Rezultatele căutării pagină 17
Număr de rezultate: 635
A kid who is walking the familiar route
Two blocks from school to his house
That day, it was like fate's desire
And at his neighbor's yard he notices
A flower which just blossomed
It was the most beautiful flower he has ever seen
For two minutes he was staring at it and thought
If he could smell it
But rusty irons
Were hugging the flower
He stretches his arm
To touch it's beauty even for a while
He feels its wet petals with his finger
But something was wrong
It wasn't rain for mounths
And everything around the flower was dry
But it was wet
But not like someone had watered it
Like it was crying.. And the kid wondered
If it could talk, what would it tell me?
'Don't meddle iget involve with me...
Everyone who enters my life, gets hurt
Because they are enchanted by my petals but when they caress me
My thorns unwittingly make them bleed'
The kid stretched his arm more
The thorns sting his palm
He bleeds but he doesn't stop pulling
Until he makes the flower his
He walks faster and overtakes his house
He took a shortcut and he doesn't do that often
Like he was in a rush, like he had something to say
Like he was afraid that the rose will wither
He goes up the stairs and rings the bell
The door opens by a girl with brown eyes
Expressive, but swollen and tearful (eyes)
He tells her 'I brought you this because it reminded me of you'
The roses say...
Love me don't touch me
Love me but don't fall in love with me
Love me but don't fall in love with me
And if you do, do it with your own responsibility
It's late and the dawn wipe out the night
The words are weird and you wonder
Will I be around, if you ever look for me
If you ever need me, I...
I lost you because I fell in love with you
Listen, love me but don't fall in love with me
Love me don't touch me
Love me but don't fall in love with me
And yet love
And yet wakefulness is
And yet we die repeatedly
And yet I believe in soul mate
And yet something has changed.
Demands from the world I don’t have,
A bed, darkness and you.
We step into nameless love,
The shiver like thunder struck.
Ref: x2
And yet love exists
And yet curse exists
I let the world know
I love, I have faith, I’m afraid.
World’s engines are shut,
Networks on roads have fallen,
A great desert lies around.
Wake them with a kiss, you!
Now I declare you goddess,
I myself I feel god.
Carry the world on, woman,
With children on my name.
Ref: x2
Outside swarm darknesses
Here we are luminous.
Quarrel between religions
Blaming each other the same.
You and love, both exist
And death exists in love.
I like you more when you are sad
Sadness, in fact, is yours.
Ref: x2
Knees I bow on the floors,
I tilt my head on the sky,
You are in my powers now
Although inquisitions want you.
My words are twisted received,
I return to the first syllable.
I throw down the forest over you:
“Goodbye, … I mean, stay!”
Ref: x2
Our world is sick with paradoxical evil.
The nature has a referral letter to the hospital.
Surrogate and lying enter every day in us
And preparations for war are heard in every home.
Ref: This one goes out to all reasonable and God fearing men
S.O.S this world! ... S.O.S this earth!
Come on, this can't go on, too many have died in vain
The nature is in the hospitals and the thinkers at asylum.
No enough food on the table and heat in the house for ordinary people,
While today's abusers have food, water, wine and heat.
Plague, cancer and heart attacks, thirst, famine and loathing of life,
Miserable ordeal and involutions, and so many that are upon us.
Our world is sick, let's head her on the move
To a world of peace, not to go in reverse.
I Saw You
In 11th grade you were the editor of the newspaper
Surrounded by kids, and you had the mind of a woman
You're not the prettiest, your beauty isn't in your skin
But when I see you, I know you're life will go far
With time the scholarships and offers will come
You will go to the finest university
But when you're done reality will await you
And I will be there willing to console you
I Saw You
Before the world saw your wonder, I acknowledge you
And even though the eyes of the crowd blind the light that is in you
I noticed it in your walk and in your look
I Saw You
Your talents, my Cinderella, were obvious to me
And that your hands were not made for an unhappy labor
It's something that I perceived from a distance
From early morning you awake, a bus and then a train
You work like a donkey (ass) so your boss can look well
Defeated and exploited, bitterness in your being
The manager, a fool whose face you want to punch
One day the national manager
Visited looking for new personnel
He wants a vice that speaks Spanish
And instead of your boss, it was you who he chose
I Saw You
Before the world saw your wonder, I acknowledge you
And even though the eyes of the crowd blind the light that is in you
I noticed it in your walk and in your look
I Saw You
Your talents, my Cinderella, were obvious to me
And that your hands were not made for an unhappy labor
It's something that I perceived from a distance
Vino, copilașule
Vino, copilașule, te voi duce
Într-o țară încântată.
Vino, copilașule, ne vom juca
În grădina mea așa de înflorită.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (Hungarian)
Every day is another challenge
A new game, a new world
New opponent and survive several times
Four or five times
Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon!
There is a lot of fighting to be felt
not face where you need to move fast
because he always win
someone who covers others, yes
it's just a one-time pokémon master
Pokémon! Pokémon!
Come up with a new adventure
Diamond and Pearl
And he wins
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
When Oriana asked me
When will we meet again at the square,
I laughed and said - Mañana,
I laughed and said - Tomorrow.
But by the time it's tomorrow, Oriana,
Everything's all too foreign.
Love has passed, Oriana,
It fled to who knows where,
It hates it when [people] say - Tomorrow,
It wants them to say, Oriana,
Tonight, right now, soon.
So I've waited incessantly ever since
And not once, with a broken and bitter heart,
Did I say: I may have mistaken,
This needs to be fixed tomorrow.
But so wished the days, Oriana,
And my youth has passed.
The years went by, Oriana,
They fled to who knows where,
They hate it when [people] say - Tomorrow,
They want them to say, Oriana,
Tonight, right now, soon.
In the meantime I've tried to gather
Assets and honor and all the rest,
But none has come yet,
Every day they promised - Tomorrow.
So life flew by, Oriana,
Washed away like flowing sand,
Life has passed, Oriana,
It fled to who knows where,
Because it hated to say - Tomorrow,
Because it wanted you in it, Oriana,
Tonight, right now, soon.
If my last day would come, Oriana,
To tell me it is the end, it is over,
I would laugh and tell it - Mañana,
I would laugh and say - Come tomorrow.
But my last day, Oriana,
Will say that tomorrow is no more.
The tomorrow has passed, Oriana,
It fled to who knows where,
But it has always rememberd you,
Because it loved you, Oriana,
Tonight, right now, soon.
You Shall Know
I've already asked all the questions
About the feels in my heart
How would one ever know
Whether it's a chance you should take
And just saying the time will tell
And perhaps just on a day
You said the heart knows
What this heart is waiting for
You shall know
When the love comes
And he says that he's yours
There is no doubt in your heart
You shall know
When the love comes
And he says that he's yours
You don't ever have to wonder
How it feels
You shall know
I've also had those days
That I haven't talked about before
I've also tried to
Not grow
Old alone
And just saying the time will tell
And perhaps just on a day
You said this heart knows
What the heart is waiting for
You shall know
When the love comes
And he says that he's yours
There is no doubt in your heart
You shall know
When the love comes
And he says that he's yours
You don't ever have to wonder
How it feels
You shall know
You shall know
Do not give up
Just keep on trusting
Your moment shall come,
Maybe not now
You shall know
When the love comes
And he says that he's yours
There is no doubt in your heart
You shall know
When the love comes
And he says that he's yours
You don't ever have to wonder
How it feels
You shall know
You shall know
The Love Break
The night has come. The city is sleeping.
We are not together. You are not with me.
It's hot again. The day was killed,
And I have a dream where we are together.
Why are you calling me, tormenting my soul?
Wounds are healing, but today again the strain ...
I told you, but you didn't listen to me:
Let's declare the love break again...
I'm with other. You're with another.
But why I haven't erased your number?
Is there a point to write? - You're a stranger.
Burning the heart, but not with me.
Why are you calling me, tormenting my soul?
Wounds are healing, but today again the strain...
I told you, but you didn't listen to me:
Let's declare the love break again...
The night has come. You're not with me. We're not together.
Why are you calling me, tormenting my soul?
Wounds are healing, but today again the strain ...
I told you, but you didn't listen to me:
Let's declare the love break again...
She Isn't Your Happiness
You hug her so gently
And you kiss her, so greedily,
For the hundredth time, I understand that there is no hope
Return what was before back.
I wash out from thoughts, the moment of leaving
Only the most important thing remains.
I want to feel your breath so much,
But it’s impossible to touch the sun by hands
She isn't your happiness, she isn't your life.
She succeeded to steal a heart, but don't pray for her
She is passingly with you, she is with you for nothing
And I love you very, very, very, very,
And I'm yours forever!
I remember how I said: 'I can't imagine
How can I live a week without you '
And now day after day I live and get used to this
Fall asleep without you on an empty bed.
Remember about you I banned completely
And I forgot that I lived for you
Just waiting sometimes for a kiss for the night,
I only see you in dreams sometimes.
She isn't your happiness, she isn't your life.
She succeeded to steal a heart, but don't pray for her
She is passingly with you, she is with you for nothing
And I love you very, very, very, very,
And I'm yours forever!
Nu e
Nu e
că nu te-aș mai dori
și știi asta
nu e
că nu te-aș mai auzi
cum ești
este doar că
am nevoie și eu
să discut în felul meu
cu tine
Nu este
o altă femeie
nu, n-aș putea
nu e
că nu ești cum te-aș dori
este ca și cum
un pic m-aș opri
s-ascult cum mă simt
Trebuie să mă-nțelegi mai mult
știi, inima uneori
nu mai urcă și coboară apoi
să mă-nțelegeți puțin
nu, nu e greu
ajunge doar un pic de iubire
Nu e
că aș vrea să fiu un timp
fără tine
nu e
că nu te-aș mai dori
aici cu mine
Este doar că
eu uneori plec
după un vis sau o poezie
Trebuie să mă-nțelegi mai mult
știi, inima uneori
nu mai urcă și coboară apoi
să mă-nțelegi puțin
nu, nu e greu
ajunge doar un pic de iubire
Nu este
o altă femeie
nu, n-aș putea
nu e
că tu nu ești cum te-aș dori
este ca și cum
un pic m-aș opri
s-ascult cum mă simt
Este ca și cum
un pic m-aș opri
s-ascult cum mă simt
s-ascult cum mă simt
s-ascult cum mă simt
s-ascult cum mă simt…
Al treilea război mondial
Dar poate încă nu ne-am întâlnit,
iartă-mă, credeam... îmi părea...
Dar ai un fel atât de ciudat
să-ți unduiești frumosul fund…
unde te duci... cu acel mers...
în mijlocul necazurilor... așa de sigură?
Când fanta rochiei ți se deschide
simt că râd înăuntru
în timp ce îmi consum ideile
între jartieră și chiloții tăi,
unde te duci... cu acel mers...
în mijlocul necazurilor... așa de sigură?
Tu mergi ca și cum în lume
totul ar fi bine... în timp ce izbucnește
un al treilea război care va exploda
cei doi sâni frumoși pe care îi arăți
Pentru că fiecare copac aruncat,
cu sângele tău va fi marcat
iar din sfârcurile tale umflate vor curge orașele infecte,
infectate de mitele municipale
precum cea din 'Logodnicii'
și atunci dă drumul un pic...
până când mai avem timp
Da… I love you
simt în vene
cum curge ca un râu
primavara ta
care mă duce acolo unde strălucește arta Renașterii
în timp ce văd avansând pe apele lacului din Lecco
un bărbat cu o lopată
care începe să sape
și să îngroape
pe toți mâncăii
clădirilor publice...
care în numele profitului
au sfâșiat Italia
și au ars Milano din temelii
și acea ramură din Lecco
reducând-o ca pe o sită
de la Palermo la Como
și îi văd scufundându-se ...
scufundându-se jos în întuneric
și omul știi cine este?
Un anumit Alexandru
care era Manzoni
când încă respira
și răzbunarea lui...
se naște din săruturile tale
din candoarea ta...
din senzualitatea ta sănătoasă
care încălzește sângele
și reînnoiește
ceea ce este pe moarte
[Versulet 1]
Unele zi, lucrurile iau prea multa energie de la mine
Ma uit in sus si toti in camera se invirtesc
Tu imi scoati necazurile
Cred ca complic prea mult, lumea imi spune sa iau medicamente
Imi simt singele sa curga, jur ca cade cerul
Stiu ca tot asta e fabricat
Timpul trece iar nu-mi pot controla mintea
Nu stiu ce sa mai incerc, dar tu imi spui de fiecare data
Sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri
Stiu ca trebuie in continuare, continuare sa respir
Sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri
Stiu ca trebuie in continuare, continuare sa respir
[Versulet 2]
Citeodata e greu sa gasesti, [sa] gasesti drumul meu spre cerurile
Oare s-o facem acolo sus e zgomotos?
Imi amintesti de cind lucrurile nu erau atit de complicate
Nu-mi trebuie decit sa vad fata ta
Imi simt singele sa curga, jur ca cade cerul
Stiu ca tot asta e fabricat
Timpul trece iar nu-mi pot controla gindurile
Nu stiu ce sa mai incerc, dar tu imi spui de fiecare data
Sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri
Stiu ca trebuie in continuare, continuare sa respir
Sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri
Stiu ca trebuie in continuare, continuare sa respir
Mmm ah, mmm ah, yeah
Mmm ah, mmm ah, yeah
Mmm ah, mmm ah, yeah, ah, yeah
Mmm ah, mmm ah, yeah
Mmm ah, mmm ah, yeah
Mmm ah, mmm ah, yeah, yeah
Sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri
Stiu ca trebuie in continuare, continuare sa respir
Sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri si sa respiri
Stiu ca trebuie in continuare, continuare sa respir
Imi simt singele sa curga, jur ca cade cerul
Respir in continuare
Timpul trece iar nu-mi pot controla mintea
Respir in continuare, mmm, yeah
Reason Triangle
Breaking apart the triangle and reading the hiding code
Maintaining the pride that keeps sliding
Bringing forth the answer in a new way
Tear the world of silence
The light of hope coming through the window
Engulfs the solitude and lets the shadow shine
The eyes caught the future and the white night
Believe in yourself, control yourself
Repelling the heart that shakes just before the borderline
Pointing with the finger that keeps being sharpened
The life that' grabbed from the destiny bestowed
Look through the moment's expression
Snatching the darkness inside the darkness
The overflowing black feathers fly up in the air
The circling birds keep creating
From someone's dream, we become someone
Just before the borderline
Breaking apart the triangle and reading the hiding code
Maintaining the pride that keeps sliding
Bringing forth the answer in a new way
Tear the world of silence
The light of hope coming through the window
Engulfs the solitude and lets the shadow shine
The eyes caught the future and the white night
Believe in yourself, control yourself
Snatching the darkness inside the darkness
The overflowing black feathers fly up in the air
The circling birds keep creating
From someone's dream, we become someone
I´m in the middle of a triangle
without solution or even justification
I fell in love when I saw him for the first time
knowing that he´s impossible for me
Also in the middle of a triangle
he stays because just as I shudder
he compromised his heart and never thought
that belonging to another woman
he´ll put his eyes on me
that would make us
guilty for turning
our love
in a triangle, triangle
triangle of our love
I´m in the middle of a triangle
without solution or even justification
I fell in love when I saw him for the first time
knowing that he´s impossible for me
Also in the middle of a triangle
he stays because just as I shudder
he compromised his heart and never thought
that belonging to another woman
he´ll put his eyes on me
that would make us
guilty for turning
our love
in a triangle, triangle
triangle of our love
Triangle of our love
triangle, triangle
of our love
She Told Me (Go Away)
She told me
'Feel pity on me. Go away!
He can come
You'll do me harm. It's time!'
And I didn't have any reason
To say no
And, with kisses, I fell into her arms
And asked her to stay
You know what went on?
He found us. And now
She suffers only because
She did what I wanted
And remorse is killing me
For the madness I did
For just a single pleasure
I made my lover unhappy
She told me
'Feel pity on me. Go away!
He can come
You'll do me harm. It's time!'
And I didn't have any reason
To say no
And, with kisses, I fell into her arms
And asked her to stay
You know what went on?
He found us. And now
She suffers only because
She did what I wanted
And remorse is killing me
For the madness I did
For just a single pleasure
I made my lover unhappy
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Brian Boru
Like the song of the stones
That resonates in the silence
Like the water that winds
And rumbles under me
You know I will come back
To the land of my childhood
To the land of dreams,
Of fairies and kings
There my love,
Far from the city
It's colder
And the days are fragile
Summer mist,
The spiers of the islands
You will see,
I will go there
Like Brian Boru,
King of Ireland
I'll set sail
And give up my weapones
Brian Boru,
Soon I will be back
To the Celtic lands
Children of stifling
Asleep to time and to love
A long way and without illusion
That you must go across
That you must curse
Children of stifling and pain
A hundred forces which flood the heart
They separate you from yourself
They separate you from yourself
I want to feel something which smells like life
That my blood runs crazy of passion
Discover the music which is on the laugh, the deep light and the love
Awake to time and to love
A long way and with illusion
That you must go across
From now to the end
Children of stifling and pain
A hundred forces which flood the heart
They separate you from yourself
They separate you from yourself
Awake to time and to love
A long way and with illusion
That you must go across
From now to the end, no...
Everything is coloured
Everything is coloured
Everything is coloured
Everything is coloured
Everything is coloured
How beautiful is spring...
How beautiful is spring when it comes
The carnation that you have on your window, reminds me to Triana's neighbourhood
Bright morning
Yesterday I had a dream
High as the sky
When I woke up
Something burned me deep inside
The bird sang
The sad melody
Which springs from the earth
Without stopping even a moment
Suddenly I saw myself
As a stranger
I started to walk
Without knowing where to go
Without knowing...
The trees were telling
Stories of other worlds
With expresive dances
For a thirsty heart
Bright morning
Ignite of suffering
Today I saw the light
That we all have inside
O cameră goală,
și eu sunt la fel de gol
Totul îmi amintește de tine
Foarte multe lucruri
care n-ar trebui să-mi lipsească
Cu cât încerc mai tare
cu atât reziști mai mult
E ușor să spui că așa e mai bine
Când tu vrei mai mult
Și mă lași cu mai puțin
Știu că ești bine, dar eu ce mă fac?
Știu că ești bine, dar eu ce mă fac?
Sunt treaz, și încerc
Cât timp tu dormi ca un prunc
Lângă el
Sunt pe margine în timp ce tu ești
Al naibii de politicoasă și pusă la punct
Știu că mă vezi,
Faci să pară totul așa ușor
Ce vine și trece,
M-aș lipsi de ele
Știu că ești bine dar cum rămâne cu
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Printre consecințe
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Tu ești consecința
Păi acum e vorba de el,
Și acum e vorba de mine
Secretele pe care le destăinui
Și secretele pe care le ții
Chiar și așa
Nu le lași niciodată
Cu cât ofer mai mult
cu atât primesc mai puțin
Nu-mi spune să lupt,
Să lupt pentru tine
După tot timpul ăsta, nici n-ar mai trebui
Știu că ești bine, dar eu ce mă fac?
Știu că ești bine, dar eu ce mă fac?
Sunt treaz, și încerc
Cât timp tu dormi ca un prunc
Lângă el
Sunt pe margine în timp ce tu ești
Al naibii de politicoasă și pusă la punct
Știu că mă vezi,
Faci să pară totul așa ușor
Ce vine și trece,
M-aș lipsi de ele
Știu că ești bine dar cum rămâne cu
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Printre consecințe
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Știu că ești bine dar cum rămâne cu
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Printre consecințe
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Tu ești consecința
Știu că ești bine, dar eu ce mă fac?
Știu că ești bine, dar eu ce mă fac?
Știu că ești bine dar cum rămâne cu
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Printre consecințe
(Consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele), Consecințele (consecințele)
Știu că ești bine dar dacă eu-
Sunt treaz, și încerc
Cât timp tu dormi ca un prunc
Lângă el (Consecințe)
Sunt pe margine în timp ce tu ești
Al naibii de politicoasă și pusă la punct
(Consecințe), Consecințe (consecințe), Consecințe (consecințe)
Printre consecințe
(Consecințe), Consecințe (consecințe), Consecințe (consecințe)
Printre consecințe
(Consecințe) CONSECINȚE (consecințe)
If By Chance You Came
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
I say so because this lady
Already lives in my shack, close to a stream
And to a blossomed grove
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
I say so because this lady
Already lives in my shack, close to a stream
And to a blossomed grove
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
You are my songs
Maybe you are every pitch of a song
Maybe a tavern on the beach
Or maybe the smoke of every cigarette I have
Even when a star falls from the sky
Even when walking down a wet street
Even when thinking of something completely different I still have you on my mind
You are not in my past, more like today
I still feel like you are here
You are always with me
You are on my mind day and night
You can't be played, you can't be described with yourds
You are my songs
As if you have never left,as if you've always been here
Just like a secret hidden from everyone
Just like a quietly woven net, you are always with me
As if you saved me from something
Like the scent of a flawless flower
Like never touched restrictions you are on my mind
You are not in my past, more like today
I still feel like you are here
You are always with me
You are on my mind day and night
You can't be played, you can't be described with yourds
You are my songs
Come Back
I haven't slept for many nights
Rolling on my bed
Feeling so many things
That we can't explain
When we love
The heat of the sheets
Don't warm me well
There's nothing in the world
That can put away
This coldness from my chest
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Under the Argentinian sky
A, a...
Under the Argentinian sky
This night, my refrain
Go run the paths
The valleys and the plains
For you, Carmen, whom I love
My refrain is my heart
A, a...
My love has wings
When my faithful voice
Flies away and calls you
For you, Carmen, whom I love
I have a hundred thousand kisses
I have a hundred thousand poems
And do you want to keep them?
Guitars of the night
That make dreams of the moon
You send the message :
“My dear, my heart is wise”
The sweet voice of the wind
That plays alone in the dunes
You tell my grievances
You tell my desires
To see them again
I have climbed all over there
The mountain roses
The echo that knows things
Have told me “Here it is”
A, a...
Under the Argentinian sky
This night, my refrain
Go run the path
The valleys and the plains
For you, Carmen, whom I love
My refrain is my heart
A, a...
My love has wings
When my faithful voice
Flies and calls you
For you, Carmen, whom I love
I have a hundred thousand kisses
I have a hundred thousand poems
And do you want to keep them?
Guitars of the night
That make dreams of the moon
You send the message :
“My dear, my heart is wise”
The sweet voice of the wind
That plays alone in the dunes
You tell my grievances
You tell my desires
To see them again
Curious are the marks time has left
Scars at unearthly hours that unintentionally hurt
Thousand of evidences that have casted serious doubts on the flight
Flapping between prows, the city as a witness
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
Misterious are the signs of an open memory
Combustions at unearthly hours that unintentionally burn us
Thousand of scenes stalking the last attempt
Dangerous behaviours, the city as a witness
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
You want more than I can give
And look for me where I can't see
Draw me or lose me again
That's Why I Run So Much
My darling, every moment
That I'm not seeing you
Makes the nostalgia I feel about you
Only grow
Then, I run so much
I suffer so much
I run so much just to see you, my darling
And still, you ask me
Not to run this much
My darling, I can't bear
You being far from me
That's why I run so much
I run so much
Then, I suffer so much
Just to see you, my darling...
If you're by my side, I only walk slowly
I forget everything, I don't see time flying by
But if the time of taking you home comes
I run so that a new day will come fast
That's why I run so much
Then I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
If you were always by my side
I wouldn't have
A reason to run
And slowly I would walk
I wouldn't run so much
Now I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
I run so much
Then I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
Then I run so much
I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
I run so much
Then I run so much...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
In your world (Reprise)
Here where you live, I want to be with you
Here where you live, I want to stay with you
I want to be here, you're mine
You're my luck
When, tell me when will it happen, that we walk in the sun?
Just you and I, and you'll lead me
Into your world!
I don't know how, I don't know when,
But my life will finally begin then!
Then I'll become yours, then you'll become mine,
In your world!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
In your world
This is my stuff, not bad at all!
And my collection is definitely real
Don't you think Arielle is the one who already has everything?
I show you this and that
Everything hidden in the secret territory
If you look around you think: 'Yes! She has already everything!'.
I've got knick-knacks enough and a-plenty
I've got stuff and gizmos galore
Do you want a couple of thingamabobs? I've got many!
But I'd rather have so much somewhere else!
There, where I can also be like a person,
There I also want to dance in circles!
There I can also go on - How do you say that? Oh! Foot!
Fishy fins are ungallant,
Legs are better to jump, dance...
And to - How's that called? - Take a walk! I wish that!
To be up, up on land,
Up in the sunlight on the beach!
I'd be free, finally by them,
In their world!
In a world where everyone walks and doesn't just swim
In a world where soft breezes blow around you
There where they see, and understand
And do not choose over their daughters.
Strong women, who dare, and stand for it!
And read and learn what people do!
Ask my questions and get an answer!
What is fire and how does something go on fire?
When's it my turn? I want to be on land!
Will my life start only then?
If only I knew how, I'd be like them,
In their world...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
A mistake
I made a mistake once and was left without you, you have punished me for life, you’d have better shot me, without you I am lost, wondering in the streets, shocked.
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul,
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul.
I am paying in tears and suffering,
you won’t forgive me, I am uselessly pleading you.
You’d have better shot me,
without you I am lost, wondering in the streets, shocked.
oo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul,
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul.
oo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul,
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul.
I Was Invited, Mom, To A Sorrowful Wedding
I was invited, mom, to a sorrowful wedding,
to a sorrowful wedding a young best man to be.
To my first love best man to be,
to first love, to first passion.
When I see her in a white attire,
the eyes will weep, the heart will mourn.
Come and teach me, my elderly mom,
to first love how best man to be.
Hearken, my son, to your elderly mother,
to first love it is not best man to be,
to first love the heart is to be given
to first love, to first passion.
Tu esti melodiile mele
poate o melodie in fiecare voce
poate o coasta din taverne
poate ca am baut fumul tigari
o stea pleaca pierduta de pe cer
merg singur pe un drum umed
nu ma gandesc la altceva, esti in mintea mea
nu este trecut ca azi
inca traiesc pentru tine
tu esti mereu langa mine
esti ziua si noaptea mea
nu ti-am spus ca mai furat
Tu esti melodiile mele
parca nu ai plecat deloc ca intodeauna
ca si cum toti ascund un secret
te-ai inserat tacut plangand langa mine
parca e ceva in mintea mea
fara a le rupe miros florile
nimic interzis nu ma corupt esti in mintea mea
nu este trecut ca azi
inca traiesc pentru tine
tu esti mereu langa mine
esti ziua si noaptea mea
nu ti-am spus ca mai furat
Tu esti melodiile mele
Ege Kökenli