Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 39


Mai există ceva ce poate face dragostea?

Am venit pe lume aici, fără să dețin nimic
Zbătându-mă îndurerat, trăind într-un gol veșnic
Când doar cei ce n-au mai visat, sau cei care au trișat
câștigă în ziua de azi, atunci unde mai pot respiră?
Guvernul ne este străin, și zeii sunt și mai bizari
Dar totuși eu încă mai cred, că își mai amintesc de noi
De magia curajului, și nădejdea legăturii noastre
Adulții fără de speranța, își vor abate privirea
Dar tu din ziua aceea și, chiar și în lumea de acum
Ai rămas centrul unicat, a tot ce eu consider drept
Chiar și dac-această lume, întoarce spatele la tine
Tu încă vei avea puterea, de a lupta contra ei
Mai există ceva ce poate face dragostea?
Mai există ceva ce poate face sinea mea?
Pentru că eu am primit, curaj de la tine, eu vreau să îl folosesc, acum pentru tine
Pentru că acest amor, eu îl împart cu tine, deci este fără rost, dacă nu e cu tine
Mai există ceva ce poate face dragostea?
Mai există ceva ce poate face sinea mea?
Ce este acela destin? O aruncare de zaruri?
sau poate simple capricii, poftite de Dumnezeu
Poate e armura noastră, care va rezista etern
Sau poate voință supremă, dirijând de departe
Dorințe ce nu s-au împlinit, reîntâlniri ce nu s-au înfăptuit
conflicte ce nu s-au rezolvat, și ura ce s-a acumulat
Vocile ce s-au iertat, și mâinile ce s-au legat
Ca steaua aceea să ardă, și în ziua de astăzi
Mai există ceva ce poate face dragostea?
Mai există ceva ce poate face sinea mea?
Pentru că eu am primit, curaj de la tine, eu vreau să îl folosesc, acum pentru tine
Pentru că acest amor, eu îl împart cu tine, deci este fără rost, dacă nu e cu tine
Mai există ceva ce poate face dragostea?
Mai există ceva ce poate face sinea mea?
De ce avem voie să visam, când suntem neînsemnați?
De ce încă mai putem să sperăm, dacă-n final vom fi călcați?
De ce absolut tot ce ni s-a dat, dispare din mâinile noastre?
Și nu e urat? Să ne legăm de ceva, așa misterios?
Sau poate, că e frumos?
Te rog răspunde-mi
melodiile dragostei, au fost mereu cântate, și filmele dragostei, au fost mereu redate
M-am născut într-un neant, și tu te-ai născut la fel. Și chiar, și așa, totuși
Încă mai e ceva ce poate face dragostea
Încă mai e ceva ce poate face sinea mea

I miss you

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
It’s you, it’s you, it’s you I miss
I miss talking to you, touching you
Holding you… your eyes
Haven’t felt a thing that overwrites these feelings just yet
Here I am holding on to this world without you
Sometimes I laugh, find things to absorb myself in
Yet, I still can’t seem to find any reason
Why it’s okay to be without you, ten years gone
In who ever’s body is the oxygen now circling?
The oxygen that you should’ve been breathing
Preposterously yet seriously
I’m still reflecting
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
It’s you, it’s you, it’s you I miss
I miss hearing you, caressing you
Taking it out on you… your smell
Haven’t felt a thing that overwrites these feelings just yet
What would you have said?
What would you have donе?
“It’s gonna be okay”, I should’ve taped you say
I’m still saving all my reasons
Why it’s not okay to be okay, ten years gone
The air I’m breathing became a bit lighter
Now that this planet has lost you
Ridiculously yet seriously
I still feel your presence
I thought about asking for a miracle to happen
So that you and I can meet again
But I know it’s probably not gonna happen
‘Cause I’ve used up all my luck when I first found you
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
It’s you, it’s you, it’s you I miss
I miss talking to you, touching you
Holding you… your eyes
Haven’t felt a thing that overwrites these feelings just yet
And probably won’t feel any for the rest of my life
That I know for sure

Blame summers

Summers the one to blame
For making us feel we want to go
Love is the one to blame
For showing us how far we can go
The season that breathes
Life into all things
Hearts dancing fast paced
Lets leave it all behind
Lets all get left behind
All summer long
Today the season will change
And a new one takes its place
I could tell from the sky
I just knew from the smell
Written on your face
Three seasons fall winter spring
You’ve been pushing through ahead
Hundred Twenty Percent
Kept on holding it in, just wait for the chance
With every breath that you take
I just feel that it makes
You so beautiful
There’s no more time
Relax unwind
First of its kind
Never coming back
So vast and wide
I know it’s here
Summers the one to blame
For making us feel we want to go
Love is the one to blame
For showing us how far we can go
This season won’t last
Moves 5 times as fast
Over in what
Seems just like a blink
So why don’t we just try
To stay here for all time
Or even more
Few thousand years from now
We’ll all be gone from this place
Not even a trace
Summer won’t ever change
It’ll be singing again
But here and now this is our time
No one else can take away
Doing all that we can
Trying to make it last
Patiently waiting
Filling this summer jar
With so many memories
That the lid will pop off
Daytime and Night
Our gazing Eyes and
Perfect Vibes are
Prepared but insecure
Mixed up in the air tonight
You are the one to blame
For making me sing this song of love
Love is the one to blame
For making me promise you my all
Even if a few
Dreams break into two
And disappear into the starry night
If it’s just me and you
There’s no way we can lose
I know it’s true
“Like the ice that’s in the sun
The magic of summer can melt away quickly”
So nonchalantly
Suddenly you said to me
With a face exactly
Like a cool night breeze
Summers the one to blame
For making us feel we want to go
Love is the one to blame
For showing us how far we can go
This uncertainty and difficulty
Is what we are all holding onto
This season knows the way
For making us all shine
Summers the one to blame
For making us feel we want to go
Love is the one to blame
For showing us how far we can go
No scientist or
Any dreamer has solved
No renegade
Has even made the claim
The answer that we seek
Is right here in our hands
The season that breathes
Life into all things
Hearts dancing fast paced
Till the very end of time
Let’s leave it all behind
All summer long


They’re always right here - these arms, these ears, these eyes.
Although I never did search for them.
I’ve fallen into the habit of using them to search for something.
I never even considered that one day, they might be gone.
In the morning, if I wake up, I'll find my eyes gone.
I won’t go searching - without you, I can’t go searching.
If I tried to methodlessly fumble, I wouldn’t even have arms to do so.
If I tried to rely on listening to sound, I wouldn’t even have ears to make sense of it.
I don’t possess even the understanding to know how to meet myself,
or to know what I am - something no longer there?
An event that ought not to occur,
yet somehow did - this event taking place isn’t that sort of thing.
“I’ll always be here,” saying this, the laughing voice was sad.
The more I wish to be by your side, the more you stray from my field of vision.
“I’ll always be here,” and with that, I almost cried.
That’s why from here on, I’ll make sure I arise every morning.
It’s always right here - your figure, your visage.
No matter how you say it, I still can’t understand.
I’ve fallen into the habit of using it to search for something.
I never even considered that one day, it might be gone.
If distance indeed exists, and if my heart beats within me,
you’ll still be closer to me than my arms or ears.
After all, you came from within this extremely vast world,
from within this place in my chest, from within my heartbeat.
It’s around two centimeters or so to my favourite place.
It’s because I was allowed to choose it that it’s already a part of me.
I was under the impression that my mind was free of sin.
See how I’m pleading again? I’m truly an idiot.
They’re always here - these complaints, these waverings, this grumbling.
Although I’d flaunt them if my hiding them was found out.
Since when have I been rushing to conceal the past me?
To the point where even a shadow of its true form was nowhere to be seen.
With these eyes, these arms, I found you.
And thus, with you, with your hands, I understood the shape of me.
I met myself for the first time.
“I’ll always be here,” are words from way deep within me.
I listen carefully in search of the source, but the master of the voice has been long buried.
“I’m sure, from here on…” said a voice that reached my throat.
I didn’t know in which direction to release it, so I simply swallowed.
The two of us could become one - that was the meaning of that distance which drew too close.
Why is it that this memory is being discussed now?
That’s right. One’s becoming two. Before they’re let fall into the thick of this world,
there’s a second left, so let’s meet directly after the emergency landing.
Even if we’re scattered a second time, we’re sure to meet again soon.


Versions: #1
It seems like this world's still trying to tame me
Fine, as you wish, I'll struggle beautifully
While admiring eachother's hourglasses, let's kiss
Let's meet at a place furthest from 'good-bye'
The time has come at last, everything until yesterday was the prequel of the prequel
You can just skim the pages, because it's my turn now
With my knowledge, experience, and my mildewed courage in hand
At a speed I've never reached before, I'll dive towards you
And when I dozed off into a lukewarm can of cola
I dreamed of a world that is so far from here
Outside of the classroom window
Or in a morning that's transported in a rocking train
'Fate' or 'the future'
We love in a place that is far out of reach from words like these
Even hands of the clock look at us sideways as they keep ticking
In a world like like this for a lifetime - no, through every chapter,
Let's keep living on
Let's force the 'nice to meet you's away into a far-off place
And breathe enough to last a housand-year cycle in a single day
I hated this world that is made up of words pulled from the dictionary
An August morning inside of the kaleidascope
You bashfully made everything clear right in front of me
With your smile like a textbook of this world
I had hoped that the meaning of these fiction-like days,
Was something out of the norm, even if it was a tragedy
And then, you were standing in front of my door
Bearing everything
'Fate' or 'the future'
Let's play in a place that is far out of reach from words like these
Even in the way that you loved, I could smell that scent of yours
Even in the way that you walked, I could hear that laughter of yours
I'll keep every part of you who will disappear some day
Making sure that it's burned into the back of my eyes
It's not even a right anymore, I think of it as an obligation
'Fate' or 'the future'
We love in a place that is far out of reach from words like these
Even hands of the clock look at us sideways as they keep ticking
In a world like like this for a lifetime - no, through every chapter,
Let's keep living on

Brand New World

You said, “We’ll be able to get over it as long as we’re together”
Your voice was feebly quivering
How many more «nights» and «emptiness» must we stand?
No one knows if we’ll ever make it there
If we’re back to «a normal state»
We’ll end up as strangers
I'm sure there’s no going back to the same world
Behind the door I have opened up, lies «a brand new world»
“Just face upward as you walk”, we’ve looked away too much
For a long time from our feet constantly crumbling down
I'm not crying, crying, crying
I'm not crying, crying, crying at all
“Calm down” “Calm down” “Calm down” Don’t you cry
I say I’m not crying, crying, crying
I just brought into focus the things I wanted to see
Covering the whole Earth in mosaic
We’re falling into the sky, buildings are falling apart
Money peeling our skin off, booing voices ricocheting
Victims are being piled up, the fate is snoring
Drawing a beautiful zero, let’s then make it anew
On the Earth where only bruised strangers are allowed to come into the world
What would you call «superiority»?
God in the commentator’s seat today, what do you think?
Witness us with your eyes, and where the catastrophe ends
You said, “We’ll be able to get over it as long as we’re together”
Your voice was feebly quivering
A dream isn’t a dream until you wake up
Like a lie isn’t a lie until you know it
“If it is the last love in this time and space, I want to go past it with you”
You don’t even want the completely stagnant truth, do you?
You’re a big fan of nice-looking lies
I will lose if you want to win this game
If that’s happy for you, will you show me a smile?
Because I want to draw this up with you even in waving lines
Perhaps I’m going to change the world in the next morning

It's Nothing

Versions: #1
The wind that blew between us
Brought loneliness from where?
The sky I saw after tears
Was strikingly transparent
Father’s voice, though usually very harsh,
Sounds somewhat warmer today
I knew nothing about kindness
About smile, about sharing dream
I learned them all by copying you.
Just a little more, just a little longer
Only just a little more
Just a little more, just a little longer
Just a little longer can we stay together?
We fly through the time
We climb up the cliff of time
I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek in time
I’m tired of being left alone in time
You cry tears of joy, you smile smiles of sadness
That’s because your heart has gone ahead of you
The toys I got by wishing upon a star
Now lay forgotten in the corner of my room
The number of my dreams has reached 100 today
Tomorrow I may change them with just one
“See you tomorrow” I said today after school
To a girl who I usually don’t talk with
It’s good to do something unfamiliar once in a while
Even more so when you are by my side
Just a little more, just a little longer
Only just a little more
Just a little more, just a little longer
Just a little longer let us stay together.
We fly through the time
I know you from long time ago
Even long before I remembered my own name
The world without you may have some meanings
But the world without you seems like August without summer holidays
Like Santa that never laughs “Ho-ho”
The world without you…
We fly through the time
We climb up the cliff of the time
I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek in time.
Tired of being left alone in time
Never mind, yes, never mind
I’m coming right away
We fly through the time
We climb up the cliff of the time
I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek in time.
Tired of being left alone in time
You are such a loud crier
I wanted to stop your tears so much
But you refused and your tears left streaming
Made me realize:
I cry tears of joy, I smile smiles of sadness
Because my heart has gone ahead of me.

Is there anything else love can do?

Is there anything else that love can do?
I was born into this world with nothing,
writhing in pain, living in a mere gap in eternity.
When the cunning ones and the ones who gave up on their dreams
are the only winners in this age, where do I stop to breathe?
Rulers and gods may seem like distant, unfamiliar faces,
but I would still expect them to know full well
of the magic of courage, hope and human connection.
Adults with no direction may turn their eyes away,
but the ''you'' from way back then, still today
is right at the center of all I consider just.
Even when the world turns its back on you,
you still have the strength to stand up against it.
Is there anything else that love can do?
Is there anything else that I can do?
This is the courage you gave me,
so I want to use it on your behalf.
This is the love that I chose to share with you,
so it's meaningless, if it's not with you.
Is there anything else that love can do?
Is there anything else that I can do?
''Fate'' is nothing more than the roll of a die.
Or perhaps it's just the caprices of the gods.
A suit of armor, chosen for us, that won't come off.
Or maybe it's a distant, unwavering intent.
Unanswered prayers, and reunions that never transpired,
uncleared misunderstandings, and hatred that keeps piling up,
voices that forgive each other, and hands holding each other tight.
This star carries them all with it, as we yet live on today.
Is there anything else that love can do?
Is there anything else that I can do?
This is the courage you gave me,
so I want to use it on your behalf.
This is the love that I raised with you,
so it's meaningless, if it's not with you.
Is there anything else that love can do?
Is there anything else that I can do?
Why are we allowed to dream, even though we're so insignificant?
Why are we allowed to hold hope in our lives, even though one day they'll end?
Why is it that everything we were given just slips through our fingers?
And isn't it unsightly, that we cling to them all the same?
Or is it actually beautiful?
Please, answer me!
Songs about love have been sung to death.
After so many movies, love's story has been told to death.
And even though you and I were born into such a wasteland,
there are still more things that love can do.
There are still more things that I can do.

Nanoka | Song of seven

Said I wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you
Yes, I wanna be with you
Until I die
Talking to my favorite songs and I'm about to fly
I wish that I'd be there next to closest by your side
‘So am I’. Well, who am I?
Reality knocks on my door and I'm about to cry
I tried to shut down the world but it's time to say good-bye
You and I will live and die, well so what
'Cause I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
Until I die
I have never thought I'm handsome,
I swear never, though I may have thought once or so
Anyway it doesn't matter, because you say
you like and praise my face. I'm grateful to my parents,
really grateful, they're so genius that they made me as my loving one like.
How did you do that?
It can't be helped if they say 'by chance', but if they have some key,
please tell it to me, only secretly, and let me use it someday
I hope my children would be like me
'Cause I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
Until I die
I'm not 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and I'm rubbish
so actually not 8, 9 or 10 and I'm not worthy of you
About the problem, I know what you're going to tell. Anyway there's no way
I won't let you say I'm not worthy, and I won't care it if you'd say
However were I treated, however were I said, whatever happen to me,
even if were I told my life ends in tomorrow, the day or two days after tomorrow,
it's not a problem
cuz I was able to be the most precious person on the earth
of the most precious person on the earth, I'd be on the earth the ...
I need not to say next term, it's enough to keep it in my mind
I won't compete it with others, although I won't lose at all
then let's say after all, say, but I wonder no, let's not
after all it's not a problem of win or lose and we don't know how to evaluate
By the way, back to the first talk, I said I'm not 6 and I'm rubbish
then what are you? well, there's only one left
needless to say, of course, it's 7
as you know, to my head, luck is sticked
'Cause I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
Until I die
Said I wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you
Yes, I wanna be with you
Until I die
Said I wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you
Said I wanna be with you
Until I die
Until I die
'Cause I wanna be with you
Said I wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you
Until I die
Said I wanna be with you
Said I wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
Until I die
Said I wanna be with you
Said I wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you
Until I die
Said I wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you
'Cause I wanna be with you
Until I die

Yayu | Ridicule

Actually, days have no tastes or scents
Every day we add meanings or spices to them
How old are you now?
Everyone wants to know when I will die
'Let's go for a dinner'
that's how to take a girl to the motel
'anyway you should have a condom'
you will lose all of your value
Pleased to commit an innocent crime
Go out to hunt tonight's dish as well today
Please take me there, as I understood most of this world
Please take me to the so-called afterlife earlier
Seeing that you can say such a ridiculous thing,
it's too early for you to born to be a human
I think it will take more than a million year
to be a mouse, a cow, a tiger, a sheep and a monkey
I wanna be a hippie and have a lot of cookies
Across the sea to Hollywood and meet my dearest
Whoopie Goldberg, Spielberg and bla-bla-bla
What am I saying? I'm insane, help me Quwa quwa quwa
Lupin, Chopin says ”welcome my crisis now”
Isn't it rude when you invited? (is it?)
Isn't it somewhat terrible to sing such a song? (not much.)
Isn't it worthy of collecting fees?
then why? what? what? what...
cuz everyone isn't interesting
Please take me there, as I understood most of this world
Please take me by the Noah's Ark, rolling over and over
Seeing that you can say such a ridiculous thing,
it's too early for you to born to be a human
Are you willing to be a mouse, a cow, a tiger, a sheep and a monkey?
198603345 years × you(dumb) = yes, eternally
translated in Japanese, to sum up, you can never be a human
If the sutured wound opened, soak into water bravely
put a little salt and pepper and try to laugh (ha-ha)
Yes, ordinary emotions, multiplied = inanimate
Imagine, fantasize blackholes and bon jour
go out of control, escape and hug with neighbors
Please take me there, as I understood most of this world
Please take me to the so-called afterlife earlier
la-la, lu-la-la, la-lu-la-la, la-la-lu-la-la, la-lu-la-la-la,
a mouse, a cow, a tiger, a sheep, a monkey, a hippopotamus, a dumb, me, who am I?


I'm throwing off yesterday's world and leaving on a trip for the ocean
This map of the future that I drew with my small mind and this luggage
I threw them out and ran off with one bag
I'm always bad at telling my dreams, with a cold look I'm listening to stories of another place
'Is it like that? That's not what mine's like'
I'm always howling that out only in my heart
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?
It's always noisy inside my head, every day there is a big speech only in there
The world is overflowing with the words of successful people, at any time
The microphone is never turned towards the defeated
That vivid shining, this hand with all one's might
A pointed fingertip, sweeps over the world
If I could be with you on a night like this
I feel like we might reach it
Full of never ending stories in this never-ending universe
But I'm keeping pretty busy minding mine, and no time to care the others
Only if we unite our stories yours and mine
Why don't we make our own eternity?

Tie Tongue

The world doesn't look so good about you.
Don't worry, I won't even notice your shirt.
Wait, You're gonna have to stay there.
It's graduation. okay, okay.
If you don't see it, leave the world alone.
Let's go on the rampage as you like.
Embarrassment, difficulty, idiocy.
The life of a heaped mountain
Show me your tongue.
Show him as much as he can.
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
If you want to make it come true, it's just right.
Show me your tongue.
Ignore the annoying voice
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
Let's go.
I finally made a profit like my mom's dream.
Childhood turned Road, road
I was finally able to conceal the pain.
You're not her.
I'm snow, rain, moon, sun and wind.
He was born on October 12, 1993.
Up in apartments I was dreaming as a youngin’ though,
And as I write my thousandth song I’m finally coming up,
It’s been a pleasant day, I bout to blow it down,
I gave you pounds when you ain’t know the name you know me now.
I came in dirty khaki and jeans and cap, I sold you loud,
I took the trolley home and jotted down the coldest vows.
I want to do what I can not easily do, from now on…
Find the treasure from the ground, God…
Write aim to be able to be, endure now…
And we're on our way.
Please throw away the sharpening sense
It's not like that.
I just want to be in love with you.
It's not like that anymore.
He's so stupid that he can be laughed at.
If you want to make it come true, it's just right.
Show me your tongue.
Ignore the annoying voice
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
Let's go.
Tongue, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit.
Show him as much as he can.
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
If you want to make it come true, it's just right.
Show me your tongue.
Ignore the annoying voice
He's a guy who's got a wry smile on his face.
Let's go.

Banzai chant

The meaning of aiming for tomorrow with wet eyes
I'll still keep looking.
Is it your goal to live without being laughed at?
You were looking for something that would make you laugh, but you didn't.
I wonder if I can remember until now
I drew a number of dreams that I threw away in the back alleys
But this city even has such a dream
Inhale and spit out a new tomorrow
I'm a little tired of living without being deceived.
The antennae's umbrella's been worn out, too.
I want you to please the sadness inside you.
I want you to be proud of your suffering.
Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing??
Hidden in the shadow of a trembling smile
It's just you.
Grief, your tears,
It grows bigger and stronger today.
You see, that big sigh again
We're waiting for their feast.
That's right those guys are the enemies burst out now.
That smile and the voice, that's why it's broken into small fragments.
They know what kind of face you laugh with
You're laughing like fireworks.
I think you're not laughing.
Come on, let's get you out of here.
I want you to please the sadness inside you.
I want you to be proud of your suffering.
Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing??
Hidden in the shadow of a trembling smile
It's just me.
I want you to please the sadness inside you.
I want you to be proud of your suffering.
Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing??
Let me make you smile.
Banzai chant
The meaning of aiming for tomorrow with wet eyes
I'll still keep on looking.
I'll keep on traveling.


I’m not interested in any betting like in pokers
What’s the point of guessing which is which of them’s the jokers
Plenty of guessing and cheating, already right preachers?
Some say it’s a microcosm of this world, but who cares?
I guess you’ve just chose the different planet all you haters
This one’s not created for men like you, only dreamers
I would kindly ask you not to bother me you creatures
I’ll be good and you go home we’ll meet you in next century
Just a little more.
It hurts.
And let's fall in love again.
Don't leave him.
I guess I'm not old enough to understand my grade card
First of all, how well you know about me Mr Teacher
If I were you it'd take a couple of years to give me grades
Now, it's my turn to give you one what can you do to cheer me
Maybe I'm the only one?
That's the number.
You're shining.
Leave them alone.
It's cold and hard.
And after that, I refrigerated it in the freezer for three and a half hours.
I'll wait. I'll kiss you in the meantime.
Ah, Ah, ah.
Just a little more.
It hurts.
Let's fall in love again and again.
Don't leave him.


Oh, I wonder where are we came from.
I consulted tomorrow every day so that I could not be mistaken.
And one night, from a hole
If everything I do is spilling out
Will you pick it up with me?
Do you want to laugh at embarrassing me?
The color that suits your hair is not in the world yet.
The wind will sleep on your wings.
I laugh proudly at the stars floating far away
Oh, I wonder where are we came from.
I will breathe without knowing where I am tomorrow and where I am yesterday.
I think that's okay because you're here.
The star you pointed to didn't say anything to me.
I'll name it. let's raise it every night.
Oh, I wonder where are we came from.
I consulted tomorrow every day so that I could not be mistaken.
I think that's okay because you're here.

Walking dictionary

That war with you signals my sixth sense
I had a dull dream.
It's a race against the truth. overtaking comes from the right lane.
I can't be told that.
Well, then that's the end failure for both hands.
The triumphant little girls.
Don't lose! I won!
Huge justice is a crime
Jumping'out of place and genius'
With my love that was scattered
With your foreplay
I was playing with the reality of the Leave
ei, ya, sei
I can't see. I'm afraid of tomorrow.
I haven't finished my homework yet.
Even if you do your best, even if you do your best
The world will never budge.
It's one second in parallel with reality.
It's good to have courage.
Read the success book from one end to the other.
Into the city where I was going
You've got a lot of talent coming through.
Free-range melodies and shrieking idiots are seen
You can't get wet with a kiss like that.
I'm not gonna be okay. I'm just getting wet.
I can't do it right where you want it.
I can't see. I'm afraid of tomorrow.
I want to disappear, if it doesn't hurt
I can't see. I'm afraid of tomorrow.
I can't tell you. We're not friends
What do you know about it for decades?
Isn't there tens of thousands of undeveloped and undeveloped?

I'm About to Cry

Is love still laughing by your side?
Can you still not drink coffee?
Oh baby, it seems like, today as well, I'm about to accidentally call someone else by your name
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon..
Is love still making you shine?
'I'm a fool' I understand that
Oh baby, however without you saying it I can't quite grasp it
It's like I'm being blown by the wind and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
How am I supposed to fall asleep?
Is the spoiled person next to you doing better than I did?
Is the laughing person next to you able to make you laugh better than I could?
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
Whether love or a lie, either is fine, I wonder if it would've been easy if we were able to be awkward
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon

PAPARAZZI〜*This Story is Fiction〜

Hey hey Dad Dad
For our Japanese language class homework
We have to write an essay
About our dad's job
We also have to present it in front of everyone
I really hate it but I'll do my best
Our teacher said they're looking forward to hearing us talk proudly about our dads
Is that so? You see, your dad's
job is a bit different than what's normal
In a broad sense, I provide amusement
to all the people in the world
Actors, musicians
Athletes and celebrities
Whether in front of their house or at their workplace
No matter the location, I stick to them
And observe that person's day-to-day life
That's the type of work I do
And then, if they do something bad
Or if something interesting happens
Without a moment's delay I turn that into an article
And inform everyone in the world about it
I have to have strength and perseverance
It's a very hard job
What are you prattling about
Secret photography, bugging, shadowing, and stakeouts
You just do whatever you please
Are you trying to pass down divine punishment
Your deceptive face is so obvious
No matter what it's just bad
What type of splendid life do you have
How dare you do the things you do
You all that violate ethics
You talk about adultery and impurity
Yet you're pliant when it comes to power of the state
You're quite accustomed to bullying the weak
Your dream as a kid
Surely wasn't this
You don't even want to know and there's no need
Despite that you do what you do with pride
Compared to how noisily you rush in on others
You sure run away pretty quietly
Your words are painted in cowardice
They're too shallow and sad
When 'Your Name.' came out as a big hit
Without delay those low-life things appeared
It's not like we just suddenly came from the countryside out of nowhere
We've been well-know for 14 years
For music from an oddball me
Our fans have waited
And we've built up the bonds with them one by one
We do arena tours every time
Are you an idiot? What is all of that then?
Even if I unwilling give you that much
To go all the way to my parent's home and hang around there
That's a bold direct hit
'Isn't it great that your son has become such a success over the past 10 years
How do you feel as his parents?'
Well how about asking your parents
Isn't your son great
To be brought up so safely and wonderfully
From morning time he hangs around in a car in front of average citizens' homes
Forcibly asking hateful things against other's wills
Taking pictures without permission
And then with the money earned from publishing them in magazines
To your son living like that today
Do you have anything to say? You don't, do you?
You can't possibly not have anything to say
Even if there isn't anything to say, your son still asks
Wringing them out and saying them
Dad is amazing
If Dad weren't around
There would be a lot of troubled people
As expected, you're cool Dad
I'll always be proud of you
But listen, in this world
There are people who make fun of your dad's job
There are people who despise me
However, your dad won't lose to them
I'll stick out my chest with pride and keep living
It's because there's a demand that I do what I do
I do my best for the sake of the people
who look forward to what I do
Yes yes having confidence in your job
There's nothing wrong with that
Boldly having pride today
And living that way is the best
If that's so, then when your cover is blown and the person faces your camera
Then boldly answer without running away
Don't pretend to be a couple just to sit next to me
Don't eavesdrop like a stalker
Distrusting other people, distrusting the news
To the point of becoming insane
Even then, you're laughing?
Nothing's being conveyed to you all
The TV that fans the flames and spreads the news is evil
Society that groups together and sinks their teeth into that news is evil
You do it because there's a demand?
That's amazing, it's like you're a god
For the mere sake of whatever you like
For the mere sake of society's amusement
The people who were obliterated
Have to keep on living, so
I'll do what I have to
You'll do disgraceful things
If you say it's not disgraceful
Then live without hiding or stealing
If you can't look me in the eye and talk to me
Then what do you mean you're boldly living?
Dad, I wrote it, I worked really hard
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's presentation
In front of everyone I'll proudly
Read it out in a loud voice
Thanks, really
You're my son that I can be proud of
Ah, about tomorrow
I haven't really had a break in a while
And I haven't been able to play with you so
How about going on a family trip
So it's okay if you don't go to school
We'll keep it a secret from the teachers

RADWIMPS - Yuushinron 有心論

RADWIMPS - Yuushinron
All the lies I've told up until now, all the truths I've said up until now, it's become unclear which outweighs the other, so I've stopped looking.
The parts of me which I hate, the parts of me which I like, I already know which outweighs the other, and it makes me sad.
No matter what, if I'm hated someday, or detested by a person I love, before that happens, from my point of view, I'll be the one to hate them first.
Homever, if someday I should long for someone, and wish to be loved, before that happens, I'll be the one to say, ''Let's try and fall in love''.
You cry in such a beautiful way, that without thinking I smiled off to the side.
When I did that, it made you smile too, so I happily cried, and cried.
You turn those who distrust others and curse the future, into those who trust in humanity, and who dream of tomorrow: the ''me'' that was searching for yesterday just ins't here anymore.
You're a bit like a human dishwashing machine: ''At this time, I'd like for every household to make room for one. Since after this, there's no way you won't want to buy one, and that's no lie. Allow me to demonstrate its astonishing efficacy: you can say hello to a brand new you! However, it can be toxic, so please obey the recommended directions and dosage.''
Let's write these cathphrases down. Even when your clones finally become a smash hit, you'll still be the world's first love that can be seen with the naked eye, the only goddess that can be seen on Earth.
So that nobody would cry alone at the edges, you made the world a sphere, didn't you?
That's why if I can't meet with you, I'll look for a corner and weep, and weep.
So that everyone would make the most of their life, you gave it an ending.
That's why those times when you're not here, I just hold my breath and wait.
When I did that, you would always come by for me, but now you're not here any more.
Those who believed in humanity, who dreamed of tomorrow, have become tomorrow's suicide candidates, waiting for death.
The me from three minutes ago has made an appearance again.
When I hold my breath, I can feel my heart, and when I open it up, you're there.
So if you're there in my left atrium, then there ins't a single problem at all.
The people who were suicide candidates not but two seconds ago, you turned into believers of eternal bliss and prosperity.
But that you is gone, gone, gone, - but you're still there in my heart, sending this pulse through my whole body: ''Stay alive today, stay alive today, just stay the way you are right now'', sending me love from my white blood cells, red blood cells, and all over the place.e


I heard that it seems to arrive and it seems to be unreachable It seems likely to be possible
Analysis in your brain all over your gesture at full speed
I wonder if they are going to be tried then
If you want only an opponent to play, please please get to others
I'm not interested in remaining in your thick love history
Besides being your only one
Why is it so incomprerable?
I invited you from you
If you are not me Please say it sooner I am not in such a long time
It is not awful a bit but not much
I do not understand love anymore
Will you be a textbook?
If you say 'I'm fine' I have plenty of free time
There are not many things to know There are lots of things I do not want to understand
What you can say with a chest tight in a difficult and intertwined world
This earphone which is tangled as it is magical to solve in a moment
If I said that it was you, I wonder if I will be laughed again by my nose
I thought that I was scared enough to approach the confidence of love that you could not grasp
Even though such a heart is my first time
Why is it so incomprerable?
I invited you from you
If you are not me Please say it sooner I am not in such a long time
It is not awful a bit but not much
I do not understand love anymore
Will you be a textbook?
If you say 'I'm fine' I have plenty of free time
If I get drunk I will be able to tell you after all I guess it is useless
I wonder if I still had the courage to overcome it
So go right now and come over here
Do not give up again No one can not waste it
You know our time is running out, baby!
To be closer and to protrude from this view on the more side
I want to satisfy you only by you
Until you kiss today with you until you say 'OK'
I will not move from here
lolo gemini

Last virgin

'This is the first time I've felt like this', I said.
With a face like you don't care, you said
'We only just met, after all,
So it's just obvious', you said.
'What would you do if I died tomorrow?', I asked.
When I did, you didn't meet my eyes.
'We won't know until it happens'
You said, with a slightly angry face.
I wonder why that made me happy
And I laughed.
'The first time in my life' and 'the first and last'
The 'once in a lifetime' were you.
Ah, 'awoken or asleep', 'before or after'
It was such kind of thing.
'We don't need common days'
With your usual tune, you talked.
'I want to become your 'common'.
If that happened, it'd be nice'
I know that the ending is the beginning.
But we somehow made it here.
That's what we've always done, but...
Letting this end would be a mistake
We don't need the beginning of what's next
That's what I think of right here.
No matter how many times
I'll make a song so I'll remember
'The first time in my life' and 'the first and last'
The 'once in a lifetime' were you.
Ah, 'awoken or asleep', 'before or after'
It was this kind of thing.
'The first time in my life' and 'the first and last'
This 'once in a lifetime' proimse
Aah, let's make it here, in this place.
The beginning nothing, until the end.
'This is the first time I've felt like this', you said.
'That's just obvious', I said.


It seems that many things fill this world to overflowing
However, what exist here and what don't exist here
are everything
I wonder what I can say for sure
That we are living now, and that we will die someday
They're all I can say
However, I'm singing to find something more
You or all mankind except you
If I could save only one of those two,
who would I chose? I'd chose you without hesitating!
If you cry on Monday,
make complaints on Tuesday
and feel can't go on any further on Wednesday
you can smile on Saturday and Sunday
I hope your coming with me today
It's a shame it's shame if you're clogging your mind
Now don't you ever say it's like the end
It's OK it's OK not even started yet
I hope you remember wold said
Then everyday, everyday will be an holiday
OPQRSTUVW double you and me let's slide along side
Both you and me and let's slide along side

Flag of Japan

That flag, trailing in the wind - a flag, that has fluttered since ancient times
Lacks meaning, and yet is nostalgic - what is this feeling welling up inside of me?
If I put my hands over my chest and look up to the sky, my blood throbs and my pride soars
The spirit of this country that flows through my body is so noble
Now come, let us go forth, under the name 'Land of the Rising Sun'!
No matter how strong the wind that blows is, no matter how far or high the waves can reach,
The flames of our swaying spirits surely won't lose heart
The gentle voice of Mother in my chest, and the stern teachings of Father on my back
In these hands that have inherited history, why are there still things we fear?
Even if we can't forget the old days, you can still return to how it was back then
Even if our bodies were to be destroyed, they will come to bloom in several thousand years
Now come, let us go forth, there are now things we ought to protect
No matter how strong the wind that blows is, no matter how far or high the waves can reach,
Our seething determination, surely, will not be swayed
No matter how strong the wind that blows is, no matter how far or high the waves can reach,
The flames of our swaying spirits surely won't lose heart
Our seething determination, surely, will not be swayed

Dreamer's high

We're so courage that we can put away yesterday's dream and laugh
and make today's oath before sleeping
However, we sometimes put away today for the sake of yesterday's dream
and try to make old and someday's(*) myself stand on winner's plat form
We're so sensitive that we wear down our antennas everyday
and we're used to be hated. No, it's a n obvious lie
Skills to be loved are tied around even a murderer's, or a prime minister's DNA
When their mothers send them off
Dream plus dream. Selfish
Dream plus love. Kindness
Dream plus voice. Come true
When you add them up, please remember
Non-stopping girls running boys he’ll be there for all of you
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well
We're so talented that we represent the earth also today
Whether one ran as a candidate or chosen by someone isn't a problem. We're dictators unanimously
Even sensations and tragedies are artificial things made by ourselves
Self-praise, suicide bombing, accidents. Hey, pleas clap your hands and laugh. However
Don't worry. You might be trying to tame your ''loneliness'' now,
You don't have to be worry, because our parents were all popular
Since they have made loves for 4.6 billions years constantly,
we were finally born in this world
Dream plus wings. It reaches
Dream plus seed. withered
Dream plus lie. hit
When you add them up, you'll realize soon
Non-stopping girls running boys I’ll be there for all of you
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well
Don't stop, rain of destiny
Don't pick of the scab of love
( Non-stopping girls running boys he’ll be there for all of you
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well )
Though I've not lived enough long to understand so many things(**),but I decided not to give up
It was a close oath, not disposable one
It's lacking and boring, but It's so fantastic that I can't quit
I want to find such a nameless future. Such a bitter wish
Sadness plus kindness equal peace
Peace plus pain equal anger
Anger plus warmth equal tear
Tear plus tear equal dried-up
If I add a heart to the voice, words are born
If I add a love to the words, immediately
Ah, if I add up everything and divide by us,
The world is made