeten & get long
Talk of love is secret of life
It's hard on me when a night may pass by me without having your beauty near to me
I'd like to stay close to it forever
And would like to see you getting prettier
I keep counting the nights
Waiting for your coming
I stay imaging my condition when my sweetheart comes
I ask myself what shall I tell you
From where shall I start my talking to you.
But, as soon as you come
I miss the words & forget how to speak
Moon's nights have come
And staying up has been sweetened
How staying up on the Nile's shore is beautiful.
Where the air is softened & the atmosphere is quite
Come, let's burning the night & enjoying my heart
By your closeness and the moon is watching
Lemme overjoying with your love
And the roses are delighted
And, The water waves sing for the breezes
And the air repeat after us our whispers
And amidst this bliss
The breezes narrate our love story
And I keep counting the nights
Telling myself having you is soon
And I stay up imaging my condition
When my sweetheart comes.
The moon has enlightened my heart
With the lights of yours
Come, with its tenderness
The life would get sweeten & softened
A bit of your beauty
And a bit of its beauty
A glimpse of your handsomeness
And a glimpse of its moving shadow
Make me fly in my fantasy and
Overjoying my heart & my eyes
Lemme feel how is it having you
And the moon is watching me
And The water waves whisper to the breezes narrating to them our love story
And the air around us echoes our moans
.....and I keep counting the nights telling myself having you is soon
And I stay up imaging my condition
When my sweetheart comes. ❤❤
You'd enjoyed with my whining
You'd enjoyed with my whining whenever I complained to youAll I'd wished I may keep crying
As long you were with me
You've deprived me from your torturing love
And I have deprived you from my tears
So often I had complained to please your heart
These days where I had cried & whinnied
Where's pride of your beauty gone
Without an ardent slave loving you ?
From where may you have another captive that she would be used to torment of your love?
I had kept our oath
And I watered our togetherness with my tears
But, the time has wasted my softness
And elongated our separation
I have become loving love itself
After adoring the lover
I congratulate my friends and
I sympathize with the strangers
I laugh with the overjoyed ones
And I cry with the grieving ones
And I stay up thinking
To whom would I laugh or cry
I'm living in the people's hearts
And I give my heart to every lover
They drink love & give me an empty cup without a partner I'd drink with him.
Where's pride of your beauty gone
Without an ardent slave loving you ?
From where may you have another captive that she would be used to torment of your love?
You'd overjoyed with my whining tears & listened to melody of flirtation
So often I had cried from your harshness ,and spirit of hope had smiled at my eyes
When your appreciation forgot me
And the separation increased your harshness
My heart has sympathised with my condition
And consoled me in my suffering
I have become crying over my lost love
And you've cried for watching me crying ❤❤❤
Night of love
Versions: #2You ,who never had been late at any date in your life
Why this night are you late ? Your condition confused me
What does latent you?
Its impossible that the life could laten you from me
I'm staying up ,waiting with hope
That to come to me…my life ,and I’ll stay up with you
Come here ,we will let love to end our lives ,tonight
We'll live all our awaited desires,tonight
Don’t let our longing waits for more tomorrow
Don't postpone our happiness for tomorrow.
As if the first night to love is tonight
My darling...my heartbeat...my life's light
My night's smiling,fantasy and memory
It's quite here...quite for us
Everything around me long for you
Everything around me dream of you
The spring,the flowers & the stream
All are here waiting with me
Those ..your lovers are missing
You & me
Missing my heart, nights of desire & call of desire for us
Don't torture us
Don't let us missing you
Come here..let's live our happiness
Come ,let love to end our lives tonight
Don't postpone our happiness for tomorrow..
Come,let us to live our long awaited desires
As if the first night to love is tonight
If love in every heart is collected
My love would be much bigger
With me,with me...you're with me
Even if you're far away from me
Fantasy & desire would be increased with me
Everything around me remind me of you
Every light in my eyes came from your cheerful eyes
Here's the candles that your smile lightened up its tears
Here's your footsteps
Here's your laughing
Here's your whispers
Here's all of you
Your light..your shadow
And your gentleness
Come to the dreams,to love & inspiration
And let's stay up as we want & the others fall asleep
Come,let's dissolve ourselves in love,tonight
Come,let's live our long awaited desires,tonight
Don't let our desires to wait for more tomorrow
Don't postpone our happiness for tomorrow
As if the first night to love is tonight
O you..you have given me sweet nights & beautiful memories
O you..with you my all desperate hopes are awakened
You're with me in my imagination tonight like every night
You're with me in my imagination tonight like every night
In this place my darling we've come for too many nights & night has cuddled with us
At this place...the same place
We've flown up for too many times
Tonight, my soul's soul
I came to the same place
I came with my heart,my desire & my passion
We came waiting for you
We came imploring you
We came with new hope to your way
And however I have to wait
You'd come to me one day
To hold your hand in my hand
To cuddle with your eyes by my eyes
And we'd live a night..a night of love is worth than the whole life.
People of love
O night! People of love left their restful beds. They all are gathering together.A company and I'm with them.
Sometimes they elongate you night
Sometimes they shorten you.
Their complaints elongate you
And only you feels their pains.
A heartbroken one and those in pain
And someone goes silent and never complains.
And some lonely one at the corner
Grieving on his missing beloved.
All complain but no body listen
Except the stars in the sky.
They elongate you night by sleeplessness and overthinking.
The sun that shines on them turns out to be a fire.
And after long waiting
You return to them again
O night!.
They shorten you night
By talking to each other
Playing on an echoed string
For the companions.
Someone of them has felt the compassion of his beloved one
He sings longing melody and his beloved repeats after him.
They shorten you night by laughing and singing
The sun that shines on them turns out to be a light.
And they ask you night
When shall you come
O night!.
Someone says o night from their hearts
Someone says o night from their violins.
And I have a shinning moon at a night of light
In which my heart's beloved has come and fulfilled the promise.
He says o night!
We all say o night! (After him)
And we all say
O night! (We're) people of love!
Days Has Passed
Versions: #2Days has passed and turned
while we're apart and arguing
then i met him, forgot the dispute we had
forgot the night that i lied awake
and forgave him for the confusion and the agony of my heart
i don't know how, how, how did i talk to him
i can't stand being apart from my loved one
who else, who else do i have other than my loved one?
He met me, yearning in his eyes
greeted me with his hands in mine
and whispered to me: 'i'm sorry, the blame is on me'
then i forgot what drove us apart
where are my tears that never stopped all nights?
a smile from his eyes made me forget about them
the bitterest agony, the sweetest agony, the agony brought from love to the lovers
I couldn't stand a day without him
to be patient requires huge patience itself
i can't stand being apart from my loved one
To me, they described patience, i found it an illusion
lovers talk, barely make sens when it's said
to run from my heart, where to go?
our sweet nights are everywhere
we filled it with love, the two of us
we filled the world with hope, hope and tenderness
Oh dear lovers
confused, oppressed, incapable of patience
I couldn't stand a day without him
to be patient requires huge patience itself
i can't stand being apart from my loved one
after the long separation, the down broke
with it's pink colors, saying it's good mornings
and the light of the day, awakes the joys
told the love to rejoice
because of my happiness, i got lost in the delectation
because of my happiness, i can neither fall asleep nor wake up
I found myself with you, living with you
living an unmatched spring
between a never ending longing, and a longing that is beginning
I couldn't stand a day without him
to be patient requires huge patience itself
i can't stand being apart from my loved one
Egypt speaks about itself
All the creation stands in wonder watching how I had established bases of glory alone.Ancient builders of the pyramids speak on my behalf in a challenge.
I'm the glory's crown on the East's head and it's diamonds are belonged to me.
I'm the queen of the ancient world, who would dare to claim otherwise?!
I'm the one that if God decides my death
The East will never rise up its head.
Whoever wished me bad. He had been destroyed.
I'm always safe in God's care.
How many states tried to conquer me. They all had gone and I remained. It's fair fate of the oppression.
I'm free
I broke my chains long time ago
I destroyed my enemies and walked on their bodies.
I'm stubborn my life has passed in struggle
I don't need to more growing up!
Is it fair that they drink pure water while spoil my river?
Is it their right to release their lions and hold back my lions?!
God has looked at me and guided my children to the highest position.
Indeed the truth (right) is a divinely power, more effective (in war) than the Indian sword!
I promised my men with the glory so rise up my head with science and morals for science only is non beneficial.
We're passing a situation needs our unity. Our disagreements will ruin us.
So, unite and always be ready!.
Hanat Al Aqdar (Destiny's pub)
“At destiny’s pubThe nights drink from the cup
The light rolls in and love is staying up
These drunken roses, how do you water it while you’re drunk, tell me dude!”
About the ardour love
I asked ardent lovers
Rekindled of woe and tears of passion
-They said be aware of its gloom, its playful acts and doom
- Do cruel is the night, in the absence of the light
- Ask loving birds about their warble
- Their singing is a marvel reflecting affection, heartfelt longing and passion
“birds’ whisper to their lover turns into a rose of longing
O stranger! Be my cup companion and forget the world”
- I complained to the birds from love
- I asked them about the secret of longing
- They said be aware from its fire and the awakening of its drunken
- Don’t let love to dominate you
- Ask the night If you wish about its secret
- Ask the slumbers of love ,they know the secret of longing
“Garden of secrets is waiting for the morning
The night visitors are fully intoxicated”
And when the darkness rolled in, I could feel the burning passion of love
The night is a world of fantasy, and love is it’s beguiling ecstasy
And the poignant evening whispers its secrets
Under the shroud of rolling darkness
Love can shine in everything
Only to those who have tasted its sting
Qawli wala takhbish ya zain (tell me, and don't be ashamed, sweetheart )
'Tell me beautiful, and don't be ashamed, what should the eye tell the eye'- The eye.. The eye
- when the eye meets the lover's eye, it should tell it all and fears not the witnesses. Far or near? When shall we meet?
'I swear this is the eyes speech! The eye talks to the eye like that! '
'if a lover goes for a date with the beloved , is it sinful or not? '
- He must go without delay, it’s a potion
- so many sins are forgiven, and God knows what's in the hearts!
'this is the best answer, this is what we were waiting for'
'tell me and don't be ashamed, is the kiss forbidden or not?'
- The kiss... The kiss
- If the kiss was by the passionate lover who softly touches the cheek, he should give a 1000 kisses n don't be ashamed'
'never be ashamed, never listen to the blame'
'you know well about love, so tell me is it spicy or sweet?'
- Love.. Love
- Love is as much sweet as ocean,
- A sweetness makes you live long.Whether you're old or young as long love has no separation'
'A sweetness makes you live long'
'As long love has no separation'
Holy Trinity
(part 1: Holy masjid in Mecca)Field of guidance and lighthouse of faith
I heard you at an hour of purity
Saying I'm the house... Shadow of God
And the corner of the Hebron ,father of the prophets
I'm the house, you turn your faces towards me for prayers
I'm the house, I'm your Kaaba of hope
Stand by each other
Look at the east, where the light born
Offer prayers
Have a common dream
Unite and call for establishing a nation
And God above you all
Increases your faith
And rises up your heads high to the sky
(part 2 : Holy masjid elnabi in Medina)
The moon shines upon us
From Thaniyat El Wadaa
We are thankful to God
For sending us His apostle
Oh our prophet
You came to obey you
..O healer of the soul! A glimpse of the prophet!
And a scent from Medina's roads
And the talk of the Holy Sanctuary
From which the light is emerged in the unseen world
Wake up! Spread word of equality
That which united Arabs' hearts
The brotherhood and the love that strengthened their step to the glory
And the justified Jihad that carried
The religion to the world
And conquered the west
A nation loves to construct
Has built a great civilisation
It conquered the world
And wrote its name on the heaven
A hand for hard working
A hand for fighting the enemies
It once conquered the world
When it believed that
The power is in the faith
And if one of them died as a martyr
The paradise was his reward.
(part 3: Holy masjid Al Aqsa in Palestine)
From descending place of Gabriel at the masjid
From the pure sanctuary of Al Aqsa
I hear voice of Holy Mariam coming from the corner of sadness
Screams with Lord Jesus name for help.
I witness the enemies have burnt
The Ahmadi's corner (The site where prophet Mohammed walked on)
I see the rocks shout out at the culprits
They say 'Oh my Kudos! Stop it!'
Swear to the noon
Swear to the night
Swear to every guiding star.
The oppressor wouldn't live till the dawn,
Who has deepened in his black hatred,
Someday, The land will be back to its people.
The land will come back accompanied by glory and power.
Masjid Al Aqsa will forever belong only to God ,admiring the worshippers.
And the sun will rise upon
A nation wouldn't ever bow it's head to anyone but Allah.
forget you !
Versions: #1#2#3forget you ! is that something to say ? forget you ! oh god
this is what will never happen ... I would never think about it
it's impossible for my heart to lean or love someone else. never !
this is what will never happen
I've never tasted sleep for a night or day in the days of your love
where was your heart ? where was your tenderness ? where your heart was ?
I forget your harshness and my torment with you. but never forget your love
and why to love again ? and what do I do with your love ?
I won't forget the memories of my love and yours
my days in which my heart lived
in these days I said my dreams and you made them true
and my dreams that I didn't say
what passed from my life was yours since so long
and what's left is coming to you, it has it's time
for you there was the most beautiful story in this entire life
whole years lost it's beauty with another love before him
years passed like seconds in your love
all of the beautiful emotions
it was with us even during our fights
and how come you tell me to forget you and change
when my love for you is more that it was in the beginning
and why to love again ? and what do I do with your love ?
it's impossible for my heart to lean or love someone else. never !
this is what will never happen