Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 320
Bread and roses
When we walk together, a lovely day walks with us
Through all the dark kitchens and where a work yard lay gray
Suddenly the sun begins to caress our poor world
And everyone hears us sing: Bread and roses!
Bread and roses!
When we walk together, we also fight for the man
Because no human can come onto Earth without a mother
And when a life is more than work, sweat and belly
We want more, give us life, but give us roses too!
Give us roses too!
When we walk together, our dead walk with us
Their unheard cry for bread also cries through our song
They had never exhausted quietness for beauty, love, art
So we fight for bread and for roses too
For roses too
When we walk together, a better day comes with us
The people who defend themselves fend off the plague from everyone
It must end that small people toil for the big!
With all your life: Bread and roses!
Bread and roses!
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
De când nu te am ...
Nu-mi fac planuri de fericire
Și nu am speranțe și vise
EU, EU, nu am nimic
Din moment ce nu te am.
Și nu am dorințe
Și nu am ore fericite
Nu am nimic
Dacă nu te am pe tine...
Fericirea...și presupun că
Niciodată nu o voi mai avea din nou
Când m-ai părăsit
Am intrat în vechiul chin
Şi e aici de atunci.
[vorbeşte] Da, suntem ****
Nu mai doresc să împărtăşesc iubirea
Și nu am aşa ceva, cui îi pasă
Nu am nimic
Dacă nu te am pe tine...
Tu, tu, oh, oh!
Tu, tu, oh, oh!
Tu, tu, oh, oh!
Tu, tu, oh, oh!
Tu, tu, oh, da!
Dana Kósa
Diavolul îți e în inimă
Diavolul, diavolul
Diavolul îți e în inimă
Diavolul, diavolul
Diavolul îți e în inimă
Juri că mă iubești
Dar când sunt supărată
Nu faci un gest de iubire
Adânc, în ochii tăi negri
Văd cum umbre dansează
Într-un cer cu furtună grea
Îți cerşesc duioşia
Vreau să-mi reînviu fericirea
Dar tu ai doar un zâmbet
Ciudat de ironic
Ca tu să fii credincios
Eu fac rugăciuni la capelă
Dar nimic nu-mi liniștește inima
Fac mii de promisiuni
Am inventat mângâieri
Fără să-mi pot calma frica
Atunci, din prea multă suferință
Uneori mă forțez să plec
Dar tu ai zâmbetul tău
Ce mă face să mă-ntorc
Biata mea iubire mă-mpiedică
Și la fel ca o sclavă
Trăiesc din visele mele de ieri
Dacă nimic nu mă eliberează
La ce bun să vreau să trăiesc
În flăcările iadului?
Dar fii atent, într-o zi
Ura îmi va ucide dragostea
Apoi vei putea râde
Păcat, fiindcă la rândul meu
Diavolul, diavolul
Diavolul îmi va lua inima
Diavolul, diavolul
Diavolul… îmi va lua inima!
Ploaie de noiembrie
Versions: #2
Cand ma uit in ochii tăi
Văd o iubire ținută in hățuri
Și știi, scumpo, că atunci cand te țin in brațe și eu simt la fel
Pentru că nimic nu durează pentru totdeauna
Si știm amândoi că dragostea poate dispărea
Si e dificil sa întreții sentimente calde
Stând in ploaia rece de noiembrie
Ne e așa de așa de mult
Doar încercând să înăbușim durerea
Dar dacă pierzi un iubit vei găsi întotdeauna un altul
Si nu știm care din noi doi a destrămat de fapt relația
Dacă ne-am pune sa spunem lucrurilor pe nume
Aş rămâne alinat
Că ai fost a mea
Numai a mea
Deci dacă vrei să mă iubești
Fă-o, scumpo, fără reținere
Altfel ajung in ploaia rece de noiembrie.
Ai nevoie de ceva timp ?...departe de mine
Ai nevoie de ceva timp ?...numai tu cu tine
Toată lumea are nevoie de ceva timp...numai cu sine
Nu știi că ai nevoie de ceva timp ?...numai tu cu tine.
Știu că e greu să-ți menții inima deschisă
Când până și prietenii par intenționați să-ți facă rău
Dar dacă poți să vindeci o inimă
N-ar fi timpul să te farmec ?
Câteodată am nevoie de ceva timp...departe de tine
Câteodată am nevoie de ceva timp...numai eu cu mine
Toată lumea are nevoie de ceva timp...numai cu sine
Nu știi că ai nevoie de ceva timp ?...numai tu cu tine.
Și când temerile tale scad
Si umbre încă rămân
Știu că atunci poți sa ma iubești
Când nu mai e nimeni pe care poți să învinuiești
Așa că nu-ți păsa de întuneric
Noi încă putem să găsim o cale
Pentru că nimic nu durează pentru totdeauna
Nici măcar ploaia rece de noiembrie.
Nu crezi că ai nevoie de cineva ?
Nu crezi că ai nevoie de cineva ?
Toată lumea are nevoie de cineva
Nu ești singura
Nu ești singura.
Red Roses, Red Lips, Red Wine
(If the white sails are set
We will go out now, we will go out now
Are the slender boats ready
Are they ready for the journey)
Red roses, red lips, red wine
And the blue sea of Italy in the sunshine
Red roses, red lips, red wine
Are inviting us, inviting us
Red roses, red lips, red wine
Are inviting us, inviting us
But when the stars are in the sky
Italy is twice as beautiful
When the night breaks
You forget the world
But when the sun is setting
And the song of songs is resounding
Soon the great power
Of love will awaken
But when the stars are in the sky
Italy is twice as beautiful
When the night breaks
You forget the world
But when the sun is setting
And the song of songs is resounding
Soon the great power
Of love will awaken
Rose of Pain
Why are you scared?
What have you seen?
In the castle, with the silent roses,
I ask again and again.
Why are you sad?
What pain are you feeling?
Oh, I ask of the rose with its petals of blood,
but the rose of blood can't answer me till the end.
Scream without raising your voice,
hold your breath and stare.
Inside your black eyes, there's a smile filled with mystery.
I stare at the pain flowing together with the screams.
Your white, naked body, wearing nothing but a pearl necklace,
starts dancing and playing with the shrieking blood.
Being a heart that has lost love, it burns in the pleasure of the massacre.
She will kill to make herself more beautiful,
even if the sacrifice transforms into a jewel.
Hold your breath and stare at all the tragedy.
Slice them! Slice them till they're running in blood!
The girl is trying to escape.
Tear up! Tear up till their red blood runs dry.
Hang up their naked bodies.
Amidst the flow of time, where we murder each other with hate,
seek a radiant body that has been washed with blood.
Being a heart that embraced lust, it has no place to live.
Tearing apart every bit of love, even tears aren't shown.
Rose of pain, stare at it all
in horror.
Rose of pain
The castle became a violent sea of blood.
The blood covers the flower, dying it deep red.
Stop! Stop dying me red!
I can't take anymore!
You are too cruel!
Stop! Please stop!
Slice them! Slice them till they're running in blood!
The girl is trying to escape.
Close up! Close up their mouth using thread and needle!
Hang up their naked bodies.
The laughter mocks the love that's wounded.
The dried bodies seek moisture.
Kill them all, their bloody hearts lose sight of everything,
living in brutality where even tears aren't shown.
Rose of pain, stare at it all
in horror.
Rose of pain, I don't want to see.
Rose of pain, it's so painful.
Rose of pain
In eternal madness we live
Even if it was just a dream,
now pain,nothing but PAIN!
Rose of Pain...
Take care
Versions: #3
--- 1 ---
To find you I'll cross oceans and the Universe at last
Just in your arms to stay, how love promise
And if it will happen and you will not stop listening to my heart
I'll tell you everything in a letter... like this...
--- R ---
Take care of what you are doing, do not wander into the wilderness
Because you will not find another friend like me to stay
Be careful not to be consumed by your deeds, more or less
Because you can not find me anymore, and I'll be alone away.
--- 2 ---
Like a shipwrecked I'll sail across the sea to find
For a Light to get rid of your burdens, right now
But if I'll light your heart and you will not understand
With a goodbye letter ... let me know...
--- R ---
Take care of what you are doing, do not wander into the wilderness
Because you will not find another friend like me to stay
Be careful not to be consumed by your deeds, more or less
Because you can not find me anymore, and I'll be alone away.
Să ai grijă
Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Voi traversa mari si Universul ca sa te regasesc
Doar ca in bratele tale sa ma cuibaresc
Si daca se va intampla si n-ai sa incetezi sa-mi asculti inima
iti voi povesti totul intr-o scrisoare, asa....
--- R ---
Sa ai grija ce faci, sa nu ratacim prin vai pustii
Caci un altul ca mine nu vei mai gasi
Sa ai grija sa nu te mistui din faptele tale desarte
Caci n-ai mai putea sa ma cauti, iar eu voi fi singur departe.
--- 2 ---
Ca un naufragiat voi naviga peste mari
Ca sa caut o faclie la orizont, ca sa te scap de poveri
Dar daca-ti voi aprinde inima si tot n-ai sa-ntelegi
Cu o scrisoare de adio pe noi sa ne dezlegi.
--- R ---
Sa ai grija ce faci, sa nu ratacim prin vai pustii
Caci un altul ca mine nu vei mai gasi
Sa ai grija sa nu te mistui din faptele tale desarte
Caci n-ai mai putea sa ma cauti, iar eu voi fi departe.
Rose of Versailles.
If a nameless flower bloomed in the forest,
I wish you could stand still in the wind.
I was born as a rose.
I live in passion and splendor and then I hide it.
Roses, roses are noble,
Roses are beautiful.
Roses, roses are noble,
Roses are beautiful.
A fragrant flower without a breath of wind
A beautiful flower sticking out
It's not lonely to be alone.
A joyous rose
Oskar, born as a rose.
I'm going to live in passion and glamour.
Rose, roses are blooming.
Roses, roses are pure.
Roses, roses are blooming.
Roses, roses are pure.
A Million Roses
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
A long time ago when
I arrived in this world,
I heard a small voice
Telling me to give love
A flower that blooms when i love,
I was told to bloom a million flowers.
Only when in true love,
The rose of love will bloom.
What is true love?
I wept distressed.
Many people have separated,
What a sad world.
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
Even though everyone has left,
I will continue to love.
The one I’ve missed so much
came from a star to see me
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
Hmm, oh~
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
Hey~ Oh~ Oh~ Hmm~
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
After a long time passed,
Giving everything, even one’s life.
Appearing out of nowhere like rain,
Such a love held me in arms.
Prepare the Mattress for the Two of Us
Dark is the road of my journey
until I get to meet you
come show yourself midway to me
my hand to you I’ll offer
Prepare the mattress for the two of us
for you and me
and let us fall in each other’s arms
to resurrect it all again
I hugged you and you hugged me too
you took me and I took you
I disappeared into your eyes
your destiny and your fate
In the familiar neighborhoods
lonely I stroll now begging
and what I tossed away with you
I go around collecting
Lady Oscar Ending (Arabic)
This girl has raised this way
Accepted the face of life this way,
Rosy… gloomy… she never confuses
Never… never hope she loses… Oscar
Her heart... its fear is severed
Her love... its silence is heard
Her nights… are full of secrets
Here she is... here she is… Lady Oscar
Nu e distractiv
Nu e distractiv cand esti mereu pe fuga
Nu e distractiv cand prietenii te dispretuiesc pentru ceea ce ai devenit
Nu e distractiv cand te droghezi atat de mult incat nu mai poti sa termini
Nu e distractiv cand stii ca o sa mori tanar.
E atat de distractiv, distractie pe cinste, atat de distractiv, aaa atat de distractiv
Nu e distractiv cand te preocupi de cel care e pe primul loc
Oh nu e distractiv cand simti ca trebuie sa faci rost de un pistol
Nu e distractiv cand nu iti poti gasi limba
Caci esti mult prea bagat in ceva care te ustura
E atat de distractiv, ah
Ei bine, m-au scuipat in fata
Si nici n-am simtit-o, a fost asa o rusine
Am lovit cu pumnul direct in sticla
Si nu am simtit nimic, s- a intamplat atat de repede.
Atat de distractiv, atat de distractiv, atat de distractiv...
Nu e distractiv cand ii spui ca e doar o tarfa
Nu e distractiv cand te paraseste si te lasa pe drumuri
Nu e distractiv cand destrami orice trupa pe care o incepi
Nu e distractiv cand stii ca o sa mori tanar.
E atat de distractiv.
And My Smile Will Follow You
You will have lost if you defeat me.
I will keep watch until you deceive me.
Your freedom is only imaginary because you don’t understand.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
You will have won if you lose today.
You have never felt my cold fire.
Your weakness will torture you when you stand in front of me.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
Your freedom is only imaginary because you don’t understand.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
You want to love me when you abandon me.
I am a shadow and my shadow holds onto you tightly.
My love will shatter you because you distort it.
And my smile will follow you when you leave.
A Sword for Lady Oscar
Look at the lightning over there
crossing the blue sky
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
it's a dazzling light
which only lasts a moment
then there's the thunder rumble
what a terrible noise
but in a moment the silence is there
Lady oscar
all of this is just like a battle
and you know that
Lady Oscar
your grit dazzles everything like a lightning
just how can you do it
Lady Oscar
you fight skillfully and never give up
Lady Oscar
in the crowd your sword gleams more than a medal
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
in the blue of your eyes there's a rainbow
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
who knows if one day you'll go through it
you have to manage, you know
never ever to change
Lady Oscar
you're really an invincible wall
and you know that
Lady Oscar
everyone knows your intuition's never wrong
just how can you do it
Lady Oscar
you fight skillfully and never give up
Lady Oscar
in the crowd your sword gleams more than a medal
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
in the blue of your eyes there's a rainbow
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
who knows if one day you'll go through it
you have to manage, you know
not to change, never to change
Look at the lightning over there
crossing the blue sky
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
then there's the thunder rumble
what a terrible noise
but in a moment the silence is there
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
in the blue of your eyes there's a rainbow
Lady Oscar
Lady Oscar
who knows if one day you'll go through it
you have to manage, you know
not to change, never to change
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Lady Oscar Opening
A great celebration at the French Court,
in the kingdom where a baby girl is born
With blonde hair and rose cheeks,
Oscar will be your name.
Your good father wanted a baby boy,
but, alas, you are born.
In your cradle he put a foil,
lady with a blue ribbon.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
everybody celebrates when you pass
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
like a muskeeter you are able to fight
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
A dark night at the French Court,
at the palace, people already asleep
three bandits with swords and spears,
Plan to ambush his majesty.
Lady Oscar was hiding herself
in the king's big room.
With a feline dash and agile movements
she will hit all three.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
your sword whistles, and never lets you down.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
even in the fray you are able to win.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
everybody celebrates when you pass
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
like a muskeeter you are able to fight
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
you sword whistles, and never lets you down.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
even in the fray you are able to win.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Lady Oscar Ending
If love is (a) suffering,
We will suffer whatever is needed
until, maybe, someday
I will reach into your heart/I will get into your heart
You will be the light, I will be the shadow.
Our link cannot be broken.
And when we suffer more and more sadness we have,
love, love unites us more.
I've loved you and I will continue loving you
But it's not possible (for me) to see you anymore
Oh! Oscar...
Lady Oscar Opening
The Years are going by,
and life is a big book
So let's read through
the story of Oscar
The Musketeer of all musketeers,
The horizon in her eyes
The charmer of the brave,
all fall in love with her
In her silence, lie the sweetest of words
In her voice, lies the singing of the Canary
Her words are the blade of a sword
For the right and good, she fears not to march Valiant..Valiant
Her opponents hide away
For her sword is decisive
Lady Oscar - opening
Lady Oscar
She dresses
like a boy.
Lady Oscar
They talk about her
in every song.
Lady Oscar
you used to live
during the revolution.
Lady Oscar,
nobody will ever
forget your name.
One day her father
decided to
make a soldier
out of her.
While her friends
wore petticoats
she put on her spurs.
Instead of
playing with dolls
she was galopping all day.
Lady Oscar
She dresses
like a boy.
Lady Oscar
They talk about her
in every song.
Lady Oscar
you used to live
during the revolution.
Lady Oscar,
nobody will ever
forget your name.
She handled her sword
so well that nobody
dared challenge her.
And when they sought
quarrel with her,
she would fight in duels.
One day
she picked her side
and drove out the tyrants!
Lady Oscar
She dresses
like a boy.
Lady Oscar
They talk about her
in every song.
Lady Oscar
you used to live
during the revolution.
Lady Oscar,
nobody will ever
forget your name.
Lady Oscar
She dresses
like a boy.
Lady Oscar
They talk about her
in every song.
Lady Oscar
you used to live
during the revolution.
Lady Oscar,
nobody will ever
forget your name.
Lady Oscar - opening
A wild rose, proud and free,
she'll only be true to herself.
Lady Oscar, Lady Oscar!
She can fight like a man,
she can fence and ride.
She performs miracles
and survives any danger.
And yet she's still a woman.
Lady Oscar,
always awaiting the next adventure,
she will risk everything.
Lady Oscar,
walking alone through darkness and fire
without hesitation.
Lady Oscar,
always seeking truth and justice.
Lady Oscar
she would give her life
for the weak and the poor.
Lady Oscar, Lady Oscar,
the wind of Freedom blowing in her undone hair.
Lady Oscar, Lady Oscar,
like an angel freeing the world from fear and hatred,
ready for any fight
and yet always remaining ladylike.
Bolnavul Trandafir
O tu trandafirule , cel ce palit te intrezari
Nevazutul virus'
Ce cutreiera in noapte
Prin naprasnica furtuna
Gasit-a cel asternut
De catifelata fericire
Iar a sa intunecata secreta iubire
Duce la distrugerea celei vieti
Erotic hymn
Between your two divine lips
The eternal life elixir drips
Oh! let me drink, oh! let me drink
Living to love you is all I think
Instead of elixir of life
Poison you give me, bitter wine
You know how much do I love you
That’s why you hurt me, hurt me you
You love somebody, so I hear
Why do you torture me my dear?
Give me your poison, yes you can
I ‘ll lose my life, you ‘ll smile again
la vie en rose
dye this moment red
i'll make it red, make it
there's a red rose in my heart
it's elegant and new (rose)
this feeling shines brighter
than a ruby (than a ruby)
i'm drawn in na, na, now
right na, na, now
i don't wanna make it blue
imagine your la vie en rose
your deepening eyes flush red
it sets my heart on fire, makes me wanna dance
don't forget this rose here
we can shine forever
la, la, la
la vie en rose
this is my, my
la, la, la, la vie en rose (rose)
oh, it's my, my
la, la, la, la vie en rose
look forward to the feeling
(it somehow becomes even more perfect)
i like it even if i look close
all the eyes shining like rubies
all eyes on me
i'll shine brighter than anyone else
i'll dye it red
this feeling is sweeter
than candy (than candy)
i'm drawn in na, na, now
right na, na, now
i don't wanna make it blue
imagine your la vie en rose
your deepening eyes flush red
it sets my heart on fire, makes me wanna dance
don't forget this rose here
we can shine forever
la, la, la
la vie en rose
this is my, my
la, la, la, la vie en rose (rose)
oh, it's my, my
la, la, la, la vie en rose
open your closed eyes
everything is changing
look at this new world
no one else knows, oh, baby
la, la, la la, la, la
la vie en rose (everything's dyed red)
la, la, la la, la, la
la vie en rose
even if it's a dream, paint it red
wake up anytime and call for me
don't forget this rose here
we can shine forever
la, la, la
la vie en rose
this is my, my
la, la, la, la vie en rose (rose)
dye it in rose light
la, la, la, la vie en rose
bright red, my rose
shine, my rose (la, la, la, la vie en rose)
this moment is special (we'll make it red)
oh, it’s my, my la, la, la, la vie en rose
The Rose Perishes Beautifully
If I were just a nameless flower
Blooming in a field
Then I could simply
Let myself blow in the wind
But I was born to the destiny of the rose
Born to a brilliant and tempestuous life
The rose, the rose blooms nobly
The rose, the rose perishes beautifully
I wonder beneath which star
I am destined to perish
I have not been granted
An ordinary life
But I have been entrusted with the destiny of the rose
To always live my life aflame with passion
The rose, the rose blooms nobly
The rose, the rose perishes beautifully
I have been entrusted with the destiny of the rose
To always live my life aflame with passion
The rose, the rose blooms nobly
The rose, the rose perishes beautifully
(I love you, Oscar)
Viata in Roz
Tine-ma aproape , si-n brate strange-ma de-ndata
Magia ce emani ...
Asta-i viata in 'rOZ'
Cand ma saruti , cerul suspina
Si desi ochii-mi inchid,
Intrevad viata cea frumoasa !!
Cand la al tau piept ma strangi
Ma aflu intr-o lume aparte
O lume unde trandafiri infloresc
Iar cand graiu-ti faci auzit
Ingeri din inalturi canta
Cuvinte de fiece zi par
A se transforma in balade de dragoste
Daruieste-te intru totul mie
Iar viata are etern, sa fie ...
O poveste , frumoasa
Iar cand graiu-ti faci auzit
Ingeri din inalturi canta
Cuvinte de fiece zi par
A se transforma in balade de dragoste
Daruieste-te intru totul mie
Iar viata are sa fie etern ...
Viata in Roz'
A prayer
is being said by my lips
by my lips for you
and my eyes are crying day and night
are crying day and night
come back to me,
inside my arms
I walked around the earth looking for you
I tear the mountains and ask everywhere
Who has seen the eyes that I love?
Who has seen the eyes that I love?
But why,
did you give up on me
give up on me, my lost partner
Nobody know where you are,
nobody knows
Where can I find you, my sweetheart,
secret solace of mine?
I walked around the earth looking for you
I tear the mountains and ask everywhere
Who has seen the eyes that I love?
Who has seen the eyes that I love?
Million roses
Once upon a time, a painter
having only canvases and colors,
but he loved an actress,
the one who loved flowers.
So he put on sale
his paintings, his humble abode
and so bought
a whole ocean of flowers.
One million, one million,
a million red roses,
through the window, through the window,
by the window you discover.
He who loves you, he who loves you,
he who loves you for real
will change all his life
in flowers for you. (bis)
At the window she asks herself
it was really something -
like a grandiose spectacle,
the place is full of roses.
His soul is frozen for a moment:
who is this funny lover?
And in a corner, all shaking,
the handsome boy lowers his eyes.
To the refrain
The beautiful meeting was brief,
she left at night,
but in his life there was
the wonderful field of roses.
The paintings of the painter become famous,
now had only one theme,
a square covered with flowers,
a beautiful window who loves him.
To the refrain
She’s In The Rain
Do you hear me
covered in gray fog
a gloomy day
I’m afraid I’m blind now
I’ve lost interest
in everything
Do you hear me
As I walked down the street, I saw a
different way
I turned around and found no one
The dreams I’ve been after,
I follow them
I’m dying inside
I wanna think that it’s a lie why why
Even if I shout there is no answer
A flood of loneliness
In the rain rain rain
She’s in the rain
When I look at how beautiful you are
Time stops
It’s hard to even open my eyes now
No whoa, she’s in the rain
Do you hear me
Even if you’re hurt you don’t show it
I’m so scared of seeing the end
In your eyes I can see
the emptiness
She’s dying inside
She wants to think that
it’s a lie why why
Even if I call her, she’s not answering
A shower of rain
In the rain rain rain
She’s in the rain
When I look at how beautiful you are
Time stops
It’s hard to even open my eyes now
No whoa she’s in the rain
In my memory
Your traces spread
As if the rain has soaked them up
I lose track of where to go
In your tears
Of frozen reality
She’s in the rain
You wanna hurt yourself
I’ll stay with you
You wanna make yourself
go through the pain
It’s better to be held
than holding on
No whoa
We’re in the rain
In this falling rain
I fill the scattered you
So I could see how beautiful you are
No whoa we’re in the rain
Take me down
Lonely you are
Your scars that are growing
The door to your heart is closed
You try to force it
Like a kid
But it’s already too late
You won’t be able to turn
Back in the time that you abandoned
I wanna say goodbye
I’m letting go off all of the regrets
I’m erasing them in my head
I just wanna say goodbye
Take me now
Please undo my chain of pain
If I can scape
Like the fire that is growing bigger
Can you take me down?
I’m under cold rain again
If I can avoid it
Like being dull
Can you take me down?
Rough way of speaking
Our view that’s changing
like a seasonal flow
A dark tattoo
My carved mistake
It’s already too late
On the edge of a dark heart
Even the lost memories
I just wanna say goodbye
I can’t just stand there
In a cold heart
I just wanna say goodbye
Take me now
Please undo my chain of pain
If I can scape
like the fire that is growing bigger
Can you take me down?
I’m under cold rain again
If I can avoid it
Like being dull
Can you take me down?
Oh take me now
Please undo my chain of pain
If I can escape
Like the fire that is growing bigger
Can you take me down?
I’m under cold rain again
If I can avoid it
I become dull
Can you take me down?
Girl Of The Sea
Girl of the sea, you were born out of the love of your father
A submarine wolf, together with your mom siren of the sun
Girl of the sea
sweet pieces of naivety
they know how to put away the salts of the sand
Girl of the sea
And if any day they ask where is dad?
You tell them loud and clear that he is always going to be by the sea
Girl of the sea
And when you sorry I'll braid your hair
Invisible that will make you go straight to the sea
(Always will be your place)
Oh oh oh oh no.
Oh oh oh oh no.
Oh oh oh oh no.
Girl of the sea
And while you are the most profound
to sail
you're going to build your own truth to support
Girl of the sea
The sea now is salty to cry
but with your sweetness, it was possible to mix
and become immortal
Girl of the sea
And like a lioness I'll take care of you
I know you'll be brave as I taught mom
and you're going to fight
Girl of the sea
And when you are sorry I'm going to embroider
with immense yellow thread
landscapes of the sea
When you see the ocean
when you think it can't feel like you're around
I know you're strong even if the darkness obscures your vision
look at those eyes and let the light guide you to wisdom and
calmness, to my stoned bitter part
a new remote process I never knew
to alleviate my craving, at least there is not fight in your calm home.
No offense or jealousy that kills,
no thinking now of my absent body but not of my soul
I was eager to escape of the abyss that binds me,
for you for my end,
away from everyone who drowns me in the water
I appreciate those looks at dawn,
This decision is already taken and is clear.
Oh oh oh oh no
Oh oh oh oh no
Oh oh oh oh no
Girl of the sea
And when you are feeling sad I will always go to
Love you more.
Trandafirul din Novgorod
Trăia odată în Novgorod
cea mai frumoasă copilă din lume.
Războiul a venit la Novgorod,
iubitui ei s-a dus la război.
Ea i-a dat un trandafir,
un trandafir roșu ca sângele.
'Întoarce-te curând la Novgorod
și rămâi mereu bine cu mine!'
~ ~ ~
Primăvara a venit la Novgorod,
trandafirii înfloreau roșii.
Dar afară, departe de Novgorod,
era încă război și moarte.
Anii au trecut peste țară
și inima ei era foarte grea.
Ea aștepta în Novgorod,
dar el nu s-a întors niciodată.
Versions: #2
The way how you dance and also the style how you walk
Moved me
from the first look
Whatever you do
It makes my heart
What's the price
for a night with you
I pay with Cash
Whatever you want
Whatever I need do it to me
Queen on your stage
Dance with me the whole night
world of light is dazing my mind
but you just thought about me
I look at you
and can't stand
Not even in the dream I saw the fire
What are you doing
When your illusory world breaks down
the light goes off
What happens with me
I pay with Cash
Whatever you want
Whatever I need do it to me
Queen on your stage
Dance with me the whole night
world of light is dazing my mind
but you just thought about me
Queen on your
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
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