Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 282


Amprentele ei

[Strofa 1]
Înainte să-mi dezbrac inima
Te avertizez că o am cu răni
Că trecutul meu sumbru era o femeie
Și acum trebuie s-o șterg din viața mea
Înainte să se termine acest cântec
Sper că vei lua inițiativa
Să mă scapi de ravagiile durerii
Să iei sechelele din corpul meu
Multe nopți am fost al ei, încă o simt
Vino, smulge-mi amprentele ei
Deși rămân în carne vie
Cu pielea ruptă bucăți
Vino, smulge-mi venele
Pentru că plasma din mine
Are otrava dragostei ei
Și ia această brichetă
Vreau să-mi ardă buzele
Îndepărtează-mi gustul
Că limba ei m-a durut
Vino, smulge-mi urmele ei
Orice urmă de pe pielea mea cu un cuțit
Vino, ia-mi aceste dureri
Să nu mai rămână nimic de la ea
Când eu sunt cu tine
[Strofa 2]
Apoi, când nu-mi rămâne nicio rană
Renasc un om nou și voi fi al tău
Între timp, dă-mi contribuția ta
Să scoți sechelele din corpul meu
Că multe nopți am fost al ei, încă o simt
Vino, smulge-mi amprentele ei
Deși rămân în carne vie
Cu pielea ruptă bucăți
Vino, smulge-mi venele
Pentru că plasma din mine
Are otrava dragostei ei
Și ia această brichetă
Vreau să-mi ardă buzele
Îndepărtează-mi gustul
Că limba ei m-a durut
Vino, smulge-mi amprentele ei
Orice urmă de pe pielea mea cu un cuțit
Vino, ia-mi aceste dureri
Să nu mai rămână nimic de la ea
Când tu ești cu mine
Ți-e dor de mine?
Cine este regele?
Hei, ascultă cuvintele
Smulge-mi tot
Vreau să fiu al tău
Nu-i vreau amprentele
Prefer să mor
Smulge-mi tot
Vreau să fiu al tău
Nu-i vreau amprentele

Mount Sinai

Moses asked God on Mount sinai:
Arani (show me yourself )
God said:
Lan Tarani (you never can see me)
Saadi's impression:
Do not go to Mount Sinai and do not ask to see the God. It is not worthwhile for you to make this request and hear the answer:'you never can see me'
Hafiz's impression:
Say I want to see you, When you are passing Sinai mount.
Hear the voice of the friend[God] , not the answer : 'you never can see me.'
Rumi's impression :
Someone says I want to see you
who has not seen you
You who are always with me, whether 'I can see you or not '
My impression:
When you reached Mount Sinai
Take a look at yourself and believe
That you are the same as God
Why are you captive of the 'you never can see me?'
Four frames,
Four looks,
Four impressions:
Like Saadi, wise
Like Hafiz,amorous
Like Rumi, mystical
Like me, self-discovery

Anna Maria

You seem descended from the heaven, Anna Maria,
like a message of love, Anna Maria.
You don't belong in this world, you look fantastic,
but suddenly, in my hands, you begin to exist.
You vibrate and live, you become real,
you are also of this world, you love too.
Tell me if it's just for me, Anna Maria,
your message of love, Anna Maria.
You don't know you belong to me and you make me live,
and suddenly I'm almost afraid
that a moment will be enough,
that your smile can disappear.
But don't leave, stay with me, don't go,
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
You don't know you belong to me and you make me live,
and suddenly I'm almost afraid
that a moment will be enough,
that your smile can disappear.
But don't leave, stay with me, don't go,
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...

Are They Kissing For Real?

Even if they met
they exchanged secrets
even if they got scared
even if they felt faint
Even if they met
they exchanged secrets
they remembered them
They wondered
Now out of tune
they tuned in together
got emotional together
How would they know?
they wouldn't have talked
they didn't need to
How beautiful it is if they are kissing for real...!

The Plant

Not even when it's getting dark and it's blooming
and your plant is blooming
does it whisper to you in my house
does it whisper your secret
not even when it's ending and it's starting
and it's starting your dance
does it reveal to you in my house
does it reveal your dream


Versions: #1
I've lost the balance for your love
I fell into your arms
you have control over me
Your body is the prison and I'm a prisoner
And I never want to go out
Doomed and I'm happy
Try to keep my balance but I still fall
But how I fell so hard
right into your arms
Wrapped inside you baby and it’s so warm (yeah yeah)
But love without a cause
leaves me trapped inside my own bars
I want to be entirely yours but I am afraid
Promise me you won't leave me without your love
I’ll give you my heart girl
But you got to promise (Promise me baby)
Promise you’ll hold me (hold me)
Touch me (touch me)
Love me (love me)
Way past forever
Until forever, listen to Romeo's words
Yeah man, Usher baby, Romeo
I'm so young and suffer from a broken heart
and for your love I would suffer a thousand years
and do so with much honor (don’t doubt it baby)
Trying to be calm but my chest keeps pounding
Trying to swim but it’s like I’m drowning
All I’ve come for is love, oh baby
I want to be all yours entirely but I am afraid
Promise me you won't leave me without your love
I’ll give you my heart girl but you got to promise
(Ay promise me baby)
You need this in your life
Two kings, Revolutionary
I'm afraid that you will leave me abandoned
because you are my oxygen, my everything.
But I realize yes
It's worth running the race
when the finish line is you
I want to be yours entirely but I am afraid
Promise me you won't leave me without your love.
If I give you my heart girl you got to promise
(Promise that you’ll love me baby)
I want to be yours entirely but I am afraid
promise me you won't leave me without your love

Și acum ea iubește

Eu nu sunt nimeni,
nu mi se-nvârte nimic în jur
Mi s-a spus: tu îți dai
laptele și dragostea
Și când i-am văzut ochii
am mulțumit zeilor
și m-am rugat cerului
ca viața să-i fie frumoasă
Și Julieta a crescut
Și acum ea iubește
și acum ea dansează
Ea îmi spune: îl iubesc
ea iese din copilărie
Și eu care nu sunt nimic
decât doica, perna ei
Ea nu seamănă cu mine
dar sunt singura ce tremur pentru ea
Și acum ea iubește
Și acum ea dansează
Și acum ea iubește
Și eu o am doar pe ea,
o împart cu alta
Când ea spune: fiica mea,
eu cred că e a noastră
De ce ca să placă bărbaților lor
atâtea femei uită ca ea
că au făcut copii
și vor împlini douăzeci de ani
Și Julieta a crescut
Și acum ea iubește
și acum ea dansează
Ea îmi spune: îl iubesc
ea iese din copilărie
Și eu care sunt aici,
care privesc și văd
voi da totul, chiar și viața
pentru această copilă ce crește
Și acum ea iubește
și acum îndrăznește
ca inima să-i explodeze
Și acum ea iubește
Și voi care știți că iubirea poate ucide
dați-mi puterea, curajul
să o conduc până la nuntă
Și acum ea iubește
Și acum ea dansează
Și acum ea iubește
Și acum ea iubește

This song isn't sad

Silence is gold, but what is speech?
The end of ends is coming, so only words count
Sometimes I think I would've gave up a lot just not to be myself
And where there's lack of words, thoughts multiply
This song isn't sad, it's just angry
Because again it turned out that I don't know myself
Returning home, returning to hell
I thought I was living alone, but I'm not
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness
Why the hell would I need drugs? I have paranoia and darkness
One day all this and this fucking year will come to an end
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness
I overthink things so often, it became my hobby
It's a bit hazy in my head, how can I be smart?
I talk first, think later, burn the bridges
Then I burn joints to silence voices in my head
It's a mess and chaos in there
And though I'm not at standstill, trust me, it's not any better
I'm still young, but I've learned a couple of lessons already
And I'm in no rush anymore
Sometimes I think I would've gave up a lot just not to be myself
And where there's lack of words, thoughts multiply
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness
Why the hell would I need drugs? I have paranoia and darkness
One day all this and this fucking year will come to an end
They choose vodka and blow, I choose my ego and darkness

Voi fura

Poate sunt cuvinte fără sens
Cele care-mi țâșnesc din inimă
Dar pentru tine aș face orice lucru
Chiar și fără jocul intrebărilor
Da, știu că mă crezi nebun
Tu ești frumoasă și meriți mai mult
Voi fura o stea din cer
Ca să ți-o dăruiesc
O voi lua pe aceea frumoasă, strălucitoare
Așa cum iți place ție
Voi goli cu o coajă de nucă
Imensa mare
Voi căuta printre albele recifuri
Perlele cele mai frumoase
Voi topi cu căldura inimii
Ghețarii munților
Voi cânta cu fluviile lumii
Eternul cântec
Voi lua chiar și soarele, luna
Planetele și lumile îndepărtate
Le voi fura pentru a ți le dărui
Nu sunt lucruri fără sens
Sunt lucruri ce le voi face pentru tine
Doar o mare iubire ține în suflet
Multă fantezie și realitate
Și dacă ții neapărat să mă numești nebun
Da, așa e, sunt nebun, dar după tine.
Voi fura steaua din cer
Ca să ți-o dăruiesc
Voi goli cu o coajă de nucă
Imensa mare
Voi căuta printre stâncile albe
Perlele cele mai frumoase
Voi topi cu căldura inimii
Ghețarii munților
Voi cânta cu fluviile lumii
Eternul cântec
Voi lua chiar și soarele, luna
Planetele și lumile îndepărtate
Le voi fura pentru a ți le dărui
Le voi fura pentru a ți le dărui.


At this point I need
A little bit of tenderness
Someone who would tend to my wounds
So that I can remain alive
I need to be loved
That someone make me forget the sorrows
Someone who would not ask too much of me
For I have given almost everything
I need someone who would love me
Without hurting me and carefully
Because my body is tired
I feel like crying for just about anything
Because I have been harmed
I no longer trust strangers
I have become fragile, transparent, made of crystal
I wish not to fall in love anymore
If I am to suffer like before
If someone loves me for real
That someone should have a little patience
Someone who would make me smile
That would woo me like so, without rush
And, why not? send me flowers too
Someone that would make me forget bad loves
I need someone who would love me
Without hurting me and carefully
Because my body is tired
I feel like crying for just about anything
Because I have been harmed
I no longer trust strangers
I have become fragile, transparent, made of crystal

A question

[verse :PRoMete]
When I saw myself for the first time in the mirror, I was so scared.
'Is this is me?' - I didn't understand,
'It's weird, why is it like this?' - I asked.
They were tired, maybe, that's why they said
'It will be forgotten!' - to me,
But years was passing and I was getting used to see a different me in the mirror every time,
Instead of forgetting... hmm... I was feeling hot inside,
Instead of freezing my pride
And one day I learned how to sell, and one day I learned how to buy.
I said to myself 'get used to it!'. I learned!
Instead of myself, I learned how to sell the old me
Instead of myself, I learned how to buy a new me.
In these ways that I have learned to crawl before,
I learned to run away alone
And one day you came, became my wings,
I learned to fly,
You taught me a lot,
I learned a lot from you.
How beautiful it is to dance with a roller over the lines?!
Well, I meet myself in the mirror, my face is beautiful
As I flew, I looked down, was going to say,
'How beautiful is the ground from the sky!?'
But without waiting and suddenly you were gone...
I was left without wings.
I fell...
[Verse: PRoMete]
You are my subconscious guest.
It is as impossible to understand you as it is to see you.
If there's anyone who can understand me, it's you.
Maybe my brain will deny the time
Maybe it will let go of the body too
What would this soul of mine not do to just see you?!
But my desire, a sharp dagger that works against me,
Come on, cut my soul into pieces and then gather them together.
Piece by piece...
I wish to be born again.
To bring sorrow to everyone instead of joy with my lifeless body.
Maybe then the paths that lead to you will be opened to me one by one.
This soul protests.
Forgive me!
Because only you can do it.
Except begging and praising you,
As if I have a value.
You are the one who taught me this,
You can take it if you want.
You ordered me to understand yourself before everything,
But there are a few questions that make me think:
Why am I afraid of you?
Why will I return to you?
Why did you create me?
Why I can't see you?
Who am I?
And who are you?

The balcony

In one heaven book
That Gods write, using the stars
In chapter 'Love', maybe,
There is a string about us with Romeo
There is in that heaven book
That Gods write, using the stars
The price of partings and pain --
It's a pay for love
The sky has merged Juliet and Romeo
How forbidden fruit is sweet
of Romeo and Juliet?
In another heaven book
Where are snares, false, intrigues
In chapter 'Feud', it's so weird,
The emblems of both our clans
I'm ready to bless Gods
I'm ready to fight with an enemy
To let us merge
in embracing love
Let us overturn the page
where is a boundary of the feud
And we'll repeat a chapter 'Love',
reading in spell
After all, in that main chapter
Everything about me and you!
Without that heaven book
That Gods write, using the stars
The words 'Romeo and Juliet'
won't sink into Lethe1
The sky has merged Juliet and Romeo
There isn't a more wonderful story than
a story about Romeo and Juliet

Anna Maria

Pari coborâtă din cer, Anna Maria,
ca un mesaj de dragoste, Anna Maria.
Nu aparții acestei lumi, pari fantastică,
dar deodată, în mâinile mele, începi să exiști.
Tu vibrezi și trăiești, devii reală,
ești chiar și tu din această lume, iubești chiar și tu.
Spune-mi dacă e chiar pentru mine, Anna Maria,
al tău mesaj de dragoste, Anna Maria.
Tu nu știi că-mi aparții, că mă faci să trăiesc,
și brusc aproape mi-e teamă că ajunge o clipă,
că zâmbetul tău poate dispărea,
dar nu pleca, rămâi cu mine, nu te duce,
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Tu nu știi că-mi aparții, că mă faci să trăiesc,
și brusc aproape mi-e teamă că ajunge o clipă,
că zâmbetul tău poate dispărea,
dar nu pleca, rămâi cu mine, nu te duce,
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...

The World Is Mine

So goes the sound of the time bomb
It tells of the day when the world will end
My boy, why don't you come here, sit by Granny's side, and let's talk for a bit
I'm going to get picked up quite soon, and you're the only one whom I can tell the full, true story
This world and everything in it has been created for your sake
The sky, the sea, the birds, the trees, and of course, myself too - even that kid who's such a bully
The world...
It's all just a dream that you're seeing - a movie in which you become the hero
No matter what kind of monster comes your way, you can cast this spell - confront it and go
'The World Is Mine'
Have you got all that? Okay then, next try closing your eyes
Hold your breath - yes, just like that - and listen closely
There's a sound like that, isn't there?
Buried inside of you is a time bomb, and the day will come when it will go off
And until that day when it kills you, it will be your engine - that's what we call 'life'
The world...
It's all a dream that you're seeing - a documentary filled with contradictions
Even if there are no answers and no meaning, that's what makes it 'free'
At least, that's what I think - life is infinite
'The World Is Mine'
The world...
It's all just a dream that you're seeing - a movie in which you become the hero
No matter what kind of monster comes your way, you can cast this spell - confront it and go
'The World Is Mine'
'The World Is Mine'
'The World Is Mine'
'The World Is Mine'
Drip, drip, drip, drippity-drip went the rain, shortly after they finished talking
With a smile as if she had awakened from a wonderful dream, the old woman drew her last breath
Her final gaze from which light had withdrawn still drives the boy to this day
Tick-tock-tick-tock - since that moment, such a sound can be heard
Tick-tock-tick-tock - so goes the sound of the time bomb
Tick-tock-tick-tock - it tells of the day when the world will end
Tick-tock-tick-tock - so goes the sound of the time bomb
Tick-tock-tick-tock - it tells of the day when the world will end
Tick-tock-tick-tock - so goes the sound of the time bomb
Tick-tock-tick-tock - it tells of the day when the world will end
So goes the sound of the time bomb
It tells of the day when the world will end


I'm not the same? Obviously I changed
If another music plays I dance differently
Yes I have the balls to take responsibility
I adapt, I fly, I kidnap, I don't escape from contact
Everything is so hard and life is fragile
I know I'm made of glass and I can break easily
I don't have deliriums but I almost do
I don't have deliriums but... I know there are
Blows that I handle, and others not so much
And if I fall, I don't get up
Today I want to sleep curled up like a cat
Appear in my dreams at least, that way we can talk a while
And it isn't hard for me to admit, even though I dedicate myself to the words
Today I don't have to say
What goes does it do to lie?
I prefer to feel the angst and the emptiness of existing, yeah
I want to die but I don't know how
I want to live but I don't know how much
Dying knowing the shit we are
And living until the spell wears off
Sorry, my love, if this hurt you
I wanted to die of love but it didn't work
Maybe I only think about myself and my wellbeing
And that may be the only thing that that stops me from loving
I can't love, can't I love?
Or maybe I just don't love like everyone else?
How does one have to love? Does one have to love?
One must disarm the precepts made and throw themselves into the ocean
[Verse 2]
Money? Obviously I want it
But life is a flash to only think about money
If I'm alone, why do I want to be first?
It depresses me to imagine myself sleeping with only my ego
How do you not want me to have a little flavor?
If that girl kissed me and then asked for a picture
I don't know how real what I touch is
It gets closer and I built a fence so I wouldn't go crazy
They ask me 'Is everything okay?', they know everything's going bad
I respond: 'I'm good', because I know they don't care
I'm not asking you to put yourself in my shoes
Yours is enough and that is a lot to face
Then, don't dedicate yourself to speaking
The thing is fucked for you to come and judge
You saw me smiling and you want to head out
This time I'll break your neck and I'm serious
I've been fighting the truth for a while
This way no idiot will steal the cake
I cut it, I slice it with my hands if the knife doesn't cut
Your so-called 'truth' tastes like shit to me
Everything dies, everything comes back, everything transforms
But you're scared of breaking the norms
Of bearing the bombs, that disturbs you
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow

I promise you

Versions: #1
You want me To tell you that i Will love you all my life
You want me To promise you all my nights until the end
You want me to follow you endlessly without making noise
And to understand every thing without telling me nothing
But i can't tell you what i dont know
And i can't give you what i dont have
And i cant leave you even if everything seperates us
All i can promise you is à new begining
I want the time To stop when i talk To you and in the sky appears à thousand stars in the day in ordre to make à wish without covering my sun to be able for us to be two without hurting each other
But i can't tell you what i dont know
And i can't give you what i dont have
And i cant leave you even if everything seperates us
All i can promise you is à new begining
And i want to hide in your eyes so you can see me when you pray
And i want To break all these lights that don't let you to see clearly
But i can't tell you what i dont know
And i can't give you what i don't have
And i can't leave you even if everything seperates us
All i can promise you is à new begining

Toamnă în Roma

Toamnă în Roma,
Inima mea îşi aminteşte
Fântânile unde copiii se jucau,
Grădinile unde visele se făceau.
Toamnă în Roma,
Amintiri ca jarul
Strălucesc când mi se pare că aud
Arrividerci( La revedere), dragă!
Plimbări pe sub pini,
Acea graţie a cerului auriu,
Ne oprim din când în când
Să împărtăşim un oftat al iubitului
Tu şi eu.
Lasă să vină iarna,
Toate lunile Decembrie ale mele
Le voi petrece doar visând la
Felul în care ne-am îndrăgostit
Într-o frumoasă toamnă în Roma.
Plimbări pe sub pini,
Acea graţie a cerului auriu,
Ne oprim din când în când
Să împărtăşim un oftat al iubitului
Tu şi eu.
Lasă să vină iarna,
Toate lunile Decembrie ale mele
Le voi petrece doar visând la
Felul în care ne-am îndrăgostit
Într-o frumoasă toamnă în Roma.


[Intro: Margherita Vicario]
Act 2, Scene 31:
Arrogance (Arrogance)
If you don't know the road, ask the priest (he knows everything)
and if you don't see me arriving, send Rafilù2
[Pre-Chorus: Margherita Vicario]
There are those who live for real inside of some manholes,
others wanna kill themselves in a Lamborghini
Luckily, there's hope on the horizon
I fear only ignorance from the arrogant
[Chorus: Margherita Vicario]
Caserta to Mantova in six hours
(Caserta to Mantova in six hours)
One does not die only from love
(One does not die only from love)
[Verse 1: Margherita Vicario]
I am in an Alpha Romeo,3 the Juliet model
There's still 50 kilometers to go, but I'm not in a hurry (no)
I'm afraid that a bomb will burst, they’re capable of it
I'll slow down, on the way out two thugs stop me with ferocious eyes
They don't understand, I speak Ancient Greek
When a man misbehaves, his friends disappear
You afraid, huh? Eh, I went to Classic4 (ahahah)
You barely distinguish a grave accent from an apostrophe5 (sheep!)
I also chew on French
Also a-bit-toxic French
Hey creep, don't touch my arms,
I'm not here for you
One always ends up arguing,
either you adjust or you get depressed, 'cause for many it's equal
[Pre-Chorus: Margherita Vicario]
There are those who live for real inside of some manholes,
others wanna kill themselves in a Lamborghini
Luckily, there's hope on the horizon
I fear only ignorance from the arrogant
[Chorus: Margherita Vicario]
Caserta to Mantova in six hours
(Caserta to Mantova in six hours)
One does not die only from love
(One does not die only from love)
Sometimes a song is enough
(Sometimes a song is enough)
Because one does not die from love
(Because one does not die from love)
[Verse 2: Speranza]
Bottle behind the wheel, I'm coming to you
You have long fingernails and you wanna live with me
One does not die from love and I'll murder for love
You all won't ever have the license that I don't have
We live it in contradiction, this thing
I know the road, not the destination, (only) God knows that
Caserta to Roma on the Regional train for three hours
I will lose you, not my son, just so you know
Before 113, do 1186
Fuck your sister
Come down, reconcile,
I'm below you
We bite the hook
'cause it's easy to fish
You, you feel like a whore
Me, I feel bad
Yeah, like it or leave it
Like France, indebted
[Pre-Chorus: Margherita Vicario]
There are those who live for real inside of some manholes,
others wanna kill themselves in a Lamborghini
Luckily, there's hope on the horizon
I fear only ignorance from the arrogant
[Chorus: Margherita Vicario]
Caserta to Mantova in six hours
(Caserta to Mantova in six hours)
One does not die only from love
(One does not die only from love)
Sometimes a song is enough
(Sometimes a song is enough)
Because one does not die from love
(Because one does not die from love)
[Outro: Margherita Vicario]
Caserta to Mantova in six hours
There are those who live for real inside of some manholes,
others wanna kill themselves in a Lamborghini
Luckily, there's hope on the horizon
I fear only ignorance from the arrogant
There are those who live for real inside of some manholes,
others wanna kill themselves in a Lamborghini
Luckily, there's hope on the horizon
I fear only ignorance from the arrogant
  • 1. In this scene of Romeo & Juliet, Romeo goes to the Friar to obtain the poison. Detailed analysis of this scene can be found at .
  • 2. a restaurant in Campania
  • 3. Alfa Romeo is a type of Italian car.
  • 4. Liceo Classico is a type of Italian high school one can choose where you learn things like philosophy, Ancient Greek, and Latin.
  • 5. A grave accent is a diacritical mark in a language, an apostrophe separates entities.
  • 6. 113 is the general emergency phone number in Italy, but 118 is specifically for medical emergencies

А Cigarette Route

Do not promise to take me on a walk again
in ports that did not open for us
to see the lights of the ships
that illuminate the journeys of others
I'm here, you're there... a cigarette route
Take a packet from my heart,
lit a cigarette from my fire
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me
Do not promise me faraway journeys
what we started ended half done
look now at the turn of the route
with open new eyes to see me
I'm here, you're there... a cigarette route
Take a packet from my heart,
lit a cigarette from my fire
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me
what are you looking at my sad eyes
all again starts with me