Rezultatele căutării pagină 16
Număr de rezultate: 635
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us (VBVVCTND).
Verse 1:
Today is a hard day: they need bread.
They eat what they are given, as if it dinner.
New work, the house is like a crypt.
Did you want a real trap? That’s the trap.
Someone's day is the same as it was yesterday.
Smoke that hemp to lose yourself till morning.
50W bulb is in the room, not sconce,
and mean alarm goes off, but it’s not our game.
Monday, every day like Monday.
Someone will fall on an old bike
to sell it for hangover.
Celebrate your housewarming while you got a reason.
Someone may fly to you this week.
Lifestyle is boundless.
Because you see this guy?
He doesn't have a dad,
he doesn't have money,
he doesn't have a bath.
I know this guy. He has no mom,
so here everybody wants to line the pockets quickly.
Chorus 1:
Rob these bitches!
One more crazy day.
Count all these hungry kids.
Poverty (around). That’s why we know the word “dream”.
People in different towns – they have so much pain.
Discharge them, come on.
Chorus 2:
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us.
People without hope is poverty.
Now it's time to pay the bills.
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us.
Verse 2:
Schoolboy hanged himself in the yard of the house.
Chicks hook up cash for straw.
Dogs bark, someone's lock has been cut,
here will get an alcohol from scrap metal.
So bitch, I'm from the underbelly,
my voice is permeated
with cannabis smoke,
not their show-biz.
Watch TV, you're like Alice
in Wonderland. Visa to my world
in 11 kilometers from the city.
Another lonely night, but with a pot.
Tomorrow I will find someone's phone in the pipe.
We again have trouble related to dough:
our packs could not find the way in the middle of the home.
What's up with this shit?
Let's find suckers to feed the young boys,
to get out of all those debts.
You see, not everyone can avoid to do it every day,
to think out new scripts,
to wait when a new piece falls at our feet.
So, if you’re ready -
Chorus 1
Chorus 2
Chorus 1
Chorus 2
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Yπερφύσισσπάστιγκούτσιγούτσικαλιρίο
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Yiam diridam diridam diridam
Yiam Diridam diridam diridam dim dam
And if these children do not behave well
They don't have much love in their life
They have a strict father
But one day they learn a new magic word
A word that gave them happiness in their life
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it backwards
You gonna get a prize
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
I Miss Sweden
I've always believed in yo
You're strong, you trust my heart
But today there's someone like you
Now ease all the heavy hearts
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden, here
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden now
Longing permeates my whole body
Begging you: Please, come back, I want to honour you
Stepmother Svea is not only great
You let me into your home where I found peace
My family in your arms, you brought us ashore
They hate what you do for us but you want to do it because you can
I know you understand my lamentations, Sweden, I am you
Dressed in gold and blue, Sweden under my skin
Give me everything you have
Now we're gonna make you understand
So pray for us, we'll never die
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(Every time you look at me, every time you smile at me)
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden now
(I miss Sweden)
I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(Every time you look at me, every time you smile at me)
'Cause I miss Sweden, me and you forever
(me and you forever)
Yeah, I miss Sweden
Ooo, I miss Sweden, me and you forever
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(I've always believed in you)
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(You're strong)
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(Every time we see each other)
'Cause I miss Sweden, me and you forever
(Forever you and me)
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(Every time you look at me, every time you smile at me)
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden now
(I miss Sweden)
I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
(Every time you look at me, every time you smile at me)
'Cause I miss Sweden, me and you forever
(me and you forever)
'Cause I miss Sweden, miss Sweden
Miss Sweden, miss Sweden now
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
Când luna scaldă
Străzile napolitane
Lângă vechile fântâni
Spune-mi că mă iubeşti
Adoră-mă totdeauna, dragă
Am atâta nevoie de tine
Dragostea mea
Dragostea mea
Sunt gata să-ţi ofer viaţa mea
Visul meu are căldura
Şi dulceaţa
Inimii mele
Acordurile chitarei suspină
Dorinţa amanţilor de a iubi
În braţele tale eu aş vrea să descopăr
O întreagă lume încântată
Adoră-mă totdeauna, dragă
Repetă-mi tandru
Frumosul jurământ
Pe care-l aştept
Cât te ador
Şi pentru totdeauna
Dragă, te voi iubi!
You ask
You ask
To come back again
You ask
To meet me
You ask
To erase the bad things
You ask
To see me again
You ask
For the Summer to come
You ask
The soft air
You ask
(For it) to bring me back
You ask
To find me again
How can I walk close to you
How to come back in your armful
When you let me get forgotten
It was a mistake
But I found a way
To recover my life
To stand up again
And leave the night
You ask
(For me) to be hurt again
You ask
To heal your bad times
You ask
(For me) to believe words
You ask
(For me) to see you again
You ask
To find truth
You ask
For more fairytales
You ask
Unfairlessly for help
You ask
Unfairlessly (for me) to come back
I can't stand coming back to life
I'll live forever in the dream
Closed in on a cross
For some other purpose
You ask
For the Summer to come
You ask
The soft air
You ask
(For it) to bring me back
You ask
To find me again
You'll see, you'll see...
You ask
To come back again
You ask
To meet me
You ask
To erase the bad things
You ask
To see me again
I'm an ordinary man
The sky is full of stars
watching them, I'm dreaming
that one of them is be mine
Of all the good days,
I'd like for me
that at least one day
of fire and sun would be mine.
Of all the songs
sung by the sunset
I'd like a song just for me
and I don't understand why I'm alone
why nobody wants me
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
But one day, on the street
I met a girl
walking in a rush in front of me
and suddenly I felt
how my scared heart
was beating harder inside of me
of happiness
knowing that I lose
I thought that even now
my hope will blow away
but she stopped and smile and grabbed my hand
and said that she was waiting for me...
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
For I'm a man as anyone
I don't behave in funny ways
I laugh when I'm feeling good, I cry if it hurts me
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
All in all, I'm an ordinary man
Gummi Bears Theme
Loving and strong, playful bears,
they have odd tales for you
They can do everything, they talk and sing,
brave bears are living beside us!
They jump in tact, jump here and there, and there and here,
who can compare them with someone else?,
someone else
Hidden and unknown are their secrets
For power they drink the magic juice
So their glory grows and wins,
they want good and they do good
They jump in tact, jump here and there, and there and here,
who can compare them with someone else?,
someone else
Here they are!
Nurturing My Bitterness
Hey, pal, stretch out your legs
Get the chair and sit down
Put the straw behind your ear
As the housekeeper goes chopping
As the kettle sizzles
I'll go nurturing my bitterness
As the kettle sizzles
(I'll go nurturing my bitterness)
It's good that you came
I had to tell you
A gaúcho in love
Needs to let off steam
Rosinha went away
With my friend João
It's well said that women have wings
On the edge of their hearts
It's well said that women have wings
On the edge of their hearts
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
7 Inele
Mic dejun la Tifanny și sticle cu bule
Fete cu tatuaje care le plac să aibă probleme
Biciuri și diamante, mașini ATM
Îmi cumpăr toate lucrurile favorite (Yeah)
Am trecut prin niște probleme, ar trebui să fiu o târfă tristă
Cine ar crede că asta m-ar transforma într-o sălbatică?
Mai bine legată de apeluri decât de șiruri de caractere
Îmi scriu propriile cecuri așa cum scriu ceea ce cânt, yeah (Yeah)
Încheietura mea, nu te mai uita, gâtul meu e
Fac mari depozite, glos-ul meu strălucește
Îți place părul meu? Hoho, mulțumesc, l-am cumpărat
văd aia, îmi place, vreau aia, am aia (Yeah)
Vreau aia, am aia, vreau aia , am aia
Vreau aia, am aia , vreau aia, am aia
Îți place părul meu? Hoho, mulțumesc, l-am cumpărat
Văd aia, îmi place, vreau aia, am aia (Yeah)
Port un inel dar nu pentru că sunt doamnă
Cumpăr 6 diamante potrivite pentru cele 6 târfe ale mele
Mai bine i-aș strica pe prietenii mei cu bogăția mea
Crezi că terapia cu de-a amănuntul e noua mea obsesie
Cine a spus vreodată că banii nu rezolvă probleme
Nu trebuie să ai bani deajuns ca să le rezolvi
Ei spun ' Pe care?' eu spun ' Nu, le vreau pe toate'
Fericirea are același preț ca ciclul
Zâmbetul meu strălucește, pielea mea sclipește
Calea luminează, știu câ ai văzut asta ( ai văzut asta)
Am cumpărat o cameră doar pentru closet
Atât lui cât și ei,vreau aia, am aia, yeah
Chitanțele mele sunt ca numerele de telefon
Dacă nu are bani, e numărul greșit
Cardul negru e cardul meu de afaceri
Modalitatea de a-ți regla tonul pentru mine
Nu mă laud , dar sunt ceva gen 'pune asta în geantă' , yeah
Când vezi aceste rafturi ,
ei se oftică asemenea curului meu, yeah
Foc, du-te la magazin în cabină
Întoarce-te ca într-o buclă, dă-mi mie totul
Nu contează, am sucul
Nimic dar când tragem
Uită-te la gâtul meu, uită-te la gâtul meu
Nu ai bani destui să-mi plăteștibrespectul
Nu e buget, când sunt fixată
Dacă îmi place aia, va fi ceea ce voi avea yeah
You're beautiful, my forest
Versions: #2
You're beautiful, my forest
you smell of youth,
but you inspire in our hearts
only grief and sorrow.
Whoever looks at you once,
he mourns eternally,
not being able under your
shadows to smoulder.
Your oaks and beeches,
your dense leaves,
and the flowers, and the waters,
the fat lambs, and the peony, and the grass
and your coolness,
everything, I say,
sometimes like a bullet falls
on my heart, that is always ready
to weep, when it sees
the new in nature,
when it sees how the spring
sends the old away,
and under the snow, under the cold
life begins anew.
But whoever must
forever leave you,
he cannot until he lives,
forget you.
If you were to disappear
Versions: #2
If you were to disappear
In an ordinary night
Oh my sweet and bitter dear
Sailing on the sea I might
An entire bag of clay
And some twigs covered of sand
to make you from the beginning
With the power of my hand.
Long and monotonous work
just to bring you back, my dear
I, a sick Hyperion
Of course you, a Galatea!
If you were to disappear
May your death be made of life
Oh my sweet and bitter dear
In lands of ice you’d be my wife
And from icicles I’d make you
Cover you in dress of frost
So that you can leave if you want to
Even if you would get lost
If indeed I‘d lose you then
Should apocalypse arise
I would come to you in heaven
And of angels you would rise.
Then my time will be to leave
In the attic of my home
Disillusioned, sad and peeved
In the purgatory, my throne
If you were to disappear
From my weeping and my laughter
I’d find you within my dear
Build you of myself thereafter
Mor în brațele tale
Uhu, yeah, yeah
În regulă
Uhu, yeah, yeah
În regulă
[ Strofa 1 ]
Spune-mi că mă iubești
La fel de mult cum te iubesc eu, yeah
M-ai putea răni, iubitule
Ai putea să faci asta pentru mine, yeah
Ai putea minți pentru mine, iubitule
Pentru că adevărul doare atât de mult
Ai putea face lucruri care mă înnebunesc
Lasă-mi inima la ușă
Oh, nu pot ajuta asta, sunt egoistă
Nu e un mod pe care l-aș putea împărți cu tine
Asta mi-ar rupe inima în bucăți
Sincer adevărul e că
Dacă aș muri în brațele tale
Nu mă supăr
Pentru că mereu mă atingi
Aș muri în brațele tale
Oh, se simte atât de bine
Iubitule, iubitule nu te opri băiete
[Interludiu (spus) ]
Tu știi, nu e prima dată când se întâmplă pentru mine
Această iubire îmbolnăvește
Chiar îmi plac relațiile și uh...
O fată ca mine nu stă singură pentru mult timp
Pentru că mereu un iubit și cu mine ne despărțim
Lumea mea e în bucăți și sunt singură
Bug-ul iubirii vine sigur înapoi și mă mușcă
Și m-am întors
[ Strofa 2 ]
Oh, dacă aici e un motiv să mă numești nebună
Pentru că iubesc și asta
Există vreo regulă, iubitule?
Dacă asta e o lecție
Iubitule, învață-mă cum să mă comport
Doar spune-mi ce pot face
Doar să stau chiar lângă tine
Pe scurt o spun aici
Nu pot trăi fără iubirea mea
Să te iubesc e al naibii de ușor pentru mine yeah
Și nu am nevoie de contemplație
Promite-mi că nu mă vei ține să aștept
Spune-mi iubitule că sunt tot ceea ce ai nevoie
Dacă aș putea muri
( Am să te fac să crezi băiete)
Nu m-aș supăra
Ay, ay, oooh
Nu te opri iubitule, no no oh!
E ceea ce faci pentru mine , yeah
Wooh, no no no no no no
Dacă aș putea muri
Iubitule nu pleca te rog băiete
No no no no no no
Give me your forgiveness, Father
Give me your forgiveness, Father,
I’ve done wrong things before you, Lord,
Today I come back to you,
Don’t hide your love from me.
Far away from your house, Lord,
I was wandering like a stranger into this world,
Looking just for the happiness,
But I am sad and cheated.
Far away from your house, Lord,
I forgot about your love,
I forgot about my brothers,
I was thinking only of myself.
How Good I am (Andalusian Dance Song)
For a gypsy verse,
With a strong feeling,
The Gypsies from Triana give
All they have earned in a year.
Oh, how I love you gypsy man of my soul,
Even if you don't think as I do!
Kissing the flowers I spend my life,
Kissing the flowers of May and April,
Because mountain flowers
Soothe the pain I feel because of you.
Everyone says I'm good,
And I choose to believe that I am bad,
Why won't I uproot this pain
That I carry written on my soul.
How good I am, How bad I am.
What I want most in my life,
Even though it's my downfall,
Are the pains and joys
That I feel because of this gypsy.
Oh, how I love you gypsy man of my soul,
Even if you don't think as I do!
My beloved Triana, because you are the queen,
Flowers and the Guadalquivir river embrace you,
You carry the Torre del Oro as an ornament in your hair
And you have within you the cradle of gypsy art.
În toate visele mele
În toate visele mele
Te revăd
În toate visele mele
Aud vocea ta
Şi regăsesc farmecul
Primei tale imagini
În toate visele mele
Ochii tăi râd
În toate visele mele
Aerul tău ironic
Şi regretul sunt ce rămâne
Din fericirea mea frivolă
Dacă aş avea şansa
Să te păstrez toată viaţa
Mi-aş recăpăta încrederea
Dar imaginea ta
Este umbra nopţii
Şi toate visele mele
Sunt pline de tine
Ca o febră
Simt în mine
Întreaga nebunie
A clipelor noastre trecute
Prea repede şterse
Te revăd
Îţi aud vocea
Ochii tăi râd
Aerul tău ironic
Pentru că fiecare noapte mi-aduce
Acelaşi vis
Întotdeauna acelaşi
Văd uşa deschizându-se
Şi tu eşti acolo
Ochii strălucesc de iubire
În toate visele mele
Tu vii la mine
În toate visele mele
Eu te revăd
Dar nimic nu rămâne
Pentru a-mi calma dorinţa
Decât amintirea ta
Marianne, you make me happy for one moment
And then I won't live anymore, Marianne
What is that great desire that you must chase?
You never pause for a moment here with me
Where are you going to? Where have you come from, my love?
Where are you going, stay by my side for a little while
If you sell your dreams for being able to dream
It might be that you spend your youth in hopelessness
Marianne, you like flowers and you never notice
That I love you, Marianne
Where are you going to? Where have you come from, my love?
Where are you going, stay by my side for a little while
If you sell your dreams for being able to dream
It might be that you spend your youth in hopelessness
Marianne, you like flowers and you never notice
That I love you, Marianne
Marianne, Marianne
I not even want to hear about you
I want to go deaf
I want to lose you in the dampness of the corners
Forget about your crazes and die
I'm sure that far from me
You'll never be happy
I forget you every morning
Having some guaraná and listening to Elis
Well, forget me as well
If you can, if you're able
I don't want more hugs or daggers
I melt and drown regrets
I not even want to hear about you
But I see you on TV
I want to lose you in the dampness of the corners
Forget about your crazes and die
I'm sure that far from me
You'll never be happy
I forget you every morning
Having some guaraná and listening to Elis
Well, forget me as well
If you can, if you're able
I don't want more hugs or daggers
I melt and drown regrets
At Pecados Mortaes
What I want is
To dock my ship at the docks in this Summer
I feel that my heart is tired of bad times
We've been through some rough patches
But I feel that we're attentive
I think that by the end of the year
We'll be single
I think that by the end of the year
We'll be single
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
I'm thankful for these tributes you pay to me
For the sillinesses and beautiful things you say I did
Receiving the gifts is something I'm not brave to do
Send them to those who by right must be happy
Take these flowers to her, who must be crying by now
As she couldn't be close to me now
To receive these honors that the other is enjoying
Our clandestine love obliges us to live like this
Take these flower
And tell her to keep waiting for me
'Cause as soon as the party ends, I'll go hug my love
'Cause, though we are not married
She inspires me and is always by my side
Accompanying me through hard times, through times of pain
I'm thankful
Good evening, Porto Alegre, thank you very much!
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
I will love you
I believe, I believe in the word of love
I know that you bring me silence to my soul
I believe in better and better, I guess
and in your song and your love...
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
love will follow its destiny...
You let too much longing in his will
Never listen anybody's words
I know I exist and I exist because I love
Love, believe in me and my love!
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
love will follow its destiny...
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
and I will defend the love
It's gonna do her duty
It's gonna do her duty
only love
Adios Lima
Adios Lima de mi amor
Adios, shall I see you again?
I leave the one I loved between you and I
My heart will never forget her
Adios the snow white summits
Adios the silver ponds
My one and only wish
Is to come back to you one day
Adios my love, Lima
At night Peruvian Indian girls
Dream hopeless dreams
They listen in the Andes far away
The legend of the Inca
Adios Lima de mi amor
Often when night comes
Your sunny song and its hot rhythms
Bring me some of your sky so blue
Lima, I already find myself
Dancing in your joyful streets
Tonight, a guitar plays
My song of hope to see you again
My love Lima, Lima
Lima, mi amor
Lima, mi amor
Cartagenera my brown girl
I was all by myself that day
On the beach of Marbella
When I saw Cartagenera
With the shine of her brown skin
Then I come up to her
With the intent to seduce her
But a big laughter
Was her only answer
Cartagenera my brown girl
My heart is burning for you
Cartagenera your lips
Are like pomegranates
Cartagenera my brown girl
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Cartagenera my brown girl
I went several times again
To the beach in Marbella
But did not see Cartagenera
'Cause the beach was desert
And since then I think
Of the lovely brown girl
Who shone unconcerned
In front of me on the moon
Cartagenera my brown girl
My heart is burning for you
Cartagenera your lips
Are like pomegranates
Cartagenera my brown girl
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Cartagenera my brown girl
Always I think of you
In The Boondocks Of The World
The theft, the rape, the putrid abduction
The fetid kidnap
The odd noun that ends in S
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
The stupid crime, the lone criminal
A noun, common
The bogus fruit shines
Under the inhuman shadow of lynchers
The theft, the rape, the putrid abduction
The fetid kidnap
The odd noun that ends in S
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
The stupid crime, the lone criminal
A noun, common
The bogus fruit shines
Under the inhuman shadow of lynchers
The saddest nation
In the most rotten time
Is made of potential
Groups of lynchers
The theft, the rape, the putrid abduction
The fetid kidnap
The odd noun that ends in S
The stupid crime, the lone criminal
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
The stupid crime, short, short, short
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
The Life of Riley
All the grapes have been eaten
in the champagne pool
Yeah, I'm still thirsty
Bring me another martini
in your painted-on bikini
The carbonation is tapering off
Oh, what does it even matter tonight?
Just top me off!
Just top me off!
Give me everything you got!
Just for a single day
to live the life of Riley
to live the life of Riley
To live with you
just for a single day
in the lap of luxury
in the lap of luxury
To live with you
I'm swimming in caviar
with my gob open
kicking up some more foam
Bring me another napkin
and a pill for my headache
Welcome to paradise!
Just one more vodka on ice
Keep topping me off forever!
Let yourself go!
Give me everything you got!
Can I still get an itty-bitty more?
(everything you got)
Can I still get an itty-bitty more?
(everything you got)
Just for a single day
to live the life of Riley
to live the life of Riley
To live with you
just for a single day
in the lap of luxury
in the lap of luxury
To live with you
That caviar
is shining golden in your hair
So wonderfully decadent
All my money's blown
A white yacht
is swimming in my swimming pool
I give her a signal
Come make some more foam
My white yacht
is circling in my swimming pool
around the clock
She brings me fresh caviar
whenever I manage to lift my finger
In the lap of luxury
to live with you
Just for a single day
to live the life of Riley
to live the life of Riley
To live with you
just for a single day
in the lap of luxury
in the lap of luxury
To live with you
In the lap of luxury
in the lap of luxury
to live with you
In the lap of luxury
In the lap of luxury
Little by little, dawn started showing its head
Dandelion arrived and started knocking on the door
My heart is racing, I know that this time
It is bringing me a message from my companion
I am aching for reunion with her, with all my body
Happiness is gleaming in my eyes
The tears of joy cover my face
O my sweet dandelion, tell me so that I may know
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, tell me about the honey in her eyes
About the green smile on her red lips
Tell me because when we are topic about matters of the heart
There can be no end, there can be no end
In the commotion of longing
The uncertainty of being half asleep
The voice of her footsteps, second by second
Gets lost in the voice of my heartbeats
In the ancient cold damp alleys
A breeze suddenly brings a pleasant aroma
It would seem that this time the dandelion says
That the moment for reunion with my companion has finally arrived
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that...
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, tell me about the honey in her eyes
About the green smile on her red lips
Tell me because when we are topic about matters of the heart
There can be no end, there can be no end
In the commotion of longing
The uncertainty of being half asleep
The voice of her footsteps, second by second
Gets lost in the voice of my heartbeats
In the ancient cold damp alleys
A breeze suddenly brings a pleasant aroma
It would seem that this time the dandelion says
That the moment for reunion with my companion has finally arrived
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, my infatuated heart is aching
Tell me about the one that can calm me down
Tell me, tell me about the honey in her eyes
About the green smile on her red lips
Tell me because when we are topic about matters of the heart
There can be no end, there can be no end
Șapte zile în Portofino,
Mai mult de-o lună în Saint Tropez,
Apoi mi-ai spus ”Dulceață,
Nu mă cumperi cu o prăjitură (pâté)
Și ai fugit în Malibu
Cu un comerciant de bijuterii!
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna,
Susanna, dragostea mea!
Eu, un turist din Ticino
Tu, regina din Pigalle
Plimbai un pechinez
Și un triunghi de strasuri.
Ți-am spus ”Vino departe cu mine!”
Tu mi-ai spus ”Da!”
Ți-am spus ”Mă voi întoarce!”
”Dar nu, domnule, nu te îngrijora, du-te!” dar vai!
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna,
Susanna, dragostea mea!
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna,
Susanna, dragostea mea!
Iar acum sunt fără un șfanț
Și la mila cămătarilor,
Îndatorându-mă la patru vrăjitoare
Să te găsesc unde ești.
Iar soțul tău e aici
Cu mine,
Mănâncă și doarme ca un rege,
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna, Susanna
Unde ești?
Am așteptat trei luni,
In bistroul obișnuit,
Am semnat un teanc
De datorii cu cămătarii,
Dar nu știu nimic mai mult de tine,
Poate într-o zi te vei întoarce...
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna, Susanna
Dragostea mea...
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna, Susanna
Dragostea mea...
Susanna, Susanna, Susanna, Susanna
Dragostea mea,
Te aștept,
Dragostea mea...
Share music and kindness!
The Pau Brasil Lady
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
She was born in the South, moved to Rio
And loved in a way nobody had seen
After swallowing the river
Overseas, where she emerged
She called herself 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She called herself 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She works in the orgy business
She works in the madness business
She works in the poetry business
She works in the idleness, idleness, idleness business
She was born in the South, moved to Rio
And loved in a way nobody had seen
After swallowing the river
Overseas, where she emerged
She is called 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She is called 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She works in the orgy business
She works in the madness business
She works in the poetry business
She works in the idleness, idleness, idleness business
She was born in the South, moved to Rio
And loved in a way nobody had seen
After swallowing the river
Overseas, where she emerged
She is called 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
Call me 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
Call - I'm 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
My name is 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Everyday when I take the road
It's almost always late at night
And my love only gets bigger
Because I think of her all along
I imagine her caresses
And all the good she does to me
And, crazy for the sweetness of her kiss
I look, full of desire, at her picture on the panel
And it's on the coasting of her arms
That I put my tiredness to sleep
And feed on this honey
Everyday when I take the road
It's almost always late at night
And my love only gets bigger
Because I think of her all along
I imagine her caresses
And all the good she does to me
And, crazy for the sweetness of her kiss
I look, full of desire, at her picture on the panel
And it's on the coasting of her arms
That I put my tiredness to sleep
And feed on this honey
I know
I'm going towards her
My heart already beats faster
But I drive carefully
No, I don't coast out of gear
I know
That everyday along this road
As I drive, I think of her
On the bumper I've painted a heart
And her name...
And her name...
And her name...
And her name...
Don't contain yourself, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, no, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, no, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, no, don't contain yourself...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Who Shall Say?
Who shall say
That who you are all seeing
On that table, drinking
Is the woman I love
Notice that every time she speaks
She brightens the room up
More than the reflector's light
The cabaret stirs up
When she dances
And with the same hope
Everyone looks at her
And I, her owner
Remain here, in my abandonment
I wait, almost falling asleep
For the cabaret to end
'Boy! Take this girl with you'
A friend told me one day
When he saw us talking
'You guys love each other
And love is to be sacred
Forget all the rest
Go build yourself a home!'
Trust me! I almost took his advice
The world, such a huge mirror
That made me think like this
She was born destined to be the moon
For all those who were on the street
She won't live only for me
Who shall say?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Come child
Come child, I will take you
to an enchanted land.
Come child, come play
here in my garden of shadows.
Sweet child, I will show you
the way amidst the pain and sadness.
Don't cry child, this is the path
of beauty and dead passions.
Hush child, this is path
of life's disappointments.
Rest child, for soon we will go
into the calm and silence.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
Multumesc, următorul
Credeam că voi ajunge cu Sean
Dar nu ne-am potrivit
Am scris câteva melodii despre Ricky
Acum ascult și râd
Chiar dacă aproape ne-am căsătorit
Și pentru Pete, sunt foarte recunoscătoare
Imi doresc să pot spune 'Mulțumesc' lui Malcolm
Pentru că era un înger
Unul m-a învățat dragostea
Unul m-a învățat răbdarea
Și unul m-a învățat durere
Acum sunt așa de uimitoare
am iubit si am pierdut
Dar nu asta văd eu
Deci, uite ce am
Uite ce m-ai învățat tu
Și pentru asta, spun
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul
Sunt atât de recunoscătoare pentru fostul meu
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Sunt atât de a dracu '
Petrec mai mult timp cu prietenii mei
Nu mă îngrijorează 'nimic'
În plus, am întâlnit pe altcineva
Avem discuții mai bune
Știu că ei spun că mă mișc prea repede
Dar ăsta e ultimul
Pentru că numele ei este Ari
Și eu sunt atât de buna cu asta (atât de buna cu asta)
Ea m-a învățat dragostea (Dragoste)
Si ea m-a învățat răbdarea (Răbdarea)
Și ea se ocupă de durere (Durere)
Rahatul ăsta e uimitor (Da, e uimitor)
Am iubit și am pierdut (Da, da)
Dar nu este ceea ce văd (Da, da)
Doar uite ce am gasit (Da, da)
Nu este nevoie de căutări și, pentru asta, spun
Multumesc, urmatorul (Multumesc, urmatorul)
Multumesc, urmatorul (Multumesc, urmatorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul (Mulțumesc)
Sunt atât de recunoscător pentru fostul meu
Multumesc, urmatorul (Multumesc, urmatorul)
Mulțumesc, în continuare (A spus vă mulțumesc, următorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Sunt atât de recunoscător pentru fostul meu
Mulțumesc, următorul
Mulțumesc, următorul
Mulțumesc, următorul
Sunt atât de a dracu '
Într-o zi voi merge pe culoar
Ținându-mi mâinile cu mama mea
Îi mulțumesc tatălui meu
Pentru că ea a crescut de la dramă
Doar vreau să o mai fac o dată, foarte rău
Să fac ultimul rahat
Dumnezeu interzice să se întâmple ceva
In final melodia asta este o spargere (Melodia este o spargere)
Am dragoste atât de multă (Dragoste)
Avem atâta răbdare (răbdarea)
Am învățat din durere (Durere)
M-am dovedit uimitoare (S-a dovedit uimitoare)
Am iubit și am pierdut (Da, da)
Dar nu este ceea ce văd (Da, da)
Doar uite ce am gasit (Da, da)
Nu este nevoie să căutați
Și pentru asta, voi spune
Multumesc, urmatorul (Multumesc, urmatorul)
Multumesc, urmatorul (Multumesc, urmatorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul
Sunt atât de recunoscător pentru fostul meu
Multumesc, urmatorul (Multumesc, urmatorul)
Mulțumesc, în continuare (A spus vă mulțumesc, următorul)
Mulțumesc, următorul (Următorul)
Sunt atât de recunoscător pentru fostul meu
I am Entrerriano
Entrerriano! ...
for what you need, peasants,
in a handshake
all friendship goes away.
I am Entrerriano! ...
of ñandubay ...
Tender heart
and strong caranday fiber ...
Montielero***, firm and smooth,
glories of homeland and past
shake the rustic (wild) being ...
I am Entrerriano! ...
Just say (order/give an order)! ...
I am of the Supreme,
ñandu feather,
very federal***! ...
I carry a thrush forever
fortifieng my singing
talas*** of faith to nest
my ardent gaucho cardinal*** ...
And for the good fortune of destiny
I have a brook at hand
a hill, the shallows
where I can calm all my need of sleeping.
And My Smile Will Follow You
You will have lost if you defeat me.
I will keep watch until you deceive me.
Your freedom is only imaginary because you don’t understand.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
You will have won if you lose today.
You have never felt my cold fire.
Your weakness will torture you when you stand in front of me.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
Your freedom is only imaginary because you don’t understand.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
You want to love me when you abandon me.
I am a shadow and my shadow holds onto you tightly.
My love will shatter you because you distort it.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.