Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 76



We weren’t allowed to belong
Couldn’t see, talk, or hear anything
But every night for one or two hours,
I escaped from this world
Every night a little bit happy,
my ear so close to the receiver1
Radio, my radio
I let myself get sucked into the airwaves
My ears become eyes
Radio, my radio
So I hear what I can‘t see
Secretly satisfying my wanderlust
We weren’t allowed to belong
Couldn’t see, talk or disturb anything
Every song was forbidden
Such dangerous foreign notes
But every night was a little bit happy
My ear so close to the receiver
Radio, my radio
I let myself get sucked into the airwaves
My ears become eyes
Radio, my radio (my radio)
So I hear what I cannot see
Secretly satisfying my wanderlust
Every night I secretly climbed
onto the back of the music
laid my ears down on the wings
singing quietly into my hands
Every night and again,
I just fly away with the music
Floating this way through brightly-lit rooms
No borders, no fences
Radio, radio
Radio, radio
Radio, my radio (my radio)
I let myself get sucked into the airwaves
My ears become eyes
Radio, my radio (my radio)
So I hear what I cannot see
Secretly satisfying my wanderlust
  • 1. 'Weltempfänger' (Lit: 'world receiver') refers to a shortwave radio receiver that can receive international broadcasts, as compared to a regular radio that only receives local stations.


Versions: #2
If sister has to work
Lock me in the room
Has given a doll to me
Then I'm not alone
If sister has to work
Does not drive her by train
Her creative space is not far away
Is right in the room next door
Dark clouds in the sky draw
I take my medicine well-behaved
And wait here in the down bed
Until the sun goes down
They come and they go
And sometimes as a couple
The late birds sing
And the sister screams
Dark clouds in the sky draw
I take my medicine well-behaved
And wait here in the down bed
Until the sun goes down
And then I tear off the doll's head
Then I tear off the doll's head
Yes, I bite off the doll's neck
I am not doing well
I tear off the doll's head
Yes, I tear off the doll's head
And then I bite the doll's neck off
I'm not feeling well ... no
Dam dam
When sister is indulging in the work
The light in the window is red
I look through the keyhole
And one struck her dead
And now I tear off the doll's head
Yes, I tear off the doll's head
And then I bite the doll's neck off
I'm fine now ... yes
I tear off the doll's head
Yes, I tear off the doll's head
And now I'll bite the doll's neck off
I'm very fine ... yes
Dam dam


Unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci, sase, sapte, opt, noua, afara
Toata lumea asteapta Lumina
Te temi, nu-ti fie frica
Soarele straluceste din ochii mei
Ea nu va apune in seara asta
Si lumea numara cu voce tare pana la zece
Unu, acum vine Soarele
Doi, acum vine Soarele
Trei, Ea este cea mai strălucitoare dintre stele
Patru, acum vine soarele
Soarele imi straluceste din palme
Poate sa te arda, sa te orbeasca
Daca evadeaza din pumni
Iti v-a arde fata
Ea nu va apune in seara asta
Si lumea numara cu voce tare pana la zece
Unu, acum vine Soarele
Doi, acum vine Soarele
Trei, Ea este cea mai strălucitoare dintre stele
Patru, acum vine soarele
Cinci, acum vine Soarele
Sase, acum vine Soarele
Sapte, Ea este cea mai strălucitoare dintre stele
Opt, acum vine Soarele
Soarele imi straluceste din palme
Poate sa te arda, sa te orbeasca
Daca evadeaza din pumni
Iti v-a arde fata
Arde dureros pe piept
Echilibrul se pierde
Te izbeste de pamant
Si lumea numara cu voce tare pana la zece
Unu, acum vine Soarele
Doi, acum vine Soarele
Trei, Ea este cea mai strălucitoare dintre stele
Patru, acum vine soarele
Cinci, acum vine Soarele
Sase, acum vine Soarele
Sapte, Ea este cea mai strălucitoare dintre stele
Opt, acum vine Soarele

What I Love

I don't love that I love something
(I don't love that I love something)
I don't like it when I like something
(Don't like it, when I like something)
I'm not happy when I'm happy
(I'm not happy when I'm happy)
I know, though, that later I'll regret it
I'm not allowed to be happy
Whoever loves me, then, accepts it
What I love must die
What I love will be ruined
Happiness and joy are followed by agony
For everything that's beautiful, you have to pay,
what I love should die.
I can do without luck
because it carries misfortune with it
Do I have to destroy it?
(Do I have to destroy it?)
So I hold myself harmless
Whatever loves me, dies
I don't need to suffer
Whoever loves me gets ruined
I'm not allowed to be happy
Whoever loves me, then, accepts it
What I love must die
What I love will be ruined
Happiness and joy are followed by agony
For everything that's beautiful, you have to pay,
What I love should die.
What I love must die.
What I love will be ruined.
Happiness and joy are followed by agony
For everything that's beautiful, you have to pay,
what I love should die.


Versions: #3
You (you have, you have, you have, you have)
Cried a lot (cried, cried, cried, cried)
Separated in mind (separated, separated, separated, separated)
United in the heart (united, united, united, united)
We (we have been, we have been, we have been, we have been, we have been)
Have been together for a very long time (you are, you are, you are, you are)
Your breath cold (so cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
The heart in flames (so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
You (you can, you can, you can, you can)
I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
We (we are, we are, we are, we are, we are)
You (you stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)
Germany - my heart in flames
I want to love and damn you
Germany - your breath cold
So young - and yet so old
I (you have, you have, you have, you have)
I will never leave you (you cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
One can love you (you love, you love, you love, you love)
And wants to hate you (you hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
Overbearing, superior
Apply, pass
Surprise, ambush
Germany, Germany above all
Germany - my heart in flames
I want to love and damn you
Germany - your breath cold
So young - and yet so old
Germany - your love
Is curse and blessing
Germany - I can't
Give you my love
You (overpowering, superfluous)
I (superhuman weary)
We (who goes up, will fall deeply)
Yours (Germany, Germany above all)
Germany - my heart in flames
I want to love and damn you
Germany - your breath cold
So young - and yet so old
Germany - your love
Is curse and blessing
Germany - I can't
Give you my love

Fără tine

Mă voi duce în pădurea de brazi
acolo unde am văzut-o pe ea pentru ultima oară
Totuși, seara se proiectează precum o pânză peste pământ
și peste potecile de dincolo de codru
Iar pădurea se înalță atât de întunecată și goală
Vai mie, o vai
Și nici păsările nu mai cântă
Fără tine nu pot fi
Fără tine
Cu tine tot singur sunt
Fără tine
În lipsa ta număr orele fără tine
Cu tine stau pe loc secundele,
Nu merită
Pe ramurile din morminte
Predomină liniștea lipsită de viață
și îmi este atât de greu, ah, să respir
Vai mie, o vai
Și nici păsările nu mai cântă
Fără tine nu pot fi
Fără tine
Cu tine tot singur sunt
Fără tine
În lipsa ta număr orele fără tine
Cu tine stau pe loc secundele,
Nu merită fără tine
Fără tine
Și îmi este atât de greu, ah, să respir
Vai mie, o vai
Și nici păsările nu mai cântă
Fără tine nu pot fi
Fără tine
Cu tine tot singur sunt
Fără tine (fără tine)
În lipsa ta număr orele fără tine
Cu tine stau pe loc secundele,
Nu merită fără tine
Fără tine, fără tine, fără tine, fără tine

My Hear Burns

Versions: #5
Now, dear children, pay attention
I am the voice from the pillow
I brought you something
Have ripped it out of my chest
I have the power with this heart
to blackmail the eyelids
I sing until the new day comes
a bright glow in the sky
my heart is burning
They come to you in the night
Demons ghosts black fairies
they crawl out of the cellar shaft
and will look under your blankets
Now, dear children, pay attention
I am the voice from the pillow
I brought you something
a bright glow in the sky
My heart is burning
My heart is burning
They come to you in the night
and steal your little hot tears
they wait until the moon awakes
and squeeze my cold veins
Now, dear children, pay attention
I am the voice from the pillow
I sing until the new day comes
a bright glow in the sky
my heart is burning

Head to head

Versions: #3
Destiny has smiled on me
Gave me what men kill to see
Taken me up to the stars
Oh so close, yet oh so far
My fate falls into my hands
My desires, my commands
Where fresh water meets the sea
And taints itself endearingly
The Little Prince speaks out to me
A king will rule without his queen
When they tell me 'come on out'
This cruel world blinds itself in doubt
Head to head [1], I have no eyes for the other
Head to head, vice and virtue so unclear
Head to head, I now serve a second master
Head to head, vice and virtue so unclear
They see me hiding in a corner
Shadows form into my borders
I come well armored, well prepared
When my lust cannot be bared
My clan labels me a traitor
This nightmare doesn't wait till later
Head to head, I have no eyes for the other
Head to head, vice and virtue so unclear
Head to head, but still my heart goes through a freezer
Head to head, [tense breathing] [2]
Schwulah! (x2) [3]
(Schwulah Is a German slang word for fag or homosexual)
I've no concern for sin or vice
The sun has set for tonight
But still my heart goes through a freezer
[more tense breathing]
Schwulah, Head to head (x3)
Schwulah, Man against man against man

Miroși atât de bine

este doar un pod îngust...
malurile sunt înțelepciunea și instinctul.
Te urmăresc...
lumina soarelui derutează mintea...
un copil orb care se târăște înainte
pentru că simte mirosul mamei lui.
O să te găsesc.
Urma e proaspătă și
sudoarea ta și sângele tău picură pe pod.
Nu te văd...
doar îți simt mirosul, te simt...
Un animal de pradă care strigă de foame...
te adulmec pe distanță de câțiva kilometri.
Miroși atât de bine.
Miroși atât de bine.
Merg după tine...
miroși atât de bine.
Te găsesc
atât de bine
atât de bine.
Te urmăresc.
Miroși atât de bine.
Te voi prinde curând.
Acum te am prins.
O să aștept până când s-a întunecat...
atunci o să ating pielea udă.
Nu mă dezvălui.
Oo nu vezi că arde podul?
Nu mai striga și nu te mai opune
pentru că altfel se va rupe în două.
Miroși atât de bine.
Miroși atât de bine.
Merg după tine...
miroși atât de bine.
Te găsesc
atât de bine
atât de bine.
Te urmăresc.
Miroși atât de bine.
Te voi prinde curând.
Miroși atât de bine.
Miroși atât de bine.
Merg după tine...
miroși atât de bine.
Te găsesc
atât de bine
atât de bine.
Te ating.
Miroși atât de bine.
Acum te am prins.
Miroși atât de bine.
Miroși atât de bine.
Merg după tine.


Versions: #2
The final look for me
The water splits her legs
The water cooled you off
Into the cold water the woman drifts
She wears her lips horribly hot
He feels weighted down by lust
Crawled away from her, broke out of her lustful mouth
That kissed, and probably lied to, him!
Animal, animal, animal
Animal, animal, animal
And never forget the cold night
And in the night I forgive you
By the bell tower I found
She didn't show up to her wedding
May the wild animal live high
It slits the eye, now love me already
I'll never give up the knife and they dragged me
And then it comes barking
You are implored
Suddenly in the dark
Her veil shines to me in the darkness
The final look for me
And in the water the woman drifts
Animal, animal, animal
Animal, animal, animal
And never forget the cold grave
And in the night I forgive myself
My fate was extinguished at the bells
She didn't show up to her wedding
And never forget the cold grave
And in the night I forgive myself
My fate was extinguished at the bells
She didn't show up to her wedding
You only lay the veil onto her grave
You only lay the veil onto her grave
You only lay the veil onto her grave
The veil...


Versions: #2
I need time, no heroin
No alcohol, no nicotine
Need no help, no caffeine
But dynamite and terpentine
I need oil for gasoline
Explosive like kerosene
Being high-octane and unleaded
A fuel like petrol/gas
Need no friend, no cocaine
Need neither doctor not medicine
Need no woman, just vaseline
A bit of nitroglycerin
I need money for gasoline
Explosive like kerosene
Being high-octane and unleaded
A fuel like petrol/gas
Give me petrol
It runs through my veins
It sleeps in my tears
It leaks from my ears
Heart and kidneys are motors
You want to part with something
Then you have to incinerate it
Want to never see it again
Let it swim in petrol
I need petrol


Versions: #4
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Out
All wait for the light
You fear, do not be afraid
The sun shines out of my eyes
It will not go down tonight
And the world counts loudly to ten
One, here comes the sun
Two, here comes the sun
Three, she's the brightest star of all
Four, here comes the sun
The sun shines out of my hands
It can burn, can blind you
If it breaks from the fist
it lays hot on the face
It will not go down tonight
And the world counts loudly to ten
One, here comes the sun
Two, here comes the sun
Three, she's the brightest star of all
Four, here comes the sun
Five, here comes the sun
Six, here comes the sun
Seven, she's the brightest star of all
Eight, here comes the sun
The sun shines out of my hands
It can burn, can blind you
If it breaks from the fist
it lays hot on the face
it lays painful on the chest
The balance gets lost
It lets you go hard to the ground
And the world counts loudly to ten
One, here comes the sun
Two, here comes the sun
Three, she's the brightest star of all
Four, and will never fall from the sky