Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 13

Număr de rezultate: 516



Versions: #2
Când am devenit atât de indiferent?
Când m-am pierdut?
Toate cuvintele care îmi părăsesc limba
Simt că au venit de la altcineva
Sunt paralizat
Unde-mi sunt sentimentele?
Nu mai simt lucruri
Știu că ar trebui
Sunt paralizat
Unde este adevăratul eu?
Sunt pierdut și asta mă omoară - pe dinăuntru
Sunt paralizat
Când am devenit atât de rece?
Când am devenit rușinat? (Ooh)
Unde este persoana pe care-o știu?
Probabil că a plecat
Probabil că a plecat
Cu toată credința mea
Sunt paralizat
Unde-mi sunt sentimentele?
Nu mai simt lucruri
Știu că ar trebui
Sunt paralizat
Unde este adevăratul eu?
Sunt pierdut și asta mă omoară - pe dinăuntru
Sunt paralizat
Sunt paralizat
Mi-e frică să trăiesc dar mi-e frică să mor
Iar dacă viața e durere, atunci eu am îngropat-o pe-a mea cu mult timp în urmă
Dar încă trăiește
Și mă acaparează - unde sunt?
Vreau să simt ceva, sunt gol pe dinăuntru
Dar nu simt nimic, mă întreb de ce
Și în cursa vieții trece timpul
Stau în spate și o privesc, cu mâinile în buzunare
Valurile se prăbușesc peste mine, dar eu doar le privesc
Pur și simplu le privesc
Sunt sub apă dar mă simt de parcă sunt deasupra ei
Sunt la fund dar nu știu care e problema
Sunt într-o cutie
Dar eu sunt cel care m-a încuiat înăuntru
Sufocându-mă, rămân fără oxigen
Sunt paralizat (Da, sunt așa de paralizat)
Unde-mi sunt sentimentele? (Da, sunt așa de paralizat)
Nu mai simt lucruri (Nu am sentimente)
Știu că ar trebui (Oh. Cum se face că nu mă mișc? De ce nu mă mișc? Ay yeah)
Sunt paralizat
Unde este adevăratul eu? (Unde este adevăratul eu?)
Sunt pierdut și asta mă omoară - pe dinăuntru (Sunt paralizat, sunt paralizat)
Sunt paralizat (Sunt paralizat)

They tried to separate us

They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
They tried to separate us
After few months
That destiny joined us
When we were born siamese
A body with two heads
Mine rules in the bottom
Me from the belly to the top
Me the legs
Me the arms
They tried to separate us
For doing ugly things to each other
I drank laxatives
And I had diarrhea
I was flirting with the women
But I was screwing them
You had an itchy ball
But you were scratching it for me
They tried to separate us
For hating us little by little
I was blowing your nose
And you made me eat the snots
Finally we took courage
We risked our lives
And we passed by the saw
At the butcher shop
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Sweat on cold nights
Dripping from the warmth of the bodies,
It feels as if it was just a dream,
Not an instance (I) experienced
How many words were said sweetly
And how much lips were trembling
Could we have seen paradise maybe?
Our successors wouldn't believe us
Many poetry lines were said
That many poets searched for
It wasn't our fault, neither you nor me
From the depth of our hearts (they) flew
(I) search for words to tell you how much I am feeling
Like poets, I too am wrong
There are very few magical words in life
I love you,
I adore you
It's me
The one who feels you the most, who feels you the most
With the blankness that surrounds me
You are my lights, that blinds me
You are, you are, you are, it's only you
I want your beauty
When you wake up in the morning
Your kisses give life to me
My body longs for your scent
I love you, I love you but it is not enough
It is not enough to me.
I love you,
I love you,
I love you but it is not enough
It is not enough...
Could we have seen paradise?
Our successors would not believe us
Translated by dudiloni

Because of All of You

Listen to the whisper
Of the innocents
Like the breeze
In the quiet hills
We are excited
When the time comes
Like now
We are together
Everyday our lives change
Very slowly
In this confused world
Because of all of you
Life is joyous
Because of all of you
Heart is fearless
Because of all of you
Song is here
And for all of you
We offer
Because of all of you
Life is joyous
Because of all of you
Heart is fearless
Because of all of you
Song is here
And for all of you
We offer

M-au înșelat păsările

M-au înșelat păsările
Privighetorile de primăvară
M-au înșelat și mi-au zis
Că nu voi muri niciodată.
Așa că mi-am făcut o casă
Mai înaltă decât celelalte
Cu șapte-opt etaje
Și șaizeci de ferestre
Mă așez aproape de fereastră
Ca să mă uit la câmpuri
Văd câmpurile verzi
Și munții albi
Văd și Moartea venind
Călare pe-al Său cal.


She brings her hand to her cheek without realizing it
Asks for another glass to help forget
And makes this all
A little less difficult to bear
She smiled at me without knowing me
I ask her if we'll see each other again
Someday, some other spot
If I remember this tomorrow
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
Lose myself in your arms till I died
If this is paradise
Then I no longer need any other place
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
Lose myself in your arms till I died
If this is paradise
Then I no longer need any other place
You pass through my mind
And I suddenly end up
Back at that spot of ours
That I can't let go of
I don't know if it's just me or if you don't want to know
I wonder if we'll see each other again
For nothing's impossible
When it's still possible to believe, hey
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
Lose myself in your arms till I died
If that was paradise
I don't want to go back to anywhere else
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
Lose myself in your arms till I died
If that was paradise
I don't want to go back to anywhere else, hey
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Uh uh uh
Don't leave me now
Not now
For I can hardly tell anymore
Where lies paradise without you
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
Lose myself in your arms till I died
If this is paradise, hmm
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
Lose myself in your arms till I died
If this is paradise
Then I no longer need any other place, hey
If this is paradise
Then I no longer need any other place, oh
If that was paradise
I don't want to go back to anywhere else

Come into Paradise

People search peace and harmony
They want to live without walls like they've never done before
Tin soldiers - more and more of them
Are marching lock-step for you and me
The whole world is lying there before you like a pile of broken glass
But even here you'll find happiness
Come into paradise with me
For it's not so far away from here, oh...
Come on, let's walk together
You'll see that this world is beautiful
People dream, longing blinds them
They're afraid of the darkness, just like a child
And friendship and love come to life
And even a little smile makes you happy
Pardise seemed as far away from here as a star
But happiness lies iside of you and me as well, oh...
Come into paradise with me
For it's not so far away from here, oh...
Come on, let's walk together
You'll see that this world is beautiful
Pardise seemed as far away from here as a star
But happiness lies iside of you and me as well, oh...
Come into paradise with me
For it's not so far away from here, oh...
Come on, let's walk together
You'll see that this world is beautiful
You'll see that this world
You'll see that this world
You'll see that this world is beautiful

I surrender

It's cold and it's getting dark
I want to see you
I've booked two seats
in (my) living room
For last I have arranged a walk in gold rain
come on I put love, you put the wine
And later , when you 'll open yourself yo me
I swear you're going to see diamonds in the bottom of the sea
Later , during the first hug
in a kiss fight , I'm going to surrender myself to you
I surrender , I leave myself to you, let's go wherever you're going to
I surrender so I can become what you love
While you're kissing me on my white sheets
I'm going to make wrong moves so you can beat me
I've brought summers, festive lights
I no longer hold knives, don't be afraid of me
Beat me or beat yourself , the shackles are the same
what I'm living with you is like a movie
And later , when you 'll open yourself yo me
I swear you're going to see diamonds in the bottom of the sea
Later , during the first hug
in a kiss fight , I'm going to surrender myself to you
I surrender , I leave myself to you, let's go wherever you're going to
I surrender so I can become what you love
While you're kissing me on my white sheets
I'm going to make wrong moves so you can beat me
I surrender , I leave myself to you, let's go wherever you're going to
I surrender so I can become what you love
While you're kissing me on my white sheets
I'm going to make wrong moves so you can beat me
While you're kissing me on my white sheets
I'm going to make wrong moves so you can beat me
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.


Soffits, screens.
Intrigues, scandals.
The world looks at you under a microscope.
Direct Ethers.
We are the victims of their games.
Who was with whom it was noticed and when.
Constantly smile.
Be yourself and not be afraid.
All the same behind the lens.
Everyone will see what they want.
Cover your face with your hands.
And the love of cameras.
No one is interested, honestly.
Everyone wants, everyone wants.
Scandals and sensations.
At gunpoint paparazzi.
Billboards, newspapers.
They give us advice.
Everyone knows for you how to live.
We believe their truth.
As if advertising.
Not trying to change something.
Constantly smile.
Be yourself and not be afraid.
All the same behind the lens.
Everyone will see what they want.
Cover your face with your hands.
And the love of cameras.
No one is interested, honestly.
Everyone wants, everyone wants.
Scandals and sensations.
At gunpoint paparazzi.
The whole world is like glass.
We see ourselves, as no one sees.
Realizing that he was against the rules.
It is not easy to walk, not at all easy.
Constantly smile.
Be yourself and not be afraid.
All the same behind the lens.
Everyone will see what they want.
Cover your face with your hands.
And the love of cameras.
No one is interested, honestly.
Everyone wants, everyone wants.
Scandals and sensations.
At gunpoint paparazzi.

Varvara Pavlovna

She's pretty, but for whom?
Who smiles at her?
Who writes to her about boredom?
Pretty, under her umbrella
on Nevsky prospekt.
Who will revive her?
The river Neva
flows away,
carrying her hope,
her little silk handkerchief.
Fear makes Varvara Pavlovna cry.
She just discovered pain,
at night when she prays for him not to die.
She pictures the men, the soldiers, the emperor.
There, one June evening
There, behind the Venetian blinds
I saw Varvara's groom
walk away.
Fear makes Varvara Pavlovna cry.
This bottomless depth
is her heart.
Varvara Pavlovna will not listen to her sisters anymore.
She loves silence and modesty.
Fear makes Varvara Pavlovna cry.
She just discovered pain,
at night when she prays for him not to die.
She pictures the men, the soldiers, the emperor.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

A Troubled Man

A troubled man,
A troubled man,
You get to know him by the way he walks,
You get to know him by the way he walks.
He walks slowly down the road,
He walks slowly down the road,
And keeps thinking of something,
And keeps thinking of something.
A man with many troubles,
A man with many troubles
Would proudly sing down his path,
Would proudly sing down his path:
'If I see you burning, world,
If I see you burning, world,
I wouldn't do a thing to put the fire out,
I might just add to the fire.
If I see your big flame burning,
If I see your big flame burning,
I wouldn't bother to get out of the house,
I wouldn't bother to get out at all.
I wouldn't bother to get out of the house
Unless I find my peace in you.'

All for me

So many workers working,
giving up their lives
without ever seeing the light.
So many children begging,
or that one who's selling
in some bus.
So many families who can't
make the ends meet and prepare
their emigration plan.
Thousands of workers who work
to an unbearable beat
......and it's all for me.
So much misery, so much
lack of life jumping
at my sight everywhere.
So many families begging
to God because they can't
pay the rent.
So much disgrace for the poor,
who when he gets the paycheck
he can't redeem
all the bills I placed,
because what he produces all for me.
Is all for me.
Is all for me.
All for me.
So much poverty suffered
by the people who think
the want to live better.
So many increases in the prices.
Life is a trapeze
for the worker.
So much wealth produced
that never in his life
his producer will see,
because it goes to my profit
and the law gives me the right use it for myself.
So much packed garbage
of safe sell
by the publicity.
So many ways of disturbing
at the expense of the crude
popular innocence.
The gods who listen to my prayer
send me the outcasts
of our society
for Manos a la Obra
make a work
........just for me.
Just for me.
Just for me.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I am sorry!

'Where were ya' ...What you been up to!??
Are questions that dries me ...
In the morning ya 'pour' them up to me , in vain ...
Into a glass with water
I reckon' the 'crime' and i don't regret it
If ya find out just so you know3 it it pains me
I'm not a criminal, you're not the penal code
So dope ...!!
I can get the maximum penalty, with probation
I told to ya ... i don't know
When i'll come, it's the wine to blame
Stop being a big mouth ...
Cause i smash ya and i deck you again
It was all just in your head
And i love ya so mush
In fact i am just feeling sickened/ drank
I'm sorry i don't know what i did last night
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
I'm sorry i don't know what i did last night
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
Idk how the life is ...
But i seem like i picked up the 'jack pot '
And i've ended to live in the house
With the ' Pink Panther'
Everyday you ask me ...
Where is my head , where the hell i've been!?
I've been right in hell'!
I've stood with the boys , for a bear, 'for 8 hours:))
And for 4 days at mountain with two underaged girls
I didn't stood at all
Nor' i won't ever stay
From lack of words i say never
You get angry and don't answear my call
'Open (i'm ya mother) , i am , i am wasted i am sorry !
I'm sorry i don't know what i did last night
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
I've smashed all your money and i don't regret it
Rest assured,...i'll give tem to you again, to get them from you
back again
I like it to be the one that pretends , that he does
Not presenting himself like for a opera', i have no reason!
And all them thughs are the4 same, we're a breed'
I can't and i don't stand i to stay chill, nor' even scared
When doe' i don't have, is like i go into a 'clinically dead'
Last night, you kicked me out
I've drank at half a litrem cause i didn't find at one litre
When i've reached the block, i've mistook the
staircase for the elevator
What ya say!? That you don't believe me!!? It's fine on me
The earth to go from under me , over you , fine !!!
You're the only one that i want .., although last night i been to another
It's not my fault , let me explain it to you ..
'I was walkin up the stairs ...when the power went out
Someone were stolen the light bulb , and i ended up
in the wrong flat'
'I am sorry , forgive me ..look i apologize
I swear that it won't happen again'....till the next time !
I'm sorry i don't know what i did last night
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
I'm sorry i don't know what i did last night
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me , that it isn't the last time
Come on yo!
am sorry idk what i did last night....
I said so many times :
'I swear .. it's the last time '!
I am sorry idk what i did last night....
You know it better than me.....

De exemplu

Există o mulțime de lucruri care ne deosebesc,
Nu zidurile sau aleile ne separă,
Există o mulțime de lucruri pentru care nu suntem de acord,
Nu mă plâng acum, ci doar îți cer scuze.
Există o mulțime de lucruri care ne înstrăinează,
Iar duminicile mele nu se sfârșesc, nici nu devin mai scurte.
De exemplu,
Încă mi-aș da viața pentru tine,
Ai apărare chiar și în fața gloanțelor,
Aș merge în fața ta dacă trebuie.
De exemplu,
Nicicând, nicicând nu te-aș părăsi,
Inima mea nu ia pauză
Cum ar face a ta,
De exemplu...
Există o mulțime de lucruri pe care nu le pot înțelege,
Dacă tu le înțelegi, atunci bravo!
Iar înainte vorbeai despre foc, acum vorbești despre cenușă.
Mi-ai spus în mod diferit multe lucruri,
Chiar dacă mă urăști, e în regulă, ție îți permit asta,
În final văd în mod diferit o mulțime de lucruri.
De exemplu,
Încă mi-aș da viața pentru tine,
Ai apărare chiar și în fața gloanțelor,
Aș merge în fața ta dacă trebuie.
De exemplu,
Nicicând, nicicând nu te-aș părăsi,
Inima mea nu ia pauză
Cum ar face a ta,
De exemplu...

The ten commandments of hobos - Don't disturb the dream of God

We always saw the church tower first
That's how we knew which town we approach.
Then we started to hammer on the top of the truck's cabin
Stop, brother, here it will be OK
Around the churches were standing the weak, the left-behind
Those who never dared to get started to anywhere
Neither the dream, nor the unknown attracted them
They staid and comported
One must appreciate them, for they are the Homeland.
The hobos of my age banged not on the gates of castles in the pouring rain
Asking for admission, accommodation, warm meal
As the bloodshed decreased they were looking for each other
And were waiting for the dream shivering with cold in the blood-red night.
Throughout centuries laws were issued against them
The last was called parasitism
If they caught you and you didn't have a house, work
Stocks, labour service, wounds, stomps, chains.
And then escaping to foreign soil.
Passport is a beautiful word, like love
For me the music was my traveling document
I couldn't afford any more, yet it was more than I deserved
But music knew no borders
And it found a way here above, between, below the wires.
I considered myself a vagabond
I started with open heart, ignorant brain
I had no destination, I was just going
Jack London gave me my name and my cross
Always keep yourself to the road.
I thought that this was going to be enough, that this way I'll be free
Nobody ever saw the Book of Hobos
Perhaps it was never ever written
Or even if it exists somewhere, it has no letters
Only pictures, maps, signs, drawings, sounds, fragrances
In order to be accessible to all vagabonds
We know no languages yet we understand each other.
The real hobos are homeless
The stupider ones are tourists
They just originate from somewhere, and at old-age they tell tales about that
How good is to return to somewhere
This is a lie
They only tell this, to make people love them at their old-age.
The grey-haired hobo - what a nice role
The late Prodigal Son returns as a veteran
His children watch his movements with distressed heart.
He should have apologize them, but instead he gifts stones and tells tales
Sometimes even signs a song with heartbreaking self-pity.
I got tired, I got old
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
Cheer up, I've returned
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
Steadfast servants take care of me
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
I didn't confess for long, I'm sick
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
And even that old, sick, lame, hunched
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
He appears to be mysterious in the eyes of the family
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
He left them several times
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
Then he asked for money immediately
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
The egoist bastard knows
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
That they will forgive him
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
But where's the prayer for the family left
Oh, where are thou, my Lord?
He didn't lie to himself
He loved his children
Less his women
But more than everything else he adored the road
And now approaching the end, he doesn't want to give in lonely
Alone is good to tramp, but not to die.

Recipe for Making the Colour Blue

If you wish to make the colour blue
take a piece of sky and put it in a pot
large enough to place on the flame of the horizon.
Stir into the blue a pinch of early morning red
until it dissolves. Pour everything
into a brass bowl that has been well washed
to eliminate all of the afternoon’s impurities.
Finally, sift in a few smidgens of gold from the sand
of midday until the colour adheres to the bottom of the bowl.
To prevent the colours from separating with time,
drop a charred peach pit into the liquid.
It will disintegrate, leaving no telltale
sign, not even – from the black ash – an ochre trace
on the golden surface. You may then raise the colour
to eye level and compare it with genuine blue.
The two colours will look so alike
that you cannot distinguish one from the other.
This was how I did it – I, Abraham ben Judah Ibn Haim,
illuminator from the town of Loulé. And I left the recipe
for whoever, one day, would imitate the sky.

A Love Song For Francisca

In a house in the barrio of San Pedro
Francisca shows her entire body,
she puts the money between her breasts,
drinks dark wine and some gin.
She dresses in green, she dresses in pink,
and she undresses very quietly.
The Mondays that Francisca doesn't work,
with a little basket of flowers and her little daughter,
they go running through the woods,
the roads and the fields.
She says that the kisses,
the sparrows and flowers
on Mondays have more perfume.
In a room at the end of the house
the men go by, the men go by.
No one offers her a job
because they are afraid they would be without her.
Cinammon skin, eyes of green grass,
long hair and breath of wheat.
The Mondays that Francisca doesn't work,
with a little basket of flowers and her little daughter,
they go running through the woods,
the roads and the fields.
She says that the kisses,
the sparrows and flowers
on Mondays have more perfume.

At The Bars

You thought that I wouldn't take it
that I would go crazy
you thought that away from you
I would destroy myself
But my patience is up
and I'll tell you one thing
I will go to the bars every night
I will drink, I will smash everything, I will curse you
every night at the bars with drinks
I will drink and be okay
You thought I was
and that no matter what tricks you'd pull
I would forgive you
But my patience is up
and I'll tell you one thing
I will go to the bars every night
I will drink, I will smash everything, I will curse you
every night at the bars with drinks
I will drink and be okay
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

In this world, I (only) love

In this world, I (only) love
One God and you (x2).
If you want to, you can go to a medium
And ask about me.
Exclusively for you, I
Hold on to a painful love.
I place my head on the pillow
But my mind is on the street.
To you, my root, that I love,
If I ever lie to you (x2),
I dare the earth I step on to,
To pull me in and drink my blood.
Exclusively for you, I
Hold on to a painful love.
I place my head on the pillow
But my mind is on the street.
Girl, wear a Christian cross
And worship only one God (x2).
Do not torment 40 poor souls,
Make up your mind and only love one (guy).
Exclusively for you, I
Hold on to a painful love.
I place my head on the pillow
But my mind is on the street.

The best for the both of us

Let's give ourselves a hug and with it a goodbye which we avoid time and time again
But in the end it has been in vain, now you see it
Everything in this life has its purpose
And one moment has our breakup, it's hard to deny this
But with time we will know it soon
Now is the moment to start again
no more lamentations no more crying
Life has to go on and our destiny can decide
Let's toast to an opportunity
To give ourselves the liberty to fly until we reach the happiness we
wanted to give each other
Now is the moment to start again
no more lamentations no more crying
Life has to go on and our destiny can decide
Let's toast to an opportunity
To give ourselves the liberty to fly until we reach the happiness we
wanted to give each other


Our sleepy voice
Gently spread around the room.
But whenever you wake up,
You laugh at my disheveled hair after sleep.
Breathing in the fresh morning air,
We lay side by side again.
We laugh at all sorts of nonsense...
We feel, as far as the road to each other...
Sometimes we hurt each other for stupid reasons...
During all these days lowly
We divided between so many different things.
And when I throw a casual look at you, close to me,
I think this is happiness.
I entrust myself
Calmer passage of time.
While we chat about all sorts of trivia,
You brew the coffee bitter.
Swim in the clear morning light,
We normally ate his breakfast.
We laugh at all sorts of nonsense ...
We feel, as far as the road to each other ...
Sometimes we hurt each other for stupid reasons ...
During all these days lowly
We divided between so many different things.
And when I throw a casual look at you, close to me,
I think this is happiness.

Aproape ca-n paradis

Versions: #2
Credeam că visurile aparţin altora,
Căci de fiecare dată când eram aproape,
Ele se năruiau iar.
Mă temeam că inima mi-ar bate în secret,
Înfruntam nopţi în singurătate,
Oh, de unde să ştiu
Că toata viaţa mea aş avea nevoie numai de tine?
Aproape ca-n paradis,
Bătem la poarta raiului,
Aproape ca-n paradis,
Cum am putea cere mai mult?
Jur că pot vedea eternitatea în ochii tăi,
Da, e paradisul.
Se pare că iubirea perfectă e atât de greu de găsit,
Aproape că renunţasem,
Cred că mi-ai citit gândurile
Şi toate visurile pe care le păstrasem pentru o zi mohorâtă
Se adeveresc în cele din urmă,
Ştii că le voi împărtăşi pe toate cu tine
Căci acum viitorul e-n mâinile noastre.
Aproape ca-n paradis,
Bătem la poarta raiului,
Aproape ca-n paradis,
Cum am putea cere mai mult?
Jur că pot vedea eternitatea în ochii tăi,
Da, e paradisul.
Şi-n braţele tale, mântuirea nu-i atât de departe,
Ne apropiem, ne apropiem în fiecare zi.
Aproape ca-n paradis,
Bătem la poarta raiului,
Aproape ca-n paradis,
Cum am putea cere mai mult?
Jur că pot vedea eternitatea în ochii tăi,
Da, e paradisul.
Da, e paradisul,

Three Officers

Yo, look...there's officer....
Yo, yo..!! Look , there's another one ..
I have 2 officers and a Logan .
Put that weed somewhere , preferably in ya Chest !
2007! Aha! I'm stayin' at the shadow of my 'plant' with
the spliff between my lips
Fascinated by the Starry Sky , 'phhhbb' Ah, Sorry !!
Since 'little' i had big problems with the booze
And i didn't suc* from the boo* 'cause it would've get me hard
At the door is the DEA, i'm hiding' the weed well ...
'Open up yo,....they're looking you '!
I run through the brushes , through kids ,
I'm 'runing' like hell , to not go again into 'handwriting'
It all gone upside down , it isn't normally
To not have the right of doin\ weed, yet to fuc* in ya as* it
is legal
Anti pot capmaign, on the TV....
Ya better teach them kids that Elton John doesn't
have puss* between legs !
I'm a champ, at 100spliffs 'contest'
Them 'hounds, behind me are starting to 'boil' up
I'm turning towards them with the weed in the bag
They stare, like fools , like Mutu to piturca
With the Breathalyzer in my mouth , with my pockets 'outside'
I am 'squezeed' by three officers fron the 7th grade
Chorus x2
I Put my hands behind my head , i draw out what i have
in my pockets
Only, don't bump me with the nightstick anymore!
I'm a consumer, ya understand me for sure
If not , sonehow you're a coc*sucke* , Mr. Policeman
This glass of water bro , it looks like being way too
watered down,
I'm afraid that i'm being pickpocketed , and it doesn't get
up to my head
Ya wanna see what i'm capable to do!?
Ya don't have time to waste, fill up my air doll with foams
while i'm fuckin her
My enemies , to 'earn' as much as my father does,
And to '|think' as much as the rich kids
Them cops don't burn the drugs, dear children,
I believe that they 'melt' them, to make you toys
Santa's bringing them hiden up his as*, but what's the problem!?
Wait under the Christmas tree when it zap, cause
ya gonna waste yourselves
Pay attention, cause in a hundred years from now i'll stay
At the wax museum , to smoke my eternity ,
The police appreciates me, yeah 'cause i'm fine boy and
i go wasted through the windshield , i'm not a shi*head
I do the Ballon Test, 'thriled' i'm giving my ensurance,
My 'personal charm' can increase my guilty !?
Chorus x2
I Put my hands behind my head , i draw out what i have
in my pockets
Only, don't bump me with the nightstick anymore!
I'm a consumer, ya understand me for sure
If not , sonehow you're a coc*sucke* , Mr. Policeman
'Mom'' wants to beat me! Don't hit me
'What you have there ?'
What i have there !?
'What you have there ?'
'What ya have here!?'
What i have there !?
'What you have there ?'
You crackhead, gotcha !!
'Mom'' wants to beat me! Don't hit me
'What you have there ?'
What i have there !?
'What you have there ?'
'What ya have here!?'
What i have there !?
'What you have there ?'
You crackhead, with these kind of things ya roll? What
you have there ? What's this?
What's here?
I'm not wastedm, i'm smoked, i'm not smoked, i'm awake,
i'm not awake , i'm smoked !....

Gran Paradiso

If you love something, let it go.
If it returns, it's yours.
If it does not return
It never belonged to you
Or it never made itself yours
Because what is the sky
If not something that makes itself present?
If in your chamber
A paradise you cannot find
There is no chance at all
One day there to enter
Tears do not trickle down
Bombs do not explode
Lives do not go away
People do not get hurt
Taste does not differ
There is no pain
The amen does not get objected
The however does not get rushed
The love does not get undone
The dead stars do not get declared
Because the firmament is cloudy
A heart does not get filled with ashes
Neither a feeling of wings is robed
The big dwelling place is the tidy house.
It is the poise for admiration
It's the address that needs peace.
Tears do not trickle down
Bombs do not explode
Lives do not go away
People do not get hurt
Taste does not differ
There is no pain
The amen does not get objected
The however does not get rushed
Bullets do not settle
Weapons do not click
Faces are not vain.
Brothers do not attack each other
Colours do not stand out
Bad people do not shake hands
Do not say goodbye to good
Do not say good-bye to what you have
The love does not get undone
The value is made
Tears do not trickle down
Bombs do not explode
Lives do not go away
People do not get hurt
Taste does not differ
There is no pain
The amen does not get objected
The however does not get rushed
The love does not get undone

Only for you

Only for you, I live for you
shouting I love you
I can go live, I can be happy
by your side, in your arms
I want to have fun, I want to be there
walking, barefoot
and I want to feel that endless love
dancing in the space
I take your intact body in a hug
and you recline on me
reaches the point of impact, exact
and then do it again
And so completely, just as I am
enter in your mind like no other
and so completely, if it´s necessary
so unprecedented I´ll give you my love
So completely
I hear the heart, I hear your voice
calling, sending
I want your love, I wants your warmth
burning my arms
I´m what I am, I´m going where I´m going
following your steps
just for you, I live for you
shouting I love you
I take your intact body in a hug
and you recline on me
reaches the point of impact, exact
and then do it again
And so completely, just as I am
enter in your mind like no other
and so completely, if it´s necessary
so unprecedented I´ll give you my love
So completely
And so completely, just as I am
enter in your mind like no other
and so completely, if it´s necessary
so unprecedented, unprecedented
I´ll give you my love
so completely

Nothing will stop me

Although the world turns upside down
And my legs are made of paper
I feel that everything can change
Today is today
Listen to the voice of your heart
Ignore hatred and resentment
And live life with love
Its my choice
Today I'm feeling bolder
Simpler, better, stronger
Nothing will stop me, oh no
Today I'm one step closer
My dreams around the corner
I take a look and there is no going back
I can feel the power of music
Yes, I feel it tickling my soul
My feet take me to the rhythm
To the rhythm of this song
I can feel the power of music
Yes, I feel it tickling my soul
My feet take me to the rhythm
To the rhythm of this song
Although I feel that nothing is the same
And my day won’t end anymore
There is always an opportunity
Today is today
To continue because I'm going
And I’m looking for the light of reason
Walking without hesitation until the end
Its my choice
Today I'm feeling bolder
Simpler, better, stronger
Nothing will stop me
Today I'm one step closer
My dreams around the corner
I take a look and there is no going back
I can feel the power of music
Yes, I feel it tickling my soul
My feet take me to the rhythm
To the rhythm of this song
I can feel the power of music
Yes, I feel it tickling my soul
My feet take me to the rhythm
To the rhythm of this song


I dream about you and I want you in my mind
I feel your eyes burning
Only the sky will know
That I will love you . . . always
You assume a risk, you're a star
Your life isn't a secret
Overnight, you're the subject of a scandal
Everyone wants to know what you're up to,
What you are wearing,
And the sellers
Of the sensational appear . . .
Fantasies . . . lucrative fantasies . . .
Paparazzi at the pit with money,
And you act genteel there with them,
Paparazzi, you
Are pitbulls with us,
You pose as angels
But you're bad . . .
I have a boyfriend . . . he's okay!
But tomorrow, it seems that he's gay
Or that he's with someone else
And everyone knows about them!
If I went to the doctor
They tell me I'm worshipped
And I appear on the front page, at the top.
Fantasies . . . lucrative fantasies . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Flag-waving Parade (Spain)

In my right hand there's amor! 
In my left hand there´s a carnation!
Today, it's an abundant cosecha parade!
Towards the enchanting world, Bienvenida! 
Take your hands, spin, and that's the Earth.
Without forgetting a siesta, I'm in top form.
Roja and amarillo makes the Rojigualda 
Let's all give our thanks for the Sun.
'In Spain, there are many crops other than tomatoes you know.'
'But after all...I think that tomatoes are the best!'
Today, it's an abundant cosecha parade!
Sound your instruments, it's time to march!
If everyone at 'one-two' makes the ensemble,
The one and only song will be complete.
With the flamenco guitar, it's me, Spain!
Look carefully how cool your Boss is!'
The city of art, Barcelona
Madrid is full of vivacity
Andalucía with its blue sky and white towns, its olives are the best in the world!
La pasión no se detiene
La pasión no se detiene
La pasión no se detiene, It's one for all...
La pasión no se detiene, ...and all for one!
La pasión no se detiene, The loud cheers keep growing passionate!
La pasión no se detiene
'Do it even if you don't think you can....
And even if you're alone, get up again...
Because that's what true love is.'
Today I parade again between lots of harvest,
The melody is universal, from all the world!
The 5 continents and the 7 seas,
At this energetic ritmo, they traverse each other grandly!
Tomorrow will continue Fiesta de San Fermín
'It's a party where men put their passion into play!'
Roja and amarillo from the Rojigualda.
I'll keep smiling tomorrow too,
'If you're ever felling down, call me!'
'I'll use my special charm on you!'


Kiss ya hands ..1
I'm from the 'Company BiBaBumBumBamBriBumBiBum SA'
S.. how !??...
S- ya mother
'PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum'
Messy ....
PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum
Ya want a drink !? i won't give ya !!
What the fuc* ... just like that, cause i'm not in the mood
But what, 'i'm a boss at the 'Red Cross'2 or i patronate the UNICEF!?3
Hold up the door , cause there's no light and i'm slipping...i'm not
really standin' up right
'If i am to pis* , i want to pis* till the washbasin right away
Isn'it that 'i'm beautiful!? i'm the perfect man! '
Them puss*es are passing me by , it seems to me rightly right
I accept sponsorships, 'put for me 1000$ into the poor box '
Cause it'll help on the future at the development of the
I pis* on the U.E , to be read as European Union
Cause i didn't received from them alcohol, or something for free
The American's have come , they've constated that i'm cool
I'm travelling with the tram since than , see ..the destiny of Teo
Hello , The police!?
I still wait a clever answear ...
Why only on my financial penalties is written the 'right price'!?
I'm drinkin' and drivin' spectaculary..I'm 'floating' with 4 wheels
in air
How i proceed 'move that crosswalk', if i'm smashin'
a sucke*!?
I beat them full of airs beggars, same like the state beats
up the protestants
I discover that they don't have shi* ...Fuc* them , pretenders
I'm pretending an intensive 'interest for the nation'
Close up the doors, cause i don't throw, i elaborate a motion
Open the bar , fill up my cup, to lift up my morale
'Cause is down , same like the Romanian Leu4 in it's fight with the $
Prepare ya suitcase, ...i insist , that i treat, don't be surprised !
On purpouse...i'm goin to hell , and i'm takin' all of ya with me, for free!
I'm pawnin' the 'woman' and the key from the basement
Take them bro, and give me on them 2 beers and a Pall
Mall Menthol
And now , pour more , my look to get right again
Be polite ...'Missy...Can ya dance something for us at the pool!?
The wind to blow me off, if i'm lying to you, i to extinguish if
i'm understanding how ....
Some are pussie* more pussie* than the pussie* like Justin
Ya keep dancing, balancing yourself', and pitty on ya as*
Cause them boys have their eyes on ya, to make of you the
'Miss Prisson'
The bartender i'm holding him 'hostage' till the middle of the night
You know it ...that i'm sleepin more often among the water
holes than refugees
Come on , a lady's coming ...pour another 100ml in the cup
I, to go in fumes , in one foot like Prigoana ...
PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum
PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum
  • 1. Aaaaanddd My 500 th translation is here To celebrate it i decided to do this 'pamphlet song ' From one of my fav rap bands from Romania Parazitii
  • 2. 'Red Cross' info on what represents in theory..
  • 3. 'UNICEF' Romanian Bank
  • 4. the Romanian Leu/Leul Romanesc it is the name for the Monetary Unit of the Romania


I woke up once again from the same nightmare,
And switch on the first light that I found near me.
I took a good look around the bed
But all my things were in their right place.
I was all sweaty and felt, once more, that fear
That completely dominates my thoughts.
Let's say that I had been drinking a lot
I feel that I have finally lost all control!
Once again, I'm having hallucinations that you're here
And you come to kiss me, just to hurt me
And, when you leave, you take away all that I love
And after I have killed you
Even I end up dying
I heard, once again, (someone's) steps during the night
And from somewhere in the silence, I heard my name.
But (only) an ashtray filled with squashed cigarettes,
A book and a clock were there by my side...
I was all sweaty and felt, once more, that fear
That completely dominates my thoughts.
Let's say that I had been drinking a lot
I feel that I have finally lost all control!
Once again, I'm having hallucinations that you're here
And you come to kiss me, just to hurt me
And, when you leave, you take away all that I love
And after I have killed you
Even I end up dying


Let's try to accept and understand,
that wounds can't be healed,
for how much more time they will remain here?,
we don't want them anymore.
We can yearn the day in which
there won't be conflicts anymore,
soldiers who are wounded,
remember the warm
they lack from their mothers today.
In the despair of this endless world,
we trace our own map,
drying up tears,
we'll continue, together through this path.
Come one, get up now,
and take a look around,
the awakening of the sleeping lions,
so tomorrow we will live.
Let's try to take inside us
a fragment of love, of love
despite we feel hatred,
it won't lead anywhere
it's something we don't want anymore.
In this moment, a way I'll must follow
to a paradise we will have to look,
so far as it is,
we'll continue together through this path.
Don't look back,
just keep moving forwards
until your body wither as you walk,
so the future we will live.
Remeber the warm,
you lack from your mothers today.
In the despair of this endless world,
we trace our own map,
drying up tears,
we'll continue, together through this path.
Don't look back,
just keep moving forwards
until your body wither as you walk,
so the future we will live.
Just learning.

All them Peeps Smokes !

Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
Light up the pot , and pay attention , the speakers are pulsing
I don't need much, if i have what it matters !!
We buy it, we borrow it , we combine it , 'cause it's the base
To be honest , till the 'filter' everybody smokes
I hear the voice of ration in my head , honestly, i don't really care
I hear : Drink up and don't pay up , fuc* some and leave
In 2000 i was smokin' already , from my first harvest
The foolishness of the world , was flowing, untaxed' , from mouth
to mouth
Ratted in by a female officer i was, she knew about my pot
'When i've shown her my di** , she started to blow in it
Ya crazy, take away from my face this excited scaffold
'Ya can go ahead, investigating my dic* , ya lady , i smoke it all (the pot)
The tabacco is a lethat, legalised drug, being sell legally
'The pot , destroyed us', look we're alive
To enjoy the life , it remains a infraction
That's why we're smilling again and again, at our own jokes
Don't ya pass out , now in the middle of the story
I'm the same 'monster' , in the past i've drawned your 'fishes'
I still refuse to hand over myself,... in this adventure
I still blaze some, i still dream , i still don't give a fuc*!!
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
We blaze pot, on the beach, at night , at skiing
We smoke it , and 'swim' at the hights of 2000
Is an extreme sport, that's keepin us ALIVE
We roll pot , ever since kids we were
We smoke pot on the block, with the antidote at base
We roll it when the life , seems like a horror movie
In a fuc*** world , that's 'Sleeping while awake '
No one doesn't reckon' it , all are rollinn it !!
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
I don't go frequently , on the radio frequency's
Ya light up too many , ...don't ya panic, cause i'll burn them
We burn the 'trees' , give us peace, i'm some kind of a Hagi
Ya go on , give me some pot , and ya gonna see me how i levitate
like the wise men
The lights off, light'ed up , makin them spliff
Closed windows , nothing is wasted , ya bunny
We inhale it all , more and more also the regime
Ya go away from my way , while i'm running off with the ATM
You, roll the pot , i'm waiting for my beard to grow
Let me to waste time , 'cause that's how i'm 'doing' better my job
Floating on the north side, each one on his 'cloud'
The volume is maxed out , the bass is big as the Casa Poporului
The music's on the disc, we go without a risk
While many have gone bad, acting like some tough nigg**
The police shows up slow , same like pizza , pitty of them
I'm so 'grateful to them ' , they can suc* my dic* now , lol !
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
Who's got the herb' , light it up
Pass it further
Don't let it run off
Peeps are wasted
No one is reckon' it
All the peeps , ... are rollin' some !!
Them speakers to go 'Boom' , while we go in fumes!!
Them speakers to go 'Boom' , while we go in style!!
Them speakers to go 'Boom' , while we go in style!!
Them speakers to go 'Boom' , while we go in style!!