Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 69


I want to take you away

You're younger than me
but you have eyes bigger than mine
And I wanna tell you that
everything will be ok
I know that you want to leave here
From this void that kills
From this slice of reality
where no one smiles
I wanna take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
I want to take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
You are lonely like me
wake up in the darkness of yours
I could lie to you
and tell you that it's all going to be alright
The city is so big
that sometimes divides us
It's a heart broken in half
That a times doesn't coincide
I wanna take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
I want to take you away, away from you
But I don't know where I'm going, don't you know
I want to take you away, away with me
But I don't know wherever I could be goin'
You're younger than me
but you have eyes bigger than mine

Behavior Change

Here i am, alone with the time
The time you asked me
That's pride of the past
A gift to you
A delicate memory
White snow that i've never felt
Loneiless, make me strong
Maybe it solves my problems
I woluld die for you
At war or in peace
I would die for you
Without knowing how i'm able
Here i am, alone with the time
The time you asked me
That's pride of the past
A gift to you
A delicate memory
White snow that i've never felt
Loneiless, make me strong
Maybe it solves my problems
I woluld die for you
At war or in peace
I would die for you
Without knowing how i'm able
Changes in my behaviour
Crasy distance from myself
Willingness to feel teh past
A gift to you
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you
Without knowing how i'm able

Take Me with You

Take me with you
through your sorrows
and your reasons why,
through the pages
of a book
that I will not read.
And you know
that my love
will follow you
wherever you go.
your lip
do not cry for me.
Let it be that
slept ascending
by itself.
I already feel
that you are here—
you are here with me
in my heart.
I already feel
that you are here—
you are here with me
in my heart.

Take Me with You

I dress afterwards if you leave
and I know you will leave.
But I don't know how to find the words—
it's you, really you, you will go away.
Take me with you
and I will be the shadow of love.
You alone, take me with you
and I will echo your breath.
And if you too,
you will love me,
time will have
other days.
Oh, fly me to the moon
and let me play among the stars.
Let me feel what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars.
In other words,
please be true.
In other words,
I love you.
Take me with you,
I will be the light that you will see.
Yes, yes, take me with you
between the words that you will say.
And if you too,
you will want me,
time will have
a love.

Important e trandafirul

Tu care fugi împotriva vântului
cu fața unui trecător,
într-un oraș imens,
unde pleci?
Tu care plângi o veche dragoste
pierdută de-acum pe altă lună,
tu care cauți norocul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Tu care ai multe de făcut
pentru a-ți câștiga cu greu existența
intr-o lume prea zgârcită,
unde te duci?
Când îți fixezi ochii obosiți
pe vitrinele pline de aur
și te omori cu munca,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Tu, copilă care mă privești
cu acel zâmbet trist,
gândește-te că mâine e sărbătoare
în oraș.
Și dacă iubirea ta pierdută
a dispărut,
nu o căuta prin mulțime,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Și dacă, prietene, crezi
că destinul îți este împotrivă,
nu, nu blestema lumea
Căci știi
Când te aștepți mai puțin,
la un semn al sorții
se vor deschide mii de uși
și de aceea
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,
Important e trandafirul,

Deportation / History of the Elder

I remember once upon a spring I walked along an aul.
I was cheerful and young, I lived life to the fullest.
Those who is not cheerful in the prime of life, is begging for another life from God, friends!
Suddently, I saw a feeble elder walking towards me,
He was trailing barely, hunched over at all.
And the elder's eyes were being fulfilled with such love,
While he was glancing at my mountains...
I invited him to my home and treated him with food I could share,
He was tired after the road and I suggested to him: 'Take a rest!'
'It turns out that mountain spirit has not yet died in Chechnya' - he said and told me the following story.
'Once upon a time I was also young and youthful,
But the trouble fell on us and Chechnya.
And a soldier, who wore star, pulled me,
yong and fulfilled with power,
into a wagon.
With shout 'Betrayers!' he shot my sick mother
lying exhausted right here.
And what we had to endure on the road,
entered into our memory evermore.
Famine and typhoid have taken so many of our lives,
So many children have passed away without knowing the pleasure of life.
Until nowdays I often hear their moans
But I can't clarify it is in reality or in a dream.
And in the cold steppes we survived all the same,
And I know, only immence love for those mountains
And the highlanders' dedication to the native lands helped us.
Only immence love for those mountains
And the highlanders' dedication to the native lands helped us'.
Having told all this to me, he set off journey again
And added: 'Don't forget everything I said'.
And now I'm leaving, cause I can't sit here,
I want to die at the foot of those mountains.
And now I'm leaving, cause I can't sit here,
I want to die at the foot of those mountains'.

The door

Oh, love
I don't seek for disappointments
I want more of what we have
No pudency or any contradictions
No disguise or trivial things
Why is it so dark in here?
Turn on a light, whatever it is
And I'll find the door
to let myself out
I want the sunlight to bathe us
I want the life to breathe
And I want you, oh how I want you
That's something I can't deny
But everything will come to an end
And there are so many memories in us
Don't hurt me, don't hurt me
I'll find the door
Oh, love
I got stuck in my fatigue from trying too hard
And after many deceptions
There's barely anything left in me
And why is it so cold in here all of a sudden?
Look for a fear in me, and I
I will burn it
Just so I can smile
Irreparable damage, dancing memories
Among the half-open cuts in the remains of my loving
Just don't leave me here alone, I'm afraid to drown
Between your lines and not being able to stop, stop, stop

Ești importantă

Noi cu ceva timp în urmă făcusem un pact de dragoste
și acum ce este că nu merge
mă simt aproape împovărat brusc, sunt un om inutil,
nu am curajul să renunț la tine
sentimentul ce-l am pentru tine este puternic.
Tu cu ceva timp în urmă simțeai focul în inimă
ardeai pentru mine,
spune-mi că apa care stinge focul, indiferența este simptomul cel mai logic,
pentru tine am devenit o obișnuință
pentru mine ești un pic mai mult de la viață.
Ești importantă știi,
ești iadul ideal care știe să facă un înger să trăiască
sunt un om care, abia te privește devine un prost
îmi spun singur că totul va fi bine cu tine.
Ești importantă știi,
ești fraza pe care am scris-o noaptea pe pereții clipelor
cu cerneala care va rămâne neștearsă toată viața
aceasta am făcut-o ca sa nu te mai șterg niciodată.
vreau să te strâng
tu știi să te prefaci
eu uit.
Noi cu ceva timp în urmă ne-am dat din inimă
jumătatea noastră
cum așa că-ți bate puțin seara asta
încercând cu un sărut nu e ușor
e nevoie ca și tu să crezi
că nu s-a sfârșit niciodată în înlăuntrul tău.
Ești importantă , știi
ești iadul ideal care știe să facă un înger să trăiască
sunt un om care abia ce te vede devine un prost
îmi spun singur că totul va fi bine cu tine.
Ești importantă știi,
ești fraza pe care am scris-o noaptea pe pereții clipelor
cu cerneala care va rămâne neștearsă toată viața
aceasta am făcut-o ca sa nu te mai șterg niciodată.
vreau să te strâng
tu știi să te prefaci,
eu uit.
vreau să te strâng
tu știi să te prefaci
eu uit.

The Lucky Charm Song

I love you
and you are my only good luck charm.
Since I have known you, everything is fine.
The lucky charm song—
sing it along with me.
It has no words,
just four notes,
lucky charm,
and you won't forget it—
never, ever, never.
I love you
and you are my only good luck charm.
Since I have known you, everything is fine.
The lucky charm song—
sing it along with me.
It has no words,
just four notes,
lucky charm,
and you won't forget it—
never, ever, never.

An old man carried the boy

An old man carried the child,
yet the child ruled the old man.
Him whom the virgin had borne
- after which she remained for ever a virgin -
she herself worshipped.
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

Nothing Else Matters

I'll fill up all my days with you
Perish to your deathly charm
Get addicted, have a love overdose
Taste you, feel your taste
Uncover your immoral body
And stir up every sensuality in you
Nothing else matters, without you I've got nothing
I feel the urgency of having you and entering your history
Nothing else matters, beside you, I don't want anything
I feel the urgency of having you and entering your history, becoming your future
Your future...
Declare you my territory
Conquer all that is forbidden
Tease all your senses, ruthlessly
Nothing else matters, without you I've got nothing
I feel the urgency of having you and entering your history
Nothing else matters, beside you, I don't want anything
I feel the urgency of having you and entering your history, becoming your future
Nothing else matters, without you I've got nothing
I feel the urgency of having you and entering your history
Nothing else matters, beside you, I don't want anything
I feel the urgency of having you and entering your history, becoming your future
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I carried you in my heart

I've too often discouraged the love you wanted to make
and I often denied you the life you seemed to like.
Yet all the while I kept thinking of it, even when our happy moments withered.
I carried you in my heart1
I carried you in my heart
You must have called me in vain when your soul hurt,
always putting off until tomorrow making me your wife2 :
loving words, small gestures, sweet nothings, I was too late for them all.
I carried you in my heart
I carried you in my heart
Allow me to believe you'll still manage to love me
Give me one more chance to win back your body
I carried you in my heart
I carried you in my heart
  • 1. there is an idiomatic expression 'ne pas porter qqun dans son coeur' that means '(strongly) dislike someone'. Though it's meant literally, the line also implies 'I loved you'
  • 2. thanks to JLY for that line. The French is clearly a translation from English and pretty hard to get

Du-mă departe

Du-mă departe de ostilitatea/vrăjmășia zilelor care vor veni
De reflecțiile trecutului, pentru că se vor întoarce
De suspinul lung pentru va trăda panica care provoacă ipohondria,
Du-ma departe de convingerea de-a nu fi suficient de puternic
Când cad împotriva unui monstru mai mare decât mine,
Știind că uneori e suficient să trăiești viața așa cum este,
Așa cum este, imprevizibilă.
Du-mă departe de momente,
De acești ani intruși,
De fiecare colț al timpului în care nu mai găsesc energie,
Dragostea mea,
Du-mă departe!
Du-mă departe,
Când frica se întoarce și nu mă pot răzgândi,
De regretele greșelilor pe care continui să le fac,
În timp ce mă lupt cu dinții strânși, ascunzând amărăciunea într-o minciună
Du-mă departe,
Dacă e un zid prea înalt pentru mine să văd ziua de mâine
Și mă găsești acolo, în fața lui, cu mâinile în cap,
Dacă în multe privințe mă întreb unde este cel potrivit,
Mă întreb unde este,
E imprevizibil
Du-mă departe de momente,
De tot golul pe care il simt,
În cazul în care nimic nu mă poate răni vreodată, oriunde ai fi,
Dragostea mea,
Du-mă departe!
Tu poti intelege
Această tăcere care definește limita
Dintre îndoielile mele și realitate
De aici până în veșnicie,
Tu nu renunța!
Du-mă departe de momente,
De acești ani violenți,
De fiecare colț al timpului
În care nu mai găsesc energie,
Dragostea mea,
Du-mă departe!
Share music and kindness! :)

Cec la portamor

Din educație, ți-aș da un sfat,
Pe care cel mai probabil încă nu îl știi.
Demonul știe multe de bătrân ce e,
Nu pentru că e regele tuturor răutăților noastre.
Te vei ciocni puternic cu realitatea,
Dacă tu crezi că un euro e mai bun decât un detaliu,
Pentru că o fereastră care dă lumină din curte,
Poate străluci mai puternic decât una ce dă în stradă.
Și acum, du-te în căutarea acelui portofel
Care să-ți susțină tratamentele de frumusețe, cât o să mai ai,
Pentru că știi că asta nu durează o veșnicie, prietena mea.
Așa că du-te în căutarea fiecărui delir de măreție,
Iar dacă viața te aranjează și coama calului tău câștigător se încâlcește,
Amintește-ți că tu ai refuzat să fii floarea vieții mele,
Pentru a fi doar o petală în cea a acelui tip.
Ce rău îmi faci, fetiță nesupravegheată,
Cu falsul tău cec la portamor* învins...
Deși, gândindu-mă bine:
Care ar fi viitorul nostru?
Tu, care preferi un peso decât un sărut,
Iar eu, care nu am nici măcar o gardă dură pe lângă mine...
Tu, care mănânci numai frunze,
Iar eu, numai carne roșie...
Eu trăiesc într-un basm chinezesc,
Iar tu într-un film de Almodovar.
Tu, care te prezimți ca fiind ateistă,
În timp ce eu trăiesc din mareea
Pe cafe o zeitate a pus-o în gâtul meu.
Și acum, du-te în căutarea acelui portofel
Care să-ți susțină tratamentele de frumusețe, cât o să mai ai,
Pentru că știi că asta nu durează o veșnicie, prietena mea.
Așa că du-te în căutarea fiecărui delir de măreție,
Iar dacă viața te aranjează și coama calului tău câștigător se încâlcește,
Amintește-ți că tu ai refuzat să fii floarea vieții mele,
Pentru a fi doar o petală în cea a acelui tip.
Ce rău îmi faci, fetiță nesupravegheată,
Cu falsul tău cec la portamor învins...
Sper doar ca asta să nu semnaleze acul de siguranță,
Dar când nu-ți va mai rămâne tavan neatins,
Te vei simți goală, și precum un vas cu apă rece va fi
Când vei privi în urmă...

An ending written on the door

Yesterday, in my neighborhood, everyone was talking about George
Who wrote ''the end'' on his door and then hung himself.
There were, as they say, a thousand reasons that pushed him.
He didn't talk to anyone, but he shared this with everyone.
He owed money to banks for his children to study,
He hadn't paid taxes, his utilies were shut off.
He lost his job after 25 years,
His house and land in the village were foreclosed.
Yesterday, in our neighborhood fears approached once more.
It smelled of blood but the crows crouched.
Now you care neighbor? And it affects you?
You found yourself only steps away from death.
Go on, pass by, if you have the guts, motherfucker,
Υοur prosperity turned into an illegal concentration of riches tonight.
I wanna hear from you now, since you know everything,
But you hadn't guessed this though.
George caught you off guard, c*nts.
Go make up elegies now.
Share big excuses,
Cover this hunting with words again.
George loved this neighborhood,
Now he has left his wife and children here.
He didn't burden any one of you with his problems.
But he wrote you an ending, so you can look at it from far away.

Take Me With You

Va-da-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Take me with you
I'll be love's shadow
Take me with you
I'll be the echo of your [every] breath
And also if you'll
Love me
Time will have
Other days
Take me with you
I'll be the light you'll see
Take me with you
In the words you'll say
And also if you'll
Want me
Time will have
And also if you'll
Love me
Time will have
Other days
And also if you'll
Want me
Time will have
Ba-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Va-da-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Va-da-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va

What's It To Them?

Versions: #3
People point me out.
They point their fingers at me.
They whisper behind my back.
But I don't give a damn.
What does it matter to me
if I'm different than they are?
I don't belong to anybody.
They're not my owner.
I know they criticize me.
I'm sure they hate me.
Their envy rots them from inside out.
My life offends them.
Why is that?
It's not my fault.
My ways insult them.
My destiny is for me to decide.
And, that I'll choose for myself.
Who cares what I do?
Who cares what I say?
This is the way I am, and I'll keep being this way
I'm never gonna change.
Who cares what I do?
Who cares what I say?
This is the way I am, and I'll keep being this way
I'm never gonna change.
Maybe it's my fault
for not being like the rest.
But, it's too late
to change now.
I stand firm on my convictions.
I'm reinforcing my position.
My destiny is for me to decide,
and that I'll choose for myself
Who cares what I do?
Who cares what I say?
This is the way I am, and I'll keep on being this way.
I'm never gonna change.
Who cares what I do?
Who cares what I say?
This is the way I am, and I'll keep on being this way.
I'm never gonna change.

Baby Portable Rock

Despite the spring, you won't date me?
Baby, you don't feel good?
I'll go immediately to your house to meet you
Baby, won't you go out?
Phoning and taking a little advantage
I wanted to know if this love was true
Driving wildly to somewhere
Baby, won't go immediately?
The clothes I like the most are of sweet pastel
Don't you think this love is true?
Baby baby baby immediately
Baby baby baby come to meet me
A premonition of a happy love
I noticed since this morning without knowing why
Bring your favourite record
Baby come to meet me
If the portable player starts spinning
Do you also believe this love is true?
Baby baby baby immediately
Baby baby baby come to meet me
A premonition of a happy love
Did you noticed since this morning too?
Don't you think this love is true?
Baby baby baby immediately
Baby baby baby come to meet me
A premonition of a happy love
I noticed since this morning without knowing why
I think this year's spring will surely have something happy
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Don't close the door on me

Don't close the door on me
open up, so I may enter
and don't leave me outside
Just like the raindrops
are wetting my body
so is my bitter tear
dripping in my soul
Don't close the door on me
forgive my mistake
and don't excoriate me
Don't close the door on me
the pain I gave you
don't give me back
Much as I went astray,
I came back to you,
because you are the
biggest love of mine
Don't close the door on me
forgive my mistake
and don't excoriate me

The door is love

I've had doors closed in my face all my life
And then suddenly you appear
I'm looking for the place where the world stops
Is it the effect of this party or is it the fondue?
But it's you
But it's you who stop the world
Who stop the world, I've never felt something like this
This is greater
The door is love
The door is love
The door is love, it's you, it's you, it's you
The door is love
It's very weird... What?
We like the same... sandwiches
I've never met someone like me
Fingers crossed, again
The synchronized minds
Can only be explained by
You and I, we are only one
Say goodbye
Say goodbye to your sad past
We won't feel this pain anymore
The door is love
The door is love
Life has splendour, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you
The door is love

Take me away

Versions: #2
Take me away from the hostilities of the future days
From the reflections of the past because they'll come back
From the long breaths that hide the panic caused by hypochondria
Take me away from the belief of not being strong enough
When I fall against a monster bigger than me
Aware that sometimes all you have to do is to take life as it is
As it is, unpredictable
Take me away from the moments
From this invasive years
From every piece of time in which I can't find energies
My love,
Take me away
Take me away
When the fear comes back and I don't know how to respond
From the regrets of the mistakes that I keep doing
While I fight gritting my teeth, hiding bitterness inside a lie
Take me away
If there's a wall way too high for me to see my tomorrow
And you find me at its foot with my head in my hands
If between a lot of ways out I ask myself which one is the right one
Which is the right one
It's unpredictable
Take me away from the moments
From the void that you feel
Where anything could ever hurt me again, everywhere it is
My love,
Take me away
You can understand
This silence that defines the limit
Between my doubts and the reality
From here to eternity
Don't give up
Take me away from the moments
From this violent years
From every piece of time
In which I can't find energies
My love,
Take me away


She wakes up
She looks at me, and she expects of me
To say something important.
Nothing is relevant
As long as...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
Hey... don't you get annoyed
When everything seems to be repeating itself
And you don't have nothing left to learn?
I will destroy everything they build
From the second...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
And they told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
I was educated by the book
To at least say something important.

Take me away from you

I tried to understand you
Without going to the bottom
I tried to meet you
Without even doing it
On your face scars
I imagined them as mine are yours
But deep down they belonged to another
I tried to amaze you with a big
I wanted to hurry up until that
I'm not mistaken
I still have bruises on my lips
Of all I've tried
Of the love I lost
Perhaps the sign remains
Take me away from you
All that I wanted
It was not lost
If I really heard it
It left intact
The courage to try
Until you return
And in the meantime I keep it
Your every yawn
All I have been looking for
It turned off inside you
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
I avoided stopping you
In your long journey
I understood I do not give space
To a passing man
Which leaves no more wounds
My owns are also deep
Like yours but in the meantime
Look for another cut
Take me away from you
All that I wanted
It was not lost
If I really heard it
It left intact
The courage to try
Until you return
And in the meantime I keep it
Your every yawn
All I have been looking for
It turned off inside you
Like a broken gear
That does not mark the time
I pretended to wait for you
But we know it deep down
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
Take me away from you
All I have been looking for
It turned off inside you
Like a broken gear
That does not mark the time
I pretended to wait for you
But we know it deep down
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
If you only ask for love
Love, I do not return
I do not return.

Love of Conflict (Everything That Matters)

I have more than I wanted to make [1], more than I had gotten
Deducting the value added [2] is no longer looked upon so badly
I hope that until the next time we take sides
there will be more solutions than eagerness to fight [3]
Have a plan
Then don't pay attention to anybody else
Float on the edge [4]
Everything that matters is up in the air
Even though they [5] have more fear of gaining weight [6] than good intentions
There is no pain, they never hit as hard and it's not so destructive
Have a plan
Then don't pay attention to anybody else
Float on the edge
Everything that matters is up in the air
They arrive late
Everything that matters is up in the air (guitar solo begins)
Have a plan / then don't pay attention to anybody else
Float on the edge
Everything that matters is up in the air
They arrive late
Everything that matters is up in the air

I don´t care

My girlfriend yesterday only out of spite
she goes walk with Armando
but don´t think that I´m teased
well, I´m going to dance with anoher girl
And I don´t care
I don´t mind about her life
I´m strong and she´ll know that
and she´ll never see me suffer
I told her so many times
that I don´t care for anything
if she cries or has fun
or thinks I don´t know what
Tango, tango of love
that wounds the heart
of those who love
tango of my pain
About thirty times I called her
about thirty times she has hung me
they told me they saw her with Armando
down the street, the other night at three o clock
And I don´t care, hahaha
I don´t mind about her life, hahaha
I´m strong and she´ll know that
and she´ll never see me suffer
But if I find somewhere
that greased one
I´m going to leave him hanging
above the lantern
Tango, tango of love
that wounds the heart
of those who love
tango of my pain
Three months ago, we didn´t talk to each other,
three months ago, I´m suffering
they told me that she marries Armando
I expected that this was the end
And I don´t care
I don´t mind about her life
Armando will already know
he will understand
that she still loves me
Why, why she gets married
why, why did she do that
it has been out of spite
she wants to kill me
Tango, tango of love
tango, of my pain

Take me with you

If one day
all of your dreams came true
Don't you think you'd still miss something?
I can't live of just dreams
I will follow you
Don't leave me this way
What's the point on
throwing away
our love?
Thousand stars up there
like headlights turned on in the blue
that's us!!
Take me with you,
don't wait no more
Let's find out together
about all the challanges
that every day life throws at us
Me and you
what strength will shine!
Between land and sea
love will win!
I wish my dreams
would all come true
but without love
how can I believe in this?
The union that will eliminate
the evil with the good
winks to us too
a destiny that you will not change
Take me with you,
Don't delay no more
We will live together
the happiness that every day
life will bring to us
You will sing forever
this song
love will win
Love will win, will win!
What's the point on
throwing away
our love?
Thousand stars up there
like headlights turned on in the blue
that's us!!
Take me with you,
don't wait no more
Let's find out together
about all the challanges
that every day life throws at us
Me and you
what strength will shine!
Between land and sea
love will win!
The happiness every day
will bring us
Me and you
you'll sing forever
this song
love will win

Cerul are o singură intrare

Auzi, ce mai faci?
S-a potolit vântul acela frumos este,
Crede că există primăvară în mine de o jumătate de oră.
Cerul are o singură intrare.
Te-ai oprit din a face rău,
Ai gândurile fragile.
Ai început să faci pace cu tine însuți
Și încă mai trăiești în umbră.
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Nu pot/ Nu sunt în stare să te iubesc așa cum vrei tu.
Îți scriu de aici
Căci acesta este încă pământul tău
Si cum să te fac să respiri ce respir eu?
O navă albă în fiecare oră.
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Nu meriti partea mea cea mai rea, tu nu.
Și nu e pentru a te grăbi,
Și nu este pentru distanță,
Am trăit și trăiesc fără tine.
Îți scriu ca să simți,
Îți scriu fără timp,
Nu am putut primi
Ceea ce simt pentru tine este puternic,
Ceea ce simt pentru tine este întotdeauna că tu...
Mă iubești... îmi spui,
Nu sunt în măsură să te iubesc.
Va trece mult timp
Vei fi deja la mare.
Ia-ți timp și nu te simți vinovată, căci
Voința va decide încă.
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Cerul are o singură intrare,
Te iubesc, îmi spui,
Cerul are o singură intrare, deschide-o, deschide-o!

Bridge Of The Golden Gates

From the top of the bridge of the golden gates
Do you see the answer now in all of it's fairy tale-like glory
A solution so simple, but one step from freedom
Infinite reasons to use the solution
Follow me my dear friend
I am omega dressed in my skin-costume
Follow my voice into the unexplainable but obvious
To the place were neither you
Nor mankind ever happened

Take me out to dance

Take me out to dance
Take me out to dance
One of those ancient dances
No one can do anymore
Let your hair down, let them fly
Let them go fast around us
Let me look at you
Let me look at you
You're so beautiful I can't talk anymore
In front of those eyes of yours
So sweet and so strict
Even time stopped to wait
Tell me about yourself
About what you used to do
Whether this one was
The life you wanted
(Tell me) About the way you used to dress
The way you used to comb your hair
(Tell me) Whether I already had a place
At the bottom of your thoughts
Come on, mommy, come on
This night, let's leave them here,
Your worries and those talks about your wrinkles and your age
Come on, mommy, come on
This night, let's flee away
It's so long we haven't been together
It's certainly not your fault
But I always feel you next to me
Even when I'm not there
I still bring you behind me
Even now that I'm a man
And I'd like, I'd like to know you're happier
Yes, I'd like, I'd like to tell you many more things
But you know, mommy, you know
This life makes me shiver
The ones that have to pay
Are always thoughts
Bye, mommy, bye
I'm leaving tomorrow
But if you're feeling too alone
Then I'll bring you away
And I'd like, I'd like to know you're happier
Yes, I'd like, I'd like to tell you many more things
Take me out to dance
Take me out to dance
One of those ancient dances
No one can do
No one can do anymore
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


I know you've lost yourself in the darkness that you carry on the inside
You search for yourself, you don't find yourself, you don't know how anymore
The hard part is wanting to, sometimes I feel like you distance yourself
I'll try to help you even though you're your own prisoner
Don't be scared, I'll sit by your side in this cave
My shoulder will be able to endure what your soul can't alone
I don't need to understand you, you don't have to blame yourself,
Now you've got to be strong, just let me help you
Don't run away even though you might feel like there's nothing...
This void won't be filled until you have the will
I know that none of this is fair and it makes no sense
You think you've got nothing left? Yeah, it has to be with you
I get it, I understand that oh so sincere silence and there's no rush
I'll wait for you even though I'm longing for your smile
It's a wound so deep that you have to hide it
And you try your best so that nobody else will notice
If I could I'd bring you close to the stars, every night
So that you'd talk with them and you'd get past this rough patch
If you're broken, I'll try to fix you, I'm not gonna tire out
Even though time may pass so slow, try to relax
One day you lose, another day you win, life give and it takes
Even though days might repeat, they come to an end like fame,
So love yourself before laying down in bed
Life is a drama, scream or cry if you need to
And tell me now, do you think there's no reason to keep going here?
Smile, 'cause there so much more to live
Don't forget you've got that someone who wants you next to them
It was you who taught me that I don't have to give up.

Lucky Gaiola

But now you don't cry anymore
I bring you under the Moon
You don't laugh anymore
Lucky Gaiola
Under the Moon
Lucky Gaiola
[Strofa 1]
I won't do it anymore
I swear to you never (I swear) never anymore
Now what else do you want?
You never change, it's always you
'That never it happen'
Now don't cry, baby don't cry
That melancholy
I swear to you that it's not my fault
But now you don't cry anymore
I bring you under the Moon
You don't laugh anymore
Lucky Gaiola
Under the Moon
Lucky Gaiola
I bring you under the Moon
I bring you under the Moon
Lucky Gaiola
[Strofa 2]
The voice of a mermaid
When I was with you
My heart was beating
Now tell me why
You don't want me anymore
I swear to you never (I swear) never anymore
That melancholy
One hundred tears for a lie
But now you don't cry anymore
I bring you under the Moon
You don't laugh anymore
Lucky Gaiola
Under the Moon
Lucky Gaiola
I bring you under the Moon
I bring you under the Moon
Lucky Gaiola
[Strofa 3]
You always tell me that I never bring you anywhere
Don't worry baby, I told you that you are in an artist's hands
Don't speak about that anymore
Let's smoke in the face of the Moon
With these blue eyes
You are the lucky charm
That you are blonde or brown
I bring you under the Moon
Let's smoke in face of the Moon
Under the Moon

Lucky Gaiola

Now you don't cry anynore
I'll take you under the moon
You don't laugh anymore
Lucky Gaiola
Under the moon
Lucky Gaiola
I won't do that again
I swear
Never again, I swear
You never cry, you are always the same
No, never
Now don't cry
Baby, don't cry
Don't be sad
I swear I didn't do it