Rezultatele căutării pagină 15
Număr de rezultate: 635
Play, fiddler, play
I met you
In this cafe
You were magnificently playing
Your violin
Still listening
To your melody,
I knew that
You were sending your song to me
Ah, play for me, play
The rhapsody of words
Let the quiet song
Fly into the distance
I'm asking you
I want to hear again
The silvery tone
And a few words
Play, fiddler, play
All night
Give me your heart
And lots of sensations
Let the fiddle sob
They're playing a charming tango
For such a play
I'll give my life
Let the fiddle sob
They're playing a charming tango
For such a play
I'll give my life
I know you hear me when I cry
I try to hold it in the night
While you're sleepin' next to me
But it's your arms that I need this time (This time)
Look at the cards that we've been dealt
If you were anybody else
Probably wouldn't last a day
Every tear's a rain parade from hell (From hell)
Baby, you do it so well
You been so understanding, you been so good
And I'm puttin' you through more than one ever should
And I'm hating myself 'cause you don't want to
Admit that it hurts you
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
Over him, mmh
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
'Stead of ghostin' him
We'll get through this, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage
But I love you, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage, yeah
Though I wish he were here instead
Don't want that living in your head
He just comes to visit me
When I'm dreaming every now and then (And then)
And after all that we been through (And after all that we been through)
There's so much to look forward to
What was done and what was said
Leave it all here in this bed with you (With you)
Baby, you do it so well
You been so understanding, you been so good
And I'm puttin' you through more than one ever should
And I'm hating myself 'cause you don't want to
Admit that it hurts you, baby
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
Over him, mmh
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
'Stead of ghostin' him
We'll get through this, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage
But I love you, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage, yeah
Ohedo Julia-Night
Yo! Hatsune-Ya!
One, Two, One Two Three Yo!
Hey Mr., break it down now
Gather around y’all, the bubble world
Do the shopping spree, no buts, guys
For limited time, party time
With the konchiki beat, the Ōedo 1690’s
Gonna party tonight, go! to the dancefloor
Time is Genroku, the bubbly world
Gonna spend the money like water
Feeling high of upturn,
raving in shiba-no-ura disco (kappore kappore)
Partying all-night, ah, forgive us for partying with style
Ohedo Julianight, the legendary dance site
Queen of the night, the instinct goes bloom (choinasasa), scattered by sunrise (hey! chiruchirurum)
Ohedo Julianight (DJ)
T99 rocking the floor (Anastasia)
Dance like in your dreams (come on)
put the misery behind the sweat
Leaving the VIP with all the ladies
Towards the podium with all the desires
Glossy and beautiful clothes
I am hyper disco queen like a diamond (kappore kappore)
A bit extreme but hey police, let us go with style
(you are under arrest!)
Ohedo Julianight, lamplight shines through the era
Sparkling and shining beauty (choinasasa), fades away in the dark (tamaya!)
Ohedo Julianight (DJ)
TR-909 on the drums (not 808)
Gonna shake the fans of feathers (oh yeah),
getting help from heavenly wind
'GO ! GO ! GO ! GO !'
'Here we go!'
Special show in the witching hour
Basho Matsuo on the guest
Walking the narrow road to the deep
First class haiku poet
It’s just a gossip he is ninja
5-7-5 one haiku right now!
Bodycon girls on the summer lawn, all in the dream
Ohedo Julianight, the legendary dance site
Queen of the night,
the instinct goes bloom, scattered by sunrise
(hey welcome! )
Ohedo Julianight (DJ)
T99 rocking the floor (Anastasia)
Dance like in your dreams
put the misery behind the sweat
'Our apologies'
Madame! Gaston!
I listen with pleasure
Madame! Gaston!
Just do it
Not me, never, I guarantee it
I can't stand this miserable life
The great adventure is waiting for me
In an enchanting region
I can't even say how much I desire it
I would venture immediately
If I had a partner
The one meant for me is not the right one
Acolo unde râul coboară în vale
Sărutând orașele
Printre plopii verzi de pe blândele coline
ce-ți dau senzația de pace
Mi-aș dori să te țin de mână
Și să mă plimb încet, încet
Să visez alături de iubirea noastră.
Vino cu mine în Oltrepo
Când se-ntoarce luna aprilie
Iar eu atunci o să-ți demonstrez
Ce înseamnă paradisul
Pășunile și colinele din Oltrepo
Nu le poți uita
Ne vom întoarece, o știu deja
Ca să ne culegem iubirea.
Oltrepo, vino cu mine în Oltrepo
Și vom gusta vinul care are savoare
Oltrepo, vino cu mine în Oltrepo
Te voi duce în mijlocul oamenilor adevărați.
Fermierul care leagă vița de vie
Nu se gândește la oraș
Are rădăcinile înfipte în acest pământ
Și nu le smulge niciodată.
Iubirea mea cu tine aș vrea să o închin
Muncii sale și dragostei noastre
O dragoste sinceră cum e Oltrepo.
Când se-ntoarce luna aprilie
Ce înseamnă paradisul
Pășunile și colinele din Oltrepo
Nu le poți uita
Ne vom întoarece, o știu deja
Ca să ne culegem iubirea.
Oltrepo, vino cu mine în Oltrepo
Și vom gusta vinul care are savoare
Oltrepo, vino cu mine în Oltrepo
Jos, în vie, vreau să te sărut
Oltrepo, vino cu mine în Oltrepo
Un ținut sincer, ținutul Oltrepo.
Să reîncepem
Și lasă-mă să urlu,
lasă-mă să mă descarc!
Eu fără dragoste nu pot sta.
Eu nu pot rămâne
să stau pe margine,
fără niciun rol.
Nu sunt în stare
să stau să privesc
acești ochi de tăciune,
și apoi să nu simt
un fior lăuntric
și să n-alerg să te-ntâlnesc, strigând:
Te iubesc,
să reîncepem!
Știu unde-ți petreci nopțile, (aș ști)
e dreptul tău, (aș putea)
mă uit și tac mâlc, (să te iubesc)
dar mă gândesc la tot, (aș ști)
mă trezesc distrus.
Însă eu încerc, (aș putea)
te urmez, te vindec. (să te iubesc)
Nu renunț, ți-o jur,
pentru că am dreptate,
pentru că eu...
Te iubesc,
să reîncepem!
(Cât de dulce ești în astă seară,
îmi vine dorința)
Să reîncepem!
(Știu că mă iubești cu-adevărat,
îmi pari a fi sincer)
Să reîncepem!
Ce vrei să fac?
Am să fiu o stâncă,
vai de cel care te-atinge!
Știu că iubești stelele,
te arunci în ochiul
primului ciclon.
Nu pierzi prilejul
care ți se oferă
ca să arăți ce poți.
Dar fă-mi plăcerea,
vreau să te ajut.
Hai, lasă-mă să încerc.
Încă te iubesc (aș ști, aș putea)
Să reîncepem! (să te iubesc)
(Aș ști, aș putea)
Să reîncepem! (să te iubesc)
(Știu că mă iubești cu-adevărat,
îmi pari a fi sincer)
Să reîncepem!
(Aș ști, aș putea)
Să reîncepem! (să te iubesc)...
I Gave Up In Your Absence
Lose this anger,
That you're hiding in.
Leave the trouble,
That you didn't get from me.
Be patient, the end isn't the same!
I'm saying.
Listen, everyday your dreams,
Won't be the same!
Now, you'll turn back when you give up,
Don't go! You'll love more when you lose
I know, that doesn't make sense:
In your absence, in your absence, in your absence...
What time is it? What left to you? What's left to your existence?
Your absence is too hard and believe me it was too heavy.
My love smells like hell in your absence
If it is meaningless to run away, my tears will be afraid of heaven
A crying window behind your silence
While wiping tears, can't say a word
Every night, it will rain for you to come back
If you don't come back, lightning will hit your neighborhood.
Be patient, the end isn't the same!
I'm saying.
Listen, everyday your dreams,
Won't be the same!
Now, you'll turn back when you give up,
Don't go! You'll love more when you lose
I know, that doesn't make sense:
In your absence, in your absence, in your absence...
When you come back, if you find me gave up
Don't leave me, feelings are forbidden without you
If that smell of the past ends when it loses
Kişiliğim onaylamıyor, bu aşk yasası sona eriyor
Don't go, my dreams be the same every night
Don't be silent, I got full of muteness when you went
When you go, I stay alone in this house
Come back, I'll comb your hair too
In your absence, in your absence, in your absence...
Te doresc
Te doresc
să te iubesc mult, mult,
să te sărut noapte și zi.
Te doresc.
Iubire, ești tu
ce dai viață vieții mele,
ce dai lumină acestei inimi.
Te doresc.
De ce nu vrei
ca să-ți vorbesc de dragoste?
De ce nu vrei să te îmbrățișez așa?
Te doresc
să te iubesc mult, mult,
să te sărut noapte și zi.
Te doresc.
De ce nu vrei ca să-ți vorbesc de dragoste?
De ce nu vrei să te îmbrățișez așa?
Te doresc
să te iubesc mult, mult,
să te sărut noapte și zi.
Te doresc,
te doresc.
Versions: #2
I will leave you never,
You won’t see me going,
I will be with you forever,
Even though my pain is growing.
I’m listening discreetly,
Not present in your story,
The wind will tell me fleetly
Everything that makes you sorry.
Doesn’t matter at all
If it sets me on fire.
Doesn’t matter because
You are the only one I admire.
Doesn’t matter for when
You look for me far-out:
I am always beside you.
You’ll find me forever inside your heart.
I'll be there forever
As long as my eyes glisten
I will be with you forever,
When there’s no one else to listen.
Doesn’t matter at all
If it sets me on fire.
Doesn’t matter because
You are the only one I admire.
Doesn’t matter for when
You look for me far-out:
I am always beside you
You’ll find me forever inside your heart...
The door
Oh, love
I don't seek for disappointments
I want more of what we have
No pudency or any contradictions
No disguise or trivial things
Why is it so dark in here?
Turn on a light, whatever it is
And I'll find the door
to let myself out
I want the sunlight to bathe us
I want the life to breathe
And I want you, oh how I want you
That's something I can't deny
But everything will come to an end
And there are so many memories in us
Don't hurt me, don't hurt me
I'll find the door
Oh, love
I got stuck in my fatigue from trying too hard
And after many deceptions
There's barely anything left in me
And why is it so cold in here all of a sudden?
Look for a fear in me, and I
I will burn it
Just so I can smile
Irreparable damage, dancing memories
Among the half-open cuts in the remains of my loving
Just don't leave me here alone, I'm afraid to drown
Between your lines and not being able to stop, stop, stop
Square Sun
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is the time I want to see
You going back home with all you planted
Get up to see the square sun
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is time for the people to see
You going back home with all you planted
Get up to see the square Sun
One of the laws of Physics say
That whatever you throw up
Falls down on your roof
The world turns
And now even the cattle is confused
One of the laws of Physics say
That whatever you throw up
Falls down on your roof
The world turns
And now even the cattle is confused
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is the time I want to see
You going back home with all you planted
Get up to see the square sun
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is time and I want to see
You taking home all you planted
Get up to see the square sun
Get up to see the square sun
Get up to see the square sun
Cizme și papaha*
Îmi pari a fi fata unei căpetenii cazace,
cu acele cizme și acea neagră papaha.
Ay ay ay,
ay ay ay ay ay,
ay ay ay ay.
Toți cei ce te privesc rămân uimiți
și orice băiat se simte un calmuc.**
Ay ay ay,
ay ay ay ay ay,
ay ay ay ay.
Toți oamenii se-ntorc (se-ntorc)
când te văd trecând (trecând).
Nu mai simt că e frig (e frig)
și stau nemișcați să te privească.
Ești înaltă, ești blondă, ești chiar o bucățică,
cu acele cizme și acea neagră papaha.
Ay ay ay,
ay ay ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay.
Ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay ay
ay ay
Ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay ay
ay ay
Ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay ay
ay ay ay ay
For You Ecuadorian Lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
I want to sing to you and have you
To get into the details soon
I want to sing to you and have you
To get into the details soon
But I don't like to see you wandering the streets
But I don't like to see you wandering the streets
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
A lady so beautiful
You are my idolatry
A lady so beautiful
You are my idolatry
When you look at me darling
Come to me, mountain lady of mine
When you look at me darling
Come to me, mountain lady of mine
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
You're a radiant flower
The most beautiful of the garden
You're a radiant flower
The most beautiful of the garden
Mountain, mountain lady of mine
My song is for you
Mountain, mountain lady of mine
My song is for you
Inside and countryside, for your marvellous three (rin-kin-kin)
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
For you my lady of the mountain, for you
For you Ecuadorian lady
I'll Caress Your Hair
If I only knew you wanted me
I'd do all I can to love you
I have so much love to give you
When I pass by and I see her leaning on the window
I just wish to touch her hair
I can't even sleep anymore
If I go to bed, I dream about her
Lai, laiá
Because I'd do all that only to love you
I'll caress your hair when we go to bed
I'll make you coffee when you get up
I'll spoon-feed you
Satisfy your thirst
I'll set up my hammock
And I'll swing you on it
Unanimous sick people
And what would be if,
On a cursed day
We all would get sick
At the same time?
Doctors, and patients,
Parents, and children?
What would be, what would be
If, suddenly
We all would get sick,
If we didn't have
Who on who to treat,
Bandages and brackets?
What if,
Following the legitimate right
To get ourselves sick,
We really wake up
That we all get sick
And we have no one to help,
We have no one to call?
What if,
On a cursed day,
We would get sick
All of us
At the same time?
Crossing parallel lines
My orange dreams
don't need courage
to account
their guts
in front of me
they'd even give some courage
to my khaki dreams
that make foolish things
imagining wars,
slaughter and mud
and make me
struggle in my bed
Hey... Ay-ay-ay-a!
Our orange people
don't need courage
to account
their guts
in front of him
they'd even give some courage
to the khaki people
that make foolish things
imagining wars,
slauther and mud
and make
only 'bang-bang-bang' in the world
Hey... Ay-ay-ay-a!
My orange dreams
our orange people
My khaki dreams
Our khwki people
Our orange poeple
my orange dreams
our orange people
are highly brave people
Emma, a romantic story
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
The heart goes over any boundary,
it won't make any distinctions,
a look, a gesture will be enough,
a spark will light the fire.
Against every rule or reason,
of that nobility,
Emma and William will fight,
for freedom.
Love won't end,
won't end.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
The First Date
Ah! How sweet and disturbing it must be—
that moment on the first date,
when the heart, tired of beating alone,
flies away in a thrill towards the mystery.
You, stranger of a crazed dream,
bring about for us
the happiness of loving for an entire life
at that moment of the first date.
When Old Man Time
on a beautiful spring day
made from a simple child
almost a woman.
In the blue dream
of a happy future,
closing her eyes,
she sighs in the depths of her soul.
Ah! How sweet and disturbing it must be—
that moment on the first date,
when the heart, tired of beating alone,
flies away in a thrill towards the mystery.
You, stranger of a crazed dream,
bring about for us
the happiness of loving for an entire life
at that moment of the first date.
Imn de libertate
--- 1 ---
Te recunosc după cât ai luptat
când sabie nemiloasă ai ridicat,
Te cunosc după fețele celor ce trudesc
ce cu pământul forțele-și măsoară neîncetat.
--- 2 ---
Din oasele grecilor ce s-au sacrificat
În spirit tânăr la o nouă viață ai reînviat
Și din valorile străvechi te-ai adăpat
Ca să strigăm ...
... Trăiască Libertatea ce ne-am câștigat.
---3 ---
Din valorile străvechi te-ai adăpat
Ca să strigăm ...
... Trăiască Libertatea ce ne-am câștigat.
Dear Stano
Dear Stano, pure Stano,
When did you grow, dear, when did you grow?
When did you grow, dear, when did you grow,
A grown woman you've become!
A grown woman you've become!
A grown woman, dear, ready for marriage.
With your cherry eyes,
Whoever you see, dear, you burn him.
Whoever you see, you burn him.
You saw me, dear, and you burnt me, too.
You saw me, dear, and you burnt me, too.
You burnt me, dear, burnt me so bad.
Stojne le, Stojne
Stojne le, Stojne, beautiful Stojne,
I'm exausted, Stojne, I'm tired
Of people talking about me, Stojne,
Of people making fun of me.
Of people talking about me, Stojne,
Of people making fun of me.
For I come here every night, Stojne,
To your doors on high.
Hopefully, I will overhear your voice, Stojne,
hopefully, you'll come to the doors.
Hopefully, I will overhear your voice, Stojne,
hopefully, you'll come to the doors.
Stojne le, Stojne, beautiful Stojne,
Look at me just once.
Look at me just once, Stojne,
Wink at me just once.
Look at me just once. Stojne,
Wink at me just once.
Georgi Was Left An Orphan
Georgi was left an orphan,
without a father, this Georgi, but with a mother.
So his mother raised him,
he bacame a big lad.
Wonders his mother, she wonders,
what craft to choose for him.
She chose, his moher, she chose,
to make him a goldsmith.
A young goldsmith in the village,
to make bracelets, rings.
Georgi was pouring gold,
pouring gold, he was.
Twice his face was shining,
twice shined, threefold shined on.
Pășește în față cu mine, nu ne știe nimeni
Urcă în mașină, 'skrrt'
Să stăm toată noaptea, comandă-mi pad thai
Apoi vom dormi până la amiază
Eu, fără machiaj, tu, în cadă
Bule și bulbuci, ooh
E o plăcere, ca și când nu ne purtăm așa în mod normal
Click, click, clik și postează
Îngropat, îngropat, îngropat în aur
Repede, repede, repede, hai
Sărută-mă și dezbracă-te
Imaginează-ți o astfel de lume
Imaginează-ți o astfel de lume
Să stăm treji până adorm pe pieptul tău
Așa cum și fața mea se potrivește de minune cu gâtul tău
De ce nu poți să-ți imaginezi o astfel de lume?
Imaginează-ți o lume
Am știut că ești perfect după primul sărut
Am inspirat adânc, ooh
Se pare că eternitatea, dragule, nu am crezut niciodată că va fi cu tine
Spune-mi secretele, toate rahaturile ciudate
Așa voi fi că e real
Dragule, direcționează și pune numele în credit
Așa cum se întâmplă în filme
Click, click, clik și postează
Îngropat, îngropat, îngropat în aur
Repede, repede, repede, hai
Sărută-mă și dezbracă-te
Imaginează-ți o astfel de lume
Imaginează-ți o astfel de lume
Să stăm treji până adorm pe pieptul tău
Așa cum și fața mea se potrivește de minune cu gâtul tău
De ce nu poți să-ți imaginezi o astfel de lume?
Imaginează-ți o lume
Poți să-ți imaginezi?
Poți să-ți imaginezi?
Poți să-ți imaginezi?
Poți să-ți imaginezi?
Poți să-ți imaginezi? (Poți să-ți imaginezi?)
Poți să-ți imaginezi? (Poți să-ți imaginezi?)
Poți să-ți imaginezi? (Ooh)
Imaginează-ți asta
Imaginează-ți, imaginează-ți
Imaginează-ți, imaginează-ți
Imaginează-ți, imaginează-ți
Imaginează-ți, imaginează-ți
Imaginează-ți, imaginează-ți
Hey, My Friend
This good story
Happened in the old forest
There was a boy
With very joyful voice
He sang all day and night
This known refrain:
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
But once a thief
Caught the little singer
And he left him in the night
With his mouth closed.
Who will sing all day and night
This time the known refrain?
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
But the thief in the night
Heard the song again
And although he hid himself
Into the deepest woods
He was caught
By this known refrain:
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
And that thief came back
To the little singer
And then ashamed, he started
Singing along with him
This is how the world was changed
By a single beautiful refrain
Chorus (x2):
'Hey, my friend, hello!
Sing along with me!
My song is useful and it even
Makes people good.'
The White Monasteries
They are selling them, mother,
The White Monasteries
The White Monasteries, dear mother,
With the black nuns.
Everybody wants
To go to a monastery
But nobody has the money, dear mother,
To buy one.
Where did he come from
This young jewish boy
The young jewish boy, dear mother,
The merchant one?
That wants to
To buy a monastery.
The White Monasteries, dear mother,
With the black nuns.
He wants to
To buy the monastery.
To buy the monastery, dear mother,
To build a bazaar there.
The nuns are crying
They don't give their monastery
They don't give their monastery, dear mother,
For they don't want it to become a bazaar.
Algerian National Anthem - (The Promise/The Pledge)
Versions: #2
We swear by the lightning that destroys,
By the righteous holy blood,
By the beating glistering flags,
That flutter on the high and distant mountains,
We have risen so now its liberty or death,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
We are soldiers who have revolted in the name of righteousness,
For our independence, We raised the banners of War,
When we spoke they paid no heed,
So we took the thundering bullet buzzards for our speech,
And the harrowing symphonies of Machine gun fire as our theme,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
O France, your oppression is history now,
We folded it like the pages in a book do,
O France, this is the day of reckoning,
Get ready to receive an answer from us!
In our revolution, we stopped the talking and took matters into our own hands,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
Our heroes shape our soldiers,
On their torn remains we create glory!
And on our souls, we ascend immortality!
And on our shoulders, the waving banners will be,
Liberation Front (organization) we have given you our word,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
The mournful cry of our country echos from the battlefield,
Hear it and respond to it,
Let it be written with the blood of the martyrs,
For the generations to come to read,
Oh, Glory, we hold our hand out to you,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
I had, baby
I know what she wants, and why she called me
I tell her I had, baby, come on because I had, love
I wait for her to come, even at the crack of dawn
She knows that I had loved her, I had loved her
It activates only at night
When even the ice of the last glass has melted
This is how she burns at night,
With a large smile on her lips and red eyes again
I recognize her
I see her everywhere
And not even she lets me ever forget her, no
I don't want to call her
She gives a sign
On average, we meet 6 out of 7 nights, yeah
I know what she wants, and why she called me
I tell her I had, baby, come on because I had, love
I wait for her to come, even at the crack of dawn
She knows that I had loved her, I had loved her
I know what was
And how it was consumed
I called her 'baby'
Because I know how I felt it
There's no point
In complicating things
I called her 'baby'
But others loved her, too
She comes and goes
Because she doesn't have a state
She's perfumed, impatient
She burns quickly and then disappears
Seasoned, pepper and salt
She activates, she activates you
When she's away, you feel captivity
The curtain falls, the lights go out, and she's the heroine Woop Woop
I know what she wants, and why she called me
I tell her I had, baby, come on because I had, love
I wait for her to come, even at the crack of dawn
She knows that I had loved her, I had loved her
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Adrian Băsescu
Adrian Băsescu
Ion Constantinescu
Mariean Videanu
Mircea Tăriceanu
Traian Basaev
Adrian Nazarbaev
Miron Meleșcanu
Corneliu Vadim Codreanu
Pruteanu Bela
Schroder Angela
Dinu Iacubov
John Fitzgerald Hrușciov
Traian Năstas'
Beniamin Abas
Yasser Sharon
Indira Agathon
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
it's the world of manele...
Frunda Gyorgy Funar
Vaclav Mălaimar'
Jacques Chirac Le Pen
George Bush Bin Laden
Hillary Mantale
Silvio Becali
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
in the world from TV.
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
They shake the belly and sing the chorus
it's the world of manele...
Traian Iușcenko
Elena Timoșenko
Ion Ilici Bokassa
Dan Ioan Bouteflika
Michi Stolojan
Pervez Vosganian
Margaret Stănoiu
Și cu Tony Văcăroiu
Che Sechelariu
Fidel Boagiu (Abagiu)
Emil Iliescu
Nicolae Antonescu
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
in the world from TV.
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
They shake the belly and sing the chorus
it's the world of manele...
Mangueira Landscape
Everybody here will dance.
Everybody here will dance.
Hey, piper, play out.
Hey, piper, play out.
Hey, piper, play out.
Hey, piper, play out.
It's nice to see
The dancers in Mangueira
What is as beautiful as it?
The Mangueira landscape
How beautiful is Mangueira
When it parades
Down the boulevard
A poem, a pleasure
A party to my eyes
Is seeing my dear Mangueira
The dancer I love lives there
All my childhood dreams were of there
And when the ensemble walk down
They look like flowers
Rolling from the hill
Onto the asphalt
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go dance
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go dance
Go, go, go, go, go dance
It's nice to see
The dancers in Mangueira
What is as beautiful as it?
The Mangueira landscape
How beautiful is Mangueira
When it parades
Down the boulevard
A poem, a pleasure
A party to my eyes
Is seeing my dear Mangueira
The dancer I love lives there
All my childhood dreams were of there
And when the ensemble walk down
They look like flowers
Rolling from the hill
Onto the asphalt
Play out.
Piper, play out.
Play out.
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Disk Jockey
Hey, disk jockey!
What are you waiting for to put that crazy disk?
The air is already hot here
Can't you see that my lady is happy?
I feel like going wild with her
All the looks are on her
People make way for us to dance
The lights begin to tremble
And my dear, maybe you don't know, the weird feeling you give me
Yeah, you look just like her
You move just like her
Oh yeah, you don't know, I don't love you anymore
I fell in love with someone else
Beautiful, almost prettier than you
Just as pretty, if I think about it
Yes, but her force isn't there
Ow ow ow, my heart gallops with her
And the hay turns back into grass with her
And I'd like to go with her
I don't feel
I don't feel good with you anymore
You don't have one love sentence anymore
You haven't been feeling mine lately
Your smile faded on me
You're more bitter than coffee at sunrise
She's no longer there, disk jockey, she's gone
But there's a tear of hers on the dance floor
And I already know what you're thinking about
But trust me, I loved her
The other one will come to me soon
I will find honey on her mouth
Who knows how long this new love will last
Maybe until she's sure of my heart
My friend, women
Are actually all sweet before that 'I do'
And then they become so bitter
Ow ow ow
I'm Nothing at all
I'm neither angel nor devil, Who am I? What am I? I am this
I'm not from wind, not from fire, so I'm descended from the earth
It's me and the light of wisdom that dies from the breeze
There's no daylight in my hands, no star on my forehead
It's me and the tight cloak that didn't fit anyone but me
There's no heaven at my doorway, there's no god in my sleeve
I'm not just, I'm not unjust, I'm not evil, nor absolute good
I'm black and white, multicolored, I'm a mix of good and bad
I'm a warm kiss for that lip, it is tonight's trophy
I'm unaware of what waits to ambush me tomorrow
It's me and the tight cloak that didn't fit anyone but me
There's no heaven at my doorway, there's no god in my sleeve
I don't put salt on the wound, it's an eternal burden
I'm not a tired beginning, not a spoiled ending
I'm neither angel nor devil
zâmbet fals
După râs vin lacrimile
După râs vin lacrimile
[Ariana Grande]
Altă noapte, altă petrecere
Spunând 'Bună' tuturor
Îmi pare rău
Încep să mă las, mă las acum
Am ajuns unde trebuia sa fiu
Sunt obosit
Poate cineva să mă ducă până la mașina mea?
Dacă mă duc singură, nu mă duc departe
Sunt fericită pentru iubire
Toate cele de mai sus
Dacă devin onestă, am facut
mai multe decât trebuia
Nu pot să am un zâmbet fals
Nu mă pot preface că sunt în regulă
Ooh, ah ( Ooh, ah)
Și eu voi spune că mă simt bine
După ce am trecut prin multe, nu pot minți
Ooh, ah (Ooh, ah)
Zâmbesc fals, zâmbesc fals
Citesc lucruri pe care ei le scriu despre mine
Aud ce spun ei la TV
E nebunie
E prea greu pentru ei ca să șocheze
Dar chiar acum și după, șochează
Nu mă învinui
Știu că e viața pe care am ales-o
Dar, iubire, sunt recunoscătoare, vreau ca tu să știi
Și toate cele de mai sus
Și dacă sunt onestă, am făcut mai multe decât trebuia
Dacă subt rănită, nu voi minți despre asta
Brațele încrucișate cu atitudine, buzele bosumflate
Dacă sunt nebună, nu mint despre asta
Gâtul drept cu atitudine, yeah x2
Nu pot să am un zâmbet fals ( nu mă pot preface)
Nu mă pot preface că sunt in regulă ( nu zâmbesc)
Ooh, ah (Ooh, ah) (Ooh)
Și nu voi spune că sunt în regulă ( sunt bine)
După ce am trecut prin multe, nu pot minți
Ooh, ah (Ooh, ah)