Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Dead Words

The mind is the surface
Like the waves of the sea
Though it may appear impressive
It lacks profundity
Thus I sailed through questions
And there are questions at every port
Their answers are banal
If they come from a dead heart
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
The word in dearth of essence,
Even in prayer,
Is but outside noise
And inner emptiness
An idle and fragile monologue
That you repeat every day
Devoid of substance
Empty, cold words
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
Delve into your own deep sea
If you really want to know
Wisdom pours out from you
If you answer with your being
So many phrases, so many turns of phrase
So many organized words
Seem so important
But they go under in thin air
Delve into your own deep sea
If you really want to know
Wisdom pours out from you
If you answer with your being


Counting days, counting days
Since my love up and got lost on me
And every breath that I’ve been taken
Since you left feels like a waste on me
I’ve been holding on to hope
That you’ll come back when you can find some peace
Cause every word that I’ve heard spoken
Since you left feels like an hollow street
I’ve been told, I’ve been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
Maybe I, maybe I’m just being blinded
By the brighter side
Of what we had because it’s over
Well there must be something in the tide
I’ve been told, I’ve been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
It's your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
And I'm tired of being so exhausted
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Even though I'm nothing to you now
Even though I'm nothing to you now
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under


I loved you next to the tollbooth
In the distance there were bells ringing
I loved you on a cold night
All the love songs are slimy and disgusting
You loved me next to the tollbooth
In the distance there were bells ringing
You loved me on a cold night
With love songs. senseless and disgusting
That old tollbooth is gone
There are no more bells ringing in the distance
All the cheese is gone, so is bread and wine
All our little anchovies are gone too
That old tollbooth is gone
There are no more bells ringing in the distance
All the cheese is gone, so is bread and wine
All our little anchovies are gone too
All our little anchovies are gone
And so are the chicks that ran around the courtyard
And pecked at the seeds
There's nothing left! Everything is covered by snow.


Dă-mi un pai
Să dau foc lumii,
Dă-mi un pai,
Lasă-mă sa dau foc la casa asta!
Picioarele mele sunt făcute pentru dans,
Ochii mei pentru a face cu ochiul,
Dacă dansez, sar scântei,
Nu-mi pasă deloc de lumea asta!
Aj Chiki-Chiki, aj ke te merav,
Aj Chiki-Chiki, aj ke te merav,
Aj Chiki-Chiki-Chiki, aj ke te merav,
Me zhanav me ka zhivav
Aj Chiki-Chiki, el îmi spune așa,
Aj Chiki-Chiki, el moare după mine,
Aj Chiki-Chiki, el îmi spune așa,
Cu mine, el merge oriunde vreau.
Îmi cumpără haine de mătase,
Perle, coliere, o fustă roșie,
Își cheltuie toată averea cu mine,
Fură, fură, chiar de la mama lui.
Îmi bat joc de el, îl atrag,
El strigă numele meu:
”Chiki-Chiki”, așa mă strigă
”Am să te ucid, frumoasa mea iubire!”
Aj, Chiki, Chiki...
Dă-mi un pai
Să dau foc lumii,
Dă-mi un pai,
Lasă-mă sa dau foc la casa asta!
Picioarele mele sunt făcute pentru dans,
Ochii mei pentru a face cu ochiul,
Dacă dansez, sar scântei,
Nu-mi pasă deloc de lumea asta!
Aj, Chiki, Chiki...

Din creangă în creangă

Pasărea a zburat departe, colivia ei e goală,
Toată lumea spune că va reveni la primăvară,
dacă nu la primăvară, și nu până când se coace grâul,
Ar trebui să știi că e plecată pentru totdeauna.
Pasărea mea, pasărea mea, o să-ți fac
O colivie de diamant pavată cu marmură,
Îți voi da pâinea cea mai dulce,
Cea mai dulce pâine de mâncat și vin muscat/ aromat de băut.
Nu vreau să trăiesc într-o colivie,
Să trăiesc într-o colivie și să pășesc pe marmură,
Să mănânc pâine dulce sau să beau vin muscat,
Vreau doar să sar din creangă-n creangă.
Vreau doar să sar din creangă-n creangă,
Să beau roua dimineții și să mănânc semințe,
Vreau să cânt cele mai frumoase cântece
Și să-i fac fericiți pe ai mei cei iubiți.

Eu și ploaia

Ploaia înfige sute de gheare în mine,
Înfige o gheară în copacul plângător,
Pironește în mine tristețea ei,
Dar tu nu vii să ușurezi durerea,
Iar ploaia cade, cade...
Ploaia ciocănește în negrul peretelui,
Ferestrele lăcrimează,
Singurătate închide ușile în mine,
Dar tu nu vii să ușurezi durerea,
Iar ploaia cade, cade...
Dacă ai alunga departe norii,
M-aș agăța de tine precum o floare.
Ploaia aceasta bate în inima,
Făcând ziduri din întuneric,
Orbindu-mi noaptea.
Dar tu nu vii să ușurezi durerea,
Iar ploaia cade, cade...
Dacă ai alunga departe norii,
M-aș agăța de tine precum o floare...


Am vizitat 1001 orașe, am călătorit 1001 ani,
Într-o zi am întâlnit un elegant controlor de bilete arab...
Mi-a spus că am ochi frumoși și pentru asta am petrecut gratuit ziua în trenul lui
Și pentru că locul avea multe priveliști frumoase, el mi-ar fi arătat împrejurimile.
”În ce limbă ar trebui să vorbim?”, am întrebat, ”Nu știu decât o arabă stâlcită”.
”Nu-i nicio problemă”, a spus el, a fost recepționer la un hotel, iar controlor de bilete de doar un muncă temporar.
Vorbea șase limbi, ”chiar și maghiară puțin”, hopa! am rămas cu gura căscată.
O biată femeie maghiară călătorind singură e mai bine să fie însoțită de un bărbat.
Soarele răsare încet și molatic, un trandafir se trezește la viață,
O nouă zi amurgește, prințul meu, deci voi opri aici povestea mea,
Și pentru că-s obosită după călătorie, de huruitul roților,
Mă voi așeza la casa mea, voi trăi într-o casă, voi face un copilaș,
Voi vedea 1001 orașe, voi călători 1001 ani...

To wipe your tears with

[1st verse: Paluch]
Palm imprint on a chilled bottle.
It’s my first drink today so my hands are shaking.
It went smoothly down my throat, I’ll have some more, please.
After the fourth one I feel that I had enough.
I like to get drunk but my life is sorted out.
I’m multiplying my paper.
I’ve achieved everything on my own
and I don’t care what some idiot has to say.
Me and and my pride of lions are at the top of the rap game.
Hyenas are ravenous while waiting in a queue.
Coldness of manners and some leftovers under the table. That’s what I can offer them.
I’m always one step ahead, I’m sending my best wishes to competitors.
I’m taking the knife out of my back and granting you an audience.
I’ve got a bouquet of black roses for you. Now, kiss the ring all startled up.
You’ve made a few bucks by acting tough.
Oh, and here’s some sandpaper to wipe your tears with.
[Chorus] x2
Chill, it’s just rap.
Chill, it’s just a chorus.
You’re playing with a marked deck of cards
and here’s a brick for you to wipe your tears with.
* (B.O.R) Chill, it’s just rap.
(Syntetyczna Mafia) Chill, it’s just a chorus.
You’re playing with a marked deck of cards
(it’s for all these sons of bitches) and here’s a brick for you to wipe your tears with.
[2nd verse: Paluch]
I’m exposing your little games.
You’re vulnerable like virgins.
I’m bringing B.O.R back to life, we’re taking to the streets.
Polish jihad, we’ve got crucifixes for the infidels.
New instructions from a secret head office are spreading throught the world.
Streets begin to empty, the beat is blaring out.
The time has come. I’m turning on the rhyme faucet.
I’m fulfilling the prophecy which I’ve made to y’all.
Join me in this game. Your life is like a trophy.
I’m seizing power, you’re not able to lie anymore.
People are speaking their minds, the world order is changing
I’m in a deep trance like a stoned witch doctor.
In my hands I’m holding a son, an heir and a charge (person in one’s care)
Vatican is telling the truth – faith is weakening.
Everyone is on the same boat. Down on their knees, staring at the sky.
A wound that’s been healing for years opens up.
You’ve got concrete and asphalt to wipe your tears with.
[Chorus] x2
Chill, it’s just rap. (B.O.R)
Chill, it’s just a chorus. (We’re taking to the streets)
You’re playing with a marked deck of cards (we’re tracking you down)
and here’s a brick for you to wipe your tears with.
Chill, it’s just rap. (Rap Protection Bureau)
Chill, it’s just a chorus.
You’re playing with a marked deck of cards
and here’s a brick for you to wipe your tears with.
[3rd verse: Lukasyno]
There’s no point in scolding you
cause you’re as changeable as weathercock.
The river is flowing where I want it to go.
Friendship for profit, being with someone for the money.
It’s neither first nor the last time fate plays a joke on you.
If you’re chasing pipe dreams you’re going to fade away.
You don’t give a fuck about anyone.
I want to be a better person in God’s eyes.
It’s only for the cream of the crop, “Syntetyczna Mafia “.
I ain’t no preacher but I’m touching other people’s hearts.
Lord gave us talent for supporting the needy ones.
I’m not an idol of the masses, the toughest ones are with me.
You want to command respect? Cherish your values.
Nowadays wack ass rap reigns supreme.
I ain’t got no mercy for these pussies.
You don’t have to like me but you better stay out of my way.
You’re talking shit about me behind my back
but you don’t want to be my enemy.
You won’t be famous forever.
Will you keep your good name intact?
15 years in the game, (NON) Koneksja is still on the rise.
[Outro: Lukasyno]
Chill, it’s just rap. (Lukasyno)
It’s not for everyone.
“Czas Vendetty”
I can be like a brother to you. NON Koneksja.
But you have to put your heart and soul into these tracks.
” Syntetyczna Mafia”
Chill, it’s just a game.
To wipe your tears with.
It’s not for everyone.
Białystok, Poznań.
You’re playing with a marked deck of cards.
Be careful. I’m keeping an eye on you.
B.O.R – abbreviation for ” Biuro Ochrony Rapu ” (Rap Protection Bureau)
Title of one of Paluch’s albums from 2007.
B.O.R Records – is his own record label. The album ” Syntetyczna Mafia” on which you
can find this song appeared under rapper’s own imprint.
NON Koneksja – rap group from the city of Białystok. Rappers: Egon, Lukasyno and Kriso are members of the group.
NON – abbreviation for ” Na ostrzu noża” (idiomatic expression, meaning: to come to a head ) is also the title of Lukasyno’s first solo album from 2006, produced by his brother – Kriso.

Love is only pressure in balls

You girl might have stolen my brains
My night's sleep and social skills
Among these props you felt so real
And the bigger the legend, the crazier wife
Cus you looked liked a fallen angel
There where a smoking closet was to us a mere heaven
I didn't want to start knowing you
I wanted to know what was wrong with you
You have troubles with your father-daughter relationship
And I just can't be happy just for no reason
That's why we agreed the world hated us both equally
And I forget your name before we reach the hotel
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
I got you and what a beautiful night it was
I tackled myself, what, about few minutes it lasted
Yeah, I was naive back then
To you I was somebody and to me you were everything
I didn't know yet that it is chemistry in my brains
Cus a voice down there commanded to call you a wife
Now heart prints on toilet paper
A good shit is better than a bad fuck
And nowadays others want only drink and fuck
Rather drink (you should've listened to your old man!)
You could break a heart if you only tried
Maybe you can find something like that somewhere
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
Love is only pressure in balls
I haven't cheated my love poems
There wouldn't have been Romeo and Julia if Romeo had wanked off

The sky looks at you

I was thinking of you
You won't believe it
You never believe it indeed
You never believe it
We text
''How am I?'' ,''How are you?'', ''Fine''
But how have we arrived to a Maybe
From a Forever
And since we broke up
The instagramed hearts
But if you click on my pictures
Broken hearts come out
And I see you again in a hostess
While she takes my bag during boarding
(You're) So alike that while I look at her eyes
It looks like she recognizes me
And it seems made on purpose
Even your name is written on the placard (her name on her chest)
It's weird when destiny
changes its destination
And we don't manage to be together
But without us we don't feel alive anymore
Us, who love each other for a thousand reasons
Now we split up without reasons
And I swear that I don't know
If distance divides us or not
We lost ourselves, you and me
Between my ''I don't know''(s)
And your ''I'd want to''(s)
What part of the world are you in now?
You make too many trips that aren't mine
If I look at that picture I wonder if
It's you who looks at the sky or him (the sky*) who looks at you
If I look at that picture I wonder if
It's you who looks at the sky or him who looks at you
Or him who looks at you
Who looks at you
You were thinking of me, who would believe that?
Us, who split up with a ''see you''
Me, full with ''but''(s), her, full of herself
Her eyes are too big to look at me alone (just me)
Me, who doesn't think about the future
Because the future is today already
I need to learn to leave my sign
Without leaving my dreams
The hopes to charge yourself
The problems to take care of
You, who doesn't even wear a watch
So you don't feel time running fast
And you were crying looking out there
Between the cars which were passing by
Because you said that certain landscapes
were lived like a state of mind (by you)
We talked about everything
But maybe we were never capable of saying an ''I love you''
But we would have jumped to the emptiness
Together just to fill it in
And I swear that I don't know
If distance divides us or not
We lost each other, you and I
Between my ''I dont know''(s)
And your ''I'd want to''(s)
What part of the world are you in now?
You make too many trips that aren't mine
If I look at that picture I wonder if
It's you who looks at the sky or him who looks at you
If I look at that picture I wonder if
It's you who looks at the sky or him who looks at you
Or him who looks at you
Who looks at you


I do not know if it's too soon to tell you that I'm dying for you
to come get me
That I have already packed
A suitcase
This is not a game
You know that if I make you happy
That I am no dummy
if I give you
A popsicle
You taste to me like sugar
(Hm hm)
That's the way I like it
(Hm hm)
Don't ever let go of me
Let's dance to this as we're going
Or we will dance to it in the car, love
Let's pretend we're going to the bathroom
And leave through the back without paying
If you want, let's take a taxicab (let's take)
And we won't do it, just almost (we won't do it)
Whatever you are going to give me
Give me more, give me give me more
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights in the room
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights
I want for this moment here to never end
There is so much heat (heat, heat)
That you don't have to light
a candle
You taste to me like sugar
(Hm hm)
That's the way I like it
(Hm hm)
Don't ever let go of me
Let's dance to this as we're going
Or we will dance to it in the car, love
Let's pretend we're going to the bathroom
And leave through the back without paying
If you want, let's take a taxicab (let's take)
And we won't do it, just almost (we won't do it)
Whatever you are going to give me
Give me more, give me give me more
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights in the room
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights
I can be...
that cold water for your dry mouth
I can be...
that little kiss that heals and warms
And if you'll still be wanting more
We'll make a party for both of us to join
And if the darkness won't last
Oh, we will dim the lights
Let's dance
Or we will dance to it in the car, love (car, love)
Let's pretend we're going to the bathroom
And leave through the back without paying
If you want, let's take a taxicab (let's go)
Tell me if you want to (we won't do it)
Whatever you are going to give me
Give me more, give me give me more
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights in the room
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
Let's dance to this and then we'll go
You and me, you and me, you and me, you and me
And we will dim the lights

Your Love

Your love is the most beautiful thing I've ever known.
Your love is the most beautiful thing that I have.
If your love is by my side I am happy,
For you, I feel that heaven is in my heart.
I can never forget that beautiful night,
It made me laugh and everything lit up,
Kissing you, I heard bells ringing,
and you came to me, and I knew love.
Your love is the most beautiful thing I've ever known,
Your love is the most beautiful thing that I have.
If your love is by my side I am happy.
For you, I feel that heaven is in my heart.
I will love you all my life,
You'll love me like that, forever like that, forever like that.

The Dove

Versions: #2
To you, in the warm light of the golden sun,
the white done of our love will come.
And you, happily repeating my song,
one of them will see you laying on your balcony.
That dove stands out in the blue sky
with so many things written in a whisper.
Believe that message of his is my heart,
it is the white dove of our love.
To you, in the warm light of the golden sun,
the white dove of our love will come.
And you, happily repeating my song,
one of them will see you laying on your balcony.
If you could too
unfold the wings in a flight
and return to my sad and lonely heart
to not leave it anymore!
Give me your love!
Give me your love!

Pulsul meu.

Atunci când îmi închid ochii,
Eu te pot vedea.
Eu nu mai știu cum..
Să te uit femeie.
Cu cât mai vreau,
Apare din nou,
Eu îți văd chipul în fotografii,
Înnebunesc fără să știu ce să fac.
Cu cât mai caut, nimeni este ca tine.
Atunci când ai plecat, ai stins lumina
Cerul meu.. nu-i albastru.
Și că al nostru, fetițo, nu era pentru întotdeauna,
S-a terminat ura acea, și m-am oprit să te iubesc.
Era ceva în doi, când m-ai lăsat.
Ești tu, cine ai vrut, nu te-am putut lega.
Și acum ce să fac?
Fiindcă e o lovitură puternică,
Tu ești pe lista de eșecuri,
Înainte inima mea era sănătoasă,
Nu mai contează dacă eu o injughesc
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2
În jocul acestea, eu mereu pierd,
N-o să mai cred în iubire
Cel mai pur sentiment al meu,
O să-l păstrez,
Nu o să-l scot din inima mea.
Fiindcă nimeni o merită,
Să simți asta, îți ucide încet,
E imposibil să-l scot din minte
Știm bine că cu lovituri se învață.
Atunci când îmi închid ochii..
Eu te pot vedea..
Eu nu mai știu cum
Să uit de tine fetițo.
Cu cât mai vreau,
Apare din nou,
Eu îți văd chipul în fotografii,
Înnebunesc fără să știu ce să fac.
Cu cât mai caut, nimeni este ca tine.
Atunci când ai plecat, ai stins lumina
Cerul meu.. nu-i albastru.
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2
Dacă poate l-ai auzit,
Tu, pulsul meu
Dă-mi un semnal,
Că inima mea, are nevoie de..
O altă șansă! X2

Pálinka (traditional Hungarian distilled spirit)

The good Hungarian pálinka
Has no equal
Has no equal
It's standing alone just like the Hungarian nation
in the whole world
in the whole world
Made of plum, pear and cherries
Long live the country!
Drink to our health! (traditional way of cheering before shots)
The good Hungarian pálinka
Has no equal
Has no equal
Gold and diamonds make up
every drop of it
every drop of it
It's just like a fiery
young maiden
young maiden
Made of plum, pear and cherries
Long live the country!
Drink to our health!
Gold and diamonds make up
every drop of it
every drop of it
It's medicine for any
Will heal them all
That's why Hungarian men go
to the csárda (traditional name for a pub serving hot food & drinks)
to the csárda
Made of plum, pear and cherries
Long live the country!
Drink to our health!
It's medicine for any
Will heal them all
It's strong like triple sewn
boot shafts
boot shafts
That will be worn when we march into
Kolozsvár (Hungarian name for the Transylvanian town of Cluj)
Made of plum, pear and cherries
Long live the country!
Drink to our health!
It's strong like triple sewn
boot shafts
boot shafts
Made of plum, pear and cherries
Long live the country!
Drink to our health!

Oh my dream

Oh oh oh
my dream you are my wish
my heart, you are my expression
In my dream, I search for the face
In my mind,I am humming a song
To be spread, and spread out and to fill up, do come
To wake up, to grow up and to merge, do come
Oh, you there come here
Let me hear about your sweet dreams
with my ears close to you
At times when our heart looks for the synchronous beat
even in tough times
We are one on this way
however painful it be
At the moment of dawn
it is the time which gave you to me
At the moment of dawn
it is the time which gave you to me
Oh, you there, come here
Let me hear about your sweet dreams
with my ears close to you

A kick to the ball

A kick to the ball
a fist in the sky
a kick to the ball
a guerilla football player
Against who wants football as a dirty business
against who wants football as false solidarity
flags and slogans on the terraces are going to be just for you
you are a fan at heart before than a football player
A champion in and out of the field,
a thousand victories with the Comandante and Havana in your heart
You are the bastion of the popular football
your revolution: keep the millions

It is raining again tonight

It is raining again tonight on the poor little houses
But in your corner it's warm
You forgot the old love
It is raining again tonight in the small neighborhood
Somebody is passing by your house
He/she is standing and is crying in the corner
And he/she has into the chest the fire of love
To his/her lips it is cold
You were shinning like a star into your small garden
And for the boys, you were a 'sweet' wound
Now tha darkness comes slowly to the neighborhood
You forgot the old love

The Old Hotel of Death

In the old hotel of death someone comes
and lies down in his Saturday clothes and dies
it is August and the days are like carefree dogs returning to the woods
and in the rooms the lovers are lulled to sleep, defeated by the passion of their embrace...
In the old hotel the clock runs backwards
and the guilty wake up from their dream innocent again
and the gentle pass through the dirty mirrors
with their white suits and evening gowns
what beauty...
In the old hotel of death the balconies
are always blooming and an orchestra is playing eternally
and the furniture dances the waltz inside the deserted rooms
and the faucets run laughing and the walls drip tears
like a river...
In the old hotel hear the dice being rolled
they say if you are lucky maybe you'll be favored
at the doorstep while the elderly doorman sleeps standing
in the road a child pops up, not afraid of the night
any longer...

Word of honor

This life
is worthless, away from you
that your love is oxygen for me,
without you I die.
Love of mine,
I can't feel you breathing beside me,
each heartbeat teaches me it's for you
that I'm living.
word of honor, - you must know
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you,
word of honor, -you must believe
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you
Soul of mine,
only you gave me so much love,
and I swear to you, - word of honor
that I'm sincere.
word of honor, - you must know
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you,
word of honor, -you must believe
I won't leave you,
I'll never leave you
I won't leave you, - no, I'll never leave you
No, I'll never leave you, I won't leave you.
Just learning.


The name’s Palpal
With or without pretext, we celebrate
They call me Palpal
The haters force themselves
I swore Palpal
I hear nothing but I can read their lips
And I read Palpal
In two words Palpal
Hey Hey Hey Hey
[Verse 1]
An asshole and a good guy in the same body
A “free hugs” sign and a handgun in the
same box
I’ll do all in order to be liked as
A friend, a lover, an idol
Or a grocery store open till five in the morning
I never leave if I am still alive
I’m the winner of the game
I want a world with only mirrors
A radio that only plays my music
You need a savior, but I only wanna please myself
I was already very egocentric
Before I had anything
Doesn’t that tell you to be a bit more stylish?
I’m done speaking about myself (Pal)
When the happiness of others builds up
What’s the secret of happy men?
Mother said: 'act with discretion'
But it’s a lot better when others see me
It’s a lot better when others see me
Let me do what I want
[Verse 2]
Or instead, I risk doing it illegaly
I haven’t taken my meds
I only say shit and everyone loves it
My hyperactivity only shocks
From the tracksuit with the Chinese signs
It comes from my cells like a disc jockey
I can say “I love you” and “I’m fucking you” in plain language
Influenced by the whole world in my discs
We mix and I see folks who tell me
Insh’Allah, soon we’ll all be mixed
Hey hey hey hey
Follow me if you want to see kind monsters
We don’t have green noses, your kebab isn’t blue
But we’ve hidden a few ‘shrooms
So celebrate with us
Yanks will say “come on, come on”
Only love until death, nirvana within like Cobain
To find this bizarre world, you need a drug
Some have died in the process but
If the leaders of this world smoked this stuff
Wars would cease in two seconds max
BTW, politics can suck my. . .
I’m different from even the guys I hang with
Bet you thought I was like you
You’re obsessed with cash but you’re not Rango**
Don’t give me the same nonsense your parents swallow
You’re fucked up, you get a ride home
Mix pills and whisky, tragic
You’ll end up like Octave Parango
[Chorus ]
The name’s Palpal
With or without pretext, we celebrate
They call me Palpal
The haters force themselves
I swore Palpal
I hear nothing but I can read their lips
And I read Palpal
In two words Palpal
Hey Hey Hey Hey
[Verse 3]
An asshole and a good guy in the same body
A love letter and a knife in the
same box
I’ll do all I can to be liked, like
The doctor who says you’re HIV negative
A brother or a superhero
If all the smart guys are sad
I prefer to be a happy imbecile
I want a world where everything’s free
Society has made me a hammer
I take note of everything I buy
Since my first McDonald’s
I’d really like to give lessons
But I’m just a simple Toubab
It’s hard to have the fame of 2pac
When you’ve got a pale look
Ok, Pal knows how to express himself, but he knows the white trash life
This idiot’s proud, sometimes, he screams, at times, he spits
Maybe wealth alone doesn’t make one happy
But trust me, poverty is a river of pain.
I forgot my umbrella
In case it rains dollars

Bielszy odcień bieli

Skakaliśmy w rytmie fandanga
Wirując koliście wzdłuż parkietu.
Poczułem jakby chorobę morską
Ale tłum domagał się więcej.
Ciężko jęknęła cała sala
Kiedy odfrunął nam sufit.
Kiedy zamówiliśmy kolejnego drinka
Kelner przyniósł cała tacę.
No a nieco później
Swą rubaszną opowieścią sprawiłem
Że jej twarz, leciutko blada,
Obróciła się w bielszy odcień bieli.
Ona rzekła: “Brak tu powodów,
a prawda jest zbyt oczywista”.
A ja błądząc wzrokiem po mych kartach
Nie chciałbym aby została
Jedną z tych szesnastoletnich cnotliwych westalek,
Które wyjechały nad morze.
I choć otwarte miałem oczy
Równie dobrze mógłbym mieć zamknięte.
Ona rzekła: “Jestem w domu z przepustką na ląd”,
Choć tak naprawdę byliśmy na morzu.
Więc zabrałem ją przed lustro,
Aż musiała się przyznać.
Powiedziałem: “Musisz być tą syreną,
co obwozi Neptuna”.
Uśmiechnęła się tak smutno,
że ma złość natychmiast zgasła.
Jeśli muzyka jest strawą miłości
To śmiech jest jej królową.
I podobnie - jeśli tył wypada z przodu
To fałsz w prawdzie to nie łgarstwo.
Moje usta stały się drewniane,
Wyślizgnęły się mej głowie,
Więc zanurzyliśmy się dość szybko,
uderzając w dno oceanu.
Copyright: Tomasz Piwowarek.

În mintea mea

În mintea mea,
În viitor, cinci ani de acum
Am cincizeci și patru de kilograme
Și nu sunt niciodată mahmură
Fiindcă eu voi fi un model de disciplină
Indiferent în ce stare mă aflu
Și voi fi cineva de admirat
Și e haios că-mi imaginam
Că voi fi acum acea persoană
Dar nu pare să se fi întâmplat
Poate doar am uitat cum să-mi dau seama
Că nu sunt exact persoana care credeam că voi fi
Iar în mintea mea
Într-un prezent îndepărtat
Am ajuns cumva să dețin controlul
Și nu îmi pierd niciodată portofelul
Fiindcă eu voi fi un model de disciplină
N-o voi da în bară niciodată
Și voi conduce bine și cu atenție
Și e haios că-mi imaginam
Că voi fi acum acea persoană
Dar nu pare să se fi întâmplat
Poate doar am uitat cum să-mi dau seama
Că nu voi fi niciodată persoana care credeam că voi fi
Iar în mintea mea
La bătrânețe sunt frumoasă
Plantez lalele și legume
Pe care le voi îngriji atent
Nu ca acum
Când sunt așa ocupată cu toate
Încât nu mă uit la nimic
Dar sigur mă voi uita peste ceva ani
Și e haios că-mi imaginam
Că aș putea fi acum acea persoană
Dar nu e ceea ce vreau
Dar este ceea ce voiam
Și m-aș da bătută cumva
Cât de ciudat e să-mi dau seama
Că nu vreau să fiu persoana care vreau să fiu
Iar în mintea mea
Îmi imaginez atâtea lucruri
Lucruri care nu se întâmplă în realitate
Iar când mă vor pune în pământ
Voi începe să lovesc capacul
Spunând că n-am terminat încă
Mai am să-mi fac un tatuaj
Să scrie că trăiesc clipa
Și e haios că mi-am imaginat
Că aș putea să câștig, să câștig lupta asta
Dar poate nu e chiar așa haios
Că m-am luptat toată viața
Dar poate trebuie să mă gândesc că e haios
Dacă vreau să trăiesc înainte să mor
Și poate cel mai haios este
Când mă gândesc că voi muri înainte să-mi dau seama
Că sunt exact persoana care vreau să fiu
Da, la naiba
Sunt exact persoana care vreau să fiu

It depends

Versions: #3
Let white be white
And black be black
Let one and one be two
Because numbers are exact
It depends
That we're here on borrowed time
That today the sky is cloudy
One is born and then dies
And this story has ended
It depends
It depends, on what it depends,
According to how it looks everything depends(x2)
How beautiful love is,
More than ever in spring,
That tomorrow the sun comes up
Because we're in August
It depends
That with the passing of time
Wine tastes good
That everything that rises falls
From down to up and up to down
It depends
It depends, on what it depends,
According to how it looks everything depends(x2)
That you have never met anybody
That kisses you like me
That there's no other man in your life
That benefits from you
It depends
That yes means yes
Everytime you open your mouth
That it makes you very happy
Let today be the day of your wedding
It depends
It depends, on what it depends,
According to how it looks everything depends(x2)

At your side

At your side life sits better with me
Every day that passes is different
A second at your side is a gift
You are my world, what happens around
At your side my life turns out better
Time passes but it matters little to me
Today the compass marks north again
I feel good and I don't need anything
At your side, I'll stay seated
At your side, without letting go of your hand
At your side, I will survive
At your side, always at your side
At your side I have desire to live
Next to you it's like I'm next to the sky
I'm a child that doesn't stop laughing
The best thing that's ever happened to me in my life
At your side, be it good or be it bad
I have found a woman, a lover, a friend
You give me without asking in return
You give me what no one else has given me
At your side, be it good or be it bad
At your side, the best thing that's ever happened to me
At your side, a second is a gift
At your side, I'll survive


Versions: #2
It's been days I've been watching you
And I've counted on my fingers
How many times you've laughed
I've gotten only a hand
It's been days that I've looked
I don't know what you hide there inside
Judging by what I see
Nothing good, nothing good
What are you afraid of
To laugh and to cry later
To break the ice
That covers your silence
Let go now and tell me
For that's why we're here
For the good and for the bad
Cry now and laugh later
If I leave running,
you grab me by the neck
And if I don't hear you, scream!
I give you my hand you take the whole arm
And if you want more, well, scream!
Time ago someone told me
What the best remedy is
When without motive
The world goes to the ground
And if you want I'll explain it
What the mystery consists of
That there's no sky, sea, nor land
That life is a dream
If I leave running, you grab
Me by the neck
And if I don't hear you, scream!
I give you my hand you take the whole arm
And if you want more, well, scream!

C'est la vie - Asta-i viața...

C'est la vie
Toate frunzele sau îngălbenit deja
Vântul le împrăștie în jurul tău
C'est la vie.
Cum de să știu EU ...
Dacă nu-mi spui că mă iubești
C'est la vie.
Oh, oh C'est la vie
Oh, oh C'est la vie
Nu bănuiesc, a cărui inimă este a mea ...
C'est la vie.
În noapte
Dragostea ta arde,
Dar numai cenușa dorinței este a ta.
La fel ca și marea
Dragostea are o mulțime de mistere
A devenit o furtună înainte de a-ţi putea atinge sufletul
C'est la vie.
cor. Oh, oh C'est la vie
Oh, oh C'est la vie.
Nu bănuiesc, a cărui inimă este a mea ...
C'est la vie.
Ca un cântec,
Ce sună fals într-un loc greșit ...
De ceea ce aveam nevoie era o rimă pentru tine
C'est la vie.
Așa e, exiști,
sau trăiești de la o zi la alta,
Nu există nici un cântec, pe care să-l pot cânta pentru tine
C'est la vie.
cor. Oh, oh C'est la vie
Oh, oh C'est la vie.
Nu bănuiesc, a cărui inimă este a mea ...
C'est la vie.
Dana Kósa

The Skinny Woman

Versions: #3
In my life I never met a woman
Like the skinny woman
Black Coral from La Habana
Super tremendous mulata
100 pounds of skin and bones
40 kilos of salsa
And in her face two suns
That speak without words
That speak without words
The skinny woman sleeps by day
She says that way hunger is deceived
When night falls
She comes down to dance a la Tasca
And dance and dance
And drink and drink
One beer after another
But she never gains weight
But she never gains weight
For a kiss from the skinny woman
I would give anything
For a kiss from her
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one
I wet my white sheets
Like the song says
Remembering the caresses
That she gave me the first day
And I go crazy with desire of
Sleeping at her side
Because God this skinny woman has me crazy!
She has me crazy
For a kiss from the skinny woman
I would give anything
For a kiss from her
Even if it were only one
For a kiss from her
I would give anything
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one
Even if it were only one

I'm Killed, You're in Trouble

Yes, I know with whom you betrayed me,
In whose bed is the victory, in whose the trouble.
You know what you did with me now,
The soul is barely breathing, why should it have a body.
I'm killed, you're in trouble,
I'm forgotten, you said,
The sun is no longer with me,
I'm still breathing you.
I'm killed, you're in trouble,
I'm forgotten, you said,
Did you hear the wind, it's alive,
It's me who breathes you.
Chances breathe on its last flame
Don't kindle between us only the hall.
Sleep with her, you've been hiding it for so long,
In time and in a pair you killed me.
I'm killed, you're in trouble,
I'm forgotten, you said,
The sun is no longer with me,
I'm still breathing you.
I'm killed, you're in trouble,
I'm forgotten, you said,
Did you hear the wind, it's alive,
It's me who breathes you.
I'm killed, you're in trouble,
I'm forgotten, you said,
The sun is no longer with me,
I'm still breathing you.
I'm killed, you're in trouble,
I'm forgotten, you said,
Did you hear the wind, it's alive,
It's me who breathes you.
Tibor from QS-FB

Hawk or dove

You didn't stop looking, you were alone,
absolutely beautiful and sexy.
Something swept me towards you, like a wave,
and I went and I said, 'hello, how are you'.
That night, in your arms, I fell into the trap,
you caught the apprentice of seduction,
and I ate from your hand
becoming your humble servant.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
Stupid me, naive talker
that I was a dove trying to be a hawk.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
I was undressing you, slowly,
and you didn't let me even talk,
you only whispered, 'I need you,
hold me more tightly, more'.
When I looked at you, i felt disilusioned,
just your warmth made me fill cold,
little by little, from my arms, I let you go ,
and I said, 'be quiet, please'.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
Stupid me, naive talker
that I was a dove trying to be a hawk.
My friend, you have to see what love is like,
it comes back to the one who takes it, hawk or dove.
Stupid me, naive talker
that I was a dove trying to be a hawk.
My friend...

How many those who fell into this abyss*

How many those who fell into this abyss
That opened ahead
A day will come when I also disappear
From the surface of the Earth
And everything that used to sind and fight, to shine and forge ahead
Will be frozen up
Together with the my green eyes, my tender voice,
And my golden hair
And the life with its daily bread and oblivion
It will go on
And everything will go on
Just like there was no me
So volatile, like children,
And so quick-witted,
Who used to love the time when the woods on fire
Were turning into ashes
Who used to love the chello, and noises of the forests,
And bell-ring in the village...
- Just like there was no me, so vivid and real
On the caring Earth
- To all of you, - who either distant or close to me,
As I never knew the limits -
I tell you to believe me
And ask you to love me
Love me at day and at night, in writing and by word of mouth,
For my truth and my lies
For my sorrow
And for my being only 20 years old
For my inability to resist
To forgive everything
For my rampant tenderness
And condescending look
For my impetuous decisions,
For honesty, for games...
- And, listen! - Also love me
For I will die.

She came again in my dream

As the sun comes out at dawn
I have not been asleep
I have not been asleep
as the sun comes out at dawn
she came back to my dream
my sweet torture
My heart is bleeding
you do not look at me my little one
you do not look at me my little one
my heart is bleeding