Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 15

Număr de rezultate: 865


The Warsaw Song

Versions: #1
Violent vortices are howling above us,
Those dark forces are maliciously oppressing us.
We've marched into the fateful fight with the enemy,
A fate unknown is awaiting us.
But we will rise to it proudly and courageously
With the banner for the struggle of the labour cause,
The banner of the grand struggle of all peoples
For a better world, for sacred freedom.
Onward to the bloody battle,
Revered and right
March on, march forward
These working people.
It is during these days a worker is dying of hunger,
Will we remain silent any longer, brothers?
Those youthful eyes of our companions
Does the sight of the scaffold frighten you?
In this great battle they will not vanish unnoticed
They have fallen with honour in the name of ideals.
Their names will be in our victory song
It will become sacred to millions of people.
Onward to the bloody battle,
Revered and right
March on, march forward
These working people.
We despise the tyrant's crown,
To those people who suffer in chains, we give homage.
As to those thrones drenched in peoples' blood
We will mark our enemies with their blood!
Death is ruthless to all our adversaries!
To all freeloaders of the working masses!
Vengeance and death to all those greedy kings!
Victory is at hand in this solemn hour.
Onward to the bloody battle,
Revered and right
March on, march forward
These working people.

Come (Beyond all loneliness)

Versions: #1
Beyond all loneliness
I lost the light of your living
I lost the horizon
Carry on as far as you wish
But later come and lighten
A heart that's suffering
I belong to you
Until the end of the sea
I am like you
Of the same light
Of the same loving
So come
Because I want to
Console you
If that's not alright
Carry on sailing

The Second Face

By God i'll get away from you, not humiliation
i'll download another Zouhair and change
i run every minute, every hour at night and morning
because you are talkative and your head is harder than stone
By God i'll get away from you, not humiliation
i'll download another Saad and change
i run every minute, every hour at night and morning
because you are talkative and your head is harder than stone
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya now it's the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
This love, which was beautiful, does not exist
The night messages and overlooks from windows
Kept us as a friends, forget me
delete all photos which is between me and you
This love, which was beautiful, does not exist
The night messages and overlooks from windows
Kept us as a friends, forget me
delete all photos which is between me and you
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya now it's the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Love is bitter with you
Living with you is a loss
I didn't think you are treacherous
By god, I will not be yours
Love is bitter with you
Living with you is a loss
I don't think you are treacherous
By god, I will not be yours
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large
Ahahayaya forget me
Ahahayaya now it's the second face
Ahahayaya just leave
Ahahayaya the sea is large

Brand New Sunrise

Bathing in the bright morning sun
The wishes in my heart are now burning alight
Don’t you forget your future
Back when your sky got clouded
Even if you’re feeling down, collect your shards of dreams
Holding on to all your hopes and dreams out there
I’ll see you get back on your feet, you know
Let it shine! Brand New Sunrise
With a whole new sun, you and the whole world will shine
Come ‘n’ get it! Brand New Sunshine
Nobody’s gonna get to me
Not a single soul (stand up)
We’re re-starting from here (don’t stop)
Down the road to tomorrow (let’s go)
Let’s walk

A little bit different

We should hate, we should love
(a little bit different)
We should hug, we should break up
(a little bit different)
We should feel each other
(a little bit different)
But we can see now, how should we do it
Then after that, she1said before leaving
That I should be cursed for eternity
And she only loaned me the table glass set
Which she brought over last night
Well, our god gave us a handful again
He was waiting for our next move
So that you and me could both see
That we could manage it a little bit different
We should hate, we should love
(a little bit different)
We should hug, we should break up
(a little bit different)
We should feel each other
(a little bit different)
But we can see now, how should we do it
But turning on her heels, she believed
That she isn't far from being honest
With that stamp she put on my heart
And because she happened to leave some footprints here
The opinion of our lord has changed too
He didn't help us anymore, he just prayed
So that you and me could both see
That we could manage it a little bit different
We should hate, we should love
(a little bit different)
We should hug, we should break up
(a little bit different)
We should feel each other
(a little bit different)
But we can see now, how should we do it
  • 1. Or he, the 3rd person pronoun is genderless in Hungarian.

Not Hungry

No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
Please don't ask me how I'm doing (pah, pah)
Please get out of my way (out of my way)
You are a victim, I can see that (haha)
That's why I include you in my prayer (amen)
Yeah, you talk a lot, but don't pretend
You'll never get to my account balance
You're creative when it's about your story
You can't convince anyone you're making money
Hey, I can see how you stare (how you stare)
You like my jewelry (my jewelry)
It hasn't even started (started)
But I break up with you (haha)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (No, you [plural]
No caviar and no lobster either (stay high)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (yes)
Yes, I'll buy you a Birkin (Birkin)
Yes, I'll gift you a dog (woof)
Baby, don't ask me for my number
Only want to see how you twerk, 'cause your ass is round, yeah (you [plural] know)
Yeah, my cash is colorful (yeah)
Yeah, I count bank notes, don't stress out, no
college girls, uhh, cheerleaders
Facetime with my ex? No, never again (never again)
I can see how she stares
Eliantte, one million just for jewelry
Yes, she wants my number, pushes
No, you won't get it [my number], not even when you swallow (hahaha)
yeah, yeah
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)


There will likely be a reason why you're so cold
And I know that I stay in your background quite a bit
But do know that then it all becomes a bit too much for me
And then I'm standing all alone with my feelings
I do not know what to think about this situation
I do not understand why you turn yourself away from me
Perhaps my impression is solely based on paranoia
But now I get the feeling that you're leaving me to my fate
There will likely be a reason why you're so cold
And I know that I stay in your background quite a bit
But do know that then it all becomes a bit too much for me
And then I'm standing all alone with my feelings

Rânduri neclare

Toată lumea în picioare!
Toată lumea în picioare!
Toată lumea în picioare!
Hei, hei, hei
Hei, hei, hei
Hei, hei, hei
Dacă nu auzi ce-ncerc să-ți spun
Dacă nu poți citi din aceeași pagină
Poate că surzesc (hei, hei, hei)
Poate că orbesc (hei, hei, hei)
Poate că o iau razna (hei, hei, hei)
(Toată lumea în picioare!)
Bine, acum el a fost cât pe ce,
A încercat să te îmblânzească, da,
Dar tu ești un animal,
Iubi, e-n firea ta
Lasă-mă doar să te eliberez (hei, hei, hei)
N-ai nevoie de-o hârtie (hei, hei, hei)
Nu bărbatul ăla te-a făcut pe tine (hei, hei, hei)
Și de-aia o să-mi iau eu o fată bună
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Ești o fată bună
Nu pot să las să-mi scape
Ești departe de-a fi o femeie ”tunată” (1)
Discutăm să ne facem criță (2)
Urăsc rândurile astea neclare
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Dar tu ești o fată bună
Felul în care mă apuci
Trebuie să vrei să fim obraznici
Hai, dă-te la mine! (3)
Pentru ce-s făcute visele
Când le ai în blugi
La ce-avem nevoie să asudăm
Tu cea mai fierbinte târfă de-aici
Mă simt așa de norocos (hei, hei, hei)
Vrei să mă îmbrățișezi (hei, hei, hei)
Ce rimează cu îmbrățișează-mă (4) (hei, hei, hei, hei...)
(Toată lumea în picioare!)
Bine, acum el a fost cât pe ce,
A încercat să te îmblânzească, da,
Dar tu ești un animal,
Iubi, e-n firea ta
Lasă-mă doar să te eliberez (hei, hei, hei)
N-ai nevoie de-o hârtie (hei, hei, hei)
Nu bărbatul ăla te-a făcut pe tine (hei, hei, hei)
Și de-aia o să-mi iau eu o fată bună
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Ești o fată bună
Nu pot să las să-mi scape
Ești departe de-a fi o femeie ”tunată”
Discutăm să ne facem criță
Urăsc rândurile astea neclare
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Dar tu ești o fată bună
Felul în care mă apuci
Trebuie să vrei să fim obraznici
Hai, dă-te la mine!
Te întreb un lucru
Lasă-mă să fiu eu cel pe care mizezi cu fundul
Da, din Malibu, în Paribu
Da, am avut o târfă dar ea nu-i așa rea ca tine
Deci, dă-mi de veste când treci pe-aici
O să-ți dau ceva suficient de mare să-ți desfacă fundul în două
Fii ”țiplă” (5) chiar dacă te îmbraci obișnuit
Vreau să spun că-i aproape insuportabil
Apoi, iubi, tu nu ești acolo când eu sunt
La bar, te las să mă ai
Cu totul diferit față de ultimul tău tip, și el prea banal pentru tine
El nu-ți plesnea fundu ăla și nu te trăgea de păr așa
Așa că mă uit din temniță, îți fac cu mâna să te salut
Dar tu nu m-ai ales
Nu multe femei îl pot refuza pe tipul ăsta mișto,
Eu sunt băiat bun, dar ți-o iei dacă te pui cu mine.
Dă din fund
Fă-o ca și când ar durea
Ca și când ar durea
Lucrează la ce nu-ți place, (hei...)
(Toată lumea în picioare!)
Iubi, poți respira
Am asta din Jamaica
Întotdeauna merge la mine
Din Dakota la Decatur
Fără prefăcătorie (hei, hei, hei)
Pentru că acum ești înăuntru (hei, hei, hei)
Acesta e-nceputul pentru noi (hei, hei, hei)
Întotdeauna am vrut
Ești o fată bună (Toată lumea în picioare!)
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Ești o fată bună
Nu pot să las să-mi scape
Ești departe de-a fi o femeie ”tunată”
Discutăm să ne facem criță
Urăsc rândurile astea neclare (Toată lumea în picioare!)
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Știu că vrei și tu
Dar tu ești o fată bună
Felul în care mă apuci
Trebuie să vrei să fim obraznici
Hai, dă-te la mine!
Toată lumea în picioare!
Toată lumea în picioare!
Hei, hei, hei
Hei, hei, hei
Hei, hei, hei

Be prepared

Your brain is full of shit
But open your ears
Pay attention, you morons!
Just honor my words
Why are you so blank?
Just think a little bit
We're discussing about the heir
Don't be so ignorant!
Be prepared for a golden opportunity
And that is how we'll win
A new era is sneaking
And what shall we do?
Listen to your teacher!
Even if it seems freakly, you'll be rewarded
When I'll get my share
Let's fight for justice
Be prepared!
When we'll be superiors
We'll get free lunch
Of course, you'll have some duties
Then you'll be showered with rewards
For which I am specially eligible
But if I won't get enough
You won't get nothing!
Be prepared for a historic change
Be ready for dirty scams!
With accurate planning
We will be ready
Also, by defying
The darkness
Oh, brave king, they'll salute me
I'll feel glorious!
My ambitions is getting strong
Be prepared!

Concert pentru tine

Vreau să fiu cu tine pentru o clipă
Și să-ți dărui mii de sărutări, iubirea mea,
Căci știu, privirea din ochii tăi
E promisiunea clară a unei iubiri unice.
Scriind un concert pentru tine,
Stelele zâmbitoare mă priveau,
Și în noaptea parfumată
În inima mea erai doar tu, doar tu.
Scriind un concert pentru tine,
În noapte mă simt îndrăgostit.
Și orele au trecut,
Și-n inima mea domnești doar tu, doar tu.
Căci știu, privirea din ochii tăi
E promisiunea clară a unei iubiri unice.
Scriind un concert pentru tine,
În noapte mă simt îndrăgostit.
Și orele au trecut,
Și-n inima mea domnești doar tu, doar tu.

So slowly wanes away another autumn day

So slowly wanes away another autumn day,
So slowly whirls t’ward the ground a lonely yellow leaf,
The day is clear and fresh, the air is cool and crisp -
The soul would not escape the invisible decay.
Thus, every single day she grows older yet.
And every year she twirls just like a yellow leaf,
But still, naively so, she harbors this belief
That autumn of last years was not so drearily sad.

Do Wah Diddy Diddy

Acolo era, doar păşind pe stradă
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Trosnind din degete şi pocnind din tălpi
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Arăta bine [arăta bine]
Arăta fain [arăta fain]
Arăta bine, arăta fain
şi aproape mi-am pierdut mintea
Înainte s-o ştiu, păşea lângă mine
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Ţinându-mă de mână aşa normal pe cât puteam
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Am intrat [intrat]
pe uşa mea [uşa mea]
Am intrat pe uşa mea
şi ne-am sărutat mai mult
Ştiam că ne-am îndrăgostit
Aşa că i-am spus lucrurile la care m-am gândit
Acum suntem împreună în fiecare zi
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Suntem atât de fericiţi şi aşa o să rămânem
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Ei bine, sunt al ei [sunt al ei]
e-a mea [e-a mea]
Sunt al ei, e-a mea
Clopote de nuntă vor răsuna
Ştiam că ne-am îndrăgostit
Aşa că i-am spus lucrurile la care m-am gândit
Acum suntem împreună în fiecare zi
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Suntem atât de fericiţi şi aşa o să rămânem
cântând 'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Ei bine, sunt al ei [sunt al ei]
e-a mea [e-a mea]
Sunt al ei, e-a mea
Clopote de nuntă vor răsuna
Whoa ohh, oh da
'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do' [cântăm]
'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do' [Oh da, oh, oh da]
'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'

Spread your wide wings

Spread your wide wings
Oh Jesus, over me
And let me rest peacefully
In woe and well with you
Become my peace, my strength
My wisdom and my counsel
And let all my days
Live by your grace
Forgive all my sins
Purify me in your blood
Give me a holy mind
A new and good will
In your care and protection, take
Us all, big, small
And let us return in peace
To the night's rest!
Become my rest, my strength
My wisdom and my counsel
And let all my days
Live by your grace

You bring me back

You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
I will break all the lanterns and
To make the light go away
I will invite you for a dance
Of midnight shades
And I’m dancing with you
And I’m kissing you
And there are only two of us
You and me
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
Time turning back clock hands
And the guilty switchman wasn’t guilty at the end
And the crooked track knocks on the sleepers
And there are only two of us, you and me
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back

Goodbye to Rock You

Goodbye to Rock You
Don't look at me, keep just walking on ahead
I'm jealous of your talents
but don't be stupid, it's such a nuisance.
Goodbye to rock you
I've been trapped with you forever
And I always yearn for more
but my heart's been broken
So everything's just been half-baked
Goodbye to rock you
I've always been laughed at as a sham
Always exposed as a crappy figure
It's not really rock, I want to live in rock
So, this is goodbye
See ya
I intended to live a talented life
as an honours student but was hit with inferiority
My instincts tell me that something could be done
But it's not fair, I just wanted to be someone special
I'm running, I'm running
I'm polishing, I'm polishing
but I still won't shine
and the words have escaped my mouth.
Goodbye to rock you
I'm always separated from you
I want to catch up one day
but the corners have chipped away
Everything is just half-baked.
Goodbye to rock you
I've always been laughed at as a coward
Sometimes I can't see anything at all
It's not really rock, I want to live in rock
So, this is goodbye
See ya
Things changed, things changed
I realised, because I realised
I don't know a thing at all
and the words have escaped my mouth.
The extent I've been known x
The extent I clung to your feet x
You never turn your face away to cry
You already understand.
Goodbye to rock you
I've been trapped with you forever
And I always yearn for more
but my heart's been broken
So everything's just been half-baked
Goodbye to rock you
Surely I can't blossom
Keep standing even if you're stepped on like a weed
I want to live in rock
So, this is goodbye
See ya
I'm still standing because of you
I'm standing here
Goodbye to rock you

The Streets of Laredo

I spent that day in the streets of Laredo.
I was in Laredo on that very day.
I saw a cowboy who was already wounded,
his young face with a cold pallor.
As I drew close, he says: 'please,
I see you are a cowboy like me.
Sit down and listen to my sad story.
I've gotten shot, I know I will die.'
'Beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
they play a last march for him.
Carry him there to the green valley.
He is a cowboy who got it wrong, I know.'
'One day on my pony I was happily racing
when I had a true cowboy saddle*
but then I would hurt women and play around.
I am wounded rightfully to die.'
'Beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
they play a last march for me.
Carry me there to the green valley.
I'm a cowboy who got it wrong, I know.'
~~~~~ [whistling]
'Six jovial cowboys now will carry me,
six beautiful girls will sing for me,
and bundles of roses are on my coffin.
The cold earth will not touch me.'
'Go get me a little bit of fresh water,
dry lips,' the cowboy tells me,
but after I returned, it was all over.
His soul rode to heaven.
'Beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
the last march plays for him.
We all cry carrying him forth
because he was a good young cowboy.

My life

Only the song knows
in solitude as much
are unfortunate days
only the song knows
how it hurts when
the soul is wounded by unbelief.
My life
you been bitter
my sadness
i opened the door for you
from the heart and you
drink my love and soul
Would you had a little
yes it for you
in the fire of love I burn
would you had a little
to love and care for you
and at night I court
Ref. 2x
My life
you been bitter
my sadness
you drank my soul
Only the song knows
that in soul and heart
I hid all the secrets
only the song knows
to bring me back to the days
when I was happy.


The more I get to know you...
The less I understand you
Though I can't see the 'Red String'
I believed in you, and that won't change
Hold me, even though I knew you were lying, I can't hide my struggling heart
Your heat sinking into my lips is so satisfying, I can't go back anymore
Under the soaking rain
I tremble without an umbrella
To embrace solitude is scary,
so I yearned for you
Though we can't see the 'Red String'
We want each other and that won't change
Hold me, even though I knew you were lying, I can't hide my struggling heart
Your heat sinking into my lips is so satisfying, I can't go back anymore
I nod at your words, mixed in with my sigh
'We'll cross paths and laugh together again'
I want to believe it
Though I can't see the 'Red String'
I believed in you, and that won't change
If there's an end to everything
I'm sure we'll be eternal...
If there's no such thing as certainty
I'll vow to our tomorrow
Hold me, even though I knew you were lying, I can't hide my struggling heart
Your heat sinking into my lips is so satisfying, I can't go back anymore


Barcelona, ​​Barcelona
Barcelona, ​​Barcelona
Am avut acest vis desăvârșit
Un vis m-a învăluit
Acest vis era cu mine și cu tine
Poate că ești aici
Vreau ca toată lumea să vadă
Un instinct m-a călăuzit
O senzație miraculoasă
Călăuza și inspirația mea
Acum visul meu devine treptat realitate
Vântul e o briză blândă
Mi-a povestit despre tine
Clopotele sună
Cântecul zboară
Ne cheamă împreună
Să ne călăuzească pentru totdeauna
Îmi doresc ca visul să nu dispară niciodată
A fost prima oară când ne-am întâlnit
Cum aș putea uita
Momentul în care ai pășit în cameră
Mi s-a tăiat respirația
Muzica a vibrat
Și ea ne-a unit
Și cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Ne vom întâlni din nou
Într-o zi
Să înceapă cântecul
Să se nască melodia
Să cânte muzica
Lăsați vocile să cânte
O mare iubire s-a născut
Începeți sărbătoarea
Veniți la mine
Și strigați
Prindeți viață
Și zguduiți temeliile cerului
Zguduind viețile noastre
Un orizont atât de frumos
Ca o bijuterie în soare
Pentru tine voi fi pescărușul mării tale frumoase
Sună clopotele
Deschideți porțile către lume
Cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Cu voia lui Dumnezeu
Prieteni până la sfârșit

Iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista

A trebuit să ucizi conversația,
Întotdeauna ai deținut controlul,
Te-ai blocat în iubire și ai pășit pe nisipuri mișcătoare.
A trebuit să te duci să distrugi toate planurile noastre.
Ți-ai făcut bagajele și pleci acasă,
Ți-ai luat bilet doar dus și ești gata de plecare,
Dar mai avem încă o zi-mpreună, așa că
Iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista,
Îmbrățișează-mă, spune-mi că ești sinceră,
Acesta e ultimul nostru ”adio” și curând se va sfârși totul,
Dar azi iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista.
Cred că am plutit în derivă în direcții diferite,
Eu n-am cum să merg așa departe.
Dumnezeu știe c-am învățat să joc rolul bărbatului singur,
Niciodată în viață nu m-am simțit atât de prăbușit.
Ne-am născut să fim doar niște învinși,
Deci cred că există o limită de care nu putem trece,
Dar mai avem încă o zi-mpreună, așa că
Iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista,
Îmbrățișează-mă, spune-mi că ești sinceră,
Acesta e ultimul nostru ”adio” și curând se va sfârși totul,
Dar azi iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista.
Mâine, Dumnezeu știe pe unde-o să fiu,
Mâine, cine știe ce e rezervat pentru mine,
Orice se poate întâmpla, dar mai avem încă o zi-mpreună, da
Doar o singură zi pentru totdeauna, așa că
Iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista,
Îmbrățișează-mă, spune-mi că ești sinceră,
Acesta e ultimul nostru ”adio” și curând se va sfârși totul,
Dar azi iubește-mă ca și când mâine n-ar exista.

A girl in a Greenpeace shirt

She's asleep or pretending to sleep...
a fly comes and sits on her mouth
and nevertheless my world ends in her
She's got tired of always sleeping in sofas
and of covering her mouth not to scream.
She never knew how to make a living.
Her crib were the scraps of a Mehari
When she gets angry she sizzles unbearably
She runs away from dimwit suckers
and novice pimps
and just in case she never dwells near the traintracks
without looking behind... looking behind!
Dirtmuth, little sorceress
a girl who pretends to be old
trying for some naive fool to eat the bait
Her jean is tight on her strawberry and she's the queen
on walls she writes on fucking her star
She dreams of a ruffian
who can give her footing and blow her love
and the joy for which her world spins
She runs away from dimwit suckers
and novice pimps
she uses her tongue like a sabre
while she laughs and rushes us...
and just in case she never dwells near the traintracks
without looking behind... looking behind!

For us young people to have fun

Let me sing, vedoi, now I can manage, joo,
now I can manage, vedoi, to sing, joo,
and I can manage, vedoi, to have fun, joo:
it's not the beloved, vedoi, hay time, joo,
nor the rye's, vedoi, crushing time, joo,
nor the oat's, vedoi, whispering time, joo,
the scythes are still, vedoi, in the rafters, joo,
the sickles remain, vedoi, on the wall, joo.

Te vreau pentru mine

Tu și cu mine ne vom întâlni
Orice ne-a costat întâlnirea
dacă ne întreabă întâlnirea noastră
Câteva dintre rugăciuni
Ne vom ruga
dacă ne întreabă întâlnirea noastră
O parte din invocație
Ne vom lăsa inimile
Atârnat pe cer
dacă ne întreabă întâlnirea noastră
Unele dintre păcate
O vom comite
Și Domnul care
cunoscător în inimile noastre Ne va ierta și Milostiv de noi
Totul este că
Nu vreau să mă întâlnesc
Ca niște iubitori lași
Ascuns printre versurile poeziilor
Nu vreau să vă cunosc într-o scrisoare
După ce am citit-o
mă aduce la
îmi e dor de tine
dor de pieptul tău atât de departe pentru mine
imbratisarea ta
mirosul tau
Detaliile tale
Rasul tau
Totul este important
Te vreau pentru mine

Want you for mine

Versions: #1
You and I will meet
Whatever the meeting cost us
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the prayers
We will pray
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the invocation
We will give up our hearts
Hanging in the sky
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the sins
We will commit it
And the Lord who
knowledgeable in our heartsWill forgive and Merciful of us
It's all about me
I don't want to meet
Like cowardly lovers
Hidden among the lyrics of the poems
I don't want to meet you in a letter
After reading it
I miss you
And your chest is still far away
I want your hug
your smell
Your details
Your laugh
I want you for myself

O sută de dorinţe

Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Şi doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.
Am putea fi în Franţa din nou,
Să dansăm pe sub măslini,
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
În noapte te mai văd
Păr întunecat şi zâmbet tandru,
Aplecându-te pe pervazul ferestrei
Strângând trandafirii între timp.
Am putea fi din nou în Spania,
Să dansăm pe sub măslini,
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.
Îţi aminteşti măreţia verii
Am luat-o spre ţărmul Clarei,
Am auzit oceanul încălzind stâncile,
Am ascultat muzica de acolo.
Am putea fi în Irlanda din nou,
Dansând pe sub stejari
Corpuri amestecate pe o plajă pustie,
Cu luna deasupra să prindem briza.
Dacă aş fi avea o sută de dorinţe,
Doar una din ele s-ar putea îndeplini,
Aş dori ca dincolo de această distanţă,
Să pot fi chiar acum, acolo cu tine.


De Palma
Tell me that everything now is as it seems,
that our life has returned like before
And if I watch outside from the window,
the sun is still scalding the world while it turns
And you are like that melody
because I always have you in my head, night and day, and you don’t go away
Tell me that despite everything, you’re mine
cuz I wanna give a name to all this nostalgia
This night calls
The wind blows your voice this far
They sing Paloma out on the streets like in Medellin
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
I saw you there alone
and I wondered if someone so beautiful falls in love
with someone grew up between the palaces in the area
But you told me everything without saying a word
and sorry if I go fast
Hey, gently, do you wanna dance tonight?
I feel my heart that turns upside down
and it hasn’t ever beaten strongly like this
This night calls
The wind blows your voice this far
They sing Paloma out on the streets like in Medellin
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
It’s enough that you touch me even just one second
and the rough sea then becomes calm
I want your eyes in order to watch the world
and your lips in order to forget it, uebe
I would like to bring you with me
where none of our fears
can harm us
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
De Palma

Get ready

Mufasa imposed severe restrictions on hunting
If I were king, I would give freedom to you
Because fears do not know the word 'satisfaction'

We aren't able to afford Mufasa
Mufasa follows your old path
Exalted, calm, unique
Everyone laughs outside
They don't want to go together
Lions are changing
Fears have changed
I have a separate plan
So, listen to me
So, unite in everything
There is a revolution in the village
When you have the strength to carry five
Don't give up, don't give up
Fair, sincere, worthy of respect
My desire is to become king
Who are you to fight with the enemy?
Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready
Don’t give up, don’t be afraid, without hesitation
Get ready

İf I Bring Water From A Thousand Streams

You couldn't give me a flower from the vinyard that is in your heart
This cruel heart is yours,I couldn't love anyone
Love was right in every place,time was different
I didn't laugh because of you,cruel is your love punishment?
İf you were a mountain without me,you would collapse,Beloved
I'm a wreck without you,damage in my heart
Maybe it turns in a realty,the promises that I made
Would you die,if you really loved a little,Beloved?
İf I bring water from a thousand streams,you cannot be purifed
İf I would be silent,if I talk you wouldn't hear,you wouldn't understand
İs it possible to vanquish you by loving,tell me
I have one life for you,will you relax if I give it?

After so many years

You don't need to worry,
or to believe, that I can't make it
after so many years.
It's a weird feeling
that you still live
your old life,
which feels like a rerun.
Do you have time for yourself?
Do you have time for love
in a time like ours?
After so many years
I'm strong enough.
After so many years
After so many years
it feels wonderful
to look back.
Thank Goodness,
that I've become strong enough.
I listen to your voice, you conceal who you are.
Why don't you want to see it?
What holds you back?
Do you have time for yourself...
After so many years...

Without talking

Ah, all or nothing Imperium
Count as many notes, you poop before you sit
AoN label number one - no talking!
Dagobert, where is your gold? - Without talking!
Wear a Pasotti Umbrella - without rain!
More appearance from the bra breaks umpteen corona rules
(Part 1)
XATAR, German rap Jeff Bezos
When I speak, you spill espressos
A phone call from me and you're rid of your Şeref
I wear tons of scars instead of tattoos
I've been teaching the rap game for ten years /> And since then everyone has been rapping about the emblem
For that I want ten percent from AMG
But half of it goes to an arrest warrant, of course
SSIO makes millions, Eno does millions
MERO makes millions, XATAR makes Mios moves
At the same time, the Kanak in the Coupé zooms in
Mogul Telkos on Mommy's Hummus
AoN label number one - without talking!
Dagobert, where's yours Gold? - Without talking!
Wear a Pasotti Umbrella - without rain!
More appearance from the Bra breaks umpteen Corona rules
AoN label number one - without talking!
Dagobert, where is your gold - Without talking!
More appearance from the bra breaks umpteen corona rules
(Part 2)
Step into the club ner Maybach limousine
And the value of your property rises
A meme becomes a franchise empire
Envious, breathless, more Perignon, please
Yes, the turnover is right
Boys on the street become millionaires after my signature
I'm from crack rocks to hedge funds
From Big Macs to sharing with brothers to million deals with McDonald's
Wild sales, the competition raging
You wish us fake streams and I wish you dead.
You Hubirensohn, astaghfirullah
Calm down with a look at my Hahnwald villa
From head nuts to murder shots
From shore stink to closet fashion, son of a bitch, what?
Do you rappers think when you push boss vision?
You get million deals, I give million deals
AoN label number one - without talking!
Dagobert, where's your gold? - Without talking!
Wear a Pasotti Umbrella - without rain!
More appearance from the bra breaks umpteen corona rules
AoN label number one

Să nu vii când sunt mort

Să nu vii când sunt mort
Lacrimi prosteşti să-ţi curgă pe mormânt
Şi să te-nvârţi la capul meu, că nu suport
Lasă-mi ţărâna liniştită în pământ.
Să-mi cânte fluierarul, să bată vântul iute
Dar tu, tu du-te.
Copilă, nu ai vină c-am plecat
Oricum nu-mi pasă, n-am fost norocos

Iubirea de la miezul nopții

[Strofa 1]
Știu că nu vreau să fiu
Cea pe care o frecventezi,
Când nu ai unde altundeva să te duci,
Când ai nevoie de ceva iubire.
Știu că sunt ultima
Pe care încerci să o suni,
Dar mereu las de la mine,
Ca să-ți ofer totul.
Oh, oh...
Nu pot fi iubirea ta de la miezul nopții.
Oh, oh, oh...
Atâta timp cât argintul tău e aurul meu.
Oh, oh, oh...
Sub această lumină, jur că sunt oarbă.
Oh, oh, oh...
Sub această lumină, jur că ești al meu.
[Strofa 2]
Sper să ajungă într-o zi acel moment potrivit.
Sunt dispusă să las toate astea să moară,
Capabilă să te privesc fix în ochi
Și să-ți spun că nu sunt premiul tău de consolare.
Oh, oh...
Nu pot fi iubirea ta de la miezul nopții.
Oh, oh, oh...
Atâta timp cât argintul tău e aurul meu.
Oh, oh, oh...
Sub această lumină, jur că sunt oarbă.
Oh, oh, oh...
Sub această lumină, jur că ești al meu.
[Strofa 3]
Nu pot să fiu a doua pentru tine,
Pe aproape, dar nu favorita.
Continui să sper la mai mult,
Deși înainte nu a fost nimic.
[Versuri finale]
Nu pot fi iubirea ta de la miezul nopții.
Oh, oh, oh...
Atâta timp cât argintul tău e aurul meu.
Nu pot să fiu a doua pentru tine,
Pe aproape, dar nu favorita.
Continui să sper la mai mult,
Deși înainte nu a fost nimic.