Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 102
The Last Stop
I know it's my turnYou said all you had a long time ago
Without your palms, touches
Morning would not make the day
Do you remember, it was night
The band played
And our eyes met
And my heart said it all
And it bound me to you
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Baby, when you're here
Worries disappear
Nightmares vanish
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Every day next to you
I see, I feel
It has a happy day
You are the last stop
Do you remember, it was night
The band played
And our eyes met
And my heart said it all
And it bound me to you
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Baby, when you're here
Worries disappear
Nightmares vanish
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Every day next to you
I see, I feel
It has a happy day
You are the last stop
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Baby, when you're here
Worries disappear
Nightmares vanish
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Every day next to you
I see, I feel
It has a happy day
You are the last stop
Red poppy
Na-na-na, na-na-mhhIt was Spring, and we were walking together
Through the fields with happy faces,
Deep in our hearts, the Spring and joy.
Then, we did not think of Autumn,
But now it has indeed come,
And much sooner than I thought.
Now everything is so empty,
Now everything is so heavy,
What made me happy is gone.
Red poppy, why do you wilt already?
Like my heart, you should glow and blaze with fire.
Red poppy that my love gave me,
Are you wilting because I've already lost him?
Blood-red, full of splendour,
Did you bloom yesterday.
But already overnight,
Your beauty has faded.
Red poppy, why do you wilt already?
Like my heart, you should glow and blaze with fire.
Di-di di-di, da-da-da ...
Red poppy, why do you wilt already?
Like my heart, you should glow and blaze with fire.
Red poppy.
Fericirea este când, este când ne iubim,Când ne iubim și suntem amândoi.
Fericirea este atunci când spunem ”te iubesc”
Și când citim „te iubesc” în ochii săi.
În ochii lui am găsit duminica
Soarele pentru a-mi înfrumuseța zilele.
În ochii lui am găsit nopțile albe
Și aceste nopți ne vor da dragoste.
Astăzi știu că îți dau
Ce-i mai bun din ce e în mine.
Fericirea este când, este când dăm
Când dăm puțin mai mult decât primim.
Fericirea este când dansăm,
În dimineața asta văd dansul iubirii.
Fericirea este când, este când credem
Că dansul va dura o veșnicie.
Vino dansează, vino dansează poezia,
Fericirea care nu se va sfârși.
Fericirea este când, este când iubim,
Și eu te iubesc, și sunt în brațele tale.
La la la, la la la la la la la...
Chained to the elements
The restless figured out the elementIt makes one burn, extinguish and yearn
Across tortuous days how many new disasters to bear
That an ominous wind suddenly brought
[x 2:]
The days accumulate, rise and defy
The landscape, which burns deep within
Above the scarlet, above the tumbling waves
Slowly dark clouds move forebodingly
Above the scarlet, above the tumbling waves
Slowly dark clouds move forebodingly
The blue rings behind the lattice of branches
Yet it’s dark from the creeping shadows
It’s difficult to brush aside heavy branches
It’s hard to keep words of protest imprisoned
[x 2:]
The days accumulate, rise and defy
The landscape, which burns deeply
Above the scarlet, above the tumbling waves
Slowly dark clouds move forebodingly
Above the scarlet, above the tumbling waves
Slowly dark clouds move forebodingly
Ne despart minute îngrijorateși în nimic eu nu găsesc vreun rost,
și undeva, în inima-mi tăcută
răsună profund glasul tău sincer.
Oriunde ai fi, eu te urmez
în singurătatea ta necunoscută.
În visul tău eu intru, mă uit în ochii tăi,
asta-i tot ce-mi doresc pe lume.
Viața mea îți e sortită ție,
în lucruri reale și așteptate.
Cred că dragostea noastră e veșnică,
și nu mă-nșel niciodată în privința asta.
Sunt zăvorâtă în gândul tău cel trist,
dar mă bucură această stranie captivitate.
Ești mereu aici, nu ești închipuire,
trăiești cu dragostea mea în mine astăzi.
Barefoot On The Asphalt
Today I decideto do something just like that.
I go barefoot,
I'm walking on the asphalt just like that.
Two women stare at me, 'Ah,
ah, aren't you afraid?
Hey girl, looks like you're getting ridiculous!'
Barefoot on the asphalt, I'm walking,
I'm whistling and looking for nothing –
just a childish habit's still living in me.
Barefoot on the asphalt, I'm passing by,
I know that there is no such fashion –
just a childish habit's still living in me.
So it will be
somehow different in this big city.
I go barefoot,
I hear various voices from here and there:
'Gee! What a joke!
Hey girl, don't do that!
Remember, this is asphalt, not a river!'
Barefoot on the asphalt, I'm walking,
I'm whistling and looking for nothing –
just a childish habit's still living in me.
Barefoot on the asphalt, I'm passing by,
I know that there is no such fashion –
just a childish habit's still living in me.
The Arrested Flight
Versions: #1Like the fruit that has fallen without being able to ripen:
man's fault, the wind's fault.
Like the man who knows when he sees himself die
that he will never have time again.
One more day, he could have sung:
fate’s fault, luck’s fault,
fault of those strings that had broken,
his song will be called silence.
He can always start it,
no one will ever come to dance,
no one will pick it up in chorus.
He will never have finished anything
apart from that wound to the heart
and this life.
Why, I’d like to know, why, why
does the end of the dance come too early?
It's the birds, never the bullets
that are stopped in mid-flight.
Like those arguments that were started in the evening:
night’s fault, alcohol’s fault
and of which later there will be nothing left,
only a few cigarette butts on the ground.
He would have wanted to strike so badly:
knife’s fault, fear’s fault.
He will have made no fight to the blood
just the time for a little sweat.
He who would have liked to know everything,
he couldn't even see everything.
He who had love in his body
for the only one he would have kept,
he returned his boat to the port
without kissing her, without touching her,
just thinking about her until death.
Why, I’d like to know, why, why
does the end of the dance come too early?
It's the birds, never the bullets
that are stopped in mid-flight.
He wrote like one who gets out of a trap:
sun’s fault, torment’s fault,
but, like he used the snow as paper,
his ideas melted in the spring.
And when the snow covered his page:
frost’s fault, winter’s fault,
instead of writing he was trying - courage
to catch the flakes in the air.
But today it's too late
he will have missed the start
and the only memory of him will be
the song before the fight,
the escaped one who will not have
achieved his goal.
Why, I’d like to know, why, why
does the end of the dance come too early?
It's the birds, never the bullets
that are stopped in mid-flight.
It's the birds, never the bullets
that are stopped in mid-flight.
I've overslept three alarmsKeep my eyes closed
And wait for the fourth
Traffic jam on the A3
Intervention in Turkey
The weather and then some music
Cars honking their horns in front of my window
And I've got to go soon, too
These trousers are fine
The first thing I learned in the new town is
Clean is relative
Oh Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Oh Rosie, tell me where the
Germania Export taste as good as they do here
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Oh Rosie, please give me another
I aim at the window with my remote control
But what's the point?
There's only really
Two channels on
The building site and my reflection
Rosie, listen to me, I can tell you
I never close my eyes at night
Because I'm scared of sleeping
Rosie, the lights are always on here
Rosie, tell me, who's that screaming next door at night?
Oh Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Oh Rosie, tell me where the
Germania Export taste as good as they do here
Oh Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Oh Rosie, tell me where the
Germania Export taste as good as they do here
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
People are leaving, you're cleaning the counter
I order another glass
You say 'Darling, go home'
But it's not that easy
I'm sitting with you and I'm homesick
But home will never be the way it used to (used to)
Stay another while, cause when I go home
All that await me are boxes and scrambled egg
Oh, Rosie, this'll never work
I keep meaning to go home
And then I just end up sitting here
Rosie, please give me another
Oh Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
Rosie, please give me another
Oh give me another
Time Wore Us Out
This life is precious, it is hardBut everything always looks nicer
Looking over your shoulder
Then you turn your back, disappear
And all the sorrows fly down on me
Evening becomes quiet
Time wore us out
Like a candle wears out its wick
Autumns and winters
Welcome to my world
And that bit of sun that I have hidden for the end
I will give to you again
Like I used to give you a hug
On your side of the bed
Bedding still smells like your hair
And there is still too much of you
Nothing is important now
Sometimes, when someone mentions your name
Restlessness begins
Time wore us out
Like a candle wears out its wick
Autumns and winters
Welcome to my world
And that bit of sun that I have hidden for the end
I will give to you again
Like I used to give you a hug
I will give to you again
Like I used to give you a hug
I got you out
I press it against my head, one, two, threeI pull the trigger, keep on watching
I got you out of my mind
Out of my mind
I got you out
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I've made a mess, now it's your move
I've ruined the plot, could you forgive me
That was my last step out into the void
I fell down on your doorstep, don't trip over (me)
I have asked electric guy Petroff
I have asked electric guy Petroff:'Why did you necklace electric cord?'
Nothing did Petroff reply to me,
Only boots are swinging silently...
I Suck
In the past it was just during summerBut now even in winter you see them with them in their hands
A good ice cream was a woman's thing
But now there are many men who want it for themselves
There is ice cream in a cup
And in a crepe it isn't bad
But I prefer the one
That is stuck to the stick
But care is needed
When one is easting
The way I do it
I will tell everyone
I suck, I suck
And I go around it so it doesn't drip
I suck, I suck
And in the end I play with the stick (x2)
There are ones made from ice and from milk
Whatever the flavour
I've seen it being sucked
Oh it's really good doctor
The ice cream is always good
During lunch or during dinner
There are those that say that isn't the case
But in secret they suck it
The is ice cream on a cone
And in a crepe it isn't bad
But I prefer the one
That is stuck to the stick
But care is needed
When one is easting
The way I do it
I will tell everyone
I suck, I suck
And I go around it so it doesn't drip
I suck, I suck
And in the end I play with the stick (x2)
I suck, I suck
And I go around it so it doesn't drip
I suck, I suck
And in the end I play with the stick (x2)
Veritabil Mistic
Veritabil MisticCu totii stam in meditare si-n venerare
Babylonienii fac presiuni,
Niciun Rasta n-are a da inapoi
O entitate-ii orbeste , mintea le e infectata
Crucea si arma le e cea din urma 'aparare'
Templul Creatorului niciodat' n-a fost pamantesc
De ce parintele-ti se roaga, si-ti da
iertarea cea din urma-n biserici?
Damnat fie cel ce intaietate
Invatamintelor Creatorului nu da
Neexistent fie El cel ce-l tareste in noroi
Asta trebuie a fi cea dintai avertizare ,
poate asemenea a fi cea din urma
Mult mai multi , vor avea a suferi
Mult mai multi , vor avea a pieri
Nu ma intreba de ce!!
Un veritabil Mistic, plutind..
Asa un veritabil Mistic , plutind la orizont
Asta poate a fi cea dintai avertizare,
poate asemenea a fi cea din urma
Vad vicleni si 'nfricoasati, innecandu-se in
aceeasi mlastina
Prejudecati vor sa infranga peste fiece rasa
si clasa sociala
Apocalipsa se arata si ne da pe toti uitarii
Un veritabil Mistic, plutind...
Asa un veritabil Mistic , plutind la orizont
Venim din negura , si catre cea cunoastere
ne indreptam
Credinciosi Jah Jah lasa-ti tensiunile,
un vis urmam, sa ne unim!!
E natural si mistic, se simte-n briza
De nu simti , pur si simplu inseamna
ca-n tot acest timp niciodat' nu ti-a pasat
cel ce cartile 'sortez'
Urmez profetia, invatamintele, CEA SFANTA CARTE-MI E (IN) SUFLETU MEU
Jah cel maret tu cuvantare da-mi,
invatamintele-ti port si auzite lumii eu le fac
Un veritabil Mistic , plutind...
Asa un veritabil Mistic , plutind la orizont
At the EFEE protest
The square was full of the the meaning that the fires seem to have.At the corners, in the streets, full of comrades, workers, students
And you shining in the middle of the crowd,
and you were, my light, a dark red flake in a fiesta
A fiesta i've never seen before in my humble life.
The square was empty and crazy as i was from the love bites, like a dog
with my protest slogans torn, i am poured into love for you
I'm looking for you in the lecture hall, in the hallways and in the streets,
asking for information and material
To light up the reasons for my longing,
The square is full and something from your face still survives
in the fight of the comrade, in the agony of this country for life,
in the children and the workers, the civilians, the soldiers,
in the signs and in the sound of the trigger
The protest is on fire and everything becomes apparent.
I'll walk along your pathsI'll reach out my hands
Let's go a long way together.
Look into my eyes
You understand my thoughts
We'll sing the most beautiful songs together.
I'll kiss your eyes, I'll drown you in flowers,
Even flowers will wither away if there's no love.
So sunny and clear in my soul,
When I think of you my darling
You met me - Subhanallah
Saw me - Alhamdullilah
What a good - Mashallah
We'll be together - In sha Allah
I'll justify your hopes
I'll protect you from the eyes of strangers.
Let's live together in the land of love,
Just because you love me.
And because I love you,
I smile happily all day and night.
I'll kiss your eyes, I'll drown you in my arms
Even flowers will wither away if there's no love.
So sunny and clear in my soul,
When I think of you my darling
You met me - Subhanallah
Saw me - Alhamdullilah
What a good - Mashallah
We'll be together - In sha Allah
Captain Louie
HeHe knows the lands of this world
He's told me so much of them
Of all the people he knew
And liked
He knows that wherever you are
Friendship is unlimited
And only trust alone's what counts
Cast off
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Give me a ride
On your boat
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Over the sea
Back and forth
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Seeing and
Understanding lands
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Ohhh, schubidubidoui
I like you, Louie
And your dreams
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Ohhh, schubidubidoui
You like me, Louie
And my dreams
He's learned
That it doesn't matter
If you're black or white
Because the only thing that counts is a smile
Your smile
He knows the beauty of this world
And when he tells me of it
He looks so happy
Cast off
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Give me a ride
On your boat
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Over the sea
Back and forth
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Seeing and
Understanding lands
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Ohhh, schubidubidoui
I like you, Louie
And your dreams
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Ohhh, schubidubidoui
You like me, Louie
And my dreams
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Ohhh, schubidubidoui
I like you, Louie
And your dreams
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Ohhh, schubidubidoui
You like me, Louie
And my dreams
Captain Louie Louie Louie
Rosie doesn't know (Francesca doesn't know)
Rosie doesn't know, no, noWhat you feel about me, no, no
What a strange adventure!
I'm already feeling
anxiety and tenderness
You see my years, no, no
Almost twice yours, no, no
You have no shame, in your soul in bloom
Love starts to perfume.
And when you stay alone, so alone
My feeling comforts you
Always more alone, alone
Where's your mind flying?
But if Rosie knew
Who knows what's in her mind?
What a big pain you'll give her
What a disappointment you'll give her
She hasn't never hesitated
But if Rosie know
Who know what she'll do?
I don't want to hurt her
For me she's life
Forget my dear, forget my dear
I don't want you, no, no, no
You're beautiful, but no, no, no
Rosie, you see
How much important she is
I won't leave her.
And when you stay alone, so alone
My feeling comforts you
Always more alone, alone
Where's your mind flying?
But if Rosie knew
Who knows what's in her mind?
What a big pain you'll give her
What a disappointment you'll give her
She hasn't never hesitated
But if Rosie know
Who know what she'll do?
I don't want to hurt her
For me she's life
I love her, my dear
No, no, no, no
Forget me
No, no, no, no
Forget me
No, Rosie, no
No, forget me
Rositsa:Silence rains on the windows
like white hope next to me
and amid so many footsteps of people
I hear your footsteps ache.
And I hear your heart beating
Under stars and homeless paths
You cannot hide from me
Remain a mere memory
Silence, silence -
That's the only thing left after you...
Silence, silence...
In this world
Your palm
Will bring me love back for a while
In this world, in this world...
Silence rains on the windows
like white hope next to me
and amid so many footsteps of people
I hear your footsteps ache.
Silence, silence....
Only silence is left after you.
Silence, silence...
I'm alone, without love.
looking for you gentle hand.
I'm alone, without love.
I'm alone, without love.
looking for you gentle hand.
I'm alone, without love.
Silence, silence....
Only silence is left after you.
Silence, silence...
Am multe motive
Am multe motiveSă mă simt vie astăzi,
Mă bucură lucrurile mici.
Pot să le găsesc
Într-un curcubeu de după ploaie.
Am multe motive
Să zâmbesc lumii
Și să merg mai departe.
Am multe motive,
Dar astăzi mie îmi ajunge doar unul -
Tu și dragostea.
Toate visele în întuneric
Vor rezista până dimineața,
Știu că ziua se vor face realitate.
Parcă după o iarnă lungă
Va veni din nou primăvara.
Am multe motive
Să zâmbesc lumii
Și să merg mai departe.
Am multe motive,
Dar astăzi mie îmi ajunge doar unul -
Tu și dragostea.
Am multe motive
Să zâmbesc lumii
Și să merg mai departe.
Am multe motive,
Dar astăzi mie îmi ajunge doar unul -
Tu și dragostea.
Am multe motive,
Dar astăzi mie îmi ajunge doar unul -
Tu și dragostea.
© Vladímir Sosnín
We Have Questioned John McGwire
We have questioned John McGwire:Why's your neck stuck in a wire?
But good Johnny's saying nothing,
Just his boots are swaying, scuffing.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
I will go through your roads,
I will stretch my arms
Together we will go a long way
Look into my eyes,
Understand my feelings
Together we will sing the most beautiful songs.
I will kiss your eyes,
I will bury you in flowers
Even the flowers wither, if there is no love
The sun is in my heart,
Clear thoughts in the head,
My soul, when I think of you
I met you, Subhanallah.
I saw you, Alhamdulillah.
What a beautiful woman, Mashallah.
You will be mine, Inshallah.
You met me, Subhanallah.
Saw me, Alhamdulillah.
What a good man, Mashallah.
We will be with you, Inshah.
I will guard your dreams
Preserve you from evil eyes
We will live together in a beloved country
Just because you love me,
Because I love you,
I happily smile day and night
I will kiss your eyes,
Push you to your chest,
Even the flowers wither, if there is no love
The sun is in my heart,
Clear thoughts in the head,
My soul, if I think of you
I met you, Subhanallah.
I saw you, Alhamdulillah.
What a beautiful woman, Mashallah.
You will be mine, Inshallah.
You met me, Subhanallah.
Saw me, Alhamdulillah.
What a good man, Mashallah.
We will be with you, Inshah.
Deep Sea High Sky
Everything passesEveryone will get what they deserve
With me or without me
Trust me, there's no difference
It's still early
And you can't understand
There's no peace in your head
And maybe it still hurts
Everything passes
Everyone will get what they deserve
With me or without me
Know that there's no difference
Let it be
What is done is done
You can't change anything
We're all in the same circle
Sea, the deep sea
The high sky above
Knows every secret
Sea, the deep sea
The high sky above
Everything will turn to dust, to dust
Everything passes
Everything remains behind us
And my place will be
Taken by someone else
Look at the sky
How many stars there are
And one of them
Burns only for you
Sea, the deep sea
The high sky above
Knows every secret
Sea, the deep sea
The high sky above
Everything will turn to dust, to dust
Sea, the deep sea
The high sky above
Knows every secret
Sea, the deep sea
The high sky above
Everything will turn to dust, to dust
Oh Rosie a mea, te voi iubiAtât noaptea cât și ziua, noaptea sub lumina lunii.
Noaptea sub lumina lunii, noaptea sub lumina lunii
Oh Rosie a mea, te voi iubi!
Oh Rosie a mea, voi merge, voi merge
Și jur adevărul, căci nu știu cum să mint
Nu știu cum să mint, nu știu cum să mint
Oh Rosie a mea, voi merge, voi merge.
Oh Rosie a mea, eu vreau, vreau
Să intru în inima ta și să construiesc un castel.
Să intru în inima ta și să construiesc un castel.
Oh Rosie a mea, eu vreau, vreau.
Oh Rosie a mea, te voi iubi
Atât noaptea cât și ziua, noaptea sub lumina lunii.
Noaptea sub lumina lunii, noaptea sub lumina lunii
Oh Rosie a mea, te voi iubi!
Voi străbate toate drumurile tale,
Îmi voi întinde mâinile către tine,
Împreună vom merge pe căi lungi.
Privește-mă în ochi,
Înțelege ceea ce simt,
Împreună vom cânta cele mai frumoase piese.
Îți voi săruta ochii,
Te voi acoperi cu flori,
Până și florile se ofilesc dacă nu mai simt iubire.
Sufletul meu, dacă mă gândesc la tine,
Îmi strălucește soarele în inimă
Și gândul mi-e clar.
Te-am întâlnit pe tine, Subhanallah1,
Te-am văzut pe tine, Alhamdulillah2,
Ce frumoasă ești, Mașallah3,
Vei fi a mea, Inșaallah4.
M-ai întâlnit pe mine, Subhanallah,
M-ai văzut pe mine, Alhamudullilah,
Ce bun ești, Mașallah,
Vom fi împreună, Inșaallah.
Îți voi păzi visele,
Te voi apăra de orice deochi,
Vom trăi împreună în țara noastră îndrăgită,
Pentru că tu mă iubești,
Pentru că eu te iubesc,
Zâmbesc plin de bucurie zi și noapte.
Îți voi săruta ochii,
Te voi strânge în brațe,
Până și florile se ofilesc dacă nu mai simt iubire.
Sufletul meu, dacă mă gândesc la tine,
Îmi strălucește soarele în inimă
Și gândul mi-e clar.
Te-am întâlnit pe tine, Subhanallah,
Te-am văzut pe tine, Alhamdulillah,
Ce frumoasă ești, Mașallah,
Vei fi a mea, Inșaallah.
M-ai întâlnit pe mine, Subhanallah,
M-ai văzut pe mine, Alhamudullilah,
Ce bun ești, Mașallah,
Vom fi împreună, Inșaallah.
- 1. Fără imperfecțiuni este Allah
- 2. Toată lauda îi aparține lui Allah
- 3. Cu voia lui Allah
- 4. Dacă Allah dorește
Silence rains into the window
Like a white hope beside me
Among so many human footsteps
I hear your steps echoing.
And I hear your heart beating
Under stars and homeless paths
You cannot hide from me
Remain a mere memory
Silence, silence -
That's the only thing left after you...
Silence, silence...
In this world
Your palm
Will bring the love for a while
In this world, in this world...
It's not late, remember, it's not late
To suddenly open the door
And scatter the parting with a puff
And bring back the hot summer.
Let all the lonely trees
Cover themselves in green tonight
Having heard the warm cry of the heart
Having taken love from you and me.
Silence, silence -
That's the only thing left after you...
Silence, silence...
In this world
Your palm
Will bring the love for a while
In this world, in this world...
Love will not die, if you believe
I miss your voice as a silent prayer of the heartNobody understood that, insight is far away
Those nights are restless, forgotten paths home
Why is your soul fluttering? You are so precious to me
I tell you every day
Be with me
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Silence will kill us soon, you are farther than I thought
My thoughts, perhaps, will not know where you are
Nights are asking what will happen, if two hearts get lost
Other continents and times are other too
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
The Little Girl
Versions: #3I'm the one knocking your doors
The doors one by one
I can't be seen by your eyes
Dead people cannot be seen by your eyes
Since i died in Hiroshima
Some decades had passed
I'm a seven year old girl
Dead children cannot be grown up
My hair caught fire, first
My eyes burnt evaporated
I became a handful of ashes
My ashes thrown into the air
(There is nothing I want of myself from you
The child who burns like a paper cannot eat even candy)
I'm knocking your doors
Uncle, aunt, grant me a signature
Children should not be killed
They could eat candy, too
Roschin's love song
Young and tender lass,why didn't you cross my path
in those distant years
of my youthful spring?
My hair has turned grey,
how could I help it?
Why have you crossed my path
only now?
Among my peers I forgot
how many years went away.
Your shapely youthfullness
remembered me of that.
My mind is filled with
regrets of my spring
that has passed forever, without you.
My grey hair is so afraid
of your curls.
You look even younger
when I'm near.
We shall not rejoice in our meeting,
for our fates can't be one.
You are my last love
and my suffering.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Fantasy Coins
I recall, my grandma, long time ago,in my childhood a fariy tale used to whisper
of a small stall with colourful oddities
where fantasy coins could be paid with
Day and night at that same stall
Marvelous little twinkles shine
Uncountable colourful oddities inside of them are found
and you just pay with (your) fantasy coins
In case someone is really eager,
without any magic words, right away,
may a bird for real
soar on its wings up in the sky.
The blue sea it will rage,
the waves the breeze will rhyme,
it may sail to sheer seas
and beam with the lighthouse light
It may fuse in the glares of the sun
in the tinkles of the rural bell towers,
in order to chime their brass voice
in the wide world dense and free.
I do believe in this old tale,
I know, there is a stall out there.
But people pass by,
And have no longer, as seen, their fantasy coins.
I Came By An Ash Tree
Versions: #5I came by an ash tree
To ask for my beloved one
Ash tree was not telling me
Quaking with its head
I came by a poplar tree
To ask for my beloved one
Poplar tree dropped leaves on me
And turned away instead
I came by the autumn then
To ask for my beloved one
Autumn had responded
With rainy days ahead
I came to a rainy day
To ask for my beloved one
Rainy day was weeping
With tear drops of the unsaid...
I came by the half-moon then
To ask for my beloved one
Half-moon drifted away from me
Behind the puffy cloud
I came to a puffy cloud
To ask for my beloved one
The cloud disappeared
Sorrowful and proud...
You are my one and only friend
Where is my beloved one?
Tell me if you only know
Help me, I am in chaos
Faithful friend replied to me
Genuine friend had answered me
There was a beloved once for you
There was a beloved once for you
There was a beloved once for you
She became my spouse
I came by an ash tree
I came by a poplar tree
I came by the autumn then...
E.T. (Eva Trussell) aka Vesper Lynd