Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 71


Parodie Hello

Eu semnal nu am
N-ar fi trebuit sa trec pe AT^T
Eu nu pot
Nici macar sa postez pe tweet
Intreaga mea lume se prabuseste!!!
Eu simt ca mor!!!
Poti tu sa ma auzi!?
'Adele calmeaza-te foloseste fixul
Esti o asa mare plangacioasa !!'
Nah, eu am oprit fixul
Saptamana trecuta
Eu un atac de panica am !!!
'Incearca afara, inceteaza cu plansu '!
Tot acest cantec este
O uriaza
Problema in a trai intr-o tara de prima clasa
Alo, ohh Doamne, nuuu, de ce!!??
Eu tot zero semnal afara am !!!
Sunt asa de terminata , viara me se
Prabuseste in fata ochilor mei
Stai, eu stiu, eu am sa intru
Inapoi inauntru ,
Si la wifi am sa-l conectez
Ohh, nuuu, usa-i incuiata, eu afara!!
Nu pot drac^ crede asta, de ceee!!?
Te rog la usa tu vino
Si da-mi drumul inapoi inauntru
Sunt '50 de grade' si eu
N-am decat 'uriasu asta balton'
Asa de frig imi e!!!:)))
Slava Domnului!!!
Iata un telefon fix cu plata
In mijlocul padurilor
'Are sens total, si e perfect normal'!!
Haide !!!
Nu pot crede ca eu's incuiata in afara casei
Iar tu nu-mi raspunzi
O ora a trecut ,
De la ultima mea postare,
Ai mei fani moarta ma pot crede !!
Ajuta-ma, eu nu ma pot conecta
De eu nu spun 'Salutare' , eu
Voi pierde urmaritorii
Ei de mine vor uita
Stai, asteapta, eu am
O liniuta, acum eu pot postaaaa!!!!
'Salutare, eu's inca in viata,
Eu semnal prost am, afara blocata '
Ea nu poate in a ei casa sa intre ,
Si-al ei semnal e slab,
Oh Doamne, saracuta Adele , viata ei e
'in paragina', asta-i asa de trist!!
E cea mai urata zi a vietii mele,
Iar acum nenorocitu meu de telefon tocmai a crapat
Totul prost a mers, a mea
Lume se prabuseste ,
As putea la fel de bine , renunta si
Sa-mi infig cutitu asta in inima
La revedere, lume !!!
Outro(Gagiu ei)
Ce (pu*A mea) faci!?
Stii ca usa asta se impinge, doar (ca s-o deschizi)?
Apropo, am mancat eu ultima felie de pizza
Melodie (replica 'Adele')
Acum eu voi flamanzi si voi muri!!
Outro (Din nou gagiu)
Stai asa, asta e !!
Esti mult prea dramatica
Noi am terminat-o !!!

Parodie Anaconda!

Meloda asta-i despre curur*
Fetele astea toate au fund mare
Clipu asta-i in mare parte doar o adunatura de 'funduri mari'!!!!!
Ma frec in sus si jos de acest intr-o jungla Bamboniana
Fundu meu ii asa de mare, e precum doua gigantice baloane
Iar eu mereu mi-l expun , fiindca-i cel mai bun atributiv al meu dar ii tunat prin operatie, da e facut din plastic !!
Nu e real, real, realllllll
Costa multi bani si factura operatiei creste rapid
Am modificari la nas, buze, plus implanturi de sani si
dinti falsi de nivel cu Domnul Ed
Ada-mi un morcov!
Misc din fund cu un sarpe , 95% din mine ii fake/plastic
Dand din fund asa de tare, cutremur masiv
Acum rappai asa de repede, cred ca limba ii pe cale sa
mi se 'rupa'
Mai tarziu in clip pentru Drake am sa dansez
In principiu eu's o striparita care stie de asemenea sa reppaie
Dar versurile mele sunt chiar rele, ele's complet si pe deplin cretine
Eu's proastah tah tah proasta proasta proasta proasta proasta!!!
O masa ce se invarte cu un fruct
O boxa roz si o ceasta
Clipu asta inseamna lucruri ce n-au sens
Si curur*!!!
Tu ai copiat 'Babby Got Back'
Eu's nervos
In gunoi ai transformat-o
Da-mi ceva si mie
Din toti banii aia !!
Ha-HA tarf^, te rog
'Vorbeste' cu fundu' meu !!!
Dintr-un anume motiv in njungla un gym exista
Unde eu ridic aceste mici greutati, ca sa-mi antrenez muschii mei cei falsi
Eu ma antrenez destul de tare , insa nu exista transpiratie pe formele mele
Fiindca eu mi-am amortit toate glandele de transpiratie cu injectile astea de botox
Apoi eu cu mizeria-mi dau de podea, repaind despre sex
Comportandu-ma ca o curv*, irosind talentul ce-l am
Scriind versuri ce-ti vor face creierul sa-ti putrezeasca
Eu's o proasta cac**a!!
Scena in bucatarie
Turnand crema
Storsind intreg recipientu' pe ai mei sani
Comportamentu meu super vulgar, imbracamintea cu adevarat micuta
Aproximativ in 7 ani am sa arat ca Lil Kim
Repaind drac* asa de repede, ca s-ascund faptul ca eu's inapta
Asa plasticata, cand o sa mor la reciclare arunca-ma
Drake intr-un scaun sta, acum eu pentru el am sa dansez
Eu's proastah tah tah proasta proasta proasta proasta proasta!!!
Eu nu vreau dans in poala
Cur* tau ii mult prea mare !!
'Ai sa mananci cur* asta!!
Nu pot!! nUU, pot sa respir!! Opreste-te!!!
Grrrffmm urvvmmem meh furrhhh
Ce zici Drake!?
Incerc sa te avertizez
Nicki in spatele tau un sarpe e !!
Ohh Doamne !!
Sarpele ala!!!
Asa-i tarf*,
E nemancat
Si iubeste suculenta carnita de curulet!!
Anaconda, Infuleca putoare* aia plastificata!!!
Anaconda mea a halit 'bucile' lu' Nicki iar acum melodia asa
proasta-i terminata!!!


Put your middle fingers up!
Everyone be quiet because it's Parow who's rapping now
if you backchat again, i will leave you with a fat lip
Bloubek bloubek
Yo I am still right here
Still fresh
still no contest
You are still complaining
I am still making hits ( records)
I'm still top of the charts and you're still shit
People pay my bar tab like people online
the only friends you have is on the fucking internet
I eat fucking hipsters and shit out fixie bites
still, when i cook, fry and eat the mic
What? Jack Parow, he's still not gone?
This is king kong children and the road's still long
and the full truck with the pink bicycle on the rear
in the back pissing in bottles and selling you craft beer
Your mom says stay away from those guys with the hanging pants
I am coming to your church fete and support in the pancakes
Everyone be quiet because it's Parow who's rapping now
if you backchat again, i will leave you with a black/ fat lip
Hold up, stop, the hottest is back
parow is back to kill cats, write an article
Sit back like this
get up, drop down to the floor,
the monster eats beats, raps, galore
YO it's old school, my room is decorated with He-man
Throw a house party with streamers against the wall
Dont speak to the champion,
Leave spots on your panty because I am rapping so fancy
Everyone just wait
to see what I will drop
SO much bass
YOu would think it is a make up shop
The monster is here
The ghost of the dark hole
It's Ingrid Fucking Jonker
Let the land walk into the sea
Everyone be quiet because it's Parow who's rapping now
and if you backchat again, I will hit you with the Bloubek

She Prepared

She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She's out to forget the sorrows and suffering
The boyfriend made her cry, he killed her feelings
His committed words that went with the wind
Now he says I'm sorry to her, I'm sorry
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Go ahead champagne and turn on candle lights, that's my baby
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Give it to me champagne and turn on my candle lights, that's my baby
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
That fool got lost to that cute little mama.
I saw her in the club, I imagine her naked
She has two friends who look like a movie
Wherever they arrived they made others look ridiculous
A beautiful body
I assure you that since there are not two
He failed her and she revealed herself
With her friends rumba came out, she was seen
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Go ahead champagne and turn on candle lights, that's my baby
Today she does what she wants
She rides on her ship, to burn the road
She puts on good music to dance
Give it to me champagne and turn on my candle lights, that's my baby
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
She got prepared, she got cute, her friend called
She's out of the rumba, nothing matters
Because her boyfriend cheated on her
Like nothing
Baby, Ozuna
Chris Jeday
Odisea, the album
Gaby Music
Hi Music Hi Flow
Hi Music Hi Flow
Dimelo Vi

I've let my mind just go blank (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
I've let my mind just go blank
Yet I could come up with smething minutes ago
I need to tell you something
Something you know
Words that I owe you
That I should say
I've let my mind just go blank
So that I can't build a castle made out of lies
That always slip through quickly
Or better yet
The words now got lost
They weren't mine.
Try me
Try to belong
Put your heart together, feel up to feeling and then
Try me
Try to belong in here a little harder.
I've let my mind just go blank
And I wish all that I got could be enough for you, too
So try to understand me
Just feel me out
But first come closer, and listen hard.
Your beauty‿is like a weapon
So beautiful that makes it hard to keep up with you
No longer will I use words
Don't say I should
'Cause all this talking - is nothing but moot.
Try me
Try to belong, you're on Freccia Radio, don't fake the funk and then
Try me
Try to belong in here a little harder.
I've let my mind just go blank
Or maybe it's my mind that is making me blank
I'd be supposed to tell you
Something you know
Words that I owe you
That I should say
I've let my mind just go blank
I wish I were content with just all that I have got
But I don't speak in riddles
Just feel me out
But first come closer,
and listen hard.
Try me
Try to belong
Put your heart together, feel up to feeling and then
Try me
Try to belong in here a little harder
Try me
Try to belong, you're on Freccia Radio, don't fake the funk and then
Try me
Try to belong in here a little harder.

The word Febo

Can I know now who you are?
With who I share the honor to be in two?
I'm Gringoire, the poet, the good air in this city
The good air in this city
I don't seek for women
But you, if you want, if you wish for
You will be my muse and inspirer, want you?
You who live of poetry, you who read and write,
You know
What the name Febo is?
What a muggy name he has...
Who has it? Who is him?
He's the man I love and I will.
It's latin, said among us, Febo is the sun
And now you know it
Febo is the sun for me